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"Cardinal" The story headline is "A Compass Maze" Include Plurality by Emily Short. Include Basic Help Menu by Emily Short. The release number is 1.0.9. Release along with an interpreter. When play begins: choose row 1 in Table of Basic Help Options; now the description entry is "[paragraph break][paragraph break][italic type]Compass[roman type] is a simple maze game. Find keys, open doors, yadda yadda yadda. Be aware, though: there may be more than one ending! [paragraph break]This game is still more or less in beta, but it should be playable.[paragraph break]Have fun!" [SECTION 1 – ROOMS] [CENTER] C is a room. "You stand in the central chamber of a bizarre failure of a labyrinth, with exits in all cardinal directions. [first time]Have fun![only]". [NORTH] N1 is a room. "This is the first northern room. You can keep going north, or head back." N2 is a room. "[one of]Welcome to[or]This is[stopping] the second northern room. It would be a dead end in all directions but south, except the west wall has an odd doorlike gap in it." NW1 is a room. "This room is a little smaller than most, with dirt-covered walls and an odd-looking ceiling." [WEST] W1 is a room. "This is the only western room. It's a dead end." [EAST] E1 is a room. "This room has brick walls and an interesting tiled floor. [if E0 is visited]This is actually the second eastern room![otherwise][end if]". E2 is a room. "[first time]Did you know the stairs go up as well? [paragraph break][only]This room is a bit lighter, and has brick walls like the level below. Hmm." E0 is a room. "This is the true first eastern room. Hah!" EE2 is a room. "This room is... weird." [SOUTH] S1 is a room. "This is the first southern room. You can go back north from here, or further south." S2 is a room. "The second southern room is a bit smaller than its predecessor. [first time]Hmmm. [only]Ah well.[paragraph break]The passage continues south. You can go back towards the central chamber by heading north." S3 is a room. "The third room along this chain of chambers is [if the player carries something that is lit]still smaller, but you don't have to worry about the darkness. You've got your own light.[otherwise]a bit dim. You suspect if you went further, you would find total darkness.[end if][paragraph break]The passage continues north-south." S4 is a dark room. "This room, lit by lamplight, appears to be a good bit bigger than the previous few spaces. You can see rooms in all cardinal directions now." SS1 is a dark room. "This room continues south from the fourth southern chamber. It's a dead end, though. Darn." SE1 is a dark room. "This room branches off east from the fourth southern chamber. Hmmm.[paragraph break]There are two exits other than the path back west: one to the east, and one to the north." SW1 is a lighted room. "The room west from the fourth southern chamber is lit with an eerie natural luminescence. [if the player carries something that is lit]You could probably see just fine even without your lamp.[otherwise]You can see by that luminescence quite well, though it's more like moonlight -- dim and fiddly, but good enough." SE2 is a dark room. "The southeastern branch continues on to this room. It's a dead end." SEN1 is a dark room. "You find yourself in a little chamber tiled in black. Odd. Exits are to the south and north. " SEN2 is a lighted room. "[first time]Well, you've finally found a way out, have you now? I'm afraid that's not the case! You're just in another segment of the confusing mess.[paragraph break][only]This room is tiled in black and grey, with a hole in the floor leading down.[if we have laddersetted the ladder]You can see a ladder leading down into the depths.[otherwise][end if][paragraph break]The other exit is to the south.". SEND1 is a lighted room. "The room [first time]below [only]is mostly dark, save for the center where a shaft of light shines down from above. You can see a single passage leading west." SENDW is a dark room. "This seems to be yet another dead end. Your only exit leads back east." SW2 is a dark room. "This room is hidden behind the green wooden door.[first time][paragraph break]You hear a deep rumbling voice.[paragraph break][italic type]THERE ARE FIVE STATUES IN A ROW. FOUR MUST STAY; ONE CAN GO. [line break]PICK THE RIGHT ONE AND IT'S YOURS TO KEEP.[line break]CHOOSE WRONG, AND... WELL, IT'S A DUNGEON PUZZLE. I THINK YOU CAN GUESS WHAT COMES NEXT. DEADLY TRAPS, YADDA YADDA YADDA. [line break]I DON'T KNOW WHY I WAS EVEN BOTHERING WITH RHYMING ANYWAY. JUST READ THE INSCRIPTION. IT'S MUCH SIMPLER.[roman type][paragraph break]The room goes quiet once more.[only]". [DOORS] The sD1 is a door. The nD1 is a door. The eD1 is a door. The wD1 is a door. The nD1 is locked. sD1 is locked. The eD1 is locked. The dSE1 is a door. "[if the location is SE1]A black door to the north dominates much of the room with an unsettling and imposing presence.[otherwise]To the south is the black door.[end if][obkey]" The dSE1 is locked. The description of the eD1 is "The [if the location is C]eastern door[otherwise]door leading back west[end if] is fairly nondescript, but has a delicate design etched into it, inlaid with what looks like lapis lazuli.[if we have opened the eD1] This door can be unlocked with the lapis key you found in the second northern chamber.[otherwise][end if]". The description of the sD1 is "This door leads [if the location is C]south[otherwise]north[end if] to another chamber. The edge around the knob has a pretty amber inlay.[if we have opened the sD1][paragraph break]This door can be locked and unlocked with the amber key you found.[otherwise][end if]". The description of the nD1 is "This door leads [if the location is C]north[otherwise]south[end if] to another chamber. You don't see anything of particular interest about it, other than the fact that the doorknob is made of glass, rather than metal like the others in [if the location is C]this room.[otherwise]the central chamber.[end if] [if we have opened the nD1][paragraph break]This door can be locked and unlocked with the glass key. Funny how many keys can be found lying about.[otherwise][end if]". There is a green wood door. "[if the location is SW1]Set into the western wall is a door made of what appears to be green wood.[otherwise]There's a green wood door behind you." The description of the green wood door is "The door appears to be made of literal green wood. It doesn't look painted or anything. Maybe it's a stain of some sort?" The green wood door is a door. The green wood door is locked. There is a dE2. "[if we have not opened the de2][statue-door][otherwise][is-it-in]" To say is-it-in: say "[if the stat4 is in the imprint][unlocked-door-full][otherwise][unlock-door-empty]". After unlocking the de2 with the stat4: if the stat4 is not in the imprint: say "You put the statue into the imprint, and hear a strange sequence of clicking noises from the inside...[paragraph break]It would seem that you've unlocked the door."; move the stat4 to the imprint. Instead of putting something on the dais: try inserting the noun into the niche. Does the player mean inserting the jewel into the niche: it is likely. To say statue-door: say "The eastern door has a strange imprint in it, [if the stat4 is in the imprint]into which you have placed an agate statue.[otherwise]like it was meant to hold a statue of some kind...[end if]". To say unlocked-door-full: say "The [if the location is EE2]door leading back west[otherwise]eastern door[end if] is [if the de2 is open]open[otherwise]shut[end if]." To say unlock-door-empty: say "The [if the location is EE2]west[otherwise]eastern[end if] door is [if the dE2 is open]still open, albeit without the statue.[otherwise]shut.