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The Elements
Andy Lee
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"The Elements" The maximum score is 100. [Action Rules --------------------------------------------------------------] An Elemental Stone is a kind of thing A Musician is a kind of person. A thing has some text called writing. The writing of a thing is usually "". Understand the command "read" as something new. Understand "read [something]" as reading. Reading is an action applying to one thing, requiring light. Check reading: if the writing of the noun is "" begin; say "Nothing is written on [the noun]." instead; end if. Carry out reading: say "You read: [writing of the noun][line break]". Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to [someone]. Talking to [someone] is an action applying to one thing. Understand "practice with [thing]" as practicing with [thing]. Practicing with [thing] is an action applying to one thing. Understand the command "wave" as something new. Understand "wave at [someone]" as waving hands at [someone]. Waving hands at [someone] is an action applying to one thing. Understand "approach [someone]" as approaching [someone]. Approaching [someone] is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "play [something]" as playing [something]. Playing [something] is an action applying to one visible thing. [The Void -------------------------------------------------------------------] The Void is a room. "Welcome to The Elements. It is time to begin your adventure. Please tell us your name." [The Void Rules] Name is some text that varies. After reading a command when the location is the void: now name is "[the player's command]"; say "So your name is [name]?"; if the player consents begin; move player to the living room; otherwise; say "Please tell us your name."; end if; reject the player's command; [The Kitchen ---------------------------------------------------------------] The Kitchen is a room. [The Living Room ---------------------------------------------------------] The Living Room is a room. "You are in a warm cozy room. A fire crackles in the fireplace. The room is illuminated by flickering lights from the fireplace. There is a faux leather sofa in one corner of the room. Your ten-year-old self is relaxing on a magenta velvet chair reading a novel. From the kitchen, your mother asks you to fetch a box of fancy cutlery for guests from the basement. You put your novel down and look around. In a corner, you can see a flight of stairs that leads down to the basement." [Objects] The chair is fixed in place in the living room. The description of the chair is "An oddly high quality, comfortable velvet chair compared to the rest of the room. On the side, a name is engraved into it, 'Stradivarius'." The sofa is fixed in place in the living room. The description of the sofa is “A small two-seated faux leather sofa sits against the wall in an opposite corner. It has clearly been used often and has developed cracks and wrinkles all over its surface.” The novel is a thing in the living room. The description of the novel is "A book about musical notation, written by someone named Stradivarius." Cellar stairs is a door. Cellar stairs is an open door. Cellar stairs are up from The Basement and down from The Living Room. [NPC's] Mother is a person. The mother is in the kitchen. Instead of giving or showing cutlery box to Mother: say "Your mother greatly appreciates your help and returns to the kitchen."; say "You return to your novel, however, something within you pulls you towards the peculiar objects you saw earlier in the basement. You should go down to the basement again."; now the mother carries the cutlery box; if the player carries the cutlery set begin; now the mother carries the cutlery set; end if. Instead of giving or showing cutlery set to Mother: say "Your mother greatly appreciates your help and returns to the kitchen."; say "You return to your novel, however, something within you pulls you towards the peculiar objects you saw earlier in the basement. You should go down to the basement again."; now the mother carries the cutlery box; if the player carries the cutlery set begin; now the mother carries the cutlery set; end if. [The Living Room Rules] Every turn: if the player is not in the living room, move mother to living room. [The Basement ------------------------------------------------------------] The Basement is a room. "This is the basement of your home. You notice a number of dusty, neglected boxes scattered around the room. You can see boxes carelessly stacked on top of each other, an old broken lamp, a worn out dusty desk, and some antique looking objects. It feels surprisingly damp, and the distinct smell of mold fills the air. You spot the box your mother has asked you to find. However, you notice something much more interesting that takes over your priority. At the center of the room, seemingly set into the ground, there is a dilapidated chest with a rusty silver lock, large enough to hold a lion. You had never seen it before, and yet here it was, intimidating your advance. On top of that, a number of other strange objects seem to have appeared here as well." [Basement Objects] The chest is fixed in place in the basement. The chest is an openable, locked container. The silver key unlocks the chest. The description of the chest is "A rusty, ancient chest with a large silver key. The size of the chest is impressive, it could surely hold something great. You wonder how it even got here." The desk is fixed in place in the basement. The desk is a supporter. The description of the desk is "This desk is from a distant past, long forgotten. It's a miracle it's even standing. You had seen it before, but it seems different somehow." The rune box is fixed in place in the basement. The rune box is an openable, locked container. The silver key is inside the rune box. The description of the rune box is "The box glows with magical energy. You feel a strange pull toward it but cannot explain why. Like many of the objects here, you had never seen it before. Additionally, it seems to emit an aura that encapsulates all of the strange things in the room that were not here before." The parchment is on the desk. The description of the parchment is "An old piece of parchment that is falling apart. It feels oddly magical. There is something written on it." The writing of the parchment is "This chest is of ancient origin. If you wish to open it, seek out the mystical box of the magic of Stradivarius, and utter the following phrase, 'Six. Six to rule. Six to bring back what has been lost.' You will then be presented with the key you need to unlock this container of power." The violin is in the chest. The description of the violin is "An old, yet expertly crafted instrument. The name Stradivarius is engraved into the side. You are entranced by its strange aura." The sheet music is in the chest. The description of the sheet music is "Sheet music from a long time past. The notes and rhythms are complex and difficult to read." The cutlery box is in the basement. The cutlery box is an openable container. The description of the cutlery box is "A fancy box that your mother has asked you to obtain." The cutlery set is in the cutlery box. The description of the cutlery set is "A fine collection of cutlery from a long time ago. They shine against any amount of light. It’s no wonder why your family has kept them so long, they’re practically perfect!" [Basement Rules] Report examining the rune box when the location is the basement: say "Do you want to say something to the rune box?"; if the player consents begin; now the command prompt is "What do you say to the rune box? >"; otherwise; say "You continue on your way."; end if. After reading a command when the command prompt is "What do you say to the rune box? >" and the location is the basement: if the player's command matches the text "six. six to rule. six to bring back what has been lost." begin; say "The box hums with energy. You hear a click."; now the rune box is unlocked; otherwise; say "The box doesn't respond."; end if; now the command prompt is ">"; reject the player's command. Every turn when the location is the basement: if the player carries the violin and the player carries the sheet music begin; say "Obtaining the violin and music, you take your first step in your career as a musician in this great land known as Anots. You learn from your family that Stradivarius is, in fact, your grandfather. You develop your abilities over the next two decades and prove your worth to the masses with your ability to improvise the faded and difficult to read music of the past that you had discovered. After this period of time, at age thirty, you retire your career, a young age, but not for Medieval life."; say "Later in your life, at age forty, you get a letter. It is from the royal family of Illonia, personally inviting you to play for their venue next week. The advisor of the queen, Sarah Illonia, is seeking the most exquisite musicians in the kingdom and, after learning that you are a descendent of Stradivarius, they immediately contacted you. Having spent your career as a gig and street musician, you’ve never been pressured to formally perform for such an