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The Light Prince
Christina Nordlander
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"The Light Prince" by Christina Nordlander The story genre is "Fantasy". The release number is 1. The story creation year is 2020. When play begins: say "Your parents said you were cursed.[paragraph break]You never felt that it made them love you less; if anything, the fear might have led your royal father -- and your mother, while she lived -- to shelter you more than is common for a child of royalty. And see what has come of that protection.[paragraph break]Your godfather promised your father that he would take you to his lands in the hope of finding a cure, but as soon as you were in his domain, he had you locked in this tower far from human habitation, seeing no living being, having your food sent up to you by a rope.[paragraph break]At first, you still believed that this was part of some plan to save you, but weeks and months have gone by and you have been given no opportunity to send a message home.[paragraph break]Your tower room is open to the four winds, with only the roof preventing your dandelion-light body from drifting away, victim to its curse. There are no stairs. It is the perfect confinement for someone like you, and yet you have to get out." Tower Room is a room. "Floor and ceiling of clean-scraped masonry. The only difference from a cell is the four arches, one in each compass direction, open on the grey sky. The western arch leads to the ledge with the winch where your godfather's servant sends up your food.[if the stone is in ceiling][paragraph break]A stone set with an iron ring juts out dangerously in the ceiling.[end if]" The take visual actions out of world rule is listed before the every turn stage rule in the turn sequence rules. This is the take visual actions out of world rule: if acting fast, rule succeeds. Looking is acting fast. Examining something is acting fast. Taking inventory is acting fast. Listening is acting fast. Smelling is acting fast. Weather is a number that varies. Weather is 1. Playerweight is a number that varies. Playerweight is 0. Ledgedestroyed is a number that varies. Ledgedestroyed is 0. Glowinformed is a number that varies. Glowinformed is 0. Handinjury is a number that varies. Handinjury is 0. Playertransformed is a number that varies. Playertransformed is 0. Waterfallapproached is a number that varies. Waterfallapproached is 0. Glow is a number that varies. Glow is 1. Saved is a number that varies. Saved is 0. Underwaterswum is a number that varies. Underwaterswum is 0. Dragonmapped is a number that varies. Dragonmapped is 0. Wingstaken is a number that varies. Wingstaken is 0. Skeletonfound is a number that varies. Skeletonfound is 0. Wingsattached is a number that varies. Wingsattached is 0. A room can be outdoors or indoors. A room is normally indoors. A room can be unvisited or visited. A room is normally unvisited. A room can be normal or ledgelike. A room is normally normal. A room can be dry or wet. A room is normally dry. A room can be oxygenated or swamped. A room is normally oxygenated. A room can be underground or aboveground. A room is normally aboveground. A thing can be wound or unwound. A thing is normally wound. A thing can be trapped, hanging free, tied, or anchored. A thing is normally trapped. A person can be free or imprisoned. A person is normally free. A person can be crawled, upright or grabbed. A person is normally upright. A person can be informed or uninformed. A person is normally uninformed. A person can be dry or wet. A person is normally dry. A thing can be light or stoned. A thing is normally light. A thing can be untaken or taken. A thing is normally untaken. A thing can be fillable or unfillable. A thing is normally unfillable. A thing can be used or unused. A thing is normally used. An implement is a kind of thing. The player is in Tower Room. The player is imprisoned. Rule for printing the name of the leather flask: if the player is not carrying the leather flask: say "leather flask"; omit contents in listing; otherwise: continue the action. The block attacking rule is not listed in any rulebook. Description of the player is "[playerdescript]." Every turn: if Glow is 1: now the player is lit. Every turn: if Dragonmapped is 1: now Low Sloping Tunnel is mapped west of Nested Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2: now Low Sloping Tunnel is mapped northwest of Nested Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3: now Low Sloping Tunnel is mapped north of Nested Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4: now Low Sloping Tunnel is mapped northeast of Nested Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5: now Low Sloping Tunnel is mapped east of Nested Tunnel. To say playerdescript: if Playertransformed is 0: say "Slender, just on the cusp of adulthood[if the player is imprisoned]. Your father had your servants cut your hair short, so that it wouldn't float around your head and blind you, but it has not been cut since you came here[end if].[line break]At home, you would wear weights that dragged on the ground and kept you anchored like ordinary men and women, set with jewels to look less like manacles, but your godfather took them when you arrived[if the player is in an underground room]. Your skin gives off a glittering light[end if]"; otherwise: say "Your body feels thickened and tougher, but when you look at it, you can see no difference. Every step you take makes a noise and jars the bones in your feet and ankles. Your skin has grown dull". Instead of attacking the player: say "You deal yourself a whiffling blow to the cheek." The bed is an enterable supporter. The bed is in Tower Room. "A crude bed stands almost centred in the cell." The bed is fixed in place. Description of the bed is "[if the player is in the ceiling]Everything looks wrong when upside down, almost devilish[otherwise]Nailed together from rough wood, but you sleep in it well enough. You convince yourself that the blankets add enough weight to hold you down in your sleep[end if]." Instead of attacking the bed with the iron bar: say "You make a few dents in the wood." The blankets are part of the bed. Description of the blankets is "Rough, undyed wool." Instead of taking the blankets: say "You would not be able to climb down the tower carrying them, and they don't add enough weight to make it safe." Instead of pushing the bed: say "Your lack of weight makes it more difficult for you to move things. Even if you manage to budge it, there is nowhere for it to go." Instead of pulling the bed: say "Your lack of weight makes it more difficult for you to move things. Even if you manage to budge it, there is nowhere for it to go." Instead of taking the bed: say "You cannot lift it." Before doing anything other than examining with the bed: if the player is in the ceiling: say "You can't reach it from here."; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action. Roof is a room. Roof is above Tower Room. Instead of going up from Tower Room: try jumping. The floor is scenery in Tower Room. Description of the floor is "A surface for holding people up. It is smooth and clean. When there is little wind through the arches, you can walk carelessly, almost like an ordinary human. Today is very windy." The ceiling is an enterable container. The ceiling is scenery in Tower Room. Description of the ceiling is "High and slightly vaulted." The masonry is scenery in Tower Room. Description of the masonry is "The walls between the arches are little more than pillars, not offering enough protection from the gales. Bare stone, scraped mortar. This has never been anything other than a prison cell." Understand "walls" as the masonry. Instead of taking the ceiling: say "You can't." The stone is a thing. The stone is in the ceiling. Description of the stone is "A square-cut piece of masonry stone, set with an iron ring. Perhaps it was once used to attach a chain.[if the stone is trapped] The masonry around it is deeply worn, as if someone has tried to cut it out from the roof." Understand "ring" as the stone. Instead of touching the stone: say "Rough, chilly." Instead of attacking the stone: if the stone is trapped: if the player is not in the ceiling: say "You can't reach."; otherwise: say "You hurt your hand."; otherwise: say "You hurt your hand." Instead of pulling the stone: if the stone is trapped: if the player is not in the ceiling: say "You can't reach it."; otherwise: say "The mortar has worn off around the stone, but it still takes far more than your strength to pull it loose."; otherwise if the stone is hanging free: if the player is not in the ceiling: say "You should be able to lift it."; continue the action; otherwise: say "You can't reach it."; otherwise if the stone is tied: say "That would serve no purpose." The iron bar is an implement. The iron bar is in Tower Room. "[if the iron bar is untaken]An iron bar lies in a corner[otherwise]You see an iron bar here[end if]." Description of the iron bar is "Perhaps a remnant of the wall that was knocked out. One end is flattened and twisted, but it looks sturdy." The iron bar is untaken. Before taking the iron bar: if the player is in the ceiling: say "You can't reach it."; stop the action. After dropping the iron bar: if the player is in the ceiling: say "The bar falls back to the floor with a juddering clang."; now the iron bar is in Tower Room; otherwise: say "Dropped." After taking the iron bar: say "Taken."; now the iron bar is taken. Attacking it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "attack [thing] with [implement]" or "hit [thing] with [implement]" or "pry [thing] with [implement]" or "wedge [thing] with [implement]" or "push [thing] with [implement]" or "move [thing] with [implement]" or "cut [thing] with [implement]" or "hack [thing] with [implement]" as attacking it with. Before attacking something with the iron bar: if the player does not have the iron bar: try taking the iron bar. Before attacking something with the glaive: if the player does not have the glaive: try taking the glaive. Instead of attacking something with the stone: say "It is too heavy to move quickly." Instead of attacking the player with the iron bar: say "You swing it at your face. Even though you cannot bring yourself to put your full force into the blow, it causes you a few moments of dizzying headache." Instead of attacking the rope with the iron bar: say "A whack doesn't do much damage to the soft fibres." Instead of attacking the stone with the iron bar: if the stone is trapped: if the player is not in the ceiling: say "You can't reach it from here."; otherwise: say "Getting good purchase is difficult enough to make you despair, but once you wedge the bar in, you hear the remaining mortar crack around the stone. Its weight does its work for you, and the stone slides out and lands with a crash on the floor."; now the stone is hanging free; now the stone is in Tower Room; otherwise if the stone is hanging free: say "The bar clangs off the stone."; otherwise if the stone is tied: say "The stone is where you need it to be." Instead of taking the stone: if the stone is trapped: if the player is not in the ceiling: say "You can't reach it."; otherwise: say "The mortar has worn off around the stone, but it still takes far more than your strength to pull it loose."; otherwise if the stone is hanging free: if the player is not in the ceiling: say "It takes all your strength to lift the stone, but you manage, as long as you don't have to carry it any long distances. At least the iron ring gives you a good grip."; continue the action; otherwise: say "You can't reach it."; otherwise if the stone is tied: say "There is no point in untying it. It is where you need it to be." Instead of pushing the stone: if the stone is trapped: if the player is not in the ceiling: say "You can't reach it."; otherwise: say "You cannot budge it with your bare hands."; otherwise if the stone is hanging free: say "You should be able to carry it a short distance."; otherwise if the stone is tied: if the winch is wound: say "You give it a push and it plummets off the ledge, the winch handle swinging wildly as the rope unrolls."; now the winch is unwound; now the rope is anchored; now the stone is part of the rope; otherwise: say "You give it a push and it plummets off the ledge, pulling the rope taut."; now the rope is anchored; now the stone is part of the rope. Instead of going down: if the player is in the ceiling: say "You jump and right yourself to land on the floor."; move the player to Tower Room; now the player is unjumped; otherwise: continue the action. Before going: if the stone is held: say "Your knees buckle as you drag the stone with you."; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of tying a thing to a thing: say "You cannot tie those." Instead of tying the rope to the iron bar: say "Hefty as the bar is, it would not be enough to hold the rope down." Instead of tying the iron bar to the rope: say "Hefty as the bar is, it would not be enough to hold the rope down." Instead of tying the rope to the player: say "You could tie the rope around yourself, but it wouldn't prevent the wind from tossing you into the wall." Instead of tying the rope to the stone: if the rope is trapped: say "You easily tie a sturdy knot around the ring in the stone."; now the rope is tied; now the stone is tied; now the stone is part of the rope; if the rope is hanging free: say "You haul the rope back up and tie the end in a sturdy knot around the ring, before dropping the stone and watching it stretch the rope to the ground."; now the rope is anchored; now the stone is part of the rope. Instead of tying the stone to the rope: if the rope is trapped: say "You easily tie a sturdy knot around the ring in the stone."; now the rope is tied; now the stone is tied; now the stone is part of the rope; if the rope is hanging free: say "You haul the rope back up and tie the end in a sturdy knot around the ring, before dropping the stone and watching it stretch the rope to the ground."; now the rope is anchored; now the stone is part of the rope. Instead of tying the stone to the winch: try tying the stone to the rope. Understand "attach [something] to [something]" as tying it. Every turn: if the player is in Tower Room: if a random chance of 1 in 6 succeeds: if the stone is held: say "A buffet of wind comes through the western arch. However, the stone anchors you and the wind doesn't budge you."; otherwise: say "A buffet of wind comes through the western arch. You slide on the soles of your shoes towards the emptiness to the east, only managing to grab on to the bedstead before you are swept outside[if the stone is trapped]. You hear a loose stone rattling dangerously in the ceiling[end if]." Before jumping in Tower Room: if the player is carrying the stone: say "You can barely get the stone off the floor, let alone yourself."; stop the action. Instead of jumping in Tower Room: if the player is in the ceiling: say "You jump and right yourself to land on to the floor."; move the player to Tower Room; now the player is unjumped; otherwise: say "You jump and float off the ground. Only the ceiling prevents you from flying into the heavens."; move the player to the ceiling; now the player is jumped. After exiting from the ceiling: say "You jump and right yourself to land on the floor."; now the player is unjumped. The farmland is backdrop. The farmland is in Tower Room, Western Ledge, Eastern Ledge, Northern Ledge and Southern Ledge. Description of the farmland is "Vast fields of green barley. Even from here, you can see the wind rippling the straws. At distant intervals is a red-painted farmhouse or a rim of dark forest, but there is no living thing whose attention you can attract[if the player is in Western Ledge]. The dark forest encroaches on the field here, maybe a mile away. Your father's kingdom lies in this direction, but you can see nothing past the wall of cloud-white mountains[end if]." Eastern Ledge is a room. Eastern Ledge is east of Tower Room. "There is nothing here, just a ledge of pale stone jutting out under the arch, then perhaps fifty feet of air down to the farmland below, and far further to the grey, wind-driven sky. The tower wall stretches sheer below you until it meets the waves of green barley.