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The Terros Schism WIP
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"The Terros Schism" Use no scoring. Sacraficial Chambers is a room. "[if the Sacraficial Chambers is unvisited]Cults plague this land as much as invading armies. As of late, cult activity has increased. More people have been disappearing and showing up days later dead. You wake up and find yourself on some kind of altar that you can only assume is sacraficial, due to the dried blood you're laying in. You could stay and get your innards spilled, but you have a little bit of common sense, so you'll probably try to escape. Examining the room, you see that there is two doors. One to your west and one to your east. You can hear muffled chanting coming from the door to the east.[end if][if the Sacraficial Chambers is visited]The room you woke up in. You still hear chants from the room to the east.[end if]" The altar is an enterable supporter in the Sacraficial Chambers. The description is "An altar about one meter tall with sharp tooth-like outcroppings around the top. There is plenty of dried blood, indicating that you aren't the first to end up here." The Sacraficial Dagger is in the Sacraficial Chambers. The description is "A curved dagger that you could use for cutting rope or even human flesh, if the need be." The Living Quarters is west of Sacraficial Chambers. "[if the Living Quarters is unvisited]These living quarters are relatively normal, compared to your expectations. You expected a bit more sharp objects. Theres a bed, a nightstand, and a mirror. There are no windows or doors, apart from the one you entered through.[end if][if the Living Quarters is visited]The strangely normal living quarters.[end if]" The bed is an enterable supporter in The Living Quarters. The description is "A soft looking bed." The mirror is scenery in The Living Quarters. The description is "Your body is bruised and you see small trickles of blood coming from small cuts all over your body." The nightstand is a supporter in the Living Quarters. The description is "Just your everyday oak nightstand." Understand "of bed" as the bed. Worship Room is east of Sacraficial Chambers. "[if the Living Quarters is unvisited]You feel as if you should check out whatever lies west of the room you woke up in before you examine this room.[end if][if the Living Quarters is visited]You assume this room is where the cultists worship whatever twisted deity it is that requests sacrafices. You enter the room behind curtains. While peeking out of these curtains, you can see a mass of about 150 hooded members and one on the stage. You recognize this room as a theater you went to when you were younger. Apparently it doubles as a cult's worshipping grounds. You know that it would be impossible to escape out through the front doors, as there are 151 cultists that are planning to sacrafice you to their god. So, choosing the logical descision, you could head to the stairwell on the other side of the stage. Using your innate sense of direction you know that that direction is north.[end if]" Theater Stairwell is north of Worship Room. "The stairwell leads to the roof." The Roof is above Theater Stairwell. "[if the Roof is unvisited]You've made it to the roof, you can practically taste freedom. Apparently freedom tastes like blood. Anyway, you should probably find a way down. Theres a ladder on the south side of the roof.[end if][if the Roof is visited]The roof of the theater.[end if]" Theater Ladder is south of The Roof. "[if the Theater Ladder is unvisited]Down this ladder is your way out of this hellhole. Supposing you collected evidence, you could get the local soldiers to take this cult down.[end if][if the Theater Ladder is visited]The ladder that leads back into the hellhole that is the theater.[end if]" Shady Alleyway is below Theater Ladder. "[if the Shady Alleyway is unvisited]You rarely go into alleyways, much less shadey alleyways. This one's as shadey as it gets. Strange figures looking to sell you 'miracle potions,' buff looking cats staring you down, and to top it off, no way out. Both ends of the alleyway are closed off with gates with barbed wire on top. You could however delve into the sewers. There's something strange with the atmosphere here. While you're here, you feel a kind of presence... You feel... safe...[end if][if the Shady Alleyway is visited]The safe alleyway.