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Daniel Lo
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Use full-length room descriptions. The story title is "Retribution V1". The story headline is "An island survival game by Daniel L. and Jason X.". Rule for printing the locale description everywhere: stop. A help is a thing. When play begins: change the left hand status line to "-------- / --- : ---"; change the right hand status line to "---- --"; [***Author to Player Text - Tell player about game***] Hello! is a room. “Welcome to our first IF game. This project was created for an English assignment and built very quickly, so don't expect the cleanest of games. In fact, the code was probably put together quite hastily, so don't expect everything to work perfectly. [paragraph break] This games uses a variety of systems to attempt at simulating day cycles, sleeping, campfires, food etc. There is a lot of room for error in our game, and death is quite common, so don't be discouraged as there is always an undo button. There are also a lot of added commands, so go ahead and try as many as you can as that will help you progress. Some include diving, typing etc. A few important things to keep in note: You have 6 stats as a player that you need to maintain (Overall health being an average of 5 of them). Every move causes the time in the day to progress forward and your stats to deplete. Movement turns (like go north) cause 20 minutes to pass, examining things take 5 minutes, and the majority of other commands will take 1 minute. Everything will deplete proportionally to the time, and different times of day will cause different levels of stats to deplete. Be careful and have fun. [paragraph break] Please take the stone on the ground to begin.†startStone is scenery in Hello!. The printed name of startStone is "Stone". Understand "stone" and "start" as the startStone. [***Step 0 - Intro***] Instead of doing anything in Hello!: if Hello! is unvisited: continue the action; else: if starting is 0: say "That's not what your supposed to do."; Instead of going in Hello!: if starting is 0: say "That's not what your supposed to do."; Instead of taking inventory in Hello!: if starting is 0: say "That's not what your supposed to do."; Before taking startStone: remove startStone from play; say " ------------------------------------------------------------[line break][line break][line break]"; say "██████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████Nothing█████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████ [line break]"; say "██████████████████████████████████████ ████Absolutely████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████Nothing███████ ██████████████████████████████████████ [line break]"; say "███████████ You see nothing ███████████████[line break]"; say "███████████████████████You hear nothing ███[line break]"; say "███ You feel nothing ███████████████████████[line break]"; say "██████████████████████████████████████ [line break]"; say "â–ˆYou float perpetually in an endless void with no awarenessâ–ˆ[line break]"; say "███████████ of anything around you ███████████ ██████████████████████████████████████ [line break]"; move the player to blank; now starting is 1; stop the action; starting is a number that varies. blank is a room. the printed name of blank is ""; Instead of going in blank: commence starting sequence; Instead of doing anything in blank: commence starting sequence; Instead of taking in blank: commence starting sequence; to commence starting sequence: if starting is 10: now starting is starting + 1; say "You are alive now... you're alive!.... YOU'RE ALIVE![paragraph break]"; say " - ACT 1 - THE SHIPWRECK - [line break]"; move player to FakeStartingBeach1; if starting is 9: say "You still can't really do much but..."; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 8: say "Suddenly, all your feelings return to you at once. Your body is overloaded by the numerous sensations assaulting your frail body."; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 7: say "You soon realize that you can actually wiggle it back and forth."; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 6: say "You can feel it, right in the tip of your finger."; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 5: say "You feel something twitch."; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 4: say "Wait, what's that?[paragraph break]"; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 3: say "Persistence can only do so much for you..."; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 2: say "No matter what you do; it seems as if you'll never come to."; now starting is starting + 1; if starting is 1: say "You can't feel your body, your actions are futile."; now starting is starting + 1; [***GLOBAL DECLARATIONS AND SYSTEMS***] Idling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "rest" and "wait" as Idling. Instead of Idling: say "How long do I want to rest for?"; Resting for is an action applying to a number. Understand "wait for [a number]", "wait for [a number] minutes", "rest for [a number]" and "rest for [a number] minutes" as resting for. Carry Out resting for a number: if number understood > 99: say "I don't need to rest for that long."; rule fails; else: say "You have rested for [number understood] minutes and feel a bit of energy come back for every minute of it."; now Energy is Energy + (number understood * 100); change the time of day to (number understood - 1) minutes after the time of day; turn# is a number that varies. turn# is 0. movement# is a number that varies. movement# is 0. generalTime is some text that varies. Day# is a number that varies. minutesPerTurn is a number that varies. minutesPerTurn is 1; gameStarted is a number that varies. Every turn: if starting is 11 and gameStarted is 0: now the time of day is 6:00 am; now generalTime is "Twilight"; now Day# is 1; change the left hand status line to "[generalTime] / [time of day]"; change the right hand status line to "Day [Day#]"; now gameStarted is 1; Before taking inventory: change the time of day to 1 minute before the time of day; now minutesPerTurn is 0; Before doing anything other than taking inventory: now turn# is turn# + 1; At 5:59 am: now generalTime is "Twilight"; At 6:59 am: now generalTime is "Morning"; At 11:59 am: now generalTime is "Afternoon"; At 6:59 pm: now generalTime is "Dusk"; At 7:59 pm: now generalTime is "Evening"; At 9:59 pm: now generalTime is "Night"; At 11:59 pm: now Day# is Day# + 1. Before examining something: now minutesPerTurn is 5; change the time of day to 4 minutes after the time of day; continue the action; Before going somewhere: now movement# is movement# + 1; now minutesPerTurn is 20; continue the action; Every Turn: change the time of day to (minutesPerTurn - 1) minutes after the time of day; now minutesPerTurn is 1; Hunger is a number that varies. Hunger is 3500. Thirst is a number that varies. Thirst is 3500. Warmth is a number that varies. Warmth is 6000. Energy is a number that varies. Energy is 5000. lackOfPain is a number that varies. lackOfPain is 60. HealthStat is a number that varies. Sanity is a number that varies. Sanity is 1000. totalSanity is a number that varies. totalSanity is 1000. numTimesInsane is a number that varies. numTimesInsane is 0. Every turn when the FakeStartingBeach1 is visited: now Hunger is Hunger - (2 * minutesPerTurn); [1.2% per hour] now Thirst is Thirst - (6 * minutesPerTurn); [3.6% per hour] now Energy is Energy - (9 * minutesPerTurn); [5.4% per hour] now lackOfPain is lackOfPain - (3 * minutesPerTurn); [3% per hour] now Sanity is totalSanity - turn#; [1 sanity per turn] determineHealth; continue the action; To determineHealth: let healthCalc be a number; if Hunger is less than 50 or Thirst is less than 50 or Warmth is less than 50 or Energy is less than 50 or LackOfPain is less than 50: let healthCalc be 0; otherwise: let healthCalc be Hunger + Thirst + Warmth + Energy + lackOfPain; let healthCalc be healthCalc / 5; now HealthStat is healthCalc; firstTwilight is a number that varies. firstTwilight is 0; firstMorning is a number that varies. firstMorning is 0; firstAfternoon is a number that varies. firstAfternoon is 0; firstDusk is a number that varies. firstDusk is 0; firstEvening is a number that varies. firstEvening is 0; Every turn when the FakeStartingBeach1 is visited: if generalTime is "Twilight": say "[if firstTwilight is 0]The frigid air of the early morning makes you feel quite frosty.[end if]"; now Warmth is Warmth - (20 * minutesPerTurn); now firstTwilight is 1; if generalTime is "Morning": now firstTwilight is 0; say "[if firstMorning is 0]The world starts to warm up a bit, but is still cool enough to send chills down your back.[end if]"; now Warmth is Warmth - (10 * minutesPerTurn); now firstMorning is 1; if generalTime is "Afternoon": now firstMorning is 0; say "[if firstAfternoon is 0]As the sun rises towards its peak, the climate is now very comfortable.[end if]"; now firstAfternoon is 1; if generalTime is "Dusk": now firstAfternoon is 0; say "[if firstDusk is 0]You feel the air start to cool down again as the sun moves towards the end of the horizon.[end if]"; now Warmth is Warmth - (10 * minutesPerTurn); now firstDusk is 1; if generalTime is "Evening": now firstDusk is 0; say "[if firstEvening is 0]The air is now becoming icy cold once again as the last bit of light is starting to fade.[end if]"; now Warmth is Warmth - (25 * minutesPerTurn); now firstEvening is 1; if generalTime is "Night": now firstEvening is 0; After doing anything when the FakeStartingBeach1 is visited: if Hunger is less than 2000: say "You feel very hungry."; if Thirst is less than 2000: say "You feel very thirsty."; if Warmth is less than 2000: say "You feel very cold."; if Energy is less than 2000: say "You feel very tired."; if lackOfPain is less than 2000: say "You feel a lot of pain."; continue the action; After doing anything when the FakeStartingBeach1 is visited: if Hunger is less than 50: say "As your body continues to runs on an empty stomach, you feel the insides of your body weaken. Suddenly, you lose the ability to control yourself as your body desperately tries to fight for survival. Eventually, there is nothing left and you are left to rot forever on this island."; end the game in death; if Thirst is less than 50: say "Slowly, your mouth becomes more and more parched and as you wander the island you notice how dry your skin has become. You don't really feel too much pain, but you start seeing things that you didn't before. The entire world is flipping inside out, and before you know it your on the ground. You can no longer control much of your body as its only desire is fixed on water. But without enough time or resources at the ready, you have no choice but to perish. "; end the game in death; if Warmth is less than 50: say "The temperature of your body continues to drop lower and lower. You thought you knew what freezing felt like, but now on the brink of death, you know what it actually feels like. The offshore winds seem to seep right through to the bone, and although there is the presence of the sun, it does nothing to stop the cold air around from penetrating your skin. Soon you feel the onset of frostbite on the tips of your extremities and it isn't long before your entire body ceases to function."; end the game in death; if Energy is less than 50: say "After pushing your body over and over, you have finally reached the point in which it can take no more. You collapse onto the ground with exhaustion, every breath now an effort to make. With a few last dying efforts, you try to will your body to get up, to get better to get some last miracle of energy. But alas, it is of no use as you slowly fade to black."; end the game in death; if lackOfPain is less than 50: say "You can no longer hold it back any longer. The pain from your chronic disorder catches up to you and hits you like a ton of bricks. Before you know it, you're on the ground groveling in pain, and just like that, it's all over."; end the game in death; else: continue the action; Every turn: if Hunger is greater than 10000: now Hunger is 10000; if Thirst is greater than 10000: now Thirst is 10000; if lackOfPain is greater than 10000: now lackOfPain is 10000; if Energy is greater than 10000: now Energy is 10000; if Warmth is greater than 10000: now Warmth is 10000; isSleeping is a number that varies. canSleep is a number that varies. canSleep is 0. NightTime is a recurring scene. NightTime begins when time of day is greater than 9:59 pm and time of day is less than 10:21 pm. NightTime ends when time of day is greater than 5:59 am and time of day is less than 6:21 am. DayTime is a recurring scene. DayTime begins when time of day is greater than 5:59 am and time of day is less than 6:21 am. DayTime ends when time of day is greater than 9:59 pm and time of day is less than 10:21 pm. Every turn: if the location of the player is the North Forest: now canSleep is 1; if the time of day is greater than 9:59 pm and time of day is less than 10:21 pm: say "As the sun finally sinks behind the horizon, you feel your labours from throughout the day catch up to you and fall asleep on the spot."; try sleeping; otherwise: now canSleep is 0; Before doing anything other than going or taking inventory when the location of the player is the North Forest: if fireLevel is 1: say "The warmth of the still burning embers warms you up just a bit."; now Warmth is Warmth + (100 * minutesPerTurn); if fireLevel is 2: say "The tiny flame provides practically no warmth to you."; if fireLevel is 3: say "The small fire is cozy to stay beside; heating you up on the inside just a little."; now Warmth is Warmth + (350 * minutesPerTurn); if fireLevel is 4: say "The stable fire before you provides a wonderful feeling of warmth."; now Warmth is Warmth + (900 * minutesPerTurn); if fireLevel is 5: say "The large fire provides a significant amount of heat to your body as you soak it all up."; now Warmth is Warmth + (1500 * minutesPerTurn); if fireLevel is 6: say "The huge bonfire provides a fiery heat to not only you, but the entire area around you."; now Warmth is Warmth + (2500 * minutesPerTurn); Instead of going during NightTime: if the location of the player is the North Forest and fireLevel is greater than 0: say "I don't want to leave the safety of my base camp. I have a nice fire going here to keep me warm, a nice patch of grass to sleep on, and who knows what else is lurking in the night."; otherwise: say "As the light fades from your eyes, you realize how dark and cold it is during the night. The lack of light prevents you from seeing what you're doing, and as the night drags on, you feel the cold penetrate through your body. You didn't think it would be freezing like it is now, but with no source of heat, the offshore winds seem to seep right through to the bone. Soon you feel the onset of frostbite on your fingers and it isn't long before your entire body ceases to function."; end the game in death; Instead of Sleeping during NightTime: if canSleep is 1: now isSleeping is 1; say "█████████████████████████████████████ [line break]"; say "████████████████░░░░░████████████████ ███████████████░░░███░███████████████ ██████████████░░░████████████████████ ███████████████░░░███░███████████████ ████████████████░░░░░████████████████ [line break]"; say "█████████████████████████████████████ [line break]"; say "██After a long day of hard work, you finally settle down██ ██████████████ for the night ██████████████ [line break]"; say "█████████████████████████████████████"; change the left hand status line to "[generalTime] / -- : -- "; otherwise: say "It's not safe to settle down here."; if fireLevel is 0: say "Without a source of heat to warm you up, you quickly felt the freezing night take its toll on you. You didn't think it would be be that cold, but the offshore winds seem to seep right through to the bone. Soon you feel the onset of frostbite on your fingers and it isn't long before your entire body ceases to function."; end the game in death; if fireLevel is 2: say "Without you knowing, the tiny flame you had going quickly went out. Without a source of heat to warm you up, you quickly felt the freezing night take its toll on you. You didn't think it would be be that cold, but the offshore winds seem to seep right through to the bone. Soon you feel the onset of frostbite on your fingers and it isn't long before your entire body ceases to function"; end the game in death; if fireLevel is 6: say "You fall asleep to to the nice crackling of logs. However, somewhere in between your dream about fluffy unicorns and rainbows you are awakened to the smell of smoke. One quick look at your surroundings tells you that maybe you shouldn't have gone to sleep so quickly. [line break] *CREEEAAAK* [line break] The last thing you see is the large trunk of a tree crashing down on your head. "; end the game in death; Instead of Sleeping during DayTime: say "You are not tired right now. There is no point in sleeping."; Instead of doing anything other than Waking Up when isSleeping is 1: say "You are sleeping right now, you can't do that. Maybe you should try waking up."; Instead of going when isSleeping is 1: say "You are sleeping right now, you can't do that. Maybe you should try waking up."; Instead of examining when isSleeping is 1: say "You are sleeping right now, you can't do that. Maybe you should try waking up."; Instead of taking anything when isSleeping is 1: say "You are sleeping right now, you can't do that. Maybe you should try waking up."; Instead of Waking Up: if isSleeping is 1: say "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ [line break]"; say "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░█████░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ [line break]"; say "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ [line break]"; say "â–‘After a long night's rest, you finally wake up rejuvenatedâ–‘ [line break]"; say "â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘â–‘ [line break]"; now isSleeping is 0; now Energy is 10000; Calculate Warmth Restored From Sleep; now time of day is 5:59 am; change the left hand status line to "[generalTime] / [time of day] "; otherwise: say "You're not sleeping right now." Warmth Restored During Sleep is a number that varies. to Calculate Warmth Restored From Sleep: if fireLevel is 3: say "The small fire did help keep you warm, but could've definitely been warmer"; now Warmth Restored During Sleep is 5000; if fireLevel is 4: say "The stable fire you built last night did a good job in keeping you warm."; now Warmth Restored During Sleep is 10000; if fireLevel is 5: say "The large fire you built last night kept you very warm. Maybe a bit too warm, next time it could probably be toned down a bit."; now Warmth Restored During Sleep is 10000; now Warmth is Warmth + Warmth Restored During Sleep; rocksNeeded is a number that varies. rocksNeeded is 10. pitSetUp is a number that varies. pitSetUp is 0. fireLevel is a number that varies. fireLevel is 0. numSmallLogs is a number that varies. numSmallLogs is 0. numMediumLogs is a number that varies. numMediumLogs is 0. numLargeLogs is a number that varies. numLargeLogs is 0. The Fire_Pit is a scenery supporter. It is in the North Forest. "[if pitSetUp is 0]There seems to be a nice dry spot here in this section of the forest in which I can set up a fire. [otherwise]This is where my fire pit is located. [end if]This place is probably a good place to set up camp and stay for the nights to come." The printed name of Fire_Pit is "Fire Pit". Understand "Fire", "Pit", "Dry", "Patch" and "Spot" as the Fire_Pit. Instead of inserting something into the Fire_Pit: try putting the noun on the Fire_Pit; Instead of putting anything on anything: unless the second noun is the Fire_Pit: if the noun is the rocks: if the player has rocksSingular: try putting rocksSingular on the second noun; otherwise if player has rocksPlural: try putting rocksPlural on the second noun; otherwise: say "I don't have [the noun]."; otherwise if the noun is the dry grass: if the player has GrassSingular: try putting GrassSingular on the second noun; otherwise if player has GrassPlural: try putting GrassPlural on the second noun; otherwise: say "I don't have [the noun]."; otherwise if the noun is the kindling: if the player has kindlingSingular: try putting kindlingSingular on the second noun; otherwise if player has kindlingPlural: try putting kindlingPlural on the second noun; otherwise: say "I don't have [the noun]."; otherwise if the noun is the logs: if the player has logsSingular: try putting logsSingular on the second noun; otherwise if player has logsPlural: try putting logsPlural on the second noun; otherwise: say "I don't have [the noun]."; otherwise if the noun is dirt: if the player has dirtForPlayer: try putting dirtForPlayer on the second noun; otherwise: say "I don't have [the noun].";[To add other exceptions to this rule, insert them here] otherwise: if the player carries the noun: continue the action; otherwise: say "I don't have [the noun]."; Instead of putting anything on the Fire_Pit: if pitSetUp is 0: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "What would the point in that be?"; otherwise if the noun is not rocks: say "I need to set up a fire pit first."; otherwise: if numRocks is less than 1: say "I don't have any rocks."; otherwise: if numRocks is less than rocksNeeded: say "After placing down these rocks, I realize I'm still going to need [rocksNeeded - numRocks] more rocks to fully set up this fire pit."; now rocksNeeded is rocksNeeded - numRocks; now numRocks is numRocks - numRocks; move rocksSingular to null; move rocksPlural to null; otherwise if numRocks is greater than rocksNeeded or numRocks is rocksNeeded: say "I think I have enough rocks to start a fire here now."; now numRocks is numRocks - rocksNeeded; now pitSetUp is 1; otherwise if pitSetUp is 1: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "That won't help me get the fire going!"; otherwise if the noun is rocks: say "I already have enough rocks."; otherwise if the noun is dirt: say "I can use that to smother the fire, not to start it."; otherwise if the noun is kindling or the noun is logs: say "I need to start the fire first."; otherwise if the noun is grass: if numGrass is less than 1: say "I don't have any grass."; otherwise: say "Now that I have some grass in there, I'm ready to start the fire."; now numGrass is numGrass - 1; now pitSetUp is 2; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now grassInThePit is 1; otherwise if pitSetUp is 2 and fireLevel is less than 2: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "That won't help me get the fire going!"; otherwise: say "I need to light the fire first."; otherwise if pitSetUp is 2 and fireLevel is 2: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "That won't help me get the fire going!"; otherwise if the noun is rocks: say "I already have enough rocks."; otherwise if the noun is dirt: if player does not carry dirtForPlayer: say "I don't have any dirt."; otherwise: say "Sprinkling a bit of dirt over top easily smothers the tiny flame. Since you can't really pick the dirt back up, you sweep the dirt to the side to find out that the grass has already burnt out."; now pitSetUp is 1; now fireLevel is 0; move dirtForPlayer to null; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now grassInThePit is 0; otherwise if the noun is grass: if numGrass is less than 1: say "I don't have any grass."; otherwise: say "Adding more grass to the fire doesn't really help to strengthen the flame."; now numGrass is numGrass - 1; otherwise if the noun is logs: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Placing such a large log over the fire easily smothers the tiny flame. You take the log back to find out that the grass has already burnt out."; now pitSetUp is 1; now fireLevel is 0; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now grassInThePit is 0; otherwise if the noun is kindling: if numKindling is less than 1: say "I don't have any kindling."; otherwise: say "You place a bunch of kindling on to the fire and are delighted to see them easily catch flame. You can now start to feel the heat of the fire build up, though the fire still is quite small."; now fireLevel is 3; now numKindling is numKindling - 1; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now grassInThePit is 0; now kindlingInThePit is 1; otherwise if fireLevel is 3: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "That won't help me get the fire going!"; otherwise if the noun is rocks: say "I already have enough rocks."; otherwise if the noun is dirt: if player does not carry dirtForPlayer: say "I don't have any dirt."; otherwise: say "Sprinkling a bit of dirt over top doesn't really do much anymore: you'll probably have to wait for it to burn out. Now that you've already put dirt in there though, you'll have to get some more."; move dirtForPlayer to null; otherwise if the noun is grass: if numGrass is less than 1: say "I don't have any grass."; otherwise: say "Adding more grass to the fire doesn't really help to strengthen the flame."; now numGrass is numGrass - 1; otherwise if the noun is kindling: if numKindling is less than 1: say "I don't have any kindling."; otherwise: say "Adding more pieces of kindling to the fire doesn't really help to strengthen the flame."; now numKindling is numKindling - 1; otherwise if the noun is logs and numSmallLogs is 0: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Placing a log on the fire really starts the fire, however it's probably still considered a small fire."; now numLogs is numLogs - 1; now numSmallLogs is 1; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now kindlingInThePit is 0; now logInThePit is 1; otherwise if the noun is logs and numSmallLogs is 1: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Placing another log on the fire helps a bit, however it's probably still considered a small fire."; now numLogs is numLogs - 1; now numSmallLogs is 2; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise if the noun is logs and numSmallLogs is 2: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Placing the third log on the fire really helps it mature into a stable fire. You can feel an ample amount of heat coming from the bountiful flames."; now numLogs is numLogs - 1; now numMediumLogs is 1; now numSmallLogs is 0; now fireLevel is 4; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise if fireLevel is 4: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "That won't help me get the fire going!"; otherwise if the noun is rocks: say "I already have enough rocks."; otherwise