[paragraph break]Your room is back to the west." Eastern Ledge is outdoors. Instead of going down from Eastern Ledge: say "There's no way down." Instead of going down from Southern Ledge: say "There's no way down." Instead of going down from Northern Ledge: say "There's no way down." Instead of going down from Western Ledge: if the winch is unwound: try climbing the rope; otherwise: say "The stones of the wall are too smooth to climb."; stop the action. Northern Ledge is a room. Northern Ledge is north of Tower Room. "There is nothing here, just a ledge of pale stone jutting out under the arch, then perhaps fifty feet of air down to the farmland below, and far further to the grey, wind-driven sky. The tower wall stretches sheer below you until it meets the waves of green barley.[paragraph break]Your room is back to the south." Northern Ledge is outdoors. Northern Ledge is ledgelike. Southern Ledge is a room. Southern Ledge is south of Tower Room. "There is nothing here, just a ledge of pale stone jutting out under the arch, then perhaps fifty feet of air down to the farmland below, and far further to the grey, wind-driven sky. The tower wall stretches sheer below you until it meets the waves of green barley.[paragraph break]Your room is back to the north." Southern Ledge is outdoors. Southern Ledge is ledgelike. Instead of jumping in Western Ledge: say "You dive off the edge and the wind picks you up like a leaf in autumn. You whirl beyond the tower, beyond even sight of the tower, borne by the gale."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of jumping in Eastern Ledge: say "You dive off the edge and the wind picks you up like a leaf in autumn. You whirl beyond the tower, beyond even sight of the tower, borne by the gale."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of jumping in Southern Ledge: say "You dive off the edge and the wind picks you up like a leaf in autumn. You whirl beyond the tower, beyond even sight of the tower, borne by the gale."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of jumping in Northern Ledge: say "You dive off the edge and the wind picks you up like an leaf in autumn. You whirl beyond the tower, beyond even sight of the tower, borne by the gale."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". A person can be jumped or unjumped. A person is normally unjumped. Western Ledge is a room. Western Ledge is west of Tower Room. "There is nothing here, just a ledge of pale stone jutting out under the arch, then perhaps fifty feet of air down to the farmland below, and far further to the grey, wind-driven sky. The tower wall stretches sheer below you until it meets the waves of green barley.[paragraph break]Your room lies back to the east." Western Ledge is outdoors. Western Ledge is ledgelike. The winch is a thing. The winch is in Western Ledge. "A simple winch is attached to the ledge, just a rope attached to a bar with a handle to wind or unwind it.[paragraph break][if the winch is wound]The winch is currently wound up[otherwise]The winch is currently unwound[end if][if the rope is hanging free].[paragraph break]The rope is stretched from the winch, lashing in the wind like something alive[otherwise if the rope is anchored].[paragraph break]The rope is stretched taut to the ground, vibrating like a fiddle string[end if]." The winch is fixed in place. Description of the winch is "Just a rope attached to a bar with a handle to wind or unwind it.[paragraph break][if the winch is wound]The winch is currently wound up[otherwise]The winch is currently unwound[end if][if the rope is anchored].[paragraph break]The rope is stretched down to the ground, barely vibrating in the wind[end if]." Understand "handle" or "bar" as the winch. The rope is part of the winch. Description of the rope is "An ordinary rope, somewhat worn, but it still looks healthy enough.[paragraph break][if the rope is trapped]The rope is wound up all the way around the winch.[otherwise if the rope is hanging free]The rope is hanging down the height of the tower, barely ever reaching the ground as the wind whips it every which way.[otherwise if the rope is tied]The rope is coiled on a stone lying on the ledge, secured to it by a strong knot.[otherwise if the rope is anchored]The rope is stretched taut between the winch and the stone.[end if]" Instead of taking the rope: say "It is tightly knotted to the winch." Instead of pulling the rope: say "To manipulate it, you need to move the winch." Instead of pushing the rope: say "To manipulate it, you need to move the winch." Instead of pushing the winch: if the rope is tied: if the winch is wound: say "You push the stone over the side of the ledge and let the winch unwind, handle spinning dangerously, clattering. The rope is long enough; the stone hits the ground without snapping it off. Now the rope is pulled taut."; now the winch is unwound; now the rope is anchored; otherwise: say "You might not be able to winch the stone all the way up, and in any case, it is where it needs to be."; stop the action; otherwise if the rope is anchored: say "You are afraid that if you try to pull it back up, you might break the rope."; otherwise: if the winch is wound: say "The handle turns easily, and soon the entire rope is unwound."; now the winch is unwound; now the rope is hanging free; otherwise: say "The handle turns easily, and soon the rope is rolled up again."; now the winch is wound; now the rope is trapped. Instead of pulling the winch: if the rope is tied: if the winch is wound: say "You push the stone over the side of the ledge and let the winch unwind, handle spinning dangerously, clattering. The rope is long enough; the stone hits the ground without snapping it off. Now the rope is pulled taut."; now the winch is unwound; now the rope is anchored; otherwise: say "You might not be able to winch the stone all the way up, and in any case, it is where it needs to be."; stop the action; otherwise if the rope is anchored: say "You are afraid that if you try to pull it back up, you might break the rope."; otherwise: if the winch is wound: say "The handle turns easily, and soon the entire rope is unwound."; now the winch is unwound; now the rope is hanging free; otherwise: say "The handle turns easily, and soon the rope is rolled up again."; now the winch is wound; now the rope is trapped. Instead of turning the winch: if the rope is tied: if the winch is wound: say "You push the stone over the side of the ledge and let the winch unwind, handle spinning dangerously, clattering. The rope is long enough; the stone hits the ground without snapping it off. Now the rope is pulled taut."; now the winch is unwound; now the rope is anchored; otherwise: say "You might not be able to winch the stone all the way up, and in any case, it is where it needs to be."; stop the action; otherwise if the rope is anchored: say "You are afraid that if you try to pull it back up, you might break the rope."; otherwise: if the winch is wound: say "The handle turns easily, and soon the entire rope is unwound."; now the winch is unwound; now the rope is hanging free; otherwise: say "The handle turns easily, and soon the rope is rolled up again."; now the winch is wound; now the rope is trapped. Instead of tying the rope to the winch: say "It's already tied to it." Understand "unwind [something]" as pushing. Understand "wind [something]" as pulling. Every turn: if the player is in Western Ledge: if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "A gust of westerly wind buffets you. You just manage to grab on to the stone frame of the arch to avoid being swept back into your cell[if the rope is hanging free]. The rope lashes against the side of the tower[end if]."; if the player is in Eastern Ledge: if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "A gust of westerly wind buffets you. You just manage to grab on to the stone frame of the arch to avoid being swept off the ledge."; if the player is in Northern Ledge: if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "A gust of westerly wind buffets you. You just manage to grab on to the stone frame of the arch to avoid being swept off the ledge."; if the player is in Southern Ledge: if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "A gust of westerly wind buffets you. You just manage to grab on to the stone frame of the arch to avoid being swept off the ledge." Instead of climbing the rope: if the rope is trapped: say "You cannot climb it as long as it is rolled up."; stop the action; otherwise if the rope is hanging free: say "You grab on to the rope and begin your descent, climbing head first.[line break]At first it seems as if you are going to make it, even though you have to stop climbing and hold tight every time the wind tosses the rope around, but as you near the ground, the swinging becomes more violent.[line break]A violent gale whips you into the side of the tower. There is a numbing crunch, blackness, then relief."; end the story saying "YOU HAVE DIED"; otherwise if the rope is anchored: say "You grab on to the strumming rope and begin your climb, head first. The climb takes as much effort as if you were climbing up, and the great flatness of the earth seems to be hovering above you. Your fingers grow sore and the violence of the wind makes you dizzy, but eventually you reach the farmland below."; now the player is free; move the player to Field; move the stone to Field. The sky is backdrop. The sky is in Eastern Ledge, Northern Ledge, Southern Ledge, Western Ledge, Field and Western Field. Description of the sky is "Covered with braided grey-white clouds. The wind drives them swiftly towards the east." The sunny sky is backdrop. The sunny sky is in Mountaintop and Mid-Air. "The clouds have drifted off. The sun hangs as a reddening globe." The wind is backdrop. The wind is in Eastern Ledge, Northern Ledge, Southern Ledge, Western Ledge, Field and Western Field. Description of the wind is "Racing from the west. If it were blowing the other way, it might be able to carry you back to your home." The grey tower is backdrop. The grey tower is in Eastern Ledge, Northern Ledge, Southern Ledge, Western Ledge and Field. Description of the grey tower is "A column of plain grey, darker than the sky and as chilly. Its only features are the four open arches at the top." Eastern Abyss is a room. Eastern Abyss is below Eastern Ledge. Southern Abyss is a room. Southern Abyss is below Southern Ledge. Western Abyss is a room. Western Abyss is below Western Ledge. Northern Abyss is a room. Northern Abyss is below Northern Ledge. Field is a room. "[if the player is upright]You are standing among green blades of barley that reach almost to your waist, driven in swirls and waves by the wind from the west. The wind is so strong, it could rip your feet off the ground at any moment.[paragraph break]Far in the west, you see a dark wall of forest[otherwise]You are crawling along the ground in a forest of luminously green barley, seeing nothing but what is in front of you[end if]." Field is outdoors. Towerwall is a room. Towerwall is east of Field. Instead of going east from Field: say "The dark bulk of the tower blocks your way." Northeastern Field is northeast of Field. Instead of going northeast from Field: say "Only your godfather's realm lies that way." Southeastern Field is southeast of Field. Instead of going southeast from Field: say "Only your godfather's realm lies that way." Northwestern Field is northwest of Field. Instead of going northwest from Field: say "You don't know what lies that way, and it will not bring you closer to your home." Southwestern Field is southwest of Field. Instead of going southwest from Field: say "You don't know what lies that way, and it will not bring you closer to your home." Instead of taking the stone in Field: say "It is heavy enough that you shudder at the thought of taking it with you on a long journey. Better to take your chances and stay out of the wind." The barley is backdrop. The barley is in Field, Western Field, Western Ledge, Northern Ledge, Eastern Ledge and Southern Ledge. Description of the barley is "[barleydescript]." Understand "waves" as the barley. To say barleydescript: if the player is in a ledgelike room: say "Just a green sea far beneath"; otherwise: if the player is crawled: say "The barley forms a green jungle around you"; otherwise: say "Tall bladed barley, rippling in the strong wind". Every turn: if the player is in Field: if the player is upright: say "A sudden gust of wind tears at your clothes. It is all you can do to grab on to the straws of barley, and even then you can feel the soles of your feet lifting off the ground until the wind subsides again."; otherwise: say "A gust of wind shakes the straws above you." Every turn: if the player is in Western Field: if the player is upright: say "A sudden gust of wind tears at your clothes. It is all you can do to grab on to the straws of barley, and even then you can feel the soles of your feet lifting off the ground until the wind subsides again."; otherwise: say "A gust of wind shakes the straws above you." The stretched rope is a thing. The stretched rope is in Field. "The rope stretches pin-straight up to the tower arch." The stretched rope is fixed in place. Instead of taking the stretched rope: say "It is tied to the winch." Upper Abyss is above Field. Instead of going up from Field: say "Whatever new threats you may face, you are not going back there." Instead of climbing the stretched rope: say "Whatever new threats you may face, you are not going back there." Northern Field is north of Field. Southern Field is south of Field. Instead of going north from Field: if the player is crawled: say "There is nothing for you in that direction."; otherwise if the player is upright: say "You don't manage more than a couple of steps before the wind rips you off your footing. The ground whirls below you as you are flung into the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise if the player is grabbed: say "There is nothing for you in that direction." Instead of going