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Banana Man
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Use no scoring. When entire game begins: say "'Where...Am I....' ALSO REMEMBER TO EXAMINE ANYTHING YOU CAN!! ITS IMPORTANT FOR THE STORY!"; The White Room is a room. The description of the White Room is "You have a bad headache and hold your head, sitting up, you look around at your surroundings and see your in a room with all white walls, bright lights. Attached to your arm is an IV unit. You hear distant screams. You flinch and get up, your really hungry too, the IV must've emptied a while ago." The carrying capacity of the player is 10. A bed is here. "The bed strikingly resembles a hospital bed. Light blue sheets and a light blue pillowcase. There are straps hanging off it, 'Maybe I was strapped to it..' You mutter to yourself." Instead of the player taking the bed: say "You can't carry that. Its too heavy" The description of the bed is "The bed strikingly resembles a hospital bed. Light blue sheets and a light blue pillowcase. There are straps hanging off it, 'Maybe I was strapped to it..' You mutter to yourself" The drawer is a closed container. The drawer is openable. A drawer is here. "Turning around you face forward, there is a door and a table with an drawer. You walk over to it. There is a note written on a post-it in the drawer." Instead of the player taking the drawer: say "No. Just no." The description of the drawer is "A small drawer. The table is a beautiful oak table. It seems to be old and the wood is a little rotted." The carrying capacity of the drawer is 3. A note is here. The description of the note is "Written in what looks like blood is, 'YOU NEED TO ESCAPE, REMEMBER. REMEMBER.' You then see a small cut on one of your fingers that has some dried blood on it. 'Did i write this-' Your cut off by a big explosion, making a hole in the wall to the hallway." North of the White Room is the Hallway. The Hallway is a room. The description of the Hallway is "There isn't anything to really mention here, you first look to your left and see slime dripping from the ceiling and on the walls, looking to your right you see some light at the end of the hallway and a lump on the ground." North of the Hallway is the Cafeteria. [Cafeteria] The Cafeteria is a room. The description of the Cafeteria is "At least 30 tables are in the room, it looks like a food fight occurred. The food from today, well your assuming its today considering it smells fresh-ish still, is on the walls and floors. Some mash potato drop onto your head." North of the Cafeteria is the Kitchen. [Kitchen] The Kitchen is a room. The description of the Kitchen is "You scream in horror, laying on the ground with a butcher knife in his chest is the chef. His face shows pure fear. You go over and close his eyes." A dead chef is here. A dead chef is a container. The description of the dead chef is "Maybe if you take the knife you will have a weapon-" A Butcher Knife is in the dead chef. The description of the Butcher Knife is "A bit bloody so you rinse it off in the sink. It now shines your reflection back at you, you let out a scream. Your face looks like a monsters, you have horns growing out of your head and fangs. 'W-WHAT HAPPENED-' you shout in horror. You take a deep breath and tell yourself you can revisit the topic once your out of this god-awful place." The dead chef is edible. West of the Hallway is the Slimy Room. [Slimy Room] The Slimy Room is a room. The description of the Slimy Room is "As you walk though the room you hear a disgusting squishing sound, your feet are now wet, something slimy falls onto your head and you look up, a slime monster is there, it hisses and then runs off further down the hallway." South of the Slimy Room is the Armory [Armory] The Armory is a room. The description of the Armory is "Guns line the walls on either side, a doorway to your left leads to the break room. Maybe if you take a gun you can beat this thing." A table is here. A table is a supporter. The description of the table is "A pistol lies on the table. It looks already loaded." There is a Pistol on the table. After taking the Pistol: say "You look at the gun and see your reflection again. You scoff and look away." The description of the gun is "A standard Pistol. Throw to use." West of the Armory is the Break Room. [Break Room] The Break Room is a room. The description of the Break Room is "A coffee cup is sitting on the table, you go closer and see something green in it. You back away, not wanting to find out what that was." North of the Slimy Room is the Showers. [Showers] The Showers is a room. The description of the Showers is "You open the door to the showers and water comes flowing through the door. Bodies flow out with it. They must've been trapped in there...You walk in, the floor is really slippery, you walk further in. Something screams and jumps out at you. You quickly dodge and it hits the wall, exploding." West of the Slimy Room is the ??? [???] The ??? is a room. The description of the ??? is "AHHHHHHHH" Slime Attack is a scene. Slime Attack begins when the player is in the ??? for the first turn. A Slime Monster is a person. "A