important audience. You are now in your room, figuring out what you will do for the performance."; if the player carries the cutlery box begin; now mother carries the cutlery box; end if; if the player carries the cutlery set begin; now mother carries the cutlery set; end if; if the player carries the note begin; now mother carries the note; end if; if the player carries the novel begin; now mother carries the novel; end if; if the player carries the silver key begin; now the mother carries the silver key; end if; move the player to the bedroom; end if. [Bedroom ------------------------------------------------------------------] The Bedroom is a room. "This is your room, on the second floor of your home. It is illuminated by a single candle, leaving many parts of it in darkness. Faded posters from your childhood still hang on the walls. An unmade bed is pushed against the wall, taking up a large amount of space in a rather vacant room. The floor is creaky and the walls are worn with peeling paint, yet the room has held firm throughout your entire life. You are compelled to [bold type]practice with[roman type] your [bold type]violin[roman type] to prepare for the concert." [Bedroom Objects] The bed is fixed in place in the bedroom. The description of the bed is "A wooden, old bed. You've had it through your whole life." The candle is a thing in the bedroom. The description of the candle is "A candle in a metal candle holder." The flight of stairs is an openable door. The Main Hall is down of the flight of stairs. The Bedroom is up of the flight of stairs. [Bedroom NPC's] Catherine is a woman in the main hall. The description of Catherine is "Your friend Catherine, another retired musician that you have performed with many times in the past." Instead of talking to Catherine: say "'Go get those stones!'" [Bedroom Rules] Instead of practicing with the violin for the first time: say "You place the dusty violin case on your bed. You blow off the dusty grime encasing your grandpa's ancient violin. You stare at the vintage casket holding a violin belonging to your deceased grandfather Stradivarius. The hinges creak as you open the rusty latches holding together the pieces of worn-out fabric on the case.”; say “The musty scent of old wood and rosin perfumes the air as you uncover the majestic wooden instrument. The preserved insides of the case look good as new and lack any signs of aging. The strings are severely out of tune due to years of negligence and harsh temperature conditions in your basement. You pluck the strings to create a dissonant chord that rings in the air. The bow's condition is just as bad. With rosin stains hardened on the delicate brittle horse hairs, loosely strung on the wooden bow. Remarkably, the wood is in perfect condition with no cracks to be found. You examine the elegant piece of wood hand-crafted by your great grandfather, Stradivarius himself. You stare at the mere piece of wood in your hands that's now valued at tens of millions of dollars.”; say “You quickly tune the strings and tighten the bow. You strike your first note and to your dismay, a scratchy uneven tone resonates back. You spend a couple of hours practicing your note reading using the yellowed sheet music you found along with the violin in the chest. After a bit of practice and polishing, you were able to play a rendition of twinkle twinkle little star."; say "Suddenly, as you are struggling, your friend Catherine enters the room."; say "She, being a fellow musician attempts to help you with your playing. After some time of rather unsuccessful playing, she reveals a potential solution. She describes a number of elemental stones across the land that would give and grant whoever could collect them all immense musical capability. She is unaware of all of the locations of these stones, yet she knows of two in the strings shop and opera theatre not far from your home. Hearing this, you embark your journey to collect these stones."; now Catherine is in the bedroom. Before going through the flight of stairs: if Catherine is in the main hall begin; say "You should practice your violin before leaving."; reject the player's command; end if. Instead of practicing with the violin for more than one times: say "You should probably go get those runes before you try this again.". [The Main Hall ------------------------------------------------------------] The Main Hall is a room. "You enter the main hall of your home. A beautiful orange light floods the hall. Candles illuminate the hall with flickering bright light. The large windows besides the door adds natural lighting to the golden hue of the room. A small table stands against the wall. A decorative vase glitters under the lights. The floors are lined with polished marble tiles, reflecting back the bright lights." [Main Hall Objects] The windows are objects. Understand "windows" as window. The window is inside the Main Hall. The description of the window is "It is a cloudy day outside. You see a lawn and a long winding road that leads into the distance." The Front Door is a door. The Main Hall is west of the front door. The Cobblestone Path is east of the Front Door. [The Cobblestone Path ---------------------------------------------------] The Cobblestone Path is a room. "Unlatching the front gate, you step out of your front yard and behold a cobbled road up ahead that leads far to the east. The road is covered with smooth round cobblestones of various sizes. A few pine, oak, and maple trees surround you and make up the scenery." [The Dirt Crossroads ------------------------------------------------------] The Dirt Crossroads is east of The Cobblestone Path. "A dilapidated dirt crossroads made not by construction, but simply by the ground wearing away from use. To the north, there is the strings shop. To the east is a bridge leading elsewhere. To the south, there is the opera theatre." [The String Shop ---------------------------------------------------------] The String Shop is north of The Dirt Crossroads. “Around the corner, you hear a melodic serenade coming from a wooden shack. A wooden sign hangs down from the roof saying ‘Cello Atelier and Luthier.’ Curious, you approach it and enter, only to be greeted by Bach's [italic type] Cello Suite no.1 [roman type] being played by an old grey-haired cellist. You look around the room and see an unfinished cello laying on the crafts table with tools and pieces surrounding it. There is a large dazzling chandelier hanging from the ceiling whose jewels glisten under the sunlight. To your right, there is a line of racks holding various cellos of different wood types, varnishes and designs. There are pictures on the walls of the same old cellist but this time in a suit and performing on stage. You are mesmerized by photographs capturing a real musician in action. Almost as if copy-pasted, you see the old cellist in front of you and his pose is identical to that in the pictures. To the northeast is a wooden door. The wooden door leads to a storage room." [String Shop Objects] The Antique Cello is fixed in place in the string shop. The description of the antique cello is “A wooden string instrument. This model The old man plays a 4/4 Eastman’s VC100 strad copy. It has maple wood front panel, oak backing and oak side binding with a dark brown finish. It’s strung with Thomastik Infeld Dominant strings (the highest quality cello strings). Perhaps you can [bold type] play [roman type] it?” Check playing the cello: say “You attempt to play the cello. It makes a beautiful sound, yet you don’t know how to play this instrument. In addition, the cellist looks at you strangely, for it is rude to interrupt someone’s playing with your own. You decide to stop.”. The element of harmony is an elemental stone. The description of the element of harmony is "It’s a translucent rounded oval stone with a light purple hue. At the centre is a metal charm in the shape of a bass clef. Etched on the bottom is the word ‘harmony’" The notepad is an object. The notepad is in the string shop. Understand "text" as notepad. The description of the notepad is "A small palm-sized wad of paper held together will rusty rings. Each page looks rough and handmade with uneven edges." The writing of the notepad is "[bold type] A violin is to the [italic type] melody [roman type][bold type] as a cello is to- [roman type]". Report reading the notepad when the location is The String Shop: now the command prompt is "What is the answer to the blank? >"; After reading a command when the command prompt is "What is the answer to the blank? >" and the location is the string shop: if the player's command matches "harmony" begin; now the cellist's boolean is false; now the player is carrying the element of harmony; say "The cellist nods and hands over to you the element of harmony. He asks you to play the piece you prepared while he improvises a harmony. It sounds much better with the harmony so you keep in mind to find accompaniment for your performance. After the little demonstration, he bids you farewell. He tells you of the possible location of two other elements, both located in the town east of this shop, and returns to his cello. You are left to explore the rest of the shop on your own."; otherwise; now the cellist's boolean is