south from Field: if the player is crawled: say "There is nothing for you in that direction."; otherwise if the player is upright: say "You don't manage more than a couple of steps before the wind rips you off your footing. The ground whirls below you as you are flung into the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise if the player is grabbed: say "There is nothing for you in that direction." Underfield is a room. Underfield is below Field. Instead of going down from Field: try crawling. Instead of going west from Field: if the player is crawled: say "You make your way along the cloddy soil, much slower than if you had been walking."; continue the action; otherwise if the player is upright: say "You don't manage more than a couple of steps before the wind rips you off your footing. The ground whirls below you as you are flung into the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise if the player is grabbed: continue the action. Instead of jumping in Field: say "You jump, and the wind turns it into a great trajectory of a leap. You are almost level with the tower room by the time you fly past. Your life ends in the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of smelling in Field: say "Only the sweet smell of unripe grain." Western Field is a room. Western Field is west of Field. "[if the player is upright]A few dozen yards to the west you can see the solid face of the forest. [paragraph break]Far in the west, you see a dark wall of forest[otherwise]You are crawling along the ground in a forest of luminously green barley, seeing nothing but what is in front of you[end if]." Western Field is outdoors. Airspace is above Western Field. Instead of going up from Western Field: if the player is crawled: try rising; otherwise: say "You jump, and the wind turns it into a great trajectory of a leap. You are almost level with the tower room by the time you fly past. Your life ends in the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of going east from Western Field: if the player is crawled: say "You make your way along the cloddy soil, much slower than if you had been walking."; continue the action; otherwise if the player is upright: say "You don't manage more than a couple of steps before the wind rips you off your footing. The ground whirls below you as you are flung into the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise if the player is grabbed: continue the action. Instead of going west from Western Field: if the player is crawled: if the player is uninformed: say "You make your way along the cloddy soil, much slower than if you had been walking."; move player to Western Field; otherwise: say "You make your way along the cloddy soil, much slower than if you had been walking.[paragraph break]The barley is replaced with saplings, and rich leaf-mould is under your front and nose. The cool shade of the forest falls over you. Finally, you get on your feet.[paragraph break][bold type]Forest[roman type][line break]Even in the daytime, it never gets quite light down here. A rich canopy of leafy branches covers you and blocks out the sky. The ground is a tangle of fallen branches and waist-high saplings. The soil sometimes feels marshy under your shoes.[paragraph break]The trees appear to grow thinner to the west."; now the player is upright; continue the action; otherwise: if the player is upright: say "You don't manage more than a couple of steps before the wind rips you off your footing. The ground whirls below you as you are flung into the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise: continue the action; say "[bold type]Forest[roman type][line break]Even in the daytime, it never gets quite light down here. A rich canopy of leafy branches covers you and blocks out the sky. The ground is a tangle of fallen branches and waist-high saplings. The soil sometimes feels marshy under your shoes.[paragraph break]The trees appear to grow thinner to the west." Underwesternfield is a room. Underwesternfield is below Western Field. Instead of going down from Western Field: try crawling. Crawling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "crawl" or "creep" as crawling. Rising is an action applying to nothing. Understand "rise" or "stand up" or "stand" as rising. Before crawling: if the player is in a wet room: say "You cannot do that here."; stop the action; otherwise: if the player is upright: say "You get down on your hands and knees, then your belly, as best you can."; now the player is crawled; stop the action; otherwise: say "You are already down."; stop the action. Before rising: if the player is crawled: say "You get to your feet, your legs and torso a bit numb."; now the player is upright; otherwise: say "You are already upright."; stop the action. After rising in Western Field: say "You can see the dark outskirts of the forest due west. You are on the right track."; now the player is informed. Before doing anything other than looking, examining, taking inventory, waiting, or going: if the player is crawled: try rising; otherwise: continue the action. Grabbing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "grab [something]" or "hold on to [something]" as grabbing. Carry out grabbing something: say "You hold on to the [noun] for a moment, then let go." Instead of grabbing the player: say "Grabbing on to yourself gives you a sense of greater stability, even if it is brief." Instead of grabbing the ceiling: if the player is jumped: say "There is little here to give you purchase."; otherwise: say "You can't reach it." Instead of grabbing the floor: say "It is too smooth to give you anything to hold on to." Carry out grabbing the barley: say "You grab on to thick handfuls of the straws. That should be enough to keep you anchored for the next burst of wind."; now the player is grabbed; stop the action. Before going when the player is grabbed: say "You haul yourself along, secure of your grip with one hand before you change the other one, as if climbing a cliffside." Instead of jumping in Western Field: say "You jump, and the wind turns it into a great trajectory of a leap. You are almost level with the tower room by the time it flies past. Your life ends in the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of smelling in Western Field: say "Only the sweet smell of unripe grain." After going west from Western Field: if the player is grabbed: now the player is upright; say "[bold type]Forest[roman type][line break]Even in the daytime, it never gets quite light down here. A rich canopy of leafy branches covers you and blocks out the sky. The ground is a tangle of fallen branches and waist-high saplings. The soil sometimes feels marshy under your shoes.[paragraph break]The trees appear to grow thinner to the west." Forest is a room. Forest is west of Western Field. "Even in the daytime, it never gets quite light down here. A rich canopy of leafy branches covers you and blocks out the sky. The ground is a tangle of fallen branches and waist-high saplings. The soil sometimes feels marshy under your shoes.[paragraph break]The trees appear to grow thinner to the west." The trees are backdrop. The trees are in Forest and Forest Canopy. Description of the trees is "A wide variety of massy pillars, shrouded in thick, leafy dark." Understand "tree" as the trees. Instead of taking the trees: say "That would be impossible." Instead of pushing the trees: say "Even if you had the weight of an ordinary man, that wouldn't accomplish anything." The saplings are backdrop. The saplings are in Forest and End of the Road. Description of the saplings is "[if the player is in Forest]Elastic saplings, reaching to your chest and higher. They are sturdy enough to make it difficult to push through them[otherwise]A few crooked saplings are growing out of crevices in the cliff wall, flourishing with leaves despite their crabbed state[end if]." The branches are backdrop. The branches are in Forest and Forest Canopy. Description of the branches is "Sturdy branches forming a thick, safe covering [if the player is in Forest]over you[otherwise]under your feet. The leafage is lush enough to block out the slightest glimpse of the sky." Understand "leafage" as the branches. Instead of taking the branches: if the player is in Forest Canopy: say "You wouldn't be able to sever them, and anyway, they would be of no use to you."; otherwise: say "You cannot reach them from here, and they would be no use to you if you could." Instead of taking the saplings: say "Uprooting one of them would be more trouble than it's worth." Instead of grabbing the saplings: if the player is in Forest: say "There is so little wind in here, you don't need to."; otherwise: say "You manage to cling on to one stunted branch, but any others are too far away for you to hazard a jump." Northern Forest is a room. Northern Forest is north of Forest. Instead of going north from Forest: say "You see nothing in that direction other than more walls of trees and brambles." Southern Forest is a room. Southern Forest is south of Forest. Instead of going south from Forest: say "You see nothing in that direction other than more walls of trees and brambles." After jumping in Forest: say "Your feet leave the forest floor, and your lightness swings you up to the branches."; move the player to Forest Canopy; now the player is jumped. Instead of going up from Forest: say "Your feet leave the forest floor, and your lightness swings you up to the branches."; move the player to Forest Canopy; now the player is jumped. Forest Canopy is a room. Forest Canopy is above Forest. "You are standing on a layer of oak and elm branches, secure and knotty or slender and elastic. Leaves whisper further up beyond your feet. Raising your head, you can see the shadowy forest floor below you." The bird's nest is a thing. The bird's nest is in Forest Canopy. "A lumpy bird's nest rests in the fork of two branches." Description of the bird's nest is "A lumpy, brown basket of twigs and bark. Searching it comes up with [if the note is untaken]pieces of eggshell, animal hair, and a note of white paper[otherwise]nothing of interest[end if]." Understand "lumpy" or "brown" as the bird's nest. The bird's nest is fixed in place. Instead of searching the bird's nest: if the note is untaken: say "A paper note is braided in with the twigs."; otherwise: say "You find nothing but broken shells and tufts of moss and animal hair." Instead of taking the bird's nest: say "It is cumbersome, and of more value to the bird than to you." Instead of attacking the bird's nest: say "A few twigs are dislodged by the jolt and fall to the leafy floor." Instead of attacking the bird's nest with the bar: say "You see no point." Every turn: if the player is in Forest Canopy: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: if the note is untaken: say "The wind rustles the leafage under your feet. A scrap of white flaps, tangled in the nest."; otherwise: say "The wind rustles the leafage under your feet." The note is part of the bird's nest. Description of the note is "[notedescript]." Understand "paper" or "white" or "drawing" or "scrap" as the note. To say notedescript: if the note is untaken: say "Most of it is hidden, woven into the nest"; otherwise: if the note is light: say "A faded drawing on white paper. It seems to depict a mountain crowned with a device with four sails, somewhat like the wings of a windmill. Arrows indicate that it can be swivelled on its pole. Stylised curls of cloud emerge from it and reach across the sky. There is writing, too, but you don't even recognise the letters"; otherwise: say "A thin sheet of grey stone. A barely visible drawing seems to depict a mountain crowned with a device with four sails, somewhat like the wings of a windmill. Arrows indicate that it can be swivelled on its pole. Stylised curls of cloud emerge from it and reach across the sky. There is writing, too, but you don't even recognise the letters". Instead of taking the note: if the note is untaken: say "With some difficulty, you disentangle it from the twigs.[paragraph break]Taken."; now the player is holding the note; now the note is taken; otherwise: continue the action. After jumping in Forest Canopy: say "You push off from the springy branches. A moment of disorientation, then you right yourself on the face of the earth, like ordinary people."; move the player to Forest; now the player is unjumped. After going down from Forest Canopy: say "You push off from the springy branches. A moment of disorientation, then you right yourself on the face of the earth, like ordinary people."; move the player to Forest; now the player is unjumped. Before going east from Forest: say "The trees thin to shrubbery, then to nothing. The new light makes you shield your eyes. You get the sudden sensation that the world ends in front of you." End of the Road is a room. End of the Road is west of Forest. "The ground here is rock under a thin layer of sandy soil, ending at the edge of a ravine. Low shrubs straggled along the outskirts of the forest. The ground juts out in a fragile-looking overhang over the emptiness.[paragraph break]The ravine stretches north and south, seeming to curve away eastward to the south. On the other side, distant enough to be covered in mist, you see a purple-grey hillside continuing towards the grey sky." The hillside is scenery in End of the Road. Description of the hillside is "You can make out no features, just hazy purplish vegetation and the glitter of a brook. It rises until it seems to meet the clouds." The ravine is backdrop. The ravine is in End of the Road, Eastern Bank and Western Bank. Description of the ravine is "[if the player is in End of the Road]A scar in jagged pale-ochre rock. Its width varies wildly, but never seems less than some fifteen steps across. The river that gnawed it out of the land still flows far beneath you, a black ribbon[otherwise]Walls of dark rock rise high above you, revealing only a crinkled ribbon of sky[end if]." Understand "cliff" or "face" or "rock face" as the ravine. The overhang is scenery in End of the Road. The overhang is an enterable supporter. Description of the overhang is "A thin shelf of rock juts a couple of feet out from the cliffside. It looks unstable." Understand "brittle" or "fragile" or "edge" or "shelf" or "unstable" or "ledge" as the overhang. After entering the overhang: say "You can feel the brittle ground tremble like a living thing beneath your feet, but it does not break." Instead of taking the overhang: say "You could never move such a large piece of rock." Instead of jumping in End of the Road: if the player is on the overhang: say "You jump, feet together, trying to make as much of an impact as you can. You bounce back with the slow movement of a ball of dandelion seeds. A couple of flakes of grit fall skittering off the bottom of the overhang."; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "Attempting to run up against the wind is futile, but you brace one foot against the edge and make a leap. It's no use: the westerly gale slams you back onto the east bank of the ravine.