[end if]". The description of the dE2 is "This door has an inset area for a statue or something. The niche is surround by what looks like a design made of... agate? Something like that. It's very pretty." The dE2 is locked. The dE2 is a door. The ES is a door. The ES is open. Instead of closing the ES, say "You can't exactly close a staircase." The ES is plural-named. The ES2 is a door. The ES2 is open. Instead of closing the ES2, say "You can't exactly close a staircase." The ES2 is plural-named. The rose is a door. "[if the rose is open][rosetext][otherwise][rose2][end if]". The rose is locked. The description of the rose is "[if the rose is open]The compass rose in the middle of the floor has opened up, rather ironically, like an iris, revealing a spiral staircase leading down.[otherwise][floor-description of C]You note a small round indent in the center of the design.[end if]" The trapdoor is a door. "[if the player is in LWN]A trapdoor sits neatly tucked away on the ceiling.[otherwise]You can see the trapdoor on the floor, leading back down.[end if]" After unlocking the rose with the com1: say "The lid of the compass clicks neatly into place in the center of the design. You give the compass a tug, and the lid detaches entirely, leaving you with just a plain compass."; now the rose is open; remove the etching from play; say "The design slides away to reveal a set of spiral stairs leading down..." Instead of closing the rose: say "You don't think you can close it now. It seems to be stuck." Instead of unlocking the rose with the com1 when we have not examined the dais: say "That sounds positively absurd!" Understand "lid" as the center of the design when the rose is open. [DOWN] D1 is a lighted room. "The room beneath the compass rose has rounded walls, and exits to the east and west. Both exits are dark. [if the player does not carry something lit]You'll probably need a lamp or something to go any deeper into the maze.[otherwise]Not that that's a problem for you.[end if]". LW is a dark room. "This rooms branches off from the west exit, and has two exits: one leading back east, and one leading north." LE1 is a dark room. "The walls here have dirty tiles showing through the packed-earth wall, like a forgotten ruin. The path continues east to another room that appears to be lit." LE2 is a lighted room. "This place is like some sort of ancient ruined temple, overgrown with thick cave-dwelling moss. You can see an plain stone block in the middle of the room." LWN is a dark room. "This room is no bigger than a broom closet, with a ladder leading up." LWNU is a dark room. "This room seems a bit lighter than those before it. Hmm." [OTHER] S0 is a room. "This room is dusty and abandoned, and empty of contents save for a single obelisk in the center." There is an obelisk in S0. The obelisk is scenery. The description of the obelisk is "You note a short message painted on the front of the obelisk.[paragraph break]ENABLE CHEAT MODE[first time][paragraph break]Hmmm.[only]". Understand "pillar/stone/front/message/short" and "short message" and "stone pillar" and "stone obelisk" as the obelisk. [ROOM ORIENTATIONS] sD1 is south of C. nD1 is north of C. eD1 is east of C. wD1 is west of C. SS1 is south of S4. SE1 is east of S4. SW1 is west of S4. SEND1 is down from SEN2. SEN2 is north of SEN1. SEN1 is north of dSE1. The dSE1 is north of SE1. SE2 is east of SE1. E2 is up from E1. N1 is north of nD1. S1 is south of sD1. E1 is east of eD1. W1 is west of wD1. The ES is down from E1. E0 is down from the ES. The ES2 is down from E2. E1 is down from the ES2. The dE2 is east of E2. EE2 is east of the dE2. S2 is south of S1. S3 is south of S2. S4 is south of S3. N2 is north of N1. SW2 is west of the green wood door. The green wood door is west of SW1. SENDW is west of SEND1. NW1 is west of N2. The rose is down from C. D1 is down from the rose. LW is west of D1. LE1 is east of D1. LWN is north of LW. The trapdoor is up from LWN. LWNU is up from the trapdoor. LE2 is east of LE1. Instead of going down from C when we have not examined the dais: say "You can't go that way." [TO SAY...] To say obkey: say "[if we have opened the dSE1][otherwise if the player carries the obsidian key] Wonder if that obsidian key opens it?[end if]". To say statue room: say "[if we have taken the stat4]That was so weird...[otherwise][end if]". To say warmonger: say "[one of]![or], you warmongering fool! Why must you continue to suggest inflicting such violence on innocent doors?![stopping]". To say rosetext: say "[if the location is C]The stairs under the compass rose lead down into the depths.[otherwise]The stairs lead back up to the central chamber.[end if]" To say rose2: say "[if we have not opened the rose]The floor here has a compass rose design on it.[otherwise][rose3]" To say rose3: say "[if the location is C]The door above you is shut. That is a bit of a problem.[otherwise]The compass rose beneath you is currently closed." [VARIOUS ITEMS] There is an amber key. The amber key is in E2. The amber key unlocks sD1. There is a Com1. The player carries the com1. Instead of dropping the com1, say "You need that for navigation!" The description of the com1 is "You carry a small metal compass with a brass exterior[if the rose is open], though you've since lost the lid.[otherwise] and a faint etching of a rose on the top lid.[end if] It's pointed north, as always." The com1 unlocks the rose. There is an etching. The etching is part of the com1. Instead of taking the etching: say "It's not exactly something you can move -- it's just a design on the lid of the compass." The description of the etching is "The lid of the compass is has a simplified design of a rose etched into it." There is a chest. "You can see a small, bulky chest in the corner of the room." The description of the chest is "It appears to have a set of numbers etched on the front: '23 -- 46'. [first time]Interesting. [only][one of]You note the combination lock on the latch[or]It has a combination lock on the front[stopping]. [if we have not taken the plaque][plate-text][otherwise][end if]". To say plate-text: say "[if the chest is open]You also note an iron plaque affixed to the inside.[otherwise][end if]". The chest is in SENDW. The jade key is in the chest. The chest is closed and locked. There is a note in N2. "You spot a scrap of paper on the floor." The note unlocks the chest. The description of the note is "The note is just a scrap of thick off-white paper with two numbers scrawled on it in charcoal: 23 -- 46." The stat4 unlocks dE2. There is a dais in EE2. "At one end of the room is a plain marble dais with some odd carvings on the front." The dais is fixed in place. There is a stone block in LE2. The description of the stone block is "It's a plain block of smoothly cut stone, with no designs or etching save for a simple inscription on the front." The stone block is scenery. There is a message. The description of the message is "[italic type]THE JEWEL OF BLOOD-RED HUE IS THE KEY. [paragraph break]PLACE IT ON THE DAIS AND YOU WILL BE FREE.[roman type]". The message is part of the stone block. Instead of taking the message, try taking the stone block. The player is in C. There is a lamp. "A simple brassy lamp lies discarded on the ground." The lamp is lit. The lamp is in E0. There is a mango in E2. "A strange tropical fruit sits on the ground, bruised but edible. It's a mango, you think." The jade key unlocks the green wood door. The description of the jade key is "It's a glossy green key made of jade. You're not quite sure if it's jadeite or nephrite, but that's hardly a pressing question at this time.[if we have opened the green wood door][paragraph break]This one opens the green wood door in the room with the glowing walls. [statue room][otherwise][end if]". The mango is edible. There is an obsidian key in SS1. "A shiny black key has been dropped on the ground here. Weird." The obsidian key unlocks the dSE1. The description of the obsidian key is "This key is made of shiny obsidian, with a sleek and sharp shape to it.