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Sword's Story
Christina Nordlander
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"Sword's Story" by Christina Nordlander The story genre is "Fantasy". The release number is 1. The story creation year is 2020. When play begins: say "You flicker into consciousness."; the timer rings in 3 turns from now. A person can be embodied or unembodied. A person is normally embodied. A person can be awake, asleep, or dead. A person is normally awake. A thing can be material or immaterial. A thing is normally material. A thing can be xiphoid or unxiphoid. A thing is normally unxiphoid. A thing can be taken or untaken. A thing is normally taken. A thing can be mangled or intact. A thing is normally intact. A room can be wandering or non-wandering. A room is normally non-wandering. A room can be snakehaunted or unsnakehaunted. A room is normally unsnakehaunted. Ringnumber is a number that varies. Ringnumber is 0. Playerdiscovered is a number that varies. Playerdiscovered is 0. Humanproximity is a number that varies. Humanproximity is 0. Adventurerwill is a number that varies. Adventurerwill is 15. Adventureranger is a number that varies. Adventureranger is 1. Playertaken is a number that varies. Playertaken is 0. Adventurerclaimed is a number that varies. Adventurerclaimed is 0. Vineroomvisited is a number that varies. Vineroomvisited is 0. Snakeattacked is a number that varies. Snakeattacked is 0. Vineencountered is a number that varies. Vineencountered is 0. Vineattacked is a number that varies. Vineattacked is 0. Vineskilled is a number that varies. Vineskilled is 0. Shambleencountered is a number that varies. Shambleencountered is 0. Shambleactive is a number that varies. Shambleactive is 0. Shamblehealth is a number that varies. Shamblehealth is 3. Shambledefeated is a number that varies. Shambledefeated is 0. Triedsearchingheap is a number that varies. Triedsearchingheap is 0. Adventurerwriting is a number that varies. Adventurerwriting is 0. Firststeptaken is a number that varies. Firststeptaken is 0. Elsabethmet is a number that varies. Elsabethmet is 0. Triedtalking is a number that varies. Triedtalking is 0. Elsabethsuspicion is a number that varies. Elsabethsuspicion is 0. Lockedinfight is a number that varies. Lockedinfight is 0. Elsabethlocked is a number that varies. Elsabethlocked is 0. Elsabethkilled is a number that varies. Elsabethkilled is 0. Corpsesearched is a number that varies. Corpsesearched is 0. Corpsemutilated is a number that varies. Corpsemutilated is 0. Bonetaken is a number that varies. Bonetaken is 0. Phoenixswordfound is a number that varies. Phoenixswordfound is 0. Humankilled is a number that varies. Humankilled is 0. Playertaken2 is a number that varies. Playertaken2 is 0. Elsabethwill is a number that varies. Elsabethwill is 14. Humanlost is a number that varies. Humanlost is 0. Wounded is a number that varies. Wounded is 0. Scenenumber is a number that varies. Scenenumber is 1. The block attacking rule is not listed in any rulebook. The block giving rule is not listed in any rulebook. A snake corpse is a kind of thing. There are 30 snake corpses. Description of a snake corpse is "[if the snake corpse is mangled]Barely keeping its shape[otherwise]Neatly severed through the spine[end if]." Instead of eating a snake corpse: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot eat."; otherwise: say "You force the flesh into your mouth. It feels cold, slithery."; remove a random snake corpse from play. Instead of attacking something: if the player is unembodied: say "You do not fight bodily."; otherwise: say "Pointlessly laying into things might eventually harm you." Instead of attacking the player: if the player is unembodied: say "You can't harm yourself."; otherwise: say "This body may have many healthy years left." To write the player's location: if the player is in the adventurer: say "(being carried by the adventurer)". The phoenix sword is a xiphoid thing. "[if the phoenix sword is untaken]A falchion blazes from the middle of a nest of vines and decaying matter[otherwise]A falchion lies here[end if]." Description of the phoenix sword is "Bright as the wing of a steel bird. The hilt is twisted with gold wire and has the head of a bird of prey with small ruby eyes." The phoenix sword is untaken. Understand "gilt" or "ruby" or "falchion" as the phoenix sword. After taking the phoenix sword: now the phoenix sword is taken; continue the action. The paper is a thing. Description of the paper is "[if the player is unembodied]The human blocks it from view, but you see it perfectly through its eyes. It appears to be notes and sketches of the tunnels traversed so far[otherwise]Notes and sketches in feathery, dusk-brown ink[end if]." Understand "quill" or "ink" or "writing-materials" or "writing-material" or "material" as the paper. The longsword is a xiphoid thing. Description of the longsword is "Straight steel-grey edge, clear crystal pommel. It is you." Understand "sword" as the longsword. Instead of dropping the longsword: say "You might never be found again." Instead of dropping the scabbard: if the longsword is in the scabbard: say "You might never be found again."; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of touching the longsword: say "For a moment, you do not know which one is you: the fingers or the crystal." The player is in Long Hallway. The player is unembodied. Description of the player is "[playerdescript]." To say playerdescript: if the player is unembodied: say "Long, unflawed, your edges unblunted by any past experience. Your hilt is wound with wire and set with a clear crystal[if the crystal is lit], shining with a small internal flame[end if]"; otherwise: if Wounded is 0: say "Long, unflawed, your edges unblunted by any past experience. Your hilt is wound with wire and set with a clear crystal[if the crystal is lit], shining with a small internal flame[end if].[paragraph break]You are being carried by a lithe, tight-sinewed human in leather armour"; otherwise: say "Long, unflawed, your edges unblunted by any past experience. Your hilt is wound with wire and set with a clear crystal[if the crystal is lit], shining with a small internal flame[end if].[paragraph break]You are being carried by a lithe, tight-sinewed human in leather armour. The armour over the human's right shoulder, and the skin below it, are blackened and cracked with heat" The crystal is part of the player. The crystal can be lighted. Description of the crystal is "[if the crystal is unlit]The crystal is dark, dead[otherwise]A ghostly-blue flame hovers in its centre, spinning slowly[end if]." Understand "flame" or "hilt" or "grip" as the crystal. Instead of taking the crystal: say "It is you." The block burning rule is not listed in the check burning rules. Instead of burning something: say "You have no control over fire." Instead of burning the crystal: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: if Humanproximity is 0: if the crystal is unlit: say "So long has passed, you barely trust yourself to be able to do it -- yet, in response to the thought, a small blue spark ignites in the dark depths of the crystal. It grows into a flame, small, but steady. Its light allows you to see a bit of the wall next to you."; now the crystal is lit; otherwise: say "You are already lit."; otherwise: if the crystal is unlit: say "Such long time has passed, you barely trust that you are still able to do it -- yet, in response to the thought, a small blue spark ignites in the dark depths of the crystal. It grows into a flame, small, but steady. Its light allows you to see a bit of the wall next to you.[paragraph break]The footsteps are disturbed."; now the crystal is lit; now Playerdiscovered is 1; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: say "You are already lit."; otherwise: if the crystal is unlit: say "A slow spark ignites in the crystal, strengthening to a steady glow. It glints off your human's eyes."; now the crystal is lit; otherwise: say "You are already lit." Instead of burning the player: try burning the crystal. Instead of going: if the player is unembodied: say "You do not have the parts required to walk."; otherwise: if Humankilled is 1: say "You no longer have a host."; otherwise: if Firststeptaken is 0: say "You balance your way on your new limbs and feet. Your movements do not have the flow of an ordinary human, but after a dozen steps you feel you are getting used to it."; now Firststeptaken is 1; continue the action; otherwise: continue the action; if Wounded is 0: if a random chance of 1 in 6 succeeds: say "Brief vertigo hits you, and you have to support the body until it regains balance."; otherwise: if a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds: say "A brief, chill pain runs up and down your host's arm, sapping its strength. It subsides." After listening: if the player is in Long Hallway: if Playertaken is 0: say "You hear something moving to the south."; otherwise: say "You hear nothing."; otherwise if the player is in Descent: say "You stand silent, but cannot hear anything alive other than yourself."; otherwise: say "Nothing but a faint rustling." Instead of exiting: say "You do not have the parts required to move. Either way, your power is not restricted by the scabbard." Instead of sleeping: say "You don't sleep." Long Hallway is a room. "[if Playerdiscovered is 0]A vast hall, darkness. You guess that you are underground. A wall stretches up next to you, and the floor is dirty flags underneath. The rest of the room is an unknowable abyss. A few long objects are lying around you, some covering you[otherwise]A broad, uncluttered hall. The floor is flagstones, cracked and dirty. A sturdy portico leads south, and the north end of the hall narrows to an earthen-floored tunnel. To the northeast is a dark opening, little more than a hole in the wall.