[paragraph break]A few shards of rock break off the overhang, trickling down the cliffside."; otherwise: say "Attempting to run up against the wind is futile, but you brace one foot against the edge and make a leap. It's no use: the westerly gale slams you back onto the east bank of the ravine. You lose your balance in the fall, scraping your knees and palms badly." Instead of attacking the overhang: say "You slam your fist into the rock with as much strength as you can muster, but your lightness makes you unable to get much purchase. The ground shudders, but holds." Instead of attacking the overhang with the iron bar: say "You whack the ground several times. It shudders, but holds." After putting the bar on the overhang: say "You put the bar on the overhang, but its weight is not enough to break it." Instead of going down from End of the Road: say "You get no purchase trying to jump down. You drift freely a moment, then the wind slams you against the ravine wall. All you can do is to crawl back onto the edge." Empty Space is a room. Empty Space is west of End of the Road. Instead of going west from End of the Road: say "You can't go that way." Instead of climbing the ravine: if the player is in End of the Road: say "The walls are too sheer to get purchase. The few crags and saplings are too far apart."; otherwise: say "You make an attempt, but the walls are too sheer and far too high to climb." The rock is a thing. The rock is in End of the Road. "[if the rock is in End of the Road]A large, round rock lies in the cleared area[otherwise]The rock lies in the rounded pit created by its own impact[end if]." Description of the rock is "Craggy but rounded, reaching a little above your waist." The rock is pushable between rooms. Instead of taking the rock: say "Not even the strongest man in the world could carry it." Instead of attacking the rock: try pushing the rock. Before pushing the rock: if the player is in End of the Road: continue the action; otherwise: say "There is nowhere for you to take it."; stop the action. Instead of going west with the rock: if the player is in End of the Road: try pushing the rock; otherwise: say "There is nowhere for you to take it."; stop the action. Before going east with the rock: if the player is in End of the Road: say "The ground grows too soft near the forest, and there is too much undergrowth."; stop the action. Before going south with the rock: if the player is in End of the Road: say "The tangled undergrowth makes it impossible."; stop the action. Before going north with the rock: if the player is in End of the Road: say "You see no reason to try to push it that way."; stop the action. After pushing the rock: say "The rock is round enough that you can roll it without much effort. You push it onto the brittle overhang. The ground under you shudders, then gives way.[paragraph break]The world is nothing but the howling wind and the whirling cliff faces and river.[paragraph break]The scree of rocks and earth pulls you with it. The rock smashes into the riverside, throwing up a rattling hail of grit. You land next to it, unharmed."; move the player to Eastern Bank; move the rock to Eastern Bank; now Ledgedestroyed is 1; if the bar is on the overhang: move the bar to Eastern Bank; if the note is on the overhang: move the note to Eastern Bank. Instead of putting the rock on the overhang: say "The rock is round enough that you can roll it without much effort. You push it onto the brittle overhang. The ground under you shudders, then gives way.[paragraph break]The world is nothing but the howling wind and the whirling cliff faces and river.[paragraph break]The scree of rocks and earth pulls you with it. The rock smashes into the riverside, throwing up a rattling hail of grit. You land next to it, unharmed."; move the player to Eastern Bank; move the rock to Eastern Bank; now Ledgedestroyed is 1; if the bar is on the overhang: move the bar to Eastern Bank; if the note is on the overhang: move the note to Eastern Bank. Understand "roll [something]" as pushing. Pushing it to overhang is an action applying to one thing. Understand "push [something] to overhang" or "push [something] to edge" or "push [something] to ledge" or "push [something] to the overhang" or "push [something] to fragile ground" or "push [something] to brittle ground" or "roll [something] to overhang" as pushing it to overhang. Instead of pushing the rock to overhang: try pushing the rock. Instead of taking the ravine: say "You can't." Every turn: if the player is in End of the Road: if a random chance of 1 in 6 succeeds: say "The wind pelts you, making you slide a few feet towards the forest edge." End of the Cliff is a room. End of the Cliff is north of End of the Road. Instead of going north from End of the Road: say "Trying to follow the ravine north, you come to a steep drop. You see fertile fields and orchards far below, and the white glitter of the river." Southern Ravine is a room. Southern Ravine is south of End of the Road. Instead of going south from End of the Road: say "You try to follow the ravine south, but eventually the undergrowth becomes too thick and tangled." Eastern Bank is a room. Eastern Bank is below End of the Road. "A little strip of barren earth, dwarfed by the dark cliff face, with no more variety than a sprinkling of rocks. At least here you are out of the reach of the wind. West of you, the river rolls by towards the north, deliberate and dark this close by.[paragraph break]Across the river, you can see the western bank." The river is backdrop. The river is in Eastern Bank, Western Bank, Immersed in the River and Riverbed. Description of the river is "[riverdescript]". To say riverdescript: if the player is in Eastern Bank: say "Slow and heavy, glimmering dark, maybe six yards across at this point."; if the player is in Western Bank: say "Slow and heavy, glimmering dark, maybe six yards across at this point."; if the player is in Immersed in the River: say "Glittering all around you."; if the player is in Riverbed: say "A shadowy world around you." Instead of taking the river: say "That would be a miracle." The river water is backdrop. The river water is in Eastern Bank, Western Bank, Immersed in the River and Riverbed. Instead of drinking the river water: if the player is in an oxygenated room: say "It has the flavour of autumn and rain."; otherwise: say "You'd rather not open your mouth to the river." Instead of taking the river water: say "You cannot carry it in your hands." Instead of touching the river water: say "Cooler than the air, but its slow power is mesmerising." Instead of going up from Eastern Bank: say "Even you cannot jump that high." Northern Bank 1 is a room. Northern Bank 1 is north of Eastern Bank. Instead of going north from Eastern Bank: say "The shore narrows to nothing in this direction." Southern Bank 1 is a room. Southern Bank 1 is south of Eastern Bank. Instead of going south from Eastern Bank: say "The shore narrows to nothing in this direction." Underbank 1 is a room. Underbank 1 is below Eastern Bank. Instead of going down from Eastern Bank: try going west. Instead of jumping in Eastern Bank: say "You are able to jump higher than an ordinary man, but that is still not enough to take you to the cliff edge. You drift slowly back onto the bank." Swimming is an action applying to nothing. Understand "swim" as swimming. Instead of swimming in Eastern Bank: try going west. Instead of swimming in Immersed in the River: say "You have to say which way you want to go." Instead of swimming in Riverbed: say "You have to say which way you want to go." Before going west from Eastern Bank: say "You dip into the pools of still water at the edge of the bank and let yourself slip into the waves." Immersed in the River is a room. Immersed in the River is west of Eastern Bank. "You are neck-deep in the cool river, the masses of water heavy and glassy around your slowly flailing arms. The current is slow. The wide movement of your arms and a few slow treads of your feet are enough to keep your head above water. To the east and west, you can see the colourless river banks.[paragraph break]To the south, the river winds away, a mirroring ribbon, until the folds of dark cliffs hide it. To the north, it flows through a narrow gap between the cliffs, where the air is smoky and white with specks of spray. The water continues shadowy and inscrutable beneath you[if Immersed in the River is unvisited].[paragraph break]You can't remember ever having felt so weighted, so connected to the surrounding world[end if]." Immersed in the River is wet. Immersed in the River is unvisited. Before going west from Immersed in the River: say "The current is slow enough that you are able to cross the river without much difficulty. You haul yourself onto the shore." Before going east from Immersed in the River: say "The current is slow enough that you are able to cross the river without much difficulty. You haul yourself onto the shore." Western Bank is a room. Western Bank is west of Immersed in the River. "So similar to the eastern shore it might have been its mirror image. The ground is bare, with only a few weeds by the cliffside providing specks of green. The cliff rises high and sheer above you." Western Air is a room. Western Air is above Western Bank. Instead of going up from Western Bank: say "You make an attempt to climb the cliff face, but the sheer surface might as well be glass. Your gaze is the only thing that can reach the sky." Instead of swimming in Western Bank: try going east. Instead of jumping in Western Bank: say "You are able to jump higher than an ordinary man, but that is still not enough to take you to the cliff edge. You drift slowly back onto the bank." Before going east from Western Bank: say "You dip into the pools of still water at the edge of the bank and let yourself slip into the waves." Southriver is a room. Southriver is south of Immersed in the River. Instead of going south from Immersed in the River: say "You run out of strength to fight against the current long before you get out of the canyon. Your limbs lax, you let the river carry you back." Northriver is a room. Northriver is north of Immersed in the River. Instead of going north from Immersed in the River: if Waterfallapproached is 0: say "As you let the current drift you towards the cliffs, you hear the indistinct roar of a waterfall. If you continue that way, you may be unable to resist the pull."; now Waterfallapproached is 1; otherwise: say "The current grows stronger around you, the water opaque with spray. By the time you approach the gap, you could no longer swim back if you tried.[paragraph break]The cataract pulls you down in a chaos of blue sky and white water. By the time you float along the calmer river, you are still alive, but bruised on every inch of your skin. You make your way to the bank, trying to find your bearings."; end the story saying "YOU ARE LOST IN AN UNKNOWN LAND". Riverbed is a room. Riverbed is below Immersed in the River. "Blue-grey light filters down. The Immersed in the River is all around you. You would be able to move in any direction, if not for the movement of the river. You can feel another, sharper current nipping at your feet, down in a colder streak of water." Riverbed is swamped. Instead of jumping in Riverbed: say "You can't." After going down from Immersed in the River: say "You put your head down and kick your way into the depths.[paragraph break][bold type]Riverbed[roman type][line break]Blue-grey light filters down. The Immersed in the River is all around you. You would be able to move in any direction, if not for the movement of the river. You can feel another, sharper current nipping at your feet, down in a colder streak of water.[paragraph break]You see a dark cave mouth in the rocks beneath the western bank."; the timer rings in 9 turns from now. The cave mouth is an enterable container. The cave mouth is in Riverbed. "You see a dark cave mouth in the rocks beneath the western bank." Description of the cave mouth is "Just a triangle of shadow." Understand "cave opening" as the cave mouth. Instead of inserting something into the cave mouth: say "You might lose it." Instead of entering the cave mouth: try going west. Underwater Tunnel is a room. Underwater Tunnel is west of Riverbed. Instead of taking the cave mouth: say "It's only a cold hollow." Instead of jumping in Immersed in the River: say "Impossible here." At the time when the timer rings: if the player is in an oxygenated room: stop the action; otherwise: say "Your cheeks ache and your chest is bursting. Your pulse thrums in your ears."; the second timer rings in 1 turn from now. At the time when the second timer rings: if the player is in an oxygenated room: say "You breathe in a gulp of chill air. Your pulse begins to slow."; otherwise: say "Blackness pulses around your field of sight. Your temples throb. You drift, and no longer know whether you are sinking or rising."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of going west from Riverbed: say "As you kick your way down through the chilly water, the current snatches you and wheels you towards the darkness of the opening. In another moment you are inside. The stream sweeps you along; you can no more resist it than the pull of the wind.[paragraph break]You are travelling through a horizontal tube of rock, completely submerged. You just have time to panic before you see an oval surface quivering above you. The current lets up its hold on your legs, and a moment later you pull yourself onto the sandy edge of the pond, hair and clothes dripping."; move the player to Pool Cave. Pool Cave is a room. "A cave, large enough to allow you to breathe normally, though the roof is so low you can only stand fully upright in the middle. The floor is covered with sand. In the centre is the smooth pool from which you emerged.[paragraph break]The room is filled with a lambent light[if Glowinformed is 0] that seems to have no distinct source[end if], making the sand glitter like specks of mica.[paragraph break]A cave opening leads north. It is completely dark." Pool Cave is dark. Pool Cave is underground. The underground pool is scenery. The underground pool is in Pool Cave. Description of the underground pool is "Set like an eye in the centre of the cave. The water is almost mirror-smooth, with only a slight wave betraying the current pushing upwards." The underground pool is fixed in place. The underground pool is fillable. The lock of hair is a thing. The lock of hair is in Pool Cave. "[if the lock of hair is untaken]Yellow hairs float on the smooth water near the edge of the pool[otherwise]A pinch of golden hair lies on the ground[end if]." Understand "hairs" or "golden" or "pinch" as the lock of hair. Description of the lock of hair is "They must be yours, tugged from your scalp by the current[if the lock of hair is lit]. Every hair glows, like a little thread of broken gold[end if]." Instead of touching the lock of hair: if the lock of hair is light: say "It feels like a tuft of soft fur."; otherwise: say "A pointy filigree of stone." Instead of smelling the lock of hair: say "It only smells of river-water." Stone Tube is a room. Stone Tube is below Pool Cave. Instead of going down from Pool Cave: if the player is wearing the manacles: say "You dive into the water-filled tube of rock, but the manacles pin you to the bottom in the dark. Struggling to disentangle yourself, you panic and waste your last strength."