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Let's break something!
Cool Dude
Played 695 times
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When play begins: say "Your goal is to break everything breakable and eat everything edible.". A thing can be moldy or clean. A thing is usually clean. Carry out opening a moldy container: say "It smells so gross!". Carry out examining something moldy: say "It's moldy". After eating something moldy: end the game saying "Mold is poisonous. You know that, right?". A thing can be breakable or normal. A thing is usually normal. A thing can be broken or whole. A thing is usually whole. Understand "smash[something]" as attacking. Understand "break[something]" as attacking. Understand "cleanse[something preferably held]" as cleansing. Understand "go potty" as pooping. Understand "go poop" as pooping. Understand "poop" as pooping. Cleansing is an action applying to one carried thing. Pooping is an action applying to nothing. Check cleansing something: if the noun is clean, say "That's already clean." instead. Check pooping: if the toilet is broken, say "How do you expect to use a broken toilet?" instead. Carry out cleansing something: say "[The noun] is not moldy anymore."; now the noun is clean. Carry out pooping: move player to bathroom; say "Aah! That's better.". Instead of attacking something breakable: say "Smash! [the noun] is now broken."; now the noun is normal; now the noun is broken; Award 50 points. Carry out dropping a breakable thing: say "Smash! You dropped it! [the noun] is now broken."; now the noun is normal; now the noun is broken; Award 50 points. Carry out examining something breakable: say "You can break [the noun] easily.". Instead of taking something broken: say "[the noun] is just lots of tiny shards. Did you forget you broke it?". The Kitchen is a room. The description of the kitchen is "A kitchen. South to the Living room.". The table is in the kitchen. The table is fixed in place The vase is on the table. The vase is breakable. The Living room is south of the kitchen."A living room. Kitchen is north, and the bathroom is up a staircase. A desk with a drawer is in the room. U to go up.". The desk is in the living room. Instead of taking the desk: say "Too heavy! : )". The note is on the desk. The description of the note is "The note says:[line break] You must cleanse the cheese in order to eat it safely.". The drawer is part of the desk. The drawer is a closed moldy openable container. Carry out opening the drawer: say "Guess what, the inside of the drawer is moldy!". The mold is part of the drawer. The plate is in the drawer. The plate is breakable. Some stinky cheese is in the drawer. The description of the cheese is "Stinky. This will taste [italic type]so[roman type] good.". Understand "cheese" as the stinky cheese. The cheese is moldy and edible. After cleansing cheese: Now the printed name of the stinky cheese is "Not-so-stinky cheese". After eating cheese: if the cheese is clean, award 50 points. The Bathroom is a room. "A bathroom with a toilet and a sink. A stairway leads down to the living room. D to go down.". The toilet is in the bathroom. The toilet is fixed in place. The toilet is breakable. Understand "potty" as the toilet. The sink is in the bathroom. The sink is fixed in place. The sink is moldy. The staircase is an open unopenable door. The staircase is above the living room and below the bathroom. Every turn: if score is 200, end the game saying "Yay! You broke everything so now you win!".