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Halloween Hangover (Incomplete)
Austin Rudeen
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"Halloween Hangover" by Austin Rudeen [INTRO] when play begins: say "You awake to find yourself not lying comfortably in your La-Z-Boy couch watching horror movies on Halloween night with a tub of popcorn at your side, hanging out with your friends Albert and Raymond, but rather lying in the middle of an abandoned cornfield with your couch, popcorn and friends nowhere to be found. You quickly find out that your brand new iPhone X has gone missing, and it seems that you have lost your other possessions as well, including your one-of-a-kind lucky rabbit's foot. It is around the time of sunset, and the temperature appears to be getting cooler by the minute with the brisk wind breezing into your face. [Paragraph Break] You really want to go inside and get some shelter from the weather, so finding your way out of this darned cornfield seems like a good place to start. As you begin your exit, however, you get the sudden sense that you are being watched, although no one appears to be around..." [to go east, type east. to go west, type west. to go north, type north. to go south, type south] [RULES] Understand "open [something]" as opening. Understand "take [something]" as taking. Understand "enter [something]" as entering. [CORNFIELD] The Cornfield is a room. "Once a thriving patch of land with luscious stalks of sweet, delicious corn, this field is now run down and often a place where the cops check for rambunctious teenagers. [Paragraph Break] There appears to be an open pathway of corn stalk remains just up ahead. Maybe that could lead to the way out." The scarecrow is a supporter in the cornfield. The description is "A ghost of what it once was, its limp straw body hangs from the stake post." The rotten pumpkin is a supporter in the cornfield. The description of the pumpkin is "What looks like was once a fun carving project is now almost entirely reduced to the stump on top and the burned out cigarettes laying inside of it." Instead of taking the pumpkin, say "Pfft, like that would be any use to you." The pack of cigarettes is a supporter in the cornfield. Instead of taking the cigarettes, say "Nah, who smokes anyways? Maybe there is a lighter or some matches around here somewhere that can still be used." The stalk of corn is a supporter in the cornfield. The description of the stalk is "Ages old, dirt or mold appears to have grown on the side. Quite inedible. Just looking at it makes your stomach growl, however, as you are starving." Instead of taking the corn, say "You are very hungry, indeed, but it would probably help to eat something that won't make you sick instead." [MORE CORNFIELD] More Cornfield is a room. It is north of Cornfield. "Moving ahead through the rows of corn and dead grass, you begin to think that this is going to run on forever. Eventually you find a slightly more open area to take a quick breather at." The outhouse is a supporter in the More Cornfield. The description of the outhouse is "Smells like no one's cleaned this thing out since it was last used. Gross."