[paragraph break]Some bones lie along one wall[end if]." The bones are scenery in Long Hallway. Understand "objects" or "object" as the bones. Description of the bones is "A similar length and shape to yourself, but dull, tuneless." Instead of taking something: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot carry objects."; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of taking the bones: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot carry objects."; otherwise: if Bonetaken is 0: say "You pick one up."; now the player is carrying the bone; now Bonetaken is 1; otherwise: say "You have no need to take more." Instead of pulling the bones: if the player is unembodied: say "You can't."; otherwise: say "That would serve no purpose." Instead of pushing the bones: if the player is unembodied: say "You can't."; otherwise: say "That would serve no purpose." The bone is a thing. Description of the bone is "Softly porous beneath its hard matte shell." The wall is scenery. The wall is in Long Hallway. Description of the wall is "[if the player is unembodied]For all you can tell, it continues many miles upward[otherwise]." Instead of taking the wall: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot carry objects."; otherwise: say "No being could budge it." The flagstones are scenery. The flagstones are in Long Hallway. Description of the flagstones is "Once placed here as a mark of opulence and comfort, but now, none of the ones remaining seem to be whole." Understand "flags" as the flagstones. Instead of taking the flagstones: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot carry objects."; otherwise: say "They're only dirty shards of stone." Entryway is a room. Entryway is south of Long Hallway. "The end of the long, low hallway. To the south, a massy flight of stairs leads upwards to a dark gate." Entryway is dark. The gate is scenery. The gate is in Entryway. Description of the gate is "The frame is massy stone, but the doors themselves are nearly invisible in the gloom." Instead of taking the gate: say "You cannot do that." The flight of stairs is scenery. The flight of stairs is in Entryway. Description of the flight of stairs is "Perhaps as old as you, perhaps older." Instead of taking the flight of stairs: say "You cannot." Aboveworld is a room. Aboveworld is south of Entryway. Instead of going south from Entryway: if Elsabethlocked is 1: say "The human swings one of the doors open and manhandles your body out into the light. 'You will see, soon you will be free of it.'"; end the story saying "YOU FOLLOW"; otherwise: if Lockedinfight is 1: say "The newcomer cries out behind you: 'Oh no, you don[']t!'[paragraph break]There is a flare of pale light behind you, throwing your shadow far, and a violent pain strikes you in your spine, blooming outward in blistering heat. Your body collapses to its knees, then to the ground. In a sudden darkness, the connection to your host is severed.[paragraph break]You clatter onto the ground."; the twenty-third timer rings in 1 turns from now; otherwise: if the second adventurer is in Entryway: say "The human swings one of the doors open and manhandles your body out into the light. 'You will see, soon you will be free of it.'"; end the story saying "YOU FOLLOW"; otherwise: say "Your new legs and joints carry you up the vertiginous stairs to the gate. When you take hold of the iron bolt, the doors are not locked. You step outside into the new world."; end the story saying "YOU ARE FREE". Aboveworld1 is a room. Aboveworld1 is above Entryway. Instead of going up from Entryway: try going south. At the time when the timer rings: say "You hear a scraping to the south, so distant it might have been a delusion brought about by long silence."; now Humanproximity is 1; the second timer rings in 0 turns from now. Glowing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "glow" or "shine" as glowing. Ringing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "ring" as ringing. Instead of ringing: try singing. Instead of glowing: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: if Humanproximity is 0: if the crystal is unlit: say "Such long time has passed, you barely trust that you are still able to do it -- yet, in response to the thought, a small blue spark ignites in the dark depths of the crystal. It grows into a flame, small, but steady. Its light allows you to see a bit of the wall next to you."; now the crystal is lit; otherwise: say "You are already lit."; otherwise: if the crystal is unlit: say "Such long time has passed, you barely trust that you are still able to do it -- yet, in response to the thought, a small blue spark ignites in the dark depths of the crystal. It grows into a flame, small, but steady. Its light allows you to see a bit of the wall next to you.[paragraph break]The footsteps are disturbed."; now the crystal is lit; now Playerdiscovered is 1; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: say "You are already lit."; otherwise: if the crystal is unlit: say "A slow spark ignites in the crystal, strengthening to a steady glow. It glints off your human's eyes."; now the crystal is lit; otherwise: say "You are already lit." Instead of singing: if Humanproximity is 0: say "There are no vibrations here to make your blade ring against the stone."; otherwise if Humanproximity is 1: if Ringnumber is 0: say "Slowly, your blade begins to ring against the flagstones. The steps halt, fall silent, then grow stronger."; now Playerdiscovered is 1; now Ringnumber is 1; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: say "Slowly, your blade begins to ring against the flagstones. The steps halt, fall silent, then grow stronger."; otherwise if Humanproximity is 2: say "You hum in the human's grip. The human briefly starts, puzzled."; otherwise if Humanproximity is 3: say "You try a few raucous notes from your new throat[if the second adventurer is in the location of the player]. The newcomer's glance starts towards you[end if]." The adventurer is a woman. "[adventurerdescript]." Understand "human" or "Litata" or "warrior" or "host" or "outline" as the adventurer. Description of the adventurer is "[adventurerdescript1]." The adventurer is carrying the lantern. To say adventurerdescript: if Adventurerclaimed is 1: say "You feel your being flooding all the structures of the human's body. You can make even the outermost joints of its fingers curl and uncurl"; otherwise: if Playertaken2 is 1: say "Your host lies on the flagstones. It may still be breathing, you cannot tell."; otherwise: if the adventurer is asleep: say "Your human lies stretched out in a dead sleep"; otherwise if the adventurer is awake: if Adventurerwill is greater than 3: say "A human is here, its brightly-glowing mind spiralling out above its head"; otherwise: say "A human is here, its faintly-glowing mind spiralling out above its head"; otherwise if the adventurer is dead: say "The human lies sprawled next to you". To say adventurerdescript1: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: if the adventurer is awake: if Wounded is 0: say "A human, of middle size, still young. Brown hair, brown skin. Its mind rises from its head, bright, as tangible to you as its flesh. A startling red point of anger, a [if Adventurerwill is greater than 7]strong[otherwise]faint[end if] pulse of will[if Adventurerwill is less than 4].[paragraph break]Its eyes are erring, listless, only seeming to shine when they reflect your flame. Its fingers constantly rub the wire on your hilt, even when there is no danger in sight[end if]"; otherwise: say "A human, of middle size, still young. Brown hair, brown skin. Its mind rises from its head, bright, as tangible to you as its flesh. A startling red point of anger, a [if Adventurerwill is greater than 7]strong[otherwise]faint[end if] pulse of will[if Adventurerwill is less than 4].