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Shadow's Flight
Christina Nordlander
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"Shadow's Flight" by Christina Nordlander The release number is 1. The story creation year is 2019. The story genre is "Fantasy". Use no scoring. When play begins: say "You watched your Master make bargain after bargain with the Powers, extending his sorcerer's skill by ever smaller increments against ever larger prices. You were powerless to intervene, or even to dissuade him.[paragraph break]Tonight marks a year since his last payment. He has only you left, then the bargain will be down to pieces of his own flesh and soul.[paragraph break]You are not an ordinary shadow, of no ordinary master. Perhaps you will be able to flee before they come for you."; the timer rings in 179 turns from now. Freetime is a number that varies. Freetime is 180. Masteroccupied is a number that varies. Masteroccupied is 1. Shadowproximity is a number that varies. Shadowproximity is 0. Lightburned is a number that varies. Lightburned is 0. Corridorlight is a number that varies. Corridorlight is 1. Downed is a number that varies. Downed is 0. Masterappearance is a number that varies. Masterappearance is 0. Every turn: decrease Freetime by 1. Workshop is a room. "A long masoned room, with a low-slung ceiling vault and no windows. A workbench in acid-scarred wood runs almost the length of the workshop. An open furnace in the north wall and a bright lamp on the bench provide light, but a bar of deep shadow lies along the full south side of the room. More light, yellow like sunlight, spills out of the doorway to the east." Player is in Workshop. A person can be normal, attenuated, or realified. The player is normal. A person can be attached or unattached. The player is attached. Description of the player is "[playerdescription]." To say playerdescription: if the player is normal: if the player is unattached: say "A flat, black silhouette, shaped a little like a human, but without age or sex"; otherwise: say "A flat, black silhouette, shaped a little like a human, but more amorphous, changing your shape every time Master steps towards or away from the light source.[line break]You are tethered to your Master"; otherwise if the player is attenuated: if the player is unattached: say "A flat silhouette in a transparent grey that is barely visible"; otherwise: say "A flat, black silhouette, shaped a little like a human, but more amorphous, changing your shape every time Master steps towards or away from the light source.[line break]You are tethered to your Master"; otherwise if the player is realified: say "A skinny, sinewy being, indistinguishable from a human. Red robes hang around you. They feel no different from your skin" Things can be real or shadowformed. A thing is normally real. Things can be taken or untaken. A thing is normally untaken. People can be real or shadowformed. A person is normally real. The player is shadowformed. Rooms can be unmirrored or mirrorformed. A room is usually unmirrored. The Master is a man. Understand "sorcerer" or "wizard" or "bald" as the Master. "[if Masteroccupied is 0]Your Master is here[otherwise]Your Master is here, working away on an experiment[end if]." The Master is in Workshop. Description of the Master is "Sparse flesh, red robes worn to holes in several places. He looks like an old man, but a closer look shows that he is younger than he appears. For his latest bargain, he sacrificed the hair on his head. It will not grow again.[if the Master is in Workshop][paragraph break]Your Master is busying himself with a project on his workbench: mostly writing in a set of notes, occasionally adding some ingredients to bowls or tinkering with a silvery construct." A clock is a kind of thing. There is a clock in Workshop. "A clock in a metal case stands by the wall." Understand "metal case" or "case" as the clock. Description of the clock is "A forbidding column of crenellated steel and brass. It shows [Freetime] minutes till midnight." Instead of doing anything other than examining or stretching over with a clock: say "You cannot affect your physical surroundings." The messenger is a woman. Understand "demon" or "devil" or "emissary" as the messenger. At the time when the timer rings: if the player is in the Workshop: if the player is attached: move the messenger to the location of the player; say "A messenger stands in the room, as if it has always been here.[paragraph break]The spirit gives your Master a meaningful look. Your Master nods placidly, as if nothing needs to be said.[paragraph break]The spirit lifts you up like a garment for laundering and detaches you from your Master's body. You feel nothing, you only see the gap of clear air where you used to be connected to your Master.