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Where is Everybody?
Cole Robins
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"Where is Everybody" by Cole Robins Include Basic Help Menu by Emily Short. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Use no scoring. When play begins: say "[bold type][blue letters]Move around the facility by typing n,s,e,w (north, south, east, and west). Reveal all items in the room typing [italic type]showme.[roman type] [bold type]Examine an object by typing [italic type]x object[roman type]. [bold type]To speak to a character, type [italic type]character[roman type][bold type] about the [italic type]object[roman type]. [bold type]To pick up an item, type [italic type]take [bold type]the [italic type]object.[bold type][roman type] [bold type]To unlock a locked door, type [italic type]unlock the _____ door, [roman type][bold type]or use the appropriate key on the ______ door.[roman type] [line break][default letters][roman type]This game, while centered around a story, is meant to provide sample practice problems for math and science, as a proof-of-concept as to the merits of technology in the classroom." When play begins: say "[Bold type][red letters]You wake up in a dark warehouse. Red lights are flashing. [line break] You see no way out except a door on the north wall. How will you proceed?[default letters]" the Warehouse is a room. "The remains of dead and broken robots fill the room." Table of ACR14 Responses Topic Response "Unit-ACR14" "[green letters]I am a servant droid. Do you know how we got here? [line break] I just can't seem to remember.[default letters]" "the sign" "[green letters]That's rather ominous isn't it. I don't see any waste, do you?[default letters]" "sign" "[green letters]That's rather ominous isn't it. I don't see any waste, do you?[default letters]" "the heavy door" "[green letters]That door's locked, you'll have to find the keycode first, and I'm afraid I can't go with you through there, my legs are quite inoperative you see.[default letters]" "heavy door" "[green letters]That door's locked, you'll have to find the keycode first, and I'm afraid I can't go with you through there, my legs are quite inoperative you see.[default letters]" "the door" "[green letters]That door's locked, you'll have to find the keycode first, and I'm afraid I can't go with you through there, my legs are quite inoperative you see.[default letters]" "door" "[green letters]That door's locked, you'll have to find the keycode first, and I'm afraid I can't go with you through there, my legs are quite inoperative you see.[default letters]" "himself" "[green letters]I am a servant droid, do you know how we got here? [line break] I just can't seem to remember.[default letters]" "the scrap of paper" "[green letters]A man dropped this a few days ago.[default letters]" "scrap of paper" "[green letters]A man dropped this a few days ago.[default letters]" "the paper" "[green letters]A man dropped this a few days ago.[default letters]" "paper" "[green letters]A man dropped this a few days ago.[default letters]" Unit-ACR14 is a man in the Warehouse. the description of Unit-ACR14 is "A dilapidated pile of junk, this unit is barely functional but he may be able to speak." After asking Unit-ACR14 about a topic listed in the Table of ACR14 Responses: say "[bold type][green letters][response entry][default letters][roman type]" the scrap of paper is in the Warehouse. the description of the scrap of paper is "A dirty piece of paper near the door. The code to unlock the door is written on it." the heavy door is lockable and locked. the matching key of the heavy door is the scrap of paper. the sign is in the Warehouse. the description of the sign is "Waste Disposal Room" instead of examining the sign for the third time, say "Why do you keep looking up here?" the heavy door is a locked door. the heavy door is north of the Warehouse and south of the Hallway. the description of the heavy door is "This door is locked. If only I had the combination" the Hallway is a room. The Hallway is north of the heavy door. After opening the heavy door, say "[red letters][bold type]The Math Wing is located to the west and our Science Wing is located to the east[roman type][default letters]" the Math sign is in the Hallway. the Science sign is in the Hallway. the description of the Math sign is "The Mathematics Wing is to the west". the description of the Science sign is "The Science Wing is to the east". the Warden's Office is a room. the Warden's Office is north of the Office door. the description of the Office door is "This looks like the Warden's office, if only I had an employee ID card so I could unlock this door." the office door is an locked door. the office door is north of the Hallway and south of the Warden's Office. the matching key of the office door is the dusty wallet. the Closet is a room. the closet is north of the closet door. the closet door is a locked and lockable door. the closet door is north of the Warden's office and south of the Closet. the description of the closet door is "A fairly unremarkable door. It looks like I'll need a key to get in." the matching key of the closet door is the keyring. the Message is in the closet. the description of the Message is "[blue letters]So you thought you could find some answers in here? This is a closet. Why would there be answers in here? Or maybe you were just trying to escape. In that case, you should know that [bold type]no one[roman type] escapes my facility.