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Orc and Pie
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Understand "Hit [something] with [something]" as hitting. Hitting is an action applying to two things. Understand "Smack [something]" as hitting. Understand "Attack [something]" as hitting. Road is a room. "The road goes South, into North Edge Village, and North, into the Witherwood Forest. But the wonderful smell is coming from inside the shack, to your East." The Shack is a room. Far away is a room. The Shack door is west of the Shack. Shack door is east of the Road. A big stick is in the road. Instead of examining stick, say "This is a big stick that you found near the edge of the forest. It's pretty sturdy and a little heavy. It would probably hurt if you smacked somebody with it." Instead of eating stick, say "After a little nibble, you realize that the big stick doesn't taste very good. The delicious scent must be coming from something else." A pie is in far away. Instead of examining pie, say "The pie smells heavenly, and just looking at it makes your mouth water." Instead of eating pie, say "The pie is very satisfying, but you could always do with more. After licking your fingers clean, you look around and realize that there's no oven in the Shack. Somewhere, there must be a bakery making these good pies. Perhaps it's guarded by more orcs. You pick up your big stick, and set out to wander Witherwood Forest until you find more pies.[line break]The End." Dead orc is in far away. Instead of examining dead orc, say "You don't want to look to closely or you'll ruin your appetite." Hungry Orc is a person. Hungry Orc is in the Shack. Instead of examining Hungry Orc, say "The orc is holding a whole pie in its hands." Instead of hitting hungry orc, say "if player has a big stick, move hungry orc to Far Away, and move Dead Orc to the shack, and move a pie to the Shack, and say test." Player is in the road.