if the noun is dirt: if player does not carry dirtForPlayer: say "I don't have any dirt."; otherwise: say "Sprinkling a bit of dirt over top doesn't really do much anymore: you'll probably have to wait for it to burn out. Now that you've already put dirt in there though, you'll have to get some more."; move some dirtForPlayer to null; otherwise if the noun is grass: if numGrass is less than 1: say "I don't have any grass."; otherwise: say "Adding more grass to the fire doesn't really help to strengthen the flame."; now numGrass is numGrass - 1; otherwise if the noun is kindling: if numKindling is less than 1: say "I don't have any kindling."; otherwise: say "Adding more pieces of kindling to the fire doesn't really help to strengthen the flame."; now numKindling is numKindling - 1; otherwise if the noun is logs and numMediumLogs is 1: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Placing another log on the fire doesn't seem to do too much."; now numLogs is numLogs - 1; now numMediumLogs is 2; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise if the noun is logs and numMediumLogs is 2: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Placing another log on the fire suddenly makes it much larger. The amount of heat coming from the pit is starting to get too hot, however you enjoy the presence of the heat nonetheless."; now numLogs is numLogs - 1; now numLargeLogs is 1; now numMediumLogs is 0; now fireLevel is 5; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise if fireLevel is 5: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "That won't help me get the fire going!"; otherwise if the noun is rocks: say "I already have enough rocks."; otherwise if the noun is dirt: if player does not carry dirtForPlayer: say "I don't have any dirt."; otherwise: say "Sprinkling a bit of dirt over top doesn't really do much anymore: you'll probably have to wait for it to burn out. Now that you've already put dirt in there though, you'll have to get some more."; move dirtForPlayer to null; otherwise if the noun is grass: if numGrass is less than 1: say "I don't have any grass."; otherwise: say "Adding more grass to the fire doesn't really help to strengthen the flame."; now numGrass is numGrass - 1; otherwise if the noun is kindling: if numKindling is less than 1: say "I don't have any kindling."; otherwise: say "Adding more pieces of kindling to the fire doesn't really help to strengthen the flame."; now numKindling is numKindling - 1; otherwise if the noun is logs and numLargeLogs is 1: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Placing another log on the fire doesn't seem to do too much."; now numLogs is numLogs - 1; now numLargeLogs is 2; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise if the noun is logs and numLargeLogs is 2: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "*WOOSH* [line break] The amount of wood that you have fed this fire may have been too much because now a blazing bonfire stands before you. Standing too close singes the hair off of your skin, and you can see the fire reflected back by the trees around you. The amount of heat coming from the fire is breathtaking, as the amount of oxygen that it is consuming is making it hard for you to inhale. There are tons of embers sparking out of the flames, and you probably don't want to leave this fire unattended..."; now numLargeLogs is 2; now fireLevel is 6; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise if fireLevel is 1: if the noun is not rocks and the noun is not dirt and the noun is not grass and the noun is not kindling and the noun is not logs: say "That won't be of any use"; otherwise if the noun is rocks: say "I already have enough rocks."; otherwise if the noun is dirt: if player does not carry dirtForPlayer: say "I don't have any dirt."; otherwise: say "Sprinkling dirt over the burning embers seems to put them out."; now fireLevel is 0; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now dirtForPlayer is in the null; otherwise if the noun is kindling: if numKindling is less than 1: say "I don't have any kindling."; otherwise: say "Dropping pieces of kindling over the embers doesn't seem to do much so you take them back."; otherwise if the noun is logs: if numLogs is less than 1: say "I don't have any logs."; otherwise: say "Dropping logs over the embers doesn't seem to do much so you take them back."; otherwise if the noun is grass: if numGrass is less than 1: say "I don't have any grass."; otherwise: say "Dropping grass on top of the burning embers seems to reignite a small flame."; now numGrass is numGrass - 1; now fireLevel is 2; now fireTurnCounter is 0; grassInThePit is a number that varies. grassInThePit is 0. kindlingInThePit is a number that varies. kindlingInThePit is 0. logInThePit is a number that varies. logInThePit is 0. Instead of putting something on grass: if grassInThePit is 1: try putting the noun on the Fire_Pit; otherwise: say "I can't see any grass in the pit, maybe because it burned up or just wasn't there in the first place."; Instead of putting something on kindling: if kindlingInThePit is 1: try putting the noun on the Fire_Pit; otherwise: say "I can't see any kindling in the pit, maybe because it burned up or just wasn't there in the first place."; Instead of putting something on logs: if logInThePit is 1: try putting the noun on the Fire_Pit; otherwise: say "I can't see any logs in the pit, maybe because it burned up or just wasn't there in the first place."; After going: if fireLevel is 6: say "As you leave your camp, you here the flames of your fire roar in the background. Suddenly, the sound of a tree snaps, and you look back to see the entire forest engulfed in flames. Before you know it, the flames catch up to you and..."; end the game in death; otherwise: continue the action; Igniting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "Ignite [something] with [something]" and "Light [something] with [something]" as Igniting it with. Burning it is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Ignite [something]" and "Light [something]" as Burning it. Instead of Burning something: say "What am I going to light it with? I should try lighting [bracket]something[close bracket] with [bracket]something[close bracket]." Instead of igniting something with:[if the first noun is the matches:] [otherwise ] if the noun is the grass or the noun is the Fire_Pit: if the second noun is the flint[ or the second noun is the lit match]: if the player carries the flint: if pitSetUp is 2 and fireLevel is 0: say "After playing with the flint for a bit, a tiny spark comes from the end and lights the grass on fire. A tiny flame now sits on the patch of grass."; now fireLevel is 2; otherwise if pitSetUp is less than 2: say "There's nothing in the fire pit for me to light."; otherwise if fireLevel is greater than 0: say "It's already lit"; otherwise: say "I need to be carrying the flint first."; otherwise: say "How am I going to light something with that?"; otherwise: say "That won't work!"; fireTurnCounter is a number that varies. fireTurnCounter is 0. Before doing anything other than taking inventory: if fireLevel is greater than 3: if fireTurnCounter is 3: say "The strength of your fire drops down a notch."; now fireLevel is fireLevel - 1; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise: now fireTurnCounter is fireTurnCounter + 1; if fireLevel is 3: if fireTurnCounter is 3: say "Your small fire has completely gone out."; now fireLevel is 0; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now pitSetUp is 1; now numSmallLogs is 0; now numMediumLogs is 0; now numLargeLogs is 0; otherwise: now fireTurnCounter is fireTurnCounter + 1; if fireLevel is 2: if fireTurnCounter is 2: say "By waiting too long, your tiny flame has quickly burned through all of the grass."; now fireLevel is 0; now fireTurnCounter is 0; now pitSetUp is 1; otherwise: now fireTurnCounter is fireTurnCounter + 1; if fireLevel is 1: if fireTurnCounter is 7: now fireLevel is fireLevel - 1; now fireTurnCounter is 0; otherwise: now fireTurnCounter is fireTurnCounter + 1; At 5:59 am: if fireLevel is greater than 2: now fireLevel is 1; if fireLevel is greater than 1: now pitSetUp is 1; now grassInThePit is 0; now kindlingInThePit is 0; now logInThePit is 0; [***SUBCONSCIOUS NPC***] Subconscious is a scenery person. Subconscious is in the Starting Beach. Understand “myselfâ€, “brain†and “conscious†as Subconscious. needsHelp is a number that varies. needsHelp is 0. firstHelp is a number that varies. firstHelp is 3. Inquiring about is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "ask about [any thing]" and "inquire about [any thing]" as inquiring about. Instead of Inquiring about when Starting Beach is visited: say "(Assumed you meant to ask your Subconscious)"; try Inquiring Subconscious about the noun; Instead of giving anything to anyone when Starting Beach is visited: if the second noun is Subconscious: say "You gave something to yourself. It didn't really accomplish much."; otherwise: say "[The second noun] doesn't really need your gifts." Instead of showing anything to anyone when Starting Beach is visited: if the second noun is Subconscious: say "You showed yourself [the noun]. You're not very impressed."; otherwise: say "[The second noun] doesn't really react." Inquiring it about is an action applying to one thing and one visible thing. Understand "ask [someone] about [any thing]" and "inquire [someone] about [any thing]" as inquiring it about. Check inquiring Subconscious about when Starting Beach is visited: if Sanity is less than 301: give advice about obj; Informing it about is an action applying to one thing and one visible thing. Understand "tell [someone] about [any thing]" and "inform [someone] about [any thing]" as informing it about. Check informing Subconscious about when Starting Beach is visited: if Sanity is less than 301: give advice about obj; Inquiring it for is an action applying to one thing and one visible thing. Understand "ask [someone] for [any thing]" and "inquire [someone] for [any thing]" as inquiring it for. Every turn when Starting Beach is visited: if the location of Subconscious is not the location of the player: let the way be the best route from the location of Subconscious to the location of the player; try Subconscious going the way; Report someone (called the traveler) going: if the traveler is in the location: say "" instead; otherwise: say "" instead. Before doing anything other than taking inventory: if Sanity is less than 301: if numTimesInsane is 2: say "It's coming back again. You can feel your Subconscious almost as if it was your brother. 'I think I[apostrophe]m getting used to it' you think. And maybe you are. Maybe you truly are becoming insane."; if numTimesInsane is 1: say "You've felt this feeling before. It's the feeling you get when you finally make that trip over the edge. Although you lost it once, you thought that when you made enough progress, it would never come back. But here you are again, with the connection between you and your Subconscious re-establishing again. You're going crazy once again."; now numTimesInsane is numTimesInsane + 1; if numTimesInsane is 0: say "As you make your way across the acursed island, your resolve to make any progress is slowly dwindling. You are starting to lose your mind performing the same tasks over and over. Suddenly you feel a click in your head. You don't know if it's because your crazy or what, but it almost feels like if you've gotten a deeper connection to yourself. It feels like you now know yourself better than ever before. It feels as if you can communicate with your Subconscious. You can't deny it anymore, you're going insane."; now numTimesInsane is numTimesInsane + 1; Before informing or inquiring Subconscious about when Starting Beach is visited: if the second noun is a help: say "Your Subconscious tells you to 'try asking *for* help instead.'"; stop the action; if Sanity is greater than 300: now needsHelp is 0; say “‘Why would I ever talk to myself?’â€; if Sanity is less than 301: if firstHelp is less than 1: say “‘I think I[apostrophe]m starting to get used to this. I don[apostrophe]t know if that[apostrophe]s a good or bad thing.’â€; if firstHelp is less than 3 and firstHelp is greater than 0: say “‘I[apostrophe]m going to need to ask myself for help again.’â€; now firstHelp is firstHelp - 1; if firstHelp is 3: say “‘Desperate times, call for desperate measures.' You say to yourself 'Subconscious, I would like to ask you for help.’â€; now firstHelp is firstHelp - 1; Before inquiring Subconscious for when Starting Beach is visited: if Sanity is greater than 300: now needsHelp is 0; say “‘Why would I ever talk to myself?’â€; if Sanity is less than 301: if firstHelp is less than 1: say “‘I think I[apostrophe]m starting to get used to this. I don[apostrophe]t know if that[apostrophe]s a good or bad thing.’â€; if firstHelp is less than 3 and firstHelp is greater than 0: say “‘I[apostrophe]m going to need to ask myself for help again.’â€; now firstHelp is firstHelp - 1; if firstHelp is 3: say “‘Desperate times, call for desperate measures,' you say to yourself, 'Subconscious, I would like to ask you for help.’â€; now firstHelp is firstHelp - 1; Check inquiring Subconscious for when Starting Beach is visited: if the second noun is help: give advice about task; otherwise: say “'I can’t give you that!' your Subconscious scolds you, 'Try asking for help.'†instead; To give advice about obj: if the second noun is a help: stop the action; else if the second noun is a startStone: say "Its a stone. Take it."; To give advice about task: say "advice about task." [***ROOM DECLARATIONS & DESCRIPTIONS***] [Starting Beach] The Starting Beach is a room. “[if unvisited] You have washed up on a sandy beach, your whole body aching with unbearable pain. Looking around, you notice that there are no humans or establishments on the beach. You quickly come to the realization that you are stranded in a island paradise. You are in too much pain to move at the moment. You should try examining your inventory for any items that can relieve your pain[otherwise] You are back on the beach that you started out on.[end if] [paragraph break] Around you are all sorts of different pieces of wreckage[if harnessTaken is 0 and canTakeHarness is 0], and a piece of leather seems to be sticking out from under one of the pieces. [else if canTakeHarness is 1]I managed to leverage the wreckage off, and now there seems to be an old looking harness.[else].[end if] [if totalStartBoards > 0] There also happen to be a couple of large boards lying around. [end if] [paragraph break] To your north, northwest and northeast lie the edge of what seems to be a large deciduous forest." [South Forest] The South Forest is north of the Starting Beach. “You have made your way to the South Forest, the beginning of a forest that stretches far across the island. Thick deciduous trees proliferating in the tropical climate surround you from every side. [paragraph break] All around you, nestled in the trees, you can see a variety of flourishing berry bushes. [paragraph break] To your east, north and west are various other sections of the forest that you can see from here. A massive yet mysterious rock formations lies to the northwest, along with a path that leads you there. To your northeast you can see the edges of what seems to be a small pond.†[Mysterious Rock Formation] The Mysterious Rock Formation is northwest of the South Forest. “As you make your way across to the mysterious rock formation you notice it’s abnormal nature. The mysterious rock formation is a stark contrast to the rest of the forest around you. You notice a weird yet organized arrangement of rocks, something that looks completely unnatural. The mysterious atmosphere coincides with the perplexing arrangement of rocks, leading you to believe that you may have not been the only one on this island before. [paragraph break] [if collectionTaken is 0]You also notice out of the corner of your eye, a strange collection of items.[end if] [paragraph break] All around you lie dense thickets of leaves and the only way out of the area lies to your southeast.†[Pond] The Pond is northeast of the South Forest. “The pond sits in the middle of the forest, providing your only source of freshwater. The large amount of vegetation filters the water leaving the water crystal clear and practically devoid of impurities. [paragraph break] Many tall reeds surround the pond and you notice fish hiding in the brush. You can hear the sound of waterfowl and their calls resonate as they glide across the pond. [paragraph break] To your north and west lie a very steep slope that seem to go up to the peak of a very tall mountain. There's no way you can climb up that hill, leaving your only possible routes back to the forest either west, southwest or south of you. †[West Forest] The West Forest is west of the South Forest and northwest of the Starting Beach. “You move once again further into the forest and notice that the West Forest is once again covered in vegetation. [paragraph break] [if axeTaken is 0]Looking around the vegetation, you notice a rusty axe that is lying hidden in a mass of ferns. [end if][if hiveSmoked is 0]Additionally, you notice a beehive swarming with the insects attached to one of the trees. [else] The remnants of the once lively beehive sit broken by the base of one of the trees. [paragraph break] To the west, right along the horizon you can make out the image of waves crashing on rocks. To the Northwest you can make out a clearing in the dense forest. You can just see the edges of a mysterious rock formation to the north, but is blocked by thick impenetrable vegetation that no tools can clear. †[Gravel Beach] The Gravel Beach is west of the West Forest. “Standing on a different kind of beach, you notice waves crashing amongst many rocks of differing shapes and sizes, all cemented by coarse gravel. [paragraph break] As you roam around the beach, you notice parts from a wreckage: a snorkel[if totalGravelBoards > 0], what seems to be a waterlogged family portrait of some sort, and several wooden boards pertaining from a ship which may be useful later on. [else] and what seems to be a waterlogged family portrait of some sort. [paragraph break] To your east is the beginning of a forest, while to the north lies a forest clearing. The beach continues if you make your way northwest. †[Forest Clearing] The Forest Clearing is northwest of the West Forest and north of the Gravel Beach. “The forest clearing is a low lying grassland largely contrasting the island’s numerous trees and peaks. [paragraph break] [if unvisited]Your body is aching with chronic pain but as you limp across the area you notice[else]You still notice[end if]some poppies in the clearing that make your body suddenly feels somewhat relieved as if a weight was taken off your chest. Additionally, you notice a sign in the middle of the clearing. [paragraph break] As you glance north, you make out a fetid swamp. The mysterious rock formation lies to the east of the clearing but looks to be completely inaccessible. A gargantuan tree catches your eye to the northeast. A more rocky beach lies to your west and gravel beach is just south of the clearing.†[Pebble Beach] The Pebble Beach is northwest of the Gravel Beach and west of the Forest Clearing. “As you make your way along the coastline you notice a beach completely covered with pebbles smoothed down by countless ocean tides. [paragraph break] Similarly to the other beaches, pieces of a wreckage are present here [if totalPebbleBoards > 0] along with numerous boards.[else].[end if][if sailTaken is 0] You can see a tattered sail attached to a splintered mast that won't be very useful unless you can fix the numerous holes in the cloth.[end if] . [if flintTaken is 0]In addition to the pebbles, you notice some rocks are made of flint which may provide a use later on.[end if] [paragraph break] A gargantuan tree sits above the horizon to your north and the forest clearing is right to the west of you. Pebble beach is connected to gravel beach which lies southeast along the coastline. †[North Forest] The North Forest is north of the South Forest and west of the Pond. “As you arrive into this smaller clearing at the northern most extension of the forest, you notice how much nicer it is here. A small canopy of leaves provides enough shade from the sun, while still allowing a select few rays of light to penetrate through to the forest floor. [paragraph break] You look around and notice a small dry patch of grass different from the moist mud-like soil everywhere else in the forest. Next to it is a burrow in which looks like a good place to store any extra items, and a nice place to sleep. You also think that this would be a good place to set up camp, a fire and collect resources such as wood. [paragraph break] You can see the forest extend back to your south, and can spot another clearing to your southeast that seems to contain some sort of pond.†[Gargantuan Tree] The Gargantuan Tree is northwest of the Forest Clearing and north of Pebble Beach. “You’ve reached the massive tree that noticeably stands out from the rest of the island. [if unvisited]Something feels weird about this tree, and in the blank void of your memory a warm and familiar event materializes. You see a woman and a young girl climbing a large tree similar to the one you’re looking at. The woman calls out at you,but as you make your way towards her, the scene vanishes and suddenly you’re back to where you were before. You’re left questioning who the woman and the child was and if your memory will ever come back.[end if] [paragraph break] The tree is surrounded by a plethora of vegetation such as ferns and mosses all overshadowed by the tree’s massive branches, but what really catches your eye are the thick jungle vines originating from the top of the tree. Something shiny glistens at the top of the tree, but you just can’t make out what it is. You will need to climb up the tree to find out. [paragraph break] The pebble beach lies back to your south and you can make out a forest clearing to your southeast.†[Treetop] The Treetop is above the Gargantuan Tree. “Mustering all your strength, you have climbed up the tree and reach the treetop. [paragraph break] [if macheteTaken is 0] The shiny object that caught your eye sits in front of you: planted firmly into the trunk and restrained by a mass of tangled vines. [end if] [paragraph break] The treetop provides a good view of the swamp and a lot of the island below, but there really isn't anywhere you can go but back down.†Understand "shiny" and "object" as the machete. [East Forest] The East Forest is east of the South Forest, northeast of the Starting Beach and south of the Pond. “The East Forest is encompassed by trees but to the northeastern side you can make out the beginning of a slope leading to up much higher elevation. [paragraph break] There are various small twigs laying on the ground that seem surprisingly sturdy and durable. [paragraph break] To your north, you see a tranquil pond and on the west lies the south forest. If you glance southeast, you can also see where you washed up: starting beach. To your east, you can just spot a the edge of yet another beach, though some large rocky outcroppings are blocking your way. Northeast seems to take you up a gentle slope going up and up towards the top of the island mountain†[Start of Slope] The Start of Slope is northeast of the East Forest. “As you stand on the slight incline, you start to notice the transition from dense lush forest to more barren shrubs and saplings. The soil also starts to harden into a more brittle, dry rocky base. [paragraph break] [if paperclipTaken is 0]From the here, you can also see the pond to your west and a slight glint catches your eye.[end if] [paragraph break] Further north, the elevation continues to increase eventually leading to the forest highlands north of you. The elevation allows you to see the east forest which is accessible if you go southwest. †[Forest Highland] The Forest Highland is north of the Start of Slope. “The forest highland gives you an ample view of most of the island, but you can see the island peak still towering above you. [paragraph break] You can see the path continue northwest to the island peak, but a large ravine blocks your way across. You can go back down the mountain to the south. To your east the soil completely dissipates into a rocky base and continues on to the eastern ridge of the island. [paragraph break] You see a sign in the distance that may be helpful.†[Upper Ridge] The Upper Ridge is east of the Upper Ridge. “You stand at the top of a large cliff side overseeing the east edge of the island. You have a great view of the wide empty ocean around you and can see the waves crashing against the rocky coast below. You can also spot what seems to be more remnants of your ship wreckage down at the bottom. [paragraph break] Back towards your west lie the mountains and Forest Highland. Near the edge of the cliff, you spot an iron rung ladder leading down to the ridge just below. [paragraph break] [if hookUnChained is 0]Attached to one of the rungs is a large grappling hook and chain, though it isn't of much use in its current position. [else if hookTaken is 0]After playing with the lock, you have managed to release the grappling hook from the lock.[end if]†[Cliff Side] The Cliff Side is below the Upper Ridge. “You make your way from the upper ridge down to the cliff side and you see in a bit more detail the wreckage down below. There also seems to be some other figure down there, looking almost human, but not moving at all. [paragraph break] You'll have to get down there to get a better look. You can also still access the iron rung ladder to take you back up the cliff.[if secretDoorOpen is 1] The secret door is also open allowing you to access the inside. [end if]†[Island Peak] The Island Peak is northwest of the Forest Highland. “You stand on the top of the island, exhausted but proud of your climb. From here you can see the whole island: rock formations, forests, beaches, and all the other landforms. You notice many mushrooms dotted along the peak, some that are red and some that are blue. To the southwest is the bluffs and to the southeast of you is the forest highland that is blocked off by a ravine.