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Lamia v0.0.3
Benjamin Wrightson
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Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]†as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." A secret door is a kind of door. A secret door can be revealed or unrevealed. A secret door is unrevealed. A secret door is scenery. A secret door is closed. A secret switch is a kind of thing. A secret switch can be revealed or unrevealed. A secret switch is unrevealed. A secret switch is scenery. Rule for printing the locale description for Gazebo: stop. Rule for printing the locale description for office: stop. Rule for printing the locale description for office hallway: stop. Rule for printing the locale description for lobby: stop. Rule for printing the locale description for Gazebo: stop. Rule for printing the locale description for Staff Lounge: stop. Definition: A room is occupied if a person is in it. The Office is a room."You are in your office. Sunlight is streaming in through the two large windows in the far side of the room. In the middle of the room is a finely crafted walnut desk. Behinde the desk is a large, comfortable looking office chair. There are two large filing cabinets between the windows. There is a large wooden door in the south end of the room. The light on the intercom unit is flashing." A woman called woman is in the Gazebo. The description is "A stunning young woman named Lucy stands before you. Her skin tight outfit leaves little to the imagination as she beckons you over. Something about her makes you extremely uneasy.". Lucy is a person. The description is "A stunning young woman stands before you. Her skin tight outfit leaves little to the imagination as she beckons you over. Something about her makes you extremely uneasy.". Mrs Hutchson is a person. The description is "Mrs. Hutchson appears very pale and short of breath. She has dark circles under her eyes and looks like she has not been sleeping. There are large welts on her left arm and shoulder.". Mrs Hutchson is in Room two. Lydia is a person. The description is "The chubby, dark haired woman shuffles around her office tending to various tasks. She pays you little mind.". Instead of talking to Lydia: say "You have nothing to say to Lydia.". Lydia is in the lobby. The intercom is fixed in place. The intercom is in the office. The description is "A small intercom connected to the front desk. It been flashing at you for days. It seems your secretary is incapable of turning off our her microphone". After examining the intercom once, say "The intercom chimes loudly." The intercom is a device. Instead of switching on intercom: say "Your secretary's voice crackles over the speakers saying, 'Doctor, Mrs. Hutchson is here to see you. She is waiting for you in room two.'". The desk is in the office. The description is "This antique desk has been in your office since long before you worked here. Why anyone would leave behind such a nice piece of furniture is beyond you. Papers are strewn across the top of the desk around your computer. There are several drawers going down the side of the desk." The desk is a container. The desk is fixed in place. The chair is in the office. The description is "A large comfortable looking office chair, perfect for dozing in instead of doing work." The chair is a container. The chair is fixed in place. The chair is enterable. The Filing Cabinets are in the office. The description is "These large metal filing cabinets are used to hold important papers. Help keep your work organized and your desk clean!" The Filing Cabinets are fixed in place. The Filing Cabinets are a container. The papers are in the desk. The description is "Mostly records and logs of various patients that you pulled out to examine for one reason or another." The windows is in the office. The description is "Looking out the window, you see a large grassy field which stretches back to the woods in the distance. You can also see a small gazebo where you and your staff often eat lunch." The Windows are fixed in place. After inserting the papers into the Filing Cabinets, increase score by 5. The Office Hallway is south of the wooden door. The description is "The walls of the hallway are white washed and mostly uninteresting, although one of the nurses has been making flower arrangements in the vase on the table by the doorway. The door to your office is to the north, and the staff lounge is to the west. The stairs down are at the south end of the hall." The table is in the office hallway. The description is "A small wooden table with a vase on top." The table is fixed in place. The vase is in the office hallway. The description is "A