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Crow Werehart
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"PT-919" Use no scoring. [INTRO] when play begins: say "[italic type]CW for horror- primarily lots of body horror.[paragraph break][roman type]One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Repeatedly, the beeps echo through the metal cast you call a skull, raising a note higher until it resets back down to one. For as long as you've known of your own existence, it has been filled with nothing but these three notes-[paragraph break]Until the monotony of your existence is broken by silence." [THE FIELD] The Field is a room. "[if the Field is unvisited] You wake in a barren field of tall grass. It obscures the horizon line, blending in with the trees that graze the clouds. Just North of you, a looming structure awaits.[end if][if the Field is visited] The grassy area you woke up from. The ground is sunken in from where you had once stood. You can watch the grass already take root in the freshly exposed holes.[end if]" The Patch of Grass is an object in the Field. The description of the Patch of grass is "Dull and swaying in the wind. Is there wind? You can't feel anything against you. You decide the grass is just swaying to sway." After taking the Patch of grass: say "You clasp your hand around a clump of blades, and in turn they burrow deep into your wires and skin. regardless of its attempt to struggle, you tear the now-writhing mass from the Earth, and place it within the cavity of your chest." Instead of eating the grass, say "You place the plants upon your tongue. They taste unpleasant and feel even more unsatisfying upon your tongue. You place it back into your chest before they have the chance to worm down your throat." The Flower is an object in the Field. The flower can be used on the dead body. The description of the flower is "A long stem covered with new blooms. Small specks glisten from inside of the concave petals." After taking the flower, say "You pluck a singular flower off of the stem, but the way the eyes stare back at you with hostility make you wish you didn't. For now, you put the flower into your chest and pay it little mind." The Sky is a backdrop which is everywhere. The description of the sky is "Clouds blend in with the deep blue of the sky. A roundish orb of light stares back down at you through the obscurity. It is alone, just like you. You decide to wave at it." Instead of taking the sky, say "You ask the Sky to follow you. It stares silently in reply. You're unsure if it's out of judgement or pity." The Trees is a backdrop which is everywhere. The description of the trees is "A never ending treeline. Occasionally, you can see movement through the branches. Eyes glinting at you from the shadows." The Distant Structure is a backdrop in the field and in the treeline and in the shed and in the outpost. The description of the distant structure is "Woven together with metal, it remains silent, a darkened silhouette upon the indigo sky. The trees appear to bend away from it in horror." Every turn: if the player has been in the field for 3 turns, say "[if the Treeline is unvisited]From behind you, a sharp whistle pierces the air. You turn your head, only to be greeted by a hand outstretched from the blackened treeline, beckoning for you to come closer.[end if]" [THE TREELINE] The Treeline is south of the Field. "[if the Treeline is unvisited]The treeline around you stretches out as far as your vision will allow you to see, and yet- despite how expansive it seems- it still feels like a cage. It taunts you to try and pass through the trees you call bars, with glimpses of teeth pulled back into a sneering grin, with the eyes engraved onto the gnarled bark that stares at you with such visceral hate, with leaves that hum and sing of your downfall. It prevents you from coming too close. You do not wish to find out what hides within the inky shadows, the crude mockery of what you would call a forest.[end if][if the Treeline is visited]The treeline- the only part of it you can reach. The stares mock and the teeth gnash and the leaves sing, it's all become a passive unnervance by now.