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Secrets of the Vampires
Ryan Veeder
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"Secrets of the Vampires" The story headline is "An interactive tale of terror by Ryan and Sean and Emily and Elizabeth and Arthur". [EXPLANATION FOR THOSE REQUIRING EXPLANATION: Me and my cousins were goofing off while celebrating a birthday at my Grandma's place, and after forcing Emily to play Nautilisia, I opened up a new project in Playfic to try and get her to help me write something. What ended up happening was, me and my brother Sean took turns typing while we asked Emily and Elizabeth and sometimes Arthur what should be in the game, and what the game should say, and what should happen when you do such and such a thing, and so on and so on et cetera. It was pretty dang fun as you can imagine. The game was called "Secrets of the Vampires." While Sean was typing, I gave him tips for writing in Inform 7, and every so often we tested the code, as you do, to make sure we hadn't screwed up. Then my brother accidentally clicked "publish" instead of "test," and, when faced with the published file, instead of clicking "edit" he accidentally clicked "delete." By this time my cousins had lost interest/had to go home, so this horrible mistake was known only to my brother and me. We thought the situation was pretty hilarious. I did mention it on Twitter, though! And later that night, Playfic co-creator +Andy Baio used some sort of horrible necromancy to un-delete our story. What a guy! My friend, we cannot keep this a secret any longer. Let us punish the guilty. Let us reward the innocent. My friend, can your heart stand the shocking facts of Secrets of the Vampires, by Ryan and Sean and Emily and Elizabeth and Arthur?] The Horrible Crypt is a room. The description of the horrible crypt is "This is such a horrible place to be! Oh no! To go outside of the crypt, say GO OUTSIDE." The ancient coffin is in the horrible crypt. The description of the ancient coffin is "This ancient coffin is so gross!" The ancient coffin is closed and openable. The ancient coffin contains a dessicated corpse.The dessicated corpse is a person. The description of the dessicated corpse is "Oh gross!!! It's a corpse!" Instead of eating the dessicated corpse: say "No! That's cannibalism!" Instead of talking to the dessicated corpse: say "Corpses can't talk, you fool!" Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Talk to [someone]" as talking to. Instead of attacking the dessicated corpse: say "Hasn't he been through enough?" Dance-forcing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "make [something] dance" as dance-forcing. Instead of dance-forcing the dessicated corpse, say "You make the dessicated corpse dance! Oh, what a horrible, horrible dance it dances. Think of the children! Those poor, poor children!" The Terrifying Graveyard is a room. "This terrifying graveyard is so scary to be in! I'm terrified! The mansion is to the west of you! Oh no! Gasp! The Horrible Crypt is INSIDE from here!" The horrible crypt is inside from the terrifying graveyard. The Mansion is west of the graveyard. The description of the mansion is "You are in a creaky, creaky mansion. The floors creak underneath your feet. Even the door, which you opened a second ago, creaked, as it swung, into the open position. To the north is a spooky door. Further west is a cliff." The Cliff is west of mansion. The description of cliff is "This is a terrifying cliff!" The donkey is here. The initial appearance of the donkey is "A lovely donkey is here." The description of the donkey is "Mangy mangy donkey." Marvin the martian is here. "Look at this guy!! Look at Marvin The Martian!" Marvin is a person. The description of Marvin is "You mean... an alien. He wears a green helmet right? He has no mouth. Awww, but when he becomes a werewolf that's no fun." Instead of talking to Marvin, say "Instead, get a chain and chain Marvin the Martian." Every turn when in cliff: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "Well we can't just leave him alone if we have to chain him up later... I mean he has to chase us or something... Poke him with a stick. Or throw rocks. Wait we don't have rocks so we'd need to find them first." Instead of attacking Marvin, say "That's what it'll say. You said 'ok' and thats boring. It could have been more interesting." Instead of killing Marvin, say "CONGRATULATIONS! You killed the werewolf! You think you kill him... but later on... he's still alive and he kills you" Understand the command "kill" as something new. Killing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "kill [someone]" as killing.