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Raine Brooks
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"Apocalypse" Use no scoring. The Bedroom is a room. "[if unvisited]You wake slowly, blinking rapidly to clear your blurry eyes. You recognize this as your room, but it's dusty and lifeless. There are no sounds in the house, so unlike what you remember. You try to think back to yesterday, but you hit a blank wall. You cannot remember anything of your past.[end if][if visited]Your bedroom." The black door is a closed locked door. The brown door is a closed door. The black key unlocks black door. The black door is north of the bedroom. The brown door is east of the bedroom. The wardrobe is in the Bedroom. "There is a wardrobe against the wall, with a single drawer." The drawer is part of the wardrobe. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a paper. The bed is in the Bedroom. "Your bed is squishy and old. There isn't much use to this bed except to sleep." The description of the wardrobe is "A simple, dusty wardrobe. It has only one drawer." The description of the paper is "A small piece of paper, with nearly unreadable writing. It says 'You were in a coma. We took off for safety, we couldn't bring you with us. Stay in the house, stay alive, we will come back for you.'" Kitchen is north of the black door. "You are inside an empty kitchen. A pan is sitting on the stove, empty and cold. The fridge is dirty and full of rotten food. To the west is the back door, leading to a surprisingly alive backyard." The back door is a closed locked door. The black key unlocks back door. The back door is west of the Kitchen. After opening the back door: say "You think you see some edible food in the backyard! Maybe you can quiet your grumbling stomach..." Living Room is east of the brown door. "[if the Living Room is unvisited]The living room is dusty. Pictures of you are covered with spiderwebs. There is a single stand. On it is a black key.[end if][if the Living Room is visited]The living room is dusty. Pictures of you are covered with spiderwebs. There is a single stand with recent marks of fingerprints. There are stairs leading up to the second floor." A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. The stairs is a staircase. It is above the Living Room and below the Hallway. It is scenery. The black key is inside the Living Room. Description of the black key is "A shiny, black key. Maybe to open a black door?" After taking key: say "You have the key, now get back to the door! Who knows where it will lead..." Backyard is west of the back door. "The backyard is quite alive. During your coma the pear garden has grown to an unbelievable size, full of beautiful, green pears. One pear is sitting on the ground, looking ready to bite into. On the other side, rotten tomatoes are scattered around the ground. One is looking particularly nasty." The pear is inside the Backyard. The tomato is inside the Backyard. The pear is edible. After eating the pear: say "Your stomach is full enough to last you longer than before. The juice has quenched your thirst. With new strength, you consider what to do next. Maybe searching upstairs will give you more clues of your family's disappearance?" The tomato is edible. After eating the tomato: say "The tomato was disgusting, and you can feel the need to chuck it back up rising. Maybe try the pear?" The Hallway is a room. "The hallway's pictures are ruined, smashed along the floor after falling from the walls for an unknown reason. At the end of the hallway is a red door. To your right is a blue door." The red door is a closed locked door. The red key unlocks the red door. The red door is north of the Hallway. The blue door is a closed door. The blue door is east of the Hallway. The Bathroom is east of the blue door. "The sink is dripping a strange, green liquid. The floor is wet and rotting away from the continuous from the constant contact with water." The sink is in the Bathroom. It is fixed in place. On the sink is a red key. The Guest Room is north of the red door. "Stepping inside, you close the door behind you... only to be met with the face of someone. But this was no mere human. Her skin was rotting, her hair was falling out, and she was looking hungrily at you. This was a zombie. You die a horrible death, now knowing what safety your family had talked about in that note. YOU WIN!"