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A Mallard's Quest for Friendship
Caroline Chan
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"Game" by Sophia Chen and Caroline Chan The maximum score is 20. When play begins: say "This is you. [Paragraph break]<(0 ) [Paragraph break]You are a mallard. Mallards are large ducks, with round heads, flat bills and you’ll eat…just about anything! Please quack."; The Please Quack is a room. The Park is a room. "You are in a standard neighborhood park. There’s a nice open field where birds and butterflies fly around, pollinating the flowers. To the south, you can see the house of Bernard, and to your west, you see a very thick woodland." After reading a command: if the player's command includes "quack" and score is 0: say "You quacked, the forest animals flee the scene, now try to honk."; increase the score by 1; reject the player's command. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "quack" and score is 1: say "You quacked again!"; reject the player's command. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "honk" and score is 1: say "You honked, honestly those are probably only two words you know. What a nice existence, quack and honk as you please."; increase the score by 1; reject the player's command. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "honk" and score is greater than 1: say "You honked again!"; reject the player's command. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "quack" and score is 2: say "As you let out your final war cry QUAAAAAAAAAAACK, you feel a thumping in the earth. Could it be…AN EARTHQUACKE? (pun intended)[Paragraph break]Then from the distance you see an old tall, plump, figure and he’s…coming towards you! 'YOU STUPID, ANNOYING, LOUD, OBNOXIOUS, MALLARDS. CAN’T I TAKE A NAP IN PEACE?? I, BERNARD THE SENIOR CITIZEN, WILL FEED YOU NO LONGER!!'[Paragraph break]Now that you think about it, you’re kind of hungry. Usually in this situation, Bernard would have fed you, but he seems…a tad bit pissed off right now.[Paragraph break]Actually you’re REALLY HUNGRY, and you need to make a sandwich RIGHT NOW to win back Bernard! QUICK! GO FIND THE INGREDIENTS! Head north to your favourite pond!"; increase the score by 1; now the player is in the Park; reject the player's command. The Pond is a room. The Pond is north from the park. "You are in a pond, with a picnic blanket, with a big red inconspicuous sign that says 'assemble sandwich here' that you totally can’t read. The pond is filled with sea grass and fish (yum!) and just deep enough to dive into." Every turn: if the player is in the Pond: if the player does not carry the newspaper: say "Right in the center of the pond you see a sheet of paper, drifting through the wind (wanting to start again). As you swim over to the center of the pond, your 2-3 times better than a human’s eyesight see's a newspaper!!" After reading a command: if the player's command includes "assemble sandwich": if the player carries the toast and the player carries the mayonnaise and the player carries the lettuce and the player carries the cheese and the player carries the bologna and the player carries the tomato: say "Using your short, stubby little wings, you grab the sandwich ingredients and one by one, stack them on top of each other. The combination of ingredients creates an aroma in the air, tingling your taste buds. [Paragraph break]But just as you’re about to take a bite of this big, juicy sandwich, you begin to contemplate…this…this isn’t sustainable…once you eat this sandwich…you’re only going to get hungry again. HURRY! YOU MUST BEFRIEND BERNARD THE SENIOR CITIZEN ONCE AGAIN!"; move Bernard to the Living Room; now the player carries the sandwich; remove the toast from play; remove the lettuce from play; remove the cheese from play; remove the mayonnaise from play; remove the bologna from play; remove the tomato from play; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "Something seems to be missing, this sandwich just won’t hit the spot."; reject the player's command. Every turn when the player is in the Living Room: if the player carries the sandwich: say "Bernard is sitting on his rocking chair reading his newspaper." After reading a command: if the player's command includes "give" and the player's command includes "sandwich": if the player carries the sandwich: say "YOU AGAIN! GET OUT OF MY- oh a sandwich? Well I am hungry…and I was going to make a sandwich until my bread mysteriously disappeared. I guess I will eat it. [Paragraph break]*chomp, chomp chomp.