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The Museum Of Doom
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"The Museum Of Doom" Use no scoring. The Main Lobby is a room. "[if the Main Lobby is unvisited]With a start, you snap out of your thoughts of running away to Fiji only to realize you have been picking your nose. Fortunately none of the other students have noticed. You wonder how long this field trip to Bogus Meadows University Art Museum will last.... Maybe you should look around by typing 'look'.[end if] [if the Main Lobby is visited]You are in the Main Lobby. To the south is the Exit. To the north is a hallway. To the east and west are some galleries full of art.[end if]" West of Main Lobby is Tra Gallery. Tra Gallery is a room. "[if Tra gallery is unvisited]You walk into the Tra Gallery and are bombarded with pictures of naked people. The tile floor in here is quite lovely.[end if] [if tra gallery is visited]You've counted seventeen dust bunnies along the floorboards of the Tra Gallery. Somebody should really sweep up in here. North is another gallery. East is the Main Lobby.[end if]" East of main lobby is Atr Gallery. Atr Gallery is a room. "[if Atr Gallery is unvisited]You walk into the Atr Gallery in the middle of a performance piece: A man is lying facedown on the floor while another man dumps bucket after bucket of marshmallows all over him.[end if] [if atr gallery is visited]You sure hope that guy can breathe underneath all those marshmallows. North is another gallery. West is the Main Lobby.[end if]" North of Tra gallery and west of hallway1 is Troll Gallery. Troll Gallery is a room. "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" north of Main Lobby and east of Troll Gallery and west of Nyan Gallery is hallway1. hallway1 is a room. "This is a hallway. There are galleries to the east and west." North of Atr Gallery and east of hallway1 is Nyan Gallery. Nyan Gallery is a room. "In this room are trays of wet paint, and five feral cats that have eaten nothing but PopTarts for the past 160 hours. A rainbow of their pawprints decorates the floors and much of the lower walls. North and south are more galleries. West is a hallway." North of Nyan Gallery and east of hallway2 is Rofl Gallery. Rofl Gallery is a room. "Beautiful oil paintings of sunset on the Mississippi River adorn the walls of this room. South is another gallery. West is a hallway." north of hallway1 and west of Rofl Gallery and east of Lolwut Gallery is hallway2. hallway2 is a room. "This is a hallway. East, west and north are more galleries." North of Troll Gallery and west of hallway2 is Lolwut Gallery. Lolwut Gallery is a room. "A small pear sits alone in the middle of the floor. It seems to be staring at you.... South is another gallery. East is a hallway." north of hallway2 is Endgame Gallery. Endgame Gallery is a room. "Several lifelike statues are in this room. Some of them remind you of your classmates. A single black curtain hangs on the wall. It is labeled, CAUTION: DO NOT OPEN OR YOU WILL DIE." The curtain is in Endgame Gallery. The curtain is a closed openable container. In the curtain is the Demon of Bogus Meadows University Art Museum. The description of the curtain is "The curtain is labeled, CAUTION: DO NOT OPEN OR YOU WILL DIE." After opening the curtain: say "Out pops the Demon of Bogus Meadows Art Museum. He turns you into a statue and leaves you to rot in the Endgame Gallery."; end the game in death. The Exit is a door. The Exit is south of the Main Lobby and north of Victory. The Exit is open. Every turn: if the player is in Victory: say "You walk through the exit, and you are free! Now GET OUTTA HERE AND GO TO FIJI!"; end the game in victory.