[end if]" The Smiles are scenery in the Treeline. The description of the smiles are "Degrading yet inviting. You can hear them laugh from the shadows. Maybe they're the thing making the wind." Instead of taking the smiles, say "You try to reach out to the closest pair of teeth. Many more grins emerge from the darkness in turn, each new jaw snapping and chattering at you as you pull your hand back. You hear your Friend snicker at your attempt." The Eyes are scenery in the Treeline. The description of the eyes are "You stare back at the eyes with challenge, with resolve. They do not acknowledge you. Only dismiss you as another piece of copper.." [THE FOREST] The Forest is south of the Treeline. "Despite everything telling you not to- your instincts, your legs locking up at that treeline, the teeth chattering warnings of what they will do to you- you walk into the forest regardless." [OUTSIDE OF THE TOWER] The Outside of the Tower is north of the Field. "[if the Outside of the Tower is unvisited]The structure- now closer- remains veiled in the shadow of the lightless sky. An ironwrought fence bars you from getting closer to the ancient steel structure, and any thought of climbing over the fence are quickly put to rest upon scanning over the grisly razor wire that adorns the fence like a crown. You could swear that a few sections still gleam with freshly spilled blood. A padlock keeps the gate of the fence sealed shut, speckled with rust and age.[Paragraph break]Off in the distance, around the northwestern side of the Tower, you can see a smaller building. It's hard to make out from where you are, though. To the east sits an old, dilapidated metal shed.[end if][if the Outside of the Tower is visited]The space outside of the fence. The tower watches from behind its cage. On further inspection, you notice an olive green bag of sand slouched against the fence.[Paragraph break]The smaller building is off to the northwest of you, and the shed is to the east.[end if]" The Few Broken Wires are an object in The Outside of the Tower. The description is "They looked to have fallen from the tower itself.." The Loose Sandbag is scenery supporter in the Outside of the Tower. The description is "A lumpy plastic woven sack, sitting up against the fence. You only assume it's sand because of the sickly pale substance that's hardened around it. On top sit a small pile of rocks." Instead of taking the loose sandbag, say "You try to pry the bag off of the ground, but to no avail. It's quite comfy on the fence." The Pile of Rocks is scenery supporter in the Outside of the Tower. The description is "Some rocks stacked neatly into a pile. You can count about five of them." Instead of taking the Pile of Rocks, say "You graze against the topmost rock, and feel an immediate compulsion to pull away. Even as an inanimate pile, you feel deep hatred within these five pebbles.." Instead of eating the Pile of Rocks, say "You graze against the topmost rock, and feel an immediate compulsion to pull away. Even as an inanimate pile, you feel deep, cancerous hatred within these five pebbles.." Understand "rocks" as Pile of Rocks. [fence.] The Fence is a closed, locked, openable door. It is scenery. The fence is north of the Outside of the Tower and south of the Legs. The description of the fence is "Woven from iron and draped in bloodthirsty vines of steel. The blades glint and writhe, silently begging for you to throw yourself upon their teeth. The padlock sits rusted in place on the gate." Instead of unlocking the Fence with The old key: Say “You jam the key into the lock, fighting with the old mechanism to open. Reluctantly, it clicks and frees the latch, allowing you to undo it from the fence and toss it aside. The grass below you is quick to pull it into the soil below.”; Now the Fence is unlocked; Move the old key to Discarded; [THE SHED] The Shed is east of the Outside of the Tower. "[if the Shed is unvisited]The shed is a Cramped thing, even from the outside. Held together by shoddy metal scraps, messy patches of welding, and the occasional strip of duct tape. Fumbling for the lightswitch in the dark, the dust-caked lightbulb sputters to life, granting you the security of a dim glow of light.[end if][if the shed is visited]The sad excuse of a shed. At least it does it's job of storage to an alright degree.[end if]" The Workbench is a supporter in the Shed. It is fixed in place. The description is "There was a point in time where the granite of the workbench was pristine and used, but that's long in the past. Now it sits here, covered in grime, eroded away into an uneven mass of rock. Atop of the clutter of tools sits a few welding materials, and a crowbar leaning against an open microwave." The Vending Machine is a supporter in the Shed. It is fixed in place. The description is "A large machine with a faded advertisement on the front. The dispensing buttons seemed to have been pulled out. A single can of what you can assume to be soda sits inside of the dispenser." The Can of Soda is scenery supporter in the Shed. It is portable. The description is "drink a soda, mr. freeman! it'll help you see faster!" The