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise: say "You dive, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot fight the current to reach the bottom. Even if you could, trying to swim back through the underwater tunnel would be a losing battle.[paragraph break]Soaking, you pull yourself back up." Instead of swimming in Pool Cave: try going down. Instead of taking the underground pool: say "That is impossible." Instead of inserting something into the underground pool: say "You would lose it." Instead of entering the underground pool: say "You dive into the pool, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot fight the current to reach the bottom. Even if you could, trying to swim back through the underwater tunnel would be a losing battle." Instead of touching the underground pool: say "The water is cool and feels pure." Instead of drinking the underground pool: say "Though you are not particularly thirsty, you take a sip of water. It tastes pure and inorganic." The cool water is scenery in Pool Cave. Description of the cool water is "As clear as cool air." The cool water is fillable. Instead of taking the cool water: say "It runs between your fingers." Instead of drinking the cool water: say "So fresh, it seems to give you some new life." The quantity of cool water is a thing. Description of the quantity of clear water is "Through the neck of the bottle, it looks dark." Instead of taking the quantity of cool water: say "You already have it." Instead of touching the quantity of cool water: say "You could stick a finger into the flask, but you already know what water feels like." Before filling the leather flask with the cool water: if the player is not holding the flask: try taking the flask; otherwise: if there is nothing in the flask: continue the action; otherwise: say "It's already full."; stop the action. Before filling the leather flask with the underground pool: if the player is not holding the flask: try taking the flask; otherwise: if there is nothing in the flask: continue the action; otherwise: say "It's already full."; stop the action. After filling the leather flask with the cool water: say "You dip the flask in the crystalline pool and feel it fill up."; now a quantity of cool water is in the leather flask. After filling the leather flask with the underground pool: say "You dip the flask in the crystalline pool and feel it fill up."; now a quantity of cool water is in the leather flask. Instead of drinking the quantity of cool water: say "So fresh, it seems to give you some new life."; remove the quantity of cool water from play. The sand is scenery in Pool Cave. Description of the sand is "Little points of gold." Instead of taking the sand: say "It slithers between your fingers[if Glow is 1], glittering as it falls[end if]." Instead of filling the leather flask with the sand: say "You don't need it." Underground Tunnel is a room. Underground Tunnel is north of Pool Cave. "A narrow, sand-floored tunnel, round as if dug by some great earthworm. The walls are ridged and corded.[paragraph break]The tunnel bends and turns like the track of a snake, but seems to be climbing upwards, where the darkness turns to dusk.[paragraph break]An equally sinuous side passage splits off to the northwest. To the west is the dark entrance of an alcove. The pool lies back to the south." Underground Tunnel is unvisited. Underground Tunnel is dark. The rock walls are backdrop. The rock walls are in Underground Tunnel and Winding Tunnel. Description of the rock walls is "[if Glow is 1]The light you emit glints off the glassy ridges of the rock[otherwise]You can't see anything[end if]." Instead of jumping in Pool Cave: say "The ceiling is too low." Instead of jumping in an underground room: if the player is wearing the manacles: say "You cannot get far off the ground."; otherwise: if Playertransformed is 0: say "There is nothing for you in the cave ceiling, and you would risk injuring yourself."; otherwise: say "You jump on the spot, feeling the weight of your bones." Instead of jumping in Winding Tunnel: say "The trapdoor is low enough to pull yourself up." Before going north from Pool Cave: if Underground Tunnel is unvisited: say "As you approach the opening and take your first steps inside, the dark seems to shrink from you. You are far enough that you cannot see the room with the pool, and the tunnel is still lit with a golden glow. You realise it is being emitted by your skin, showing only as a faint glow where your clothes cover you."; now Glowinformed is 1. Crawl is a room. Crawl is northwest of Underground Tunnel. "The space compresses overhead until you can't walk upright. Water seeps up between the grains of sand.[paragraph break]To the northwest, the tunnel is submerged. The light glints off a murky mirror of water where it meets with the toothed roof of the tunnel. To the southeast, the tunnel rises and the air is drier." Crawl is dark. Crawl is underground. The murky water is scenery. The murky water is in Crawl. Description of the murky water is "Spots of light glint off it. You cannot tell whether its slow sheen is mineral or organic.[paragraph break]The shadowy tunnel continues underwater." The murky water is fillable. Instead of drinking the murky water: say "It tastes so old and alien, like something separate from water outside beneath the sky." A quantity of murky water is a thing. Description of a quantity of murky water is "It is too dark to see." A quantity of murky water is fillable. Instead of filling the leather flask with a quantity of grey water: say "It's already in it." Instead of filling the leather flask with a quantity of murky water: say "It's already in it." Before filling the leather flask with the murky water: if the player is not holding the flask: try taking the flask; otherwise: if there is nothing in the flask: continue the action; otherwise: say "It's already full."; stop the action. After filling the leather flask with the murky water: say "You dip the flask and feel it fill up."; now a quantity of murky water is in the leather flask. Instead of taking the murky water: say "It feels cold between your fingers." Instead of touching the murky water: say "It feels cold between your fingers." Instead of drinking the quantity of murky water: say "It tastes dull, and cold in a way that has nothing to do with temperature."; remove the quantity of murky water from play. Instead of taking a quantity of murky water: say "You already have it." Submerged Tunnel is a room. Submerged Tunnel is northwest of Crawl. Northwestroom is a room. Northwestroom is below Crawl. Instead of going down from Crawl: try going northwest. Instead of swimming in Crawl: try going northwest. Instead of going northwest from Crawl: if the player is wearing the manacles: say "You duck your head under the lip of the roof and dive. Almost instantly, the manacles pin you to the bottom.[paragraph break]You struggle to budge them, but the life-warmth ebbs from your blood, and your mind soon follows."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise: if the player is wearing the winged harness: say "You will never be able to swim while wearing the wings."; stop the action; otherwise: if Underwaterswum is 0: say "You duck your head under the moisture-gleaming roof and dive.[paragraph break]The tunnel bends before you, making it impossible to gauge how far you are from the air, but you make the bend and soon an oval surface glitters above you. You breach it, the blood throbbing inside your ears."; move the player to Nested Tunnel; now Underwaterswum is 1; otherwise: if the player is holding the pair of wings: say "You have to drag the wings every step through the tunnel, and every time their finger-claws snag on a spur in the rock is the beginning of disaster, but you manage to get them out on the other side."; move the player to Nested Tunnel; otherwise: say "You duck under the cold surface, and after ten vigorous strokes you emerge on the other side."; move the player to Nested Tunnel. Nested Tunnel is a room. Nested Tunnel is northwest from Submerged Tunnel. "A tunnel through mixed earth and rock. Despite being wide and low, it feels like the walls are closing on you in whichever direction you are not looking. A variety of tunnels fan out to the west, northwest, north, northeast and east. The submerged portion of the tunnel lies back to the sourtheast. The floor is covered with thick, rust-coloured sand, criscrossed with tracks[if Playertransformed is 1], sticking to your wet feet and falling with a faint slithering[end if][if Dragonmapped is 1]. Pawprints lead into the western tunnel[otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2]. Pawprints lead into the northwestern tunnel[otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3]. Pawprints lead into the northern tunnel[otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4]. Pawprints lead into the northeastern tunnel[otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5]. Pawprints lead into the eastern tunnel[end if]." Nested Tunnel is dark. The rust-coloured sand is scenery in Nested Tunnel. Understand "tracks" or "pawprints" or "rust" as the rust-coloured sand. Before examining the rust-coloured sand: if Dragonmapped is 0: if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the western tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; now Dragonmapped is 1; stop the action; otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the northwestern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; now Dragonmapped is 2; stop the action; otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the northern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; now Dragonmapped is 3; stop the action; otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the northeastern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; now Dragonmapped is 4; stop the action; otherwise: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the eastern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; now Dragonmapped is 5; stop the action; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 1: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the western tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; stop the action; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the northwestern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; stop the action; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the northern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; stop the action; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the northeastern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; stop the action; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5: say "Deep tracks lead from the water and into the eastern tunnel. They look more like paws than feet."; stop the action. Fakeroom1 is west of Nested Tunnel. Fakeroom2 is northwest of Nested Tunnel. Fakeroom3 is north of Nested Tunnel. Fakeroom4 is northeast of Nested Tunnel. Fakeroom5 is east of Nested Tunnel. Instead of taking the rust-coloured sand: say "The dirty sand runs between your fingers." Instead of attacking the rust-coloured sand: say "You pound it with your fist, the sand splashing up around the impact with a dull sound." Instead of filling the flask with the rust-coloured sand: say "You don't need it." Instead of going southeast from Nested Tunnel: if the player is wearing the manacles: say "You duck your head under the lip of the roof and dive. Almost instantly, the manacles pin you to the bottom.[paragraph break]You struggle to budge them, but the life-warmth ebbs from your blood, and your mind soon follows."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise: if the player is wearing the winged harness: say "You will never be able to swim while wearing the wings."; stop the action; otherwise: if the player is holding the pair of wings: say "You have to drag the wings every step through the tunnel, and every time their finger-claws snag on a spur in the rock is an impending disaster, but you manage to get them out on the other side."; move the player to Crawl; otherwise: say "Your memory has underestimated the length of the tunnel. Your lungs are all but out of air by the time you pull yourself up on the other side."; move the player to Crawl. Instead of going west from Nested Tunnel: if Dragonmapped is 0: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 1: move the player to Low Sloping Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads.". Instead of going northwest from Nested Tunnel: if Dragonmapped is 0: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 1: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2: move the player to Low Sloping Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads." Instead of going north from Nested Tunnel: if Dragonmapped is 0: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 1: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3: move the player to Low Sloping Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads." Instead of going northeast from Nested Tunnel: if Dragonmapped is 0: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 1: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4: move the player to Low Sloping Tunnel; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads." Instead of going east from Nested Tunnel: if Dragonmapped is 0: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 1: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 2: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 3: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 4: say "You make your way down the earthy-floored tunnel. It winds for a while, then you emerge from another of the openings back at the crossroads."; otherwise if Dragonmapped is 5: move the player to Low Sloping Tunnel. Low Sloping Tunnel is a room. "The tunnel slopes here. The ceiling is low enough that you need to bow your head, but it does not get lower than that. Above you lies the tangled crossroads. You sense the tunnel widening into a huge cave below. The air is stifling, unpleasant." Low Sloping Tunnel is dark. Instead of smelling in Low Sloping Tunnel: say "An unpleasant, ashen smell." Abovetunnelroom is a room. Abovetunnelroom is above Low Sloping Tunnel. Instead of going up from Low Sloping Tunnel: move the player to Nested Tunnel. Royal Lair is a room. Royal Lair is below Low Sloping Tunnel. "A vast, low-roofed rotunda of a cave[if Royal Lair is unvisited]. You stand in the cave mouth, looking down at the marvel[end if].