*[Paragraph break]This sandwich…its DELICIOUS, the slight taste of mold on the cheese, the burning on the bread and the ever so slight rottenness of the tomato…its PERFECT! This…is a gift I will be eternally grateful for. From now on, I will worship you, giving you the blessing of food. "; end the game in victory. The newspaper is an object in the pond. The newspaper is undescribed. The description of the newspaper is "You silly goose (pun intended), you can’t read BUT… you DO see an image of a sandwich, it appears to have a nice combination of toasted bread, tomato, cheese, lettuce, mayonnaise and bologna." The player-considering-newspaper is a truth state that varies. The player-considering-newspaper is false. Instead of eating the newspaper: now the player-considering-newspaper is true; say "Are you sure you want to eat the newspaper?"; After reading a command when the player-considering-newspaper is true: if the player's command matches "yes": say "You gobble up a chunk of the newspaper and it tastes like soggy cellulose. Delicious. Probably shouldn't eat any more of it. Luckily paper isn't toxic for mallards!"; now the player-considering-newspaper is false; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "Good idea! Even though mallards CAN eat anything, doesn't mean they always should..."; now the player-considering-newspaper is false; reject the player's command; After reading a command: if the player's command includes "dive": say "Though mallards almost NEVER dive, you do so anyway. Perhaps it was just the intrusive thoughts. To your surprise, sitting in the middle of a large rock, is a dirty old top hat!"; reject the player's command. The top hat is an object in the pond. The top hat is undescribed. The description of the top hat is "A cute top hat that would fit perfectly on your little mallard head." The sandwich is an object in the Pond. The sandwich is undescribed. The description of the sandwich is "A damp musty scent emanates from the meal. To most bird species, it smells rather divine. The combination of bread, tomato, bologna, cheese, lettuce and mayonnaise creates a flavour palate so immaculate that most would pay a maximum of 3 dollars to consume such a delicacy." Instead of taking the top hat: say "Congratulations, you look like this now![Paragraph break]_|__|_[Paragraph break]<(0 )[Paragraph break]To be honest it doesn’t serve much purpose, but at least you look very distinguished."; reject the player's command. The house door is a closed locked door. The house key unlocks the house door. The Entrance is a room. The Entrance is south from the Park and north from the house door. The description of the Entrance is "As you waddle south, you come across a friendly looking, brick house. Smells of freshly baked apple pie drifts through the air into your nasal canals. A doormat with the words 'Welcome' sits at front of the door to your south, and the porch light is turned on." The Living Room is a room. The Living Room is south of the house door and north from the Kitchen. "The living room is nice and cozy. In the corner a rocking chair with a newspaper resting on top sits under a lamp. A lovely fireplace is lit, and the long glass coffee table has an empty coffee mug. A doorway leads south towards the kitchen." The rocking chair is a scenery object in the Living Room. The description of the rocking chair is "Pretty standard antique rocking chair, creaks with every rock!" The lamp is a scenery object in the Living Room. The description of the lamp is "The lamp faintly flickers, illuminating the room with a warm orange light." The fireplace is a scenery object in the Living Room. The description of the fireplace is "Might be a fire hazard." The coffee table is a scenery object in the Living Room. The description of the coffee table is "It's a table…used for coffee…though I’m not sure anyone actually uses it for coffee." The coffee mug is a scenery object in the Living Room. The description of the coffee mug is "Yippee! The mug is empty! Coffee has methylxanthine, which would have probably killed you…" The living room newspaper is an object in the Living Room. The living room newspaper is undescribed. The description of the living room newspaper is "You read the newspaper and it says 'Why was the mouse so rude??? Because he was a cursor!!!! (please laugh)'" Instead of eating the living room newspaper: say "You gobble up the newspaper in one big bite."; remove the living room newspaper from play. The doormat is an object in the Entrance. The doormat is undescribed. The description of the doormat is "A brown, old doormat with the word 'Welcome' at the front porch. It's off-center as if it gets moved very often." The porch light is a scenery object in the Entrance. The description of the porch light is "A glowing sphere hanging from the wall. It reminds you of a lemon." The house key is an object in the Entrance. The house key is undescribed. The description of the house key is "A small little key shaped like a tree branch." After reading a command: if the player's command includes "look/lift/move" and player's command includes "doormat": say "As you lift up the doormat, a big golden shiny key catches your eye."; reject the player's command. The Kitchen is a room. The Kitchen is south of the Living Room. "The kitchen area contains a large fridge, a stove top and oven. There is not a person in sight. Nearby is an open cabinet, as well as a long, marble countertop. On top of this countertop is a commercial grade toaster, bread, (maybe someone was about to toast it) and a bag of chips.