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Dylan Shane Pruitt
Played 962 times
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[INTRODUCTION] when play begins: say "you wake up in a Pizza hut and you can go North. This manifestation of garbage is riddled with 4th wall breaks because I suck at coding." [Pizza Hut] the Pizza Hut is a room. The description of the Pizza Hut is "This place smells like cheese." [salad bar] salad bar is a room. The salad is north of the pizza hut. The description of the salad is "The clerk told me that they have a new outdoor salad bar..... Why do they keep the salad bar outside of the restaurant? Looks like I can go west though." [Parking lot] The parking is a room. the parking lot is west of the salad bar. the description of the parking lot is "what else did you expect you're already outside so naturally you just walked from one end of the parking lot to the other. Head south to go back inside." [Dining room] The Dining room is a room. The Dining room is south of Parking lot. the description of dining room is "Okay genius now that you are back inside why don't you eat something. Go east." [Front counter] The Front counter is a room. the Front counter is east of the Dining room. The description of the front counter is "welcome to 'Pizza Hut' sorry but we are currently out of dough but we have a salad bar outside. You think to yourself, well may as well eat healthy for once. head west to go back outside" [Your car] Your car is a room. Your car is west of Front counter. The description of Your car is "Nah I don't eat rabbit food I'm just gonna go home instead. For the sake of making this work go south and you will magically make it home." [home] home is a room. home is south of your car. The description of home is "You arrive home and remember you're a broke college kid and doesn't have any food. You go to bed instead. Go north." [Bedroom] Bedroom is a room. Bedroom is north of Home. The description of bedroom is "schleep, you deserve it."