[paragraph break]Its eyes are erring, listless, only seeming to shine when they reflect your flame. Its fingers constantly rub the wire on your hilt, even when there is no danger in sight[end if][paragraph break].The armour over the human's right shoulder, and the skin below it, are blackened and cracked with heat. Sometimes the pain makes it jolt"; otherwise if the adventurer is asleep: say "In a dead sleep. Its dreams flit about the walls of the chamber"; otherwise if the adventurer is dead: say "Its limbs in an undignified heap, just a wreckage."; otherwise: if Playertaken2 is 1: say "Bereft of everything that drove it."; otherwise: if the adventurer is dead: say "Its limbs in an undignified heap, just a wreckage."; otherwise: say "Brown hair and skin, springy muscles reacting almost perfectly to your commands. Its mind has shrunk down to a mere string with which to pull it." Instead of taking the adventurer: if Adventurerwill is less than 1: say "You seem to already have it."; otherwise: say "Even if you could move, something so big would be beyond your power. Perhaps there are other ways to control it." The lantern is a thing. "[if the lantern is carried by the adventurer]The lantern swings gently from the human's hand[otherwise]A lit lantern sits on the ground[end if]." Description of the lantern is "A box of light, with glass doors to protect its precious flame from draughts." The lantern is lit. Understand "light" or "lamp" as the lantern. The adventurer's mind is part of the adventurer. Description of the adventurer's mind is "It hovers above its head, connected with stalks of light. It is as tangible as the rocks in the wall or the straps on the human's leather cuirass -- perhaps more tangible to you. It has hundreds of parts, greater and lesser, but you instantly focus on the will, the driving stream." The adventurer's mind is immaterial. Instead of taking the adventurer's mind: say "It will stay where it is, but you can manipulate it." The greed is part of the adventurer's mind. Description of the greed is "It is sufficient for your needs for now." The greed is immaterial. Instead of taking the greed: say "Sapping it might endanger you." The anger is part of the adventurer's mind. Description of the anger is "[angerdescript]." Understand "rage" or "fury" or "spark" or "aggression" as the anger. The anger is immaterial. To say angerdescript: if Adventureranger is 0: say "It is lost in the neutral-coloured surface of the mind. You don't know whether it can be brought back"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 1: if Elsabethkilled is 0: say "A little dot of red floating in the human's mind, more red than anything else in these tunnels"; otherwise: say "A little dot of red floating in the human's mind, more red than anything in these tunnels other than the blood"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 2: say "A little dot of red. It seems no larger than before, as long as it is dormant"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 3: say "The anger has grown to a throbbing spark of red, irritating the mind-substance around it"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 4: say "An inflammation of red, its roots snaking through the mind, lighting it with its own red glow"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 5: say "An inflammation of red, its roots snaking far through the mind, lighting it with its own red glow". Instead of taking the anger: if Playertaken is 0: say "You can only affect a being when you are in its possession."; otherwise: if Playertaken2 is 0: if Adventureranger is 0: say "You can barely find it to drain more."; otherwise: if Adventureranger is 1: say "You sap a little of the anger. Before you have finished, it winks out until you can no longer see where it was."; decrease Adventureranger by 1; otherwise: say "You sap a little of the anger. The red spark flickers and returns."; decrease Adventureranger by 1; otherwise: say "You can only affect a being when you are in its possession." Instead of pulling the anger: try taking the anger. Instead of pushing the anger: if Playertaken is 0: say "You can only affect a being when you are in its possession."; otherwise: if Playertaken2 is 0: if Adventureranger is 5: say "You add some force to the anger, but see no difference. Perhaps it cannot grow further."; otherwise if Adventureranger is 0: say "The spark seemed gone, but as you work at the mind, it flickers back into existence, very small."; increase Adventureranger by 1; otherwise: say "You apply some pressure to the core of anger and feel it grow stronger, hotter."; increase Adventureranger by 1; otherwise: say "You can only affect a being when you are in its possession." The human's will is part of the adventurer's mind. Description of the human's will is "[willdescript]." The human's will is immaterial. Understand "adventurer's will" or "human's will" or "vein" as the human's will. To say willdescript: if Adventurerwill is greater than 4: say "A pulse of bright light that animates the human as much as its heartbeat"; otherwise if Adventurerwill is greater than 1: say "It is still there, but has dwindled to a burning thread"; otherwise if Adventurerwill is 0: say "Whatever is still there is vestigial. You have taken its place"; otherwise if Adventurerwill is less than 0: say "Whatever is still there is vestigial. You have taken its place". Instead of taking the human's will: if Playertaken is 0: say "You can only affect a being when you are in its possession."; otherwise: if Playertaken2 is 1: say "You can only affect a being when you are in its possession."; otherwise: if Adventurerwill is 8: say "You pull a little of the light from the human's mind. There is a small flash as it dwindles noticeably. The human may have jolted, but it cannot know what caused the reaction."; decrease Adventurerwill by 1; otherwise if Adventurerwill is greater than 8: say "You pull a little of the light from the human's mind. It diminishes almost imperceptibly."; decrease Adventurerwill by 1; otherwise if Adventurerwill is greater than 1: say "You pull a little of the light from the narrow thread."; decrease Adventurerwill by 1; otherwise if Adventurerwill is 1: if Shambleactive is 1: say "You make the final cut, more carefully than before. The human's eyes grow dull as its will gutters and goes out.[paragraph break]Its body is under your control now.[paragraph break]A shadow lashes through the air against your face, and your grip on the new body is too stiff and distant to move in time. A tentacle whips it across the eye, another wraps itself around is neck and drag it into the dark winding cavities of the shamble. As little tendrils burrow through the skin and absorb its fluids, your connection to the body flickers and dies.[paragraph break]You are not digested. Leaving the shreds of your scabbard behind, you sink through the loose matter of the shamble until you hit the rock floor. It may be centuries before any creature finds you here."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise: say "You make the final cut, more carefully than before. The human's eyes grow dull as its will gutters and goes out.[paragraph break]Its body is under your control now."; decrease Adventurerwill by 1; now the player is embodied; now Adventurerclaimed is 1; now Humanproximity is 3; move the player to the location of the adventurer; move the longsword to the scabbard; remove the adventurer from play; remove the dream from play; now the player is carrying the paper; if the adventurer is wearing the scabbard: now the player is wearing the scabbard; if the adventurer is carrying the lantern: now the player is carrying the lantern; if the bedroll is in Fakeroom: now the player is carrying the bedroll; if the adventurer is asleep: now the adventurer is awake; if Adventurerwriting is 1: now Adventurerwriting is 0; otherwise if Adventurerwill is 0: say "There is nothing more to take." Sapping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "sap [thing]" as sapping. Instead of sapping something: try taking the noun. Decreasing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "decrease [thing]" as decreasing. Instead of decreasing something: if the noun is material: say "You cannot do that to it."; otherwise: try taking the noun. Adding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "add [thing]" as adding. Instead of adding something: if the noun is material: say "You cannot do that to it."; otherwise: try pushing the noun. Increasing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "increase [thing]" as increasing. Instead of increasing something: if the noun is material: say "You cannot do that to it."; otherwise: try pushing the noun. Stimulating is an action applying to one thing. Understand "stimulate [thing]" as stimulating. Instead of stimulating something: if the noun is material: say "You cannot do that to it."; otherwise: try pushing the noun. Instead of pushing the human's will: say "You don't want to make it stronger. You may not even be able to." Instead of pulling the human's will: try taking the human's will. Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to [thing]" as talking to. Instead of talking to something: say "You cannot." Instead of talking to the adventurer: say "You are unable to make the sounds of human language, but you can affect the human in more direct ways." Instead of talking to the player: say "You know everything you would say." Instead of talking to the longsword: say "You know everything you would say." Instead of talking to the crystal: say "You know everything you would say." Instead of talking to the phoenix sword: say "You get no response. Perhaps it does not communicate in the same way as you." At the time when the second timer rings: say "A little star of light flickers at the south end of the hallway. It grows brighter around a human outline. The scrape of its footsteps grows louder."; move the adventurer to Long Hallway; the fourth timer rings in 6 turns from now; if the crystal is lit: now Playerdiscovered is 1; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now. The scabbard is a wearable enterable container. Description of the scabbard is "[if the player is in the scabbard]Your narrow, windowless fortress.[otherwise]Metal-fitted leather. You never gave its appearance much thought[end if]." Understand "sheath" as the scabbard. Instead of entering the scabbard: if the player is unembodied: say "You are unable to move on your own."; otherwise: if the longsword is in the scabbard: say "You are already in it."; otherwise: try inserting the longsword into the scabbard. The crystal sword is a xiphoid thing. Instead of inserting an unxiphoid thing into the scabbard: say "It won't fit." Instead of inserting the phoenix sword into the scabbard: if the longsword is in the scabbard: say "It is already being used."; otherwise: say "It doesn't fit." After inserting the longsword into the scabbard: say "While the body's sensory organs feel-hear the little rattle of metal on metal, your blade feels it, too.