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Escape the Art Museum
Three bros
Played 1,373 times
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"Escape the Art Museum" by Three Bros When play begins: say "[bold type][italic type]Your annoying friend locked you in a closet at the art museum in Placeville.[paragraph break]It is now far past closing time for the museum.[paragraph break]You must escape this museum without getting caught." Guardroom is a number variable. Guardroom is 2. Playeroom is a number variable. Playeroom is -1. Every turn: now Guardroom is Guardroom plus 1; if Guardroom is 8, now Guardroom is 1. Every turn: if Guardroom is Playeroom minus 1, say "Footsteps come from behind."; if Guardroom is Playeroom plus 1, say "You hear footstep sounds ahead."; if Guardroom is 1 and Playeroom is -1, say "The guard is circling the third floor again." instead; if Guardroom is Playeroom, end the story saying "You are seen by a guard. Uh oh. He sentences you to 2 years in prison.". Closet is a room. "[if the closet is unvisited]Your first thought is, 'How the heck will I get out of here?'[paragraph break]All that's in here is a painting of a flying snake.[end if][if the closet is visited]Why would you want to be back here?[end if]" The flying snake painting is a closed, locked, openable door. It is scenery. It is east of the closet. The description is "An elaborate snake painting. It would take a few looks to fully comprehend it." Instead of examining the flying snake painting for the second time: say "You look at the painting once more. Hey.....is that a doorknob? Is this a door?[paragraph break]You try opening it. It is! Ahead is a narrow passage to the east."; now the flying snake painting is open. The West Passage is east of the flying snake painting. "This is a passage going from the center of the passages to the old closet you escaped. West is a closet, east is the center of the passages." The Central Passage is east of the West Passage. "This is a tiny room with four passages leading east, west, north, and south." The South Passage is south of the Central Passage. "This is a small passage leading to a door in the south. North is the center of all of the passages." The North Passage is north of the Central Passage. "This is a small passage leading to a door in the north. South is the center of all of the passages." The East Passage is east of the Central Passage. "This is a small passage leading to a door in the east. West is the center of all of the passages." The East Door is a closed door. It is east of the East Passage. The South Door is a closed door. It is south of the South Passage. The John Audubon exhibit is a room. "This is a really pretty collection of bird pictures made by John Audubon." A beautiful bird is here. The description is "A pretty pretty picture of a pretty pretty bird." Instead of opening the east door: now playeroom is 2; say "You open the east door, which is actually a giant painting of a bird. You enter the John Audobon exhibit. More art exhibits are to the north and south."; now the east door is locked; now the player is in the John Audubon exhibit. Instead of opening the south door: now playeroom is 4; say "You open the south door, which is actually a picture of rolling hills. You enter the Landscapes exhibit. More art exhibits are to the east and west."; now the south door is locked; now the player is in the Landscapes exhibit. The Landscapes exhibit is a room. "A room filled with pictures of everything from tall mountains to dense rain forests. A bathroom is south." The bathroom door is a open door. It is south of the Landscapes exhibit. "This is a bathroom door. It was left open." The bathroom is south of the Landscapes exhibit. The description is "A cramped bathroom with one toilet in it." After entering the bathroom: now playeroom is -1. After entering the Landscapes exhibit: now playeroom is 4. After entering the John Audubon exhibit: now playeroom is 2.