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A Boring Room
Riese Meyers
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"A Boring Room" [Rules] Use no scoring. When play begins: say "[italic type]Author's note: My first real, very simple escape-the-room type puzzle I've attempted. There's lots of bugs and stuff but if you want to contact me about one my email is riesecm@hotmail.com". The Boring Room is a room. "You are inside a boring room." The bed is in the Boring Room. The chair is in the Boring Room. The painting is in the Boring Room. The desk is in the Boring Room. The drawer is part of the desk. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a cell phone and a magazine. The plank door is a locked door. The plank door is west of the Boring Room. The plank door is east of a Much Less Boring Room. The Much Less Boring Room is a room. "You finally made it to a much less boring room! Alls ya gotta do now is kill your jerk of a friend." your friend is a person in the Much Less Boring Room. Understand "jerk" and "jerk friend" and "friend" and "your friend" and "my friend" as your friend. The description of your friend is "She's staring at you with a malicious grin, beaming with pleasure that you were trapped in such a boring room for so long." The description of the desk is "It's a boring desk with a single drawer." The description of the chair is "It's a boring wooden chair with four legs. How predictable." On the chair is a knife. The description of the knife is "It's a sharp blade with a hardened leather handle. Cool." The description of the painting is "It's a lovely painting of a bowl of fruit. In the bowl are grapes, oranges, apples, a banana, a grapefruit, a pineapple, a mango, and a melon." The description of the bed is "It's an uncomfortable looking bed with, surprisingly, no pillows and no blanket. All there is is the mattress." Understand "mattress" as bed. The bed is an unopenable closed container. Inside the bed is a pair of scissors. Understand "scissors" as pair of scissors. The bed is fixed in place. The desk is fixed in place. The bed is fixed in place. The painting is fixed in place. The chair is fixed in place. The mattress is fixed in place. [Rules] Rule for printing room description details of a closed container: stop. Rule for printing room description details of an open container: stop. [New actions] Cutting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "cut [something] with [something]" and "cutting [something] with [something]" and "attack [something] with [something]" and "hit [something] with [something]"as cutting it with. Using is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use [something]" and "call [something]" and "touch [something]" as using. Sliding it under door is an action applying to one thing. Understand "slide [something] under door" and "sliding [something] under door" as sliding it under door. Killing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "kill [something]" and "attack [something]" and "killing [something]" as killing. Check cutting it with: if the second noun is not carried by the player: say "You're not holding the [second noun]." instead. Instead of cutting bed with knife: now the bed is open; say "You cut open the mattress to reveal a pair of scissors in between the springs." Instead of cutting magazine with knife: say "You start hacking away at the magazine with your knife. It becomes mangled beyond recognition. There is no way to leave the room now. You commit suicide because I don't know how else to end the game now."; end the game in death. Instead of using the cell phone: say "You call your friend on the cell phone. 'Yo man' she intones, 'you gettin' tired of that boring room yet?' You reply affirmatively and she answers, 'Then give me something worth my while. Somethin sexy. Slip it under the door or I'll never tell you where the key is." Instead of taking scissors: say "You reach inside the mattress and fish out the scissors."; let P be the player; move the pair of scissors to P. Instead of taking knife: say "You take the knife off the chair."; let P be the player; move the knife to P. The description of the pair of scissors is "An orange pair of scissors that aren't very thick, only really good for cutting paper." The description of the magazine is "A bland home decoration magazine. In it are furnishings similar to those of the room you're in now: sleek, modern, utterly drab. However, poring through the issue you do find one interesting thing: an underwear ad featuring a toned, rugged and brooding man." The photo is a thing. The description of the photo is "A sexy photo of a hot guy in nothing but underwear. You would most likely do unspeakable things to him given the chance." Understand "photo of hot guy" and "hot guy photo" and "hot dude" and "hot guy" as photo. Instead of cutting magazine with pair of scissors: let P be the player; move the photo to P; say "You flip to the underwear ad and cut out the photo of the hot dude. You now have a photo of a hot dude.". Instead of sliding photo under door: say "You slide the photo under the door. From the other side you can hear a muffled 'Ooh yeah!' after which you stand there and wait a while. [paragraph break]'Yeah this is good stuff.' says the voice, 'Here's a clue to getting out: grapefruit.' The voice snickers and fades away.". The grapefruit is a thing. The grapefruit is part of the painting. The iron key is a thing. The iron key unlocks the plank door. Instead of using the grapefruit: let P be the player; move the iron key to P; say "You touch the grapefruit part of the painting and it falls out, revealing a hole. Inside the hole is an iron key. You take it.". Instead of killing your friend: say "You viciously assault your friend with your bare fists. She easily overcomes you though with her extensive MMA skills and tackles you to the floor. She then gets you in a sleeper hold and accidentally kills you due to only being a green belt."; end the game in death. Instead of cutting your friend with knife: say "You stab your so-called friend in the chest and she falls over dead. Yay, what a bad friend she was."; end the game in victory. Instead of cutting your friend with pair of scissors: say "You attempt to stab your friend with the scissors. It's so laughable that both of you, well laugh. You realize that you have too much in common with your friend to kill her, and the two of you go get drinks."; end the game in victory.