[paragraph break]The rounded tunnel leads back upward, and a large tunnel mouth leads west." Royal Lair is dark. Royal Lair is underground. Instead of smelling in Royal Lair: say "An unpleasant, ashen smell." The corpse is a thing. The corpse is in Royal Lair. "The corpse of a [if Wingstaken is 0]winged[otherwise]large[end if] animal lies in the middle of the sandy floor[if Playertransformed is 1], curled in a sinuous curve by its last throes[end if]." Description of the corpse is "You never thought they were real, but who knows what might be real in this uncharted mountain? It is smaller than you pictured a dragon, the body perhaps twice your length and little thicker than you. The cave air has largely spared its flesh; bone only shows around its eye-sockets and in long gashes across the desiccated flesh of its sides. Its stench is that of something scorched rather than putrid. [if Wingstaken is 0]Its bat-ribbed wings lie slack on the sand, their hide marred by only a few scratches[otherwise]Bones stick out of the jagged stumps of wings on the ridged back[end if]." Understand "dragon" or "beast" or "animal" or "carcass" as the corpse. The corpse is fixed in place. Instead of taking the corpse: say "Your heels slide in the sand as you try to budge it." Instead of pulling the corpse: say "It is too heavy for you." Instead of pushing the corpse: say "It is too heavy for you." Instead of attacking the corpse: say "Your fist bounces off the leathery flesh." Instead of attacking the corpse with the bar: say "You give it a few whacks with the bar." The pair of wings is a thing. The pair of wings is part of the corpse. "A pair of wings lie folded here." Description of the wings is "A few yards long, somewhat wider, with sickly-blue hide stretched across ribs of jointed bones. Aside from a few poked holes, they are intact." The wings are untaken. Instead of waving the wings: if the player is in Mountaintop: say "They may be able to carry your weight, but you cannot merely hold on to them all the way. You would need some way to turn them into a flying device"; otherwise if the player is in Royal Lair: say "You hold the wings out, flapping them experimentally, but there is no draft here."; otherwise: say "There is not enough room." Instead of flapping the wings: try waving the wings. Using is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use [something]" as using. Instead of using the winch: try pulling the winch. Instead of using the wings: try wearing the wings. Flapping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "flap [something]" as flapping. Instead of flapping the wings: try waving the wings. Instead of taking the wings: if Wingstaken is 0: say "Try as you might, you can't tear the wings off their base with your bare hands."; otherwise: say "You hoist the wings off the floor."; now the player is holding the wings; now the wings are taken. The glaive is an implement. The glaive is in Royal Lair. "[if the glaive is untaken]A glaive pokes up from the dragon's back, the blade lodged in its skin. If the dragon were still breathing, its pole would quiver[otherwise]A glaive lies here[end if]." Description of the glaive is "A curved blade of old iron attached to a wooden pole. The pole appears to have snapped[if the glaive is untaken]. The blade is lodged in the dragon's back[end if]." The glaive is untaken. Understand "halberd" or "blade" or "pole" as the glaive. After taking the glaive: if the glaive is untaken: say "You pull it free without much effort."; now the glaive is taken; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of attacking the player with the glaive: say "You swipe the blade at your arm, causing a stinging scratch." Instead of attacking the corpse with the glaive: say "The body holds no interest to you." Instead of attacking the wings: say "Your hands are unable to damage the hide and sheathed bones." Instead of attacking the wings with the glaive: if Wingstaken is 0: say "You start sawing the base of one of the wings. It takes time, and you fear that you are blunting the blade, but finally both wings lie detached."; now Wingstaken is 1; move the pair of wings to Royal Lair; otherwise: say "You see no point in damaging the wings further." Instead of attacking the wings with the bar: if Wingstaken is 0: say "The bar is too blunt to saw off the wings."; otherwise: say "Blunt as the bar is, you might damage them." Instead of pulling the wings: if Wingstaken is 0: say "They won't come loose."; otherwise: say "You can manipulate the wings a little, but it seems pointless." The thick sand is scenery. The thick sand is in Royal Lair. Description of the thick sand is "Rusty, dirty, marked with the prints of paws and boots. It seems very thick." The skeleton is a thing. "The remains of a human skeleton lies here." Description of the skeleton is "A disjointed skeleton, still wearing a pierced breastplate." The breastplate is part of the skeleton. Instead of taking the skeleton: say "It would be heavy to carry, and the thought is morbid." Instead of pulling the skeleton: say "It would slip apart." Instead of pushing the skeleton: say "You see no point." Instead of taking the breastplate: say "So dented and fused, you are unable to get it off the skeleton, and it would be of no use if you could." After searching the thick sand: if Skeletonfound is 0: say "You scratch in the sand and see the white of a fingerbone. A few more minutes' work, and you have uncovered the entire skeleton."; move the skeleton to Royal Lair; now Skeletonfound is 1; otherwise: say "You scratch through the sand, but find nothing more." The tunnel mouth is scenery. The tunnel mouth is in Royal Lair. Description of the tunnel mouth is "As wide as a stable door. The cave floor is worn plane." Balcony is a room. Balcony is west of Royal Lair. "A short stretch of tunnel, the entire western side open to the cliff face and the abyss below. Through the western opening, you see cliff-jagged, barren land below, succeeded by a band of forest, stretching out until distance turns the land misty and blue and melds it with the sky. A dim, reeking passage leads east[if Weather is 1].[paragraph break]The mighty wind slams constantly against you from the west[end if]." The leather harness is a wearable thing. The leather harness is in Balcony. "A leather harness lies tossed here." Description of the leather harness is "An assemblage of narrow straps of brown leather, held together with iron rings. While it is difficult to gauge its use, it seems to have been made for something smaller than a horse." The leather harness is unused. The winged harness is a wearable thing. Description of the winged harness is "An assemblage of narrow straps of brown leather, held together with iron rings. Leathery, blue-grey wings sprout from the straps fitting over your shoulder-blades." Understand "wing harness" or "wings harness" or "dragon harness" as the winged harness. The winged harness is unused. After wearing the leather harness: if the leather harness is unused: say "You have to adjust several of the buckles, but soon it fits as well around your body as it ever will."; now the leather harness is used; now the winged harness is used; otherwise: say "You put on the harness." After wearing the winged harness: if the leather harness is unused: say "You have to adjust several of the buckles, but soon it fits as well around your body as it ever will."; now the leather harness is used; now the winged harness is used; otherwise: say "You put on the harness." Before tying the wings to the leather harness: if the player is not carrying the leather harness: try taking the leather harness. Before tying the wings to the leather harness: if the player is not carrying the pair of wings: try taking the wings. Before tying the leather harness to the wings: if the player is not carrying the leather harness: try taking the leather harness. Before tying the leather harness to the wings: if the player is not carrying the pair of wings: try taking the wings. Instead of tying the leather harness to the player: try wearing the leather harness. Instead of tying the winged harness to the player: try wearing the winged harness. Instead of tying the wings to the leather harness: if the player is wearing the leather harness: say "You remove the harness to be able to work with it.[paragraph break]It is long and painstaking work, but you replace some straps and tie them around the jagged bone-stumps of the wings until they are securely fastened."; remove the wings from play; remove the leather harness from play; now the player is carrying the winged harness; otherwise: say "It is long and painstaking work, but you replace some straps and tie them around the jagged bone-stumps of the wings until they are securely fastened."; remove the wings from play; remove the leather harness from play; now the player is carrying the winged harness. Instead of tying the leather harness to the wings: if the player is wearing the leather harness: say "You remove the harness to be able to work with it.[paragraph break]It is long and painstaking work, but you replace some straps and tie them around the jagged bone-stumps of the wings until they are securely fastened."; remove the wings from play; remove the leather harness from play; now the player is carrying the winged harness; otherwise: say "It is long and painstaking work, but you replace some straps and tie them around the jagged bone-stumps of the wings until they are securely fastened."; remove the wings from play; remove the leather harness from play; now the player is carrying the winged harness. Instead of going west from Balcony: if Playertransformed is 0: if Weather is 1: say "You can barely even make your way to the edge. Jumping would merely cause the wind to slam you far back into the cave."; otherwise if Weather is 2: say "You step up to the edge and leap. The wind catches you like a scrap of cloth and carries you south. You see lands below you that you do not recognise, and you don't know when the wind will let you down."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise if Weather is 3: say "You step close to the edge and leap. For a moment, you drift down, then the wind picks you up and drives you homeward."; move the player to Mid-Air; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise if Weather is 4: say "You step up to the edge and leap. The wind catches you like a scrap of cloth and carries you north, across the golden shore, then over the glittering sea."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise: if the player is not wearing the winged harness: say "You walk to the edge and throw yourself out. The entirety of the world spins around you as you fall."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise: if Weather is 1: say "The wind slams you straight in the face. You will never be able to get a fair wind to lift the wings."; otherwise if Weather is 2: say "You fling yourself off the edge.[paragraph break]At first, you plummet, and you are almost unconscious with fear when the harness jolts you. The wind catches under your wings and carries you southward. You see lands below you that you do not recognise, and you don't know when the wind will let you down."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise if Weather is 3: say "You fling yourself off the edge.[paragraph break]At first, you plummet, and you are almost unconscious with fear when the harness jolts you. The wind catches under your wings and carries you towards your home."; move the player to Mid-Air; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise if Weather is 4: say "You fling yourself off the edge.[paragraph break]At first, you plummet, and you are almost unconscious with fear when the harness jolts you. The wind catches under your wings and carries you norh, across the golden shore, then over the glittering sea."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU." Western Abyss is a room. Western Abyss is west of Balcony. Lower Balcony is a room. Lower Balcony is below Balcony. Instead of going down from Balcony: try going west. Instead of jumping in Balcony: try going west. Before going west from Underground Tunnel: if the player is wearing the winged harness: say "You cannot get the wings through the opening."; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action. Cave Chamber is a room. Cave Chamber is west of Underground Tunnel. "A long, narrow chamber with the air of a natural cell. The only exit is east." Cave Chamber is dark. Cave Chamber is underground. Before going east from Cave Chamber: if the player is wearing the winged harness: say "You cannot get the wings through the opening."; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action. The set of manacles is a wearable thing. The set of manacles is in Cave Chamber. "[if the set of manacles is untaken]A pair of manacles hang from a craggy spur in the wall[otherwise]On the floor lies a set of manacles[end if]." Description of the set of manacles is "Heavy links in some brass-oily metal older than iron, with two rings for the ankles." The set of manacles is untaken. Understand "chains" as the manacles. The spur is scenery in Cave Chamber. Description of the spur is "A softly rounded peg of rock, jutting out just enough to hang something from it." Instead of taking the spur: say "It's part of the stone." The board is a thing. The board is in Cave Chamber. "[if the board is untaken]A board with scrawled writing leans against the wall[otherwise]You see a board with some writing here[end if]." Description of the board is "[if the board is light]A board of light, weathered wood, with some crude writing scrawled on it in what may be charcoal: 'I go to take my chances with the pool. I leave these chains as a sacrifice to whatever gods favour freedom.'[otherwise]A narrow sheet with the grain of wood, but the weight of stone. There is no visible writing." The board is untaken. Understand "writing" as the board. The dark pool is an enterable container. The dark pool is in Cave Chamber. "At the back end of the room, the ceiling slopes down over an odd, dark pool." Understand "shady" or "shaded" or "particles" as the dark pool. Description of the dark pool is "The water is full of small, dusky particles, pushed up by the current and sinking slowly[if Glow is 1]. Your light doesn't seem to quite illuminate it, no matter how close you get[end if].[paragraph break]Deep at the bottom, you see a dark human form." The dark pool is fixed in place. Understand "odd" as the dark pool. The dark pool is fillable. Instead of smelling the dark pool: say "A whiff of something nocturnal and mineral." The shadowy form is scenery in Cave Chamber. Description of the shadowy form is "It looks human, but a human corpse should not have sunk to the bottom like that. Its position obscures its face." Understand "body" or "figure" or "human" as the shadowy form. Instead of doing something other than examining with the shadowy form: say "It is at the bottom of the pool." Instead of taking the dark pool: say "You cannot." Instead of entering the dark pool: say "You fling yourself into the pool. You feel the familiar weight catching hold around you, growing stronger, growing stronger than the rock itself. You can no longer swim upwards, or even move your limbs.[paragraph break]The light fades around you, but you stay conscious longer than seems possible, feeling the water move in and out of your frozen lungs, your open eyes hardening to quartz. Finally, the influence permeates your brain."