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Amy Hernandez
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The Houses entrance is a room. The description of The Houses entrance is "As you stand in the entrance of the house you notice the walls of brick. There is kitchen utensils hanging from a rack. You notice that the oven is on providing a glow to the dark room. There is a door to your left that is ajar you can see the fireplaces fire going strong.[Paragraph Break]To the north is the kitchen" The Living Room is north of the The Houses Entrance The description of the Living Room is "You see an old sofa with a floral pattern. You notice that there is no T.V and that there is a wall full of books that seem to be worse for wear. In the corner there is a set of stairs.[Paragraph Break]To the south is the houses entrance" The letter from your boss is in the Living Room The description of the letter is "When you pick up the letter you see a list of rules."