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Drying Up
Sarah Meeker
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The story title is "Drying Up". The story author is "Blue Ink". The story genre is "Other". The release number is 1. The story description is "There are so many things to be said about what happened to the cloned Pinkie Pies." The story creation year is 2012. When play begins: say "[italic type]Life is the bright new thing, and Ponyville is the place for it. You are on the lookout for fun--fun of all sorts! Joy runs chaotically from building to building, and you are ready to experience it in full force! [roman type]" The Middle of Ponyville is a room. "Ponyville is thoroughly pleasant today. Ponies are running to and fro, some screaming with joy (probably), and many others flashing around in pink spurts. There's a purple unicorn motioning to you in the north and she seems fun." A cupcake is here. The cupcake is edible. The description is "Looking closer at the cupcake, it looks like part of the frosting and top has been removed, perhaps to put something in it." North of the middle of ponyville is the Ponyville Path. South of the middle of Ponyville is the Everfree Forest. East of the middle of Ponyville is Ponyville Courtyard. West of the middle of ponyville is a A large building is blocking your way. The Ponyville Path is a room. After going north: say "You approach the purple unicorn who looks at you fondly. She says, 'You're the real Pinkie Pie, aren't you?' Instinctively, you say, 'I sure am! Who are you?' There is then a flash of light. After a few moments, you wake up. You are in a room with many other yous. They are all jittery, and they are all staring at a large curtain. The purple unicorn magics away the curtain, and there is a giant wall of paint. The purple unicorn says, 'The one of you that watches paint the longest is the real Pinkie Pie--and you will get to stay in Ponyville and not get sent back to the mirror!' This is the first time you have thought of the mirror since coming out of it. You remember void. You feel the shapelessness of your body and soul creeping into your furthest recollections, and even the possibility of returning to nothing terrifies you. What is this, then? This test is to look at the wall until no one but you remains, right? You want to stop remembering the terror of nothing. Fun is the only way to escape the horror of absolutely not existing. Fear creeps along the edges of your fragile mind." ;move the player to Ponyville Town Hall, without printing a room description The Everfree Forest is a room. "You came from this direction. For some strange reason, you really get the feeling that you don't want to go back." The Ponyville Courtyard is a room. "There are many ponies here, and they are all telling you and the other yous to go away. It is impossible to continue." The Ponyville Town Hall is a room. "There are many other yous here, and they seem to be gathered for some reason. They are all jittery, and they are all staring at a large curtain. The purple unicorn stands beside the large curtain." The wall is a thing. The wall is here. The description is " " The Mirror is a room. "Here you are. Back again, never to escape." After examining the cupcake for the second time: say "When this cut is removed, you see a pill inside. You know that pills aren't fun, so you instinctively drop the pill and crush it." After eating the cupcake: say "You think, 'That cupcake was absolutely yummy! I hope they have more at another place that apparently exists now that I exist! Wow, I don't feel so energetic anymore. Maybe if I try to hop around...' But before you can hop, you collapse. You see the purple unicorn approach you. You wake up. You are in a room with many other yous. They are all jittery, and they are all staring at a large curtain. The purple unicorn magics away the curtain, and there is a giant wall of paint. The purple unicorn says, 'The one of you that watches paint the longest is the real Pinkie Pie--and you will get to stay in Ponyville and not get sent back to the mirror!' This is the first time you have thought of the mirror since coming out of it. You remember void. You feel the shapelessness of your body and soul creeping into your furthest recollections, and even the possibility of returning to nothing terrifies you. What is this, then? This test is to look at the wall until no one but you remains, right? You want to stop remembering the terror of nothing. Fun is the only way to escape the horror of absolutely not existing. Fear creeps along the edges of your fragile mind."; move the player to Ponyville Town Hall, without printing a room description After examining wall for the first time: say "It's a wall, and it's got paint on it." After examining wall for the second time: say "It's still a wall. And you still feel the memory of nothing overtaking you." After examining wall for the third time: say "That paint is certainly drying. You are certainly