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of swimming in Cave Chamber: try entering the dark pool. Instead of inserting the board into the dark pool: if the board is light: say "You dip the board into the water. Greyness creeps up the wood like a shadow, blotting out the writing."; now the board is stoned; stop the action; if the board is stoned: say "You dip the board in the pool, but it makes no difference." Instead of inserting the lock of hair into the dark pool: if the lock of hair is light: say "You dip the lock in the water and almost drop it as it grows heavier in your grip. Pulling it up, it has grown pale, almost like the hair of an old man. Only the dry end of the hairs still glows."; now the lock of hair is stoned; stop the action; if the lock of hair is stoned: say "You dip the hairs in the water, but it makes no difference." Instead of inserting the set of manacles into the dark pool: say "You dip the manacles into the water and pull them back up. You see no difference, except that the yellow metal looks somewhat greyer." Instead of inserting the iron bar into the dark pool: say "You dip the bar into the water. You see no difference, except that the dark metal looks somewhat greyer." Instead of inserting the note into the dark pool: if the note is light: say "You dip the note. Water soaks into it, making it heavier, but not frail."; now the note is stoned; stop the action; if the note is stoned: say "You dip the note in the pool. It makes no difference." Instead of filling the flask with the dark pool: try filling the flask with the grey water. Instead of inserting the leather flask into the dark pool: try filling the leather flask with the grey water. Instead of filling the flask with an unfillable thing: say "That would never fit." Instead of pushing the flask: if the flask is stoned: say "It doesn't give under the pressure."; otherwise: if there is nothing in the flask: say "You squeeze it slightly."; otherwise: say "You squeeze it slightly. The stopper prevents the water from leaking out." Instead of drinking the dark pool: if Playertransformed is 0: say "The moment your lips touch the shadowy water, an acute pain tears through your mouth. You are just about able to swallow a sip of the water. While the flavour is not revolting, it is different from any water you have tasted before, almost unearthly.[paragraph break]You sit back up. The pain subsides, but your lips feel tingling and numb, and you suspect that feeling is going to last. A sense of dullness spreads down your gullet, through your chest, into your arms. Your breathing hitches, then returns. There is no pain, but something has changed irreversibly.[paragraph break]When you look at your hands, the colour of your skin has not changed, but it is growing duller[if the player is in an underground room]. Almost pore by pore, your light is going out[end if]."; now Playertransformed is 1; now Playerweight is 1; now the player is unlit; now Glow is 0; now the lock of hair is lit; if the player is carrying the lock of hair: if the player is in a dark room: say "The lock of dishevelled hair still glows, far fainter than your old light. It casts a dim halo that barely lights your own body and a spot of the floor around your feet."; otherwise: say "You bend closer to the pool. This time, your lips are too numb to feel the water. You are able to suck up a large mouthful of the water.[line break]As it spreads through your torso, your breathing becomes increasingly laboured. By the time you collapse on the sand, you cannot even move your eyelids."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Underpool is a room. Underpool is below Cave Chamber. Instead of going down from Cave Chamber: say "You fling yourself into the pool. You feel the familiar weight catching hold around you, growing stronger, growing stronger than the rock itself. You can no longer swim upwards, or even move your limbs.[paragraph break]The light fades around you, but you stay conscious longer than seems possible, feeling the water move in and out of your frozen lungs, your open eyes hardening to quartz. Finally, the influence permeates your brain."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". The grey water is scenery. The grey water is in Cave Chamber. Description of the grey water is "The water is full of small, dusky particles, pushed up by the current and sinking slowly[if Glow is 1]. Your light doesn't seem to quite illuminate it, no matter how close you get[end if]." The grey water is fillable. Instead of taking the grey water: if Handinjury is 0: say "When you stick your fingers in it, pain slices through your hand. You yank it back up. Your fingers have darkened to an odd grey where the water touched, and you can barely bend them.[paragraph break]After a few breaths, the pain subsides, though the flesh bordering on the affected parts still throbs. Your fingers are so stiff you can barely move them normally, and you have no idea how long that will last."; now Handinjury is 1; otherwise: say "You are not going to be able to take the water that way." Instead of touching the dark pool: if Handinjury is 0: say "When you stick your fingers in it, pain slices through your hand. You yank it back up. Your fingers have darkened to an odd grey where the water touched, and you can barely bend them.[paragraph break]After a few breaths, the pain subsides, though the flesh bordering on the affected parts still throbs. Your fingers are so stiff you can barely move them normally, and you have no idea how long that will last."; now Handinjury is 1; otherwise: say "You keep your hand clear of it." Instead of touching the grey water: try touching the dark pool. Instead of attacking the dark pool: if Handinjury is 0: say "When your hand skims the surface, a sharp pain shots through it. You yank it back up. Your fingers have darkened to an odd grey where the water touched, and you can barely bend them.[paragraph break]After a few breaths, the pain subsides, though the flesh bordering on the affected parts still throbs. Your fingers are so stiff you can barely moved them normally, and you have no idea how long that will last."; now Handinjury is 1; otherwise: say "You keep your hand clear of it." Instead of attacking the grey water: try attacking the dark pool. Instead of attacking the dark pool with the bar: say "The water ripples and grows still." A quantity of grey water is a thing. Description of a quantity of grey water is "Looking into the flask, you see only darkness." The quantity of the grey water is fillable. Instead of drinking the grey water: if Playertransformed is 0: say "The moment your lips touch the shadowy water, an acute pain tears through your mouth. You are just about able to swallow a sip of the water. While the flavour is not revolting, it is different from any water you have tasted before, almost unearthly.[paragraph break]You sit back up. The pain subsides, but your lips feel tingling and numb, and you suspect that feeling is going to last. A sense of dullness spreads down your gullet, through your chest, into your arms. Your breathing hitches, then returns. There is no pain, but something has changed irreversibly.[paragraph break]When you look at your hands, the colour of your skin has not changed, but it is growing duller. Almost pore by pore, your light is going out."; now Playertransformed is 1; now Playerweight is 1; now Glow is 0; now the player is unlit; now the lock of hair is lit; if the player is carrying the lock of hair: if the player is in a dark room: say "The lock of dishevelled hair still glows, far fainter than your old light. It casts a dim halo that barely lights your own body and a spot of the floor around your feet."; otherwise: say "You bend closer to the pool. This time, your lips are too numb to feel the water. You are able to suck up a large mouthful of the water.[line break]As it spreads through your torso, your breathing becomes increasingly laboured. By the time you collapse on the sand, you cannot even move your eyelids."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Filling it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "fill [container] with [thing]" as filling it with. Pouring is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pour [container]" or "empty [container]" as pouring. Instead of pouring something: say "You can't." Instead of pouring the leather flask: if there is nothing in the leather flask: say "There is nothing in it."; otherwise: if the quantity of grey water is in the flask: say "The water spills onto the ground."; remove the quantity of grey water from play; otherwise if the quantity of murky water is in the flask: say "The water spills onto the ground."; remove the quantity of murky water from play; otherwise if the quantity of cool water is in the flask: say "The water spills onto the ground."; remove the quantity of cool water from play. Instead of pouring the quantity of grey water: say "The water spills onto the ground."; remove the quantity of grey water from play. Instead of pouring the quantity of murky water: say "The water spills onto the ground."; remove the quantity of murky water from play. Instead of pouring the quantity of cool water: say "The water spills onto the ground."; remove the quantity of cool water from play. Before filling the leather flask with the grey water: if the player is not holding the flask: try taking the flask; otherwise: if there is nothing in the flask: continue the action; otherwise: say "It's already full."; stop the action. After filling the leather flask with the grey water: say "You dip the flask in the pool[if Handinjury is 1], taking care not to touch the water[end if], and watch it fill up."; now a quantity of grey water is in the leather flask; now the leather flask is stoned. Instead of taking a quantity of grey water: say "You already have it." Instead of touching the quantity of grey water: say "It's in the flask." Instead of drinking the quantity of grey water: if Playertransformed is 0: say "You put your lips to the neck of the bottle and take a sip. The water does not taste bad, but its flavour is so inorganic and misty, you almost wonder whether it is water at all. The chill of it spreads into your chest, your stomach, brancing into your arms and legs. Your breathing hitches, then returns. There is no pain, but something has changed irreversibly.[paragraph break]When you look at your hands, the colour of your skin has not changed, but it is growing duller. Almost pore by pore, your light is going out."; now Playertransformed is 1; now Playerweight is 1; now the player is unlit; now Glow is 0; now Cave Chamber is dark; now Underground Tunnel is dark; now the lock of hair is lit; if the player is carrying the lock of hair: if the player is in a dark room: say "The lock of dishevelled hair still glows, far fainter than your old light. It casts a dim halo that barely lights your own body and a spot of the floor around your feet."; otherwise: say "You drink another mouthful.[line break]As it spreads through your torso, your breathing becomes increasingly laboured. By the time you collapse on the sand, you cannot even move your eyelids."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". After taking the set of manacles: say "Taken."; now the set of manacles is taken. After wearing the set of manacles: say "You push the manacles closed around your wrists. The chains are much more cumbersome than the ones you used to wear, and the manacles soon chafe, but you are certainly safe from the wind now."; now Playerweight is 1. After taking off the set of manacles: say "You unclip the manacles."; if Playertransformed is 0: now Playerweight is 0. Instead of listening to Underground Tunnel: say "There is no sound." Instead of listening to Cave Chamber: say "There is no sound." Before going up from Underground Tunnel: say "You trudge up the slope until it feels like your eyes have forgotten all but the smooth glimmer on the rock walls." Winding Tunnel is a room. Winding Tunnel is above Underground Tunnel. "You cannot pinpoint any differences from the tunnel you came from, but its very atmosphere is one of being close to freedom, as if the open sky calls to your body. The tunnel winds down into the rock." The opening is a thing. The opening is in Winding Tunnel. "[if Glow is 1]Rays of dusty light sift down from an opening in the ceiling[otherwise]Pale light falls from an opening in the ceiling, lighting a little section of the corded walls[end if]." Description of the opening is "All you can see above it is the blaze of sun." Understand "hole" as the opening. The opening is fixed in place. The rays of light is scenery. The rays of light is in Winding Tunnel. Description of the rays of light is "Dustmotes rise and sink." Instead of taking the rays of light: if Playertransformed is 1: say "It is too ethereal for you to take."; otherwise: say "You imagine that it is already drawn towards you and scattering on your skin." Instead of touching the rays of light: say "It has no body." Instead of taking the opening: say "You cannot." Instead of pushing the opening: say "You cannot." Instead of pulling the opening: say "You cannot." Instead of touching the opening: say "You feel the bracing air of the mountain, a hint of sun-warmth." Instead of listening to Winding Tunnel: if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "You hear nothing."; otherwise: say "You hear the wind again." Before going up from Winding Tunnel: say "You grab the edge of the opening and haul yourself up into daylight." Mountaintop is a room. Mountaintop is above Winding Tunnel. "Barren rock, covered with little other than dust, but almost golden under the clouded sky. The hole you emerged from is dark.[paragraph break]To the west, the cliff ends in a sheer drop[if Playertransformed is 1], with only a narrow trail climbing down the valleyside[end if]. The land stretches out below, misty with distance.[paragraph break]You can hear the voice of the wind." The strange device is a thing. The strange device is in Mountaintop. "An odd device is the only landmark here. It is a pole adorned with wings and sails made from cloth stretched over wood." Description of the strange device is "A pole fitted with wing-like sails made from cloth stretched over wood, some of them ornamented with magpie and thrush feathers. The device is facing [if Weather is 1]east[otherwise if Weather is 2]south[otherwise if Weather is 3]west[otherwise if Weather is 4]north[end if]." Understand "pole" as the strange device. Instead of taking the strange device: say "It cannot be pulled off its mount." Carry out listening to Mountaintop: say "If any sounds reach up here, the gale drowns them out." Flying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "fly" as flying. Instead of flying: try jumping. Instead of jumping in Mountaintop: if Playertransformed is 0: if the player is wearing the manacles: say "You cannot jump high. The dragging chains always hold you down."; otherwise: if Weather is 1: say "You leap. Before you have reached the high point of your trajectory, the wind catches you and sweeps you far across the sky[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise if Weather is 2: say "You leap. Before you have reached the high point of your trajectory, the wind catches you and sweeps you far across the sky[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise if Weather is 3: say "You leap. Before you have reached the high point of your trajectory, the wind catches you and sweeps you westward[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]."; move the player to Mid-Air; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise if Weather is 4: say "You leap. Before you have reached the high point of your trajectory, the wind catches you and sweeps you far across the sky[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise: if the player is wearing the winged harness: if the player is wearing the manacles: say "You try to jump, but the manacles hold you down."; otherwise: if Weather is 1: say "As you spring into the air, the wind catches under your wings and sweeps you off the eastern edge[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]. As the day dies into evening, you glide on."