Slime Monster walks out from the shadows and confronts you!" When Slime Attack begins: say "A slime monster jumps out at you!"; now the Slime Monster is in the ???; if the player is not carrying the pocket knife: end the story; say "Silver is deadly to them- Why didn't your grab a knife?"; if player has the pocket knife: now the Slime Monster is off-stage; say "You dodge its attacks and roll next to it till your behind it, you quickly stab them before it has a chance to react."; West of the ??? is the Lab [Lab] The Lab is a room. The description of the Lab is "As you walk though the room you hear a disgusting squishing sound, your feet are now wet, something slimy falls onto your head and you look up, a slime monster is there, it hisses and then runs off further down the hallway. The door to the Maze is wide open, they use it to see how well their experiments can navigate- Wonder whats in there..." The Golden Door is a locked door. The Golden Door is north of the ???. The Banana Key can unlock Golden Door. North of the Golden Door is the Maze Entrance [Maze Entrance] The Maze Entrance is a room. The description of the Maze Entrance is "You slowly walk in, a roar sounds from a bit away. You might wanna go the right way- [Paragraph Break] Its okay if you skip numbers, but if you go back, your most likely going the wrong way." East of the Maze Entrance is the 2A. [2A] The 2A is a room. The description of the 2A is "This is where they used to have their experiments try to get to the end." East of the 2A is the 3A [3A] The 3A is a room. The description of the 3A is "I remember if they could make it they could go free- Stupid idea." East of the 3A is the 4A [4A] The 4A is a room. The description of the 4A is "^w^" North of the 4A is the 5A [5A] The 5A is a room. The description of the 5A is "Wow this seems a bit long-" North of the 5A is the 6A [6A] The 6A is a room. The description of the 6A is "'Maybe the reason-'" North of the 6A is the 7A [7A] The 7A is a room. The description of the 7A is "'That no monsters-'" East of the 7A is the 8A [8A] The 8A is a room. The description of the 8A is "'Ever won-'" South of the 8A is the 9A [9A] The 9A is a room. The description of the 9A is "'Is because-' You stop to catch your breath, 'They died from walking too long...'" South of the 9A is the 10A. North of 3A is the 10A [10A] The 10A is a room. The description of the 10A is "This a long maze-" East of 10A is the 11A North of the 2A is the 11A [11A] The 11A is a room. The description of the 11A is "How much longer- Not sure how much longer I can go without food-" North of 11A is the 12A East of the 9A is the 12A [12A] The 12A is a room. The description of the 12A is "This seems familiar! I bet we are almost out!" East of 12A is the 13A [13A] The 13A is a room. The description of the 13A is "Wait was that familiar-" East of 13A is the 14C [14C] The 14C is a room. The description of the 14C is "Ughhhhh-" East of 14C is the 15C [15C] The 15C is a room. The description of the 15C is "Nothing interesting- Lets keep going." East of 15C is the 16C [16C] The 16C is a room. The description of the 16C is "You start running to go faster." East of 16C is the 17C [17C] The 17C is a room. The description of the 17C is "You run through the hallways, faster than you thought humanly possible!!" East of 17C is the 18C [18C] The 18C is a room. The description of the 18C is "You get bored so you start rapping to yourself" East of 18C is 19C [19C] The 19C is a room. The description of the 19C is "'Cause I'm slim shady'" East of 19C is the 20C [20C] The 20C is a room. The description of the 20C is "'All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating.'" East of 20C is the 21C South of 22D is the 21C [21C] The 21C is a room. The description of the 21C is "'So wont the real slim shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up.'" South of 21C is the 22C [22C] The 22C is a room. The description of the 22C is "''Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady'" West of 22C is the 23C [23C] The 23C is a room. The description of the 23C is "'All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating'" East of 23C is the 24C [24C] The 24C is a room. The description of the 24C is "'So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up-'" South of the 24C is the Torture Ending. [Torture Ending] The Torture Ending is a room. The description of the Torture Ending is "You walk into the secret entrance to the torture room" Death is a scene. Death begins when the player is in the Torture Ending for the first turn. A Demon is a person. "You scream as the demon grabs you." When Death begins: say "The demon gets you onto the ground in the middle of the pentagram."; now the Demon is in the Kitchen Ending; end the story; say "The demon tortured you endlessly, letting you heal and then doing it again. This happened for three weeks. Then you died, your last visions were a demon rising from the ground."; North of 13A is the 14A [14A] The 14A is a room. The description of the 14A is "Maybe it wasn't-" North of 14A is the 15A [15A] The 15A is a room. The description of the 15A is "The exit isn't close, is it?" North of 15A is the 16A [16A] The 