†[Bluffs] The Bluffs are southwest of the Island Peak. “You’re on the bluffs overlooking the other side of the island. You notice that there is a rock formation harbouring a cove inside it right to your north, but it is way too far down. The cove has very calm waters surrounding it, meaning it is your best chance at escape from this island. As you look around, you realize that there is no way to get to the inner cove except through the swampland and the boggy waters which completely deters you. To the west of you there looks to be a cave but it is blocked off and to the north there is the north forest which lies at a much higher elevation. If you continue northeast, you will reach the island peak. As you walk around the east side you accidentally stub your toe on a wall. However you realize that parts of the wall are hollow but you aren’t sure which parts are hollow. Upon further examination, the wall looks out of place. You might need a device to find out which parts are hollow so you can find the true purpose of this suspicious wall. †[Rocky Bottom] The Rocky Bottom is below the Cliff Side. “The rocky bottom lies on the southeastern point of the island. You notice that there are also pieces of a wreckage scattered along the beach. You see several boards, matches, and a newspaper lying by a board. As you walk around the beach, you discover a grisly scene: a skeleton lying headfirst on a rock, almost as if they had fallen to their death from the cliff side above you.†[Hidden Tunnel] The Hidden Tunnel is a room. “[if unvisited] The password seems to have worked. As you make your way through the dark and eerily silent tunnel, you wonder why this entire structure was built here.[else] You stand in the dark eerie tunnel inside of the mountain. [end if][if locatorTaken is 0] something shiny glints and catches your eye. You walk towards it but you have no idea what the unknown object is.[end if]†[Control Room] The Control Room is north of the Hidden Tunnel. “You walk into a neatly organized room filled with several pieces of technology. The room resonates an eerie feel, as it looks like whoever was here left in a hurry, leaving everything still intact and plugged in. All the devices seem to be dead with the exception of one computer sitting on a desk, still somehow emitting a cool white glow. On the desk to your right, you notice a salt water purifier hidden behind a computer. There is a cave in west of you but upon further inspection your realize the cave in was made by sand and gravel, meaning it is impossible for you to excavate your way to the other side.†[Unknown Alcove] The Unknown Alcove is a room. “After navigating your way through the tunnels in the bluffs, you come across an unknown alcove. The first thing you come across is a large conference table and some chairs. You also notice a lot of debris and also potatoes germinating on the ground along with some tally marks on the wall. As your eyes scan the room you come across the gruesome sight of several skeletons, maybe a dozen in total. You scan across the rooms examining every skeleton, hoping that one will trigger any recollection of your prior memories. You have a strange feeling as you come across what looks like a female skeleton and two smaller skeletons. As you silently creep towards the skeletons, you notice the largest skeleton and one of the small skeletons have hair while one skeleton has short hair. Your heart sinks as you realize that the two smaller skeletons were hugging the largest skeleton, almost resonating the amount of despair they must have faced in their final moments. Reluctantly, you inch closer to the skeletons and notice an identification card on the largest skeleton clipped onto her shirt.†[Swampland] The Swampland is north of the Forest Clearing. “In the midst of the murky waters you see that there are alligators inhabiting the swamp. you slowly make your way into the rancid fen, making sure not to trip over roots and rocks. The smell is almost unbearable and your body screams at you to just leave, but you also see a bog lying further north at the edge of the island. If you want to go any deeper into the area, you’ll have to defeat the alligators first.†[Boggy Waters] The Boggy Waters are north of the Swampland. “Using the wading equipment you picked up previously, you make your way through the swampland and into boggy waters. [if unvisited] As you reach an isolated peninsula in the estuary, you notice two snakes. Suddenly your stomach growls and you realize that you have ignored your body and it’s pleas for food. The snakes look very similar but you know that one is venomous and one is not.[end if] As you look around, something northeast at the mouth of the estuary catches your eye. A rock formation with a brilliant sapphire tucked in the middle which completely mesmerizes you. You soon realize that this is the inner cove, and your best chance at escaping from this island.†[Inner Cove] The Inner Cove is northeast of the Boggy Waters. “You’ve made it to your final destination and your salvation awaits far into the great blue ocean, back to where you departed from. The waters of inner cove are surprisingly calm as the island peak blocks the tradewinds ravaging the rest of the island’s coasts. A rocky peninsula juts out and you can see the remnants of a wooden dock that was most likely used for ships before the island was deserted. A sign sits by the dock, but you can’t make out the words. The boggy waters lie southeast of you.†[***REGION DECLARATIONS***] The Entire Forest is a region. The South Forest, West Forest, North Forest, East Forest, Forest Clearing and The Gargantuan Tree are in The Entire Forest. The Beaches are a region. The Starting Beach, Gravel Beach, Pebble Beach and Rocky Bottom are in The Beaches. The Waterside is a region. The Beaches, The Pond and The Inner Cove are in the Waterside. The Mountains are a region. The Start of Slope, Forest Highland and Island Peak are in the Mountains. The Cliffs are a region. The Bluffs, Upper Ridge and Cliff Side are in the Cliffs. The Swamp is a region. The Swampland and Boggy Waters are in The Beaches. The Indoors is a region. Hidden Tunnel, Control Room, Entrance and Unknown Alcove are in the Indoors. The Outside Area is a region. The Entire Forest, Waterside, Mountains, Cliffs and Mysterious Rock Formation are in the Outside Area [***BACKDROP DECLARATIONS & DESCRIPTIONS***] The Blue Sky is a backdrop. It is in The Outside Area. "The sun slowly creeps over the horizon as the first bits of light start seeping into your eyes." The printed name is "the sky". Every turn: if generalTime is "Twilight": Now the description of the Blue Sky is “The sun slowly creeps over the horizon as the first bits of light start seeping into your eyes.â€; if generalTime is "Morning": Now the description of the Blue sky is “The morning sun easily lights up the bright blue sky.â€; if generalTime is "Afternoon": Now the description of the Blue sky is “The bright afternoon sun sits right above you in a perfectly cloudless sky.â€; if generalTime is "Dusk": Now the description of the Blue sky is “The sun slowly makes its way down and past the horizonâ€; if generalTime is "Evening": Now the description of the Blue sky is “The sky slowly darkens as the world is plunged into nightfall.â€; The Leaf Sky is a backdrop. It is in the Treetop and the Swamp. “You can’t see much up there through the thick canopy of leaves right above your head.†The printed name is "the canopy". Understand "leaves" as the Leaf Sky. The Ceiling is a backdrop. It is in Indoors. “The ceiling above stretches far above you and is covered with what seems to be strong steel plates.†Understand “Roof†as the Ceiling. The Sand Ground is a backdrop in the Starting Beach. “Beneath your feet are millions upon millions of sand grains. Some areas are still moist from the ocean tide.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Sand Ground. The Gravel Ground is a backdrop. The Gravel Ground is in the Gravel Beach. “Lots of tiny little rocks scattered across the groundâ€. The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Gravel Ground. The Pebble Ground is a backdrop in the Pebble Beach. “An assortment of tiny rocks lay at your feet, some of which look to be made of flint.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Pebble Ground. The Waterside Ground is a backdrop. It is in the Rocky Bottom and Inner Cove. “The rocky ground below your feet glistens with the ocean spray. Not very comfortable to walk around on, but still a sturdy ground nonethelessâ€. The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Waterside Ground. The Rocky Ground is a backdrop. It is in the Upper Ridge and the Cliff Side. “A large hard rocky surface stretches out beneath you.†Understand “Floor†as the Rocky Ground. The printed name is "the ground". The Pond Ground is a backdrop in the Pond. “In the middle of this grassy clearing lies a pond filled with water.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Pond Ground. The Forest Ground is a backdrop. It is in the Forest and the Mysterious Rock Formation. “The soft dirt beneath your feet provides a nice cushion to your step.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Forest Ground. The Tree Ground is a backdrop in the Treetop. “The only thing supporting you right now are a couple of extruding branches. Down below you lies the forest floor.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Tree Ground. The Mountain Ground is a backdrop. It is in the Mountains, the Upper Ridge and the Cliff Side. “The dirt is much harder here, worn down by years and years of mother nature grinding it down into a fine powder.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Mountain Ground. The Bluffs Ground is a backdrop in the Bluffs. “The fine-grained soil is really lose here. It seems as if the ground could break away at any moment.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Bluffs Ground. The Swampy Ground is a backdrop in the Swampland. “The soil here is a lot softer than anywhere else in the island, and every steps creates a large squelching sound below. Dead alligators litter the floor from your massacre floating up and down in various pools of swamp water.†The printed name is "the ground". Understand “Floor†as the Swampy Ground. The Boggy Ground is a backdrop in the Boggy Waters. “The soil has completely eroded away at this point as you stand in a pool of swampy water. The trees' roots are clearly visible above the waterline and the entire area looks as if it is floating in some heavenly lagoon.†Understand “Floorâ€, "lagoon", "water" and "swampy" as the Boggy Ground. The Floor is a backdrop. It is in the Indoors. “The tiled floor seems to be made of a very high quality quartz.†Understand “Ground†as the Floor. [***"DOORS" AND BLOCKAGES***] [The Beaches] The ocean is a backdrop. It is in the Beaches, The Cliffs and the Inner Cove. "The ocean seems to stretch on forever in that direction. You can't seem to make out any land at all. Your island seems to be completely isolated. [if the location of the player is the Inner Cove]However, the water seems noticeably calmer here than anywhere else on the island. [otherwise]The rough waves seem to beat relentlessly at the beach side, creating large swaths of swirling sand in its wake. [end if]" [Starting Beach] The brambles are a backdrop. It is in the Starting Beach, South Forest and West Forest. "A variety of brambles and sticks block your passage to western part of the forest. You'll have to cut through them first before you can get past." The indefinite article of the brambles is "some". Understand "Sticks" and "Blockage" as the brambles. The rocky outcroppings are a backdrop. It is in the Starting Beach, Gravel Beach and Rocky Bottom. "A series of large rocky outcroppings prevent you from making any progress up or down the length of the beach." The Branches_Vines are a backdrop. It is in the Starting Beach, South Forest, East Forest and Pond. "A series of very elastic vines and branches are tangled in the trees surrounding the east forest. You'll need something very sharp in order to cut through those, anything else will require too much effort in order to make any progress in cutting those things." The printed name is "the branches and vines". [The Entire Forest] The deciduous trees are a backdrop. It is in the Entire Forest, The Mysterious Rock Formation and The Pond. "The trees in this forest seem to be leafy deciduous trees that have really matured from years of undisturbed growth. Some of them have grown so dense that they prevent free passage through the forest. I can really only move a couple of select directions." The printed name is "the trees". Understand "Dense" and "Leafy" as the Deciduous trees. [North Forest] The fallen tree are a backdrop. It is in the North Forest, South Forest and Pond. "A couple of giant logs from very old trees have fallen in front of the path, there is no way I'm getting past it without cutting them all down." Understand "Log", "Logs", "giant" and "Old" as the fallen tree the steep slope up is a backdrop. It is in the North Forest and The Pond. "That direction contains a slope that is too steep for me to climb. I'll have to find another way to get up there." The printed name is "the steep slope". [Mountains] the steep slope down is a backdrop. It is in The Mountains and the Bluffs. "That direction contains a slope that is too steep for me to descend. I'll have to find another way to get down there." The printed name is "the steep slope". The drop off is a backdrop. It is in the Mountains and the Cliffs. "That part of the island leads straight to the ocean, falling off that edge is certain death." The ravine is a backdrop. It is in the Forest Highland and the Island Peak. "For some reason, a large ravine separates a large section of the mountains in 2. If you're going to want to get to the other side, you're going to need something taught to walk across." The barren trees are a backdrop. It is in the Mountains, The Upper Ridge and the bluffs. "The trees here have grown into the rocky soil and as a result have much less leafage than the ones back in the forest. The branches and overall structure are much more hardened and scraggly." Understand "branches" as the Barren Trees. The CliffBackdrop is a backdrop. It is in the Start of Slope. "You can see the bottom of a rocky beach at the bottom of a cliff. You can see the remaining bits of wreckage down there, but the difference in elevation and lack of access points prevents you from getting anywhere near." The printed name is "the cliff". [The Cliffs] The SlopeBackdrop is a backdrop. It is in the Cliff Side. "Back towards the west, you can see the slop that you climbed to get up here." The printed name is "the slope". The Cliff Wall Top is a backdrop. It is in the Upper Ridge and Cliff Side. "A sheer cliff drops off before you to a very rocky looking beach, if you can even call it that. At the bottom lies a whole bunch of wreckage from your ship.[if the location of the player is the Upper Ridge]You can also see some metal rungs firmly implanted onto the side of the wall. Attached to one of the rungs is a grappling hook.[end if]". The printed name is "the cliff edge". The InnerCoveBackdrop is a backdrop. It is in the Bluffs. "Below you can see what seems to be an inner cove inset into the side of the island. The water on that side of the island is much calmer than the rest of the coastlines, and if anything, would be your best bet at escaping. It is hard to make out any other details from here, but you can clearly see that the only way to get there is through the swamp. Unless you want to try and trek down of course, but the soil here doesn't look the safest. All in all, the area looks pretty blocked off, and you really don't want to get out of here until you've figured out why you are here in the first place." The printed name is "the inner cove". Understand "Cliff", "Drop" and "Edge" as the InnerCoveBackdrop The Cliff Wall Bottom is a backdrop. It is in the Rocky Bottom and the Inner Cove. "Just to your side stands a large cliff wall leading all the way up the mountains. Looking up, you can see a bit of rock crumble down the side and drop to the bottom." The printed name is "the cliff wall". The SecretCliff Wall is a backdrop. It is in the Cliff Side. "Just to your side stands a large cliff wall leading the rest of the way up the mountains. There seems to be a little odd inset into the cliff wall, or maybe that's just in your head. Metal rungs firmly implanted in place give you a stable ladder to climb back up the cliff face." The printed name is "the cliff wall". Understand "Cliff" as the SecretCliff Wall. [The Swamp] The swampy trees are a backdrop. It is in the Swampland and the Boggy Waters. "The large looming trees seem to reek with malevolence and evil. Their large roots and hulking branches stick out almost as if they are trying to attack you. The thick canopy above also makes the entire environment a lot dimmer and murkier. Just like in the forest, the density of the trees only allows you to really travel in one direction, unless you want to get lost forever." The printed name is "the trees". Understand "looming", "roots", "hulking" and "branches" as the Swampy Trees. [The Indoors] The suspicious wall is a backdrop. It is in the Bluffs. ["if wallLocated is 0)The wall here looks very out of place, but you can't quite place why. (otherwise if wallLocated is 1) It turns out your suspicions were right, this wall isn't as wall-like as it might seem! In fact, judging by the reading on the locator, there's an entire cavern in there!."] The hole is a backdrop. [Conditional]It is in the Bluffs and the Unknown Alcove. "After arduously breaking your way through the wall with your chisel, you finally made a hole big enough for you to climb through." The secret door is a backdrop. It is in the Cliff Side. "Concealed cleverly into the side of cliffs there is a very faint outline of a door with the same colour as its surroundings. The door is locked and on it are several dials - 5 to be exact - which can all be rotated to different letters of the alphabet. This probably requires a code of some sort, but you don't know what it is. You swear you've seen something that may lead to the answer, but you can't remember what... ". Understand "indent" and "wall" as the secret door. The DoorOpened is a backdrop. [Conditional]It is in the Cliff Side and the Hidden Tunnel. "The thick steel door hangs open on its hinges." The printed name is "the secret door". The steel plated walls are a backdrop. It is in the Indoors. "Thick steel plating surrounds you on all sides." The cave in is a backdrop. It is in the Control Room and the Unknown Alcove. "A huge heap of sand, dirt and gravel lies in the middle of the room. It is hard to tell if it is actually blocking anything off, or if its supposed to be there. Trying to dig it out just results in more gravel falling from above." [***OBJECT DECLARATIONS & DESCRIPTIONS***] [Starting] The player carries the pocket knife. The pocket knife is scenery. The description of the pocket knife is "Just a normal pocket knife. It sits perfectly in your hand as you grasps it, the blade glistening as you examine it. Engraved on the handle is some fine print reading ‘UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’. The knife is only six inches long; useful for cutting small shrubs or some vegetation, but nothing thicker." The player is wearing wet tattered clothes. The wet clothes are scenery. The description of the wet clothes is "Your clothes are drenched with brine. You’re wearing khaki cargo shorts along with a black t-shirt and black running shoes. You shoes slosh as you walk and water drips slowly from your clothes. You’ll want to get rid of these clothes soon as even the gentlest breeze makes your spine chill." [Pills are a stat resource -> see below] [Starting Beach] startWreckage is scenery in the Starting Beach. The printed name is "wreckage". The description of startWreckage is "Around you you see what seems to be parts of a wreckage. Many wooden boards of varying sizes lay scattered along the beach, but you cannot see any other signs of a vessel: no mast, sails, motor, or anything."; Understand "wreckage" as startWreckage. The harness is wearable in the Starting Beach. "". The description of harness is "[if canTakeHarness is 0]A piece of leather seems to be sticking out from underneath some of the wreckage.[else]I can now make out the small piece of leather as an old worn-out harness, however its probably still useful to keep it on you.[end if]." Understand "leather" and "piece" as the harness. canTakeHarness is a number that varies. Instead of taking harness: if canTakeHarness is 1: continue the action; else: say "The leather seems to be stuck."; [South Forest] [The only thing here are the berry bushes which are numbered resources. -> see below] [Mysterious Rock Formation] The actualRockFormation is scenery in the Mysterious Rock Formation. The printed name of actualRockFormation is "mysterious rock formation". The description of actualRockFormation is "You walk closer to the rock formation and examine it. The rock looks very out of place in this seemingly normal forest, being strangely organized and 'planted' Eventually you notice certain bits of circuitry and such sticking out and by the antennae shaped protrusions on the side of the rock, you deem it to be something similar to a communication device. You don't know why you know that, but that's just what comes to mind. [if collectionTaken is 0][paragraph break]In the corner you see a strange collection of items: a weird wristband, a dry change of clothes, a metalflask and what seems to be rations labelled inside a box that says ‘EMERGENCY RATIONS’. It's almost as if someone else was living here... [paragraph break]Moving towards the last rock, you notice some writing engraved on the rock." Understand "mysterious", "rock" and "formation" as the actualRockFormation. the writing is scenery on the actualRockFormation. The description of the writing is "The writing on the rock is very small, and you can barely make it out. You think It says: ‘Used to threaten, used to defeat. Sometimes it grows, sometimes it shrinks. Used to conquer, used to protect. It marks your downfall, it marks your success. The true god of war, the creator of mess.' You are very confused why its here, but it has to mean something right?". The indefinite article of writing is "some". the collection of items is in the Mysterious Rock Formation. "Somewhere to the side of the rock, you see what looks like to be collection of items that almost look like someone had setup camp here and run off.". The description of the collection of items is "The collection contains: [line break][if healthTaken is 0]a personal health monitor [line break][end if][if flaskTaken is 0]a metal flask [line break][end if][if clothesTaken is 0]some dry clothes [line break][end if][if rationsTaken is 0]some emergency rations[line break][end if]" Instead of taking collection of items: say "You have taken a personal health monitor, a metal flask, some dry clothes and some emergency rations."; now the player carries the metal flask; now the player carries dry clothes; now the player carries personal health monitor; now the player carries emergency rations; move collection of items to null; now collectionTaken is 1; The personal health monitor is scenery in the Mysterious Rock Formation. The description of the personal health monitor is " ". Instead of examining personal health monitor: if the player carries the personal health monitor: if familySeen is 0: say " Your Hunger level is: [Hunger / 100]% [line break] Your Thirst level is: [(Thirst / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your Warmth level is: [(Warmth / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your Energy level is: [(Energy / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your Pain level is: [((10000 - lackOfPain) / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your overall physical health is at: [(HealthStat / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your overall mental health is at: [(Sanity / 10) to the nearest 1]% [line break]"; else: say " Your Hunger level is: [Hunger / 100]% [line break] Your Thirst level is: [(Thirst / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your Warmth level is: [(Warmth / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your Energy level is: [(Energy / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your Pain level is: [((10000 - lackOfPain) / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your overall physical health is at: [(HealthStat / 100) to the nearest 1]% [line break] Your overall mental health is at: 0% [line break] However, you seem to now carry a stat called resolve, which is at [(Sanity / 10) to the nearest 1]%"; otherwise: say "It's a curious looking wristband that seems to be constantly ticking with numbers. Upon picking it up, you notice that it seems to be displaying your 'health' somehow. You are for some reason familiar with this technology, but can't remember why or how it works. It would probably be useful to keep this on you."; The metal flask is scenery in the Mysterious Rock Formation. The description of the metal flask is "This metal flask engraved with quite a few strange markings and looks to be made with stainless steel. The cup fits well into your hand and will be useful for holding drinking water and carrying who knows what else." The dry clothes are wearable scenery in the Mysterious Rock Formation. The description of the dry clothes is "These clothes somehow seem to fit you perfectly. You have a complete set of clothes with a black crewneck, black track pants and black work boots. These clothes are definitely better than your old soggy ones." Before wearing dry clothes: say "You quickly strip out of your old 'clothes' - if they can even be called that - and throw them into the forest. They seem to have been through a lot as they have been reduced to nothing more than a few pieces of cloth. After putting on the dry clothes, you are surprised by how well they seem to fit, maybe a bit tight in some areas, but all around much better and much warmer than before."; now Warmth is Warmth + 4000; move wet tattered clothes to null; The emergency rations are edible scenery in the Mysterious Rock Formation. The description of the emergency rations is "Weird canned food that says ‘FOOD RATIONS’. As you open the can you notice that it is mushy and that it smells very strange, but not overly rotten at the same time. Canned food is often preserved for a long time so there should be no issue with eating it." Instead of eating emergency rations: say "As you look, inside, you realize there isn't too much left, but anything to satisfy your hunger is good enough for you. As you scrape the last of it into your mouth, you think to yourself that it doesn't taste too bad. In fact, it seems to have filled you up quite a bit."; now Hunger is Hunger + 2500; move emergency rations to null; healthTaken is a number that varies. flaskTaken is a number that varies. clothesTaken is a number that varies. rationsTaken is a number that varies. Every turn: if healthTaken is 1 and flaskTaken is 1 and clothesTaken is 1 and rationsTaken is 1: move collection of items to null; now collectionTaken is 1; Instead of taking metal flask: if healthTaken is 0: say "Taken."; now the player carries the metal flask; now the flaskTaken is 1; Instead of taking dry clothes: if clothesTaken is 0: say "Taken."; now the player carries the dry clothes; now the clothesTaken is 1; Instead of taking personal health monitor: if healthTaken is 0: say "Taken."; now the player carries the personal health monitor; now the healthTaken is 1; Instead of taking emergency rations: if rationsTaken is 0: say "Taken."; now the player carries the emergency rations; now the rationsTaken is 1; [The Pond] The actualPond is scenery in the Pond. The description of the actualPond is "a small pond of water rests in the middle of the clearing." Understand "water" and "pond" as the actualPond [fish are a numbered resource for stats -> see below] the reeds are in the Pond. The description of the reeds is "The long reeds provide a haven for many small insects and fish hiding amongst the maze of reeds. The hollow insides of the blowgun remind you of how you used to make spitball cannons out of straws when you were younger." reedsForPlayer is a thing. the printed name of reedsForPlayer is "reed" Instead of taking reeds: if reedsTaken is 0: say "Taken."; now the player carries reedsForPlayer; now reedsTaken is 1; else: say "I don't think I'll need more than 1 reed."; the large paperclip is a thing. the description of the large paperclip is "Nothing really special about it, just a large paperclip. Can't think of much use for it either, other than reaching into small crevices.". [the large paperclip is retrieved during a diving action -> see below] [West Forest] the rusty old axe is in the West Forest. The initial appearance of rusty old axe is " ". The description of rusty old axe is "The axe may be rusty but it still does its job well and can cut through wood blocking your path." the beehive is scenery in the West Forest. The description of beehive is "[if hiveSmoked is 0]You hear bees buzzing along the beehive. As you walk around the hive, you realize how large these bees are and do not look normal whatsoever. One step towards the hive, and the insects seem to swarm in a frenzy. So you decide to leave a large berth around the hive and examine it from the distance. [else if hiveSmoked is 1]The beehive from earlier is now silent after all the bees ran away. You stare down at the cracked hive on the floor, cursing the bees for making such a ruckus and knocking their own hive down. You were really hoping to get some of that sweet honey, but now if you try to get some, the only thing you would get are some stick hands. Who knows though, it might be useful.