[if we have opened the dSE1]It unlocks the black door in the southeastern branch of rooms.[otherwise][end if]". The description of the amber key is "You don't think this key is really made of amber, but then again, you already found a key made of glass. The tiny specks inside look like trapped insects, which is mildly disturbing when you think about it.[if we have opened the sD1][paragraph break]This key unlocks the southern door from the compass rose.[otherwise][end if]". There is some lumin1 in SW1. The lumin1 is scenery. There is a glass key in W1."You notice a glint of something shiny -- maybe glass? -- on the ground." The glass key unlocks the nD1. The description of the glass key is "This key appears to be made entirely of glass. It's sort of surreal to examine, and you worry you might break it if you aren't careful. [if we have opened the nD1][paragraph break]It unlocks the door to the northern set of chambers.[otherwise][end if]". There is a lapis key in N2. "A key with a deep blue inlay catches your eye, lying about on the floor." The description of the lapis key is "The key appears to be made of some silvery metal, with an inlay of some deep blue stone. You think it might be lapis lazuli." The lapis key unlocks the eD1. After trying opening a locked door when the player does not carry a key: say "Bother." There is a ladder in SENDW. "You see something lying in the dirt..." After taking the ladder for the first time: say "[if we have not examined the ladder]On closer inspection, the 'something' appears to be a ladder![otherwise][end if]Maybe you can use this to climb back up..." There is a ladder-top. The ladder-top is scenery. After laddersetting the ladder: now the ladder-top is in SEN2. There is a chasm in SEN2. The chasm is scenery. The description of the chasm is “The hole is pretty deep. [if something lit is in SEND1]You can see a light down below.[otherwise]It's pitch dark down there.[end if][if we have laddersetted the ladder]The top of the ladder is just visible at the edge of the hole.[otherwise][end if]â€. There is a wrapped candy in NW1. "You do, however, note a wrapped candy lying on the floor." The candy is edible. The description of the wrapped candy is "The candy is carefully wrapped in colorful crinkly paper. It looks like it would taste good." There is a candy wrapper. The description of the candy wrapper is "The wrapper is sort of crinkly, and still smells a tiny bit like sugar." Carry out eating the wrapped candy: say "It's so sweet, but it melts in your mouth far too quickly. You wish it had lasted longer."; remove the wrapped candy from play; now the player carries the candy wrapper. Carry out tasting the candy wrapper: say "[one of]Mmm... you can still taste a faint hint of sugar on the wrapper.[or]It doesn't taste like much of anything anymore.[stopping]" There is a crack in NW1. The crack is scenery. The description of the crack is "Call me crazy, but does it look like you might just be able to throw something at these cracks and break the whole ceiling open?[paragraph break][if the player carries the stat4]Say, that agate statue might do the trick...[otherwise]Now if only you had something heavy enough..." Instead of throwing the stat4 at the crack: say "The ceiling cracks open, revealing bright daylight! Fresh air! You climb out of the ruins of the poorly constructed labyrinth, and escape.[paragraph break][bold type]***You have won your freedom. This is actually the best ending available!***[roman type]"; end the game in victory. Instead of throwing something at the crack, say "You try, but it doesn't do anything. You think you'll need something heavier to throw...[if the player carries the stat4] maybe that agate statue?[otherwise][end if]" There is a shaft in SEND1. The shaft is scenery. The description of the shaft is "[if we have laddersetted the ladder]The shaft in the ceiling leads up to that room with all the black tiles. It looks like you could climb the ladder to go up. [otherwise]The light from above is just enough to see by, but not terribly helpful.[end if]" The description of the dais is "The dais is made of polished stone -- marble, you think.[paragraph break]On the front, someone has carved a short message.[paragraph break]On the top, you can see a circular niche." The carving is a part of the dais. Instead of taking the carving, try taking the dais. The description of the carving is "[italic type]THE COMPASS UNLOCKS THE ROSE[roman type]". There is some moss in LE2. The moss is scenery. The description of the moss is "The moss is soft and green, and covers most of the walls and floor. Wonder how long that's been there?" Instead of putting something on the dais: try inserting the noun into the niche. After inserting the com1 into the niche: say "It doesn't quite fit. Maybe something else goes there."; try taking the com1. There is a niche. The niche is part of the dais. Instead of taking the niche: say "That's not something you can take. It's part of the dais." The niche is a container. The niche has carrying capacity 1. The description of the niche is "On top of the dais is a small niche. [if we have examined the message]Apparently you're supposed to put a jewel in it?[otherwise]Wonder what it's for?[end if]". There is a center of the design. The center of the design is a part of the rose. The center of the design is a container. The center of the design has carrying capacity 1. The description of the center of the design is "[if the rose is open]The center of the design is now a pillar in the center of the spiral staircase. You can still see the lid of your compass in it.[otherwise]At the center of the design on the floor, there's a small circular indent.[end if]". Instead of inserting the player into the center of the design: say "You definitely don't fit." Instead of inserting something that is not the com1 into the center of the design: say "It doesn't seem to fit." Instead of inserting the com1 into the center of the design: try unlocking the rose with the com1. Instead of inserting the com1 into the rose: try unlocking the rose with the com1. There is a west gap. The west gap is scenery in N2. The west gap can be enterable. The west gap is enterable. The description of the west gap is "You note a gap in the western wall, like a doorway of some sort. Perhaps there's another room to the west?" Instead of entering the west gap, try going west. There is an imprint. The imprint is part of the dE2. The imprint is a container. The imprint has the carrying capacity 1. Instead of taking the imprint: say "That's not really something that can be taken." After inserting something that is not the stat4 into the imprint: say "Nothing happens." Instead of inserting the stat4 into the imprint: say "The statue briefly clicks into place before it is released again, and you hear several further clicks and ticks from inside the door."; try unlocking the dE2 with the stat4. There is a trap-ladder in LWN. The trap-ladder is scenery. The description of the trap-ladder is "A rickety wooden ladder leads up to the trapdoor." There is a ladtop2 in LWNU. The ladtop2 is scenery. The description of the ladtop2 is "The ladder leads down from the trapdoor to the darkness of the lower northwest chamber." Understand "something" as the ladder. [STATUES] There is a low shelf in SW2. The low shelf is scenery. There is a row of five carved statues on the low shelf. The description of the row of five carved statues is "On the low shelf is a row of five carved statues. [one of]They all look more or less the same, but if you look closer you might notice something more....[or]Hey, that's funny: the fourth one looks a bit different in color.