simple clay vase." Instead of taking vase, say "The vase is heavy and you have no desire to carry it around." The flower arrangement is in the vase. The description is "A neat arrangement of white and yellow daffodils, likely take from the patches growing around the Gazebo outside." The Staff Lounge is west of the Office Hallway. "There are several worn and well used, but very comfortable looking couches set up around a large coffee table. Behind them is a ping-pong table and a counter with a sink, a microwave, and a minifridge. The door back out into the hallway is to the east.". The couches are in the staff lounge. "These couches have seen a lot of use but are still extremely comfortable.". The couches are fixed in place. The couches are a container. The couches are enterable. The microwave is in the staff lounge. The description is "An old microwave.". The microwave is fixed in place. The microwave is a container. The ping-pong table is in the staff lounge. The description is "The ping-pong table has seen better days. It no longer folds properly and the wheels are jammed, making it almost impossible to move. However, it still manages to serve its purpose despite the large amounts of duck tape holding everything together.". The ping-pong table is fixed in place. The coffee table is in the staff lounge. The coffee table is fixed in place. The counter is in the staff lounge. The counter is fixed in place. The minifridge is in the staff lounge. The minifridge is a container. Instead of taking minifridge: say "You wish you were strong enough to lift the fridge.". The sandwich is in the minifridge. The description is "Your lunch, which you neglected to eat.". The sandwich is edible. The sink is in the staff lounge. The sink is fixed in place. The sink is a device. The wooden door is south of the office and north of the Office Hallway. The wooden door is a door. The Lobby is south of the Office Hallway. The description is "The main lobby of your clinic. There are several plastic chairs scattered around the room and a muted television is showing the news. The receptionist's window is to the west and the door to the meeting rooms is to the south. There is a stairway in the northern end of the room and an exit sign glows dully over the door to the east. It looks like someone left a notice on the bulletin board. You might want to check it out." The bulletin board is in the lobby. The Bulletin board is fixed in place. The receptionist's window is in the lobby. The description is "[If Lydia is in the lobby]The sliding glass window looks in on the receptionist's office. Lydia, your secretary, sits on the other side.[Otherwise] The sliding glass window looks in on the receptionist's office. Lydia seems to have gone home for the evening.". The receptionist's window is fixed in place. The notice is in the lobby. The description is "Lamia alpha v 0.0.3 [paragraph break] Tips: [paragraph break]1) Examine things. Almost everything in the game has a description, some of which may be important. The notice is fixed in place. [paragraph break] 2) There are several commands that let you interact with people, such as 'talk to', 'ask about', and 'give'. [paragraph break]Change log: Added a change log! Fixed word recognition errors. Added a description to room 1. Added furnature to the staff lounge. Added a simple time passage mechanic centered around certain events. Removed the bus route for now. Dont worry, It will be back. Fixed even more spelling errors!" The chairs are in the lobby. The description is "These hard plastic chairs look rather uncomfortable." Instead of taking chairs, say "These chairs are heavy and you have no desire to carry them around." The television is in the lobby. The description is "The local new seems to talk about everywhere but here." The television is fixed in place. The Meeting Room Hallway is south of the lobby. The description is "A plain white hallway leading to the meeting rooms. Room 1 is to the west, Room 2 is to the east, and the storage room is to the south." Room Two is east of Meeting Room Hallway. The description is "A simple meeting room with a bench and a couple plastic chairs.". Room one is west of the Meeting Room Hallway. "An empty meeting room. There appears to be nothing interesting here at the moment." Instead of entering room one: say "That room is empty. You have no reason to go in there.". The plastic chairs are in Room Two. The description is "A couple hard plastic chairs.". The plastic chairs are fixed in place. The bench is in room two. The description is "A cushioned bench that can be converted into a bed." The bench is fixed in place. The welts are in room three. The description is "These welts look like large insect bite or stings." The welts are fixed in place. The blood sample is a thing. The description is "A sample of Mrs Hutchson's blood. You should place this in the storage room sample cabinet right away.". Instead of Talking to Mrs Hutchson: say "'Good afternoon Mrs Hutchson, what can I do for you today,' you say. [paragraph break] 'Good afternoon doctor. I've just been feeling under a little under the weather for a little while, so I thought I would pay you a visit,' she replies.