dying. No, no--you still have a chance. That pain in your mind is only there if you give in." After examining wall for the fourth time: say "That paint continues to dry. You haven't got a chance of anything in the mirror lake. Nothing happens there. It's dark, wet. You feel as though you are constantly being licked by a cruel, moist toungue. You do your best to keep these thoughts from your mind." After examining wall for the fifth time: say "There it is. The wall. Still....just so plain, just the paint, it pushes down the wall a little bit. It reminds you fo the goo-like liquid that'll run over your skin till the world has ended. There's a bird that flies past the window and sits pleasently tweeting at you." ; Now the bird is in The Ponyville Town Hall. The bird is a thing. The description is "It's so beatiful, free, and happy! Too bad it's the last thing you see before you are blasted with a ray that feels like a thousand heated needles over your entire body." After examining wall for the sixth time: say "You ignore the bird, and regret it at first. Then another one of you looks away at the bird and is quickly struck by the purple unicorn's magic. You hear the horrific stretching of skin and splitting of muscles, the sudden inflation and burst of her entire being. Her remains, nothing more than plasma, zip away. That wall is still there, and it is painful to watch. You're tempted to pull your eyes away, but you don't know what that purple pony considers fun." After examining wall for the seventh time: say “You know that reading a dictionary is utterly boring, but what if that purple pony considers it fun? Uh oh...what if this is secretly a trick?†After examining wall for the eighth time: say “What if looking at the wall is very fun and you are all proving it? There’s no way to escape eternity. No way to escape the pain that awaits you.†After examining wall for the ninth time: say “You don’t have a choice. It’s over for you and you have no other options. That fear of nothing remains, spreading, making you a little more terrified with each passing moment.†After examining wall for the tenth time: say “Horror has expanded like a cancer across your mind. You remain staring at the wall.†After examining wall for the eleventh time: say “Another one of you breaks. ‘Watch me bounce and touch the ceiling!’ she squees happily. Watch the other Pinkie?â€; Now the Pinkie is in The Ponyville Town Hall. The Pinkie is a thing. The description is "Looks fun! Too bad it's the last thing you see before you are blasted with a ray that feels like a thousand heated needles over your entire body." After examining wall for the twelfth time: say “Well, that was a little terrible, what happened to that other pony. She merely has a few more moments of an eternity of pain than you do.†After examining wall for the 13th time: say “That pain you recall creeps across your skin. It pulls at your mane, but you remain focused.†After examining wall for the 14th time: say “You think your mane may have just been removed. It feels like it was torn completely away, along with some skin, but you can’t be sure. You can’t move your hooves and you’re too afraid to check.†After examining wall for the 15th time: say "The others still have their manes... that wall still has paint..." After examining wall for the 16th time: say “You wonder if breaking down in tears counts as fun.†After examining wall for the 17th time: say “Another one of you yells,‘Is that... is that a frog crossed with an orange?’ This sounds like basically the coolest thing in the world. Look at the frog?"; Now the Frog is in The Ponyville Town Hall. The Frog is a thing. The description is "Looks fun! Too bad it's the last thing you see before you are blasted with a ray that feels like a thousand heated needles over your entire body." After examining wall for the 18th time: say "Okay, the other yous exploded when they looked at the frog. Ignore it. Don't look away. Don't close your eyes. Horror only awaits you if you blink." After examining wall for the 19th time: say “Even if you do escape this hell somehow, you don’t think you can ignore the notion of eternity for a normal lifetime.†After examining wall for the 20th time: say “That paint on the wall...did it turn red for a moment?†After examining wall for the 21st time: say “Maybe if you can get to the purple unicorn before she sees you, you could knock her out and rescue all of you. But you’re too slow...†After examining wall for the 22nd time: say “If you were a unicorn or a pegasus, maybe you could do it. But not with your limited abilities.†After examining wall for the 23rd time: say “One of your peers chooses to inflict a lesser pain on herself, hoping the purple unicorn will realize what pain your peer is going through. ‘Look what I can do with my hooves!’ she exclaims, and does something fascinatingly grotesque. Take a look at another you?