[or]You're supposed to take the fourth one, you think.[stopping]." There is a stat1, a stat2, a stat3, a stat4, and a stat5. The stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, and stat5 are parts of the row of five carved statues. There is an inscription in the SW2. "You can see an inscription on the wall[if we have taken the stat4][otherwise] behind the statues[end if]." The description of the inscription is "On the wall behind the low shelf, you can see an inscription written in deeply carved lettering:[paragraph break][italic type]YOU TOUCH IT, YOU TAKE IT[line break]YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT.[paragraph break][roman type][if we have not taken the stat4]Yikes.[otherwise][end if]". Instead of doing something with the row of five carved statues when the player carries the row of five carved statues: say "The voice rises to a roar.[paragraph break][italic type]YOU DARE CHEAT?![roman type][paragraph break][italic type]THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE[roman type][paragraph break]The only mercy here is that your death is very quick."; end the game in death. Instead of taking the shelf, try taking the row of five carved statues. Instead of taking the row of five carved statues: say "[italic type][line break]THAT WOULD BE CHEATING[roman type], the voice informs you, as if already aware of your intent.[paragraph break]You decide it'll be easier to just play the guessing game instead." The description of the stat1 is "The statue is a golden-amber hue, and almost translucent.[if the player carries the stat1]It's oddly light." The description of the stat2 is "The statue is a golden-amber hue, and almost translucent.[if the player carries the stat2]It's oddly light." The description of the stat3 is "The statue is a golden-amber hue, and almost translucent.[if the player carries the stat3]It's oddly light." The description of the stat4 is "The statue is a golden-amber hue, and almost translucent. It looks sort of cloudy inside, with tints of peachy-orange. [if the player carries the stat4]It has a satisfying weight to it." The description of the stat5 is "The statue is a golden-amber hue, and almost translucent.[if the player carries the stat5]It's oddly light." The inscription is fixed in place. Instead of taking the inscription, say "It's literally just some writing etched into the wall." The can't take component parts rule is not listed in any rulebook. After taking the stat1: say "Wait a minute... this is just a silly resin cast! Surprised, you drop the statue and it bounces briefly before shattering on the stone floor.[paragraph break][italic type]YOU BREAK IT,[roman type] the voice bellows, [italic type]YOU BUY IT![roman type][paragraph break]'How much does it cost?' you ask, nervously.[paragraph break][italic type]YOUR LIFE.[roman type][paragraph break]Oh dear."; end the game in death. After taking the stat2: say "Wait a minute... this is just a silly resin cast! Surprised, you drop the statue and it bounces briefly before shattering on the stone floor.[paragraph break][italic type]YOU BREAK IT,[roman type] the voice bellows, [italic type]YOU BUY IT![roman type][paragraph break]'How much does it cost?' you ask, nervously.[paragraph break][italic type]YOUR LIFE.[roman type][paragraph break]Oh dear."; end the game in death. After taking the stat3: say "Wait a minute... this is just a silly resin cast! Surprised, you drop the statue and it bounces briefly before shattering on the stone floor.[paragraph break][italic type]YOU BREAK IT,[roman type] the voice bellows, [italic type]YOU BUY IT![roman type][paragraph break]'How much does it cost?' you ask, nervously.[paragraph break][italic type]YOUR LIFE.[roman type][paragraph break]Oh dear."; end the game in death. After taking the stat5: say "Wait a minute... this is just a silly resin cast! Surprised, you drop the statue and it bounces briefly before shattering on the stone floor.[paragraph break][italic type]YOU BREAK IT,[roman type] the voice bellows, [italic type]YOU BUY IT![roman type][paragraph break]'How much does it cost?' you ask, nervously.[paragraph break][italic type]YOUR LIFE.[roman type][paragraph break]Oh dear."; end the game in death. After touching the stat1: say "[paragraph break][italic type]YOU TOUCH IT, YOU TAKE IT,[roman type] the voice sternly reminds you. You quickly pick up the statue, not wanting to know the penalty for breaking the rule."; try taking the stat1. After touching the stat2: say "[paragraph break][italic type]YOU TOUCH IT, YOU TAKE IT,[roman type] the voice sternly reminds you. You quickly pick up the statue, not wanting to know the penalty for breaking the rule."; try taking the stat2. After touching the stat3: say "[paragraph break][italic type]YOU TOUCH IT, YOU TAKE IT,[roman type] the voice sternly reminds you. You quickly pick up the statue, not wanting to know the penalty for breaking the rule."; try taking the stat3. After touching the stat4: say "[paragraph break][italic type]YOU TOUCH IT, YOU TAKE IT,[roman type] the voice sternly reminds you. You quickly pick up the statue, not wanting to know the penalty for breaking the rule."; try taking the stat4. After touching the stat5: say "[paragraph break][italic type]YOU TOUCH IT, YOU TAKE IT,[roman type] the voice sternly reminds you. You quickly pick up the statue, not wanting to know the penalty for breaking the rule."; try taking the stat5. Instead of touching the stat1 for the first time: say "You note the inscription on the wall, and decide you'd rather be sure of your choice first." Instead of touching the stat2 for the first time: say "You note the inscription on the wall, and decide you'd rather be sure of your choice first." Instead of touching the stat3 for the first time: say "You note the inscription on the wall, and decide you'd rather be sure of your choice first." Instead of touching the stat5 for the first time: say "You note the inscription on the wall, and decide you'd rather be sure of your choice first." Instead of touching the row of five carved statues: say "Well, you can't exactly touch all of them at once." [REGION] The Ceiling-Place is a region. C, S1, W1, E1, N1, N2, S2, S3, S4, E0, E2, EE2, SE1, SW1, SS1, SEN1, SEN2, SE2, SW2, D1, LE1, LE2, LW, LWN, LWNU, and SENDW are in the Ceiling-Place. The Allworld is a region. NW1, SEND1, and the Ceiling-Place are in Allworld. The walls are a backdrop in the Allworld. [WALLS AND FLOORS] A room has a text called a wall-description. The wall-description of room is usually "They're plain stone walls." The description of the walls is "[wall-description of the location]" The wall-description of SW1 is "The walls are lit with an eerie luminescence that illuminates the room like moonlight. It's beautiful, but something about it is also deeply unsettling." The wall-description of SEN2 is "Black tile covers all four walls." The wall-description of SEN1 is "Black tile covers all four walls." The floor-description of the SEN1 is "The floor is covered entirely with black tiling." The floor is a backdrop in the Allworld. The ceiling is a backdrop in the Ceiling-Place. The description of the ceiling is "[ceiling-description of the location]". A room has a text called a floor-description. The floor-description of room is usually "The floor here is stone. Just plain stone." The description of the floor is "[floor-description of the location]" The floor-description of SEN2 is "The floor is tiled in dark grey." The floor-description of C is "The stone floor is smooth and cool, with a faded set of marks in the center. It looks like a compass rose design, sketched out on the ground. [first time][paragraph break]You check it against your compass, and find that the markings are actually quite accurate. [only]" The floor-description of E1 is "The floor is covered with dark blue tiles[if the player carries something that is lit] that sparkle in the light of your lamp.