16A is a room. The description of the 16A is "Your stomach growls loudly." North of 16A is the 17A [17A] The 17A is a room. The description of the 17A is "Foooooooooood-" East of 17A is the 18A [18A] The 18A is a room. The description of the 18A is "I'm going to die of starvation." East of 18A is the 19A [19A] The 19A is a room. The description of the 19A is "You try to eat the floor, you fail." East of 19A is the 20A [20A] The 20A is a room. The description of the 20A is "I think I see light ahead!" East of 20A is the 21A [21A] The 21A is a room. The description of the 21A is "NOT GOOD LIGHT!" ?!?! is a scene. ?!?! begins when the player is in the 21A for the first turn. A Lab Worker is a person. "A lab worker jumps out from the vents in the ceiling." When ?!?! begins: say "The lab worker charges at you with a knife!"; now the Lab Worker is in the 21A; if the player is not carrying the pistol: end the story; say "You couldn't find something to react quick enough with. He stabbed you through the head."; if player has the pistol: now the Lab Worker is off-stage; say "You quickly grab your gun and fire a shot straight though his head."; East of the 21A is the 22A [22A] The 22A is a room. The description of the 22A is "You pant trying to get your breath." East of 22A is the 23A [23A] The 23A is a room. The description of the 23A is "That- Was weird- Maybe the lab workers took shelter here." South of 23A is the 25D [25D] The 25D is a room. The description of the 25D is "Huh- THERES MORE-" South of 25D is the 24D [24D] The 24D is a room. The description of the 24D is "No. %*&! this." East of 24D is the 25E [25E] The 25E is a room. The description of the 25E is "No. %*&! this." East of 25E is the 26E [26E] The 26E is a room. The description of the 26E is "No. %*&! this." East of 26E is the 27E [27E] The 27E is a room. The description of the 27E is "No. %*&! this." South of 27E is the 28E [28E] The 28E is a room. The description of the 28E is "Meh." South of 28E is the 29E [29E] The 29E is a room. The description of the 29E is "No. %*&! this." South of 29E is the 30E [30E] The 30E is a room. The description of the 30E is "No. %*&! this." South of 30E is the 31E [31E] The 31E is a room. The description of the 31E is "No. %*&! this." East of 31E is the 32E [32E] The 32E is a room. The description of the 32E is "No. %*&! this." North of 32E is the 33E [33E] The 33E is a room. The description of the 33E is "No. %*&! this." North of 33E is the 34E [34E] The 34E is a room. The description of the 34E is "No. %*&! this." North of 34E is the 35E [35E] The 35E is a room. The description of the 35E is "No. %*&! this." East of 35E is the 36E [36E] The 36E is a room. The description of the 36E is "No. %*&! this." South of 36E is the 37E [37E] The 37E is a room. The description of the 37E is "No. %*&! this." South of 37E is the 38E [38E] The 38E is a room. The description of the 38E is "No. %*&! this." South of 38E is the 39E [39E] The 39E is a room. The description of the 39E is "No. %*&! this." South of 39E is the 40E [40E] The 40E is a room. The description of the 40E is "No. %*&! this." West of 40E is the 41E [41E] The 41E is a room. The description of the 41E is "No. %*&! this." West of 41E is the 42E [42E] The 42E is a room. The description of the 42E is "No. %*&! this." North of 42E is the 43E [43E] The 43E is a room. The description of the 43E is "No. %*&! this." North of 43E is the 44E [44E] The 44E is a room. The description of the 44E is "No. %*&! this." North of 44E is the 45E [45E] The 45E is a room. The description of the 45E is "No. %*&! this." North of 45E is the 46E [46E] The 46E is a room. The description of the 46E is "No. %*&! this." West of 46E is the 47E [47E] The 47E is a room. The description of the 47E is "No. %*&! this." South of 47E is the 48E [48E] The 48E is a room. The description of the 48E is "No. %*&! this." South of 48E is the 49E [49E] The 49E is a room. The description of the 49E is "No. %*&! this." South of 49E is the 50E [50E] The 50E is a room. The description of the 50E is "No. %*&! this." South of 50E is the 51E [51E] The 51E is a room. The description of the 51E is "No. %*&! this." [Experiment Ending] The Experiment Ending is a room. The description of the Experiment Ending is "You slowly walk into the Experiment Room..." Testing is a scene. Testing begins when the player is in the Experiment Ending for the first turn. A Scientist is a person. "A old man jumps out of the shadows and grabs you." When Death begins: say "You struggle as the scientist gets you onto a machine."; now the Demon is offstage; end the story; say "The scientist had long talks with you, drew blood, and saw what would hurt you. It was extremely painful."; South of 24D is the 23D [23D] The 23D is a room. The description of the 23D is "Your stomach growls, having the sudden crave for human flesh." South of 23D is the 22D [22D] The 22D is a room. The description of the 22D is "Your steps are staggered." East of 23A is the 24A [24A] The 24A is a room. The description of the 24A is "I want bananas." South of 24A is the 25A [25A] The 25A is a room. The description of the 25A is "mmmm bananas." East of 25A is the 26A [26A] The 26A is a