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"EAT EVERYTHING!" After printing the banner text, say "[line break][italic type]Coauthored by a friend. Thank you for donating your sense of humor to this.[roman type][line break] ". The Bedroom is a room. "You stand in your room. [first time]Today is an important day, for you have decided... you have a quest. To eat ALL THE THINGS.[only]" The player is in the Bedroom. There is a marble on the dresser. There is a bed in the Bedroom. There is a pillow on the bed. The initial appearance of the bed is "Your bed looks soft and inviting." There is a shelf in the Bedroom. There is a book on the shelf. There is an agate on the shelf. After opening the bedroom-door: say "Surely, this trapdoor leads to some dungeon of delicious food!" The description of the book is "Darn, no pictures. You can't be bothered to read anything without pictures." The description of the agate is "You found this agate on a beach. It's a pretty big one. It looks sort of like a peach. [italic type][paragraph break]Mmm, peach...[roman type]" The description of the pillow is "It may be useful for something in the future." There is a dresser in the Bedroom. The description of the dresser is "Your dresser is a pretty blue color." The dresser is fixed in place. The House is a region. The Bedroom and the Kitchen are in the House. There are some walls in the Bedroom. The walls are a backdrop. The walls are in the House. The description of the walls is "Well of course there are walls. Duh. They're just not very interesting." Instead of going nowhere: say "[one of]I'm fairly sure you can't walk through walls.[or]I just said you can't walk through walls. Come on, get with the program.[stopping]" There is a bedroom-door. The printed name of the bedroom-door is "trapdoor [if the player is in the Bedroom]on the floor[otherwise]on the ceiling". Understand "trapdoor" as the bedroom-door. The bedroom-door is a door. The initial appearance of the kitchen-door is "A door to your [if the location is the Bedroom]east[otherwise]west[end if] leads to the [if the location is the Bedroom]kitchen[otherwise]bedroom[end if]." The bedroom-door is down from the Bedroom. The Dungeon is a dark room. "This is the dungeon." The Dungeon is down from the bedroom-door. The Kitchen is a room. "This is the kitchen. It has food. That's good enough for you." The kitchen-door is a door. The printed name of the kitchen-door is "door to the [if the player is in the Bedroom]kitchen[otherwise]bedroom". The kitchen-door is east of the Bedroom. The Kitchen is east of the kitchen-door. Understand "door/kitchen/bedroom" and "kitchen door" and "bedroom door" as the kitchen-door. There is a set of cupboards in the kitchen. The description of the set of cupboards is "There are five cupboards: the upper left, the upper right, the middle, the lower left, and the lower right cupboards. They're cupboards. Obviously." There is a bottom left cupboard. There is a bottom right cupboard. There is a middle cupboard. There is a top left cupboard. There is a top right cupboard. The bottom left cupboard, the bottom right cupboard, the middle cupboard, the top left cupboard and the top right cupboard are part of the set of cupboards. The bottom left cupboard, the bottom right cupboard, the middle cupboard, the top left cupboard and the top right cupboard are closed openable containers. There is a plain iron key. The plain iron key unlocks the bedroom-door. The bedroom-door is locked. The plain iron key is in the top left cupboard. There is a flashlight in the bottom right cupboard. The flashlight is a device. Carry out switching on the flashlight: now the flashlight is lit. Carry out switching off the flashlight: now the flashlight is unlit. Report switching on the flashlight: say "The flashlight makes a light." instead. Report switching off the flashlight: say "The flashlight flickers off." instead. There is a bag of marshmallows in the bottom left cupboard. There is some cheese in the bottom left cupboard. There is a box of crackers in the bottom left cupboard. There are some crackors in the box of crackers. The crackors are edible. The box of crackers is a closed openable container. The printed name of the crackors is "crackers". Understand "crackers" as the crackors. Does the player mean eating the crackors: it is likely. Does the player mean eating the box of crackers: it is very unlikely. The cheese is edible. Instead of eating the marshmallows: say "Those look kinda old and gross. Maybe not." Instead of opening the marshmallows: try eating the marshmallows. Understand "plate" and "pressure plate" as the pedestal. The set of cupboards is fixed in place. Test me with "e/open bottom right/open bottom left/open top left/take all" The agate is edible. Report eating the agate: say "Rather unsurprisingly, it tastes like a rock."; award 1 point. The maximum score is 5. After eating the cheese: award 1 point. After eating the crackors: award 1 point. There is a chocolate bar in the Chocolate Room. The chocolate bar is edible. After eating the chocolate bar: award 2 points. There is a Chocolate Room. There is a Backyard. There is a back door. "[if the location is the Kitchen]The back door leads south into the yard.[otherwise]The back door leads north into the kitchen.[end if]". The back door is south of the Kitchen. The Backyard is south of the back door. There is a heavy rock in the Backyard. There is a pedestal in the Dungeon. The pedestal is a supporter. After putting something on the pedestal: if the noun is the heavy rock: now the fancy door is unlocked; now the fancy door is open; say "The fancy door opens!"; otherwise: say "This doesn't seem to do anything." Every turn when the heavy rock is not on the pedestal: now the fancy door is locked. The fancy door is a door. The description of the fancy door is "This door leads [if the location is the Dungeon]west[otherwise]east[end if]. It's very fancy." There is a fancy door. The fancy door is locked. The fancy door is west of the Dungeon. The Chocolate Room is west of the fancy door. The back door is a door. The pedestal is fixed in place. The description of the pedestal is "It's a plain pedestal, with what looks like a pressure plate on top. Maybe it controls the door?" test rock with "eat agate/test me/s/get rock/n/w/unlock trapdoor with key/turn on flashlight/d/put cheese on pedestal/take all/put rock on pedestal" Understand "upper right" and "upper right cupboard" as the top right cupboard. Understand "upper left" and "upper left cupboard" as the top left cupboard. Understand "lower right" and "lower right cupboard" as the bottom right cupboard. Understand "lower left" and "lower left cupboard" as the bottom left cupboard. Every turn when the score is 5: say "You have eaten EVERYTHING!! MUAHAHAHHAHHAAA!"; end the game in victory.