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Abandoned neighborhood (WIP)
Adi Hermida
Played 277 times
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"The Abandoned Neighborhood" [INTRODUTION] when play begins: say "The place, the place where I've never been but feel like I have; is it really abandoned?......use west, north, south, or east to move" [Closed 7-Eleven] the Closed 7-Eleven is a room. the description of the closed 7-Eleven is "outside of the closed 7-Eleven the colors on the facade faded to dim versions, the glass is broken and there's nothing inside" [NE MLK Blvard] the NE MLK Blvard is a room. the NE MLK Blvard is north of the Closed 7-Eleven. the description of the NE MLK Blvard is "You walk for a long time, where? you don't know just walk until you come across a street. the street is empty, empty tents and clothes litter the streets, why, you ask yourself, what happened here? you think" poster is a thing in Closed 7-Eleven. the description of the poster is "It has a picture of a slayayayaay gurly pop named Emma, her face splattered with blood, on the poster, and in her picture" [Sreet] the Street is a room. the Street is north of the NE MLK Blvard. the description of the Street is "a street a rather short one you walk then there's a sidewalk a couple of houses, all of them look dead... except one" the glass is a thing in Street. the description of glass is "there are broken pieces of glass, but one, one right in front of the house is not broken it's full of a dark red liquid?" [House] the House is a room. the House is north of the Street. the description of the House is "a stout building, the gray-brownish facade faded but not with use or lack of care, more with age, the door is open, it's inviting if only a little creepy....." [living room] the living room is a room. the living room is west of the house. the description of the living room is "it's warm in here the white walls waver with unsaid words, that you swear you can hear. the curtains sway with the nonexistent wind, you go and sit on the dry couch, the cover wrinkling underneath you" [hallway] the hallway is a room. the hallway is north of the living room. the description of the hallway is "You get up walking into the hallway by the door; there is a room there a bedroom you assume, the door is slightly ajar," [bedroom] the bedroom is a room. the bedroom is north of the hallway. the description of the bedroom is "You walk in, the curtains are the same as in the other room you saw, blue and green with different patterns on each, the slight opacity of them letting in the sun that wasn't there when you came in, it streams onto the soft looking bed, really soft looking bed, you are suddenly really sleepy" the bed is a thing in the bedroom. after touching the bed: say "it is soft when you lay down, the air becomes colder so you wrap yourself in the sheets and blankets"