[default letters]" the Mathematics Wing is a room. the Mathematics Wing is west of the Math door. the Math door is west of the Hallway and east of the Mathematics Wing. the Math door is an unlocked door. the description of the Math door is "This door links the Hallway to the Mathematics Wing". the Science door is east of the Hallway and west of the Science Wing. the Science door is an unlocked door. the description of the Science door is "This door links the Hallway to the Science Wing." the Science Wing is a room. the Science Wing is east of the Science door. Room 2S is a room. Room 2S is east of the gray door. the black door is an unlocked and lockable door. the black door is south of the Science Wing and north of Room A1. the white door is an unlocked and lockable door. the white door is north of the Science Wing and south of Room A2 the gray door is an unlocked and lockable door. the gray door is east of the Science Wing and west of Room 2S. Room A1 is a room. Room A1 is south of the black door. the SQ1 sign is in the Science Wing. The description of the SQ1 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[roman type][blue letters] This is my facility, and you are mine too. You're probably wondering where you are and what this is all about. To learn the answers to those questions, you must first answer a few of mine. You've chosen the Science Wing; therefore, when you reach the final room in this wing I will provide the information you seek. [line break]Good luck. [line break]The first question is an easy one. [line break]The color of the typical African Elephant is: ________. [line break]Go through the corresponding door to advance.[line break]The black door is south, the white door is north, and the gray door is east[default letters]" After opening the black door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: It's a shame you don't see how wrong you are. Turn back and try harder next time, you shouldn't make mistakes this early.[default letters]" Room A2 is a room. Room A2 is north of the white door. After opening the white door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Are you even trying? This isn't your best effort is it? Turn back and try again.[default letters]" After opening the Science door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[roman type] [blue letters]This is my facility, and you are mine too. You're probably wondering where you are and what this is all about. To learn the answers to those questions, you must first answer a few of mine. You've chosen the Science Wing; therefore, when you reach the final room in this wing I will provide the information you seek. [line break]Good luck. [line break]The first question is an easy one. [line break]The color of the typical African Elephant is: ________. [line break]Go through the corresponding door to advance.[line break]The black door is south, the white door is north, and the gray door is east[default letters]" After opening the gray door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] How many valence electrons are present in a neutral atom from the Halogen group?[roman type] [line break]1e is north, 4e is east, and 7e is south.[default letters]" The SQ2 sign is in Room 2S. the description of the SQ2 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] How many valence electrons are present in a neutral atom from the Halogen group?[roman type] [line break]1e is north, 4e is east, and 7e is south.[default letters]" Room 3S is a room. Room 3S is south of the 7e door. the dusty wallet is in Room 3S. the description of the dusty wallet is "You spot an old wallet lying in a dark corner. [line break]Inside you find a drivers' license for Marcus Eriksson...who is he? Maybe I should take this, it could come in handy." the 1e door is an unlocked and lockable door. the 1e door is north of Room 2S and south of Room A3. the 4e door is an unlocked and lockable door. the 4e door is east of Room 2S and west of Room A4. the 7e door is an unlocked and lockable door. the 7e door is south of Room 2S and north of Room 3S. After opening the 1e door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: What were you thinking? Go back and do it right.[default letters]" After opening the 4e door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Perhaps this one wasn't ready.[default letters]" After opening the 7e door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The most prevalent gas in Earth's atmosphere is: _______.[roman type] [line break]The Nitrogen door is south, the Oxygen door is east, and the Carbon Dioxide door is west.[default letters]" The SQ3 sign is in Room 3S. The description of the SQ3 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The most prevalent gas in Earth's atmosphere is: _______.[roman type] [line break]The Nitrogen door is south, the Oxygen door is east, and the Carbon Dioxide door is west.[default letters]" Room 4S is a room. Room 4S is south of the Nitrogen door. the Nitrogen door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Nitrogen door is south of Room 3S and north of Room 4S. the Oxygen door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Oxygen door is east of Room 3S and west of Room A5. the Carbon Dioxide door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Carbon Dioxide door is west of Room 3S and east of Room A6. After opening the Carbon Dioxide door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: You can't be serious. Try again, and think about your answer [italic type]carefully[roman type] this time.[default letters]" After opening the Oxygen door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: How did you make it this far? Try again.[default letters]" After opening the Nitrogen door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] What geometric shape describes the path of a planetary orbit?[roman type] Spiral is west, Ellipse is south, and Circle is east.