[paragraph break]There is a swirl of shadows and the disorientation of rapid motion. When you return to your senses, the horror has only begun."; end the game saying "You have failed"; otherwise: move the messenger to the location of the player; say "A messenger stands in the room, as if it has always been here.[paragraph break]The spirit gives your Master a meaningful look. Your Master nods placidly, as if nothing needs to be said.[paragraph break]The spirit lifts you up like a garment for laundering.[paragraph break]There is a swirl of shadows and the disorientation of rapid motion. When you return to your senses, the horror has only begun."; end the game saying "You have failed"; otherwise: say "Something seems to click into place. An overpowering force picks you up and tears you along, through air or solid matter you cannot tell. Even light disappears in the speed.[paragraph break]You are lost to the material world."; end the game saying "You have failed". Instead of sleeping: say "You never do." The block attacking rule is not listed in the check attacking rules. Instead of attacking something: say "You do not have the capacity to do harm." Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to" as talking to. Instead of talking to: say "Even if you wanted to, you cannot make a noise." Instead of smelling: say "Everything is equally odourless to you." Instead of doing something other than examining or stretching over with a real thing: say "You cannot affect your physical surroundings." Instead of listening to the Workshop: say "You focus on the ticking again. You have grown so accustomed to it, you can barely hear it any longer." Instead of listening to the clock: say "The ticking is penetratingly clear." The take visual actions out of world rule is listed before the every turn stage rule in the turn sequence rules. This is the take visual actions out of world rule: if acting fast, rule succeeds. Examining something is acting fast. Looking is acting fast. Listening is acting fast. Taking inventory is acting fast. Instead of taking the player: say "You cannot do that." Instead of listening to the Master: say "Sometimes he murmurs under his breath, but you can make out nothing that might help you in your present situation." The workbench is scenery in Workshop. Description of the workbench is "Heavy, pale yellow beams, so scarred by cuts and acid spills that they look like something other than wood. More reagents and mechanisms than you have the capacity to comprehend throng around the sides." The bar of shadow is scenery. The bar of shadow is in Workshop. The bar of shadow is shadowformed. Understand "shadow bar" or "streak of shadow" or "deep shadow" or "solid" as the bar of shadow. Instead of entering the bar of shadow: if the player is unattached: say "You are already in the shadow."; otherwise: if Shadowproximity is 1: say "You enter the long streak of shadow and are able to move by your own volition. The shadow stretches around you like a realm. You feel safe, you feel free."; now the player is unattached; otherwise: say "You are tethered to your Master's form. No matter how far you stretch, you are unable to move across the plane surfaces of fire-light." Instead of going east from Workshop: if the player is unattached: say "You slip up to the eastern doorway, unseen."; move the player to Anteroom; otherwise: if Shadowproximity is 1: now the player is unattached; say "You slip up to the eastern doorway, unseen."; move the player to Anteroom; otherwise: say "You are tethered to your Master's form. No matter how far you stretch, you are unable to move across the plane surfaces of fire-light." The ingredients are scenery in Workshop. Understand "reagents" as the ingredients. Description of the ingredients is "Little bowls of powders and chipped fragments: white, burnt umbre, soot-black. You do not know what any of it does." The mechanisms are scenery in Workshop. Description of the mechanisms is "Many of them look like skeletons or carapaces devised in metal. Some of them might have been." Every turn: if the player is in Workshop: if Shadowproximity is 0: if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds: say "Your Master puts out a hand for some tool on the opposite side, then gives up and steps around the table, pulling you with him. He is standing in the solid shadow now."; now Shadowproximity is 1; otherwise: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "Muttering under his breath, Master tightens a screw and returns to the fire-lit northern side of the room."; now Shadowproximity is 0. Anteroom is a room. Anteroom is east of Workshop. "A small room, featureless except for small irregularities in the mortar between the masonry blocks.