[paragraph break] 'So what seems to be the matter,' you ask. [paragraph break] 'I have been so tired the last few days i can barely get anything done. At first I thought it was just a cold or something, but it won’t go away,' she tells you. [paragraph break] 'Hold this under your tongue please,' you say as you hand her a thermometer. You brush you fingers against her forehead and notice her skin is very cold. After a few seconds you take back the thermometer and say, '97.1, you don't seem t have any fever.' [paragraph break]Mrs Hutchson is clearly ill, but it is difficult to place what is wrong with her. You wonder if she has been sleeping properly.". Instead of asking Mrs Hutchson about "welts": say " 'These welts look a little strange. When did you first notice them,' you ask. [paragraph break] 'Those? They showed up about a week ago. They hurt like the dickens at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I assumed they were just spider bites or something,' she tells you. [paragraph break] 'They don't look like spider bites. There is no swelling around then and there is no skin discoloration. It looks more like a wasp sting than anything,' you say in response. [paragraph break] 'A wasp sting? It is the wrong time of year for wasps, so I doubt that could be it.' she says.". Instead of asking Mrs Hutchson about "welt": say " 'These welts look a little strange. When did you first notice them,' you ask. [paragraph break] 'Those? They showed up about a week ago. They hurt like the dickens at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I assumed they were just spider bites or something,' she tells you. [paragraph break] 'They don't look like spider bites. There is no swelling around then and there is no skin discoloration. It looks more like a wasp sting than anything,' you say in response. [paragraph break] 'A wasp sting? It is the wrong time of year for wasps, so I doubt that could be it.' she says.". Instead of asking mrs Hutchson about "sleep": say "'Mrs Hutchson, have you been sleeping properly,' you ask. [paragraph break] 'Yes, if anything I have been oversleeping. I am just so tired that all I want to do is stay in bed,' she answers. [paragraph break] 'I see. What about food. Have you been eating properly? ‘you ask. [paragraph break] 'Well, I haven't had much appetite lately, but my husband makes sure that I get plenty to eat,' she says in response. [paragraph break] 'hummm, strange. Have you donated blood recently Mrs Hutchson?' [paragraph break] 'No, I haven't donated blood in years.' [paragraph break] 'It sounds almost like anemia, but last time I gave you a checkup you were fine. If you wouldn't mind I would like to take a blood sample for analysis.' [paragraph break]'Well, I suposes if you must.'[paragraph break] Mrs Hutchson cringes as you insert the needle into her arm.[paragraph break] The blood sample is now in your inventory.[paragraph break] You tell Mrs Hutchson that this is all you can do for today an that results of the blood test shout be in within the next two days. She thanks you politely and leaves the room."; now the player carries the blood sample; remove Mrs Hutchson from play. Instead of asking mrs Hutchson about "sleeping habits": say "'Mrs Hutchson, have you been sleeping properly,' you ask. [paragraph break] 'Yes, if anything I have been oversleeping. I am just so tired that all I want to do is stay in bed,' she answers. [paragraph break] 'I see. What about food. Have you been eating properly?' you ask. [paragraph break] 'Well, I haven't had much appetite lately, but my husband makes sure that I get plenty to eat,' she says in response. [paragraph break] 'hummm, strange. Have you donated blood recently Mrs Hutchson?' [paragraph break] 'No, I haven't donated blood in years.' [paragraph break] 'It sounds almost like anemia, but last time I gave you a checkup you were fine. If you wouldn't mind I would like to take a blood sample for analysis.' [paragraph break]'Well, I supposes if you must.'[paragraph break] Mrs Hutchson cringes as you insert the need into her arm.