[default letters]" the SQ4 sign is in Room 4S. the description of the SQ4 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] What geometric shape describes the path of a planetary orbit?[roman type] Spiral is west, Ellipse is south, and Circle is east.[default letters]" the spiral door is an unlocked and lockable door. the spiral door is west of Room 4S and east of Room A7. the ellipse door is an unlocked and lockable door. the ellipse door is south of Room 4S and north of Room 5S. the circle door is an unlocked and lockable door. the circle door is east of Room 4S and west of Room A8. After opening the Circle door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Close, but then close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Try again.[default letters]" After opening the Spiral door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: If planets followed a spiral path, how could we be having this conversation? Try again.[default letters]" After opening the Ellipse door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The charge of an electron is ______.[roman type][line break] -1.602 x 10^-19 C is east, 9.11 x 10^-31 C is south, and 1.672 x 10^-27 C is west[default letters]" Room 5S is a room. Room 5S is south of the ellipse door. the SQ5 sign is in Room 5S. the description of the SQ5 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The charge of an electron is ______.[roman type][line break] -1.602 x 10^-19 C is east, 9.11 x 10^-31 C is south, and 1.672 x 10^-27 C is west[default letters]" The Alpha door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Alpha door is east of Room 5S and west of Room 6S. the Beta door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Beta door is south of Room 5S and north of Room A9. the Gamma door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Gamma door is west of Room 5S and east of Room A10. After opening the Alpha door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]The Law of Universal Gravitation states that the force of gravity is proportional to __________.[line break][roman type]The inverse of distance is north, the square of distance is south, and the inverse square of distance is east.[default letters]" After opening the Beta door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That is incorrect, try harder next time.[default letters]" After opening the Gamma door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That is wrong, turn back and try again.[default letters]" Room 6S is a room. Room 6S is east of the Alpha door. The SQ6 sign is in Room 6S. the description of the SQ6 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]The Law of Universal Gravitation states that the force of gravity is proportional to __________.[roman type][line break]The inverse of distance is north, the square of distance is south, and the inverse square of distance is east.[default letters]" The inv door is an unlocked and lockable door. the inv door is north of Room 6S and south of Room A11. The sq door is an unlocked and lockable door. the sq door is south of Room 6S and north of Room A12. the invsq door is an unlocked and lockable door. the invsq door is east of Room 6S and west of Room 7S. After opening the invsq door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]Which of the following is a strong acid?[line break][roman type]HF is east, HCl is north, and H3PO4 is south.[default letters]" After opening the inv door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: While HF is highly reactive, it does not ionize completely in water, therefore it is still classified as weak. Try again.[default letters]" After opening the sq door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: H3PO4 is a weak acid, not strong. Go back and try it again.[default letters]" Room 7S is a room. Room 7S is east of the invsq door. the HF door is an unlocked and lockable door. The HF door is east of Room 7S and west of Room A13. the HCl door is an unlocked and lockable door. The HCl door is north of Room 7S and south of Room 8S. the H3PO4 door is an unlocked and lockable door. The H3PO4 door is south of Room 7S and north of Room A14. Room 8S is a room. Room 8S is north of the HCl door. the SQ7 sign is in Room 7S. the description of the SQ7 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]Which of the following is a strong acid?[line break][roman type]HF is east, HCl is north, and H3PO4 is south.[default letters]" After opening the HCl door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] What is the electron configuration of Bromine (using noble gas notation)[line break][bold type]1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)3s(2)3p(6)4s(2)3d(10)4p(5)[roman type] is east, [bold type](Kr)4s(2)3d(10)4p(5)[roman type] is north, and [bold type](Ar)4s(2)3d(10)4p(5)[roman type] is west.[default letters]" After opening the HF door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: While HF is highly reactive, it does not ionize completely in water, therefore it is still classified as weak. Try again.[default letters]" After opening the H3PO4 door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: H3PO4 is a weak acid, not strong. Go back and try it again.[default letters]" the EX door is an unlocked and lockable door. the EX door is east of Room 8S and west of Room A15. the KR door is an unlocked and lockable door. the KR door is north of Room 8S and south of Room A16. the AR door is an unlocked and lockable door. the AR door is west of Room 8S and east of Room 9S. the SQ8 sign is in Room 8S. the description of the SQ8 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] What is the electron configuration of Bromine (using noble gas notation)[line break][bold type]1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)3s(2)3p(6)4s(2)3d(10)4p(5)[roman type] is east, [bold type](Kr)4s(2)3d(10)4p(5)[roman type] is north, and [bold type](Ar)4s(2)3d(10)4p(5)[roman type] is west.