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Moon River
Emily Pilat
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"Moon River" by Attilee The story creation year is 2015. The maximum score is 5. [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "When you wake up you find you're not in your bed. You are sprawled out on top of a rug, in a living room that is not your own. It seems you passed out in Apt 301, home to your flighty downstairs neighbor, Holly. She'd invited you to her latest bash, and the last thing you can remember from the night before is the smell of sweat, the pounding of music, and a conga line you were dragged into. Sitting up slowly, so as to not aggravate your blossoming headache, you try and sort yourself out, sifting through what few memories you can recall.[Paragraph Break]It doesn't take long before you find you are missing a few key items from your person that you had to have brought with you the night before.[bold type]Your apartment keys, leather wallet, sport coat, black loafers and favorite lighter are all lost to you.[roman type][Paragraph Break]Maybe a good hunt around Holly's might help you find your missing things, as well as piece together the party last night. The place is thankfully familiar to you from your frequent visits. [bold type]The kitchen is just east of you, Holly's bedroom is southeast, her studio space is to the west, and if you want to go out on the fire escape there's a window just north of you.[roman type][paragraph break]"; now left hand status line is "Exits: [exit list]"; now right hand status line is "[location]". To say exit list: let place be location; repeat with way running through directions: let place be the room way from the location; if place is a room, say " [way]". [LIVING ROOM] The living room is a room. "You find yourself standing in Holly's living room. It is sparsely decorated, with a bit of clutter not yet cleared away from the party. Some glitter and confetti still seem to hang in the air from the party.[paragraph break]You can hear muffled humming. Holly must be in her bedroom." The rug is a scenery supporter in the living room. The description is "A tiger skin rug, probably fake." Instead of taking the rug, say "That's Holly's rug, not your's." The clawfoot loveseat is a supporter in the living room. The description of the loveseat is "A modified clawfoot bathtub, that holds a velvet purple cushion along its base for a seat. Not very inviting to sit on, but a unique piece all the same." Instead of taking the loveseat, say "Should you really be carrying something that bulky when you're hungover?" On top of the loveseat is an earplug. The earplug is an object. The description of the earplug is "Tasseled on one end, and soft on the other, You've seen Holly wearing these before." The coffee table is a supporter in the living room. The description of the coffee table is "Still cluttered with corks, caps, and bottles from last night." Instead of taking the coffee table, say "You're just going to make a mess carrying that around with all those bottles, caps, and corks." The guitar is an object in the living room. The description of the guitar is "You've seen Holly play this a few times, and have always wanted to give it a go yourself." The suitcase is in the living room. The suitcase is an openable container. The suitcase is closed. The description of the suitcase is "Worn brown leather, with brass clasps, and a woven strap. across the middle." Inside the suitcase is a telephone. The telephone is fixed in place. The description of the telephone is "A black rotory phone. Holly keeps it in there, but why exactly you're still unsure." The cigarette pack is in the living room. The cigarette pack is an openable container. The cigarette pack is closed. The description of the cigarette pack is "It's your preferred brand. You always let Holly bum them off you." Inside the cigarette pack is your lighter. Your lighter is an object. The description of your lighter is "Your favorite silver lighter. On the back its engraved to a you from a girl you met before moving to New York." After taking your lighter: increase the score by 1; say "You would've hated leaving such a personal token behind, and are happy to have the lighter's weight back in your front pocket." [KITCHEN] The kitchen is east of the living room. "This must've been the prep area for the drinks last night, even more bottles are here. Every bottle is empty, and the smell of alcohol is overwhelming. [Paragraph Break] Holly's humming is close, but still muffled by the wall." The stove is an openable container in the kitchen. The stove is closed. The stove is fixed in place. The description of the stove is "Dusty and covered in various wine bottles." Instead of taking the stove, say "You weren't a football player in college. What makes you think you can carry that stove?" Inside the stove is Cat's toy mouse. Cat's toy mouse is an object. The description of Cat's toy mouse is "It's been chewed to bits, and nearly falling apart." The fridge is an openable container in the kitchen. The fridge