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Journey Through Hell
William Roberts
Played 1,854 times
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When play begins: say "Xbox is love, Xbox is Life!"; move yellow shield to player. Include locksmith by Emily Short. Living Room is a room."A large living room with a couch, lamp and TV. You are currently sitting on the couch playing Madden 15 on your Xbox 360." Every turn when the player is in the Living Room: say "[one of]Madden is so frustrating![or]You're losing! Come on![or]You want to scream because of this dumb game![or]How are you not winning![or] Why are you even playing this game! You suck![as decreasingly likely outcomes]" Yellow shield is in Place. The description of the Yellow shield is "A simple, steel shield painted yellow. It looks like your little brother's favorite thing to chew on." Lamp is in Living Room. It is fixed in place. Instead of examining the Lamp, say "You are having such an intense game that you don't want to look away from the TV. As you lose 5 yards, you feel the urge to yell." Couch is in Living Room. It is fixed in place. Instead of examining the couch, say "You are having such an intense game that you don't want to look away from the TV. As you lose 5 yards, you feel an intense urge to yell." TV is in Living Room. It is fixed in place. The description of the TV is "A huge flat-screen TV that you are currently playing Madden on." Xbox 360 is in Living Room. It is a container. It is fixed in place. It is closed and openable. The description of the Xbox 360 is "A brand spankin new Xbox that you got for your birthday a few days ago." Understand "xbox" as Xbox 360 Silver Disc is in Xbox 360. The description of the disc is "A small silver disc with nothing special about it. You have a flashback, remembering the movie you watched with your mom on a disc similar to this a few years ago." The description of the player is "A teenage boy with little to no muscles." Yelling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "yell" as yelling. The walls is a backdrop which is everywhere. Understand "wall" as walls. The floor is a backdrop which is everywhere. The ceiling is a backdrop which is everywhere. Hell is a room."A hot place of death and evil. You have absolutely no idea how you got here." Instead of yelling: say "Your mom rushes in the room and screams at you to shut up because you woke the baby."; say "The baby walks into the room and stares at you with his dark red eyes."; say "You feel yourself falling through a deep, dark hole."; move player to Hell. Death pit is west of Hell."A giant lava pit that absolutely nothing could survive. Well, except maybe that demon baby. You are standing on a tiny platform made of a mysterious mineral. you notice a small chest to your left." Chest is a container in Death pit. It is fixed in place. The description of the chest is " A small wooden chest with an odd lock on the front." It is locked and closed. Wooden key unlocks chest. Green Dagger is in chest. Wooden Key is in Orchard. The description of the Wooden Key is " A large birch wood key." Instead of taking Wooden Key: say "You are flown back through the lava and into the original room."; move player to hell; move wooden key to player. Lava is backdrop in Death pit. The description of the lava is " Hot bubbling melted dreams. As you stare harder, you notice there seems to be something, or somewhere, under the lava. You wonder how you will get down there." Platform is a backdrop in Death pit. The description of the platform is "A small platform that you are standing on." Obsidian door is a door. It is openable and closed. It is north of Hell and south of Skeletal room. The description of the obsidian door is "A large, obsidian door that seems to be solid. On the top right corner of the door you see a skeleton head." Skeleton head is a container that is part of the Obsidian door. It is openable, locked and closed. Mysterious key unlocks skeleton head. Lava tablet is in skeleton head. The description of the skeleton head is "A large head made of purely bones with skin hanging off the edges. There is a small hole in its ghostly forehead." Understand "skull" as skeleton head. Obsidian door is a door. It is openable and closed. It is north of Hell and south of Skeletal room. Skeletal room is a room."A grisly room with skeletons everywhere you look." Instead of taking Lava Tablet: if the player wears the gloves: continue the action; otherwise: say "It's to hot to pick up barehanded." After opening the mailpouch: move skeleton key to Place; say "After unlocking the mailpouch, your key disintegrates into ash." The dead mailman is in skeletal room. It is fixed in place. "A dead mailman with a mail pouch at his side." The description of the dead mailman is "A long dead mailman." Mailpouch is in skeletal room. It is a container. The description of the mailpouch is " It looks like the mailman died with his trusty pouch at his side. Odd. It seems to be closed and locked." It is fixed in place. It is locked, closed and