[paragraph break]There. You are safe." At the time when the third timer rings: say "The footsteps halt. A moment later, the human bends over you[if the crystal is lit], your flame glinting off its eyes and the buckle of its belt[end if]. The bright cloud of its mind moves a little closer above its head, as if it too is inspecting you. The human turns away, but only to rummage among the bones until it finds your scabbard. It straps the belt around its waist, then slides you into place.[paragraph break]Secure in your scabbard, you jog with the human's long steps. The human turns its head north. The vein of will through its mind lights up as it makes its decision."; move the adventurer to Earth-Floored Tunnel; now the adventurer is wearing the scabbard; now the player is in the scabbard; now Playertaken is 1; now Humanproximity is 2. At the time when the fourth timer rings: if Playerdiscovered is 1: stop the action; otherwise: say "The steps dwindle towards the north. The lantern shrinks to a point of light."; now Humanproximity is 0; the fifth timer rings in 0 turns from now. At the time when the fifth timer rings: if Playerdiscovered is 1: stop the action; otherwise: say "The footsteps dwindle to the space between hearing and imagination, then to the point where you can no longer imagine them. There is no more light."; the timer rings in 20 turns from now. Earth-Floored Tunnel is a room. Earth-Floored Tunnel is north of Long Hallway. "A tunnel, the walls soil mixed with stone, braced at intervals with wooden props. The darkness feels soft and close around the lantern's little sphere of light." Earth-Floored Tunnel is dark. Earth-Floored Tunnel is snakehaunted. Instead of dropping the lantern: if the player is unembodied: say "You have no control of that."; otherwise: continue the action. The props are a backdrop. The props are in Earth-Floored Tunnel and Dirt Chamber. Description of the props is "Wood, dark with moisture." Dirt Chamber is a room. "Little more than a hole, small enough that the human alone almost fills it up. There is nothing here but a couple of the damp wooden props, and streaks of pale algae growing on the soil and reflecting the lantern-light. A rough opening leads west." Dirt Chamber is east of Earth-Floored Tunnel. Dirt Chamber is dark. Dirt Chamber is wandering. Dirt Chamber is snakehaunted. Northern Chamber is a room. Northern Chamber is north of Earth-Floored Tunnel. "A small space, but clean, with a flagged floor and remnants of masonry keeping the walls sturdy. A small opening, rusted remnants of hinges in one post, leads south." Northern Chamber is dark. Northern Chamber is wandering. Northern Chamber is snakehaunted. The hinges are scenery in Northern Chamber. Description of the hinges is "Stronger than the wood they once held." Instead of taking the hinges: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot do anything with them."; otherwise: say "Even if you were able to get them free, there would be no purpose." Low Hall is a room. Low Hall is west of Earth-Floored Tunnel. "Perhaps this was once a well-kept hall, but dirt has spread across the broken flagstones, and the ceiling sags in places so that [if the player is unembodied]the human[otherwise]your host[end if] cannot stand tall. A passage leads east." Low Hall is dark. Low Hall is wandering. The refuse heap is a thing. "[shambledescript]." The refuse heap is in Low Hall. Description of the refuse heap is "[if Shambledefeated is 0]Wreathed in shadow. Vines grow thickly over and across it[otherwise]Just a pile of soil, broken rocks, the dried remains of underground animals. The vines of the shamble lie scattered across it[end if]." Understand "pile" or "shamble" as the refuse heap. To say shambledescript: if Shambledefeated is 0: if Shambleactive is 0: say "The far end of the hall slopes to a heap of refuse, formless outside the circle of light"; otherwise: say "The end of the hall is filled with the heaving mass of the shamble. For moments at a time, when it is still, it looks like just a heap of refuse and leaves.[paragraph break]Vines and branches and worse things, appendages that may be made from parts of cadavers and skeletons, sweep the air towards you"; otherwise: say "The low far end is just a heap of refuse, some of it the scattered corpse of the shamble". Instead of taking the refuse heap: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot do anything with it."; otherwise: if Shambledefeated is 0: if Shambleactive is 0: say "You could never carry it."; otherwise: say "It will get you if you come that close."; otherwise: say "You could never carry it." The vines are scenery. The vines are in Low Hall. Description of the vines is "[if Shambledefeated is 0]Vines are growing crosswise over the refuse heap, almost hiding it from sight[otherwise]Vines, nothing but vegetation now, grow on the refuse. Perhaps they have already started to wither with no sunlight." Every turn: if Vineroomvisited is 0: if the adventurer is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: if a random chance of 3 in 4 succeeds: move the adventurer to a random wandering room; stop the action; if Adventureranger is 5: say "[one of]Your human trudges on[or]Your human keeps wandering, dragging your blade across the rock of the wall[at random]"; otherwise: say "Your human trudges on."; otherwise: if a random chance of 8 in 10 succeeds: if Snakeattacked is 0: if Adventureranger is 0: say "Something slithers across the floor. A hiss of scales against scales. The human walks by, only faltering when two fangs sink into its leg with an icing pain.[paragraph break]There is nothing you can do as it sinks to the ground, its pain a brightly-coloured throbbing in your connection. After a long while, your bond breaks. You lie supine, waiting, your scabbard an unfeeling structure of leather and wood around you. Deep beneath its skin, the human has already begun to dissolve."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 1: say "Something slithers hissing across the floor, out of sight. The human jerks you from the scabbard. You whirl around, flashing in the lantern-light, and flow effortlessly through the flesh and spine of a dark-scaled snake. Its slack body falls back on the earth floor, twitching as if both halves are developing a different type of life. The human brushes the largest part of its chill blood off you, returns you to the scabbard, and continues.[paragraph break]The red spark of anger flares, so briefly you only notice it after it is gone."; now Snakeattacked is 1; move a random snake corpse to the location of the adventurer; otherwise if Adventureranger is 2: say "Something slithers hissing across the floor, out of sight. The human jerks you from the scabbard. You whirl around, flashing in the lantern-light, and flow effortlessly through the flesh and spine of a dark-scaled snake. Its slack body falls back on the earth floor, twitching as if both halves are developing a different type of life. The human brushes the largest part of its chill blood off you, returns you to the scabbard, and continues.[paragraph break]The red spark of anger flares up and subsides."; now Snakeattacked is 1; move a random snake corpse to the location of the adventurer; otherwise if Adventureranger is greater than 2: say "Something slithers hissing across the floor, out of sight. The human jerks you from your scabbard. You flow through the air, severing the flesh and spine of a snake. Blood sprays and sets on the stone of the wall. The human continues to hack the snake into disordered flesh, letting out a little sigh of satisfaction. It returns you to your scabbard without cleaning you."; now Snakeattacked is 1; move a random snake corpse to the location of the adventurer; otherwise: if Adventureranger is 0: say "Something slithers across the floor. A hiss of scales against scales. The human walks by, only faltering when two fangs sink into its leg with an icing pain.[paragraph break]There is nothing you can do as it sinks to the ground, its pain a brightly-coloured throbbing in your connection. After a long while, your bond breaks. You lie supine, waiting, your scabbard an unfeeling structure of leather and wood around you. Deep beneath its skin, the human has already begun to dissolve."