[end if]" [see beehive puzzle down below] [Gravel Beach] gravelWreckage is scenery in the Gravel Beach. The printed name is "wreckage". The description of gravelWreckage is "Moving closer to the wreckage, you can make out what seems to be a snorkel underneath some wooden boards. Similarly to the other wreckages, there seems to be wooden boards scattered everywhere." Understand "wreckage" as gravelWreckage. the family portrait is scenery in the Gravel Beach. The description of family portrait is "In the photo you see yourself along with a woman, a little boy and a little girl. Can't really make much of it other than wonder why its here." Instead of taking family portrait: say "There isn't really a need to take that, especially since you don't really know what it means."; the snorkel is wearable in the Gravel Beach. "Initial appearance." The description of snorkel is "A simple mask with a snorkel that may be useful if you need to dive and find something underwater." leather scraps are in the Gravel Beach. The description of the leather scraps is "Some spare leather scraps litter the ground in an area, but don't seem like they would do a very good job at warming you up. Still might be a good idea to keep them as spare insulation though." [Forest Clearing] a snake_notice sign is scenery in the forest clearing. The printed name of the snake notice sign is "notice sign". The description of the snake notice sign is "As you look at the sign you see snakes that look the same. The sign reads: ‘Remember: Red to black, it’s okay Jack. Red to yellow, Jack is a dead fellow, with a picture of snakes around it. A very curious little rhyme, though it would've been much more useful if there were actually snakes in the area." Understand "notice" and "sign" as the snake_notice sign. [poppies are a resource that effect stats --> see below] [Pebble Beach] pebbleWreckage is scenery in the Pebble Beach. The printed name is "wreckage". The description of pebbleWreckage is "The wreckage on pebble beach has a couple unique pieces. Like the other wreckages, you notice a lot of wooden boards lying around but you also notice what seems to be a mast, tattered sails, and boards." Understand "wreckage" as pebbleWreckage. [rocks are a numbered resource --> see below] flint is in the pebble beach. The description of flint is "among the numerous rocks, you also manage to spot some pieces of flint. It will definitely be useful for lighting a fire." tattered sail is in the pebble beach. The description of the tattered sail is "Looks like the sail that you used in order to arrive here, however now it has a bunch of holes in it that make it practically useless. If you're going to be ever want to escape from this island, you're going to need to fix it." mast is in the pebble beach. The description of the mast is "Somehow, the majority of the mast has managed to stay intact, though it definitely seems quite a bit smaller. It seems as if some section on the end have splintered off, but the mast still looks in quite good shape." [Gargantuan Tree] [vines are a numbered resource --> see below] the actualTree is in the Gargantuan Tree. The printed name of the actualTree is "the gargantuan tree." The description of the actualTree is "The tree in the northwestern most point stands the tallest amongst all the trees in the island by far. The tree must have a diameter of at least two meters and it is full of various vegetation such as mosses that grow on it and ferns that grow by its roots. The whole tree seems to be a supernatural freak of nature as if something affected it. When you walk a full rotation around the gargantuan tree, you see some marks on the trunk." treeMarks are on the actualTree. The printed name of the treeMarks is "some strange markings". The indefinite article of treeMarks is "some". the description of treeMarks is "You examine the weird marks on the tree but realize that over the years the tree must have regenerated some of its’ bark where the scratches or writing once was. All you can see now is some weird scratches that look like arrows pointing towards nothing, but no concrete words.". [Treetop] The machete is in the Treetop. "Initial Description." The description of the machete is "This machete somehow got stuck up in the gargantuan tree. Perhaps a typhoon caused the wreckages and also threw the machete out here. The machete will be very useful for cutting thick brush and vegetation." the treeFromTreetop is in the Treetop. The printed name of the treeFromTreetop is "the gargantuan tree." The description of the treeFromTreetop is "Now that you stand near the top of the tree, you have quite a good view of the island you are on including a swamp, some mountains and a large cliff face. However, climbing down from this height may prove to be quite tiring." [North Forest] [dry grass, logs, and kindling are renewable resources] the burrow is a open scenery container in the South Forest. The description of the burrow is "In the middle of the forest, beside the dry patch of grass, you also notice a section of the trees that seems to be inset a bit. Upon closer examination, you notice how dry and clean the spot is and deem it as a good place to store your stuff, especially since its so near where you would like to set up your base camp.". the burrow is the player's holdall. [East Forest] some small sticks are in the East Forest. "Initial description." The indefinite article of small branches is "a bunch of". The description of small branches is "The branches don’t look like anything special but when you try to snap them out of pure curiosity, you notice that they don’t break and that they are surprisingly strong. The sticks are also very thin and streamlined, making them very aerodynamic and good for ammo for a projectile weapon." branchesForPlayer is a thing. the printed name of branchesForPlayer is "small sticks". the indefinite article of branchesForPlayer is "a bunch of". The description of branchesForPlayer is " ". Instead of taking small sticks: if sticksTaken is 0: say "Taken."; now the player carries branchesForPlayer; now sticksTaken is 1; if sticksTaken is 1: if madeDarts is 1: say "I already took the branches and made them into darts. I don't think I need anymore."; else: say "I already took a bunch of small branches. I don't think I need anymore."; Instead of examining small branches: if madeDarts is 0: continue the action; if madeDarts is 1: now the printed name of branchesForPlayer is "darts"; now the description of branchesForPlayer is "a series of sharp darts that could be lethal if used at high velocity."; continue the action; [Start of Slope] the glint in your eye is scenery in the start of slope. The description of the glint in your eye is "After you saw the glint, you try to peer closer at the pond, but it is too far away for you to make anything out. It would probably be a good idea to see what is the perpetrator of that glint because it is most likely something useful." Understand "pond" as the glint in your eye. [Forest Highland] a mushroom notice sign is scenery in the forest clearing. The printed name of the mushroom notice sign is "notice sign". The description of the mushroom notice sign is "You see yet another notice sign up here on the highlands. This one says 'Blue with white, you're all right. White on red, you'll be dead'. Once again, some more useless sign because you see no red, white or blue objects in sight." [Upper Ridge] the grappling hook is in the Upper Ridge. The description of the grappling hook is "[if hookUnChained is 0]There is also a grappling hook chained to an iron rung.[else]After picking the lock the grappling hook and its long chain have been released.[end if]". Understand "chain" as the grappling hook. the ladderTop is scenery in the Upper Ridge. The printed name of ladderTop is "iron rung ladder." The description of ladderTop is "You notice on the side of the cliff are some iron bars nailed to the side. It seems as if they would be helpful in allowing you to descend the cliff face.[if hookUnChained is 0] There also seems to be a grappling hook attached to one the rungs.[end if]". Understand "iron", "rung" and "ladder" as the ladderTop [Cliff Side] the ladderBottom is scenery in the Upper Ridge. The printed name of ladderBottom is "metal rung ladder." The description of ladderBottom is "Standing on the side of the cliff, the ladder that you used to get down here is still visible to your side". cliffMarks are scenery in the Cliff Side. The printed name of the cliffMarks is "some strange markings". The indefinite article of cliffMarks is "some". the description of cliffMarks is "Just like on the tree, there seems to be some more strange marks here, with arrows, and various other symbols that you can't really understand. However, this time, someone actually engraved them into rock...". [Island Peak] [mushrooms are a renewable resource too] [Bluffs] the long metal rod is in the bluffs. The description of the long metal rod is "[if rodTaken is 0]In the tree to your side, you spy yet another object that has been lodged into the branches. Obviously, this one isn't as impressive as the one all the way up in the gargantuan tree, but still strange nonetheless.[end if] You think the object is some sort of long metal rod that longs similar to a crowbar." Understand "crowbar" as the long metal rod. bluffMarks are scenery in the Bluffs. The printed name of the bluffMarks is "some strange markings". The indefinite article of bluffMarks is "some". the description of bluffMarks is "This now makes the third set of marks you saw, this time engraved into the soft soil, you can make a out a bit more of what it is trying to say. You think it is pointing the cove in front of you, though you don't know why." [Rocky Bottom] rockyWreckage is scenery in the Pebble Beach. The printed name is "last bits of wreckage". The description of rockyWreckage is "Now at the base of the cliff face, you have finally located the last bits of your shipwreck. It seems that the majority of the hull of the ship had washed up here, and you see various trinkets that would be of use: including and ID card, some newspapers and a bottle of sealant." Understand "wreckage" as rockyWreckage. The ID card is in the Rocky Bottom. The description of the ID card is "It really is quite strange how this small plastic ID card is your first reminder of who you are. You see a picture that you recognize unmistakably as yourself. Beside is your name: 'Mark Hill', and under that your profession. Everything is now coming back to you, your life as a governmental officer, and your passion to protect others at all costs. You spent your life working away at all sorts of protective measures for people, up until the war. Up until the moment you had separated from your family, up until now, where you began your quest to find them once again. However, it took your 5 years to even come up with enough funds and materials to build a small boat to go out into see. Technology was set much farther back than you had predicted, and after years of struggling in the aftermath, you had finally done it, you could find them again. So now you knew why you were here, but the question is, where could they be? You have to find and located them before you ever leave this dreaded place. [paragraph break] You also notice some garbled writing in the bottom right hand corner of the card." The weird writing is on the ID card. The description of the weird writing is "There seems to be some strange text on the bottom of your card reading in no language that you know of. 'Urp fw Ivtbfezex' It says, but you can't remember what is was for. If its on your ID card, it has to have some meaning..." The newspaper is in the Rocky Bottom. The description of the newspaper is "Picking up the soggy piece of paper, you can barely make out the headline. 'THE BOMB HAS BEEN DROPPED, WORLD THROWN INTO CHAOS'. At first, you are confused, where was this from? Then you remember: the greatest war the world has ever seen, the development of nuclear weapons, the tension, the risk, the fear, and who could forget, the attack. The first moment you saw that mushroom cloud off in the distance, you knew it was over. There was no hope of safety or reconciliation, the world had entered nuclear war. Such a simple misunderstanding on a missile radar lead to what was possibly the world' greatest overreaction. Both US and the Soviets fought in what they believed was self-defense, and before you knew it, 80% of the world’s livable land was reduced to rubble, and the remaining population has to salvage what is left. The world is flung into a dark age and technology is set back immensely. Technology such as electricity and airplanes no longer worked and were no longer safe to operate.[paragraph break] Caught in the middle of it all, you were no different, and quickly told your family to evacuate to the secret island. The one that had been built for safety in these situations, and was kept secret from the majority of the world. However, as a high-up official, you had no means of evacuating yourself. You had to stay here and protect the people, you couldn't have been running away. And so you stayed, and told them one day, after this was all over, you would be able to meet them again. That one day, after you put together a way to reach them, you would find them again. Now you knew why you were here, but the question is, where could they be? You have to find and located them before you ever leave this dreaded place. [paragraph break] You also see on the back of the newspaper, some other piece of paper is attached." The blueprint is part of the newspaper. The description of the blueprint is "It looks like some strange plans for a some complicated device, but for the life of you, can't remember what it was for." The marine sealant is in the Rocky Bottom. The description of marine sealant is "As you examine the bottle, you remember it as the marine sealant that you always kept on you after your sail ripped while wake boarding in the Caribbean. You always kept it on you while at sea just in case it happened again, and it seems it might have worked out. You're still surprised at how it washed up here with all the other wreckage though." the dead body is scenery in the Rocky Bottom. The description of the dead body is "Looking at the scene, you see what looks be a body that has suffered a severe form of blunt force trauma, suggesting that he might've fallen from above. Seeing this confirms your suspicions that you are not alone on this island and that there were in fact other humans interacting with the land. It would explain some of the trampled grass and strange markings you've seen around, though for some reason, you feel like he wasn't alone. [paragraph break] On him, he is carrying some fishing equipment, waders, a strange metal tool and some matches" The fishing equipment is in the Rocky Bottom. The description of the fishing rod is "It seems as if he was first intending to go fishing along this rocky shore, though you can't fathom why he would choose this coast of all places. Obviously, getting down would've been insanely difficult, especially with all the equipment, and it seems like it didn't go very well for him. But the equipment seems to have done quite well, and after gathering some of the bait and tackle scattered along the beach, you have a full set of equipment in front of you." The waders are in the Rocky Bottom. The description of the waders is "Along with the other fishing equipment, he also seemed to be wearing some large water-proof overalls that you remember as waders - good for walking through shallow waters." The chisel is in the Rocky Bottom. " ". The description of the chisel is "Upon closer examination, you realize the tool is actually quite similar to a chisel, and would explain the strange markings. Maybe he was the one engraving them into the side of the trees and the cliff." Understand "strange", "metal" and "tool" as the chisel. The matches are in the Rocky Bottom. " ". The description of the matches is "Inside one of the pockets, you also find a regular pack of matches. Probably a good thing to keep on you as a portable light source." [Hidden Tunnel] knowAboutLocator is a number that varies The unknown handheld object is in the Hidden Tunnel. "Initial Appearance." The description of the unknown handheld object is "You aim the unknown device at the wall and press the red button on it. The device suddenly starts beeping vigorously as you walk closer to the wall. You then walk away and notice the beeping subsides. Walking back to the wall, the beeping starts getting louder and louder. You inspect the wall and knock on it, finding out that it is hollow. You hypothesize that the device is some ultrasonic locator of sorts that can detect whether a wall is hollow or not. This may help you find out where secret entrances are." Understand "ultrasonic" and "locator" as the unknown handheld object. After taking unknown handheld object: now the description of unknown handheld object is "You hypothesize that the device is some ultrasonic locator of sorts that can detect whether a wall is hollow or not. This may help you find out where secret entrances are."; now the printed name of unknown handheld object is "ultrasonic locator"; now the description of unknown handheld object is "a device used to detect hollow walls"; [Control Room] The computer is scenery in the Control Room. The description of the computer is "This is just an old style computer that was most likely used to track military activities. Somehow the power is still on and the computer is still running. The computer hums and the screen is on with a white glow, but it the computer does not seem to be ‘on’, just emitting light. It looks like you might want to look at the keyboard and see if you can turn it on." The buttons are a part of the computer. The description of the buttons is "You look at the keyboard with a bunch of buttons. You have no idea what buttons do what and you have to guess which one you need to press to turn on the computer. Next to those unknown buttons, is the keyboard which will allow you to enter the password for the computer." Understand "button" as the buttons. computerLoggedOn is a number that varies. The files are a part of the computer. The description of the files is "As you scroll through the files, you see various articles and software that support your memories about the war on Earth. However, two main files jump out at you, the building schematics, and the photos folder." The schematics are a part of the files. The description of the schematics is "As you look at the schematics, you realize where you actually are and the fact that the room most likely was blocked off by what seems to be a cave in. Looking at the schematics, you see that the room you are in is much larger in the map and that the wall that is blocking you off seems to cut off an entire section of the room." Understand "map" and "building" as the schematics. The photo folder are a part of the files. The description of the photo folder is "You look through the photos folder and come across photos of someone that looks exactly like you . You also see pictures of your family that you must have taken when you arrived at the island earlier. After going through the photos and files for hours, you realize who you are and how much you left behind. Under your name, you see that you have recorded that your family is staying in this island to hide from the nuclear fallout. It just seems really odd to you where everyone went. If they really were here, they couldn't have just disappeared." Understand "photos" as the photo folder. Instead of examining the files: if computerLoggedOn is 1: continue the action; else: say "I need to log onto the computer first." knowledgeOfAlcove is a number that varies. Instead of examining the schematics: if computerLoggedOn is 1: continue the action; now knowledgeOfAlcove is 1; else: say "I need to log onto the computer first." Instead of examining the photo folder: if computerLoggedOn is 1: continue the action; [██████████ MEMORY + 1 ██████████ ] else: say "I need to log onto the computer first." the saltwater purifier is in the Control Room. The description of the saltwater purifier is "It seems as if the room was left behind with a lot of very useful technologies almost as if someone was in a hurry. You quickly go through the items and find a very useful saltwater purifier." purifierFilled is a number that varies. Instead of using saltwater purifier on something: if the second noun is the ocean: say "you stick the saltwater purifier in the ocean and after waiting 20 minutes, you find a nice collection of seemingly freshwater in the basin. [line break] *Ahh* [line break]You drink it right away and instantly feel your thirst quenched"; now Thirst is Thirst + 2000; now the time of day is 19 minutes after the time of day; else: say "The [noun] won't be able to purify that!"; [Unknown Alcove] the conglomeration of skeletons are scenery in the Unknown Alcove. The description of the conglomeration of skeletons is "Your spine tingles as you look at all the skeletons and imagine what they must have been in theri past life. No skeleton really stands out except the large skeleton and two little skeletons you noticed before." your family is scenery in the Unknown Alcove. The description of your family is " ". [examining family in the steps at the bottom] [potatoes are renewable] debris is scenery in the Unknown Alcove. The description of the debris is "Large amounts of rubble and sand litter the floor, further confirming your suspicions that there may have been a cave in and that this room may have been blocked off." Tables are scenery in the Unknown Alcove. The description of the tables is "A normal conference table that the previous inhabitants of the island must have discussed important matters on. Scattered on the table are empty duo tangs and folders, with the rings of the pages still remaining almost as if the files were ripped out. The table is dusty and there seems to be nothing important on it." Chairs are scenery in the Unknown Alcove. The description of the chairs is "Just regular chairs with comfortable neck support perfect for people working long hours behind the screen. The chairs have lost most of their foam and have slowly worn away over time but they still are comfortable. You don’t notice anything by the chairs." Beds are scenery in the Unknown Alcove. The description of the beds is "This must be where the people that used to reside on the island slept. Pushing on the mattress, you realize that it is very stiff and that you’d much rather sleep by your campfire instead of on a dusty, hard, and cold mattress." tallyMarks are scenery in the Unknown Alcove. The printed name of the tallyMarks is "counting days". The indefinite article of tallyMarks is "some". the description of tallyMarks is "You notice some tally marks and as you finish counting you come up to only the number fifty two. The people must have ended up asphyxiating because you see that there are potatoes meaning they had food and also water which meant they didn't die from dehydration..." [Swampland] the alligators are scenery in the swampland. The description of the alligators is "Ferocious three and a half meter alligators stand guarding the swampland. They snap at each other, claiming their own strips of territory. There is enough open space between them that if you kill one, you should have an opening through before a new one takes its territory.". Before examining alligators: if alligatorsDead is 1: now the description of alligators is "The giant beats now lay motionless on the ground. You poke and prod to make sure they are truly dead, and find out that there skin really is quite tough and