[default letters]" After opening the AR door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]What section of the electromagnetic spectrum has higher energy than visible light?[line break][roman type]Radio is north, Infrared is west, and X-Ray is south[default letters]" After opening the EX door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That was not noble gas notation. Try a different answer.[default letters]" After opening the KR door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That is incorrect, do you see your mistake? Go back and try it again.[default letters]" Room 9S is a room. Room 9S is west of the AR door. the SQ9 sign is in Room 9S. the description of the SQ9 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]What section of the electromagnetic spectrum has higher energy than visible light?[line break][roman type]Radio is north, Infrared is west, and X-Ray is south[default letters]" the Radio door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Radio door is north of Room 9S and south of Room A17. the IR door is an unlocked and lockable door. the IR door is west of Room 9S and east of Room A18. the XR door is an unlocked and lockable door. the XR door is south of Room 9S and north of Room 10S. After opening the XR door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]One major distinction between Eukaryotic cells and Prokaryotic cells is that Eukaryotes have a ___________, while Prokaryotes do not.[line break][roman type]Nucleus is west, DNA molecule is south, and Ribosomes are east.[default letters]" After opening the IR door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Infrared means 'below-red', that is--lower energy than red light of the visible spectrum. Try a new answer.[default letters]" After opening the Radio door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Radio waves are among the lowest energy waves in the entire EM spectrum, go back and try again.[default letters]" Room 10S is a room. Room 10S is south of the XR door. the SQ10 sign is in Room 10S. the description of the SQ10 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters]One major distinction between Eukaryotic cells and Prokaryotic cells is that Eukaryotes have a ___________, while Prokaryotes do not.[line break][roman type]Nucleus is west, DNA molecule is south, and Ribosomes are east.[default letters]" the Nucleus door is an unlocked and lockable door. the nucleus door is west of Room 10S and east of the Exit. the DNA door is an unlocked and lockable door. the DNA door is south of Room 10S and north of Room A19. the Ribosome door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Ribosome door is east of Room 10S and west of Room A20. After opening the DNA door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: All living organisms on Earth have DNA that is used to pass on their genetic code to future generations. Try a different, more plausible, answer.[default letters]" After opening the Ribosome door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: While Eukaryotes typically have larger ribosomes, both types of cells do contain them. Go back and try a different answer.[default letters]" The Exit is west of the nucleus door. the table is in the Exit the note is on the table. the description of the note is "[bold type]The Warden:[roman type][blue letters] You made it. About time, that was a pretty slow run--I've seen much better from other competitors. I guess this is the part where I tell you why you're here. This is a robotic testing facility, and despite what you might have thought--you're not human. In an attempt to gauge the capabilities of our robots we first run them through this test. At this point I believe it would be appropriate to congratulate you on your [italic type] rather unremarkable[roman type] accomplishment, and urge you to enter the next room (north) so that you can leave the facility.[default letters]" the Shipping Room is a room. The Shipping Room is north of the Final door. the Final door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Final door is north of the Exit and south of the Shipping Room. After opening the Math door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[roman type] [blue letters]This is my facility, and you are mine too. You're probably wondering where you are and what this is all about. To learn the answers to those questions, you must first answer a few of mine. You've chosen the Mathematics Wing; therefore, when you reach the final room in this wing I will provide the information you seek. Good luck. [line break]The first question is an easy one. The rate of change of a function is also called its _______.[line break]the degree door is north, the absolute value door is south, and the slope door is west.[default letters]" The MQ1 sign is in the Mathematics Wing. the description of the MQ1 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[roman type] [blue letters]This is my facility, and you are mine too. You're probably wondering where you are and what this is all about. To learn the answers to those questions, you must first answer a few of mine. You've chosen the Mathematics Wing; therefore, when you reach the final room in this wing I will provide the information you seek. Good luck. [line break]The first question is an easy one. The rate of change of a function is also called its _______.[line break]the degree door is north, the absolute value door is south, and the slope door is west.