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 5: say "The human darts this way and that until it catches sight of a snake. It jerks you from the scabbard and lets you hiss through the air, severing the snake in several places."; move a random snake corpse to the location of the adventurer; otherwise if Adventureranger is greater than 2: say "The human draws you from the scabbard and sends you plunging through the light, hacking the snake in several places"; move a random snake corpse to the location of the adventurer; otherwise: say "Again the human draws you from the scabbard and sends you plunging through the light, severing another snake. The firm hand returns you to the scabbard."; move a random snake corpse to the location of the adventurer. Every turn: if Vineroomvisited is 0: if the adventurer is in Northern Chamber: if a random chance of 3 in 4 succeeds: say "Your human trudges on."; move the adventurer to Earth-Floored Tunnel; otherwise: if a random chance of 8 in 10 succeeds: if Snakeattacked is 0: say "Something slithers hissing across the floor, out of sight. The human jerks you from the scabbard. You whirl around, flashing in the lantern-light, and flow effortlessly through the flesh and spine of a dark-scaled snake. Its slack body falls back on the earth floor, twitching as if both halves are developing a different type of life. The human brushes the largest part of its chill blood off you, returns you to the scabbard, and continues."; now Snakeattacked is 1; otherwise: say "Again the human draws you from the scabbard and sends you plunging through the light, severing another snake. The firm hand returns you to the scabbard." Every turn: if Vineroomvisited is 0: if the adventurer is in Dirt Chamber: if a random chance of 3 in 4 succeeds: say "Your human trudges on."; move the adventurer to Earth-Floored Tunnel; otherwise: if a random chance of 8 in 10 succeeds: if Snakeattacked is 0: say "Something slithers hissing across the floor, out of sight. The human jerks you from the scabbard. You whirl around, flashing in the lantern-light, and flow effortlessly through the flesh and spine of a dark-scaled snake. Its slack body falls back on the earth floor, twitching as if both halves are developing a different type of life. The human brushes the largest part of its chill blood off you, returns you to the scabbard, and continues."; now Snakeattacked is 1; otherwise: say "Again the human draws you from the scabbard and sends you plunging through the light, severing another snake. The firm hand returns you to the scabbard." Every turn: if the adventurer is in Low Hall: now Vineroomvisited is 1; if Vineencountered is 0: if a random chance of 9 in 10 succeeds: say "There is a brief, crinkling sound. Something small twitches beneath the shadow-flecked surface of the refuse heap.[paragraph break]The human stands alert[if Adventureranger is greater than 0], holding you at the ready[end if]."; now Vineencountered is 1; the sixth timer rings in 1 turn from now. At the time when the sixth timer rings: if Adventureranger is 0: say "Something twitches and crawls into the circle of light. The human doesn't react until it has already wrapped itself in several loops around its ankle. Even then, it doesn't think to draw you, merely flailing across the earth floor as it is dragged into the leafy heap. As the vine lifts it, you slide out of your scabbard.[paragraph break]For a while, you hear the human scream, then try to breathe. Finally, your connection is severed. The fallen lantern burns and gutters out."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise: say "Something twitches and crawls into the circle of light. Not a snake, a vine, studded with springy leaves. It moves towards the human as though it had eyes.[paragraph break]The human swings you [if Adventureranger is less than 3]around[otherwise]ferociously[end if]. You pass through its elastic bark and woody core. The truncated vine still struggles to reach the human, but twitches and lies still."; now Vineattacked is 1; now Vineskilled is 1. Every turn: if the adventurer is in Low Hall: if Vineattacked is 1: if Shambleencountered is 0: if Vineskilled is less than 2: if a random chance of 3 in 4 succeeds: if Adventureranger is 0: say "Something twitches and crawls into the circle of light. The human doesn't react until it has already wrapped itself in several loops around its ankle. Even then, it doesn't think to draw you, merely flailing across the earth floor as it is dragged into the leafy heap. As the vine lifts it, you slide out of your scabbard.[paragraph break]For a while, you hear the human scream, then try to breathe. Finally, your connection is severed. The fallen lantern burns and gutters out."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise if Adventureranger is less than 3: say "A vine pokes into the circle of light from a different direction. The human spins, whipping you around, getting this vine as well."; increase Vineskilled by 1; otherwise: say "The human stands at guard, whipping you towards the next subtle movement. The cut vine lies on the soil floor, its twitching slowing."; increase Vineskilled by 1; otherwise: do nothing; otherwise: now Shambleencountered is 1; now Shambleactive is 1; the eighth timer rings in 0 turn from now; say "A shudder goes through the refuse heap, with a crinkling of dead leaves, and the sound of other matter moving underneath. The human stands at bay, noiseless."; otherwise: if Shambledefeated is 0: if Shamblehealth is 3: if Adventureranger is 0: say "Many vines that have twisted together into woody tentacles descend on the human, wrapping around its torso. The human only claws at them with its nails when the grip becomes painful.[paragraph break]The vines deposit it deep in the loose leafy mass, and little tendrils begin to burrow into its skin. You can hear its screams until your connection is severed.[paragraph break]You are not digested. Leaving the shreds of your scabbard behind, you sink through the vines and leaves of the shamble until you hit the rock floor. It may be centuries before any creature finds you here."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise: say "The human swings you in an arc through the air, looping off many vines that have twisted together in woody tentacles."; decrease Shamblehealth by 1; otherwise if Shamblehealth is 2: if Adventureranger is less than 3: say "The human carves a wide swathe through the core of the shamble, balking at the midden stench released from the cut. The shamble half-deflates for a moment, but its vines are still twitching."; decrease Shamblehealth by 1; otherwise: say "Wielding you before it like a whirlwind of steel, the human slices off the tentacles and carves a swathe through the core of the shamble, without reacting at the midden stench released. The shamble half-deflates for a moment, but its vines are still twitching."; decrease Shamblehealth by 1; otherwise if Shamblehealth is 1: decrease Shamblehealth by 1; now Shambledefeated is 1; now Shambleactive is 0; the ninth timer rings in 1 turn from now; if Adventureranger is less than 3: say "The human disposes of the remaining tentacles, then brings you deep into the rotting core of the heap, twisting you around in the darkness."; otherwise: say "The human disposes of the remaining tentacles, then brings you deep into the rotting core of the heap, twisting and digging you into the darkness." Instead of searching the refuse heap: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot do that."; otherwise: if Shambledefeated is 0: if Triedsearchingheap is 0: say "Something writhes on the heap and sinks back below the surface before you can focus on it. The human's pulse thunders for a moment."; now Triedsearchingheap is 1; otherwise: say "As the body's hands start separating the vegetable matter, tendrils wrap around its wrists. You manage to get one hand free, not the other. The shamble pulls your body into its depth, more vines wrapping around you even as you thrash. Your human body screams. You feel the little points of irritations as tendrils burrow through your body's skin, the loss of sensation as membranes begin to dissolve. Finally your connection to the body flickers and breaks.[paragraph break]You are not digested. Leaving the shreds of your scabbard behind, you sink through the loose matter of the shamble until you hit the rock floor. It may be centuries before any creature finds you here."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise: if Phoenixswordfound is 0: say "You stick your clumsy arms into the shamble and trawl through the loose vegetable matter. One fingernail taps against something sonorous; sharp pain courses through one finger. You dig out a shining falchion with a hilt of gold and rubies."; now the player is carrying the phoenix sword; otherwise: say "You stick your clumsy arms into the shamble and trawl through the loose vegetable matter. All you find is bones and nameless rotting things." At the time when the eighth timer rings: say "[shambleawakes]." To say shambleawakes: if the player is unembodied: if Adventureranger is 0: say "The shadowy heap of the shamble comes alive, moving dozens of vines and branches towards the human. The human glances towards it"; otherwise if Adventureranger is 5: say "The shadowy heap of the shamble comes alive. Almost before knowing what it is, the human advances on it, ready to strike"; otherwise: say "The shadowy heap of the shamble comes to life, moving dozens of vines and branches towards the human. The human bends its knees, drawing a hissing breath, holding you at the ready"; otherwise: say "The shadowy heap of the shamble comes alive, moving dozens of vines and branches towards your host". At the time when the ninth timer rings: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: if Adventureranger is less than 5: say "The human sheathes you, grabs a knotted branch of inert wood and starts poking through the shamble. Its search comes up with little except refuse -- vines plaited and grown into one another, white pebbles speckling the wood, skulls, nested bones, and fresher carcasses of snakes and small animals. Bringing you back out to sever a nest of vines, the human pokes them to the side and calls out as it comes upon something glimmering. In another second, it has uncovered a falchion with a hilt of gold and rubies.