may be even useful. You must have gotten really lucky with those darts..."; alligatorsDead is a number that varies. [Boggy Waters] Snakes are in the swamp. The indefinite article of snakes is "a couple of". The description of snakes is "A couple of very lethal looking snakes hang from the trees. Approaching them without a weapon would probably be a very bad idea, seeing as they hiss every time you move. You're going to have to kill them if you want passage to the Inner Cove". the red black snake is edible thing. " ". The description of red black snake is "Its a snake with red and black bands". the red yellow snake is edible thing. " ". The description of red yellow snake is "Its a snake with red and yellow bands". SnakesDead is a number that varies. areaCleared is a number that varies. Instead of taking snakes: say "Upon taking the snakes, you realize there are 2 distinct different types."; move snakes to null; now the player carries red black snake; now the player carries red yellow snake; Instead of consuming: if the noun is red black snake or the noun is red yellow snake: if snakesDead is 0: say "How am I going to eat a live snake?"; if snakesDead is 1 and the noun is the red yellow snake: say "After peeling away a section of the scales and taking a huge bite you find that nothing really happens. However, you soon feel an aching pain in your abdomen, and quickly black out. You feel your body hit the ground, but not long after that, everything is gone."; end the game in death; if snakesDead is 1 and the noun is the red black snake: say "After peeling away a section of the scales and taking a huge bite you find that the snake tastes surprisingly OK and although you've definitely eaten better, it fills you up in no time. Soon, and although you don't know why, you feel completely regenerated and are ready to move on."; now Hunger is 10000; move red black snake to null; else: continue the action; Instead of doing anything other than attacking snakes with something in Boggy Waters: if the second noun is the machete: now SnakesDead is 1; say "You quickly attack the snakes with the large blade, slicing away at their skin, and find that you easily cut through their bodies. Both snakes quickly fall to the ground, and you notice that they have different colored bands. One red and black, the other red and yellow. Soon after your fit with these reptiles however, you hear your stomach growl. You realize it was a horrible idea now to come in here with no food, and you have to eat something soon or else you are a goner."; now Hunger is 55; now areaCleared is 1; if the second noun is the pocket knife: now SnakesDead is 1; say "You quickly attack the snakes with your small blade, Only for them to quickly slink out of range. You turn around to look for them when you feel their fangs sink into your skin. You're going to need a bigger blade is the last thought you think as you fall into darkness."; end the game in death; else: say "[the second noun] was useless against the snakes, but after attacking it, you are now too close to the snakes to be able to run away, and it is too late to try doing something else. You feel the fangs of reptile sink into your skin and it isn't long after before you black out."; end the game in death; [Inner Cove] null is a room. Releasing is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "drop [a number] [something]" as Releasing. Acquiring it is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "take [a number] [something]" as Acquiring it. Consuming it is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "eat [a number] [something]" as consuming it. [Check Acquiring it] [Check Releasing it] [Check Consuming it] Every Turn: say "[totalStartBoards]"; Instead of taking: if the noun is rocks or the noun is dry grass or the noun is kindling or the noun is logs or the noun is startboards or the noun is gravelBoards or the noun is pebbleBoards or the noun is rockyBoards or the noun is vines or the noun is poppies or the noun is berries or the noun is white spotted red mushrooms or the noun is blue white striped mushrooms or the noun is potatoes or the noun is vines: say "How many do I want to take, there's more than 1 of them here."; else: continue the action; Instead of dropping: if the noun is rocksSingular or the noun is rocksPlural or noun is GrassSingular or the noun is GrassPlural or noun is kindlingSingular or the noun is kindlingPlural or noun is logsSingular or the noun is logsPlural or the noun is poppiesSingular or the noun is poppiesPlural or the noun is berriesSingular or the noun is BerriesPlural or the noun is RedShroomsSingular or the noun is RedShroomsPlural or the noun is BlueShroomsSingular or the noun is BlueShroomsPlural or the noun is PotatoesSingular or the noun is PotatoesPlural or the noun is VinesSingular or the noun is VinesPlural: say "How many do I want to drop?" instead; else: say "I shouldn't drop something so useful in the middle of nowhere in the case that I can't find it again. I should find a safe place to keep all of my stuff."; Instead of eating: if the noun is poppiesSingular or the noun is poppiesPlural or the noun is berriesSingular or the noun is BerriesPlural or the noun is RedShroomsSingular or the noun is RedShroomsPlural or the noun is BlueShroomsSingular or the noun is BlueShroomsPlural or the noun is PotatoesSingular or the noun is PotatoesPlural: say "How many do I want to eat?" instead; else: continue the action; [Numbered Resources] Some rocks are in the Pebble Beach. The description of rocks is " ". Understand "rock" as the rocks. numRocks is a number that varies. rocksSingular is a thing. The printed name of rocksSingular is "[numRocks] rock". The description of rocksSingular is " ". Understand "rock" and "rocks" as rocksSingular. rocksPlural is a thing. The printed name of rocksPlural is "[numRocks] rocks". The description of rocksPlural is " ". Understand "rock" and "rocks" as rocksPlural. Instead of Acquiring: if the second noun is the rocks: if number understood > (10 - numRocks): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numRocks is numRocks + number understood; if numRocks is 1: now the player carries rocksSingular; move the rocksPlural to null; if numRocks is greater than 1: now the player carries rocksPlural; move the rocksSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the rocksPlural or the second noun is rocksSingular: if the number understood > numRocks: say "I don't have that many rocks."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more rocks I can always go back to get some more."; now numRocks is numRocks - number understood; if numRocks is 1: now the player carries rocksSingular; move the rocksPlural to null; if numRocks is greater than 1: now the player carries rocksPlural; move the rocksSingular to null; if numRocks is 0: move the rocksSingular to null; move the rocksPlural to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numRocks is 1: now the player carries rocksSingular; move the rocksPlural to null; if numRocks is greater than 1: now the player carries rocksPlural; move the rocksSingular to null; if numRocks is 0: move the rocksSingular to null; move the rocksPlural to null; Some dry grass is in the North Forest. "[no line break]". The description of dry grass is " ". numGrass is a number that varies. GrassSingular is a thing. The printed name of GrassSingular is "[numGrass] bunch of dry grass". The description of GrassSingular is " ". Understand "grass" as grassSingular. GrassPlural is a thing. The printed name of GrassPlural is "[numGrass] bunches of dry grass". The description of GrassPlural is " ". Understand "grass" as grassPlural. Instead of Acquiring: if the second noun is the dry grass: if number understood > (10 - numGrass): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numGrass is numGrass + number understood; if numGrass is 1: now the player carries GrassSingular; move the GrassPlural to null; if numGrass is greater than 1: now the player carries GrassPlural; move the GrassSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the grassSingular or the second noun is grassPlural: if the number understood > numGrass: say "I don't have that much grass."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numGrass is numGrass - number understood; if numGrass is 1: now the player carries GrassSingular; move the GrassPlural to null; if numGrass is greater than 1: now the player carries GrassPlural; move the GrassSingular to null; if numGrass is 0: move the GrassSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numGrass is 1: now the player carries GrassSingular; move the GrassPlural to null; if numGrass is greater than 1: now the player carries GrassPlural; move the GrassSingular to null; if numGrass is 0: move the GrassSingular to null; Some kindling is in the North Forest. "[no line break]". The description of kindling is " ". numKindling is a number that varies. kindlingSingular is a thing. The printed name of kindlingSingular is "[numKindling] heap of kindling". The description of kindlingSingular is " ". Understand "kindling" as kindlingSingular. kindlingPlural is a thing. The printed name of kindlingPlural is "[numKindling] heap of kindling". The description of kindlingPlural is " ". Understand "kindling" as kindlingPlural. totalKindling is a number that varies. totalKindling is 20. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is the kindling: if number understood > (10 - numKindling): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: if the number understood < totalKindling: say "Taken."; now numKindling is numKindling + number understood; now totalKindling is totalKindling - number understood; if numKindling is 1: now the player carries kindlingSingular; move the kindlingPlural to null; if numKindling is greater than 1: now the player carries kindlingPlural; move the kindlingSingular to null; else: say "There isn't that much kindling here."; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the kindlingSingular or the second noun is kindlingPlural: if the number understood > numKindling: say "I don't have that much kindling."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numKindling is numKindling - number understood; now totalKindling is totalKindling + number understood; if numKindling is 1: now the player carries kindlingSingular; move the kindlingPlural to null; if numKindling is greater than 1: now the player carries kindlingPlural; move the kindlingSingular to null; if numKindling is 0: move the kindlingSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numKindling is 1: now the player carries kindlingSingular; move the kindlingPlural to null; if numKindling is greater than 1: now the player carries kindlingPlural; move the kindlingSingular to null; if numKindling is 0: move the kindlingSingular to null; Some logs are in the North Forest. "[no line break]". The description of logs is " ". numLogs is a number that varies. Understand "log" as the Logs. logsSingular is a thing. The printed name of logsSingular is "[numlogs] log". The description of logsSingular is " ". Understand "log" and "logs" as the logsSingular. LogsPlural is a thing. The printed name of logsPlural is "[numLogs] logs". The description of logsPlural is " ". Understand "log" and "logs" as the logsPlural. totalLogs is a number that varies. totalLogs is 10. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is logs: if number understood > (10 - numLogs): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: if the number understood < totalLogs: say "Taken."; now numLogs is numLogs + number understood; now totalLogs is totalLogs - number understood; if numLogs is 1: now the player carries LogsSingular; move the LogsPlural to null; if numLogs is greater than 1: now the player carries LogsPlural; move the LogsSingular to null; else: say "There isn't that many logs here."; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the logsSingular or the second noun is logsPlural: if the number understood > numLogs: say "I don't have that many logs."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numLogs is numLogs - number understood; now totalLogs is totalLogs + number understood; if numLogs is 1: now the player carries LogsSingular; move the LogsPlural to null; if numLogs is greater than 1: now the player carries LogsPlural; move the LogsSingular to null; if numLogs is 0: move the LogsSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numLogs is 1: now the player carries logsSingular; move the logsPlural to null; if numLogs is greater than 1: now the player carries logsPlural; move the logsSingular to null; if numLogs is 0: move the logsSingular to null; some dirt is in the Entire Forest. The description of dirt is " ". Understand "soil" as dirt. dirtForPlayer is a thing. the printed name of dirtForPlayer is "some dirt". Instead of taking some dirt: if the player carries dirtForPlayer: say "I don't think I need more dirt than that."; otherwise: say "Taken."; now the player carries dirtForPlayer; Instead of dropping some dirt: if the player carries dirtForPlayer: say "Dropped. If I need more [noun] I can always go back to get some more."; move dirtForPlayer to null; otherwise: say "I don't have any dirt."; some startboards are in Starting Beach. The printed name of startboards is "boards". The description of startboards is " ". some gravelboards are in Gravel Beach. The printed name of gravelboards is "boards". The description of gravelboards is " ". some pebbleboards are in Pebble Beach. The printed name of pebbleboards is "boards". The description of pebbleboards is " ". some rockyboards are in Rocky Beach. The printed name of rockyboards is "boards". The description of rockyboards is " ". Understand "board" and "boards" as the startBoards. Understand "board" and "boards" as the gravelBoards. Understand "board" and "boards" as the pebbleBoards. Understand "board" and "boards" as the rockyBoards. numBoards is a number that varies. BoardsSingular is a thing. The printed name of BoardsSingular is "[numBoards] board". The description of BoardsSingular is " ". BoardsBoards is a thing. The printed name of BoardsPlural is "[numBoards] boards". The description of BoardsPlural is " ". totalStartBoards is a number that varies. totalStartBoards is 2. totalgravelBoards is a number that varies. totalgravelBoards is 2. totalpebbleBoards is a number that varies. totalpebbleBoards is 2. totalRockyBoards is a number that varies. totalRockyBoards is 2. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is startboards: if the number understood < totalStartBoards + 1: say "Taken."; now numBoards is numBoards + number understood; now totalStartBoards is totalStartBoards - number understood; if numBoards is 1: now the player carries BoardsSingular; move the BoardsPlural to null; if numBoards is greater than 1: now the player carries BoardsPlural; move the BoardsSingular to null; else: say "There isn't that many boards here."; if the second noun is gravelboards: if the number understood < totalGravelBoards + 1: say "Taken."; now numBoards is numBoards + number understood; now totalGravelBoards is totalGravelBoards - number understood; if numBoards is 1: now the player carries BoardsSingular; move the BoardsPlural to null; if numBoards is greater than 1: now the player carries BoardsPlural; move the BoardsSingular to null; else: say "There isn't that many boards here."; if the second noun is pebbleboards: if the number understood < totalPebbleBoards + 1: say "Taken."; now numBoards is numBoards + number understood; now totalPebbleBoards is totalPebbleBoards - number understood; if numBoards is 1: now the player carries BoardsSingular; move the BoardsPlural to null; if numBoards is greater than 1: now the player carries BoardsPlural; move the BoardsSingular to null; else: say "There isn't that many boards here."; if the second noun is rockyboards: if the number understood < totalRockyBoards + 1: say "Taken."; now numBoards is numBoards + number understood; now totalRockyBoards is totalRockyBoards - number understood; if numBoards is 1: now the player carries BoardsSingular; move the BoardsPlural to null; if numBoards is greater than 1: now the player carries BoardsPlural; move the BoardsSingular to null; else: say "There isn't that many boards here."; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numBoards is 1: now the player carries BoardsSingular; move the BoardsPlural to null; if numBoards is greater than 1: now the player carries BoardsPlural; move the BoardsSingular to null; if numBoards is 0: move the BoardsSingular to null; Some vines are in the Gargantuan Tree. "". The description of vines is " ". Understand "vine" as the vines. numVines is a number that varies. VinesSingular is a thing. The printed name of VinesSingular is "[numVines] vine". The description of VinesSingular is " ". Understand "vine" and "vines" as the VinesSingular. VinesPlural is a thing. The printed name of VinesPlural is "[numVines] vines". The description of VinesPlural is " ". Understand "vine" and "vines" as the VinesPlural. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is Vines: if number understood > (10 - numVines): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numVines is numVines + number understood; if numVines is 1: now the player carries VinesSingular; move the VinesPlural to null; if numVines is greater than 1: now the player carries VinesPlural; move the VinesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the vinesSingular or the second noun is VinesPlural: if the number understood > numVines: say "I don't have that many vines."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numVines is numVines - number understood; if numVines is 1: now the player carries VinesSingular; move the VinesPlural to null; if numVines is greater than 1: now the player carries VinesPlural; move the VinesSingular to null; if numVines is 0: move the VinesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numVines is 1: now the player carries VinesSingular; move the VinesPlural to null; if numVines is greater than 1: now the player carries VinesPlural; move the VinesSingular to null; if numVines is 0: move the VinesSingular to null; Some sand grains is in the Beaches. The printed name of sand grains is "sand". The description of sand grains is " ". hasSand is a number that varies. sandForPlayer is a thing. the printed name of sandForPlayer is "some dirt". Instead of taking some sand: if the player carries sandForPlayer: say "I don't think I need more sand than that."; otherwise: say "Taken."; now the player carries sandForPlayer; Instead of dropping some sand: if the player carries sandForPlayer: say "Dropped. If I need more [noun] I can always go back to get some more."; move sandForPlayer to null; otherwise: say "I don't have any sand."; Every turn: if hasSand is 0: move the sandForPlayer to null; [Stat Related] [<------------████████████████████████] The player carries PillsPlural. PillsPlural are scenery. The description of the pills is "Insert Description." numPills is a number that varies. numPills is 3. tookPill is a number that varies. PillSingular is a thing. The printed name of PillSingular is "[numPills] pill". Understand "pills" and "pill" as pillSingular. PillsPlural is a thing. The printed name of PillsPlural is "[numPills] pills". Understand "pills" and "pill" as pillsPlural. Instead of eating: if the noun is PillSingular or the noun is pillsPlural: if numPills is 3: say "*Gulp* [line break]You quickly swallow down the pill in desparation. Surprisingly, you feel a lot better and before you know it, you are able to stand up and look around."; now numPills is numPills - 1; now lackOfPain is lackOfPain + 500; now tookPill is 1; move player to Starting Beach; else if numPills < 3: if lackOfPain < 110 and numPills > 0: say "After waiting until the effects of the last pill wear off, you finally take another one. Once again, you feel it course through your body as you are once again rejuvenated. You're going to have to find an alternative soon though, or else you're a goner."; now numPills is numPills - 1; now lackOfPain is lackOfPain + 500; now tookPill is 1; rule fails; else: say "Knowing how well the pills did you last time, you quickly take another make you feel better. However the effect is quite the opposite this time, and almost instantly, you can feel your stomach rejecting whatever you just put inside you. You start convulsing rapidly and losing control over your body. Soon even the beat of your heart stops and then its all over."; end the game in death; if numPills is 1: now the player carries PillSingular; move the PillsPlural to null; if numPills > 1: now the player carries PillsPlural; move the PillSingular to null; if numPills < 1: move the PillSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every Turn: if lackOfPain < 110 and tookPill is 1: say "You can feel the affects of the last pill already wearing off. You should probably take another one or find something else with similar properties."; now tookPill is 0; some poppies are in the forest clearing. The description of poppies is "Some poppies on the ground. As you take in their scent, you start to feel rejuvenated, almost as if all your pain is going away." numPoppies is a number that varies. PoppiesSingular is a thing. The printed name of PoppiesSingular is "[numPoppies] Poppy". The description of PoppiesSingular is " ". Understand "poppy" and "poppies" as the poppiesSingular. PoppiesPlural is a thing. The printed name of PoppiesPlural is "[numPoppies] Poppies". The description of PoppiesPlural is " ". Understand "poppy" and "poppies" as the poppiesPlural. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is Poppies: if number understood > (20 - numPoppies): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numPoppies is numPoppies + number understood; if numPoppies is 1: now the player carries PoppiesSingular; move the PoppiesPlural to null; if numPoppies is greater than 1: now the player carries PoppiesPlural; move the PoppiesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the poppiesSingular or the second noun is poppiesPlural: if the number understood > numPoppies: say "I don't have that many poppies."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numPoppies is numPoppies - number understood; if numPoppies is 1: now the player carries PoppiesSingular; move the PoppiesPlural to null; if numPoppies is greater than 1: now the player carries PoppiesPlural; move the PoppiesSingular to null; if numPoppies is 0: move the PoppiesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the poppiesSingular or the second noun is poppiesPlural: if the number understood > numPoppies: say "I don't have that many poppies."; else: say "You feel better already."; now numPoppies is numPoppies - number understood; now lackOfPain is lackOfPain + (1000 * number understood); if numPoppies is 1: now the player carries PoppiesSingular; move the PoppiesPlural to null; if numPoppies is greater than 1: now the player carries PoppiesPlural; move the PoppiesSingular to null; if numPoppies is 0: move the PoppiesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numPoppies is 1: now the player carries PoppiesSingular; move the PoppiesPlural to null; if numPoppies is greater than 1: now the player carries PoppiesPlural; move the PoppiesSingular to null; if numPoppies is 0: move the PoppiesSingular to null; some berries are in the South Forest. The description of berries is " ". numBerries is a number that varies. BerriesSingular is a thing. The printed name of BerriesSingular is "[numBerries] berry". The description of BerriesSingular is " ". Understand "berry" and "berries" as the berriesSingular. BerriesPlural is a thing. The printed name of BerriesPlural is "[numBerries] berries". The description of BerriesPlural is " ". Understand "berry" and "berries" as the berriesPlural. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is berries: if number understood > (10 - numBerries): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numBerries is numBerries + number understood; if numBerries is 1: now the player carries BerriesSingular; move the BerriesPlural to null; if numBerries is greater than 1: now the player carries BerriesPlural; move the BerriesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the berriesSingular or the second noun is berriesPlural: if the number understood > numBerries: say "I don't have that many berries."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numBerries is numBerries - number understood; if numBerries is 1: now the player carries BerriesSingular; move the BerriesPlural to null; if numBerries is greater than 1: now the player carries BerriesPlural; move the BerriesSingular to null; if numBerries is 0: move the BerriesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the berriesSingular or the second noun is berriesPlural: if the number understood > numBerries: say "I don't have that many berries."; else: say "You feel better already."; now numBerries is numBerries - number understood; now Hunger is Hunger + (250 * number understood); if numBerries is 1: now the player carries BerriesSingular; move the BerriesPlural to null; if numBerries is greater than 1: now the player carries BerriesPlural; move the BerriesSingular to null; if numBerries is 0: move the BerriesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numBerries is 1: now the player carries BerriesSingular; move the BerriesPlural to null; if numBerries is greater than 1: now the player carries BerriesPlural; move the BerriesSingular to null; if numBerries is 0: move the BerriesSingular to null; white spotted red mushrooms are scenery in the Island Peak. the indefinite article of the white spotted red mushrooms is "some". the description of the white spotted red mushrooms is " ". numRedShrooms is a number that varies. RedShroomsSingular is a thing. The printed name of RedShroomsSingular is "[numRedShrooms] white spotted red mushroom". The description of RedShroomsSingular is " ". Understand "red", "white", "spotted", "mushroom" and "mushrooms" as the RedShroomsSingular. RedShroomsPlural is a thing. The printed name of RedShroomsPlural is "[numRedShrooms] white spotted red mushrooms". The description of RedShroomsPlural is " ". Understand "red", "white", "spotted", "mushroom" and "mushrooms" as the RedShroomsPlural. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is white spotted red mushrooms: if number understood > (10 - numRedShrooms): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numRedShrooms is numRedShrooms + number understood; if numRedShrooms is 1: now the player carries RedShroomsSingular; move the RedShroomsPlural to null; if numRedShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries RedShroomsPlural; move the RedShroomsSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the RedShroomsSingular or the second noun is redshroomsPlural: if the number understood > numRedShrooms: say "I don't have that many mushrooms."