room. The description of the 26A is "OOO HUMAN FLESH-" East of 26A is the 27A [27A] The 27A is a room. The description of the 27A is "Whats that light up ahead-" East of 27A is the Escape. [Escape] The Escape is a room. The description of the Escape is "THE END-." Every turn while in the Escape: if score is 0 begin; say "You ran through the open doors and to your childhood home. Your parents were brutally murdered. But at least your safe!"; end the game in victory; end if North of the Maze Entrance is the 2B [2B] The 2B is a room. The description of the 2B is "First step of many. Keep going." East of the 2B is the 3B [3B] The 3B is a room. The description of the 3B is "All the walls look the same." East of the 3B is the 4B [4B] The 4B is a room. The description of the 4B is "Hmmmmmm... Wonder how much further." East of the 4B is the Kitchen Ending. [Kitchen Ending] The Kitchen Ending is a room. The description of the Kitchen Ending is "You fall through a vent and hit the ground. You desperately try to get out as it strangles you." Strangulation is a scene. Strangulation begins when the player is in the Kitchen Ending for the first turn. A Another Slime Monster is a person. "A low growling has you look up." When Strangulation begins: say "Another slime monster, similar to earlier is there, it jumps out at you and engulfs your head."; now the Another Slime Monster is in the Kitchen Ending; end the story; say "Death...Strangulation...Pain."; East of the Hallway is the Dimly Lit Room. [Dimly Lit Room] The Dimly Lit Room is a room. The description of the Dimly Lit Room is "Your jaw drops, in the middle of the room there is a pentagram on the ground drawn in blood, candles are on the points of the star. In the middle there is a woman, her nails are missing and bruises and cuts cover her body. You cover your mouth to keep from getting sick." A corpse is here. A corpse is a container. The description of the corpse is "The corpse has a very fancy diamond necklace on her neck, she has a phone in her back pocket, and a pocket knife in her hand, she probably was holding it when she died." The corpse is edible. A Fancy Diamond Necklace is in the corpse. The description of the Fancy Diamond Necklace is "Its sharpened into a point, might be useful if you need to cut glass." A iPhone is in the corpse. The description of the iPhone is "It doesn't have a code. You open the phone app but you don't have any cell service. You can't do anything else." A Pocket Knife is in the corpse. The description of the Pocket Knife is "A standard pocket knife, might be useful for self defense." The Oak Door is a closed door. The Oak Door is south of the Dimly Lit Room. The Metal Door is a locked door. The Metal Door is north of the Dimly Lit Room. The Gross Key can unlock Metal Door. [Banana Room] The Banana Room is a room. The Banana Room is south of the Oak Door. The description of the Banana Room is "Banana's are scattered across the room, the wallpaper is of banana's, there are banana paintings." A banana table is in the Banana Room. The banana table is fixed in place. The banana key is on the banana table. The description of the banana key is "The banana key is shaped as a banana, clearly someone really liked banana's. Maybe it unlocks another door." [Torture Room] The Torture Room is a room. The Torture Room is north of the Metal Door. The description of the Torture Room is "Torture devices line the walls. Knifes, shock collars, tweezers, a bucket of hot coals are in the corner with some metal things sticking out of it." [Experiment Room] The Experiment Room is a room. The Experiment Room is east of the Dimly Lit Room. The description of the Experiment Room is "Animals are in some tubes, a couple of the tubes are broken and some green goo is dripping out of the broken glass." [Bathroom Hallway] The Bathroom Hallway is a room. The Bathroom Hallway is east of the Experiment Room. The description of the Bathroom Hallway is "Nothing really interesting here-" [Girl's Bathroom] The Girl's Bathroom is a room. The Girl's Bathroom is north of the Bathroom Hallway. The description of the Girl's Bathroom is "Written in lipstick on the mirror is 'ITS A TRAP, ALL OF IT, SAVE US BEFORE HE COMPLETES THE RITUAL!!'" [Boy's Bathroom] The Boy's Bathroom is a room. The Boy's Bathroom is south of the Bathroom Hallway. The description of the Boy's Bathroom is "The bathroom looks like someone recently vandalized it, writing is all over the walls, bloody hand-prints seem to cover the walls." [Boy's Stall] The Boy's Stall is a room. The Boy's Stall is south of the Boy's Bathroom. The description of the Boy's Stall is "All the toilet paper is out and the water in the toilet looks green. 'Gross-' You think to yourself. A small key is in the toilet bowl." A toilet bowl is here. The toilet bowl is a container. The description of the toilet bowl is "The water is a gross green, but towards the bottom there is a key. You might want to grab it." A Gross Key is in the toilet bowl. The toilet bowl is edible. [Girl's Stall] The Girl's Stall is a room. The Girl's Stall is north of the Girl's Bathroom. The description of the Girl's Stall is "A typical bathroom stall, nothing really here."