is closed. The fridge is fixed in place. The description of the fridge is "Dusty, and probably empty knowing Holly's preference for take out." Instead of taking the fridge, say "You've got a perfectly good, and fully stocked one, why bother going to all the trouble to take Holly's?" Inside the fridge is your sport coat. The sport coat is wearable. The description of the sport coat is "Navy blue with a silk lining. It's one of your favorites. It might be a little chilly to wear now." After taking your sport coat: increase the score by 1; say "While it might be a bit stiff, and quite chilly you would've been significantly upset to loose this wardrobe staple." Inside the fridge is the fez. The fez is wearable. The description of the fez is "Velvet and tasseled- the kind of headwear Holly loves to laugh at." The sink is a container in the kitchen. The sink is fixed in place. The description of the sink is "Filled to the brim with party hats. Who knows why." Inside the sink is a tangled mess of party hats. The party hats are scenery. The description of the party hats is "They're a muddled rainbow of color, literally. Someone poured something over the hats and now their ink has bled out all over the sink and countertop surrounding it. What a mess." Cat is a neuter animal in the kitchen. "[one of]Cat is chasing its tail[or]Cat is staring out the window[or]Cat is rubbing itself against your leg[purely at random]." The description of Cat is "A skinny orange tabby with playful green eyes." [BEDROOM] The bedroom door is south of the living room and north of the bedroom. The bedroom door is a door. The bedroom door is closed and openable.The The description of the bedroom is "Much neater than the rest of the apartment currently is. It smells better too, like lavender and Holly's perfume." The vanity is scenery in the bedroom. The description of the vanity is "Covered in odds and ends that you can't tell the difference between. They're all a part of Holly's lengthy beauty routines." The bed is a kind of supporter. The bed is always enterable. The bed is usually scenery.The description of the bed is "Neatly made up, with a bright red blanket stretched across clean sheets. The blanket reads HARVARD in bright white letters." Understand "sheets" or "sheet" or "pillow" or "pillows" as the bed. Instead of looking under a bed, say "It is clean beneath as above." Your loafers are in the bedroom. Your loafers are wearable. The description of your loafers is "Your favorite shoes. They're well-kept, and compliment any outfit." After taking your loafers: Increase the score by 1; say "Feeling much more yourself now that you have your shoes back in place." [STUDIO] The studio is west of the living room. "There's hardly anything here. Holly told you she'd wanted to pick up painting, but all she has to show for it is an empty easel.[Paragraph Break]You can hardly hear Holly's humming now." The easel is a supporter in the studio.The description of the easel is "Still empty unfortunatly." Instead of taking the easel, say "Let Holly finish at least one piece before trying to borrow it." The apartment entrance is west of the studio and east of the apartment hallway. The apartment entrance is a door. The apartment entrance is closed and openable. The record player is an openable container in the studio. The record player is closed. The description of the record player is "A rusty red color. You can't seem to find any records to play, is there one inside?" Inside the record player is your wallet. The description of your wallet is "It might be your imagination, but your wallet feels a little lighter. A quick count shows you've still got a fair amount of cash left. Your cards and identification are still there too." The carrying capacity of the record player is 2. After taking your wallet: increase the score by 1; say "Now you feel as if you're in much better shape than when you started this morning!" [FIRE ESCAPE] The window is north of the living room and south of the fire escape. The window is a door. The window is closed and openable. The description of the window is "You've used this window to visit Holly's apartment more than her front door. It easily connects the two of you thanks to the fire escape just outside." The description of the fire escape is "A metal fire escape that leads both up to your apartment, and down to the floor below Holly's apartment. [Paragraph break] You can't hear Holly's humming out here." Your keys are an object in the fire escape. The description of your keys is "All three keys still linked together, just as they should be. Were you trying to go back to your apartment on the fire escape last night?" After taking your keys: increase the score by 1; say "You'll certainly need these to return home." [BATHROOM] The bathroom door is east of the bedroom and west of the bathroom. The bathroom door is an openable door. It is locked. [HOLLY GOLIGHTLY] A person can be active or passive. Holly is a woman in the bedroom. "[if passive]Holly sits in front of her closet humming in a daze. Her eyes are glazed over as if just roused