[paragraph break]Master's workshop lies west. A [if Corridor is lighted]brightly lit [end if]corridor stretches north to the portcullis." Disengaging is an action applying to nothing. Understand "disengage" or "disengage from master" or "let go" as disengaging. Carry out disengaging: if the player is unattached: say "But you are already free."; stop the action; otherwise: if Shadowproximity is 0: say "The light from the furnace scatters across the floor around you. You will need to find other shadows before you can slip away."; stop the action; otherwise: say "You enter the long streak of shadow and are able to move by your own volition. The shadow stretches around you like a realm. You feel safe, you feel free."; now the player is unattached. Instead of dropping the Master: try disengaging. The furnace is scenery. The furnace is in Workshop. Description of the furnace is "A deep square gap in the north wall, the masonry around is carved to imitate a wild animal's lips and fangs. Inside it is a bed of sparkling red and white coals." Understand "oven" or "coals" as the furnace. Instead of doing anything other than examining with the furnace: if the player is attached: say "Even if you could move freely, you could not get closer to it. The light would consume you as surely as the heat would any physical object."; otherwise: say "You will not get any closer. The light would consume you as surely as the heat would any physical object." The lamp is scenery. The lamp is in Workshop. Description of the lamp is "A bulbous glass vessel, burning white with something that is not oil. It sends out grotesque and tangled shadows of the various mechanisms around it." The lamp is real. Corridor is a room. Corridor is north of Anteroom. "A tight, windowless passage stretching north-south." Torches are a kind of thing. There are torches in Corridor. "[if Corridorlight is 1]A row of torches on the western wall flood the corridor with light.[otherwise]A line of darkened torches sit on the wall." Description of the torches is "Shaped like torches, but they are not on fire. Their upper ends are encased in cylindrical cages of silver wire that emit an unflickering white light." Understand "lights" or "cages" or "torch" as the torches. The torches are fixed in place. Instead of switching off the torches: say "Nothing you can do affects them." A light switch is a kind of thing. Understand "switch" or "lightswitch" or "light-switch" as a light switch. There is a light switch in Corridor. "A switch is set in the wall." Description of the light switch is "A spindly lever with two settings." Instead of taking the light switch: say "It is attached to the wall." Every turn: if the player is in Corridor: if Corridorlight is 1: now the player is attenuated. Instead of going north from Corridor: if Corridor is lighted: if Lightburned is 0: say "You take a tentative step into the bright light of the corridor. The light assails you, until you can feel it biting into your edges and permanently taking away some of your substance. You attempt another step, but can't make it. Dizzy, faint, you barely have the power to retreat back to the outskirts of the light. You are not going to get through that way."; now Lightburned is 1; otherwise: say "You force your way forward, but the light engulfs you, blinding you, picking little scraps and strips out of you. Even if you tried to escape, you no longer know the way back to safety."; end the game saying "You were obliterated".; otherwise: continue the action. Instead of listening to Corridor: say "You hear nothing here." Abrupt Break is a room. Abrupt Break is north of Corridor. "The corridor runs on towards north. Though your light does not reach far, you know the exit is up ahead.[paragraph break]A large pit, just a square of blackness, fills the corridor floor to the north." The pit is backdrop. The pit is in Abrupt Break, North Side, Mirrored Abrupt Break, and Mirrored South Side. Description of the pit is "A blunt but effective means to stop physical invaders." Understand "abyss" as the pit. Abyss Bottom is a room. Abyss Bottom is below Abrupt Break. Instead of going north from Abrupt Break: say "The pit is in your way." Carry out going down from Abrupt Break: if Downed is 0: say "You stand back from the edge. If you join the darkness in the pit, you might not be able to return."; now Downed is 1; otherwise: say "You let yourself flow into the blackness of the pit. As the dark engulfs you, you lose even the will to return, and even the memory of having been a sapient being."; end the game saying "You were obliterated." North Side is a room. North Side is north of Abrupt Break. "Another stretch of corridor, continuing to the north. To the south is a pit, just a gap of blackness." Instead of going south from North Side: say "The pit is in your way." End of Corridor is a room. End of Corridor is north of North Side. Description of End of Corridor is "This is the end of your struggles." The portcullis is a door. The portcullis is north of End of Corridor. "A portcullis of wide-meshed metal grid blocks the way to the north." The portcullis is locked. Description of the portcullis is "Thick, cross-laid iron bars form gaps that a human could stick their arm through. It is locked in place, and further secured by its own weight.