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numRedShrooms is numRedShrooms - number understood; if numRedShrooms is 1: now the player carries RedShroomsSingular; move the RedShroomsPlural to null; if numRedShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries RedShroomsPlural; move the RedShroomsSingular to null; if numRedShrooms is 0: move the RedShroomsSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the RedShroomsSingular or the second noun is redshroomsPlural: if the number understood > numRedShrooms: say "I don't have that many mushrooms."; else: say "Suddenly, you feel a tingling all over your body as you are overcome with sensations of itchiness. Hives sprout all over your body and you can't stop scratching. Soon blood is using from all the broken skin and you can feel a swelling in your throat. You can no longer breath as your wind pipe is cut off, and soon the poisonous mushrooms have done their work."; end the game in death; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numRedShrooms is 1: now the player carries RedShroomsSingular; move the RedShroomsPlural to null; if numRedShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries RedShroomsPlural; move the RedShroomsSingular to null; if numRedShrooms is 0: move the RedShroomsSingular to null; blue white striped mushrooms are scenery in the Island Peak. the printed name of the blue white striped mushrooms is "blue and white striped mushrooms". the indefinite article of the blue white striped mushrooms is "some". the description of the blue white striped mushrooms is " ". numBlueShrooms is a number that varies. BlueShroomsSingular is a thing. The printed name of BlueShroomsSingular is "[numBlueShrooms] blue white striped mushroom". The description of BlueShroomsSingular is " ". Understand "blue", "white", "striped", "mushroom", "mushrooms" as the BlueShroomsSingular. BlueShroomsPlural is a thing. The printed name of BlueShroomsPlural is "[numBlueShrooms] blue white striped mushrooms". The description of BlueShroomsPlural is " ". Understand "blue", "white", "striped", "mushroom", "mushrooms" as the BlueShroomsPlural. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is blue white striped mushrooms: if number understood > (10 - numBlueShrooms): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numBlueShrooms is numBlueShrooms + number understood; if numBlueShrooms is 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsSingular; move the BlueShroomsPlural to null; if numBlueShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsPlural; move the BlueShroomsSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the BlueShroomsSingular or the second noun is BlueShroomsPlural: if the number understood > numBlueShrooms: say "I don't have that many mushrooms."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numBlueShrooms is numBlueShrooms - number understood; if numBlueShrooms is 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsSingular; move the BlueShroomsPlural to null; if numBlueShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsPlural; move the BlueShroomsSingular to null; if numBlueShrooms is 0: move the BlueShroomsSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the BlueShroomsSingular or the second noun is BlueShroomsPlural: if the number understood > numBlueShrooms: say "I don't have that many mushrooms."; else: say "This mushroom doesn't taste too bad."; now numBlueShrooms is numBlueShrooms - number understood; now Hunger is Hunger + (400 * number understood); if numBlueShrooms is 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsSingular; move the BlueShroomsPlural to null; if numBlueShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsPlural; move the BlueShroomsSingular to null; if numBlueShrooms is 0: move the BlueShroomsSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numBlueShrooms is 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsSingular; move the BlueShroomsPlural to null; if numBlueShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries BlueShroomsPlural; move the BlueShroomsSingular to null; if numBlueShrooms is 0: move the BlueShroomsSingular to null; potatoes are in the Unknown Alcove. " ". The description of the potatoes is " ". Understand "food rations" and "potato" as the potatoes. numPotatoes is a number that varies. PotatoesSingular is a thing. The printed name of PotatoesSingular is "[numPotatoes] potato". The description of PotatoesSingular is " ". Understand "food rations", "potatoes" and "potato" as the potatoesSingular. PotatoesPlural is a thing. The printed name of PotatoesPlural is "[numPotatoes] potatoes". The description of PotatoesPlural is " ". Understand "food rations", "potatoes" and "potato" as the potatoesPlural. Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is Potatoes: if number understood > (10 - numPotatoes): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numPotatoes is numPotatoes + number understood; if numPotatoes is 1: now the player carries PotatoesSingular; move the PotatoesPlural to null; if numPotatoes is greater than 1: now the player carries PotatoesPlural; move the PotatoesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of releasing: if the second noun is the PotatoesSingular or the second noun is PotatoesPlural: if the number understood > numPotatoes: say "I don't have that many potatoes."; else: say "Dropped. If I need more [second noun] I can always go back to get some more."; now numPotatoes is numPotatoes - number understood; if numPotatoes is 1: now the player carries PotatoesSingular; move the PotatoesPlural to null; if numPotatoes is greater than 1: now the player carries PotatoesPlural; move the PotatoesSingular to null; if numPotatoes is 0: move the PotatoesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the PotatoesSingular or the second noun is PotatoesPlural: if the number understood > numPotatoes: say "I don't have that many potatoes."; else: say "filler."; now numPotatoes is numPotatoes - number understood; now Hunger is Hunger + (800 * number understood); if numPotatoes is 1: now the player carries PotatoesSingular; move the PotatoesPlural to null; if numPotatoes is greater than 1: now the player carries PotatoesPlural; move the PotatoesSingular to null; if numPotatoes is 0: move the PotatoesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numPotatoes is 1: now the player carries PotatoesSingular; move the PotatoesPlural to null; if numPotatoes is greater than 1: now the player carries PotatoesPlural; move the PotatoesSingular to null; if numPotatoes is 0: move the PotatoesSingular to null; Fishing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "fish" as fishing. Check fishing: if the player carries fishing equipment: if the location of the player is the Pond: if numFish > 9: say "I can't carry any more fish"; else: continue the action; else if the location of the player is in the Waterside: say "You throw your fishing line into the wind only for it to blow back towards you."; stop the action; else: say "There's nowhere to fish."; stop the action; else: say "I don't have anything to fish with."; stop the action; Carry Out fishing: let x be a random number from 1 to 2; if x is 1: say "You caught a fish! Yay!"; now numFish is numFish + 1; if x is 2: say "Aww, you didn't get a fish this time, you should try again. Hopefully you're time."; now numFish is numFish + 1; There is some fish in the pond Instead of taking fish: say "I need to fish for it!"; numFish is a number that varies. FishForPlayer is a thing. The printed name of FishForPlayer is "[numFish] fish". The description of FishForPlayer is " ". Understand "fish" as the FishForPlayer Instead of acquiring: if the second noun is Fish: if number understood > (10 - numFish): say "I can't carry that many [second noun] at once."; else: say "Taken."; now numFish is numFish + number understood; now the player carries FishForPlayer; else: continue the action; Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the Fish: if the number understood > numFish: say "I don't have that many fish."; else: say "You feel better already."; now numFish is numFish - number understood; now Hunger is Hunger + (1200 * number understood); if numFish is 0: move the FishForPlayer to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numFish is 0: move the FishForPlayer to null; Cooking it is an action applying to one thing. Understand "cook (something)" as cooking it [Check cooking it if the player is in the North Forest and fireLevel is > 2: say "Putting [the noun] over the fire easily cooks it right through."; else if the player is in the North Forest and fireLevel is 2: say "Putting [the noun] over the tiny flame doesn't seem to do much"; rule fails; else if the player is in the North Forest and fireLevel is 1: say "Putting [the noun] over the heat from the embers doesn't seem to do much"; rule fails; else if the player is in the North Forest and fireLevel is 0: say "There isn't a fire to cook anything on."; rule fails; else: say "There is no place to cook anything."; rule fails;] Carry out cooking it: if the noun is fish: now numFish is numFish - 1; now numCookedFish is numCookedFish + 1; else if the noun is white spotted red mushrooms: say "putting the mushrooms over the fire seems to get rid of the colour, turning it into a normal cooked mushroom."; now numRedShrooms is numRedShrooms - 1; now numCookedShrooms is numCookedShrooms + 1; else if the noun is blue white striped mushrooms: say "putting the mushrooms over the fire seems to get rid of the colour, turning it into a normal cooked mushroom."; now numBlueShrooms is numBlueShrooms - 1; now numCookedShrooms is numCookedShrooms + 1; else if the noun is potatoes: now numPotatoes is numPotatoes - 1; now numCookedPotatoes is numCookedPotatoes + 1; else: say "I can't cook that!"; numCookedShrooms is a number that varies. ShroomsSingular is a thing. The printed name of ShroomsSingular is "[numCookedShrooms] cooked mushrooms". The description of CookedShroomsSingular is " ". Understand "cooked", "mushroom", "mushrooms" as the CookedShroomsSingular. CookedShroomsPlural is a thing. The printed name of CookedShroomsPlural is "[numCookedShrooms] cooked mushrooms". The description of CookedShroomsPlural is " ". Understand "cooked", "mushroom", "mushrooms" as the CookedShroomsPlural. Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the CookedShroomsSingular or the second noun is CookedShroomsPlural: if the number understood > numCookedShrooms: say "I don't have that many mushrooms."; else: say "This mushroom doesn't taste too bad."; now numCookedShrooms is numCookedShrooms - number understood; now Hunger is Hunger + (1200 * number understood); if numCookedShrooms is 1: now the player carries CookedShroomsSingular; move the CookedShroomsPlural to null; if numCookedShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries CookedShroomsPlural; move the CookedShroomsSingular to null; if numCookedShrooms is 0: move the CookedShroomsSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numCookedShrooms is 1: now the player carries CookedShroomsSingular; move the CookedShroomsPlural to null; if numCookedShrooms is greater than 1: now the player carries CookedShroomsPlural; move the CookedShroomsSingular to null; if numCookedShrooms is 0: move the CookedShroomsSingular to null; numCookedPotatoes is a number that varies. CookedPotatoesSingular is a thing. The printed name of CookedPotatoesSingular is "[numCookedPotatoes] cooked potato". The description of CookedPotatoesSingular is " ". Understand "cooked", "potatoes" and "potato" as the CookedpotatoesSingular. CookedPotatoesPlural is a thing. The printed name of CookedPotatoesPlural is "[numCookedPotatoes] cooked potatoes". The description of CookedPotatoesPlural is " ". Understand "food rations", "potatoes" and "potato" as the CookedpotatoesPlural. Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the CookedPotatoesSingular or the second noun is CookedPotatoesPlural: if the number understood > numCookedPotatoes: say "I don't have that many cooked potatoes."; else: say "filler."; now numCookedPotatoes is numCookedPotatoes - number understood; now Hunger is Hunger + (1500 * number understood); if numCookedPotatoes is 1: now the player carries CookedPotatoesSingular; move the CookedPotatoesPlural to null; if numCookedPotatoes is greater than 1: now the player carries CookedPotatoesPlural; move the CookedPotatoesSingular to null; if numCookedPotatoes is 0: move the CookedPotatoesSingular to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numCookedPotatoes is 1: now the player carries CookedPotatoesSingular; move the CookedPotatoesPlural to null; if numCookedPotatoes is greater than 1: now the player carries CookedPotatoesPlural; move the CookedPotatoesSingular to null; if numCookedPotatoes is 0: move the CookedPotatoesSingular to null; numCookedFish is a number that varies. CookedFishForPlayer is a thing. The printed name of CookedFishForPlayer is "[numFish] cooked fish". The description of CookedFishForPlayer is " ". Understand "cooked fish" as the CookedFishForPlayer Instead of consuming: if the second noun is the CookedFishForPlayer: if the number understood > numCookedFish: say "I don't have that many cooked fish."; else: say "You feel better already."; now numCookedFish is numCookedFish - number understood; now Hunger is Hunger + (2000 * number understood); if numCookedFish is 0: move the CookedFishForPlayer to null; else: continue the action; Every turn: if numCookedFish > 0: now the player carries CookedFishForPlayer; if numCookedFish is 0: move the CookedFishForPlayer to null; [***DIRECTIONAL AWARENESS***] [Common moving blockages] to x ground: say "How am I to go into the ground?."; to x nothing up: say "There's nothing here I can climb."; to x inside: say "There's nothing to go inside of!"; to x outside: say "I'm already outside!"; [Starting Beach] WestForestUnlocked is a number that varies. [event trigger] EastForestUnlocked is a number that varies. [event trigger] Instead of examining a direction in Starting Beach: if the noun is west or the noun is east: try examining Rocky Outcroppings; if the noun is northwest: if WestForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Brambles; if WestForestUnlocked is 1: say "I have managed to cut the majority of the brambles."; if the noun is northeast: if EastForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Branches_Vines; if EastForestUnlocked is 1: say "I have managed to cut through the blockage of vines and branches"; if the noun is north: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest: try examining The Ocean; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Starting Beach: if the noun is west or the noun is east: try examining Rocky Outcroppings; if the noun is northwest: if WestForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Brambles; if WestForestUnlocked is 1: continue the action; if the noun is northeast: if EastForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Branches_Vines; if EastForestUnlocked is 1: continue the action; if the noun is north: continue the action; if the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest: try examining The Ocean; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [South Forest] NorthForestUnlocked is a number that varies. Instead of examining a direction in South Forest: if the noun is west: if WestForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Brambles; if WestForestUnlocked is 1: say "I have managed to cut the majority of the brambles."; if the noun is east: if EastForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Branches_Vines; if EastForestUnlocked is 1: say "I have managed to cut through the blockage of vines and branches."; if the noun is north: if NorthForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Fallen Tree; if NorthForestUnlocked is 1: say "I have managed to chop through the majority of the trees in the way and moved some kindling and logs in the north forest as well."; try examining Fallen Tree; if the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest or the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Forest Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in South Forest: if the noun is west: if WestForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Brambles; if WestForestUnlocked is 1: continue the action; if the noun is east: if EastForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Branches_Vines; if EastForestUnlocked is 1: continue the action; if the noun is north: if NorthForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Fallen Tree; if NorthForestUnlocked is 1: continue the action; if the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest: try examining The Deciduous Trees; if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is south: continue the action; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [West Forest] Instead of examining a direction in West Forest: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is west: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is south or the noun is southwest: try examining rocky outcroppings; if the noun is southeast or the noun is east: say "I have managed to cut the majority of the brambles."; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Forest Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in West Forest: if the noun is north or the noun is northeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is south or the noun is southwest: try examining rocky outcroppings; if the noun is east or the noun is southeast or the noun is west: continue the action; if the noun is northwest: continue the action; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Gravel Beach] Instead of examining a direction in Gravel Beach: if the noun is northwest: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is east: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is southeast: try examining rocky outcroppings; if the noun is south or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in Gravel Beach: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is east or the noun is southeast: continue the action; if the noun is northeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is south or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Forest Clearing] Instead of examining a direction in Forest Clearing: if the noun is northwest or the noun is east or the noun is northeast or the noun is southeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is south or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is north: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Forest Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in Forest Clearing: if the noun is northeast or the noun is east: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is northwest or the noun is south or the noun is west or the noun is southeast: continue the action; if the noun is north: if wantToEscape is 0: say "The swamp is too dangerous for me to risk my life for. I wont go there unless I really have to."; if wantToEscape is 1: if areaCleared is 1: continue the action; if areaCleared is 0: if the player carries berriesSingular or the player carries BerriesPlural or the player carries RedShroomsSingular or the player carries RedShroomsPlural or the player carries BlueShroomsSingular or the player carries BlueShroomsPlural or the player carries PotatoesSingular or the player carries PotatoesPlural: say "I probably shouldn't bring any of these food items into the swamp less the spoil and leave me hungry."; else if the player carries FishForPlayer or the player carries CookedShroomsSingular or the player carries CookedShroomsPlural or the player carries CookedPotatoesSingular or the player carries CookedPotatoesPlural or the player carries CookedFishForPlayer or the player carries emergency rations: say "I probably shouldn't bring any of these food items into the swamp less the spoil and leave me hungry."; else: continue the action; if the noun is southwest: say "There is no path to the beach in that direction."; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Pebble Beach] Instead of examining a direction in Pebble Beach: if the noun is southeast: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is east: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is southeast or the noun is south or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in Pebble Beach: if the noun is north or the noun is east or the noun is southeast: continue the action; if the noun is northeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is northwest or the noun is south or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Gargantuan Tree] [████████████energyStat███████████] Instead of examining a direction in Gargantuan Tree: if the noun is southeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is south: try examining Sand Ground; if the noun is northeast or the noun is east: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Forest Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in Gargantuan Tree: if the noun is southeast or the noun is south: continue the action; if the noun is northeast or the noun is east: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: if handsSticky is 0: say "There are a lot of vines here to climb, but are too slippery to get a good grip on."; if handsSticky is 1: continue the action; now Energy is Energy - 5000; now time of day is 59 minutes after the time of day; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Treetop] Instead of examining a direction in Treetop: if the noun is southeast: say "You can see the rest of the island from here including the swamp, the mountain peaks and the cliffs."; if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: try examining Leaf Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Forest Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in Treetop: if the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southeast or the noun is south: say "I'll fall off the tree!"; if the noun is northeast or the noun is east: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is up: say "I can't go any higher!"; if the noun is down: continue the action; now Energy is Energy - 5000; now time of day is 59 minutes after the time of day; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Mysterious Rock Formation] Instead of examining a direction in Mysterious Rock Formation: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southwest or the noun is south or the noun is west: say "You are in an isolated clearing. "; try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is southeast: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Forest Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in Mysterious Rock Formation: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southwest or the noun is south or the noun is west: say "You are in an isolated clearing. "; try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is southeast: continue the action; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Pond] Instead of examining a direction in Pond: if the noun is south: if EastForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Branches_Vines; if EastForestUnlocked is 1: say "I have managed to cut through the blockage of vines and branches."; if the noun is west: if NorthForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Fallen Tree; if NorthForestUnlocked is 1: say "I have managed to chop through the majority of the trees in the way and moved some kindling and logs in the north forest as well."; try examining Fallen Tree; if the noun is east or the noun is southeast or the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is north: try examining Steep Slope Up; if the noun is southwest: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Forest Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in Pond: if the noun is south: if EastForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Branches_Vines; if EastForestUnlocked is 1: continue the action; if the noun is west: if NorthForestUnlocked is 0: try examining Fallen Tree; if NorthForestUnlocked is 1: continue the action; if the noun is southeast or the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is west: try examining Steep Slope Up; if the noun is southwest: continue the action; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [North Forest] Instead of examining a direction in North Forest: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast: try examining Steep Slope Up; if the noun is east or the noun is south: say "I have managed to chop through the majority of the trees in the way and moved some kindling and logs in the north forest as well."; if the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going in North Forest: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast: try examining Steep Slope Up; if the noun is east or the noun is south: continue the action; if the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is up: x nothing up; if the noun is down: x ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [East Forest] Instead of examining a direction in East Forest: if the noun is northwest: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is north: say "I have managed to cut through the blockage of vines and branches."; if the noun is southeast or the noun is south or the noun is east: try examining rocky outcroppings; if the noun is northeast: say "I can see a path slowly leading up the side up the mountain."; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in East Forest: if the noun is northwest: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast: continue the action; if the noun is southeast or the noun is south or the noun is east: try examining rocky outcroppings; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Start of Slope] Instead of examining a direction in Start of Slope: if the noun is west or the noun is northwest: say "From here, you have a really good view of the pond you were at down below. You also notice - out of the corner of your eye - a small glint at the bottom of the pond."; now canDive is 1; if the noun is southwest or the noun is south: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is north: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southwest: try examining CliffBackdrop; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Start of Slope: if the noun is