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise if Weather is 2: say "As you spring into the air, the wind catches under your wings and sweeps you off the southern edge[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]. As the day dies into evening, you glide on."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU."; otherwise if Weather is 3: say "As you spring into the air, the wind catches under your wings and sweeps you off the western edge[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]."; move the player to Mid-Air; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise if Weather is 4: say "As you spring into the air, the wind catches under your wings and sweeps you off the northern edge[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]. As the day dies into evening, you glide on."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU." Every turn: if the player is in Mountaintop: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: if Playerweight is 1: if Playertransformed is 1: if the player is not wearing the winged harness: say "A violent gale sweeps down from the [if Weather is 1]west[otherwise if Weather is 2]north[otherwise if Weather is 3]east[otherwise if Weather is 4]south[end if]. Your wet clothes are plastered to your body and your eyes water, but you remain grounded."; otherwise: if the player is carrying the manacles: say "You will need to make yourself as light as possible."; stop the action; otherwise if the player is wearing the manacles: say "You will need to make yourself as light as possible."; stop the action; otherwise: if Weather is 1: say "The wind catches you, sends you stumbling to the edge of the plateau, and then off. You are swept across the eastern sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise if Weather is 2: say "The wind catches you, sends you stumbling to the edge of the plateau, and then off. You are swept across the southern sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise if Weather is 3: say "The wind catches you, sends you stumbling to the edge of the plateau, and then off. Your legs dangle against the misty disk of earth below you as the harness carries you on."; move the player to Mid-Air; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise if Weather is 4: say "The wind catches you, sends you stumbling to the edge of the plateau, and then off. You are swept across the northern sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise: say "A violent gale sweeps down from the [if Weather is 1]west[otherwise if Weather is 2]north[otherwise if Weather is 3]east[otherwise if Weather is 4]south[end if] and makes you rattle back and forth like a scarecrow of bones and cloth."; otherwise: if the player is crawled: say "A violent gale sweeps down on you from the [if Weather is 1]west[otherwise if Weather is 2]north[otherwise if Weather is 3]east[otherwise if Weather is 4]south[end if]. You dig your fingers into the thin soil, not daring to breathe, and even then it's an even battle before the wind subsides."; otherwise: if Weather is 3: say "As if you had commanded it, a wind rises from the eastern fields and sweeps you with it[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip from your grasp and you don't have the time to grab on to them[end if]."; move the player to Mid-Air; the third timer rings in 1 turn from now; otherwise: say "A violent gale sweeps down from the [if Weather is 1]west[otherwise if Weather is 2]north[otherwise if Weather is 3]east[otherwise if Weather is 4]south[end if] and pulls your feet off the cliff[if the player is carrying the set of manacles]. The manacles slip out of your grasp and you flail helplessly to grab onto them before you wheel into the abyss of the sky[otherwise]. You wheel into the abyss of the sky[end if]."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU" Instead of turning the strange device: say "It pivots easily in its hole, as if designed to.[paragraph break]Now the device is facing [if Weather is 1]south[otherwise if Weather is 2]west[otherwise if Weather is 3]north[otherwise if Weather is 4]east[end if]."; if Weather is 4: decrease Weather by 3; otherwise: increase Weather by 1. Instead of pushing the strange device: say "It pivots easily in its hole, as if designed to.[paragraph break]Now the device is facing [if Weather is 1]south[otherwise if Weather is 2]west[otherwise if Weather is 3]north[otherwise if Weather is 4]east[end if]."; if Weather is 4: decrease Weather by 3; otherwise: increase Weather by 1. Instead of pulling the strange device: say "It pivots easily in its hole, as if designed to.[paragraph break]Now the device is facing [if Weather is 1]north[otherwise if Weather is 2]east[otherwise if Weather is 3]south[otherwise if Weather is 4]west[end if]."; if Weather is 1: increase Weather by 3; otherwise: decrease Weather by 1. Instead of attacking the strange device: say "It pivots easily in its hole, as if designed to.[paragraph break]Now the device is facing [if Weather is 1]south[otherwise if Weather is 2]west[otherwise if Weather is 3]north[otherwise if Weather is 4]east[end if]."; if Weather is 4: decrease Weather by 3; otherwise: increase Weather by 1. Instead of attacking the strange device with the iron bar: say "You don't know what would happen if you damage it." Mid-Air is a room. "[if Playertransformed is 1]You are cruising, the wings catching enough air to keep you aloft[otherwise]You are flying[end if]. The ground is a grey blur below you, nearly as featureless as the sky.[paragraph break]Up ahead, you see the pinnacle of a watchtower." The ground is scenery in Mid-Air. Description of the ground is "Whatever meaning the earth holds, here there is freedom." Instead of listening to Mid-Air: say "You have heard the howling of the wind for so long, it has almost become part of you." Instead of smelling in Mid-Air: say "You think you can smell the raw damp of the approaching nightfall, but nothing at all belonging to the ground below." Instead of attacking the leather flask: say "[if the leather flask is stoned]You hurt your hand[otherwise]You give it a whack, but the leather remains sturdy[end if]." Instead of doing anything with the flask: if the player is in Mid-Air: say "If you tried to get it out here, you would drop it."; otherwise: continue the action. At the time when the third timer rings: if Saved is 0: say "The wind sweeps you past the watchtower, too far for even your fingertips to touch it. You travel on into the sky."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"; otherwise: stop the action. The leather flask is a container. The leather flask is in Mountaintop. "[if the leather flask is untaken]A leather flask lies leaning on the pole of the device[otherwise]You see a leather flask here[end if]." Description of the leather flask is "A smallish traveller's flask with a stopper, clumsily sewn, but decorated with a collar of blue-dyed feathers stitched around the neck[if the leather flask is stoned]. The material looks like grey leather, but feels unusually heavy and doesn't give at all under your fingers[end if]." The leather flask is untaken. Understand "stopper" or "bottle" as the leather flask. Instead of inserting something into the leather flask: say "It is too big." Instead of inserting the water into the leather flask: try filling the leather flask with the water. The pinnacle is scenery in Mid-Air. Description of the pinnacle is "An almost jewellery-delicate pinnacle of pale stone. You recognise it as the one you used to look at from your bedchamber window, until your parents had your quarters moved to the first floor of the palace. It has almost zipped past you." Understand "watchtower" or "tower" or "parapet" as the pinnacle. Instead of touching the pinnacle: say "You reach out and your fingers brush the smooth stone. You are swept away again."; end the story saying "YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Instead of taking the pinnacle: if Playertransformed is 1: say "You put out your right arm and manage to grab a sculpted ledge. The wind still pulls you onward, but you are able to secure your hold and crawl onto the pinnacle."; move the player to Pinnacle Ledge; now Saved is 1; otherwise: say "You reach out and are able to snag a sculpted ledge. The jolt is painful, but you hold on and your grip stabilises.[paragraph break]You clamber inside the tower chamber."; move the player to Pinnacle Ledge; now Saved is 1. Instead of grabbing the pinnacle: try taking the pinnacle. Courtyard is a room. "[courtyarddescript]." To say courtyarddescript: if Playertransformed is 0: if the player is carrying the leather flask: if the quantity of grey water is in the leather flask: say "A court tiled with an enamelled pattern in red and green. A deeply hewn stone gate northward is the entrance to the palace. The main gates are to the south.[paragraph break]There is something else left to do"; otherwise: say "A court tiled with an enamelled pattern in red and green. A deeply hewn stone gate northward is the entrance to the palace. The main gates are to the south"; otherwise: say "A court tiled with an enamelled pattern in red and green. A deeply hewn stone gate northward is the entrance to the palace. The main gates are to the south"; otherwise: say "A court tiled with an enamelled pattern in red and green. A deeply hewn stone gate northward is the entrance to the palace. The main gates are to the south". Pinnacle Ledge is a room. Pinnacle Ledge is south of Pinnacle Interior. "A smooth cupola, only a few steps across, with a crenellated ledge below. A small archway leads north into a shadowy room." Before going north from Pinnacle Ledge: if the player is wearing the winged harness: say "You will not be able to get the wings inside."; stop the action; otherwise: if the player is carrying the winged harness: say "You will not be able to get the wings inside."; stop the action; otherwise: if Playertransformed is 1: say "With one hand around the edge of the archway, you clamber inside."; continue the action; otherwise: say "You slip inside, weightless as a shadow." After dropping the winged harness: if the player is in Pinnacle Ledge: say "The harness slips off the edge of the roof. When you glance down, it has snagged on a flagpole far below."; otherwise: say "Dropped." Pinnacle Interior is a room. Pinnacle Interior is above Courtyard. "A bare room with arched windows in every wall, small enough to hold you like a cage. A spiral staircase leads down into the dusk." Instead of going south from Pinnacle Interior: if Playertransformed is 1: say "You might fall."; otherwise: say "Going down the stairs would be easier." The archway is backdrop. The archway is in Pinnacle Ledge and Pinnacle Interior. Understand "arches" or "archways" or "windows" as the archway. Description of the archway is "[if the player is in Pinnacle Interior]Through the arches, you see glimpses of your homeland and the fiery sky, but you have no time to stare for long[otherwise]A gingerbread-dainty arch leading north into the pinnacle[end if]." Instead of taking the archway: say "It is part of the tower." The spiral staircase is scenery in Pinnacle Interior. Description of the spiral staircase is "Narrow, and devoid of any ornaments." Instead of taking the spiral staircase: say "You cannot." Every turn: if the player is in Pinnacle Interior: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: if Playertransformed is 1: say "A wind surges through the chamber, but you don't budge."; otherwise: say "A wind surges through the chamber, sending you a few steps towards the eastern arch." Before going down from Pinnacle Interior: if Playertransformed is 1: say "You make your way down the stairs, as fast as you can with your new weight."; otherwise: say "You make your way down the stairs, as fast as you can for your curse." Instead of going up from Courtyard: if Playertransformed is 0: say "You don't want to risk going back there."; otherwise: say "There would be no point." The pattern is scenery in Courtyard. Description of the pattern is "Looking at it, you finally believe that this is real." Understand "tiles" or "tile" or "enamelled" as the pattern. Instead of taking the pattern: say "You cannot pull out the tiles." The guards are scenery in Courtyard. Description of the guards is "Two by each tower, armour burnished bright, spear-tips aflame by the sun. One of them jostles another, staring at you." Instead of doing anything other than examining with the guards: say "Your father is waiting for you." Instead of jumping in Courtyard: if Playertransformed is 0: say "If you jump high enough, the shelter of the walls will not be enough."; otherwise: say "You jump a little, feeling the hard jolts in your shins every time your soles hit the ground." City Street is a room. City Street is south of Courtyard. Instead of going south from Courtyard: say "You cannot open the gates on your own, and you have no reason to go that way." Throne Room is a room. Throne Room is north of Courtyard. Carry out going north from Courtyard: if Playertransformed is 0: say "Without waiting for the guards to form up around you, you head for the throne room. You know that your father is waiting to see you.[paragraph break]Your life returns to its old shape. Once more, you wear the jewelled manacles. Your father jokes with you, saying that they are what every monarch has had to wear since time began. Perhaps the care you need to exercise every day will one day be a useful lesson.[paragraph break]He never mentions your imprisonment, but clearly, your godfather is no longer welcome in the palace."; end the story saying "YOU HAVE COME HOME"; otherwise: say "Without waiting for the guards to form up around you, you head for the throne room. Running is more exerting now that you have to fight gravity with every step, but you know that your father is waiting to see you.[paragraph break]Your royal father orders a feast to celebrate your return, but your greatest reward is the look in his eyes when he sees you at your exercise or walking among the courtiers. He never mentions your imprisonment, but clearly, your godfather is no longer welcome in the palace.[paragraph break]Learning to live like the men and women around you is often hard, but you know that you will be able to reign as befits a proper king."; end the story saying "YOU HAVE COME HOME".