[paragraph break]The human crouches and picks it up, turning it between its hands. After a moment, it holds you up against the sword, comparing the two of you."; now the phoenix sword is in Low Hall; the tenth timer rings in 0 turns from now; now Phoenixswordfound is 1; otherwise: say "The human keeps poking you into the tangle of vines until content that the last sign of life is extinguished. Grinding a segment of vine under its boot, it trudges off."; the eleventh timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the tenth timer rings: if Adventurerwill is greater than 7: say "With a sigh that might mean anything, the human makes its decision. It unclasps your scabbard. It tosses you and the scabbard deep into the midden, out of the light. Its footsteps scrape in the doorway and fade."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: say "The human stands motionless for a long while, as if it has fallen unconscious on its feet. Finally, with a sigh almost of regret, it tosses the gold-handled sword back into the wreck of vines and turns away."; the eleventh timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the eleventh timer rings: if the player is unembodied: say "Your human heads back into the tunnel."; move the adventurer to Earth-Floored Tunnel; the twelfth timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the twelfth timer rings: if the player is unembodied: say "Your human turns north into a chamber."; move the adventurer to Northern Chamber; now Scenenumber is 2; move the second adventurer to Earth-Floored Tunnel; the thirteenth timer rings in 0 turn from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the thirteenth timer rings: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: if Adventureranger is less than 5: say "[if Adventurerwill is greater than 3]The human glances around in the small masoned chamber, apparently finding it satisfactory. It takes a leather-wrapped bedroll out of its pack and unrolls it[otherwise]The human unrolls a leather-wrapped bedroll and sits straight down on it[end if]. It unbuckles your scabbard and lays you across the bedroll, close to hand.[paragraph break]It takes out a small packet of dried strips of meat and eats, savouring each bite.[paragraph break]Once it has picked the last crumbs off its clothes, it takes out reed-paper, ink and a quill and starts noting something down."; now Adventurerwriting is 1; now Scenenumber is 2; move the paper to Northern Chamber; the fourteenth timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: say "[if Adventurerwill is greater than 3]The human glances around in the small masoned chamber, apparently finding it satisfactory. It takes a leather-wrapped bedroll out of its pack and unrolls it[otherwise]The human unrolls a leather-wrapped bedroll and sits straight down on it[end if]. It unbuckles your scabbard and lays you across the bedroll, close to hand.[paragraph break]It takes out a small packet of dried strips of meat and grinds them between its jaws.[paragraph break]Once it has picked the last crumbs off its clothes, it sits staring at the opposite wall, fists clenched until the knuckles are tender."; now Scenenumber is 2; the fourteenth timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: stop the action. After going north from Earth-Floored Tunnel: if Adventurerclaimed is 1: now Scenenumber is 2; continue the action; if Elsabethmet is 0: move the second adventurer to Earth-Floored Tunnel; otherwise: continue the action. Every turn: if Adventurerwriting is 1: say "The point of the quill makes little insectile scratches against the paper." At the time when the fourteenth timer rings: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: if Adventureranger is less than 5: say "The human sticks the sheet back in a wallet of other jottings, puts the writing-materials away, and crawls into the bedroll, laying you close by its side. After a few moments, its eyelids flicker down. You hear its breathing grow more regular."; remove the paper from play; now Adventurerwriting is 0; now the adventurer is asleep; move the bedroll to Northern Chamber; move the lantern to Northern Chamber; move the dream to Northern Chamber; the fifteenth timer rings in 6 turns from now; otherwise: say "The human crawls into the bedroll, laying you close by its side. It lies staring for a long time, its heartbeat fast and uneven. Eventually, its eyelids flicker down."; now Adventurerwriting is 0; now the adventurer is asleep; move the bedroll to Northern Chamber; move the lantern to Northern Chamber; move the dream to Northern Chamber; the fifteenth timer rings in 6 turns from now; otherwise: stop the action. Fakeroom is a room. The bedroll is a thing. "[if the adventurer is asleep]The human lies stretched out on a bedroll[otherwise]A bedroll lies unrolled here[end if]." Description of the bedroll is "Rough, warm wool and leather." The bedroll is in fakeroom. Instead of taking the bedroll: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot carry objects."; otherwise: continue the action. The dream is a thing. "The human's dream flits around the walls." Description of the dream is "[dreamdescript]." To say dreamdescript: if Adventurerwill is greater than 3: if Adventureranger is less than 4: say "A glimpse of a clean, sunlit room aboveground. Older humans clustered in front of you. They are smiling, but it is a farewell"; otherwise: say "Just indistinct forms of red"; otherwise: say "A dream of running through the [one of]glades[or]meadows[at random] with a companion, clad all in steel, a protector". Instead of taking the dream: say "While it is made of the same substance as the human's mind, it is not there for you to take." Instead of pushing the dream: say "It has a life of its own." Instead of pulling the dream: say "It has a life of its own." Every turn: if the adventurer is asleep: if Adventurerwill is less than 5: if a random chance of 3 in 4 succeeds: say "The human's fingers stroke your hilt in a mechanical motion." Every turn: if the adventurer is asleep: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "The human's dream flits around the walls." At the time when the fifteenth timer rings: if Adventurerclaimed is 0: say "The human jolts and opens its eyes. It checks the lantern, then packs up its belongings."; remove the dream from play; remove the bedroll from play; now the adventurer is carrying the lantern; now the adventurer is wearing the scabbard; now the adventurer is awake; the sixteenth timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. After going south from Northern Chamber: if Adventurerclaimed is 1: if Elsabethmet is 0: now the second adventurer is in Earth-Floored Tunnel; say "Another human steps back into the shadows. It relaxes its stance a little when it sees you.[paragraph break]'Spooked me there.' It raises an arm. 'Do you come from the Nexus? My name is Elsabeth. So, what do you say to travelling with me? Share the danger, share the loot?'"; now Elsabethmet is 1; now Scenenumber is 2; the twenty-fifth timer rings in 1 turn from now; continue the action; otherwise: if the second adventurer is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: say "'Hey, are you trying to shake me off? There's nothing back there, is there?'"; continue the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: continue the action. After going east from Low Hall: if the second adventurer is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: say "'Hey, are you trying to shake me off? There's nothing back there, is there?'"; continue the action; otherwise: continue the action. After going west from Dirt Chamber: if the second adventurer is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: say "'There's nothing back there, is there?' The human studies you for a moment. Its gaze might be concerned."; continue the action; otherwise: continue the action. At the time when the twenty-fifth timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: if Playertaken2 is 0: the twenty-sixth timer rings in 0 turns from now; if the player is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: say "The newcomer gestures southward. 'Come on.'"; otherwise: do nothing; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the twenty-sixth timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: if Playertaken2 is 0: now the second adventurer is in Long Hallway; if the player is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: say "The other human shrugs, heading southward."; otherwise: do nothing; otherwise: do nothing. After going south from Earth-Floored Tunnel: if Elsabethmet is 1: if Elsabethkilled is 0: if the second adventurer is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: say "The newcomer follows you."; now the second adventurer is in Long Hallway; the twenty-seventh timer rings in 0 turns from now; now Elsabethsuspicion is 1; continue the action; otherwise if the second adventurer is in Long Hallway: the twenty-seventh timer rings in 0 turns from now; now Elsabethsuspicion is 1; continue the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: continue the action; otherwise: continue the action. At the time when the twenty-seventh timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: say "The newcomer is waiting for you.[paragraph break]Its gaze on you is strong enough to make you feel that you have flinched.[paragraph break]'You[']re not doing well, are you?' A pause. 'Come with me, we need to get back to the city.'