west or the noun is northwest: say "From here, you have a really good view of the pond you were at down below. You also notice - out of the corner of your eye - a small glint at the bottom of the pond."; now canDive is 1; if the noun is south: try examining Deciduous Trees; if the noun is north or the noun is southwest : continue the action; if the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southwest: try examining CliffBackdrop; if the noun is up: say "You head north to go up the mountain."; try going north; if the noun is down: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Forest Highland] Instead of examining a direction in Forest Highland: if the noun is north or the noun is northeast: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is northwest or the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is east: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Steep Slope Down; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Forest Highland: if the noun is north or the noun is northeast: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is northwest: if grappleAttached is 0: say "There's no way to go that way."; if grappleAttached is 1: say "grapple fell off"; â–ˆ end the game in death; if grappleAttached is 2: continue the action; if the noun is south or the noun is east: continue the action; if the noun is southeast: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Steep Slope Down; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is down: say "You head south to go down the mountain."; try going south; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Island Peak] Instead of examining a direction in Island Peak: if the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is northwest or the noun is east: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is west: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is southwest or the noun is down: try examining Bluffs Ground; if the noun is southeast: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is south: try examining Steep Slope Down; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Island Peak: if the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is northwest or the noun is east: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is west: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast: continue the action; if the noun is down: say "Going southwest to go down to the bluffs."; try going southwest; if the noun is south: try examining Steep Slope Down; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Bluffs] Instead of examining a direction in Bluffs: if the noun is north or the noun is northwest or the noun is down: try examining InnerCoveBackdrop; if the noun is west: say "I can see the canopy of the swamp in that direction. It seems to lead to a cove in the north."; if the noun is northeast or the noun is up: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is southeast or the noun is south: try examining Steep Slope Down; if the noun is east: say "The mountain is that way, but the only clear path I can take back up to the peak is to the southeast."; if the noun is inside: if hollowWallRevealed is 1 and hollowWallBroken is 1: try examining the hole; else if hollowWallRevealed is 1: say "Although I know there's a room in there, I can't get in."; else: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Bluffs: if the noun is north or the noun is northwest: try examining InnerCoveBackdrop; if the noun is west: say "I can see the canopy of the swamp in that direction. It seems to lead to a cove in the north."; if the noun is northeast: continue the action; if the noun is up: say "going northeast to go up the mountains."; continue the action; if the noun is down: say "Tried to go down the bluffs; soil too loose, fell off died."; end the game in death; if the noun is southeast or the noun is south: try examining Steep Slope Down; if the noun is east: say "The mountain is that way, but the only clear path I can take back up to the peak is to the southeast."; if the noun is inside: if hollowWallRevealed is 1 and hollowWallBroken is 1 and matchLit is 1: move the player to Unknown Alcove; else if hollowWallRevealed is 1 and hollowWallBroken is 1: say "Now that I got the hole open, I'm going to need a light source to be able to see anything inside there."; else if hollowWallRevealed is 1: say "Although I know there's a room in there, I can't get in."; else: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Upper Ridge] Instead of examining a direction in Upper Ridge: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southeast: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is south or the noun is down: try examining Cliff Wall Top; if the noun is west or the noun is southwest: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Upper Ridge: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southeast: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is down or the noun is west: continue the action; if the noun is southwest: try examining Mountain Ground; if the noun is south: try going down; if the noun is up: try examining Blue Sky; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Cliff Side] secretDoorRevealed is a number that varies. secretDoorOpen is a number that varies. Before examining secret door: now secretDoorRevealed is 1; Instead of examining a direction in Cliff Side: if the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southeast: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is south or the noun is down: try examining Cliff Wall Top; if the noun is west or the noun is northwest or the noun is southwest: try examining SlopeBackdrop; if the noun is up or the noun is north: try examining SecretCliff Wall; if the noun is inside: if the secretDoorRevealed is 1 and secretDoorOpen is 0: try examining the secret door; if the secretDoorOpen is 1: try examining the doorOpened; else: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Cliff Side: if the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southeast: try examining Drop Off; if the noun is south: try examining Cliff Wall Top; if the noun is west or the noun is northwest or the noun is southwest: try examining SlopeBackdrop; if the noun is up: continue the action; if the noun is down: if grappleAttachedCliff is 0: say "There's no way for me to get down"; if grappleAttachedCliff is 1 and the player is wearing the harness: say "You slowly make your way down the cliffside."; continue the action; now time of day is 59 minutes after time of day; now Energy is Energy - 5000; if grappleAttachedCliff is 1 and the player is not wearing the harness: say "player falls off cliff"; end the game in death; if noun is north: try examining SecretCliff Wall; if the noun is inside: if the secretDoorRevealed is 1 and secretDoorOpen is 0: try examining the secret door; if the secretDoorOpen is 1: try examining the doorOpened; else: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Rocky Bottom] Instead of examining a direction in Rocky Bottom: if the noun is northeast or the noun is north or the noun is northwest or the noun is east or the noun is up: try examining Cliff Wall Bottom; if the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is down: try examining Rocky Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Rocky Bottom: if the noun is northeast or the noun is northwest or the noun is east: try examining Cliff Wall Bottom; if the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is southwest or the noun is west: try examining Ocean; if the noun is north or the noun is up: say "You slowly grapple yourself back up the cliff."; continue the action; now time of day is 59 minutes after time of day; now Energy is Energy - 5000; if the noun is down: try examining Rocky Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Hidden Tunnel] Instead of examining a direction in Hidden Tunnel: if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is west or the noun is east or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast: try examining Walls; say "[no line break]I can really only travel north, south or back outside."; if the noun is north: say "I can see a large room up ahead."; if the noun is up: try examining Ceiling; if the noun is down: try examining Floor; if the noun is inside: say "I'm already inside."; if the noun is south or the noun is outside: try examining doorOpened; Instead of going a direction in Hidden Tunnel: if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is west or the noun is east or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast: try examining Walls; say "[no line break]I can really only travel north or south."; if the noun is north: continue the action; if the noun is up: try examining Ceiling; if the noun is down: try examining Floor; if the noun is inside: say "I'm already inside."; if the noun is south or the noun is outside: move the player to Cliff Side; [Control Room] Instead of examining a direction in Control Room: if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is north: try examining Walls; say "[no line break]I can really only travel back south and back outside."; if the noun is west: try examining Cave In; if the noun is south: say "The path that I used to get here is in that direction."; if the noun is up: try examining Ceiling; if the noun is down: try examining Floor; if the noun is inside: say "I'm already inside."; if the noun is outside: say "I can't get outside from here."; Instead of going a direction in Control Room: if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is east or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is north: try examining Walls; say "[no line break]I can really only travel back south and back outside."; if the noun is west: try examining Cave In; if the noun is south: continue the action; if the noun is up: try examining Ceiling; if the noun is down: try examining Floor; if the noun is inside: say "I'm already inside."; if the noun is outside: say "I can't get outside from here."; [Unknown Alcove] Instead of examining in Unknown Alcove: if matchLit is 1: say "I can only see a light switch on the far wall."; if lightOn is 1: say "A couple dim lights flicker on, covering the room in an eerie glow."; if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is north: try examining Walls; say "[no line break]I can really only travel back south and back outside."; if the noun is east: try examining Cave In; if the noun is up: try examining Ceiling; if the noun is down: try examining Floor; if the noun is inside: say "I'm already inside."; if the noun is south or the noun is outside: try examining the hole; Instead of going a direction in Unknown Alcove: if matchLit is 1: say "I can only see a light switch on the far wall."; if lightOn is 1: say "A couple dim lights flicker on, covering the room in an eerie glow."; if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is north: try examining Walls; say "[no line break]I can really only travel back south and back outside."; if the noun is east: try examining Cave In; if the noun is up: try examining Ceiling; if the noun is down: try examining Floor; if the noun is inside: say "I'm already inside."; if the noun is south or the noun is outside: move the player to the Bluffs; [Swampland] Instead of examining a direction in Swampland: if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is east: try examining Swampy Trees; if the noun is north: if alligatorsDead is 0: say "A large group of alligators lurk in the water. There's no way you're getting past while they block the way."; if alligatorsDead is 1: say "The alligators are all dead now and allow you free passage further into the swamp."; if the noun is south: say "You can see the edges of the forest you came from."; if the noun is up: try examining Leaf Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Swampland: if the noun is northwest or the noun is northeast or the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is east: try examining Swampy Trees; if the noun is north: if alligatorsDead is 0: say "you tried to go through the alligators."; end the game in death; if alligatorsDead is 1: if the player is wearing waders: continue the action; else: say "You still need something to wear so you don't get soaked with that swampy water."; if the noun is south: continue the action; if the noun is up: try examining Leaf Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Boggy Waters] Instead of examining a direction in Boggy Waters: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is east: try examining Swampy Trees; if the noun is northeast: if snakesDead is 0: say "A couple of snakes block your passage. Trying to walk past them probably isn't a good idea."; else: say "After fighting off the snakes, you have cleared a passage to the inner cove."; if the noun is south: say "You can see the water give way to moist muddy ground."; if the noun is up: try examining Leaf Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Boggy Waters: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is west or the noun is southwest or the noun is southeast or the noun is east: try examining Swampy Trees; if the noun is northeast: if snakesDead is 0: say "You try to just get past the snakes, but the moment you get close, their vicious fangs strike, and you are caught mid stride. You helplessly collapse to the floor as the venom takes over your body."; end the game in death; else: continue the action; if the noun is south: continue the action; if the noun is up: try examining Leaf Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [Island Cove] Instead of examining a direction in Inner Cove: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is west or the noun is northeast: try examining Ocean; if the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is east: try examining Cliff Wall Bottom; if the noun is southwest: try examining Swampy Trees; if the noun is up: try examining Leaf Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; Instead of going a direction in Inner Cove: if the noun is northwest or the noun is north or the noun is west or the noun is northeast: try escaping; if the noun is south or the noun is southeast or the noun is east: try examining Cliff Wall Bottom; if the noun is southwest: continue the action; if the noun is up: try examining Leaf Sky; if the noun is down: try examining Swampy Ground; if the noun is inside: x inside; if the noun is outside: x outside; [***OTHER EVENTS***] [***ACT 1 - THE SHIPWRECK***] [ - Step 1 - ] FakeStartingBeach1 is a room. the printed name of FakeStartingBeach1 is "Some Sort Of Beach". The description of FakeStartingBeach1 is "You can tell that you have washed up on a sandy beach, your whole body aching with unbearable pain, however you can't do or tell much else." Understand "Starting" and "Beach" as the FakeStartingBeach1. Instead of doing anything other than eating pills or taking inventory in FakeStartingBeach1: if the FakeStartingBeach1 is unvisited: continue the action; else: say "I can't really move right now. I should check what you have on me. If I want to do anything else, I really need to get rid of this splitting pain."; After the player eating pills in FakeStartingBeach1: move the player to Starting Beach. [ - Step 1.5 - ] Cutting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "cut [something] with [something]" and "chop [something] with [something]" as Cutting it with. Carry Out Cutting something with something: say "I don't see how I could possibly cut [indefinite article of the noun] [noun]"; Instead of Cutting brambles with something: if the noun is brambles: if the second noun is the pocket knife: if WestForestUnlocked is 1: say "I already cut through there."; else: say "Slowly cutting through the blockage with my pocket knife allows me access to the Western Forest."; now WestForestUnlocked is 1; now Energy is Energy - 1000; now time of day is 29 minutes after the time of day; rule succeeds; otherwise: say "[indefinite article of second noun] [second noun] won't help me get past!"; otherwise: say "I don't see how I could possibly cut [indefinite article of the noun] [noun]"; [Berries are a resource -> see above] [ - Step 2 - ] Every turn when Starting beach is visited: if player is wearing wet tattered clothes: now Warmth is warmth - 500; [ - Step 3 - ] Filling it Up with is an action applying to two things. Understand "fill [something] up with [something]" as Filling it up with. flaskFull is a number that varies. Check Filling something Up with: if the location of the player is the Pond: continue the action; else if the location of the player is in the waterside: say "There's too much salt in the ocean, why would I fill up my flask with that?"; Carry Out filling something up with: if the noun is the metal flask: if the second noun is the actualPond: if flaskAsh is 1: say "There's a bunch of ash in here."; if flaskGrass is 1: say "There's a bunch of grass in here."; if flaskSmoking is 1: say "There's a bunch of smoking grass in here."; else: say "Filled."; now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask (filled with water)"; now flaskFull is 3; else: say "I don't want to fill it up with that!"; else: say "I can't fill that up."; Instead of inserting something into something: if the noun is the metal flask: if the second noun is the actualPond: if flaskAsh is 1: say "There's a bunch of ash in here."; if flaskGrass is 1: say "There's a bunch of grass in here."; if flaskSmoking is 1: say "There's a bunch of smoking grass in here."; else: now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask (filled with water)"; now flaskFull is 3; else: continue the action; else: say "I can't put anything in that."; Drinking it is an action applying to one thing. [██████████] Understand "drink [something]" as drinking it Carry Out Drinking: if the noun is the actualPond: say "*Gulp* [line break] Aah, that was good!"; if the noun is the metal flask: if flaskFull is 0: say "There's nothing in the flask."; if flaskFull > 0: say "*Gulp* [line break] Aah, that was good!"; now flaskFull is flaskFull - 1; now Thirst is Thirst + 2000; if the noun is the ocean: say "There's too much salt in the ocean for me to drink."; Every turn: if flaskFull is 2: now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask (partially filled with water)"; if flaskFull is 1: now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask (almost out of water)"; if flaskFull is 0: now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask "; Emptying is an action applying to one thing. Understand "empty [something]" as emptying Carry Out Emptying: if the noun is metal flask: say "You emptied the metal flask of all its contents."; now flaskFull is 0; now flaskAsh is 0; now flaskGrass is 0; now flaskSmoking is 0; now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask "; else: say "There's nothing to empty."; [ - Step 4 - ] [beehive seen later] [ - Step 5 - ] [poppies are a numbered resource --> see above] [ - Step 6 - ] [All various items] [ - Step 7 - ] [Gargantuan Tree stuff] [ - Step 8 - ] Instead of Cutting fallen tree with something: if the noun is fallen tree: if the second noun is the axe: say "After taking a good few swings at the logs in front of you, they dry wood easily split into many pieces. After chopping away a good chunk of the logs away, you were able to clear a few paths into the northern forest. Some of the excess wood and logs rolled into the north forest with you."; now NorthForestUnlocked is 1; now Energy is Energy - 1000; now time of day is 29 minutes after the time of day; rule succeeds; otherwise: say "[indefinite article of second noun] [second noun] won't help me get past!"; otherwise: say "I don't see how I could possibly cut [indefinite article of the noun] [noun] with [the second noun]"; Instead of Cutting Deciduous trees with something: if the noun is trees: if the second noun is the axe: if the location of the player is the north forest: say "Vigorously chopping a tree produced more logs and kindling that you can use."; now numLogs is numLogs + 8; now numKindling is numKindling + 4; now Energy is Energy - 1000; now time of day is 19 minutes after the time of day; rule succeeds; else: say "I won't need any wood unless I am by my fire"; otherwise: say "[indefinite article of second noun] [second noun] won't help me get past!"; otherwise: say "I don't see how I could possibly cut [indefinite article of the noun] [noun]"; [Rest of fire mechanism already done --> see above] [ - Step 9 - ] flaskGrass is a number that varies. Instead of inserting something into something: if the noun is the metal flask: if the second noun is the dry grass: if flaskFull is 0: say "For some reason, you feel like filling up your drinking flask with grass is a good idea."; now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask (filled with dry grass)"; now flaskGrass is 1; else: say "It's filled with water."; else: continue the action; else: say "I can't put anything in that."; embers is a thing. Instead of taking: if the noun is embers: if the location of the player is North Forest and the fireLevel is 1: say "I don't need to take these embers."; else: continue the action; else: continue the action; flaskSmoking is a number that varies. Instead of inserting something into something: if the noun is the metal flask: if the second noun is the embers: if flaskGrass is 1: say "Filling up your grass container with hot embers seems to have lit them on fire... inside your flask. Now it is smoking. Wonderful. You also happened to drop the flask because it is too hot. If you want to pick it up again, you'll need something to hold it with."; now the printed name of the metal flask is "metal flask (smoking)"; now the flask is in North Forest; now flaskSmoking is 1; else: say "Now, why would I do that?"; else: continue the action; else: say "I can't put anything in that."; flaskAsh is a number that varies. Every turn: let x be a number; if x > 5: say "You're flask seems to have stopped smoking. It is now filled with ash from the burned leaves."; now flaskSmoking is 0; now flaskAsh is 1; now x is 0; if x < 6: let x be x + 1; Picking it up with is an action applying to two things. Understand "take [something] with [something]" and "pick up [something] with [something]" as Picking it up with. Carry Out Picking it up with: if the noun is the metal flask: if the flaskSmoking is 1: if the second noun is the leather scraps: try taking the noun; else: say "That won't help."; else: say "It wasn't even hot..."; try taking the noun; else: say "I mean, I could've just picked it up with my hands.."; try taking the noun; hiveSmoked is a number that varies. Smoking it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "smoke [something] with [something]" as smoking it with. Using it on is an action applying to two things. Understand "use [something] on [something]" as using it on. Carry out using it on: say "That won't do anything."; Carry Out Smoking something with: if the noun is the beehive: if the second noun is the metal flask and flaskSmoking is 1: say "By using the smoke from your flask on the beehive, you have gotten all the bees to run away. However, during the ruckus, their hive fell on the ground and smashed to pieces. So much for eating that honey..."; now hiveSmoked is 1; else: say "that won't help me get rid of bees."; else: say "I can't smoke that."; Instead Using something on beehive: if the second noun is the beehive: if the noun is the metal flask and flaskSmoking is 1: say "By using the smoke from your flask on the beehive, you have gotten all the bees to run away. However, during the ruckus, their hive fell on the ground and smashed to pieces. So much for eating that honey..."; now hiveSmoked is 1; else: say "that won't help me get rid of bees."; else: say "I can't smoke that."; handsSticky is a number that varies. Instead of taking anything while handsSticky is 1: say "You're hands are too sticky to do deal with any objects. You'll have to wash them before you can do anything else." Washing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "wash" and "wash hands" as washing. Check Washing: if handsSticky is 0: say "There's nothing to wash."; if handsSticky is 1: if the location of the player is not in the waterside: say "there's nothing to wash my hands in. I need a large body of water to rinse all of this stuff out."; else: say "You succesfully got the honey out of your hands. Who knows though, maybe it could be useful."; now handsSticky is 0; Instead of taking beehive: if hiveSmoked is 0: say "You cautiously approach the hive in order to try to get some of that sweet honey. However, like a deer in the headlights, you're caught mid march, and the bees start attacking you. You try to run to the water, but these bees are relentless. They bring you to your knees before you can make it as much as a couple steps away from their hive. Soon you feel pain pricking from every point in your body until you can't focus on anything. The bees have brought you to a brutal end."; end the game in death; if hiveSmoked is 1: say "Trying to get the beehive has resulted in the spare honey getting all over your hands. You can't really pick something up right now because they're so sticky."; now handsSticky is 1; else: continue the action; [ - Step 10 - ] Instead of Cutting branches_vines with something: if the noun is branches_vines: if the second noun is the machete: if EastForestUnlocked is 1: say "I already cut through there."; else: say "After hacking through the branches and vines is easy with this sharp machete and soon I have made it to the east forest."; now EastForestUnlocked is 1; now Energy is Energy - 1000; now time of day is 29 minutes after the time of day; say " - END OF ACT 1 - [paragraph break]"; say " - ACT 2 - THE ISLAND - "; rule succeeds; otherwise: say "[indefinite article of second noun] [second noun] won't help me get past!"; otherwise: say "I don't see how I could possibly cut [indefinite article of the noun] [noun]"; [***ACT 2 - THE ISLAND***] [ - Step 11 - ] hookUnChained is a number that varies. Instead of taking the grappling hook: if hookUnChained is 0: say "The grappling hook is still attached to the metal rung. I can't seem to get it loose."; if hookUnChained is 1: continue the action; [ - Step 12 - ] Diving is an action applying to one thing. Understand "dive into [something]" and "dive in [something]" as Diving canDive is a number that varies. Carry out diving: if the noun is the pond: if canDive is 1: if the player is wearing snorkel: let x be a number; let x be 1; if x is 3: say "You finally got it! You felt the moment your hands grasped onto it. After coming out of the water and looking at your prize... you