[paragraph break]Through the gaps, you see the blackness of night and the distant white of the moon." Understand "grate" or "grid" as the portcullis. The gaps are a part of the portcullis. Understand "holes" or "hole" or "gap" as the gaps. The gaps are an enterable container. The gaps are shadowformed. Carry out entering the gaps: say "You step close to the portcullis and let yourself slip through the gaps into the night outside.[paragraph break]The moon is shining, and somewhere you hear the rush of the unseen surf. You join the other shadows, leaving your Master behind for ever."; end the game saying "You have found freedom". The lever is a thing. The lever is in End of Corridor. "A metal-shod lever pokes out of the wall." Instead of pulling the lever: say "You cannot do anything with it." Instead of pushing the lever: say "You cannot do anything with it." World Outside is a room. World Outside is north of the portcullis. The narrow door is a door. The narrow door is south of Workshop. "[if player is in Workshop]A narrow door of darkened wood leads south.[otherwise]A narrow door leads north to Master's workshop." Description of the narrow door is "A narrow door, joined together from planks in dull, dark wood, with a mottled brass doorknob and lock. The crack between the door and the threshold is unusually wide." The doorknob is part of the narrow door. Understand "brass" or "knob" as the doorknob. Description of the doorknob is "The metal is almost black with use." The lock is part of the narrow door. The lock is an enterable container. Description of the lock is "[lockdescription]." Understand "keyhole" as the lock. Instead of inserting something into the lock: say "It doesn't go there." Instead of entering the lock: if the player is in Workshop: if the player is unattached: say "You stretch out your hand to a thin point, and the rest of you follows. As quick as a gust of wind, you slip through the mechanisms of the lock and out on the other side."; move the player to Reading Room; otherwise: if Shadowproximity is 1: now the player is unattached; say "You step away from your Master's form. You stretch out your hand to a thin point, and the rest of you follows. As quick as a gust of wind, you slip through the mechanisms of the lock and out on the other side."; move the player to Reading Room; otherwise: say "You stretch yourself to a thin ribbon of shadow and slip through the keyhole. On the other side you see a softly fire-lit room, an upholstered chair, a book on a table, a mirror, but your Master takes a step to the side and you are flung back to the Workshop. You must find a way to disengage yourself from his form."; otherwise: say "You stretch out your hand to a thin point, and the rest of you follows. As quick as a gust of wind, you slip through the mechanisms of the lock and out on the other side."; move the player to Workshop. The crack is part of the narrow door. The crack is an enterable container. Description of the crack is "A rectangular gap between the edge of the door and the threshold. You can see a shimmer of fire-coloured light from the other side." Instead of entering the crack: if the player is in Workshop: if the player is unattached: say "You slip down until you lie flush with the floor and let yourself run under the door. As you emerge on the other side, you regain your former shape."; move the player to Reading Room; otherwise: if Shadowproximity is 1: now the player is unattached; say "You step away from your Master's form. You slip down until you lie flush with the floor and let yourself run under the door. As you emerge on the other side, you regain your former shape."; move the player to Reading Room; otherwise: say "You slip down until you lie flush with the floor and slide under the door. You see a patterned carpet and the slow flicker of fire-light, but your Master takes a step to the side and you are flung back to the Workshop. You must find a way to disengage yourself from his form."; otherwise: say "You slip down until you lie flush with the floor and let yourself run under the door. As you emerge on the other side, you regain your former shape."; move the player to Workshop. Instead of inserting something into the crack: say "It doesn't go there." To say lockdescription: if the player is in Workshop: say "You see a faintly flickering light through the keyhole"; otherwise: if Masteroccupied is 1: say "You see a hazy section of the workshop. Sometimes, Master enters your field of sight, in full figure or just as a pale hand reaching across the workbench"; otherwise: say "You see a hazy section of the workshop. It appears to be deserted". Reading Room is a room. "A softly lit, high-roofed room, smaller than the workshop. The floor is muffled with a thick carpet, the walls pillowed