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"blue" Rule for printing the banner text: say "[fixed letter spacing]blue[paragraph break]" instead. When play begins: now the right hand status line is "". When play begins: now the left hand status line is "[fixed letter spacing]you are [if the location is in waterland]in [otherwise]on [end if]the [location]". Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. The River is a room. "[fixed letter spacing]you stand knee-deep in the shallows of a river. the river runs east and west." The Shallow Pool is a room. "[fixed letter spacing]you stand at edge of a crystal clear pool, with a burbling waterfall pouring down from the cliff above." The Deep Pool is a room. "[fixed letter spacing]the pool is nearly waist-deep here, and you're so close to the waterfall you can feel the spray on your face." The Shore is a room. "[fixed letter spacing]the shore of the pool has more pebbles than sand." The Rocks is a room. "[fixed letter spacing]the red rocks are warm and dry." The printed name of the Rocks is "[fixed letter spacing]red rocks". The Low Pool is a room. "[fixed letter spacing]the west end of the river has a [if the shallow pool is visited]second, lower pool[otherwise]pool[end if]. the water is waist-deep, and you can see a small structure on the nearby rocky shore." The printed name of the Low Pool is "[fixed letter spacing][if the Shallow Pool is visited]lower pool[otherwise]pool[end if]". The printed name of the Shore is "[fixed letter spacing]shore by the pool". There is a far-waterfall in the Shallow Pool. There is a nearby-waterfall in the Deep Pool. The far-waterfall and nearby-waterfall are scenery. The description of the far-waterfall is "[fixed letter spacing]the waterfall flows down the cliff and crashes down to the surface of the pool in a constant rush." The description of the nearby-waterfall is "[fixed letter spacing]the waterfall brings a seemingly endless stream of water from above, sending out ripples and freshwater spray from the center of the pool." The Shallow Pool is east of the River. The Deep Pool is east of the Shallow Pool. The Low Pool is west of the River. The Shore is north of the Shallow Pool. Instead of going nowhere: say "[fixed letter spacing]the surrounding walls of deep orange rock block your passage." The printed name of the River is "[fixed letter spacing]river". The printed name of the Shallow Pool is "[fx]the shallows". The printed name of the Deep Pool is "[fx]crystalline pool". There is a river-water in the River. The printed name of the river-water is "[fixed letter spacing]river water". Understand "knee-deep" and "water/river/stream" as the river-water. The river-water is scenery. The indefinite article of the river-water is "[fixed letter spacing]some". Instead of going east from the deep pool: say "you can't exactly swim up the waterfall." Report waiting: say "you wait." instead. The description of the river-water is "[fixed letter spacing]the river rushes past you, the cold water splashing your knees." There is a water-cup. The printed name of the water-cup is "[fixed letter spacing]cup". Understand "cup/glass" as the water-cup. The water-cup is an open container. Instead of closing the water-cup: say "That doesn't really make any sense. It doesn't have anything to close, after all." There is a shrine. "you can see a small shrine off to one side." The shrine is in the Rocks. The shrine is a container. The shrine is enterable. The shrine is open. Instead of closing the shrine: say "[fixed letter spacing]the shrine has no door to close." There is a smallish wooden crate in the shrine. "[fx]a smallish wooden crate has been painted with blue streaks and left in the middle of the shrine like an altar." The description of the crate is "the wooden crate has been etched on the top with a simple image of flowers in a vase." There are some daisies. The daisies are on the crate. The printed name of the daisies is "[fx]daisies". The indefinite article of the daisies is "[fx]a small bundle of". The water-cap is a container. The water-cup is on the crate. The description of the water-cup is "[fixed letter spacing]the cup is nothing more than a plain piece of pottery. [if the water1 is in the water-cup]there's some river water in it.[otherwise if the water2 is in the water-cup]there's some water from the pool in it.