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"A Beginning" The player is in the Green Chamber. Rule for printing the banner text: say "I never meant to do anything with this. Don't pay attention to it. There's nothing interesting to do.[paragraph break][italic type](No, really. It's just tests and goofing off.)[roman type][paragraph break]" instead. Use no scoring. The glass bottle is in the Jade Chamber. The Green Chamber is a room. "You stand in a room lit with soft green light from a flickering green torch on one wall. A ladder passing through a shaft in the ceiling leads up." After looking when the location is the Green Chamber for the second time, say "Just go up, you idiot." Up from the Green Room is a room called the Great Unknown. The green torch is scenery in the Green Chamber. Understand "fire", "torch", and "light" as the green torch. The description of the green torch is "A torch lit with eerie green flame flickers on one wall. It is bolted in place." The ladder is a door. The ladder is up from the Green Chamber and down from the Great Unknown. The description of the ladder is "A ladder leads up from this room. You might want to go up it." Understand "shaft" as the ladder. Instead of climbing the ladder, try going up. The ladder is open. Instead of closing the ladder: say "That's not how a ladder works." Instead of opening the ladder: say "That's not how a ladder works." Before going up, say "You climb the ladder up through the shaft into the great unknown." After going up: say "You did it!"; end the game in victory. The Jade chamber is a room. "You [one of]have somehow opened the wall of the green room to enter this [or]stand in [stopping] a mysterious room with torches flickering dark jade green. [first time](How the heck did they get the flames to do that?)[only]". The Teal Chamber is a room. "This room has teal flames illuminating the room via a single brazier in the center of the room." There is a jade-burning-torch in the Jade chamber. The jade-burning-torch is scenery in the Jade Chamber. The printed name of the jade-burning-torch is "torch". Understand "jade/flame/burning/fire/torch/torches" as the jade-burning-torch. The description of the jade-burning-torch is "The torch is ablaze with dark jade flames. [first time]You're not sure how that works, but it's pretty.[only]". There is a brazier in the Teal Chamber. The description of the brazier is "This brazer [if the brazier is fiery]has teal flames in it for some reason. The rest of the room looks teal as a result.[otherwise]is empty and dark.[end if]". The Teal Chamber is a dark room. The brazier is lit. The brazier is scenery. A liquid is a kind of thing. A liquid can be water, oil, or mystery liquid. A thing can be fiery or cold. A thing is usually cold. A liquid is usually water. Dousing it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "douse [something] with [something preferably held]" and “water [something] with [something preferably held]†and “put out [something] with [something preferably held]†as dousing it with. The bottle of water is scenery. Check dousing it with: if the second noun is not carried by the player: if the second noun is fixed in place: say "You'd need to be able to actually hold [the second noun]."; stop the action; otherwise: say "(first taking [the second noun])"; try silently taking the second noun; if the noun is fiery: if the second noun is a liquid: continue the action; otherwise if the second noun is fiery: say "This seems counterproductive."; stop the action; otherwise: say "[The second noun] [if the second noun is plural-named]are[otherwise if the second noun is the player]are[otherwise]is[end if] not terribly suitable for dousing [the noun]."; stop the action; otherwise: say "[The noun] isn't even burning."; stop the action. Carry out dousing it with: if the second noun is water: say "You douse [the noun] with [the second noun], putting out the flames."; now the noun is unlit; remove the second noun from play; now the noun is cold; otherwise if the second noun is oil: say "[The noun]'s flames blaze even higher as the oil adds fuel to the fire."; remove the second noun from play; otherwise if the second noun is mystery liquid: say "You're not so sure what effects [the second noun] might have on the fire. You decide you'd better not."; stop the action. There is a bottle of water in the Teal Chamber. THe bottle of water is a liquid. The brazier is fiery. The torch is fiery. The jade-burning-torch is fiery. A firestarter is a kind of thing. There is a lighter in the Teal Chamber. The lighter is a firestarter. The printed name of the bottle of water is "pool of water". Understand "pool/water" as the bottle of water. There are some green walls in the green chamber. The green walls are scenery. The west-green1 is part of the green walls. The east-green1 is part of the green walls. The south-green1 is part of the green walls. The north-green1 is part of the green walls. THe printed name of the Jade chamber is "Jade Chamber". The printed name of the west-green1 is "west wall of the green room". The printed name of the east-green1 is "east wall of the green room". The printed name of the south-green1 is "south wall of the green room". The printed name of the north-green1 is "north wall of the green room". The north-green1 is an enterable container. There is a hidden door. THe hidden door is a door. Instead of entering the north-green1, try going north. THe hidden door is scenery. The north-green1 is open. Instead of closing the north-green1, say "That's not really a thing you can open and close. [if we have opened the hidden door]There's a door you can [doorstatus], though.[otherwise]But... is that a door?[end if]". To say doorstatus: say "[if the hidden door is open]close[otherwise]open[end if]". THe description of the north-green1 is "[one of]This wall has a funny seam in it, almost as if there were a hidden door of some sort...[or]Okay, you're definitely pretty darn sure that's a hidden door.[or]There's a hidden door in this wall, leading north.[stopping]". The teal chamber is north of the jade chamber. There is a glass bottle. Instead of taking the bottle of water when the player does not carry a container: say "You don't have anything to put the water in, so you'll just have to leave the water where it is." Instead of taking the bottle of water: let X be a random container carried by the player; move the water1 to X; say "You fill the [X] with water." There is some water1. The printed name of the water1 is "water". Understand "water/liquid" as the water1. The water1 is a liquid. The water1 is water. The glass bottle is a container. The glass bottle has the carrying capacity 1. Does the player mean dousing something with the bottle of water: it is unlikely. Instead of doing something with the hidden door when we have not examined the north-green1: say "You can't see any such thing." The hidden door is north of the Green Chamber. The Jade Chamber is north of the hidden door. Understand "north" and "north wall" as the north-green1. Understand "west" and "west wall" as the west-green1. Understand "east" and "east wall" as the east-green1. Understand "south" and "south wall" as the south-green1.