[default letters]" the Degree door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Degree door is north of the Mathematics Wing and south of Room B1. the Absolute Value door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Absolute Value door is south of the Mathematics Wing and north of Room B2. the Slope door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Slope door is west of the Mathematics Wing and east of Room 2M. After opening the Absolute Value door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: No. That is wrong. Give it another shot.[default letters]" After opening the Degree door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: I'm afraid that is incorrect. Go back and try again.[default letters]" After opening the Slope door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The polynomial x^2 + 4x + 4 can be factored into the binomials (x + 2) and ( ? ). [roman type]The x+1 door is north, the x+2 door is south, and the x+3 door is west.[default letters]" Room 2M is a room. Room 2M is west of the Slope door. the MQ2 sign is in Room 2M. the description of the MQ2 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The polynomial x^2 + 4x + 4 can be factored into the binomials (x + 2) and ( ? ). [roman type]The x+1 door is north, the x+2 door is south, and the x+3 door is west.[default letters]" the x+1 door is an unlocked and lockable door. the x+1 door is north of Room 2M and south of Room B3. the x+2 door is an unlocked and lockable door. the x+2 door is south of Room 2M and north of Room 3M. the x+3 door is an unlocked and lockable door. the x+3 door is west of Room 2M and east of Room B4. After opening the x+1 door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: No. That is wrong. Give it another shot.[default letters]" After opening the x+3 door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: I'm afraid that is incorrect. Go back and try again.[default letters]" After opening the x+2 door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The golden ratio is approximated by _______ : 1. [roman type]The 3.14 door is south, the 7 door is east, and the 1.618 door is west.[default letters]" Room 3M is a room. Room 3M is south of the x+2 door. the keyring is in Room 3M. the description of the keyring is "You spot a chain of keys on the ground in the corner. I wonder what they go to?" the MQ3 sign is in Room 3M. the description of the MQ3 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The golden ratio is approximated by _______ : 1. [roman type]The 3.14 door is south, the 7 door is east, and the 1.618 door is west.[default letters]" the 3.14 door is an unlocked and lockable door. the 3.14 door is south of Room 3M and north of Room B5. the 7.00 door is an unlocked and lockable door. the 7.00 door is east of Room 3M and west of Room B6. the 1.618 door is an unlocked and lockable door. the 1.618 door is west of Room 3M and east of Room 4M. After opening the 3.14 door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: You're confusing phi with pi--rookie mistake. Go try again.[default letters]" After opening the 7.00 door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Surely you were guessing...right. Try again.[default letters]" After opening the 1.618 door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] How many total degrees are contained in all of the angles of a four-sided polygon?[roman type] The 180 degree door is west, the 540 degree door is south, and the 360 degree door is north.[default letters]" Room 4M is a room. Room 4M is west of the 1.618 door. the MQ4 sign is in Room 4M. the description of the MQ4 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] How many total degrees are contained in all of the angles of a four-sided polygon?[roman type] The 180 degree door is west, the 540 degree door is south, and the 360 degree door is north.[default letters]" the E door is an unlocked and lockable door. the E door is west of Room 4M and east of Room B7. the T door is an unlocked and lockable door. the T door is south of Room 4M and north of Room B8. the F door is an unlocked and lockable door. the F door is north of Room 4M and south of Room 5M. After opening the E door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: No, only a triangle is composed of 180 total degrees.[default letters]" After opening the T door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: 540 degrees would make up a pentagon, go back and try again.[default letters]" After opening the F door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] Sin( pi / 6 ) = ?[roman type][line break]1 is east, 1/2 is west, and the 0 door is north.[default letters]" Room 5M is a room. Room 5M is north of the third door. the MQ5 sign is in Room 5M. the description of the MQ5 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] Sin( pi / 6 ) = ?[roman type][line break]1 is east, 1/2 is west, and the 0 door is north.[default letters]" The G door is an unlocked and lockable door. The G door is east of Room 5M and west of Room B9. The 1/2 door is an unlocked and lockable door. The 1/2 door is west of Room 5M and east of Room 6M. the H door is an unlocked and lockable door. The H door is north of Room 5M an south of Room B10. After opening the G door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That is incorrect, go back and try it again.[default letters]" After opening the H door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: No, sin (0) = 0. Go back and try again.[default letters]" After opening the 1/2 door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] Approximate the value of sqrt(152), [roman type]11 is north, 12 is south, and 13 is west.[default letters]" The MQ6 sign is in Room 6M. the description of the MQ6 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] Approximate the value of sqrt(152), [roman type]11 is north, 12 is south, and 13 is west.