[otherwise][end if]" Instead of taking the river-water when the player does not carry the water-cup: say "[fixed letter spacing]the water slips through your hands, flowing past you." To say fx: say "[fixed letter spacing]". To say stoppit: say "[variable letter spacing]". There is a water1. There is a water2. The indefinite article of the water1 is "[fx]some river". The printed name of the water1 is "[fx]water". The indefinite article of the water2 is "[fx]some clear pool". The printed name of the water2 is "[fx]water". Understand "river water" and "water" and "water from the river" as the water1. Understand "clear" and "clear poolwater" and "water" and "poolwater" and "clear water" and "water from pool" as the water2. Instead of taking the river-water when the player carries the water-cup: if the water1 is in the water-cup: say "[fixed letter spacing]you've already gotten some."; otherwise if the water2 is in the water-cup: say "[fixed letter spacing]there's already some clear pool water in the cup."; otherwise: say "[fixed letter spacing]you scoop some river water into the cup."; now the water1 is in the water-cup. Instead of taking the pool-water when the player carries the water-cup: if the water2 is in the water-cup: say "[fixed letter spacing]you've already gotten some."; otherwise if the water1 is in the water-cup: say "[fixed letter spacing]there's already some river water in the cup."; otherwise: say "[fixed letter spacing]you scoop some clear pool water into the cup."; move the water2 to the water-cup. The Crystalline Pool is a region. The Shallow Pool and the Deep Pool are in the Crystalline Pool. Waterland is a region. The Crystalline and the River are in Waterland. Every-where is a region. Waterland, the Shore, and the Rocks are in Every-where. There are some cliffs. The cliffs are a backdrop in the Every-where. Understand "cliff" as the cliffs. There is a sky. The sky is a backdrop in the Every-where. The description of the sky is "[fx]clear, blue, and nearly cloudless." A room has a text called a cliff-description. The cliff-description of the River is "tall orange-red cliffs rise on either side of the river.[first time][paragraph break]what will you do?[only]" The cliff-description of the Shallow Pool is "the cliffs here surround the water on all sides, though there's one spot to your north where you can see a bit of shore." The cliff-description of the Deep Pool is "a waterfall spills forth from the precipice formed by the nearest cliff." The cliff-description of the Shore is "the shore is really just a niche in the cliffside, so you're surrounded on all sides save for the south." The cliff-description of the Rocks is "rocky banded cliffs surround you on all sides but north." The cliff-description of the Low Pool is "the cliff render this pool a dead end for the river, but you can see a ledge to your south." The description of the cliffs is "[fixed letter spacing][cliff-description of the location]". There is a ledge in the Low Pool. The ledge is scenery. Instead of climbing the ledge: try going south. The ledge can be enterable. The ledge is enterable. Instead of entering the ledge: try going south. The Rocks are south of the Low Pool. After looking: try examining the cliffs. There is some pool-water. The pool-water is a backdrop in the Crystalline Pool. The description of the pool-water is "[fixed letter spacing]the water here is clear, but not still, and the surface carries the rippling image of the blue sky above." The printed name of the pool-water is "[fixed letter spacing]water". Understand "shallow/waist-deep/water" and "pool water" as the pool-water. Instead of taking the pool-water when the player does not carry the water-cup: say "[fixed letter spacing]you have nothing to carry the water in, so you simply cup your hands and hope for the best. the water leaks out from between your fingers and falls back into the pool after a few seconds." The indefinite article of the pool-water is "[fixed letter spacing]some". Every turn when the water-cup is on the crate: if the daisies are in the water-cup: if the water2 is in the water-cup: say "[fx]you stand back and admire your little arrangement. whoever's shrine this is will probably like it.[paragraph break]suddenly, you hear a rumbling to the south.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "[fx]you cautiously step outside the shrine to see the cliffs to your south have vanished, leaving a long canyon. you can just make out the fuzzy shapes of a town off in the distance.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "[fx]you could swear you saw a face smiling in approval from the canyon walls.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; end the game saying "[fx]you head south." Every turn when the water-cup is on the crate: if the daisies are in the water-cup: if the water1 is in the water-cup: say "[fx]you stand back and admire your little arrangement. whoever's shrine this is will probably like it.