[Paragraph break]To the west is a big screen door, opened just a crack, and a stairway leading up into a dark hallway." Bernard is a person. Bernard is in the Hallway. Bernard is undescribed. The description of Bernard is "Bernard is an elderly man with a slight limp, wearing a plaid shirt and holding a newspaper under his arm." Every turn: if the player is in the Kitchen: increase score by 1; Every turn when score is greater than 4: if score is less than 10: if the player is in the Kitchen: move Bernard to the Kitchen; say "You hear the loud thumping of footsteps and suddenly, Bernard the senior citizen appears from the hallway. You better hide - quick!". The cabinet is an openable container in the Kitchen. The description of the cabinet is "A dark wooden cabinet from Home Depot. Inside holds bottles of dish soap, pots and pans and a toonie. It looks perfect to hide in." The toonie is an object. The toonie is in the cabinet. The toonie is undescribed. The description of the toonie is "It’s incredibly shiny, the polar bear seems to stare you down." Instead of taking the toonie: say "Congratulations you are a rich mallard now!"; now the player carries the toonie. The fridge is a closed container in the Kitchen. The fridge can be open or closed. Instead of opening the fridge: if the fridge is closed: say "You try to open the fridge for some delicious sandwich-making materials, but it's wedged shut and your weak little beak can’t pry open the fridge door. You need someone stronger to help you..."; Instead of examining the fridge: if the fridge is closed: say "You try to open the fridge for some delicious sandwich-making materials, but it's wedged shut and your weak little beak can’t pry open the fridge door. You need someone stronger to help you..."; otherwise: say "The fridge is filled to the brim, an abundance of groceries fill the left and right drawer. Yet, the one thing that catches your eye is a tub of mayonnaise, sitting in the dead center of the fridge!"; The toaster is an object in the Kitchen. Instead of examining the toaster: if the player carries the bread: now the player has toast; say "After a two minute wait, your bread now has a nice golden brown crusting. You now have toast."; remove bread from play; otherwise: say "A regular toaster for toasting bread."; After reading a command: if the player's command includes "toast bread" and the player carries the bread: now the player has toast; say "After a two minute wait, your bread now has a nice golden brown crusting. You now have toast."; remove bread from play; reject the player's command. The toast is an object. The toast is undescribed. The description of toast is "Deliciously golden brown toasted bread."; Mayonnaise is an object in the fridge. The description of the mayonnaise is "Light, creamy and rich. The perfect sauce for a sandwich. Egg whites whipped into the perfect ratio of fluffy and spreadable. Egg yolks have never tasted this good." Instead of entering the cabinet: say "You are now inside the cabinet, it's kind of dark…but at least no one can see you!"; increase score by 1; reject the player's command. Hiding in is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "hide in [something]" as hiding in. Instead of hiding in the cabinet: say "You are now inside the cabinet, it's kind of dark…but at least no one can see you!"; increase score by 1; reject the player's command. Every turn when score is greater than 5: if the player is in the Kitchen: if score is 7: if the player carries the bread: say "You hear Bernard the Senior Citizen, running down the hallway, and suddenly he is in the kitchen. [Paragraph break]'I could have sworn I heard a noise here…must have been imagining it. Wait…where did my bread go??? I guess I better go get another slice from the fridge.'[Paragraph break]To your surprise, he heads to the washroom, but leaves the fridge door open, must be old age! Quacking with relief, you tiptoe out of the cabinet."; now Bernard is off-stage; now the fridge is open; now the score is 3; otherwise if the player carries the toast: say "You hear Bernard the Senior Citizen, running down the hallway, and suddenly he is in the kitchen. [Paragraph break]'I could have sworn I heard a noise here…must have been imagining it. Wait…where did my bread go??? I guess I better go get another slice from the fridge.'[Paragraph break]To your surprise, he heads to the washroom, but leaves the fridge door open, must be old age! Quacking with relief, you tiptoe out of the cabinet."; now Bernard is off-stage; now the fridge is open; now the score is 3; otherwise: say "You hear Bernard the Senior Citizen, running down the hallway, and suddenly he is in the kitchen. He scratches his head with a confused look on his face and mumbles, 'Must have been nothing', before leaving the room. Quacking with relief, you tiptoe out of the cabinet."; now Bernard is off-stage; now the score is 3; otherwise: say "Bernard takes one good look at you and screams 'YOU DARN MALLARDS, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! OUT I SAY!' He picks you up by the tail, stomps out his house and throws you back into your pond."; move the player to the Pond; now the score is 3. Every turn when the player is in the Hallway: now the score is 3. Every turn when the player is in the Living Room: now the score is 3. Every turn when the player is