openable. Skeleton key unlocks Mailpouch. Blue Boomerang and Gloves are in Mailpouch. The description of Gloves is " A sturdy pair of gloves doused in sodium silicate formula." Gloves is wearable. The dead fireman is in skeletal room."The skeleton of a fireman strewn across the dirt.." It is fixed in place. Instead of examining the dead fireman: say "As you look closer at the fireman you notice a small, white object. As you reach down and pick it up, you notice it is a key!"; move skeleton key to player. The description of the blue boomerang is "An old child's toy painted blue. You wonder how the mailman got it. It reminds you of the boomerang you loved as a kid but lost when you threw it to far." Skeleton key is in Place. The description of the skeleton key is "A small, white key made of bones. You wonder what it unlocks." Green dagger is an object. The description of Green dagger is "A dagger that appears to be made of a solid green material. It seems too blunt to be able to hurt anything. It slightly resembles your dad's old hunting knife." Understand "green object" as green dagger. Place is a room. Lava tablet is an object. It is edible. The description of the lava tablet is "A small red and orange tablet that makes you immune to lava for ten seconds after eating it." Instead of eating the Lava tablet: say "You sprint to the death pit and jump straight into the lava. The lava feels like water on your skin, and is actually quite refreshing. You feel yourself falling until, finally, you reach solid ground."; move player to Orchard. Orchard is a room."A large greenhouse type of building in which every plant is dead and burned. In the center of the room there is a large grapefruit tree." Demon lair is a room." It seems to be the lair of an otherworldly creature. He doesn't seem to be here right now, but he may come back soon." Vase is in Demon lair."A vase made of many miscellaneous dead creatures." It is fixed in place. Instead of examining the vase: say "You look closer and notice a mysterious letter. You reach down inside the vase, just barely squeezing your hand through the top and grab it." ; say "A key falls out of a small hole in the letter."; move mysterious key to Demon Lair; move letter to player. Letter is an object in place. The description of the letter is "The letter reads 'When men die, open their eye, then you will see, the way to get free.'" Understand "paper" as letter. Mysterious key is in place. The description of the mysterious key is "You have no idea what this key does." Every turn when the player has been in the Demon Lair for four turns: end the game saying "You hear footsteps. Its the demon! As you gaze at his glory, he brings his claw down and smites you into oblivion!" Every turn when the player has had the ticking time bomb for exactly eight turns: say "The bomb explodes, taking you with it."; end the story. Every turn when the player can see the ticking time bomb, say "[one of]You wonder if you are safe because of the bomb.[or]You may want to get away from the bomb![or]ITS A BOMB GET THE FREAK AWAY FROM IT![or] Umm... so... thats a bomb... AHHH![as decreasingly likely outcomes]". Fireplace is in Demon lair." You see an odd fireplace that seems to be made out of pure lava!" It is fixed in place. Stone door is a door. It is east of Skeletal room and west of Demon lair."A simple stone door lies in the corner." Tree of Death is in Orchard."A giant tree which seems to radiate death. There is a small hole at the very foot of the tree." Hole is part of the Tree of Death. It is fixed in place. Room Of Roots is below Orchard."A room made of and completely encased in roots." Growing Roots is a backdrop in Room of roots. Tree of Tiny death is in Room of Roots."A smaller tree which seems to radiate death. There is a smaller hole at the very foot of the tree." Smaller Hole is part of Tree of Tiny death. It is fixed in place. Small Root Room is below Room of Roots."A smaller room made of and completely encased in roots." Growing roots is a backdrop in Small Root Room. Super Small Tree of Death is in Small Root Room." A super tiny tree that seems to radiate death. There is a tiny hole at the very foot of the tree." It is fixed in place. Super Tiny Root Room is below Small Root Room."A tiny room made of and completely encased in roots." Roots is a backdrop in Super tiny root room. Microscopic Tree of Death is in Super Tiny Root Room." Wow. That is one small tree of death!" It is fixed in place. Small door is in Super Tiny Root room." You see a tiny door made of roots. You wonder where it leads." It is a door. It is closed and openable. It is north of Super tiny Root Room and south of Thang. Pink ball is in Place. The description of green ball is "A relatively small ball dyed pink. It looks like the ball your sister used to play with." Instead of opening small door: say "You squeeze through the door and something falls into your hand. You don't have time to look at what it is, but you grab it just in time. Also, how the heck are you in the root room again!"; move player to room of roots; move Pink ball to player. Ball Pit of Death is north of Orchard."A fun ball pit! Wow, you never thought you'd find this down here. Wait. What are these balls made of. They are fleshy and cold. They are severed baby heads!" Blood is a backdrop in Ball pit of death. The description of blood is "Sticky, dark red blood drying on the walls." Dead heads are in Ball pit of death."Severed, fleshy heads sitting lifelessly in a giant ball pit." Ticking time bomb is in Ball pit of death. The description of the ticking time bomb is "A ticking time bomb. You have no idea when it will go off. *You should probably leave it and come back for it later.