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Kingdom Hearts: It's Dangerous to Go Alone
Emily Pilat
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"Kingdom Hearts: It's Dangerous to Go Alone" by Emily Pilat The story creation year is 2016. The maximum score is 5. [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "You find yourself standing in a nebulous space, everything surrounding you unfamiliar but somehow you feel protected. You don't realize it right away, but this is the space where you will take your first steps in your long adventures. A soft voice drifts into focus, and you listen to it reverently. It is the only thing here acting as your guide, and you hang on every word in order to ensure the choices you make here are choices you are certain of." [ENTRY ROOM] The entry room is a room. "Operatic music drifts through the space gently, and the voice calls out, 'So much to do...so little time...take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut, Now step forward. Can you do it?' You take a few bounds forward and suddenly, rising from the ground by magic stone pedestals present themselves to you. [paragraph break]The voice returns, 'Power sleeps within you. If you give it form...it will give you strength. Choose well.' the voice leaves you alone to survey the choices laid before you." The strong pedestal is a supporter in the entry room. The description is "A large stone pedestal, carved with the symbol of a crown. It holds the sword aloft." Instead of taking the strong pedestal, say "This is far too heavy to move." On the strong pedestal is a sword. The sword is an object. The description of the sword is "A silver sword with a gold and navy hilt. It has been forged with strength, and will surely guide you well on your quest with it's keen attack." After taking the sword: increase the score by 5; say "The sword feels comfortable within your grasp. The voice returns, echoing 'The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek?'. By taking the sword you are now ready to take on the next challenge you will face in your long journey." The defense pedestal is a supporter in the entry room. The description is "A large stone pedestal, carved with the symbol of a crown. It holds the shield aloft." Instead of taking the defense pedestal, say "This is far too heavy to move." On the defense pedestal is a shield. The shield is an object. The description of the shield is "A black shield with blazing red detail carved upon it's face. It has been crafted with bravery, and will surely guide you well on your quest with it's strong defense." After taking the shield: increase the score by 5; say "The shield feels comfortable within your grasp. The voice returns, echoing, 'The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?' By taking the sword you are now ready to take on the next challenge you will face in your long journey." The magic pedestal is a supporter in the entry room. The description is "A large stone pedestal, carved with the symbol of a crown. It holds the staff aloft." Instead of taking the magic pedestal, say "This is far too heavy to move." On the magic pedestal is a staff. The staff is an object. The description of the staff is "A green staff with a rounded blue adornment visible at the top. It has been bestowed with wisdom, and will surely guide you well on your quest with it's ancient magic." After taking the staff: increase the score by 5; say "The shield feels comfortable within your grasp. The voice returns, echoing, 'The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek?' By taking the staff You are now ready to take on the next challenge you will face in your long journey." [PLAYER INFORMATION] The white gloves, yellow shoes, printed jacket, red romper, and large chains are worn. Instead of examining the player: say "You look like your usual self, colorful in your oversized garb. [if the player wears something]. You are wearing [a list of things worn by the player]." The description of the white gloves is "They fit your hands perfectly, and are relatively clean." The description of the yellow shoes is "Oversized and clunky, but they are just your style." The description of the red romper is "Bright red with a large zipper running down the front." The description of the large chains is "Clunky accessories that shine with flair." [ENDING] Every turn: if score is 5 begin; say "With weapon in hand you feel a surge of tangible power. Your plight will be wrought but you will find solace in your form of attack. The ground shatters beneath your feet and you plunge into darkness, unafraid of what is to come"; end the story finally; end if.