with the spines of books." Reading Room is south of the narrow door. The carpet is backdrop. The carpet is in Reading Room and Mirrored Reading Room. Description of the carpet is "So thick, material feet would make no sound on it. It is patterned in orange and deep blue, shades that look odd in the firelight." The books are backdrop. The books are in Reading Room and Mirrored Reading Room. Description of the books is "It would take half a day to enumerate them all." Instead of taking the books: if the player is in Reading Room: say "You cannot affect your physical surroundings."; otherwise: say "You cannot read them." A fireplace is a kind of container. A fireplace is enterable. There is a fireplace in Reading Room. "Embers glow in a fireplace set in the north wall." The fireplace is fixed in place. Description of the fireplace is "An unadorned mantel shaped like a pointed hood melds into the chimney stretching up the wall." Embers is a kind of thing. Description of the embers is "The fire has burnt low, but there is still a sizable mound of embers glowing in every shade of red, shedding fine white ashes." The chimney is scenery in Reading Room. The chimney is an enterable container. Description of the chimney is "A featureless pipe of masonry vanishing through the ceiling." Instead of entering the chimney: say "The chimney is too brightly lit by the embers. You cannot enter it." Instead of entering the fireplace: say "The chimney is too brightly lit by the embers. You cannot enter it." Instead of inserting something into the chimney: say "You would just burn it." Roof is a room. Roof is above Reading Room. Instead of going up from Reading Room: say "The chimney is too clearly lit by the embers. You cannot enter it." The mirror is a thing. The mirror is in Reading Room. "A large mirror hangs on the wall." Description of the mirror is "A silver frame, rough with sculpted pistils and leaf-sprays. The oval interior reflects the reading room in every detail, except for yourself. You cast no reflection.[if the candle reflection is taken][paragraph break]You can't see the reflection of the candle on the wall." The mirror is an enterable container. The mirror is shadowformed. Instead of doing anything other than examining or entering with the mirror: say "You cannot affect your physical surroundings." The candle is a thing. The candle is in Reading Room. "A lit candle sits in a silver holder on the wall opposite to the mirror." Description of the candle is "A white candle, no thicker than a human finger. [if the candle is lit]Its flame is small, but steady." The candle reflection is a thing. Understand "reflected candle" as the candle reflection. "[if the candle reflection is untaken]The reflection of the candle sits on the wall.[otherwise]You see the reflection of a candle here." Description of the candle reflection is "A simulacrum of a candle, no thicker than a finger. [if the candle reflection is lit]Its flame is small, but steady." The candle reflection is in the mirror. The candle reflection is shadowformed. The candle reflection is lit. The candle reflection is untaken. Carry out taking the candle reflection: if the player is in Reading Room: say "You reach through the dream-light surface of the mirror. As your arm passes through it, it changes from a shadowy tentacle to a human arm with bone and sinew inside the sleeve of a red robe. It stretches to prodigious length, takes the candle down from the wall in the mirrored room, and returns it to you."; otherwise: say "Taken."; continue the action. After taking the candle reflection: if the candle reflection is untaken: now the candle reflection is taken; otherwise: continue the action. Before entering the mirror: if the candle reflection is untaken: now the candle reflection is in Mirrored Reading Room. Instead of entering the mirror: say "You step through the surface of the mirror. It does not even ripple. As you emerge in the mirrored room, you watch your form gain colour and depth."; move the player to Mirrored Reading Room; now the player is realified. Mirrored Reading Room is a room. "A softly lit, high-roofed room, smaller than the workshop. The floor is muffled with a thick carpet, the walls pillowed with the spines of books." The workshop door is a door. The workshop door is south of Mirrored Reading Room. "[if player is in Mirrored Workshop]A narrow door of darkened wood leads north.