*" Colored room is north of Ball pit of death."A room with colored walls and many different colored bins." Yellow bin is in Colored room. It is fixed in place. It is a container. It is locked, openable and closed. Yellow key is in Yellow bin. Yellow shield unlocks yellow bin. The description of the yellow bin is "A simple yellow bin." After opening yellow bin: move yellow shield to place. Green bin is in colored room. It is fixed in place. It is a container. It is locked, openable and closed. Green key is in Green bin. Green dagger unlocks green bin. The description of the green bin is "A simple green bin." After opening green bin: move green dagger to place. Pink bin is in Colored room. It is fixed in place. It is a container. It is locked, openable and closed. Pink key is in pink bin. Pink ball unlocks pink bin. The description of the pink bin is "A simple pink bin." After opening pink bin: move pink ball to place. Silver bin is in colored room. It is fixed in place. It is a container. It is locked, openable and closed. Silver key is in Silver bin. Silver disc unlocks silver bin. The description of the silver bin is "A simple silver bin." After opening silver bin: move silver disc to place. Blue bin is in Colored room. It is fixed in place. It is a container. It is locked, openable and closed. Blue key is in Blue bin. Blue boomerang unlocks Blue bin. The description of the blue bin is "A simple blue bin." After opening blue bin: move blue boomerang to place. Yellow door is a door. It is north of Colored room and south of Yellow room. It is locked and closed. The Yellow key unlocks the yellow door. The description of the yellow door is "A simple yellow door." Yellow room is a room. The description of the yellow room is "Walls that seem to be somehow made of pure color." Blue room is a room. The description of the blue room is "Walls that seem to be somehow made of pure color." Green room is a room. The description of the green room is "Walls that seem to be somehow made of pure color." Pink room is a room. The description of the pink room is "Walls that seem to be somehow made of pure color." Silver room is a room. The description of the silver room is "Walls that seem to be somehow made of pure color." Silver door is a door. It is north of Yellow Room and south of Silver room. It is locked and closed. The silver key unlocks silver door. The description of the silver door is "A simple silver door." Pink door is a door. It is north of silver room and south of Pink room. It is locked and closed. The pink key unlocks the pink door. The description of the pink door is "A simple pink door." Blue door is a door. It is north of pink room and south of Blue room. It is locked and closed. The blue key unlocks the blue door. The description of the blue door is "A simple blue door." Green door is a door. It is north of Blue room and south of Green room. It is locked and closed. The Green key unlocks the green door. The description of the green door is "A simple green door." Organ door is a door. It is locked and openable. Baby key unlocks organ door. Organ door is north of green room and south of Place. The description of the Organ door is "A door made of human organs compacted into a solid door as hard as metal. You are almost there!" Demon baby is a person in Green room." You see a demon baby staring at you." The description of the demon baby is "The demon baby you saw up in the living room has come back to haunt you! There is a small EA on his leg." Instead of throwing the ticking time bomb at the demon baby: say " He catches the bomb, chuckles deeply then eats it whole. The bomb explodes, ripping the baby apart from the inside. A large chunk of flesh lands on you, and you jump, throwing it off of yourself. You see a gold key fly into the corner."; move demon baby to place; move baby key to green room; move ticking time bomb to place. Baby key is in place. The description of the baby key is "A key passed down from generation to generation that the baby ingests and holds in its stomach forever. There are some words inscribed into the side. 'It's in the game.' " Instead of opening Organ door: move player to living room; say "YES! I did it! That level was really hard (and kinda creepy) but I beat it! I unlocked the devil character on Madden! I'm not sure why all of those objects were so familiar, but whatever. Now I can crush everyone online!"; end the story.