from sleep. Because of this she seems quite oblivious to your presence[otherwise]Holly stands in front of her closet in the bedroom. She looks thoughtful, and unaware of your presence in the room." The description is "Despite the party's chaos you still find her as enchanting as ever." Understand "woman" or "girl" or "lady" as Holly. Holly wears pink slippers. Holly wears a white bathrobe. The description of the pink slippers is "Fluffy, with what looks like bunny ears poking out at the front." The description of the white bathrobe is "Simple and clean." Instead of examining someone: say "[The noun] is carrying [the list of things carried by the noun]." After examining Holly: say "[The noun] she turns to you and smiles, as if aware of your examination, but her gaze doesn't last long on you. She returns to poking around in her closet." Understand "talk to [someone]" as a mistake ("Starting a conversation with Holly after a night like last night is going to take some effort. Try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something. She may even be helpful in finding your lost items, but knowing her she might not be very clear in her assistance."). Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Instead of speech when the noun is Holly: repeat through Table of Holly's commentary: if the topic understood includes topic entry: say "[commentary entry][paragraph break]"; rule succeeds; say "'Holly hums a bit softer." Table of Holly's Commentary topic commentary "party" "'Last night was a fantastic success, don't you think so Fred? I'm so pleased you came, my guests were just a buzz when I told them about you before you came.'" "cat" "'Oh, did you see Cat this morning? Probably needs to be fed, poor thing. I'll handle that once I'm decent, don't you worry..." "keys" "'You want to go home already? Well I suppose if you can't find them you might as well try busting open your window from the fire escape. Aren't you lucky to have me as a downstairs neighbor? I wouldn't even mind the glass. Not at all!" "wallet" "'Have I noticed that? No, I'm terribly sorry I haven't, but it must be around here somewhere. My guests would never steal, honestly. None of them are like the men in the clubs down the street...so rude.'" "coat" "'No I'm fine thanks, darling. Plenty warm in my robe- oh? Your coat! Well, I'm at a loss. It's not in my closet." "loafers" "'Oh I was wearing those just a moment ago, Fred darling! Your feet are monstrously huge compared to mine.'" "lighter" "'Do you even have a pack with smokes? Please share me one if you do." "remember" "'Well, I'm still collecting my memories, darling. You'll have to give me some time to think.'" "food" "'I am famished, Fred darling- but you and I both know the party last night ate me out of house and home.''" [RULE EXPANSION] Understand "kiss [something]" as kissing. Instead of kissing something which is not a person: say "[The noun] do[if the noun is not plural-named]es[end if]n't look very sanitary." Instead of kissing yourself: say "You try to kiss yourself, but it's a little hard to kiss your own face. You settle for kissing your hand instead. Practice makes perfect, right?" Understand "use [a wearable thing]" as wearing. Understand "use [a closed openable container]" as opening. Understand "use [an open openable container]" as closing. Understand "use [something]" as using. Using is an action applying to one thing. Carry out using: say "You will have to be more specific about your intentions." Understand "use [a door]" as opening. Understand "use [an open door]" as entering. Understand "eat [an edible thing]" as eating. Understand "wear [a wearable thing]" as wearing. Understand "open [something closed]" as opening. Understand "close [something open]" as closing. Understand "enter [something enterable]" as entering. Understand "enter [a door]" as entering. Attacking someone is misbehavior. Kissing someone is misbehavior. Instead of asking someone to try misbehavior: say "[The person asked] stiffens, offended by your suggestion." Rule for printing room description details of a closed container: stop [PLAYER INFORMATION] A pair of cufflinks are carried. The skinny black tie, black slacks, and white dress shirt are worn. Instead of examining the player: say "You look like your usual self, although a bit more rumpled than you ordinarily prefer[if the player wears something]. You are wearing [a list of things worn by the player]." The description of the cufflinks is "They have a simple gold design. They were a gift from your mother." The description of the skinny black tie is "It's silken, inky, and one of your favorites." The description of the black slacks is "They're Rumpled, but still intact." The description of the white dress shirt is "It's A wrinkled mess. You'll need to take it to the cleaners." [ENDING] Every turn: if score is 5 begin; say "It took some doing, but now you're back with everything you brought with you to the party![paragraph break] Maybe next time Holly invites you to a party of her's, you'll think twice about what to bring"; end the story finally; end if.