[end if]" The buff cat is scenery in the Shady Alleyway. The description is "A cat who could mess some fools up if they get on his bad side. You should probably keep your distance." A shady figure is a man in the Shady Alleyway. "Shady Figure eyes you with either murderous intent, or respect. It's hard to tell." The description of Shady Figure is "A tall figure who lurks in the shadows. He's got some liquid in bottles." Fences are scenery in the Shady Alleyway. The description is "Tall fences close off both ends of the alleyway. You won't be able to get through them, due to the fact that they are made of strong metal. If you were to try to climb them, you would get shredded by the barbed wire at the top." Understand "fence" as Fences. The notice is in the Shadey Alleyway. The description is "A crumpled and dirty notice where only one sentence is actually legible. The sentence reads 'Cult activity in the area, mind your children and elders.'" The Sewer Junction is below the Shadey Alleyway. "[if the Sewer Junction is unvisited]The Sewers are, of course, awful. They smell of decaying flesh and human waste. You've climbed down into a junction in the sewers with which you can go in any direction.[end if][if the Sewer Junction is visited]The central junction for the sewers in this area.[end if]" Sewer North is north of Sewer Junction. "[if the Sewer North is unvisited]There's some disturbance in the water, its probably best to stick to the walls. Theres a side room on the east wall and a hole in the wall to the north.[end if][if the Sewer North is visited]The tunnel that leads to the caves.[end if]" Sewer Tunnel Storage is east of Sewer North. "[if the Sewer Tunnel Storage is unvisited]This storage room doesn't look like it was used since it was built. Moss is growing in the corners and the air smells stale.[end if][if the Sewer Tunnel Storage is visited]The old storage room that you stumbled upon.[end if]" The piece of parchment is in the Sewer Tunnel Storage. The description is "A piece of parchment that reads, 'they're closing in on me so i don't have much time. the cults have infiltrated our local businesses. i'm pretty sure the council is safe, so if you need help, ask them.'" Cave Enterance is north of Sewer North. "[if Cave Enterance is unvisited]Unbeknownst to most people, there's a cave below most of the city. Something must have broken in, or out of the cave. This seems like a valuable way to spend your time, you could potentially make some money off of this. You could go back the way you came or you could go to the east and west tunnels.[end if][if the Cave Enterance is visited]The enterance to the caves beneath the city. You could go east or west.[end if]" The sign is a supporter in the Cave Enterance. The description is "The sign reads 'Warning: Unstable Grounds.' There was an arrow, but the direction it was pointing is very unclear." Sewer Dead End is west of Sewer Junction. "Just a dead end." The rock is in the Sewer Dead End. The description is "On first glance, it looks like a normal rock. When you examine it closer, you can see small symbols engraved all over the surface. This could possibly be a religious item." Sewer East is east of Sewer Junction. "[if Sewer East is unvisited]The branch of the sewers that is east of this room is known to the workers as the Dark Depths, if you don't have a light source, you should probably head back.[end if][if Sewer East is visited]The branch that leads to the Dark Depths.[end if]" Sewer South is south of Sewer Junction. "[if Sewer South is unvisited]Sewer South is normally what is used as the surface access. You would feel relieved, but the ladder that would take you up has eroded to the point where its not climbable.[end if][if Sewer South is visited]The access to the surface.[end if]" Sewer South Extension is a dark room. "The council wanted to extend the sewers more to the south. To their dismay, workers encountered some unknown problems. A few went missing, so the remaining workers sealed off the extension and instead built a storage room." Sewer South Extension is south of Sewer South. The bloody cloth is in the Sewer South Extension. The description is "An old, bloody cloth that has the name 'Will' written on it." Screaming Caverns is east of Cave Enterance. "[if Screaming Caverns is unvisited]These caves contain various species of bioluminescent creatures. Wind is rushing from an unknown source much deeper in the caverns. The wind kind of sounds like hundreds of screaming voices. You could continue deeper to the east.[end if][if Screaming Caverns is visited]Caverns that kind of sound like screaming voices with the creatures.[end if]" Descending Slopes are west of Cave Enterance. "The Descending Slopes direcly connect the upper layers of the caves to the lower levels."