[paragraph break]suddenly, you hear a rumbling to the south.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "[fx]you cautiously step outside the shrine to see the cliffs to your south have vanished, leaving a long canyon. you can just make out the fuzzy shapes of a town off in the distance.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "[fx]you could swear you saw a face smiling in approval from the canyon walls.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; end the game saying "[fx]you head south." There are some pebbles. The pebbles are scenery in the Shore. The description of the pebbles is "the pebbles are round and smooth." Instead of taking the pebbles: say "you don't care enough to take one. none of them are particularly interesting anyway." The pool-shore is scenery. The pool-shore is in the Shore. The description of the pool-shore is "[fx]the shore of the pool is clear and inviting. you can see the ripples from the waterfall." The shore-fall is scenery in the Shore. The description of the shore-fall is "[fx]the waterfall is less noisy from here, but no less impressive." There is a fall-sound. The fall-sound is a backdrop in the Every-where. The description of the fall-sound is "[fx][if the location is the Deep Pool]you can hardly hear over the crashing of water from above[otherwise if the location is the Shore]it's quieter here, but you can still hear the falls.[otherwise if the location is the Shallow Pool]you can hear the waterfall from here, churning endlessly.[otherwise if the location is the river][river-fall][otherwise][distant-sound]." To say river-fall: say "[if the Shallow Pool is visited]you can still here the waterfall from here.[otherwise]you hear the distant sound of churning water from upstream." To say distant-sound: say "[if the Shallow Pool is visited]you can just barely hear the sound of the waterfall from here.[otherwise]you hear the faint sound of fast-running water upstream.[end if] other than that, the [printed name of the location] [if the location is the Rocks]are[otherwise]is[end if] quiet." Instead of listening: try examining the fall-sound. When play begins: now the command prompt is ">player: " A thing can be drinkable or undrinkable. A thing is usually undrinkable. The water1 is drinkable. The water2 is drinkable. Understand "water in cup" as the water1. Understand "water in cup" as the water2. After taking the daisies: say "taken." After taking the water-cup: say "taken." Report drinking a drinkable thing: say "you drink [the noun]. it's fresh and clean." Understand "fill [something] with [something]" as inserting it into (with nouns reversed). [Report inserting something into something else: say "you put [the noun] in [the second noun]." instead.] Instead of going somewhere when the player is inside the shrine: try exiting. Understand "exit shrine" as exiting when the player is in the shrine. Instead of drinking a drinkable thing: remove the noun from play; say "you drink [the noun]. it's fresh and clean." Use no scoring. Instead of drinking the river-water: say "there's really too much to drink. You might need a cup." Instead of drinking the pool-water: say "there's really too much to drink. You might need a cup." Does the player mean drinking the water1: it is very likely. Does the player mean drinking the water2: it is very likely. Understand "falls/spray/waterfall" as the nearby-waterfall. Understand "falls/spray/waterfall" as the shore-fall. There is some low-pool-water in the low pool. Understand "water/pool" as the low-pool-water. The printed name of the low-pool-water is "water in the lower pool". The description of the low-pool-water is "[fx]the water here is murkier than in the river, but still cool and reflective." Instead of drinking the low-pool-water: say "[fx]the water here is too murky, and you decide against it. you don't know what might be collecting down here." The printed name of the far-waterfall is "waterfall". The printed name of the near-waterfall is "waterfall". Understand "precipice" as the near-waterfall. The printed name of the shore-fall is "waterfall". Understand "spray/falls/waterfall" as the far-waterfall. The low-pool-water is scenery. Instead of taking the low-pool-water when the player carries the water-cup: say "you'd rather not get the muddy water in the cup." Report entering the shrine: say "you step inside the shrine." instead. test me with "e/e/e/n/s/w/w/w/s/ enter shrine / get all / exit shrine " instead of taking the shrine: say "that's a bit big for you to take."