[otherwise]A narrow door leads south to Master's workshop." Description of the workshop door is "A narrow door, joined together from planks in dull, dark wood, with a mottled brass doorknob and lock. The crack between the door and the threshold is unusually wide." The workshop door is shadowformed. The reversed crack is part of the workshop door. Instead of entering the reversed crack: say "You cannot compress yourself enough to fit through the crack." Instead of taking the reversed crack: say "You cannot." There is a fireplace in Mirrored Reading Room. "Embers glow in a fireplace set in the south wall." The fireplace is fixed in place. Description of the fireplace is "An unadorned mantel shaped like a pointed hood melds into the chimney stretching up the wall." The fireplace is shadowformed. The reversed chimney is scenery in Mirrored Reading Room. The reversed chimney is an enterable container. Description of the reversed chimney is "A featureless pipe of masonry vanishing through the ceiling." Instead of entering the reversed chimney: say "The chimney is too brightly lit by the embers. You cannot enter it." Instead of inserting something into the reversed chimney: say "You would just burn it." The reversed mirror is a thing. The reversed mirror is in Mirrored Reading Room. "A large mirror hangs on the wall." Description of the reversed mirror is "A silver frame, rough with sculpted pistils and leaf-sprays. The oval interior reflects the reading room in every detail, except for yourself. You cast no reflection.[paragraph break]A lit candle sits on the wall." The reversed mirror is an enterable container. The reversed mirror is shadowformed. Instead of taking the reversed mirror: say "It seems to be bolted to the wall." Before entering the reversed mirror: if the candle reflection is untaken: now the candle reflection is in the mirror. Instead of entering the reversed mirror: if Masterappearance is 1: say "You step through the mirror surface and emerge on the side of reality."; move the player to Reading Room; now the player is normal; otherwise: say "You step through the mirror surface and emerge on the side of reality.[paragraph break]Something has changed. The door to the workshop is open, letting a rectangle of orange light fall on the carpet.[paragraph break]Your Master's voice: 'I know you're in there.'"; move the player to Reading Room; the second timer rings in 0 turns from now; now Masterappearance is 1; now Masteroccupied is 0; now the narrow door is open; if the candle reflection is untaken: now the candle reflection is in the mirror. At the time when the second timer rings: if the player is in Reading Room: say "'I'm certain you realise that we are on the same side.' Your Master's voice sounds weary. 'My bargain with the Messengers... for all purposes, it functions as a wager. If they cannot find you tonight, they will forfeit their claim. I will keep my powers and not have to sacrifice anything further, and you will remain here on Earth.' A pause. 'If you prove that you can escape from them, you will have earned your freedom.'"; now Masteroccupied is 1; if the player is in Workshop: say "'I'm certain you realise that we are on the same side.' Your Master's voice sounds weary. 'My bargain with the Messengers... for all purposes, it functions as a wager. If they cannot find you tonight, they will forfeit their claim. I will keep my powers and not have to sacrifice anything further, and you will remain here on Earth.' A pause. 'If you prove that you can escape from them, you will have earned your freedom."; now Masteroccupied is 1; otherwise: now Masteroccupied is 1. Mirrored Workshop is a room. Mirrored Workshop is south of workshop door. "A long masoned room, with a low-slung ceiling vault and no windows. A workbench in acid-scarred wood runs almost the length of the workshop. An open furnace in the south wall and a bright lamp on the bench provide light, but a bar of deep shadow lies along the full north side of the room. More light, yellow like sunlight, spills out of the doorway to the west." There is a clock in Mirrored Workshop. "A clock in a metal case stands by the wall." Understand "metal case" or "case" as the clock. Description of the clock is "A forbidding column of crenellated steel and brass. It shows [Freetime] minutes till midnight." The clock is shadowformed. Instead of taking the clock in Mirrored Workshop: say "It is too heavy to move." Instead of listening to Mirrored Workshop: say "There is no sound except the ticking of the clock." Mirrored Anteroom is a room. Mirrored Anteroom is west of Mirrored Workshop. "A small room, featureless except for small irregularities in the mortar between the masonry blocks.[paragraph break]Master's workshop lies east. A [if Corridor is lighted]brightly lit [end if]corridor stretches south." Mirrored Corridor is a room. Mirrored Corridor is south of Mirrored Anteroom. "A tight, windowless passage stretching north-south." There are torches in Mirrored Corridor. "[if Corridorlight is 1]A row of torches on the western wall flood the corridor with light.