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Tyler M Campbell
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"Guide" by Tyler Campbell. use no scoring. Start is a room. "Welcome! This guide serves a dual purpose: it helps introduce how to play Interactive Fictions games as well lay out a crash course on how to start coding your own games using the same language this guide was programmed in -which is Inform 7. At various times you will be prompted 'Type this' or 'Go in this direction'. Just go with the flow, explore, and have fun! Type think for the next tip.". At 9:00 AM: say "Good job! To create the game title, type the game's title in quotation marks. Here is an example: 'Game Title' by author. The story headline is 'The subtitle or subheading'. Type wait for the next tip.". At 9:01 AM: say "So now, you have your starting text. Now let's create our first room. It's very simple: type 'Lobby is a room.' Type jump for the next tip.". At 9:02 AM: say "Let's describe our room now. Remember how we formatted the game title? This will be very similar. Right next to 'Lobby is a room.' type 'Just your basic room description.' Now Type in i for another tip.". At 9:03 AM: say "Go ahead and run your game. So far you have your starting text, your player starts in the Lobby which has a description, and you know the following commands when playing Interactive Fiction; think, wait, jump, and i for inventory. Now type Look for the next tip.". At 9:04 AM: say "Notice that the game seemed to restart? No worries, all it did was restate the room's description. In this case, you are currently in a room named 'Start'. Your game is pretty small. Let's add some rooms and learn how to move about this new game world, shall we? On the lines following our Lobby room, type the following text: Corridor is north of Lobby. 'Please type room description here'. Courtyard is south of Lobby. 'Please type room description here'. Kitchen is east of Lobby. 'Please type room description here'. Dining Room is west of Lobby. 'Please type room description here'. Basement is down of Lobby. 'Please type room description here'. Attic is up of Lobby. 'Please type room description here'. At the top of your code, right before you typed Lobby is a room., type 'use brief room descriptions.'. Now what that has done is change when the description is displayed. Instead of showing up every time you enter a room, it only shows up the first time you enter it. How cool is that? When you are done typing in your code, Go ahead and go on UP to the Gameroom." At 9:05 AM: say "Why did you go back to Start? Come on, back to the Gameroom, please. After all, I am the guide and am helping you make the game. If you just stay in Start then perhaps I'll change my mind about meeting you in a different room. Please, go back to the Gameroom." At 9:06 AM: say "Ok, well fine. I might as well tell you the rest of the agenda since no doubt that's what you wanted to know anyway. I will instruct you on giving your players and rooms inventories, then I will touch base on scenery. After that I will discuss scenes, narration, and then non playable characters. If you stay after that I will show you what I think to be a very neat trick. Now, I've opened a new sliding door to the north. Do please go on in. It leads to my programming room. You deserve it, I suppose.". At 9:07 AM: say "Ok, now I guess I have to hurry it up a bit. To give your player an inventory, type The player is carrying a key. Now, what the key will go is up for you to decide. To put an object in a room, say 'The Lantern is in the Basement.'. Don't forget to add descriptions to your objects! You can type examine to look at an object, take and drop are also very important. Scenery is pretty much what it sounds like: Objects that can be seen that may or may not be able to be interacted with.". At 9:08 AM: say "So, what is a Scene? No, No, No, I did not mean like a movie or a novel. In Inform 7, a scene is simply an event. Here is a basic example syntax: 'Laughing is a scene. When Laughing begins type something to say or an event that happens. When Laughing ends: type something to say or an event that happens. Laughing ends when the time since Laughing began is 5 minutes.' In order to write narration, you must first understand the concept of time. Every game, unless modified, starts at 9:00 AM. To write a line of narration, write 'At 9:01 AM: say 'Congrats! You have taken your first turn.''. In Inform 7, each turn is equatable with a minute. Please slide down the chute now to my social room to meet me.". At 9:09 AM: say "You look absolutely fantabolous! Oh and before I forget, to make a NPC type in your code type 'Guide is a man.' Oh, and also by doing that you have placed me in your game, by which I hope you don't remove me. To make me move around in your new game (and in future games as well if you put me in) type Table of Guides Movement. Then add rooms, starting with the room you want to start the game in. Well, this ends the session, unless you choose to WAIT and hear my last trick of the trade.". At 9:10 AM: say "As promised, here is the cool command you can experiment with. 'Now the player is in
.'. Remember, I was just your guide. Thank you for allowing me, just a simple NPC, to help you as you become an Interactive Fiction Player and Programmer."; end the story finally. Gameroom is a room. description is "Just a plain old room.". Programming Lab is a room. description is "You step in and slide the door, unconcerned with the sound of it rattling.". Society is a room. description is "Now at last you have arrived.". Gameroom is up of Start. Programming Lab is north of Start. Society is down of Programming Lab. Guide is a man in Society. The Book is in Society. Instead of going up from Start while the Book is not carried: say "You clamber up seemingly invisible stairs and arrive in a room with a desk. You decide you don't really need to be here, so you head back down."; now the player is in Start.