false; say " The cellist shakes his head and says 'Think of what I said before about all the objects in the room.' Then he goes back to playing his cello."; end if; now the command prompt is ">"; reject the player's command. The wooden door is a door. The wooden door is a locked openable door. The wooden door is northeast of the String Shop and southwest of the Storage Room. The description of the door is "A shabby-looking piece of wood with chipping paint and mold growing in the cracks. A rusty metal lock keeps the door closed. " Instead of opening locked wooden door: say "You realize that this room is locked. You are about to ask the cellist for the key when you see something shiny hanging on a hook beside the wooden door."; reject the player's command. The hook is a supporter. The hook is fixed in place in the string shop. The brass key is an object. The brass key is on the hook. The key brass unlocks the wooden door. The description of the key is "A small shiny brass key. It is hung on a hook beside the wooden door. Perhaps it opens the wooden door?" Understand "shiny" as key. [Strings Shop NPC's] The cellist is a Musician. The cellist is inside the string shop. The description of the cellist is "The cellist isn't paying much attention to you. He is feeling the music, eyes closed and swaying along to the melody, slightly smiling in enjoyment at the beauty of the composition. The polished wood of his instrument reflects off sunlight from the small windows as he plays, his bow bouncing off each string energetically, creating small clouds of rosin dust. You may want to [bold type] wave at him [roman type] to get his attention. ” The cellist's boolean is a truth state that varies. The cellist's boolean is false. Carry out waving hands at the cellist: now the cellist's boolean is true; say "He stops playing and greets you to ask what you’re here for. You remember what your friend told you to ask about: an elemental stone." Check asking cellist about "elemental stone": if cellist's boolean is true begin; say "He doesn't seem surprised at the request and in fact, remains a neutral composure. He hastily puts his cello on the rack and clears his craft table. He gestures to you to sit down on the chair across from him. He asks you to look around the shop and tell him what you see. You look around and are surprised to behold a sight you didn't quite discover before. The shop is quite a mess with things daintily stacked upon each other. There are wooden parts, tools, and cellos scattered everywhere, yet you didn’t notice at first because they fit so well together. Verbalizing your observations to the old man resulted in a gentle smile and nod in response. He replies and says 'all these objects and components live [italic type] harmoniously [roman type] together. Without each other, they’d all fall apart. Now, if you can solve this riddle on the notepad, I will present to you the elemental stone you are searching for.' He shows you the notepad and you look at it. There is some text on it."; otherwise; say "He isn't paying attention and is still lost in his music. Try waving at him to get his attention."; end if; reject the player's command. [The Storage Room -------------------------------------------------------] The Storage Room is a room. The Storage Room is northeast of the wooden door. The description of the storage room is "You enter a small dim room filled with dust. Again, there are things piled everywhere. The shelves are filled with scrap wood, tools, bow hairs, instrument bridges, and strings. The floors are also clustered with unfinished instruments, broken parts, sheet music, and packaging. Although there is a large wide window on the east wall, it is covered in dust, preventing much light from coming into the room." [Storage Room Objects] The shelf is a supporter. The shelf is fixed in place in the storage room. The description of the shelf is "A tall shelf mounted to the wall. Amongst the tools, scrap wood, and instruments parts, something shiny catches your eye" The element of melody is an elemental stone. The element of melody is in the violin case. The description of the element of melody is "You pick up the heavy stone. It glows with magic in your hand. Its glossy surface reflects your face as you look into it. Through the clear glass, you can see sparkles moving around with magical orange energy." The violin case is a closed openable container. The violin case is in the storage room. The description of the violin case is "A smooth black fabric case with the initials A.B. embroidered on the side. Although Adelina is holding her violin, the case still seems pretty heavy." The viola case is a closed openable container. The viola case is in the storage room. The description of the viola case is "A dusty case with rough edges. It is heavier than a violin case due to its size but sounds hollow when you knock on its surface." The cello case is a closed openable container. The cello case is in the storage room. The description of the cello case is "On top of a pile of instrument parts, you find a limp piece of fabric. Upon further examination, you find out it’s a cello cover. Dust coats the fabric, forming a second skin." The gold chest is a locked container. The gold chest is in the storage room. The description of the gold chest is "A shiny gold chest sits amongst the miscellaneous objects on the floor. There is a stubborn metal lock that keeps it firmly shut." The gold key is on the shelf. The gold key unlocks the gold chest. The note is an object. The note is in the gold chest. The description of the note is "You pick up a piece of paper. The paper is torn and creased. Written with ink, the note gives another clue." The writing of the note is "What instrument in an orchestra plays the melody? Find that instrument and its case. Within the case, you will find what you are searching for." Report taking element of melody when the location is the storage room: say "Congratulations! You now have another elemental stone, the element of melody. Remember it is the most important and also the most memorable part of a performance. Being a violinist, you are the melody and should ensure your performance is all centred around you! "; reject the player's command. [Storage Room NPC's] Adelina is a Musician. Adelina is in the storage room. The description of Adelina is "Sitting on the window ledge is a young girl in her mid-twenties watching you curiously. She is holding a violin, still in playing position: long thin fingers curled over the fingerboard, chin resting tenderly on the chin rest, and bow hovering millimetres over the strings." Report examining Adelina: say "After a few moments, she carefully puts down her instrument and walks up to you. 'Hello there, visitor.' she says."; now the command prompt is "Do you need something? " After reading a command when the command prompt is "Do you need something? " and the location is the storage room: if the player's command matches "yes" begin; say "You start talking to Adelina. You learn that she is the daughter of the cellist that you met in the string shop. During her free time, she comes to the shop to help her father and when given no tasks, she comes to the storage room to practice violin. You also learn that she has another elemental stone that you can get if you can find it in the room. Her only clue to you is to examine everything and try taking everything."; otherwise; say "She bids you farewell and escorts you back out to the string shop."; move player to string shop; end if; now the command prompt is ">"; reject the player's command. [The Opera House ---------------------------------------------------------] The Opera House is south of The Dirt Crossroads. "You enter the opera house. The entrance door is large and heavy with decorations embroidering the exterior. The windows are painted with stained glass and the exterior walls are a subtle beige colour with gold accents. You enter the main foyer and are greeted with red velvety carpets lining the floors. The walls are cluttered with large paintings of classical musicians, barely leaving enough space to reveal the gorgeous wooden walls. There seems to be no one at the front desk before their first show at 7:00 pm but you hear a voice singing from inside the stadium. There is a spiral staircase that goes up to the opera stadium." [Opera House Objects] The painting is an object. The painting is in the opera house. The painting is scenery. The description of the painting is "You see a mural of painted portraits of classical musicians. You recognize several like Ferri, Farinelli, Senesino, and Pacchierotti." The front desk is an object. The front desk is in the opera house. The front desk is scenery. The description of the front desk is "A vacant desk with a sign advertising the first show of the night." The spiral staircase is a door. The spiral staircase is scenery. The spiral staircase is an open door. The spiral staircase is up from the Opera House and down from the Opera Theatre. The description of the spiral staircase is "A tall spiral, winding up towards the opera stadium. The same red velvet carpet covers every step of the stairs. The shiny silver railings reflected the sunlight from the windows." [Opera Theatre ------------------------------------------------------------] The Opera Theatre is a room. "You open another set of doors and reveal an exquisite opera theatre. There are rows upon rows of luxuriously cushioned seats stacked on top of each other, circling around a centre stage. The ceiling is painted with ancient greek mirages and gold decorations. A massive crystal chandelier hangs from the centre and illuminates the room with the help of the many smaller lights scattered around the theatre." [Opera Theatre Objects] The element of dynamics is an elemental stone. The element of dynamics is scenery. The element of dynamics is in the opera theatre. The description of the element of dynamics is “A sky blue stone that emanates strange energy. It’s strength decays and grows constantly. It even feels as if it is vibrating.”