Old Sodapop is an object. It is edible. The description is "Smells like acidic aluminum. It's covered in cobwebs." Instead of taking the Can of Soda: Say “yoink”; now the Old Sodapop is in inventory. [THE OUTPOST] The Outpost is northwest of the Outside of the Tower. "oh wow that sure is a dead body !" The Dead Body is a person in the Outpost. "god i am so tired of this. kill me please." Instead of giving the flower to the dead body: if the player does not carry the flower: say "want flower."; otherwise: say "thank you."; move the flower to Discarded; Understand "body" and "dead body" as the Dead Body. The Dresser is a closed, openable container in the Outpost. Inside the dresser is the Old Key. the Old Key unlocks the Fence. Instead of opening the Dresser: if the player does carry the flower: say "nuh uh. blocked."; else: continue the action. [CORPSE] The corpse is an open door. It is scenery. It is west of the Outpost and east of the Internal. The description is "ewwww. wormsss." [INTERNAL] The Internal is a room. "why would you.." [THE FLOORBOARDS] The Floorboards is below the Outpost. "[if the Floorboards is unvisited]Out of morbid curiosity, you slide your fingers through the cracks of the floor and hook them underneath the wood. The first yank loosens the nails that held the board in place, and the second tears them off altogether. The [end if]" [LEITNER] The Leitner is an object in the Floorboards. The description of the Leitner is "An old an dilapidated book. The pages glisten with rancid blood, the edges of the cover charred as if pulled out of a fire. It reeks of decay and rot. The title- barely able to be made out through the splotches of pus and ash engraved into the cover- reads[paragraph break][bold type]Tale of a Field Hospital.[roman type]" Instead of taking the Leitner, say "You lean down with a hand outstretched to take the book. Your eyes water and fill with oil at the putrid stench of the heap of paper, and as you grab the spine of the book, you come to the realization that the wretched thing has fused with the wood beneath it. You gag, pulling your hand away with a sickening tear as the grime of the book eats at your flesh. You contemplate removing your hand then and there, but the thought felt counterproductive in the long run." [THE LEGS] The Legs is a room. "[if the Legs is unvisited]The giant iron structure is much more intimidating up close than it was from a distance. Perched upon four legs which groaned and bent underneath the weight of the main body. It held itself mostly upright, the top of the spire holding an elaborate web of wires and cables. It remained silent, outside of the creaking of legs and distant twang of cables, plucked by an invisible force.[end if][if the Legs is visited]The legs of the old metal structure. They groan occasionally at you.[end if]" [THE FRAME] The Frame is above Legs. "body. has ladder. can fall." [THE SPIRE] The Spire is above the Frame. "head. has cables and the main power box. go on. attach the wires to your spine, plug them in. become the next power source." [FRIEND] Your Friend is a person in the Treeline. "[if the Treeline is unvisited]The stranger that had beckoned for your approach stares at you blankly, as if expecting you to come closer. After it recognizes you won't approach any further into the trees, it pipes up. 'You're a new hire, aren't you. That's fine. We haven't had a new hire in a long while. That must mean the Tower is broken. Have you checked on that yet? if not, that's fine too. Take your time. I like company.'[end if][if the Treeline is visited][one of]Your Friend appears to stare at the sky[or]Your Friend is turned towards something behind it[or]Your Friend is observing you in silence[or]Your Friend is scraping one of its many hands against the dirt[purely at random].[end if]" The description of your friend is "A hunched figure with a wireframe exterior not unlike your own. The fabric it used as skin tore open around the back, revealing a single rat curled up inside, sleeping peacefully amongst the warmth of the wires. The thing's 'head'- a mass of wire mesh clumped around a camera lens, evoking the imagery of a compound eye- swivels towards you with a mechanical hum, appearing to scan you over once. or twice before returning to what it was previously doing." Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Instead of speech when the noun is Your Friend: repeat through Table of Friend's commentary: if the topic understood includes topic entry: say "[commentary entry][paragraph break]"; rule succeeds; say "The Friend stares at you with unclosing eyes." Instead of asking Your Friend about "leitner": say "'Leitner? [italic type]Jurgen Leitner? [bold type]JURGEN LEITNER? STUPID IDIOT MOTHERFUCKING JURGEN LEITNER GOD DAMN FOOL BOOK COLLECTING DUST EATING RAT OLD BASTARD SHITHEAD IDIOT AVATAR OF THE WHORE BIGGEST CLOWN IN THE CIRCUS LAUGHED OUT OF TOWN COWBOY MOTHERFUCKING JURGEN LEITNER STOP PINNING ME WH-'[paragraph break][roman type]You awkwardly walk the other way as the thing keeps going on its tirade.."; move player to the field. Instead of asking Your Friend about "jurgen": say "'Jurgen? [italic type]Jurgen Leitner? [bold type]JURGEN LEITNER? STUPID IDIOT MOTHERFUCKING JURGEN LEITNER GOD DAMN FOOL BOOK COLLECTING DUST EATING RAT OLD BASTARD SHITHEAD IDIOT AVATAR OF THE WHORE BIGGEST CLOWN IN THE CIRCUS LAUGHED OUT OF TOWN COWBOY MOTHERFUCKING JURGEN LEITNER STOP PINNING ME WH-'[paragraph break][roman type]You awkwardly walk the other way as the thing keeps going on its tirade.."; move player to the field. Instead of asking Your Friend about "jurgen leitner": say "'Leitner? [italic type]Jurgen Leitner? [bold type]JURGEN LEITNER? STUPID IDIOT MOTHERFUCKING JURGEN LEITNER GOD DAMN FOOL BOOK COLLECTING DUST EATING RAT OLD BASTARD SHITHEAD IDIOT AVATAR OF THE WHORE BIGGEST CLOWN IN THE CIRCUS LAUGHED OUT OF TOWN COWBOY MOTHERFUCKING JURGEN LEITNER STOP PINNING ME WH-'[paragraph break][roman type]You awkwardly walk the other way as the thing keeps going on its tirade.."; move player to the field. Instead of giving the flower to your Friend : say "'Oh, no, no thank you. I don't wish to belong to the Living yet. I'm comfy here. They do not allow me to leave yet anyway.'" Instead of giving the grass to your Friend : say "Your Friend gives you a strange look at the offering. 'Why do you hold them like that? It's unhealthy.'" Table of Friend's Commentary topic commentary "grass" "'The grass is an amusing thing, isn't it? Dancing to songs of laughter and the hum of leaves. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be grass.'" "flower" "'Oh, you took one? I wouldn't have. Those are for dead bodies and salads and for those who wish not to be. And you have to be, you have a job to do.'" "structure" "'The Tower, you mean. The one that you're supposed to fix. Why? I don't know. Nothing works right if it doesn't work.'" "dead body" "'I wouldn't feel bad. It probably wasn't anyone you knew. Though if you really wanted to honor them, you can crawl into the corpse! I've heard that's something the worms do.'" "PT-919" "'That's your name, yes. You are 919, I am your friend. It doesn't get simpler than that.'" "919" "'That's your name, yes. You are 919, I am your friend. It doesn't get simpler than that.'" "tag" "'Your identification number!'" "themself" "I am your friend! I help you, I tell you everything you want to know, I never lead you astray! I am something you can trust! Nothing like that awful patchwork of fibrous tissue that calls itself [bold type]Living.'" "friend" "I am your friend! I help you, I tell you everything you want to know, I never lead you astray! I am something you can trust! Nothing like that awful patchwork of fibrous tissue that calls itself [bold type]Living.'" "forest" "'Don't.'" "trees" "'They like to hum. I try not to listen to it, and you should too. They like to wedge their branches into the throats of onlookers..'" "living" "'The place we are in is Living. Belongs to it, filled with it, everything here is Living. To them we are intruders. To us, we are righteous. Do not trust their whispers.'" "rat" "'Do you like them? I do. I have called them M-1K2.'" "wire" "'Oh! I remember those! Most would weld them into their chest to be closer with the Tower.'" "wawa" "'wawa!!!!!!!!! wwawawawawaw awwawawaw awaaawwa!!!!!!!! wawa!!'" "yippee" "'yippee!'" "Magnus Archives" "'Awh, are you really going to go Magnusing at a time like this? I thought you knew better!'" "Magnus" "'Awh, are you really going to go Magnusing at a time like this? I thought you knew better!'" "Magnus Institute" "'Awh, are you really going to go Magnusing at a time like this? I thought you knew better!'" "Jonathan Sims" "'Awh, are you really going to go Magnusing at a time like this? I thought you knew better!'" [ENDING THINGS I THINK] Instead of eating the flower: say "You cup the flower in the palms of your hands and attempt to take ahold of the gleaming flower with your teeth, but it only bites you instead. the petals dig into the soft plastic of your mouth, taking root inside of your throat and crawling its way into the rusted metal of your cranium. Thin veins of plant replace the servos of your eyes, and from the sockets bloom forth more gleaming petals. As the roots entangle themselves in your wires and root you back into place, your head is filled with a new kind of buzz. A song. One that croons and chirps and tells you how much it loves you and how it will make you into something much more than you were before. You will become anew.