realize it was just a large paperclip. How useless. Now you need to go warm up again."; now canDive is 0; now the player carries the large paperclip; if x is 2: say "your second attempt was a bit better, but you still didn't manage to get the item. You need to go warm up and try again."; if x is 1: say "Your first dive into the pond was met with a surprise by how cold the water is. You come out spluttering, and accomplished nothing. You need to go warm up and try again."; else: say "you jump into the water thinking you can get the thing, but without something to see under water, you have not hope. Now you need to go warm up and try again."; if canDive is 0: say "there's no point in you jumping in."; else if the noun is the ocean: say "I'm not jumping in there!"; else: say "There's nothing to dive into."; Unbolting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "unlock [something] with [something]" as Unbolting it with. Carry Out unbolting it with: if the noun is the grappling hook: if the noun is the large paperclip and the player carries the large paperclip: say "After jimmying with the lock for a while, you somehow manage to pop it open. Turns out this paper clip was useful."; now hookUnChained is 1; else: say "That won't help me get it loose."; else: say "There's nothing to unlock"; [ - Step 13 & 15 - ] Grappling it is an action applying to one thing. Understand "throw [something]" and "grapple with [something]" as Grappling it Pulling it back is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pull [something] back" as Pulling it back. grappleAttached is a number that varies. grappleAttachedCliff is a number that varies. Carry out grappling: if the noun is grappling hook: if the player carries the grappling hook: if the location of the player is the Forest Highland: let x be a random number from 1 to 3; if x is 1: say "You throw your hook to the other side of the ravine, but it falls loosely to the side. You pull it back to try again."; now grappleAttached is 0; if x is 2: say "You whip your hook to the other side and it stays, but you don't know if it has stuck or not."; now grappleAttached is 1; move the grappling hook to null; if x is 3: say "After getting a nice throw, You feel your hook firmly plant itself into the other side. You then tie it to a tree and tie it taught so you can cross."; now grappleAttached is 2; move the grappling hook to null; if the location of the player is the Cliff Side: say "you firmly plant your hook into the side of the cliff face before letting the chain fall over the edge. You are now read to descend."; now grappleAttachedCliff is 2; move the grappling hook to null; else: say "There's nowhere to grapple from."; else: say "You don't have the grappling hook."; else: say "What are you gonna throw?" Carry out Pulling Back: if the noun is grappling hook: if the location of the player is the Forest Highland: if grappleAttached > 0: say "You pull the hook back."; now grappleAttached is 0; now the player carries the grappling hook; else: say "There is no grappling hook there."; if the location of the player is the Cliff Side: if grappleAttachedCliff is 1: say "You take your hook out of the rock"; now grappleAttachedCliff is 0; now the player carries the grappling hook; else: say "There is no grappling hook there."; else: say "What are you going to pull back?"; [ - Step 14 - ] canTakeRod is a number that varies. Instead of taking long metal rod: if canTakeRod is 0: say "Its stuck in the branches: I'll need to chuck something at it to get it out."; else: continue the action; Chucking at is an action applying to two things. Understand "throw [something] at [something]" as chucking at Carry Out chucking at: if the second noun is the long metal rod: if the noun is rocksSingular or the noun is rocksPlural: say "After throwing a bunch of rocks at the rod, missing, picking them back up, and throwing again you finally knocked the rod out of the branches."; now canTakeRod is 1; else: say "That won't get it out of the tree"; else: say "I don't need to throw anything at that."; [ - Step 15 - ] [see step 13] rockyVisit is a number that varies. Every turn: if the location of player is in Rocky Bottom: if Rocky Bottom is unvisited: now rockyVisit is 1; Every turn: if the location of player is in Cliff Side: if rockyVisit is 1: say " - END OF ACT 2 - [paragraph break]"; say " - ACT 3 - THE SECRET - "; now rockyVisit is 0; [***ACT 3 - THE SECRET***] [ - Step 16 - ] [nothing much] [ - Step 17 - ] dials are a part of the secret door. Turning to is an action applying to one thing and one topic. Understand "turn [something] to [text]" as Turning to dialsRight is a number that varies. Instead of Turning to: if the noun is dials or the noun is secret door: if the topic is "power": say "You turn the 5 dials to [topic understood], and hear a click. However the door does not open, it seems you still need to slide an ID card to get in."; now dialsRight is 1; else: say "You turn the 5 dials to [topic understood], but nothing happens." Instead Using something on secret door: if the second noun is secret door: if the noun is the ID card: say "You slide your ID card into the slot and here a loud clang before the heavy door swings open."; now secretDoorOpen is 1; else: say "That won't let you in,"; else: say "Nothing to use it on"; Carry Out using it on: say "Nothing to use it on"; [ - Step 18 - ] [objects] [ - Step 19 - ] Pressing is an action applying to one thing computerOn is a number that varies. Instead of pressing buttons: let y be 10; let x be a random number from 1 to y; if x is 1: say "The computer suddenly flashes, and a giant password box appears. You think you've turned it on succesfully. Now all you need to do is to type the right password on the computer."; now computerOn is 1; if x is 10: say "The computer suddenly beeps and buzzes and smoke starts coming out, soon the computer is smoking, and then [line break]*BOOM* [line break] and that's the end of that"; end the game in death; else: say "You press a button but, nothing really happens."; now y is y - 1 Typing is an action applying to one topic and one thing. Understand "type [text] on [something]" as Typing firstType is a number that varies. Check Typing: if the second noun is computer: if the topic is "day of reckoning": say "You type in the password, and surprisingly, you get it right. The computer logs on and allows you in"; now computerLoggedOn is 1; if the firstType is 0: say "you got the password wrong, but a hint appears. It say 'caesar shifted 17' whatever that means"; now firstType is 1; else: say "You got the password wrong."; else: say "You can't type on that."; [ - Step 20 - ] [examination stuff] [ - Step 21 - ] hollowWallRevealed is a number that varies. hollowWallBroken is a number that varies. matchLit is a number that varies. Instead of using unknown object on something: if knowledgeOfAlcove is 0: say "There's really no point in me using this on anything."; if knowledgeOfAlcove is 1: if the second noun is the suspicious wall: say "You use the locator on the suspicious wall you found earlier in the bluffs and find that it is in fact hollow. Now all you have to do is break in."; now hollowWallRevealed is 1; Instead of using chisel on something: if hollowWallRevealed is 0: say "There's really no point in me using this on anything."; if hollowWallRevealed is 1: if the second noun is the suspicious wall: say "After slowly and methodically breaking through the wall, you have finally created a hole big enough for you to fit through."; now hollowWallBroken is 1; Lighting it is an action applying to one thing. Understand "light [something]" as lighting it. litMatches are a thing. the printed name of litMatches is "matches (lit)". Carry Out lighting: if the noun is the matches: say "You light your match for light, though it might not last long."; now matchLit is 1; now the player carries litMatches; move matches to null; [else if the noun is the fire pit: say "What do you want to light it with?";] else: say "I can't light that."; Every turn when matchLit is 1: let x be 0; if x is 4: now matchLit is 0; now the player carries matches; move litmatches to null; else: let x be x + 1; the light switch is a scenery device in the unknown alcove. lightOn is a number that varies. After switching on light switch: now lightOn is 1; Instead of switching off light switch: say "I probably don't want to turn the lights off." resolve is a number that varies. familySeen is a number that varies. wantToEscape is a number that varies. Instead of examining your family: say "You finally realized what must have happened here. [paragraph break] You had first sent your family to be safe here upon hearing of the first nuclear strike. Them along with a variety of other high-up officials took cover in this island base from the war and monitored the situation from here. The entire control room and bunker in the mountains was designed to be discreet and to protect its inhabitants from nuclear radiation and such. And that it did, everyone must have been safe and sound until a sudden collapse of the structure cut off the connection between the main living quarters and the rest of the bunker. People must have been scared, but just looking at the amount of soil, rock and gravel that had poured in here, there was no way that they were going to be able to clear it. It looked like the soil there was made of the same sort of material as that found on the bluffs or even the ravine. In fact, this entire wall of dirt would probably keep on crumbling down, even if they tried to dig it out, and might even be the reason why there was a giant crevice in the mountains above. [paragraph break] Among the collapse, it must have also taken out the power, and a lot of the supplies that the bunker was originally designed to sustain. Most of the food probably spoiled with time, and people were left helpless without escape; because although the bunker was designed to prevent people from getting in; it also kept anyone on the inside from getting out. [paragraph break]"; say "However, not everyone must have been trapped because you had found various traces of human activity all throughout the island: stamped on flowers, markings and the dead body at the bottom of the cliffs. The people in the control area of the building, must have been able to access the outside. They probably tried to get signals going with the fires to alert passing ships of the situation (explaining the curiously arranged stones on the beach), but the location of the island was specifically designed to make it extremely hard to find. Only someone who knew of the area such as yourself would be able to get there. After the lucky few realized that nobody was going to save them, they probably scrounged all the resources they could find and take the boat that they arrived here with to get the hell out of here (That would explain why there was no entry vessel remaining when the rest of your family arrived here). It would also explain the markings and arrows on the tree and on the bluffs as maps they used to plan their escape. [paragraph break]"; say "But now, as you inspect the largest corpse, you realize that the largest skeleton has the exact same name as your wife: ‘Jessica Hill’. You try to restrain yourself from crying, but the tears just continue. You tightly grip the bone hands of your wife, and as you make your way to the smaller skeletons, you hope that they are not your children, you hope that someone from your family survived. Inspecting the children, your heart sinks even lower as you uncover a bracelet on the small female skeleton, the same bracelet that you gave your daughter when she was five years old. You now move towards the last skeleton, sobbing uncontrollably. While you are inspecting the skeleton, a small beam of hope begins to fill your body as you cannot find anything that would link this skeleton to your son, but as you are almost done, you notice a fracture on his tibia. You remember how your son badly cracked his bones right at that exact spot and in that sudden moment of realization that your family is all dead, you just freeze, motionless. ‘What did I do wrong?’ you loudly weep, ‘I couldn't protect any of you, I couldn’t do anything! I'm just worthless! What's the point of living on?’ As your body is overcome with guilt, you just sit in the spot motionless by what was once your family, but now only you are left to live a painful and cruel existence, with the vivid image of their last moments haunting your mind. [paragraph break]"; say "Your body begins to lose feeling and you are suddenly transported into what seems to be another piece of your memory. This time the memory is at your wedding day. You stand next to your beautiful wife and you are making your vows, the scene is very beautiful but you begin crying. Your wife asks ‘what's going on Mark?’ but you cannot stop sobbing nor can you speak at all. You cry because you know that ten years later she would not be with you, that you would be completely alone. The scene fades to black and you fast forwards to what seems to be the birth of your two children. As your wife pushes the babies out, the first thing she says is ‘look Mark they’re yours! They have the same beautiful eyes as their dad!’ You just stand frozen, unable to move, unable to speak, almost as if someone had paralyzed you. Before your wife asks what the issue is, you fly into one last memory. However, what you’re seeing isn't a memory, but instead a kaleidoscope of different memories, all significant ones you made with your children. As the scenes fly by so does your tears, you witness the first time your children said ‘dadda’, you see when you taught them how to ride a bike, you see your son won their little league baseball game and you relived the pride you felt that day. As the memories come to a close, you see these new memories and it doesn’t take you long to realize that these are not memories but vivid dreams of your family and you in the future: walking along the beach, laughing as your family runs across a theme park, your 50th anniversary with your wife, and even you playing alongside your grandchildren. You are struck with unbearable pain as your visions come to a close and you are left with the realization that you will NEVER experience any of these memories nor will you ever recover from your loss. Paralyzed and shocked by your revelation, you just sit crying deep into the night."; try sleeping; now familySeen is 1; Before waking up when familySeen is 1: now Sanity is 54; now Hunger is 1000; now Thirst is 800; now lackOfPain is 1200; now Warmth is 1500; Instead of examining blueprint: if familySeen is 1: say "Upon seeing the blueprint, you realize that you were designing a device to save humanity from the effects of radiation. You are filled with a newfound purpose as you realize although you have nothing left of your previous life, you decide that you can atone for these mistakes by taking your technology to save the world. Every chapter has to have an end, and this may be the end of one, but there is always another beginning. You decide to take life as it comes, and harness all the emotion built up from this venture on making what remains of the world a better place. First Step, get in better shape. After sitting in this cave for an entire night, you are in desperate need to get better."; now wantToEscape is 1; now Sanity is 10000; say " - END OF ACT 3 - [paragraph break]"; say " - ACT 4 - THE ESCAPE - "; [***ACT 4 - THE ESCAPE***] [ - Step 22 - ] madeDarts is a number that varies. madePoisonDarts is a number that varies. madeBlowgun is a number that varies. Instead of using something on small sticks: if the noun is the pocket knife: say "You take a couple of minutes to go to work on the small sticks, sharpening the tips until one touch can draw a bit of blood from your fingers. You are surprised by how well they are able to be sharpened without splintering and before long, have a pile of darts by your side."; now madeDarts is 1; now the printed name of small sticks is "darts"; now the description of small sticks is "A couple of very pointy darts that can easily penetrate through quite a variety of materials."; now the time of day is 9 minutes after the time of day; else if the noun is the machete: say "The blade is too big to work on such small sticks."; else: say "That won't do anything to the small sticks"; Instead of using something on something: if the second noun is white spotted red mushrooms or the second noun is blue white striped mushrooms: if the noun is the small sticks and madePoisonDarts is 0: if madeDarts is 1: if the second noun is white spotted red mushrooms: say "You poke a dart into the mushroom and easily see some of the poisonous juices flow onto the tip. You carefully seal it away and repeat the process with all of your darts. You know have an arsenal of lethal stabbing weapons."; now madePoisonDarts is 1; now the printed name of small sticks is "poisoned darts"; now the description of small sticks is "A couple of very pointy darts with poison tipped ends."; if the second noun is the blue white striped mushrooms: say "You poke the sticks into the mushroom and find that not much happens."; else: say "Doing anything else to these small stick won't really do much at this current state."; else: say "I won't really get anything from doing that."; else: continue the action; Instead of using something on reeds: if the noun is the small sticks and madeDarts is 1: say "You load a dart into the inner tube of the reed and find that after blowing on one end, the wind tunnel you created easily sends the projectile flying out the other end. You have managed to scrounge up your very own blowgun."; now madeBlowgun is 1; [ - Step 23 - ] Attacking it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" as attacking it with. Instead of attacking alligators with in Swampland: if alligatorsDead is 1: say "The alligators are already dead"; if alligatorsDead is 0: if the second noun is the reeds and madeBlowgun is 1: if madePoisonDarts is 1: say "After shooting your first round into the alligators, it doesn't seem very promising, with only one of the darts sticking into their side. Quickly they turn towards you, so you speed up and empty your entire collection of poisonous darts, and although only a select few actually penetrate the alligator thick hide, it seems that is all you needed. The deadly poison quickly circulates through their system, and soon all the alligators are completely immobile."; now alligatorsDead is 1; else if madeDarts is 1: say "You quickly empty rounds and rounds of darts into the alligators, however they don't seem to do much. While a few do penetrate their thick hides, the only thing that you seemed to have accomplished was to anger them. Soon you run out of more projectiles and the alligators advance on you. You don't have any time to run and you quickly succumb to their hefty jaws."; end the game in death; else: say "You don't have anything to shoot them with."; else: say "You uselessly attack the alligators with [the second noun] however, the only thing it does is anger them. Soon, they are upon you, and while you do try to run, a stray root manages to get under your foot, and you fall to the ground. You can practically smell the alligator's breath now, while they prepare to make you their next meal."; end the game in death; Instead of taking alligators: if alligatorsDead is 0: say "You try to get up close to the alligator, only for it to take a huge chunk out of your arm. You writher in pain, as you see blood gushing from your limp stump. Quickly, the smell of dying flesh brings other alligators towards you and before long, you are completely out"; end the game in death; else: say "It would be much to inconvenient for me to carry an entire alligator around. If its going to be of any use, I'm going to only be able to take a part of it." Instead of using something on alligators: if alligatorsDead is 1: if the noun is the machete: if skinTaken is 0: say "You quickly take a couple of good hacks at the alligators and find that you can actually slice some of their rough hide off. While not incredibly comfortable, it seems quite durable and tough, a good replacement for some spare cloth."; now the player carries alligator skin; else: say "I already got some, I won't need any more."; else: say "[the noun] doesn't really do much to the dead carcasses."; else: if the noun is the reeds: try attacking alligators with the noun; else: say "You try to use [the noun] on the alligators, but the only thing it does is bring you closer to them. They lunge at you and bring you to the ground, their giant jaws easily tearing through your flesh. As your last dying note, you realize you'll probably have to take them on from a distance."; alligator skin is a thing. The description of alligator skin is "The alligator leather is very strong but also very light. It may be useful for mending holes due to its durability." [ - Step 24 - ] Escaping is an action applying to nothing. Understand "escape" as escaping. canEscape is a number that varies. Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has boardsPlural and numBoards is 8 and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I'll need more boards if I want to make a raft."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has PoppiesPlural and numPoppies is 20 and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I'll need more painkillers so I can last out in the ocean."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has CookedPotatoesPlural and player has CookedFishforPlayer and player has CookedShroomsPlural and player has BerriesPlural and the numCookedPotatoes + numCookedPotatoes + numCookedFish + NumCookedShrooms is 40 and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I'll need more cooked food so that I can survive."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has saltwater purifier and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need something that will provide me with a source of water in the middle of the salty ocean."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has vinesPlural and numVines is 5 and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need more vines in order to hold the raft together."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has tattered sail and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I'll need at least a bit of sail to start with so I have something to work with."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has alligator skin and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need something to fix up the holes in the sail."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has marine sealant and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need something that will make sure that the sail doesn't rip any further and hold everything together."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has metal flask and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need something to hold and drink water with."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has GrassPlural and numGrass is 10 and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need more grass in order to start a fire here while I work on the raft."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has kindlingPlural and numkindling is 10 and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need more kindling in order to start a fire here while I work on the raft."; Before escaping: let a be 0; if the player has logsPlural and numlogs is 10 and a is 0: now canEscape is canEscape + 1; let a be 1; else: say "I need more logs in order to start a fire here while I work on the raft."; Carry out escaping: if canEscape > 11 and the location of the player is the Inner Cove: say "Every story has an end, but it doesn't mean you can't have a new beginning. For you, this is just the end of one chapter of your life, and after losing everything on this island, you decide to think only for the future. There is no time to dwell on the past, so you throw all of your memories and experiences away in your old life so you can start anew."; end the game in victory; [All Object taken variables] [Starting Beach] harnessTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has harness: now harnessTaken is 1; [West Forest] axeTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has rusty old axe: now axeTaken is 1; [Mysterious Rock Formation] collectionTaken is a number that varies. [see above] [Pond] reedsTaken is a number that varies. [above - doesnt take all of the reeds] paperclipTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has snorkel: now paperclipTaken is 1; [Gravel Beach] snorkelTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has snorkel: now snorkelTaken is 1; leatherScrapsTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has leather scraps: now leatherScrapsTaken is 1; [Pebble Beach] flintTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has flint: now flintTaken is 1; sailTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has flint: now sailTaken is 1; [Treetop] macheteTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has machete: now macheteTaken is 1; [East Forest] sticksTaken is a number that varies. [above - doesnt take all of the sticks] [Upper Ridge] hookTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has grappling hook: now hookTaken is 1; [Rocky Bottom] matchesTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has matches: now matchesTaken is 1; fishingTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has fishing equipment: now fishingTaken is 1; wadersTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has waders: now wadersTaken is 1; chiselTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has chisel: now chiselTaken is 1; sealantTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has sealant: now sealantTaken is 1; IDTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has ID card: now IDTaken is 1; newspaperTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has newspaper: now newspaperTaken is 1; [Bluffs] rodTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has long metal rod: now rodTaken is 1; [Hidden Tunnel] locatorTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has unknown object: now locatorTaken is 1; [Control Room] purifierTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has saltwater purifier: now purifierTaken is 1; [Swampland] skinTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player has alligator skin: now skinTaken is 1; [Boggy Waters] snakeTaken is a number that varies. Every Turn: if player carries red black Snake and player carries red yellow Snake: now snakeTaken is 1;