in the Garden: now the score is 3. The bag of chips is an object in the Kitchen. The description is "Looks yummy..." Instead of eating the bag of chips: say "YUMMY!!!"; remove the bag of chips from play. The bread is an object in the Kitchen. The description is "Looks yummy..." Instead of eating the bread: say "You might need that!! Just a thought!!"; remove the bread from play. The screen door is an open door. The screen door is west of the kitchen and east of the Garden. The stair is an open door. The stair is up from the Kitchen and down from the Hallway. The Hallway is a room. The Hallway is up from the stairs. "The hallway is dimly lit by the lights from the bottom floor. There are framed family photos hanging from the walls and the wooden floor creaks with each step. The hallway continues stretching to the east, where a bathroom lies at the end. To your north and south, there are bedrooms." The shoe box is a closed container. The shoe box is in the Guest Room. The description of the shoe box is "A Nike shoe box with decorated with stickers." The photo card is an object. The photo card is in the shoe box. The description of the photo card is "Lee Know is a South Korean singer, dancer and rapper from the popular Korean boy group Stray Kids." Instead of opening the shoe box: say "Within the shoe box are a bunch of Stray Kids photo cards!!!"; now the shoe box is open. Instead of taking the photo card: say "Congratulations you have acquired Lee Know from Stray Kids!"; now the player carries the photo card. The bedsheet is an object in the Guest Room. The description of the bedsheet is "Under the bedsheet is an overripe banana!" The banana is an object in the Guest Room. The banana is undescribed. The description of the banana is "It’s so overripe that it’s barely even yellow anymore!" The Guest Room is a room. The Guest Room is south from the Hallway. The description of the Guest Room is "The guest room appears to be that of a teenager. Hanging from the walls are posters of his favourite band Stray Kids, and on his shelf, multiple Stray Kids albums are displayed. There is a bed with a dark blue bedsheet, with what seems like a bulge in the middle, and on top of the dresser is a shoe box." The Bedroom is a room. The Bedroom is north from the Hallway. The description of the Bedroom is "In the center of the bedroom lies a large bed, with a wooden bedframe and a soft mattress. The sheets seemed freshly washed and the bed is nicely made. The room has a faint scent of vanilla from the candle in a glass lit on the dresser, and a vase full of roses sits beside it. The closet door is opened just a crack, and you catch a glimpse of an old man’s night robes." The closet is an open container. The closet is in the Bedroom. The description of the closet is "A creaky old closet that seems to be bustling with dust mites and spiders. It is filled to the brim with purple spotted nightrobes, and hanging from clothes hangers are identical pairs of overalls." Instead of entering the closet: say "The door creaks as you push it open, and it becomes very apparent that the old man has a fashion sense of night robes, overalls, and only that. Dust flies through the air and lying on the ground is a slightly crumpled sheet of paper." The paper is an object. The paper is in the closet. The description of the paper is "I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old." The candle is an open container. The candle is in the Bedroom. The candle is undescribed. The description of the candle is "A lit vanilla scented candle from Bath and Body Works. Inside the candle glass is a piece of…lettuce? Gross…warm lettuce." The candle-open is a truth state that varies. The candle-open is false. The lettuce is an object. The lettuce is inside the candle. The description of the lettuce is "A soggy, warm, piece of lettuce." After reading a command: if the player's command includes "blow out candle": now the candle-open is true; say "With a big breath, you blow out the candle."; reject the player's command. Instead of taking the lettuce: if the candle-open is false: say "I do not suggest doing that. You are going to burn a feather off!"; reject the player's command; otherwise if the candle-open is true: now the player carries the lettuce; say "Now that the flame is gone, you grab the lettuce!" The Bathroom is a room. The Bathroom is east from the Hallway. "The bathroom is surprisingly clean for that of an old senior citizen. The white sink, bathtub and toilet bowl are shiny enough for you to see your own reflection, and the faint smell of lavender travels through the air. In a small crack between the walls, you see a beak-sized hole." The hole is an open container in the Bathroom. The description of the hole is "Everything is perfect except for this one hole in the wall, and just as you decide to go examine it, a large house rat climbs out, guarding its home. Maybe he can help you find some cheese!" Father Charles the Rat is a person in the hole. The description of Father Charles the Rat is "A rather rotund specimen, about the size of an American measurement size 8 shoe. He has a very thick coat of greyish-brown fur, and an intelligent glint in his eyes. One may never know the extent of the rat’s knowledge, perhaps…he might be a government spy. Otherwise he seems friendly enough!" After reading a command: if the player's command includes "talk to rat" or the player's command includes "talk to father charles": say "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, STAY AWAY FROM MY PERSONAL SPACE!!! Oh wait, you just want some cheese. Well…I do have some, but you need to prove yourself worthy of my blessing…WITH SOME TRIVIA! Would you like to proceed? Would you like to proceed, squawk for yes, beep for no."; reject the player's command. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "squawk": now the score is 10; say "Lovely, beep indeed, first question! Where is the Chicago rat hole located?[line break]1) New Orleans[line break]2) Champagne, France[line break]3) Chicago[line break]4) Richmond Hill"; reject the player's command; increase score by 1; otherwise if the player's command includes "no": say "Oh. Well FINE, I didn’t want to talk to you ANYWAY."; reject the player's command. After reading a command: if the score is 10: if the player's command includes "3": increase score by 1; say "You are a very educated young lad, question two! [Paragraph break]If you were to flush me down the toilet, how long would I be able to tread water for?[line break]1) Rats can’t swim[line break]2) 3 days[line break]3) 2 minutes[line break]4) 5 hours"; reject the player's command; otherwise: now the score is 3; say "You are not worthy of the cheese, come back when you have learned the ways of the rat!"; reject the player's command; otherwise if the score is 11: if the player's command includes "2": increase score by 1; say "Correct! I’m pretty cool if I do say so myself. [Paragraph break] At what age do my teeth stop growing?[line break]1) 1 year old[line break]2) 2 months old[line break]3) Rat teeth never stop growing![line break]4) Rat teeth never grow!"; reject the player's command; otherwise: now the score is 3; say "You are not worthy of the cheese, come back when you have learned the ways of the rat!"; reject the player's command; otherwise if the score is 12: if the player's command includes "3": increase score by 1; say "FINAL STRETCH!! I promise the last question is so simple, even the most simple minded species of mammals would know the answer. [Paragraph break]How many people died in the 1950 Red River Flood![line break]1) There were no deaths[line break]2) 50 people[line break]3) 17 people[line break]4) 8 people"; reject the player's command; otherwise: now the score is 3; say "You are not worthy of the cheese, come back when you have learned the ways of the rat!"; reject the player's command; otherwise if the score is 13: if the player's command includes "4": now the score is 3; say "The rat looks at you with his big, inquisitive eyes for what feels like an eternity. Finally, he turns around and runs back into his hole. You wait, and you wait, and when you think that all hope is lost, he comes back with a slab of cheese, and drops it at your feet!"; reject the player's command; otherwise: now the score is 3; say "You are not worthy of the cheese, come back when you have learned the ways of the rat!"; reject the player's command; The cheese is an object in the hole. The cheese is undescribed. The description of the cheese is "A delicious slab of cheese from your rat friend!" The Garden is a room. The description of the Garden is "The garden is rather uncared for, and well, let’s just say that Bernard isn’t a great gardener. Every inch of dirt is covered in weeds, and what once were tomato crops are now bare and empty, perhaps stolen by the squirrels. The soil appears overturned, with what seems like freshly made mounds." The shovel is an object in the Garden. The description of the shovel is "A small shovel that fits perfectly in your beak." The stem is an object in the Garden. The description of the stem is "You pull the stem out of the dirt and see a yummy looking flower. Perhaps there are other delicacies hidden under the dirt..." The tomato is an object in the Garden. The tomato is undescribed. The description of the tomato is "A round, juicy tomato." After reading a command: if the player's command includes "dig": if the player carries the shovel: say "Although you consume far too much dirt in the process, eventually you come across a large pile of tomatoes. JACKPOT!!!"; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "You try to dig with your webbed feet, but mallard feet aren't really made for digging. After two minutes of merely consuming dirt, you give up."; reject the player's command. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "take tomatoes": say "Don't be a greedy little mallard! All you need for a sandwich is one tomato!"; reject the player's command. The Woods is a room. The Woods is west from the Park. The description of the Woods is "The sun shines through the thick overgrowth, casting dark shadows over you, as cicadas scream (possibly offensive) words from the tree tops. A large tree looms over you, the leaves falling at your feet." The tree is an object in the Woods. The description of the tree is "The 30 foot tall tree casts a large shadow over you. Its outstretched arms wave around in the wind, almost as a greeting. Peeking through the leaves, you spot an orange, as bright and beautiful as the sun." The tree is undescribed. The orange is an object in the tree. The orange is undescribed. The description of the orange is "A yummy sphere of orange. Just thinking about it makes your stomach growl. A fox would surely like to eat it." Instead of taking the orange when the orange is in the tree: say "Your short little beak can't quite reach the orange. There must be another way to get the orange closer to you..." After reading a command: if the player's command includes "shake" and the player's command includes "tree": now the orange is in the Woods; say "An orange object seems to dislodge from a branch, falling 50 feet down to the patch of dirt in front of you."; reject the player's command. The Lair is a room. The Lair is west of the Woods. "From the corner of your eye, you see an orange flash. Perhaps you were just imagining it… So you turn around to keep walking when suddenly you run straight into a BIG. ROTUND. FOX. with a BIG TOOTHY GRIN. Surely you can talk your way out of this one...right...?" Instead of going in the Lair: say "There is no way you can waddle away from a fox that runs at 50km/h… He eats you… you’re dead. Maybe you should try bargaining with the fox..."; end the game in death. The fox is a person in the Lair. The fox is undescribed. The description of the fox is "The fox looks at you with a big toothy grin, clearly hungry." After reading a command: if the player's command includes "fox": if the player carries the orange: say "Well you see, Bernard the senior citizen used to feed me as well, but after I continuously stole all his Amazon packages he disowned me as well. I fear that by natural instinct, and the food chain, I must consume you as well. BUT, since you have fresh fruit, I will gladly spare your life. [Paragraph break]I hear that you want some bologna? Hmm... perhaps you can take some of mine! It's hidden deep within my tunnels. Hehehe...[Paragraph break]The fox grins with a sly, malicious look on his face. Without any other choice, you make your way into his tunnels."; remove the orange from play; now the player is in the Tunnel; now the fox is off-stage; reject the player's command; if the player carries the pomegranate: say "Well you see, Bernard the senior citizen used to feed me as well, but after I continuously stole all his Amazon packages he disowned me as well. I fear that by natural instinct, and the food chain, I must consume you as well. BUT, since you have fresh fruit, I will gladly spare your life."; remove the pomegranate from play; now the player is in the Woods; now the fox is off-stage; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "Well you see, Bernard the senior citizen used to feed me as well, but after I continuously stole all his Amazon packages he disowned me as well. I fear that by natural instinct, and the food chain, I must consume you. You don’t seem to have any fruit, so... I’m afraid you’re out of luck."; end the game in death; reject the player's command. The Tunnel is a room. The Tunnel is north from the Lair. "The tunnel is dark, but through the void you barely spot two other tunnels to your west and east. On your south is the exit from the fox's lair. The faint smell of bologna fills your beak, but you can't tell which direction it's coming from." The Western Tunnel is a room. The Western Tunnel is west from the Tunnel. "The tunnel is dark, but as you walk forward, you hit a dead end." The Eastern Tunnel is a room. The Eastern Tunnel is east from the Tunnel. "The tunnel is dark, but through the void you barely spot three other tunnels to your west, east and north. The faint smell of bologna fills your beak, but you can't tell which direction it's coming from." The South Eastern Tunnel is a room. The South Eastern Tunnel is east from the Eastern Tunnel. "You have reached a dead end, but on the ground there’s a slightly moldy pomegranate!" The pomegranate is an object in the South Eastern Tunnel. "A pomegranate with green splotches of mold on the bottom. Probably not safe to eat." Instead of eating the pomegranate: say "IT'S MOLDY! After you take a big bite of the pomegranate, you die of food poisoning."; end the game in death. The Northern Tunnel is a room. The Northern Tunnel is north from the Eastern Tunnel. "The tunnel is dark, but through the void you barely spot three other tunnels to your west, east and south. The faint smell of bologna fills your beak, but you can't tell which direction it's coming from." The North Eastern Tunnel is a room. The North Eastern Tunnel is east from the Northern Tunnel. "The tunnel is dark, but as you walk forward, you hit a dead end." The North Western Tunnel is a room. The North Western Tunnel is west from the Northern Tunnel. "A dead end, yet sitting in the middle of the corridor is a big fat slice of bologna." The bologna is an object in the North Western Tunnel. The description is "A delicious slice of bologna from the fox's lair. It's perfect for your sandwich!"