[paragraph break][bold type]1/??[paragraph break]Flowerpot."; end the game in death. Instead of attacking Your Friend: say "Impulsively, you take a swing at your friend. It collides with the mesh and servos of the thing that barely counts as a head, but it doesn't stagger. Instead, several of its spindly arms burrow deep within you, tearing out the thick copper tube that kept you from collapsing in on yourself. You fall to the ground limply, forced to watch as it takes what was once tour spine and lodges it into the pipe filled hole of its own chest. It takes you apart, piece by piece, melding you into itself until you are nothing but a tag. There is a new song that fills in what is no longer your head. A deep pulsing, a reminder of memories that do not belong to you. It is melancholic, it is tired, it groans and yearns for an end to the loneliness- an end you know will not come.[paragraph break][bold type]2/??[paragraph break]Two become One."; end the game in death. Every turn while player is in the Forest: say "You barely manage to take a breath before teeth embed themselves into your arms. Leaves fill your lungs, slicing at the delicate pumps that kept you breathing. Eyes bore holes into the back of your metallic skull, letting the sap from the trees ooze in and coat the insides. Branches pry at your wires and plating, filling every groove they can fit into with ease, stretching your flesh into bulging and unrecognizable shapes. Your vision flickers into obscurity, the sap- now hardened into amber- trills out a grating melody. One of triumph and rage and humiliation. Even as your consciousness becomes nothing more than a momentary spark, you understand that you aren't good enough for the dirt, for the worms, for the mycelium. No. You will be left here to go to waste, to be nothing more than a grand example of a mistake.[paragraph break][bold type]3/??[paragraph break]Food for Rot."; end the game in death. Every turn while player is in the Internal: say "mm-mm yummy food snack.[paragraph break][bold type]4/??[paragraph break]New Friends."; end the game in death. [RULE EXPANSION] Understand "use [a wearable thing]" as wearing. Understand "use [a closed openable container]" as opening. Understand "use [an open openable container]" as closing. Understand "use [something]" as using. Using is an action applying to one thing. Carry out using: say "You will have to be more specific about your intentions." Understand "use [a door]" as opening. Understand "use [an open door]" as entering. Understand "eat [an edible thing]" as eating. Understand "wear [a wearable thing]" as wearing. Understand "open [something closed]" as opening. Understand "close [something open]" as closing. Understand "enter [something enterable]" as entering. Understand "enter [a door]" as entering. Understand "inspect [something]" as examining. Understand "look at [something]" as examining. Breaking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "break [something]" as breaking. Attacking someone is misbehavior. Kissing someone is a misbehavior. Instead of kissing someone, say "Are you sure you know what that is? You don't know how you now that action. It.. feels unpleasant. It reminds you of the taste of soil." [INVENTORY RELATED ITEMS] Instead of dropping the grass, say "You attempt to take the grass and place it back into the ground, but it worms its way out of your hand, rooting back into the cavity of your chest. Guess it isn't leaving." Instead of dropping the flower, say "nuh uh. important." [PT-919] The Tag is worn. Instead of examining the player: say "You appear to be comprised of scrap, loosely held together by twine and the occasional tendon. There is a wide opening that makes up the majority of your chest, exposing the segmented rod you can assume to be what holds you upright. The copper of your joints creak when forced to move, and the things you dare to call eyes rattle with each step. There is a tag stapled into your right arm." The description of the Tag is "An Identification Tag of sorts. It reads 'PT-919'. You are unsure of what it stands for." Instead of taking off the Tag, say "You pick endlessly at the staples that hold the tag in place, going as far as to dig under the skin to try and free the metal. But it remains unmoving." [DISCARDED] the Discarded is a room. A cable is a kind of thing. The description of a cable is "A welded mass of cables attached to the copper tube spine in your chest."