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Making Coffee
Brooke Preas
Played 1,194 times
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Bedroom is a room. "The moment you wake up, you know today is going to be a bad day. You are not well rested at all. You probably stayed up way to late last night watching Youtube videos. To top it all off, your room is so cold and your bed is so warm. The only problem with staying completely buried in your blankets is the fact that your phone's alarm is going off and it is really loud." In Bedroom is a phone. It is an object. After taking phone: say "You press the home button and your phone's screen wakes up. You glance at its clock. 7:45. Crap. You only have 15 minutes until your first class." In Bedroom is a bed. It is an object. East of the Bedroom is the Kitchen. The Kitchen is a room. "You walk into the kitchen. The only thing you can focus on here is the coffeemaker." A coffeemaker is here. It is an object. After taking coffeemaker: say "You pour yourself a cup of coffee. It does nothing to wake you up." South of the Bedroom is the Bathroom. The Bathroom is a room."The tile floor below your feet as you walk into your bathroom shocks your feet with their cold." In Bathroom is a brush. It is an object. After taking brush: say "You run the brush through your hair. This is all you have time for when it comes to gussying up." South of the Kitchen is the Hallway. The Hallway is a room. "The hallway is empty. The only thing you can hear is the electric hum of the overhead lights. You see a sheet of paper laying on the floor in front of you." Paper is an object. After taking paper: say "You hold it at eye level and see that it is a flyer for a Chinese restaurant. The food looks really good. You decided right there and then that you are not going to class. Instead, you are going to order some food and stay in all day." East of the Kitchen is Suite Mates' room. Suite Mates' room is a room. "Your suite mates' are already gone. They keep there room tidy and dark. You see that one of them has left some chocolate out on there desk." Chocolate is an object. After taking chocolate: say "You know you shouldn't, but you eat the chocolate. It is so good. You will repay your suite mate someday." "Soon, the room is full of the strong, warm smell of coffee. You have a few minutes before it will be ready."