. The piano is fixed in place in the opera theatre. The description of the piano is “In the theatre is a grand piano in the Steinway D-274 model. Unlike the modern black glossy piano, this vintage instrument is made of dark brown wood with decorative carvings and faded gloss. The keys have lost their blinding bright white hue and are now yellowed and old. They resemble the imprint of each great musician who had the honour of playing on it throughout the past century. Perhaps you can [bold type] play [roman type] it?“ Check playing the piano: say “You tap out some keys on the piano, yet since you are unfamiliar with the instrument, you cannot play a song properly. In addition, the opera singer looks at you strangely, for it is rude to interrupt someone’s singing with your own playing. You decide to stop.”. [Opera Theatre NPC's] The Opera Singer is a Musician. The Opera Singer is in the opera theatre. The description of the opera singer is "A masked figure wearing a long flowing white dress stands at the centre of the stage singing to the empty audience. Her voice is similar to an angelic choir and creates a canon of echoes throughout the large stadium. You are watching from a distance and she has not noticed you yet. You can approach her." Carry out approaching opera singer: say "You approach the stage. She stops singing and looks at you, stunned that she had an audience. 'Hello there, are you lost?' she asks. 'Do you need something?' You should ask her about a stone." Check asking opera singer about "elemental stone": say "You explain the same spiel about the magic elemental stones to her. Her look of confusion grows into a look of concentration as she tries hard to think of such stone. Suddenly her face lights up as she remembers the story told to her by the opera theatre owner. "; say "'Well...I was told to be wary of who to entrust with such a powerful stone. Things in the music industry can go terribly wrong if it falls into the wrong hands', she explains. 'If you can answer my riddle, you can win it.' The opera singer asks:'"; now the command prompt is “'With a theatre this large, how was it possible for you to hear my voice?' "; reject the player's command. The encounter count is a number that varies. The encounter count is 0. After reading a command when the command prompt is “'With a theatre this large, how was it possible for you to hear my voice?' " and the location is the opera theatre: if the player's command matches "dynamics" begin; now the player is carrying the element of dynamics; say "The opera singer smiles and gestures for you to continue and list examples of dynamics. '[italic type] pianissimo, piano, mezzo-piano, mezzo-forte, forte, fortissimo[roman type]' you recite. She regains her cheerful demeanour and hands you the elemental stone of dynamics. With one last piece of advice, she tells you, 'remember, use dynamics to your advantage to display a certain mood. A sad piece can be [italic type] piano [roman type] and a grand piece can be [italic type] forte. [roman type]'"; otherwise; if encounter count is 0 begin; say "The opera singer gives you a huge hint: 'a good musician knows how to adjust the volume of their music to suit the environment and tone. Even if something is written to be played quietly, the audience should still be able to hear it' she says. You ponder on this thought and remember how your violin teacher always emphasized the versatility of volume when playing. The opera singer continues and says 'of course if a piece were sung at a consistently loud volume, it would be very boring and nonetheless strenuous.' 'Ask me about the stone again once you have an answer' she says before busying herself with the stage setup."; now the encounter count is 1; otherwise; say "The opera singer, disappointed with your lack of music knowledge walks away. Just as you were about to shout 'wait', you are interrupted with [italic type] Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu [roman type] being played on the piano. 'Aha!' you exclaim remembering now that the term for playing quietly is [italic type] piano [roman type]. As if you’ve regained all your music knowledge you confidently respond 'dynamics!'."; now the player is carrying the element of dynamics; say "The opera singer smiles and gestures for you to continue and list examples of dynamics. '[italic type] pianissimo, piano, mezzo-piano, mezzo-forte, forte, fortissimo[roman type]' you recite. She regains her cheerful demeanor and hands you the elemental stone of dynamics. With one last piece of advice, she tells you, 'remember, use dynamics to your advantage to display a certain mood. A sad piece can be [italic type] piano [roman type] and a grand piece can be [italic type] forte. [roman type]'"; end if; end if; now the command prompt is ">"; reject the player's command. [The Wooden Bridge ------------------------------------------------------] The Wooden Bridge is east of The Dirt Crossroads. "A bridge made of wood. Crossing over a narrow river, it is made to connect a nearby village to certain amenities. To the east is said village. To the west is a crossroads." [The Wooden Bridge Rules] Every turn when the location is the wooden bridge: if the player does not carry three elemental stones begin; say "You should collect the elemental stones from this area before proceeding."; now the player is in the dirt crossroads; otherwise; say "With three stones to your name, you head down toward new locations. Perhaps the town east of here is a good start?."; end if. [The Dirt Path -------------------------------------------------------------] The Dirt Path is east of The Wooden Bridge. "A path engraved into the country side leading to a large village to the north. From the dirt path you can hear the bustling of the busy village. To the south is another bridge, this one made of stone." [The Town Centre ---------------------------------------------------------] The Town Centre is north of the Dirt Path. "You enter the centre of the rather large village. Shop stands are scattered all over the square. There are people milling about, going about their daily business. Some give you strange looks. Advertising their wares, you hear shopkeepers in the square as well. You should try [bold type] talking to them [roman type]and [bold type]asking them for[roman type] their merchandise. Down a cobbled path, you can also hear music." [Town Centre Objects] The Farmer's Stand is fixed in place in the town centre. The farmer's stand is a supporter. The description of the farmer's stand is "A dilapidated wooden stand used to hold merchandise to be sold. This stand contains a variety of raw foods. It is managed by the farmer, Eloise." The chair behind the farmer's stand is fixed in place in the town centre. The chair behind the farmer's stand is a supporter. Potatoes are fixed in place on the farmer's stand. The description of potatoes is "A sack of ten potatoes, on sale for twenty coins. You feel oddly compelled to [bold type] eat [roman type] them." Check eating potatoes: say “You take a bite out of the raw potatoes. It has a plain, uncomfortable taste. You spit them out. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to eat those.”. Check eating a farmer’s ware: say “Although you can eat that, you probably shouldn’t. It may be important in the future.”