[otherwise] with swirling natural patterns in them that remind you of the sea." The wall-description of E1 is "The walls here are whitewashed brick, surprisingly pristine for a room in a hidden labyrinth." The floor-description of E2 is "The tiling here is a soft golden shade the color of honey. [if the player carries something that is lit]It's not as sparkly as downstairs, though.[otherwise]Pretty![end if]." The wall-description of E2 is "Whitewashed brick, like the room below." The floor-description of EE2 is “The tiles in this room are a peachy pink. So lovely!†The wall-description of SW2 is "The walls are smooth stone, with an inscription on one wall." The wall-description of E0 is "The walls here are less smooth stone and more packed earth, a constant reminder that you are definitely underground." The wall-description of SENDW is "The walls here are less smooth stone and more packed earth, a constant reminder that you are definitely underground." The wall-description of SEND1 is "The walls here are less smooth stone and more packed earth, a constant reminder that you are definitely underground." The wall-description of NW1 is "The walls here looks like dirt and brick more than smooth stone, and if you squint you'd swear you could see light through cracks in the ceiling. Huh." The floor-description of NW1 is "Packed earth." The wall-description of LE2 is "The walls here are more stone and brick than packed earth, and coated with a carpet of thick green moss." The floor-description of LE2 is "The ground here is plain, crude stone tiles with a soft thin fuzz of moss in places." A room has a text called a ceiling-description. The ceiling-description of a room is usually "Not terribly interesting, I'm afraid." The ceiling-description of D1 is "The spiral stairs lead up to a ring of light in the ceiling from the room above." The ceiling-description of LE2 is "The ceiling is covered in thick moss like the tiles." The ceiling-description of LWN is "The trapdoor on the ceiling is [if the trapdoor is open]open[otherwise]shut.[end if]Other than that, there's not much to look at." The ceiling-description of C is "The ceiling has a much fainter set of marks resembling the design on the floor, but the distance makes it hard to decipher. You don't care to take a closer look." [AROUND] [this is dumb] The qq is a backdrop. The gg is in the Allworld. Instead of examining the qq: try looking. Understand "surroundings/place/space/around here" as the qq. [SILLY] There is a bowl in SE2. There is some shredded wheat in the bowl. The shredded wheat is edible. Instead of eating the shredded wheat for the first time, say "You have a sneaking suspicion that would be a bad idea. Some old adage... anyway, you're not eating it just yet." The indefinite article of the shredded wheat is "some". After eating the shredded wheat: say "What's the adage? Oh, that's right -- [italic type]never eat shredded wheat[roman type]."; end the game in death. Instead of attacking a door, say "[if the noun is locked]Well, there's no need for a battering ram just yet! Why don't you go look for a key first?[otherwise if the noun is closed]Honestly, it's not even locked! Just open it.[otherwise]It's already open[warmonger]" Instead of attacking the walls: say "[one of]Yeah, somehow you don't think that's going to be very helpful.[or]Really, this isn't going to work.[or]Okay, fine. You try picking a fight with the wall.[paragraph break]Spoiler alert: [italic type]the wall wins[roman type].[or]The wall is not interested in a rematch, and neither are you.[stopping]" Instead of attacking the player, say "That seems rather counterproductive." Instead of attacking the floor, say "That's not terribly helpful. You suspect it'll just involve a lot of flailing and no progress whatsoever." Instead of taking the chest, say "That seems a bit bulky for you to lug about for the rest of your adventure, don't you think?" There is a pouch inside the chest. The pouch is a closed openable container. The pouch has the carrying capacity 6. Instead of inserting the ladder into the pouch: say "[one of]You know, it really doesn't look like that ladder is going to fit into a pouch the size of your fist.[or]Okay, come on now. In one hand you hold ten feet of wooden ladder. In the other hand, you hold a smallish leathery pouch. Do you really think that ladder is going to fit into that pouch?[or]Use your brain already and figure out why you can't do this.[stopping]" The description of the pouch is "A leathery little pouch about the size of your fist. You might not be able to fit much in there." After examining the carving for the first time: say "Say, you have a compass, don't you?" [ASCEND/DESCENT] Stair-Descending is an action applying to one thing. Normal-Descending is an action applying to nothing. Understand "go down [something]" and "jump down [something]" and "descend [something]" and "climb down [something]" as stair-descending. Understand "go downstairs" and "descend" and "jump down" and "climb down" as normal-descending. Carry out stair-descending: if the noun is a door: try going down; otherwise: say "You can't go down that." Carry out normal-descending: try going down. Stair-Ascending is an action applying to one thing. Normal-Ascending is an action applying to nothing. Understand "go up [something]" and "ascend [something]" and "climb up [something]" as stair-ascending. Understand "go upstairs" and "ascend" and "climb up" as normal-ascending. Carry out stair-ascending: if the noun is a door: try going up; otherwise: say "You can't go up that." Carry out normal-ascending: try going up. Instead of going nowhere from a room in Allworld: say "[one of]You'd do that, but there seems to be a rather sturdy wall in the way.[or]You try, but walk face-first into a solid wall.[or]I think we've already established that you can't walk through walls.[stopping]". [PRINTED NAMES] The printed name of C is "Central Chamber". The printed name of N1 is "First Northern Chamber". The printed name of E1 is "Eastern Chamber". The printed name of E0 is "Prime Eastern Chamber". The printed name of the ES is "[if the location is E1]stairs leading down[otherwise if the location is E0]stairs leading back up". The printed name of the ES2 is "[if the location is E1]stairs leading up[otherwise if the location is E2]stairs leading back down". The printed name of S1 is "First Southern Chamber". The printed name of W1 is "Western Dead End". The printed name of S2 is "Second Southern Chamber". The printed name of S3 is "Third Southern Chamber". The printed name of the lamp is "lamp". The printed name of E2 is "Upper East Chamber". The printed name of S4 is "Fourth Southern Chamber." The printed name of SS1 is "Southern Dead End". The printed name of SE1 is "Southeastern Branch". The printed name of SW1 is "Luminescent Chamber". The printed name of N2 is "Second Northern Chamber". The printed name of the lumin1 is "luminescence". The printed name of the com1 is "compass". The printed name of the top is "thin white tank top". The printed name of the shorts is "plain shorts". The printed name of sD1 is "[if the location is C]door leading south[otherwise]door leading back north[end if]". The printed name of nD1 is "[if the location is C]door leading north[otherwise]door leading back south[end if]". The printed name of eD1 is "[if the location is C]door leading east[otherwise]door leading back west[end if]". The printed name of wD1 is "[if the location is C]door leading west[otherwise]door leading back east[end if]". The printed name of the dSE1 is "black door". The printed name of SEN1 is "Southeast Branch -- North". The printed name of SEN2 is "Black-Tiled Chamber". The printed name of SEND1 is "Down Below". The printed name of SENDW is "Underground Side