[paragraph break]You feel a sharp grip on your human arm."; the twentieth timer rings in 2 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. The second adventurer is a woman. "Another human is waiting here." Description of the second adventurer is "Clad in a robe of green cloth. Its skin is lighter than your host's, its hair darker, its body a little skinnier. White light streams from a bracelet around its wrist. You can see its mind hovering about its head, a ghost-light made from the same substance as that of your own host." Understand "other" or "newcomer" or "savant" or "Elsabeth" or "second human" or "another" or "another human" as the second adventurer. The glowing bracelet is a wearable thing. "A shining bracelet lies here." Description of the glowing bracelet is "A chain of small white gems, made for a thin wrist. Each gem is lit from the inside." Understand "shining bracelet" as the glowing bracelet. The glowing bracelet is lit. The second adventurer is wearing the glowing bracelet. Carry out wearing the glowing bracelet: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot interact with it."; stop the action; otherwise: say "Your body has larger hands than the other human, but the bracelet still fits." Instead of attacking the glowing bracelet: if the player is unembodied: say "You can't."; otherwise: say "You whack it against the wall as hard as you are able. Some of the gems are dimmed, but the bracelet keeps shining." Instead of switching off the glowing bracelet: if the player is unembodied: say "You have no control over it."; otherwise: say "You turn it over in your fingers, but find no way to put it out." The second adventurer's mind is part of the second adventurer. Description of the second adventurer's mind is "Similar to that of your human in its general size and shape, different in all particulars. More analytic, greedier. The will is a broad rope of light." The second adventurer's will is part of the second adventurer's mind. Description of the second adventurer's will is "Bright and strongly coursing, enough to feel like a threat." Instead of taking the second adventurer's will: if Playertaken2 is 0: say "You can only affect a being when you are in its possession."; otherwise: say "You pull some of it from the strong stream of light, feeling it diminishing slightly."; decrease Elsabethwill by 1. Instead of talking to the second adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "You have no way to form words."; otherwise: if Triedtalking is 0: say "You manage some noises that seem close enough to a mimicry of human speech. The human glances at you, perturbed."; now Triedtalking is 1; otherwise: say "The human's eyes are large. 'Are you all right?' it says." Instead of taking the second adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "You would never be able to."; otherwise: say "It would be too heavy to carry, to no benefit." At the time when the sixteenth timer rings: say "Your host steps back into the tunnel.[paragraph break]There is a rustle of cloth. Another human is standing here, relaxing its stance when it sees your host.[paragraph break]'Spooked me there.' It raises an arm. 'Do you come from the Nexus? My name is Elsabeth. So, what do you say to travelling with me? Share the danger, share the loot?'"; move the adventurer to Earth-Floored Tunnel; the seventeenth timer rings in 0 turns from now. At the time when the seventeenth timer rings: if the player is embodied: do nothing; the thirty-first timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: if Elsabethkilled is 0: the eighteenth timer rings in 0 turns from now; if Adventurerwill is greater than 4: say "Your host's gaze swoops to the floor. It mutters: 'Litata.'[paragraph break]The newcomer glances up. 'A friend of my brother married a woman named Litata. I never saw her.' It pauses. 'Is it possible...?'"; increase Adventurerwill by 1; otherwise: say "The human stares at the packed-earth floor and makes a vague noise that might pass for words."; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the thirty-first timer rings: if the second adventurer is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: move the second adventurer to Long Hallway; if the player is in Earth-Floored Tunnel: say "Elsabeth glances curiously at your host, then shrugs and heads south." At the time when the eighteenth timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: move the adventurer to Long Hallway; move the second adventurer to Long Hallway; say "The newcomer heads south, and your host jolts to follow. The rhythm of their footsteps is different. Again, the newcomer glances at your host."; the nineteenth timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the nineteenth timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: say "The newcomer fixes its gaze on your host[if Adventurerwill is greater than 3], who briefly shrinks away[end if]. 'You[']re not doing well, are you?' A pause. 'Come with me, we need to get back to the city.'[paragraph break]You feel a sharp grip on your human's arm[if Adventureranger is greater than 0]. Your host's fingers close around your hilt[end if]."; now Elsabethsuspicion is 1; the thirtieth timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the thirtieth timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: say "You feel the other human's gaze move towards you. 'It[']s the sword, isn[']t it?' As it speaks, its hand shoots towards you."; the twentieth timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the twentieth timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: if the player is unembodied: if Adventureranger is less than 3: say "Elsabeth[if Adventureranger is greater than 0] knocks your host's arm away and[end if] draws you from the scabbard. The human stands stupefied behind you.[paragraph break]Elsabeth stares at it, fist clenching around your hilt."; now the player is unembodied; now Playertaken2 is 1; now Humanlost is 1; the thirty-second timer rings in 1 turn from now; if Lockedinfight is 1: now Lockedinfight is 0; if Elsabethsuspicion is 1: now Elsabethsuspicion is 0; otherwise: say "Elsabeth attempts to knock your host's arm away, but the human's arm tenses and clutches your hilt. You flash through the air, the world becoming a chaos of lamp-light bottomed with shade. At the end of your trajectory, you tear through flesh and splinter bone. Elsabeth staggers back, already pale, face registering only shock. The human continues hacking until its attempts to move only pull it further apart.[paragraph break]It is over. Your human straightens its back, its breath returning to normal, then crouches to wipe you on a clean corner of the green dress. A burnt-edged wound patches its sword-arm, but it barely notices it."; the twenty-first timer rings in 0 turns from now; remove the second adventurer from play; move the corpse to the location of the adventurer; now Elsabethkilled is 1; now Wounded is 1; if Lockedinfight is 1: now Lockedinfight is 0; if Elsabethsuspicion is 1: now Elsabethsuspicion is 0; otherwise: now Lockedinfight is 1; now Elsabethsuspicion is 0; the twenty-second timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the thirty-second timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: say "Elsabeth tosses you far, as if you might twist around and hurt it. It heads for the stairs. Perhaps your host goes with it, you can barely tell. Lying on the flagstones, you watch the light flicker and die in the stairway."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN"; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the twenty-first timer rings: if the player is unembodied: say "Your human briefly glances south, then turns back. It heads down a gravel-floored side corridor, little more than a crawl, deeper into the bowels of the mountain."; end the story saying "FOR NOW, YOU HAVE AN ALLY"; otherwise: do nothing. Instead of going south from Long Hallway: if Lockedinfight is 1: say "The newcomer cries out behind you: 'Oh no, you don[']t!'[paragraph break]There is a flare of pale light behind you, throwing your shadow far, and something violent pain strikes your human's spine, blooming into blistering heat. Your host collapses to its knees, then to the ground. In a sudden darkness, the connection to your host is severed.[paragraph break]You clatter onto the ground."; now Humankilled is 1; now Lockedinfight is 0; the twenty-fourth timer rings in 1 turns from now; otherwise: if Elsabethsuspicion is 1: say "The newcomer goes with you. 'Yes, this is good, this is good.' It keeps mumbling to you, as if to keep some report with you."; now the second adventurer is in Entryway; continue the action; the twenty-eighth timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of going north from Long Hallway: if Lockedinfight is 1: say "The newcomer cries out behind you: 'Oh no, you don[']t!'[paragraph break]There is a flare of pale light behind you, throwing your shadow far, and a violent pain strikes you in your spine, blooming outward in blistering heat. Your body collapses to its knees, then to the ground. In a sudden darkness, the connection to your host is severed.[paragraph break]You clatter onto the ground."; now Humankilled is 1; now Lockedinfight is 0; the twenty-fourth timer rings in 1 turns from now; otherwise: if Elsabethsuspicion is 1: say "Behind you, the human calls out: 'Don't leave! We need to get back to the city.'