. Carrots are fixed in place on the farmer's stand. The description of carrots is "A sack of fifteen carrots, on sale for thirty coins." Peas are fixed in place on the farmer's stand. The description of peas is "A sack of twelve pea pods, on sale for fifteen coins. You notice inside this sack there is something else stuck under the sea of peas. Perhaps you can [bold type] open [roman type] it?" After reading a command: if the player’s command matches “open the peas” begin; say “You open the pea sack and find a shiny green crystal. It mesmerizes you, but doesn’t seem to have much of a purpose or value.”; end if. After reading a command: if the player’s command matches “open peas” begin; say “You open the pea sack and find a shiny green crystal. It mesmerizes you, but doesn’t seem to have much of a purpose or value.”; end if. After reading a command: if the player’s command matches “open the pea pod sack” begin; say “You open the pea sack and find a shiny green crystal. It mesmerizes you, but doesn’t seem to have much of a purpose or value.”; end if. After reading a command: if the player’s command matches “open the pea sack” begin; say “You open the pea sack and find a shiny green crystal. It mesmerizes you, but doesn’t seem to have much of a purpose or value.”; end if. The Blacksmith's Stand is fixed in place in the town centre. The blacksmith's stand is a supporter. The description of the blacksmith's stand is "A reinforced wooden stand used to hold merchandise to be sold. This stand contains a variety of tools and armour for adventures. It is managed by the blacksmith, Tosser." The chair behind the blacksmith's stand is fixed in place in the town centre. The chair behind the blacksmith's stand is a supporter. The Sword is fixed in place on the blacksmith's stand. The description of the sword is "A finely crafted sword, on sale for fifty coins." The Shield is fixed in place on the blacksmith's stand. The description of the shield is "A heavy shield with the kingdom's coat of arms engraved into it, on sale for seventy-five coins." The Lance is fixed in place on the blacksmith's stand. The description of the lance is "An ornately designed lance with diamonds set into the hilt, on sale for one hundred coins." The Tailor's Stand is fixed in place in the town centre. The tailor's stand is a supporter. The description of the tailor's stand is "A decorated wooden stand used to hold merchandise to be sold. This stand contains a variety of clothing and bags. It is managed by the tailor, Bucky." The chair behind the tailor's stand is fixed in place in the town centre. The chair behind the tailor's stand is a supporter. The Tunic is fixed in place on the tailor's stand. The description of the tunic is "An ordinary tunic made of leather, on sale for forty coins." The Cloak is fixed in place on the tailor's stand. The description of the cloak is "A mysterious looking cloak made of a material you are unfamiliar with. It appears to have some sort of magical property. It is on sale for one hundred and fifty coins." The Dress is fixed in place on the tailor's stand. The description of the dress is "A simple dress, on sale for sixty coins." The road is an openable door. The road is east of the town centre and west of The Gathering. The description of the road is "A rugged road that runs from the town centre to the outskirts of the village." [Town Centre NPC's] Eloise is a woman on the chair behind the farmer's stand. The description of Eloise is "A worn, approachable farmer in peasant attire. She heads a modest market stand full of raw foods." Before talking to Eloise for the first time: if potatoes are on the farmer's stand begin; say "'Hello there a traveller. Welcome to our fine village. My name is Eloise. I grow food for our people, would you care to take a look at my wares? I'm sure you'll find my prices quite agreeable.'"; otherwise; say "'We can expect a strong harvest next season thanks to you.'"; end if. Before doing it more than one times: if potatoes are on the farmer's stand begin; say "'Please [bold type] ask me for [roman type] something if you wish to purchase anything... Also, if you happened to see any amount of gold anywhere, I'd be happy to trade some of my merchandise in exchange for it. I could enhance my crops for the next harvest if only I had some.'"; otherwise; say "'We can expect a strong harvest next season thanks to you.'"; end if. Before asking Eloise for a farmer's ware: if potatoes are on the farmer's stand begin; if the player does not carry the gold chunk begin; say "'Oh, would you like to buy that? Hold on a second, you don't have any money! You can't buy things without money.'"; otherwise; say "'Oh, would you like to buy that? Hmm, well you don't have any money... but you do have something I'm willing to trade. If you give me that chunk of gold you have there, I'll give you my whole stock! I've been looking for a nice piece of gold to enchant my harvest for some time now. So, how about that?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Alright, thank you for your business.'"; say "You hand over the gold chunk and receive the sacks of potatoes, carrots, and peas."; now Eloise carries the gold chunk; now the player carries potatoes; now the player carries carrots; now the player carries peas; otherwise; say "'Hmpf, fine. That's fair, I guess.'"; end if; end if; otherwise; say "'We can expect a strong harvest next season thanks to you.'"; end if; reject the player's command. Before asking Eloise about "[a farmer's ware]": if potatoes are on the farmer's stand begin; if the player does not carry the gold chunk begin; say "'Oh, would you like to buy that? Hold on a second, you don't have any money! You can't buy things without money.'"; otherwise; say "'Oh, would you like to buy that? Hmm, well you don't have any money... but you do have something I'm willing to trade. If you give me that chunk of gold you have there, I'll give you my whole stock! I've been looking for a nice piece of gold to enchant my harvest for some time now. So, how about that?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Alright, thank you for your business.'"; say "You hand over the gold chunk and receive the sacks of potatoes, carrots, and peas."; now Eloise carries the gold chunk; now the player carries potatoes; now the player carries carrots; now the player carries peas; otherwise; say "'Hmpf, fine. That's fair, I guess.'"; end if; end if; otherwise; say "'We can expect a strong harvest next season thanks to you.'"; end if; reject the player's command. Check asking Eloise for a ware: say "'Uh, that's not mine to sell. You better go ask them for it if you want to buy it.'"; reject the player's command. Check asking Eloise about "[a ware]": say "'Uh, that's not mine to sell. You better go ask them for it if you want to buy it.'"; reject the player's command. Tosser is a man on the chair behind the blacksmith's stand. The description of Tosser is "A short, stocky man wearing a blacksmith's apron. He heads a market stand reinforced with cast-iron beams. Overall, he is slightly intimidating." Before talking to Tosser for the first time: if the lance is on the blacksmith's stand begin; say "'Welcome to our town! My name is Tosser, I am the blacksmith of the village. I provide only the best quality gear for my clients. Can I interest you in any of these expertly smithed weapons?'"; otherwise; say "'Pleasure doing business with you.'"; end if. Before doing it more than one times: if the lance is on the blacksmith's stand begin; say "' Look around, [bold type] ask me for [roman type] anything if you want to buy something. I'm also looking for some extra food if you happen to have any. I'd be more than willing to trade one of these smithed items for a sum of food.'"; otherwise; say "'Pleasure doing business with you.'"; end if. Before asking Tosser for a blacksmith's ware: if the lance is on the blacksmith's stand begin; if the player does not carry potatoes begin; say "'Ah, a fine choice! Wait just a minute. You trying to cheat me?! Come back when you have money to buy things with!'"; otherwise; say "'Ah, a fine choice! Wait just a minute, are you trying to cheat me?! You don't have any money to buy this with. Hmm... well, you do have quite a collection of food though. Listen, I've been having trouble supplying food recently, Eloise over there certainly isn't being generous with her prices and business has been slow. If you give me all of the food items you have right now, I'm willing to part with this enchanted lance here. How's bout it pal?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Thanks, I won't forget it!'"; say "You hand over the sacks of potatoes, carrots, and peas and receive the lance."; now Tosser carries potatoes; now Tosser carries carrots; now Tosser carries peas; now the player carries the lance; otherwise; say "'I see... if you change your mind please come back. I'm running out of options.'"; end if; end if; otherwise; say "'Pleasure doing business with you.'"; end if; reject the player's command. Before asking Tosser about "[a blacksmith's ware]": if the lance is on the blacksmith's stand begin; if the player does not carry potatoes begin; say "'Ah, a fine choice! Wait just a minute. You trying to cheat me?! Come back when you have money to buy things with!'"; otherwise; say "'Ah, a fine choice! Wait just a minute, are you trying to cheat me?! You don't have any money to buy this with. Hmm... well, you do have quite a collection of food though. Listen, I've been having trouble supplying food recently, Eloise over there certainly isn't being generous with her prices and business has been slow. If you give me all of the food items you have right now, I'm willing to part with this enchanted lance here. How's bout it pal?