Chamber". The printed name of the stat1 is "[if the stat1 is part of the row of five statues]first[otherwise]resin[end if] statue". The printed name of the stat2 is "[if the stat2 is part of the row of five statues]second[otherwise]resin[end if] statue". The printed name of the stat3 is "[if the stat3 is part of the row of five statues]third[otherwise]resin[end if] statue". The printed name of the stat4 is "[if the stat4 is part of the row of five statues]fourth[otherwise]agate[end if] statue". The printed name of the stat5 is "[if the stat5 is part of the row of five statues]fifth[otherwise]resin[end if] statue". The printed name of the ladder-top is “top of the ladderâ€. The printed name of EE2 is "Eastern Room With Dais". The printed name of dE2 is "east door". The printed name of the niche is "niche on the dais". The printed name of SE2 is "Southeast Dead End". The printed name of SW2 is "Statue Chamber". The printed name of NW1 is "Northwest Chamber". The printed name of the crack is "ceiling". The printed name of the rose is "compass rose". The printed name of D1 is "Below The Rose". The printed name of LE1 is "Lower East Passage". The printed name of LE2 is "Ruined Underground Temple". The printed name of LW is "Lower West Passage". The printed name of LWN is "Lower Northwest Chamber". The printed name of LWNU is "The Room Above the Trapdoor". The printed name of S0 is "Cheatcode Room". The printed name of the jewel is "ruby". The printed name of the trap-ladder is "ladder leading up to the trapdoor". The printed name of the ladtop2 is "top of the ladder". [UNDERSTANDING] Understand "ladder/up/rickety/wooden" and "ladder leading up" and "ladder leading up to the trapdoor" and "rickety ladder" and "wooden ladder" and "rickety wooden ladder" as the trap-ladder. Understand "ladder/down/rickety/wooden" and "ladder leading down" and "top of ladder" and "top of the ladder" as the ladtop2. Understand "stairs/staircase/steps" and "stairs down" and "stairs leading down" as the ES. Understand "stairs/staircase/steps" and "stairs up" and "stairs leading up" as the ES2. Understand "light/lit/lantern/lamp/electric" and "electric lamp" as the lamp. Understand "glow/light/luminescence/eerie" as the lumin1. Understand "compass/navigator/directions/navigation" as the com1. Understand "shiny" as the glass key. Understand "ground/down" as the floor. Understand "tile/tiles/blue/sparkly" as the floor when the location is E1. Understand "honey/warm/tile/tiles" as the floor when the location is E2. Understand "mossy/moss/tiles/fuzz/green" as the walls when the location is LE2. Understand "mossy/moss/thick/stone/brick/green" as the walls when the location is LE2. Understand "white/whitewashed/brick/bricks" and "white brick" and "white bricks" and "whitewashed walls" as the walls when the location is E1. Understand "white/whitewashed/brick/bricks" and "white brick" and "white bricks" and "whitewashed walls" as the walls when the location is E2. Understand "wall/brick/bricks/tile/tiles/stone/smooth" as the walls. Understand "top/shirt/tank/white/thin/dirty/torn" and "tank top" and "thin tank top" and "white tank top" and "white top" and "thin white top" and "thin white tank top" as the top. Understand "shorts/bottoms/pants/underwear/boxers/briefs/plain" and "plain shorts" and "short shorts" as the shorts. Understand "fruit/tropical/strange/bruised/food/delicious" as the mango. Understand "black/shiny/odd" and "shiny black key" and "shiny key" and "black key" as the obsidian key. Understand "warm/orange/yellow/specks/insects" and "yellow key" and "orange key" and "key with bugs in it" and "key with insects in it" as the amber key. Understand "door/south" and "south door" and "door leading south" as sD1. Understand "door/north" and "north door" and "door leading north" and "door with glass knob" as nD1. Understand "door/east" and "east door" and "door leading east" and "door with lapis design" and "door with lapis inlay" as eD1. Understand "door/west" and "west door" and "door leading west" as wD1. Understand "lapis/blue/inlay/metal/silver/silvery/lazuli"and "blue key" and "key with inlay" and "key with blue inlay" and "lapis lazuli key" and "lapis lazuli" and "silver key" and "silvery key" and "metal key" as the lapis key. Understand "south door" and "north door" and "obsidian door" and "door/black/obsidian" and "north/south" as the dSE1. Understand "green/nephrite/jadeite" and "green key" as the jade key. Understand "trunk/box/keybox/small/bulky" and "treasure chest" as the chest. Understand "scrap/paper/code/notepaper/2346/combination" and "23 -- 46" and "23--46" and "23 46" as the note. Understand "sweet/sweetie" and "hard candy" as the wrapped candy. Understand "crinkly" as the candy wrapper. Understand "ceiling/up/cracked" and "cracked ceiling" and "crack in ceiling" as the crack. Understand "hole/chasm/up/ceiling/light" and "hole in ceiling" as the shaft. Understand "west/dirt" and "gap in wall" as the gap. Understand "west" as the green wood door when the location is SW1. Understand "statue/first/1/one" and "first statue" and "first one" as the stat1. Understand "statue/second/2/two" and "second statue" and "second one" as the stat2. Understand "statue/third/3/three" and "third statue" as the stat3. Understand "statue/fourth/4/four" and "fourth statue" and "fourth one" as the stat4. Understand "statue/fifth/5/five" and "fifth statue" and "fifth one" as the stat5. Understand "agate" and "agate statue" as the stat4 when we have taken the stat4. Understand "east door" and "east/door" and "door with niche" and "agate door" as the dE2. Understand "niche" as the imprint. Understand “ladder/top†and “top of ladder†and “top of the ladder†as the ladder-top. Understand "door/south" and "south door" and "door leading south" and "door leading back south" as nD1 when the location is N1. Understand "door/north" and "north door" and "door leading north" and "door leading back north" as sD1 when the location is S1. Understand "door/east" and "east door" and "door leading east" and "door leading back east" as wD1 when the location is W1. Understand "door/west" and "west door" and "door leading west" and "door leading back west" as eD1 when the location is E1. Understand "player/idiot/cretin" and "this guy" and "this gal" as the yourself. Understand "marble/pillar/altar" as the dais. Understand "dip/depression/circle" and "niche on dais" and "niche on altar" and "niche on the dais" and "niche on the altar" as the niche. Understand "fruit/yellow" as the banana. Understand "sweet" as the candy wrapper when we have eaten the wrapped candy. Understand "etched/rose/design/lid/etching" as the etching. Understand "lick [something]" as tasting. Understand "design/floor" and "compass rose" as the rose. Understand "inscription/carving/front" as the message when the location is LE2. Understand "ruby/gem/sparkly/red/apple/blood" and "blood red" and "red gem" and "red jewel" and "ruby the color of a perfect apple" and "gem the color of a perfect apple" and "jewel the color of a perfect apple" as the jewel. Understand "up" as the ceiling when the player is in the Ceiling-Place. Understand "altar" as the stone block. Understand "inscription/carving/writing/message" as the carving. Understand "jewelry/chain" as the priceless ruby necklace. Understand "pendant" as the jewel. Understand "indent/niche" as the center of the design. Understand "stairs/spiral" and "spiral stairs" and "spiral staircase" as the rose when the rose is open. Understand "stairs going up" as the rose when the location is D1. Understand "look around" and "observe your surroundings" and "examine surroundings" as looking. [LAMP] The lamp is a device. The lamp is switched on. Carry out switching off the lamp: now the lamp is unlit. Carry out switching on the lamp: now the lamp is lit. The description of