†After examining wall for the 24th time: say “Wow, that one broke horrendously, trying to explode her hoof before having the purple unicorn explode her. Wait...couldn’t you dash around amazingly earlier? Maybe if you tried to do that....but then she may think you’re trying to have fun...You could make it to her!†After examining wall for the 25th time: say “But is it worth it? After all, eternity is a long time...†After examining wall for the 26th time: say “For ever! For all eternity! Not for a year or for an age but for ever. Try to imagine the awful meaning of this. You have often seen the sand on the seashore. How fine are its tiny grains!†After examining wall for the 27th time: say “And how many of those tiny little grains go to make up the small handful which a child grasps in its play. Now imagine a mountain of that sand, a million miles high, reaching from the earth to the farthest heavens, and a million miles broad, extending to remotest space...†After examining wall for the 28th time: say “and a million miles in thickness; and imagine such an enormous mass of countless particles of sand multiplied as often as there are leaves in the forest, drops of water in the mighty ocean, feathers on birds, scales on fish, hairs on animals, atoms in the vast expanse of the air: and imagine that at the end of every million years a little bird came to that mountain and carried away in its beak a tiny grain of that sand.†After examining wall for the 29th time: say “How many millions upon millions of centuries would pass before that bird had carried away even a square foot of that mountain and how many eons upon eons of ages before it had carried away all?“ After examining wall for the 30th time: say “Yet at the end of that immense stretch of time not even one instant of eternity could be said to have ended...at the end of all those billions and trillions of years eternity would have scarcely begun.†After examining wall for the 31st time: say “And if that mountain rose again after it had been all carried away, and if the bird came again and carried it all away again grain by grain, and if it so rose and sank as many times as there are stars in the sky, atoms in the air, drops of water in the sea, leaves on the trees, feathers upon birds, scales upon fish, hairs upon animals, at the end of all those innumerable risings and sinkings of that immeasurably vast mountain not one single instant of eternity could be said to have ended...†After examining wall for the 32nd time: say “even then, at the end of such a period, after that eon of time the mere thought of which makes our very brain reel dizzily, eternity would scarcely have begun." After examining wall for the 33rd time: say “It’s all such impossibility. You will never make it. You feel your muscles twitch and tremble, but you don’t show it on the outside. " After examining wall for the 34th time: say “You hear someone yell, ‘Betcha can't make a face crazier than this!’ Take a look at another you?†After examining wall for the 35th time: say “You’re sure you’ll die within the next few moments when suddenly someone calls out, 'Ugh, I can't take it any more! Somepony's making balloon animals!' Look at the balloon animals?"; Now the balloon animals is in The Ponyville Town Hall. The balloon animals is a thing. The description is "Looks fun! Too bad it's the last thing you see before you are blasted with a ray that feels like a thousand heated needles over your body." After examining wall for the 36th time: say “So you didn’t fall for the balloon animals thing. You do suppose that it was a bit cruel to push these desperate earth ponies towards a terrible existence, even if one could be so kind as to call it existence.†After examining wall for the 37th time: say “Why didn’t you kill yourself when you had the chance? You could’ve died outside the mirror and have gone to the same afterlife as these ponies...not to that endless nothingness...†After examining wall for the 38th time: say “Your eyes have dried completely. You can feel the top layer of your eyelids gently peeling away, as though you could not use them. You pray you may go blind so you will not have to see that wall again." After examining wall for the 39th time: say "You are a complete wreck. You're about to gouge your own eyes out when the purple unicorn says 'That's okay, Pinkie Pie. you don't have to look anymore! The test is over.'" ;end the game saying "You won! You get to stay alive and be Pinkie Pie, but you will always wonder if it was really you who was the original. Sometimes you wonder if the original can feel anything at all or if she is just waiting for you on the other side." After examining frog: move the player to The Mirror.;end the game saying "You spend an eternity of nothing." After examining balloon animals: move the player to The Mirror.;end the game saying "You spend an eternity of nothing." After examining Pinkie: move the player to The Mirror.;end the game saying "You spend an eternity of nothing." After examining bird: move the player to The Mirror.;end the game saying "You spend an eternity of nothing."