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Thanks, I won't forget it!'"; say "You hand over the sacks of potatoes, carrots, and peas and receive the lance."; now Tosser carries potatoes; now Tosser carries carrots; now Tosser carries peas; now the player carries the lance; otherwise; say "'I see... if you change your mind please come back. I'm running out of options.'"; end if; end if; otherwise; say "'Pleasure doing business with you.'"; end if; reject the player's command. Check asking Tosser for a ware: say "'That's not mine pal. I can't give you it.'"; reject the player's command. Check asking Tosser about "[a ware]": say "'That's not mine pal. I can't give you it.'"; reject the player's command. Bucky is a man on the chair behind the tailor's stand. The description of Bucky is "A sly-looking, ratty man. He heads a beautiful market stand. He is suspiciously protective of a cloak on sale that appears to be of magical origin." Before talking to Bucky for the first time: if the cloak is on the tailor's stand begin; say "'Well, hello there adventurer. I am Bucky, an incredibly skilled tailor. I do not reside in this village, I am simply stopping by to sell some of my merchandise. Some of it is admittedly quite expensive. However, it is certainly worth the cost.'"; otherwise; say "'Our exchange is complete. What else do you want?'"; end if. Before talking to Bucky more than one times: if the cloak is on the tailor's stand begin; say "'Do not waste my time, do you want to buy something or not?'"; otherwise; say "'Our exchange is complete. What else do you want?'"; end if. Before asking Bucky for a tailor's ware: if the cloak is on the tailor's stand begin; if the player does not carry the lance begin; say "'Hmm. Do you take me as a fool? I am not giving you anything for free. The prices are clearly labeled. Return with money or leave me be.'"; otherwise; say "'Hmm. I am not going to give you anything here for free. You clearly don't have any money, so I don't know what you're doing here. However, you do happen to have something I want. Your lance. It glows with energy. If you give me it, I will give you something of my own, say, this cloak perhaps. That seems like a fair trade. Do you accept those terms?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Excellent.'"; say "You hand over the lance and receive the cloak."; now Bucky carries the lance; now the player carries the cloak; otherwise; say "'Then stop wasting my time.'"; end if; end if; otherwise; say "'Our exchange is complete. What else do you want?'"; end if; reject the player's command. Before asking Bucky about "[a tailor's ware]": if the cloak is on the tailor's stand begin; if the player does not carry the lance begin; say "'Hmm. Do you take me as a fool? I am not giving you anything for free. The prices are clearly labeled. Return with money or leave me be.'"; otherwise; say "'Hmm. I am not going to give you anything here for free. You clearly don't have any money, so I don't know what you're doing here. However, you do happen to have something I want. Your lance. It glows with energy. If you give me it, I will give you something of my own, say, this cloak perhaps. That seems like a fair trade. Do you accept those terms?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Excellent.'"; say "You hand over the lance and receive the cloak."; now Bucky carries the lance; now the player carries the cloak; otherwise; say "'Then stop wasting my time.'"; end if; end if; otherwise; say "'Our exchange is complete. What else do you want?'"; end if; reject the player's command. Check asking Bucky for a ware: say "'Buddy. What. Don't waste my time, that's not my merchandise.'"; reject the player's command. Check asking Bucky about "[a ware]": say "'Buddy. What. Don't waste my time, that's not my merchandise.'"; reject the player's command. [Town Centre Rules] A ware is a kind of thing. A farmer's ware is a kind of ware. Potatoes is a farmer's ware. Carrots is a farmer's ware. Peas is a farmer's ware. A blacksmith's ware is a kind of ware. The sword is a blacksmith's ware. The shield is a blacksmith's ware. The lance is a blacksmith's ware. A tailor's ware is a kind of ware. The tunic is a tailor's ware. The cloak is a tailor's ware. The dress is a tailor's ware. Instead of taking a ware: say "Hey, you can't take that. You have to pay for it first!"; reject the player's command. [Gathering ----------------------------------------------------------------] The Gathering is a room. "You enter into a small field with people strewn about. A flautist and sacbutist stand at the centre, playing pieces with beautiful contrast. They have the characteristic glow of stones you observed before. As you observe the scene, something catches your eye. In the corner of the area, a shiny object glints in the sun." [Gathering Objects] The element of pitch is an elemental stone. It is carried by the flautist. The description of the element of pitch is “A light pink talisman with a treble clef engraved into the side. Holding it up to your ear, you can almost hear some sort of music coming from it.”. The element of timbre is an elemental stone. It is carried by the sacbutist. The description of the element of timbre is “A deep red necklace with a number of instruments engraved into it. It even feels as if the instruments are made of different materials.”. Understand "The talisman" as the element of pitch. Understand "The necklace" as the element of timbre. The gold chunk is a thing in the gathering. The description of the gold chunk is "A rather large chunk of pure gold, somehow unnoticed by the crowd." [Gathering NPC's] The flautist is a musician in the gathering. The description of the flautist is "A rather thin, lanky man with a wooden flute. He is playing pieces with his friend who appears to play the sacbut (medieval trombone)." The sacbutist is a musician in the gathering. The description of the sacbutist is "A thick, chunky man with a brass sacbut (medieval trombone). He is playing pieces with his friend who appears to play the flute." Before talking to the flautist for the first time: say "'Oh, hello there my friend. What a gorgeous day it is today.'"; say "You notice an oddly glowing talisman in the musician's pocket.". Before talking to the flautist more than one times: say "'Is there something I can do for you?'"; say "The talisman glows persistently.". Before talking to the sacbutist for the first time: say "'Hmm? Ah, greetings. What a nice day to play some music.'"; say "You notice an oddly glowing necklace on the musician's neck.". Before talking to the sacbutist more than one times: say "'What is it that you want?'"; say "The necklace glows persistently.". Before asking a musician for an elemental stone for the first time: if the location is the gathering begin; if the cloak is not carried begin; say "'Ah, so you want our charms, do you?' says the sacbutist suddenly."; say "'Well, you're gonna have to work a little harder than that.' chimes in the flautist."; say "'Hmm, well how about this. If you can get us the cloak from that Bucky fellow in the town centre, we'll give you our charms.' proposes the sacbutist."; say "'Yes yes, that seems like a fair deal to me. The cloak is obviously of magical origin. It's only right to trade one artifact for another.' declares the flautist."; say "'Go on then, we'll be waiting here for you. If you don't have the money for it, maybe look around for something else you might be able to trade for the cloak, but we're not giving you these until you can reciprocate.'"; otherwise; say "'Ah, so you want our charms, do you?' says the sacbutist suddenly."; say "'Hmm, well they do have something we could use. Perhaps we can make a trade.' proposes the flautist."; say "'Ah yes, they have the cloak of that shopkeeper in the square! We will gladly exchange our talismans for that majestic cloak.' exclaims the sacbutist."; say "'And so it shall be.' declares the flautist."; say "You hand over the cloak and receive the elements of pitch and timbre."; now the flautist carries the cloak; now the player carries the element of pitch; now the player carries the element of timbre; end if; end if; reject the player's command. Before asking a musician for an elemental stone for more than one times: if the location is the gathering begin; if the flautist carries the element of pitch begin; if the cloak is not carried begin; say "'Well, go get our cloak!' says the sacbutist"; say "'It's the only way you're getting these talismans.' says the flautist."; otherwise; say "'Oh, thank you so much my friend! We thought it would be impossible to get the cloak from such a ruthless shopkeeper at such a high price.' exclaims the sacbutist."; say "'Now, for your reward.' announces the flautist."; say "'Yes, of course. Here you are, I hope that these charms help you in whatever quest you may be on.' says the sacbutist."; say "You hand over the cloak and receive the elements of pitch and timbre."; Now the flautist carries the cloak; Now the player carries the element of pitch; Now the player carries the element of timbre; end if; end if; otherwise; say "'Good luck on your journey.' says the flautist."; say "'It has been a pleasure to know you. If you are seeking more stones, head down to the bridge south of the town. Along the path ahead, you will find what you are looking for.' says the sacbutist."; end if; reject the player's command. [The Stone Bridge ---------------------------------------------------------] The Stone Bridge is south of The Dirt Path. "A strong, well-maintained bridge leading to a long, winding path to the west. It's surprising how well made it is for a bridge leading out to nowhere. Looking over the side, you can see a branch of the original river you had seen from the wooden bridge earlier." [Stone Bridge Rules] Every turn when the location is the stone bridge: if the player does not carry five elemental stones begin; say "You should