the lamp is "A simple electric lamp you found in the lower eastern chamber." [DOES THE PLAYER MEAN] Does the player mean doing something with the niche when the location is EE2: it is very likely. Does the player mean stair-ascending the ES: it is very unlikely. Does the player mean stair-descending the ES2: it is very unlikely. Does the player mean unlocking the dSE1 with the obsidian key: it is very likely. Does the player mean unlocking the green wood door with the jade key: it is very likely. Does the player mean examining the shaft when the location is SEND1: it is likely. Does the player mean doing something with the crack when the location is NW1: it is very likely. Does the player mean doing something with the wrapped candy when we have not eaten the wrapped candy: it is very likely. Does the player mean examining the com1: it is likely. Does the player mean examining the etching: it is unlikely. Does the player mean doing something with the rose when the location is C: it is likely. Does the player mean examining the rose when the location is C: it is unlikely. Does the player mean examining the com1 when the player is in C: it is unlikely. Does the player mean taking the jewel when the priceless ruby necklace is in the location: it is unlikely. Does the player mean extracting the jewel: it is very likely. Does the player mean inserting something into the center of the design: it is likely. [THE PLAYER] The description of the player is "You look at yourself, examining your clothes and ragged appearance. You [if the player is wearing something]currently wear [a list of things worn by the player].[otherwise]are... not wearing much of anything. This is awkward.[paragraph break]Please put some clothes on." The player wears a top and a shorts. The indefinite article of the shorts is "a pair of". The description of the top is "A thin white tank top, slightly dirty and torn." The description of the shorts is "Your shorts are nice, but do not have any pockets. [first time]Shame.[only]" [CLOTHING] Instead of taking inventory: say "At the moment, you carry [a list of things carried by the player], and you're wearing [a list of things worn by the player].[paragraph break][if the player is wearing something][otherwise]Please put some clothes on.[end if]" [POINTS] After eating the mango: say "It's sweet and delicious!"; award 3 points. After taking the glass key for the first time: say "A glass key! That sure looks useful."; award 5 points. After taking the lapis key for the first time: say "Wonder what it unlocks?"; award 5 points. After taking the amber key for the first time: say "Goodness, you're going to need a key-ring at this rate."; award 5 points. After taking the obsidian key for the first time: say "Another one?"; award 5 points. After taking the jade key for the first time: say "Now this is just silly."; award 5 points. After taking the lamp for the first time: say "Aw, yeah! Every explorer worth their salt needs a light of some sort."; award 10 points. After opening the sD1 for the first time: award 3 points. After taking the pouch for the first time: say "It's no key-ring, but it might be useful for carrying all these silly keys."; award 5 points. After taking the stat4 for the first time: say "You take the statue, and hope it's the right one. Sure enough, it is! You've got the real statue, not some silly resin cast![paragraph break][italic type]HMMPH,[roman type] the booming voice says. [italic type]I GUESS YOU GOT IT RIGHT, HUH? AH WELL. TAKE IT.[roman type][paragraph break]There is silence. Well, looks like you'll be okay.[paragraph break]The table of statues fades out into mist, leaving you alone in the room with the inscription and the statue you took."; remove the low shelf from play; remove the row of five carved statues from play; award 10 points. After eating the candy: award 3 points. After throwing the stat4 at the crack: award 1 point. After unlocking the rose with the com1: award 10 points. After going south from C for the first time: if the sD1 is closed: award 3 points. Test sout with "purloin amber/open south with amber/open south/close south/s" There is a banana. The banana is edible. After eating the banana, end the game in victory. After taking the priceless ruby necklace: award 5 points. After removing the jewel from the priceless ruby necklace: say "It takes a little work, but you're able to pry the ruby free from the pendant of the necklace."; award 5 points. After inserting the jewel into the niche: award 20 points; end the game in victory. The maximum score is 99. [VICTORY] Rule for amusing a victorious player: say "[line break]Have you tried...[paragraph break][italic type]... attacking the walls (repeatedly)?[line break]... eating shredded wheat (it's deadly!)[line break]... attacking doors?[line break]... taking the whole row of statues?[line break]... cheating?[line break]... enabling cheat mode?[line break]... throwing things at the ceiling in the Northwest Chamber?[paragraph break][roman type]Please note some of these amusing activities can be highly deadly![paragraph break]" Test me with "w/get all/e/unlock north with glass/n/n/get all/s/s/unlock east with lapis/e/d/get all/u/u/get all/d/w/unlock south with amber/s/s/s/s/w/x luminescence/e/s/get all/n/e/unlock door with obsidian/e/get all/w/n/n/d/w/get all/unlock chest with note/open chest/get all/eat mango/get something/l/get all/e/set up ladder/u/s/s/w/w/open green door with jade/w/take fourth statue/e/e/n/n/n/n/e/u/open east with statue/e/take banana/eat it" test cheater with "abstract compass to SE1/s/abstract compass to self/s/purloin row/x row" Rule for printing the player's obituary: if the player carries the row of five carved statues: say "[paragraph break][bold type]***That was stupid. Very stupid.***[roman type]"; if we have eaten the shredded wheat: say "[paragraph break][bold type]***Yeah, I know. Cheap death. It was still funny.***[roman type]"; if we have eaten the banana: say "[paragraph break][bold type]***You got to eat a banana, so I guess that's sort of a win, huh?[line break](Of course, there's more than one way to win a game...)***[roman type]"; if player carries the stat1: say "[paragraph break][bold type]***You guessed wrong... I guess.***[roman type]"; if player carries the stat2: say "[paragraph break][bold type]***You guessed wrong... I guess.***[roman type]"; if player carries the stat3: say "[paragraph break][bold type]***You guessed wrong... I guess.***[roman type]"; if player carries the stat5: say "[paragraph break][bold type]***You guessed wrong... I guess.***[roman type]"; if the location is EE2: if we have not eaten the shredded wheat: say "The ruby glows with a soft red light, and floats up above the marble dais. Suddenly, the walls behind it open up into glorious daylight, and you can feel the gentle wind on your face.[paragraph break][bold type]***You're finally free.***[paragraph break](This is the main ending, and probably the best.)[roman type]". [CHEATING] Cheating is an action applying to nothing. Understand "cheat" and "break rules" and "break the rules" as cheating. Carry out cheating: say "Like I said... we don't like cheaters around here.[paragraph break][bold type]***And that's why we don't cheat, kids!***[roman type]"; end the game in death. Instead of cheating for the first time: say "This game doesn't take well to cheaters -- better watch out!" Instead of going somewhere when the player does not carry the com1, say "Well, you can't very well tell what direction you're going in [italic type]without your compass[roman type].[paragraph break]Joke's on you, cheater." Enabling cheat mode is an action out of world. Understand "enable cheat mode" and "cheat codes" as enabling cheat mode. Carry out enabling cheat mode: say "[line break]The cheatcodes are:[paragraph break]'open sesame my dear game' (unlocks all doors)[line break]'gimme all the keys' (gives the player all keys except the agate statue)[line break]'i want all the points all of them' (bestows 56 points)[paragraph break][italic type]You cheating cheaty cheater.