[default letters]" Room 6M is a room. Room 6M is west of the 1/2 door. the X door is an unlocked and lockable door. the X door is north of Room 6M and south of Room B11. the Y door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Y door is south of Room 6M and north of Room 7M. the Z door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Z door is west of Room 6M and east of Room B12. After opening the X door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Close, but no. Try it again.[default letters]" After opening the Z door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: 13 squared is 169, try again.[default letters]" After opening the Y door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The graph of cos (x) from -pi to pi has how many relative extrema?[roman type][line break]0 is west, 3 is south, and 5 is east.[default letters]" the MQ7 sign is in Room 7M. the description of the MQ7 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The graph of cos (x) from -pi to pi has how many relative extrema?[roman type][line break]0 is west, 3 is south, and 5 is east.[default letters]" Room 7M is a room. Room 7M is south of the Y door. the L door is an unlocked and lockable door. the L door is west of Room 7M and east of Room B13. the M door is an unlocked and lockable door. the M door is south of Room 7M and north of Room 8M. the N door is an unlocked and lockable door. the N door is east of Room 7M and west of Room B14. After opening the L door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That is wrong, extrema exist at points lower or higher than all adjacent points[default letters]" After opening the N door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: You've overestimated. Turn back and do it again.[default letters]" After opening the M door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The derivative of a function represents its ____________.[line break][roman type]average value is west, maximum is south, and slope is east.[default letters]" The MQ8 sign is in Room 8M. the description of the MQ8 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] The derivative of a function represents its ____________.[line break][roman type]average value is west, maximum is south, and slope is east.[default letters]" Room 8M is a room. Room 8M is south of the M door. the avgval door is an unlocked and lockable door. the avgval door is west of Room 8M and east of Room B15 the Q door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Q door is south of Room 8M and north of Room B16. the IRC door is an unlocked and lockable door. the IRC door is east of Room 8M and west of Room 9M. After opening the avgval door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: I'm afraid that is wrong. Go back to Room 8M and try a new answer.[default letters]" After opening the Q door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That is incorrect, go back and try a different, perhaps correct, answer.[default letters]" After opening the IRC door, say "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] Is a triangle with sides of length 6, 8, and 10 a right triangle?[line break][roman type]Yes is east, No is south.[default letters]" The MQ9 sign is in Room 9M. the description of the MQ9 sign is "[bold type]The Warden:[blue letters] Is a triangle with sides of length 6, 8, and 10 a right triangle?[line break][roman type]Yes is east, No is south.[default letters]" Room 9M is a room. Room 9M is east of the IRC door. the Yes door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Yes door is east of Room 9M and west of Room 10M. the Negative door is an unlocked and lockable door. the Negative door is south of Room 9M and north of Room B17. After opening the Yes door, say "[bold type] The Warden:[blue letters] A cone rests on top of a right cylinder. The radius of both the cone and the cylinder is 5. The height of the cone is 4 and the height of the cylinder is 10. What is their combined volume?[line break][roman type]1000(pi)/3 un^3 is north, 850(pi)/3 un^3 is east, and 25000(pi)/3 un^3 is south.[default letters]" After opening the Negative door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: No, you've done this incorrectly, return and try again.[default letters]" the MQ10 sign is in Room 10M. the description of the MQ10 sign is "[bold type] The Warden:[blue letters] A cone rests on top of a right cylinder. The radius of both the cone and the cylinder is 5. The height of the cone is 4 and the height of the cylinder is 10. What is their combined volume?[line break][roman type]1000(pi)/3 un^3 is north, 850(pi)/3 un^3 is east, and 25000(pi)/3 un^3 is south.[default letters]" the U door is an unlocked and lockable door. the U door is north of Room 10M and south of Room B18. the I door is an unlocked and lockable door. the I door is east of Room 10M and west of the Exit. the J door is an unlocked and lockable door. the J door is south of Room 10M and north of Room B19. After opening the U door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: That is wrong. What do you mean 'U' is a weird name for a door? Go back and try a different answer.[default letters]" After opening the J door, say "[red letters][bold type][italic type]A voice mutters over the PA system[roman type]: Yes, we know J is an odd name for a door. Don't question our authority, return to Room 10M and try it again.[default letters]" After opening the Final door, end the story finally saying "[bold type]Just before your vision goes dark and you fall to the ground, you glimpse a sign on the wall that says: Memory Wipe and Shipping Room.[line break][line break][line break][line break][line break]Congratulations! You made it to the end. Thanks for playing!"