[otherwise]A line of darkened torches sit on the wall." Description of the torches is "Shaped like torches, but they are not on fire. Their upper ends are encased in cylindrical cages of silver wire that emit an unflickering white light." Understand "lights" or "cages" or "torch" as the torches. The torches are shadowformed. Instead of taking the torches: say "They are fixed to the wall." There is a light switch in Mirrored Corridor. "A switch is set in the wall." Description of the light switch is "A spindly lever with two settings." The light switch is shadowformed. Instead of taking the light switch: say "It is attached to the wall." Instead of pushing the light switch: if the player is in Mirrored Corridor: if Corridorlight is 1: say "With a faint crackling, the torches instantly go out."; now Mirrored Corridor is dark; now Corridor is dark; now Mirrored Abrupt Break is dark; now Abrupt Break is dark; now Mirrored South Side is dark; now North Side is dark; now Corridorlight is 0; stop the action; otherwise: say "There is a crackle, a brief flicker of points of light, and the torches come back to life."; now Mirrored Corridor is lighted; now Corridor is lighted; now Mirrored Abrupt Break is lighted; now Abrupt Break is lighted; now Mirrored South Side is lighted; now North Side is lighted; now Corridorlight is 1; stop the action; otherwise: say "You cannot affect your physical surroundings."; stop the action. Instead of pulling the light switch: if the player is in Mirrored Corridor: if Corridorlight is 1: say "With a faint crackling, the torches instantly go out."; now Mirrored Corridor is dark; now Corridor is dark; now Corridorlight is 0; stop the action; otherwise: say "There is a crackle, a brief flicker of points of light, and the torches come back to life."; now Mirrored Corridor is lit; now Corridor is lit; now Corridorlight is 1; stop the action; otherwise: say "You cannot affect your physical surroundings."; stop the action. Instead of attacking the light switch: if the player is in Mirrored Corridor: if Corridorlight is 1: say "With a faint crackling, the torches instantly go out."; now Mirrored Corridor is dark; now Corridor is dark; now Corridorlight is 0; stop the action; otherwise: say "There is a crackle, a brief flicker of points of light, and the torches come back to life."; now Mirrored Corridor is lit; now Corridor is lit; now Corridorlight is 1; stop the action; otherwise: say "You cannot affect your physical surroundings."; stop the action. Instead of going south from Mirrored Corridor: if Abrupt Break is dark: say "You push forward to the darkness until you feel the vertigo of an edge and a sudden drop in front of your feet. You pull back from it."; otherwise: continue the action. Mirrored Abrupt Break is a room. Mirrored Abrupt Break is south of Mirrored Corridor. "The corridor continues here. To the south, you can make out the portcullis leading outside.[paragraph break]A large pit, just a square of blackness, fills the corridor floor to the north." Mirrored Abyss Bottom is a room. Mirrored Abyss Bottom is below Mirrored Abrupt Break. Carry out going down from Mirrored Abrupt Break: say "You fling yourself over the edge of the darkness. You have time to flail in an attempt to find purchase before you hit the bottom."; end the game saying "You were obliterated". Mirrored South Side is a room. Mirrored South Side is south of Mirrored Abrupt Break. "Another stretch of corridor, continuing to the north. To the south is a pit, just a gap of blackness." Instead of going south from Mirrored Abrupt Break: say "The pit is in your way." Instead of going north from Mirrored South Side: say "The pit is in your way." Stretching over is an action applying to one thing. Understand "stretch over [thing]" as stretching over. Understand "spread over [thing]" or "stretch across [thing]" as stretching over. Instead of jumping: if the player is in Mirrored Abrupt Break: say "With this body, you will never be able to jump to the other side."; stop the action; if the player is in Abrupt Break: say "Jump? You only need to stretch across."; stop the action; if the player is in North Side: say "Jump? You only need to stretch across."; stop the action; otherwise: if player is realified: say "You jump a little on the spot."; otherwise: say "Your form can do much, but it cannot leave the surface." Carry out stretching over something: if the thing is real: say "You stretch and bend across it, accomplishing nothing."; otherwise: say "You spread yourself across it, briefly obliterating it." Carry out stretching over the pit: if the player is in Abrupt Break: say "You flow out on the corridor wall and arc across the pit. Your hands touch down on the other side, and the rest of you soon follows."; move the player to North Side; stop the action; if the player is in North Side: say "You flow out on the corridor wall and arc across the pit. Your hands touch down on the other side, and the rest of you soon follows."; move the player to Abrupt Break; stop the action; if the player is in Mirrored Abrupt Break: say "You make an attempt to stretch, but this body is more fixed than your old one. You would not be able to reach even halfway across."; stop the action.