collect the elemental stones from this area before proceeding."; now the player is in the dirt path; end if. [The Winding Path --------------------------------------------------------] The Winding Path is west of The Stone Bridge. "A seemingly endless path that drags into a rather undeveloped area of land. You are surrounded by a small forest of trees and a pile of large stones. The only structure you find here is a tavern to the north. Other than that, there is only the very castle you will be performing in, accessible to the east." [Tavern ---------------------------------------------------------------------] The Tavern is north of The Winding Path. "To the left you see a scatter of round tables seating no more than 3 stools. Some friends are chatting amongst themselves while others seem passed out from intoxication. Most seem to have a bottle of cheap beer or a couple shots of liquor. At some tables, these seem to be untouched while others have stacks of beer cans piling on top of each other. To your right, there are larger square tables with 4 to 5 chairs at each, 6 if you can squish it in. There’s a row of cushion chairs lining the wall while on the other side of the table are hard wooden chairs. At the centre of each table is a small wooden box containing salt and pepper shakers, a menu and some napkins. You find a seat at the very edge of the long wooden island, joining the other single who came here unaccompanied. Most appear to be drinking their depressed feelings away but one cheerful guy a seat away from you catches your eye. He’s engaging in lively chatter with the bartender and has only a basket of chips and a glass of water in front of him. His voice sounds very soothing and almost has a musical ring to it. He laughs jovially at the bartender’s jokes and eats his food at such a slow pace that it doesn’t seem like he’s in a hurry to get anywhere. You on the other hand are distressed after struggling to find the last musical stone. Perhaps you can[bold type] ask him about it[roman type]. Famished and parched you stumble upon a tavern and follow the irresistible aroma of food into the doorway. Immediately upon entering, you are hit with the strong stench of alcohol in the atmosphere and noisy chatter from the beer drinkers. The smoky fumes of cigarettes is also very prominent as most customers are middle aged men. Suddenly you hear a loud scream of laughter erupting from the furthest tables. Upon further examination you see a group of men playing a card game of some sort that you can’t recognize. At the centre of the tavern is a large counter with a bar and kitchen behind, visible to customers." [Tavern Objects] Tables are fixed in place in the tavern. The description of tables is "A collection of worn, wooden tables. Many of them appear to have been broken and repaired." Stools are fixed in place in the tavern. The description of stools is "A collection of worn, wooden stools with leather covers. Many of them are ripped or faded, yet they are sturdy." The bar is fixed in place in the tavern. The description of the bar is "An ordinary, wooden bar. Despite the harsh environment, it is clearly well maintained and undamaged. Perhaps because the patrons of this tavern do not want to hurt their supply of alcohol." The element of articulation is an elemental stone. The description of the element of articulation is “An emerald stone with the four articulations you just learned, staccato, accent, marcato, and legato, engraved into the side. Holding it seems to make you want to jump and dance at specific intervals.”. [Tavern NPC's] The Lutist is a Musician in the Tavern. Understand "Jovial Man" as the lutist. Understand "Man" as the lutist. The description of the lutist is "A clearly well-liked and enthusiastic man. He is carrying a lute." Before talking to the lutist: say "'Well, hello there. I am a traveling musician, a lutist to be specific. I hope we can get along here. I know it's intense with all the people and beer, but we're all here to have a good time.'"; reject the player's command. Before asking the lutist about "Elemental Stone": say "'His eyes widen and he opens his mouth slightly, almost seeming surprised. He tells you to wait as he pulls up his large worn down leather backpack from beneath his seat. He rummages through it pulling out random objects and trash. He was clearly a hoarder of small things and probably liked picking up stuff he finds on the ground. 'Aha!' he exclaims softly and laughs. 'A little while ago while performing at a cafe I found this stone buried amongst the dollar bills in my tips box. Most people would throw it out, but I love keeping little knick-knacks of all sorts in my bag. Below it was a note that said 'I have entrusted you with the elemental stone of articulation, use it wisely'. I didn’t think much of it until I realized during my next performance how good my playing had become. I was able to articulate so naturally and flawlessly that I surprised myself a bit'”; say "You inquire further, telling him your story."; say "'Hmm well you certainly seem like you should have it... but I cannot simply give this stone to a stranger. You will have to prove your musical talent. Are you familiar with the types of articulations?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Well then, let's get right to it!'"; otherwise; say "'Ah, well that is a little odd for a musician. Nonetheless, I will teach you. There are many dynamics, I will focus on four: [italic type] the legato, staccato, accent, and marcato[roman type]. Legato is smooth and flowing, staccato is short and cut off, accent is emphasized, and marcato is both short and emphasized. Now then, since you now know your articulations let us proceed with the test of you musical capabilities.'"; end if; say "'I will play a piece I have that exemplifies the above articulations and you will dance in correlation to it! If you do so correctly, the stone is yours. Are you ready?'"; if the player consents begin; say "'Alright let's begin!'"; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a short, cut off tune. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "'Hmm. Okay, but if you don't show me your love for music, you'll never get this stone.'"; end if. After reading a command when the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a short, cut off tune. In what articulation do you dance? >" and the location is the tavern: if the player's command matches the text "staccato" begin; say "You dance in a staccato form. The lutist looks delighted."; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing an emphasized theme. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "You dance in an incorrect form. The lutist stops playing."; say "'Ah, it seems the magic of music does not run in you... would you like to try again?"; if the player consents begin; say "'Wonderful! let us begin'"; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a short, cut off tune. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "'Ah well, it seems some simply are not deserving of the power of these stones. Do come back if you wish to try again and earn it.'"; now the command prompt is ">"; end if; end if; reject the player's command. After reading a command when the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing an emphasized theme. In what articulation do you dance? >" and the location is the tavern: if the player's command matches the text "accent" begin; say "You dance in an accented form. The lutist looks delighted."; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a theme that is both emphasized and short. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "You dance in an incorrect form. The lutist stops playing."; say "'Ah, it seems the magic of music does not run in you... would you like to try again?"; if the player consents begin; say "'Wonderful! let us begin'"; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a short, cut off tune. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "'Ah well, it seems some simply are not deserving of the power of these stones. Do come back if you wish to try again and earn it.'"; now the command prompt is ">"; end if; end if; reject the player's command. After reading a command when the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a theme that is both emphasized and short. In what articulation do you dance? >" and the location is the tavern: if the player's command matches the text "marcato" begin; say "You dance in a marcato form. The lutist looks delighted."; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a theme that is smooth and flowing. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "You dance in an incorrect form. The lutist stops playing."; say "'Ah, it seems the magic of music does not run in you... would you like to try again?"; if the player consents begin; say "'Wonderful! let us begin'"; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a short, cut off tune. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "'Ah well, it seems some simply are not deserving of the power of these stones. Do come back if you wish to try again and earn it.'"; now the command prompt is ">"; end if; end if; reject the player's command. After reading a command when the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a theme that is smooth and flowing. In what articulation do you dance? >" and the location is the tavern: if the player's command matches the text "legato" begin; say "You dance in a legato form. The lutist looks ecstatic."; say "'Yes, yes my friend! Here, you earned this.'"; say "You now carry the element of articulation."; say "'Safe travels my friend. Good luck with your performance!'"; now the command prompt is ">"; now the player carries the element of articulation; otherwise; say "You dance in an incorrect form. The lutist stops playing."; say "'Ah, it seems the magic of music does not run in you... would you like to try again?"; if the player consents begin; say "'Wonderful! let us begin'"; now the command prompt is "The lutist begins playing a short, cut off tune. In what articulation do you dance? >"; otherwise; say "'Ah well, it seems some simply are not deserving of the power of these stones. Do come back if you wish to try again and earn it.'"; now the command prompt is ">"; end if; end if; reject the player's command. [Tavern Rules] The Tavern's boolean is a truth state that varies. The Tavern's boolean is false. Before reading a command when the location is the tavern: if the tavern's boolean is false begin; now the description of the tavern is "To the left you see a scatter of round tables seating no more than 3 stools. Some friends are chatting amongst themselves while others seem passed out from intoxication. Most seem to have a bottle of cheap beer or a couple shots of liquor. At some tables, these seem to be untouched while others have stacks of beer cans piling on top of each other. To your right, there are larger square tables with 4 to 5 chairs at each, 6 if you can squish it in. There’s a row of cushion chairs lining the wall while on the other side of the table are hard wooden chairs. At the centre of each table is a small wooden box containing salt and pepper shakers, a menu and some napkins. You find a seat at the very edge of the long wooden island, joining the other single who came here unaccompanied. Most appear to be drinking their depressed feelings away but one cheerful guy a seat away from you catches your eye. He’s engaging in lively chatter with the bartender and has only a basket of chips and a glass of water in front of him. His voice sounds very soothing and almost has a musical ring to it. He laughs jovially at the bartender’s jokes and eats his food at such a slow pace that it doesn’t seem like he’s in a hurry to get anywhere. You on the other hand are distressed after struggling to find the last musical stone. Perhaps you can[bold type] ask him about it[roman type]."; now the tavern's boolean is true; end if. [Castle Bridge --------------------------------------------------------------] The Castle Bridge is west of The Winding Path. "You stand on a wooden bridge, hovering over the river as you look north towards the castle. The tall looming castle casts a long shadow over you and the bridge. The water under the bridge is crystal clear and glimmers against the setting sun. You approach the tall iron doors of the castle. Guards stand on either side of the doors, guarding the doors. You tell the guards who you are and they identify you as a performer and let you in. " [Castle Bridge Objects] The Castle Door is a door. The castle door is an open door. The castle door is north of the castle bridge and south of the Castle Foyer. The description of the castle door is "A set of tall iron doors protect the castle from intruders. Two guards on either side of the doors stand stiffly, prepared to confront any intruders." [Castle Bride Rules] Every turn when the location is the castle bridge: if the player does not carry six elemental stones begin; say "You should collect the elemental stones from this area before proceeding."; now the player is in the winding path; end if. [Castle Foyer ---------------------------------------------------------------] The Castle Foyer is a room. "The guards pull open the heavy iron door and reveal a glamorous castle foyer. They usher you into the castle foyer. The walls are beige with artistic embroidery. Famous paintings cover the walls. Candles are set in corners of the room, lighting up the room with a golden glow. The marble floors are covered with intricate designs, reflecting back the bright lights from the chandeliers. To the right, you can see a tall curved staircase that leads up to the second floor. " [Castle Foyer Objects] The castle staircase is a door. The castle staircase is scenery. The castle staircase is an open door. The castle staircase is up from the Castle Foyer and down from The Backstage. The description of the castle staircase is "A curved staircase leading up to the second floor. Each step is made of marble, reflecting off the bright lights from the chandelier." [Backstage -----------------------------------------------------------------] The Backstage is a room. "You are in a small room. The floors are lined with a soft grey carpet, collecting dust from excess props and accessories left behind by former performers. You see a rack filled with props and costumes, other performers preparing for their own performance, instruments, and sheet music strewn all over the floors. On a small table in the corner, you can see a chest. To the west is the concert hall." [Backstage Objects] The table is a supporter in the backstage. The table is fixed in place. The description of the table is "An ornately designed table." The enchanted box is an openable closed container on the table. The chest is fixed in place. The description of the enchanted box is "A strange box, not unlike the rune box you have in your basement." The letter is an object. The letter is in the enchanted box. The description of the letter is "A small piece of paper inside the chest. There is something written on it." The writing of the letter is "Hello there fellow performer, If you are reading this, you have discovered the secret of the 6 elemental stones of music. I hope you have the 6 elemental stones with you, since this box is where all the magic happens. To get wisdom and regain your musical skills, you must sacrifice the 6 elemental stones. Please [bold type] put the elemental stones into the box [roman type] and wait." [Backstage Rules] The transformation boolean is a truth state that varies. The transformation boolean is false. After reading a command when the command prompt is ">" and the location is the backstage: if the player's command matches "put the elemental stones into the box" begin; now the element of harmony is in the enchanted box; now the element of pitch is in the enchanted box; now the element of melody is in the enchanted box; now the element of dynamics is in the enchanted box; now the element of articulation is in the enchanted box; now the element of timbre is in the enchanted box; say "You put the elements into the box. You should close it now."; reject the player’s command; end if. Wait is a number that varies. Wait is 0. Every turn when the location is the backstage: if 6 elemental stones are in the closed enchanted box begin; if wait is greater than 3 begin; say "The box starts to glow. You feel warm and suddenly have a strong urge to pick up your violin and play. The moment your fingers touch the fingerboard, they fly with lightning speed. You master your prepared piece, nailing every [italic type] spiccato, ricochet, [roman type] and [italic type] tremolo.[roman type] You now feel more prepared for the concert than ever in your life. Now all you need to do is just to walk confidently into the concert hall!"; now the transformation boolean is true; now the element of harmony is fixed in place in the chest; now the element of pitch is fixed in place in the chest; now the element of melody is fixed in place in the chest; now the element of dynamics is fixed in place in the chest; now the element of articulation is fixed in place in the chest; now the element of timbre is fixed in place in the chest; now the letter is fixed in place in the chest; otherwise; now wait is wait + 1; end if; end if. Check going west when the location is backstage: if the transformation boolean is false begin; say "You shouldn't go to the concert hall yet. You aren't ready and will make a fool of yourself. Remember, you went on this quest for the elemental stone for a reason." instead; end if. [The Concert Hall ---------------------------------------------------------] The Concert Hall is a room. The concert hall is west of the backstage. The description of the concert hall is "You enter the concert hall. Heavy purple curtains lined with silver satin are draped across the room. Rows upon rows of people stare back at you waiting for you to start your performance. Camera flashes and blinds you as the audience claps politely. The whole room is silent as they wait for you to start [bold type] playing. [roman type]" Report playing violin when the location is The Concert Hall: say "The audience hushes as you start your performance. At the end of the piece, you get a standing ovation. You, [name], have successfully proved your abilities as a grandchild of the famous violinist Stradivarius (even if it is achieved with some help)."; increase the score by 100; end the game in victory.