[roman type]". Keygrabbing is an action out of world. Understand "gimme ALL the keys" as keygrabbing. Carry out keygrabbing: say "The playr HASS the keys"; now the player carries the lapis key; now the player carries the obsidian key; now the player carries the amber key; now the player carries the glass key; now the player carries the note; now the player carries the jade key. SSSing is an action out of world. Understand "open sesame my dear game" as SSSing. Carry out SSSing: now all doors are unlocked; now all containers are unlocked. Pointgrabbing is an action out of world. Understand "i want all the points all of them" as pointgrabbing. Carry out pointgrabbing for the first time: award 56 points; say "Fine, fine." [LADDER] Laddersetting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "set up [something]" and "erect [something]" and "set [something] up" and "set [something] upright" as laddersetting. Instead of laddersetting something that is not the ladder, say "That's not a ladder." Carry out laddersetting the ladder: if the location is SEND1: say "You set up the ladder. It aligns quite nicely with the top of the shaft, so you can go up and down."; now the ladder is in SEND1; otherwise: say "That doesn't seem like a useful place for a ladder." Instead of taking the ladder when we have laddersetted the ladder: say “You'd better not move that. It's your only way up and down from here right now.†After laddersetting the ladder: instead of climbing the ladder: try going up; instead of stair-ascending the ladder: try going up; instead of climbing the ladder-top: try going down; instead of stair-ascending the ladder-top: try going down. Instead of going up from SEND1 when we have not laddersetted the ladder: say "You can hardly climb up to that shaft, now can you?" After entering SEND1 when the player carries the ladder, say "This sure looks like a good place to set up a ladder, don't you think?" [COMMENTING] Commenting is an action applying to text. Understand "*" as commenting. Report commenting: say "Thanks for the notice. I'll try to get to that as soon I've got the chance." [MORE SILLINESS] There is a cursed knife. The printed name of the cursed knife is "[if we have examined the cursed knife]cursed knife[otherwise]knife". The description of the cursed knife is "ANCIENT SINS." The Debug Room is a room. "The twilight room sings with ethereal harmonies that appear a vivid ruby-red in your vision. Apparently sufficient exposure to magic makes for weird sensory mix-ups.[first time][paragraph break]You get the feeling you're not supposed to be here.[only]" Some harmonies are scenery in the Debug Room. The description of the harmonies is "The sound is unsettling at best and filled with otherworldly horror at worst. You'd rather not listen for long." Instead of listening to the harmonies: try examining the harmonies. The cursed knife is in the Debug Room. The floor2 is scenery in the Debug Room. The description of the floor2 is "You honestly can't tell if there's a floor in here by sight alone. The ground feels squishy and malleable, and shifts when you move." The printed name of the floor2 is "floor". Understand "floor/down/ground/squishy" as the floor2. Understand "blade/edge/curse/dagger/stabby" and "stabby knife" and "stabby mcmurderknife" as the cursed knife. Understand "sound/ruby/red/harmony/ethereal/horror" as the harmonies. The Debug Room is up from C. Instead of going up from C, say "You can't go that way." After taking the knife: say "The knife rises from your hands and glows blood-red. Your last thoughts are, [italic type]I really shouldn't be here...[roman type][paragraph break][bold type]***You have died***[roman type]"; end the game in death. Teleporting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "there's no place like the debug room" as teleporting. Carry out teleporting: now the player is in the Debug Room. [TASTE] Instead of tasting the walls: say "[if the location is E0]Ugh, dirt.[otherwise if the location is SEND1]Ugh, dirt.[otherwise if the location is SENDW]Ugh, dirt.[Otherwise if the location is SEN1]The tiles don't taste like much of anything, but that's still disgusting.[otherwise if the location is SEN2]The tiles taste... ominous. Well, actually they don't, but that's more interesting that 'the tiles taste like tiles', which is entirely true.[paragraph break]Either way, that's gross.[otherwise if the location is E1]The bricks don't taste terribly appetizing.[otherwise if the location is E2]It tastes like bricks, okay?[otherwise]Let's just assume they taste like walls, okay?" [MISTAKES] Understand "noooo" and "noo" and "nooo" and "oh come on" as a mistake ("Too bad.") Understand "credits" as a mistake ("The author's username is right there to the left.") Understand "why" as a mistake ("Just roll with it.") Understand "think" as a mistake ("You are now thinking manually.") Understand "search self" and "search soul" as a mistake ("Now's really not the time.") Understand "brief" and "superbrief" as a mistake ("Sorry, but I don't want you to miss anything!") [WINNING] There is a priceless ruby necklace in the chest. The description of the priceless ruby necklace is "This necklace looks incredibly valuable, and yet [if we have examined the message]you suspect it may have a greater purpose than being a piece of pretty jewelry.[otherwise]completely useless.[end if] At least the big ruby in the pendant is pretty." The jewel is a part of the priceless ruby necklace. The description of the jewel is "The ruby is a brilliant scarlet color, like [one of]fresh blood -- Actually, that's kind of morbid. Let's say it's the color of a ripe red apple instead --[or]a ripe red apple,[stopping] and perfectly circular. [if the player carries something that is lit]It's slightly transparent in the light of the lamp.[otherwise]Shiny.[end if]". After inserting the jewel into the niche: end the game in victory. Instead of putting the jewel on the dais when we have not examined the stone block: say "That seems like it would achieve little." Instead of inserting the something into the dais: try inserting the noun into the niche. Instead of inserting the priceless ruby necklace into the niche: say "You suspect this would work better if you just put the pendant part in. Maybe if you removed it from the necklace first?" [REMOVING] Extracting is an action applying to two things. Understand "remove [something] from [something]" and "take [something] from [something]" and "extract [something] from [something]" as extracting. Carry out extracting: try taking the noun. [XYZZY] Xyzzying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "xyzzy" as xyzzying. Carry out xyzzying: if the location is LWNU: move the player to S0; otherwise if the location is S0: move the player to LWNU; otherwise if the location is the Debug Room: say "Oh, thank goodness."; move the player to C; otherwise: say "Nothing happens." There is a plaque. Understand "etching/writing/steel/xyzzy" as the plaque. The description of the plaque is "It reads:[paragraph break][italic type]XYZZY[roman type][line break]". The plaque is a part of the chest. After taking the plaque: say "You pull, and the steel plaque rips free of the inside of the chest." Instead of dropping something containing the com1: say "But your compass is in there!" [PUMPKIN] There is a pumpkin in LWNU. "A pumpkin sits in the corner of the room." Instead of doing something with the pumpkin: say "[line break]What pumpkin?"; remove the pumpkin from play. Understand "that pumpkin" and "the pumpkin in the corner" as a mistake ("You can see no pumpkin here.")