[paragraph break] The blood sample is now in your inventory. [paragraph break] You tell Mrs Hutchson that this is all you can do for today and that results of the blood test shout be in within the next two days. She thanks you politely and leaves the room."; now the player carries the blood sample; remove Mrs Hutchson from play. The Parking Lot is east of the lobby. The description is "[if the blood sample is in the sample cabinet]You are standing in the parking lot outside your clinic. A long grassy lawn stretches to the north. The sun has sunk behind the trees.[otherwise if lucy is in the Gazebo]You are standing in the parking lot outside your clinic. A long grassy lawn stretches to the north. The sky darkens as the sun sinks beneath the horizon. [otherwise] You are standing in the parking lot outside your clinic. A long grassy lawn stretches to the north. The sun is high in the sky.[end if]". The Lawn is north of the parking lot. "The untidy grass rustles slightly in the breeze as walk out onto the lawn. People often say you need to have it cut shorter, but you like it this way. A small Gazebo can be seen just to the West of you. To the south is the clinic parking lot." The Gazebo is west of the screen door. "[if the blood sample is in the sample cabinet]You are in a small wooden Gazebo with screen windows and a screen door to the east. The lower walls are lined with benches and a small table sits in the middle. [paragraph break]Upon entering the Gazebo, you suddenly feel very uneasy, almost like someone is watching you. You look around to see if anyone is there, but as you open your mouth to call out no words come out and you feel a sudden urge to sit down. [Otherwise if lucy is in the gazebo] You are in a small wooden Gazebo with screen windows and a screen door to the east. The lower walls are lined with benches and a small table sits in the middle. Lucy smiles as you look her way the Gazebo.[otherwise]You are in a small wooden Gazebo with screen windows and a screen door to the east. The lower walls are lined with benches and a small table sits in the middle.[end if]". The small table is in the Gazebo. The description is "This wooden table has turned grey with age.". The small table is fixed in place. The wooden bench is in the Gazebo. The description is "A hard wooden bench.". The wooden Bench is fixed in place. The wooden bench is a container. The wooden bench is enterable. The screen door is east of the Gazebo and west of the the Lawn. The description is "A simple screen door that lets you in and out, but not the bugs.". The screen door is a door. Instead of entering the wooden bench: say "[if the blood sample is in the sample cabinet] You sit down the bench. Your eyes grow heavy and the world begins to swirl around you as your vision fades. [paragraph break] You awake to the sound of someone opening the screen door. A woman's voice speaks softly in your ear, 'Good evening, Doctor'.[otherwise] The bench is still wet from the storm this morning and you would prefer not to walk around with wet pants for the rest of the day.[end if]"; If the blood sample is in the sample cabinet, now lucy is in the Gazebo; If the blood sample is in the sample cabinet, now lydia is in space; If the blood sample is in the sample cabinet, remove blood sample from play. Instead of talking to woman: say "You might have better luck if your refer to her as Lucy.". Space is a room. The Storage room is south of the meeting room hallway. "You are in a small room used to store over the counter medications that do not require a prescription. There is a cabinet on the far wall for anything that may need to be tested later. You can the faint sound of your secretary talking on the phone coming from the north." The sample cabinet is in the storage room. The description is "A cabinet in which you store any materials that need to be sent to the regional hospital for analysis.". The sample cabinet is fixed in place. The sample cabinet is a container. After inserting the blood sample into the sample cabinet once, increase score by 10. Instead of talking to Lucy: say "The woman coos softly in your ear, ‘Good evening, doctor'.[paragraph break]'What? Who are you,' you ask sleepily.[paragraph break] 'Call me Lucy, doctor,' she says.[Paragraph break] As the sleep clears from your mind you realize that it is quite late. 'Is there anything that you need mam, you really shoul...' you begin to say, but she puts a long, slender finger to your lips, shushing you like a child.[paragraph break]'Shhhhh, go back to sleep,' she says softly. [Paragraph break] Lucy takes your arm and pushes up the sleeve of your coat. You try to protest, but no words come to you. You feel a slight prick in your arm as the world goes black and you drift back into sleep."; remove lucy from play; end the game saying "End of Chapter One. Thank you for playing. Chapter two will come in future updates.".