[paragraph break]You hear a step behind you, and in another moment it has grabbed your host's arm."; the twentieth timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of going northeast from Long Hallway: if Lockedinfight is 1: say "The newcomer cries out behind you: 'Oh no, you don[']t!'[paragraph break]There is a flare of pale light behind you, throwing your shadow far, and a violent pain strikes you in your spine, blooming outward in blistering heat. Your body collapses to its knees, then to the ground. In a sudden darkness, the connection to your host is severed.[paragraph break]You clatter onto the ground."; now Humankilled is 1; now Lockedinfight is 0; the twenty-fourth timer rings in 1 turns from now; otherwise: if Elsabethsuspicion is 1: say "Behind you, the human calls out: 'Don't leave! We need to get back to the city.'[paragraph break]You hear a step behind you, and in another moment it has grabbed your host's arm."; the twentieth timer rings in 0 turns from now; otherwise: continue the action. At the time when the twenty-second timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 1: do nothing; otherwise: if Humankilled is 1: do nothing; otherwise: say "The human gathers up a small ball of white light between its hands, then tosses it at your host, fingers splayed wide. You feel a brief blackness as the bond is severed.[paragraph break]You clang onto the ground as your human collapses."; now Lockedinfight is 0; now Humankilled is 1; the twenty-fourth timer rings in 0 turns from now. At the time when the twenty-fourth timer rings: say "The newcomer crouches over you. You cannot move away.[paragraph break]Pale fingers almost touch your hilt, then move away. You can't see them. The figure rises and walks off, its footsteps slow."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN". At the time when the twenty-third timer rings: if Humankilled is 1: stop the action; otherwise: say "The newcomer crouches over you, strangely out-of-proportion from your new vantage-point. Pale fingers almost touch your hilt, then move away. You can't see them. The figure rises and walks off, its footsteps slow."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN". Instead of attacking the second adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "All you can do is hope that the changes you have made to your host's mind are enough."; otherwise: say "You slide your blade from the scabbard. The human backs away, raising a hand and summoning up a flame of white light from its palm. As you let the blade fall, the flame blasts towards you, striking your body's arm, but the pain barely reaches you through your connection. The blade cuts deep into the human's shoulder. You yank it free and fell it again.[paragraph break]The human collapses. You keep laying into it until it is just a ruin of red, gaps widening as it tries to move. You lower the blade when the movement stops."; now Elsabethkilled is 1; now Corpsemutilated is 1; now Wounded is 1; remove the second adventurer from play; move the corpse to the location of the player; if Lockedinfight is 1: now Lockedinfight is 0; if Elsabethsuspicion is 1: now Elsabethsuspicion is 0. The corpse is a thing. Description of the corpse is "Wet, lying in a setting puddle of red. There is no mind to make it human any more." Understand "Elsabeth's corpse" or "body" or "carcass" or "human corpse" as the corpse. Instead of taking the corpse: if the player is unembodied: say "You can't do anything with it."; otherwise: say "It is about the size of your own body. You would not be able to carry it for long." Instead of searching the corpse: if the player is unembodied: say "You can't do anything with it."; otherwise: if Corpsesearched is 0: say "You find a package of herbs wrapped in reed-paper. They are unknown to you. You also find a letter."; now the player is carrying the package of herbs; now the player is carrying the letter; now Corpsesearched is 1; otherwise: say "You don't find anything else." The package of herbs is a thing. Description of the package of herbs is "Dried hard, some with flowers like tiny heads. Some strong-smelling, some not. You cannot name any of them." Understand "herbs" as the package of herbs. Instead of eating the package of herbs: say "You gnaw on one. It tastes [one of]very bitter[or]aromatic[at random]." The letter is a thing. Description of the letter is "Covered in spidery-brown ink. You can't read it, but the shape of one word stirs a memory in the human's brain. You feel a brief revulsion, almost strong enough to jolt you out of its mind." Descent is a room. Descent is northeast of Long Hallway. "A serpentine tunnel in the rock and earth, as if shaped by something that coils. Further down, you sense it opening up into a larger space." Descent is dark. Underdown is a room. Underdown is below Descent. Instead of going down from Descent: say "Raising the lantern high, checking your scabbard once more, you begin your journey downward."; end the story saying "YOU ARE FREE". At the time when the twenty-eighth timer rings: if Elsabethkilled is 0: if the player is in Entryway: say "The human grabs your arm and pulls you up the steps, talking to you encouragingly all the while. Outside the sphere of light, the gates get closer."; now Elsabethlocked is 1; the twenty-ninth timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: do nothing; otherwise: do nothing. At the time when the twenty-ninth timer rings: if Elsabethlocked is 1: say "The human swings one of the doors open and manhandles your body out into the light. 'You will see, soon you will be free of it.'"; end the story saying "YOU FOLLOW"; otherwise: do nothing. Instead of pulling the second adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "You can't interact with it."; otherwise: if Lockedinfight is 0: say "You tug at the human's arm. It glares at you."; otherwise: say "Grappling with it would put your new body in danger." Instead of pushing the second adventurer: if Elsabethlocked is 1: say "You give the human a hard shove, making it loose its grip. It stumbles on the step, but doesn't fall. Its eyes are wide as it backs away from you, a bright flame already forming around its outstretched hand."; now Elsabethlocked is 0; now Lockedinfight is 1; otherwise: if Lockedinfight is 0: say "You give the human a push. It half-turns to glance at you."; otherwise: say "Grappling with it would put your new body in danger." Instead of going north from Entryway: if Elsabethlocked is 1: say "You tear and twist your arm free. The human takes one step back, involuntarily, a bright flame already formiong around its outstretched hand."; now Elsabethlocked is 0; now Lockedinfight is 1; otherwise: if Lockedinfight is 1: say "The newcomer cries out behind you: 'Oh no, you don[']t!'[paragraph break]There is a flare of pale light behind you, throwing your shadow far, and a violent pain strikes you in your spine, blooming outward in blistering heat. Your body collapses to its knees, then to the ground. In a sudden darkness, the connection to your host is severed.[paragraph break]You clatter onto the ground."; the twenty-third timer rings in 1 turns from now; otherwise: if the player is unembodied: say "You do not have the parts required to walk."; otherwise: continue the action. Every turn: if the player is unembodied: if Adventureranger is 5: if the second adventurer is in the location of the adventurer: say "The human slides you a few inches from the scabbard. The newcomer's gaze flicks to you.[paragraph break]In a moment, the newcomer's chest is spiked on your blade. The human wrenches you upward, tearing through flesh and cloth in a surge of red. The mangled corpse slides off your shank, collapsing in its own blood. Your human watches it, only its breath revealing its emotions."; the twenty-first timer rings in 0 turns from now; remove the second adventurer from play; move the corpse to the location of the adventurer; now Elsabethkilled is 1; now Wounded is 1; if Lockedinfight is 1: now Lockedinfight is 0; if Elsabethsuspicion is 1: now Elsabethsuspicion is 0; stop the action; otherwise: do nothing; otherwise: do nothing. Instead of giving something to the adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot."; otherwise: say "You cannot." Instead of showing something to the second adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot do anything with the human."; otherwise: say "The newcomer looks at it, unsure what you are trying to do." Instead of giving something to the second adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot do anything with the human."; otherwise: say "Elsabeth looks confused. 'No, you can keep it.'" Instead of giving the phoenix sword to the second adventurer: if the player is unembodied: say "You cannot do anything with the human."; otherwise: say "The newcomer glances at it. 'That is a great gift, but I'm hardly trained in swordsmanship. Still, I won't turn it down.'"; now the second adventurer is carrying the phoenix sword. Instead of giving the longsword to the second adventurer: say "Your host holds you out to the newcomer, hilt first. As it takes you, the human collapses behind you. Elsabeth's gaze flicks to it, oblivious to you for a moment."; now Playertaken2 is 1; now the player is unembodied; the thirty-third timer rings in 1 turn from now. At the time when the thirty-third timer rings: say "Elsabeth flings you far into the shadows, as if you might twist around and hurt it. You watch the light vanish up the stairway, flicker and die."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST AGAIN".