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Beyond the Stars
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"Beyond the Stars" by DeltaF1 For printing a locale paragraph about a door (called the item) (this is the don't mention doors in room descriptions rule): set the locale priority of the item to 0; continue the activity. [Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.] use no scoring Table of location smells location smell Main Deck "The faint smell of ozone lingers in the air, perhaps from the banks of computers." Lounge "A faint aroma of wine sneaks its way to you from behind the bar." Hub "You can smell fresh air coming from life support modules high up in the ceiling" Maintenance "The smell of oil and greased metal fills your nostrils." Table of object smells object smell droid "It smells faintly of the dust it cleans" test tubes "A noxious smell of bad eggs and sour milk greets your nose." sangri "He doesn't appreciate your curiosity" Table of research subject text "Kevin" "A most wondrous creature indeed" poking is an action applying to one touchable thing. researching is an action applying to one topic. carry out researching something: say "you know nothing about [the noun]"; understand "research [something]" as researching carry out poking something: say "[the noun] pokes you back."; understand "poke [something]" as poking. licking is an action applying to one touchable thing. carry out licking: say "[the noun] is covered with warm saliva."; understand "lick [something]" as licking instead of smelling an object listed in the table of object smells: say the smell entry.; a rod is a kind of thing. it has a number called heat. instead of smelling when the player is in a location listed in the table of location smells: say the smell entry.; instead of smelling: say "[one of]A cold clinical smell fills your nostrils, most likely from the cleaning solution used on the floors.[or]You can't smell anything. The cleaning droid has done its job.[or]You feel a bit foolish sniffing around, and you don't smell anything interesting anyway.[at random]"; smiling is an action applying to nothing. carry out smiling: say "You grin foolishly."; understand "smile" or "grin" as smiling. dancing is an action applying to nothing. carry out dancing: say "You're a maaaaniac!" understand "dance" or "happy dance" or "bust a move" as dancing. helping is an action applying to nothing. When play begins: say "Welcome to Beyond the Stars, an IF adventure by DeltaF1. This is my first IF, so please excuse any bugs. I will be adding more and more to this as it goes, so come back frequently.[paragraph break]"; [wait for any key] say "You awake with a splitting headache and no memory of who or where you are. All you have is the vague feeling that all is not quite as it should be."; planets is a backdrop. it is in Main Deck and Observation Deck. "The vastness of the cosmos is clearly visible here, with nebulae and gas giants so close you feel you could touch them. The lights of the stars seems to shimmer and dance." understand "planets" or "stars" or "space" or "cosmos" as planets [Main Deck] Table of droid conversation topic speech "ship" "BLEEEEEEEP BLOOOOOOP" "planets" "Beautiful eh?" droid is an animal. the description is "A cube on wheels, it rolls around the ship, hoovering and sweeping whatever dirt is in its path. Its purpose is now redundant, as you have seen no people but yourself aboard this vessel.". it is in the Hub. every turn: if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: try the droid going a random direction; instead of asking the droid about a Topic listed in the table of droid conversation: say the speech entry.; Main Deck is a room. "A row of flashing computer terminals sits in front of you. Beyond them is a giant viewscreen, showing the vastness of space.". understand "view" or "viewscreen" as planets when location is Main Deck Computer is a thing. Computer is scenery. it is in Main Deck. "The terminals are all displaying the same output line: KERNEL FAILURE[line break]SYSTEM RESTART REQUIRED _ " understand "computer"or "terminal" or "computers" or "terminals" or "bleepy bloopy" or "console" as Computer North Hallway is a room. it is south of Main Deck. "A small hallway with a glossy floor and panels on the walls. To the west is the Blaster Storage room. To the south is the hub of the ship" Blaster Room is a room. "A circular room with shelves stacked high with boxes. One box is tipped over and bereft of it's P900 Blaster. Someone wanted a weapon in a hurry..." Weapon Stand is scenery. it is in Blaster Room. the description is "Two strips of Tungsten-Dergium Alloy support a variety of weapons, each with their own uses in various tactical situations." Rifle is a thing. it is on the Weapon Stand. Access Card unlocks Blaster Door. the description is "A white plastic card with a small hologram that reads 'Access Level 1'". blaster door is a closed locked door. it is west of the North Hallway and east of the Blaster Room. the description is "A door that has a sign reading 'Blaster Storage'" [Hub] a sliding door is an open door. it is north of the Hub and south of the North Hallway. the description is "A door that can lock in emergencies to isolate one branch of the ship" Hub is a room. "A large octagonal room, with lights running along the floor showing where to go. The floor gradually slopes down in layers to the center where a Lumo-Transport sits, waiting to bring passengers to alternate decks. To the north is the Main Deck, to the west is the Quarters section, to the east is the Research section. The Lumo-Transport leads up to the Observation Deck, and down to the Maintenance Deck. " Observation Deck is a room. it is above the Hub. "A room with hexagonal glass tiles in a latticework for the ceiling. You can see the stars from here. In the center of the room, the Lumo-Transport leads down to the Hub" Maintenance Deck is a room. it is below the Hub. "This deck contains the inner workings of the ship. Lights flicker, and your head almost scrapes the low ceiling. The Lumo-Transport leads up to the Hub. To the south is the reactor core that powers the ship, to the east and west are escape pod bays, and to the north is the main computer room." Reactor Core is a room. it is south of maintenance. "A large loop extends before you to the left and right. In the centre of the room is a steel shaft, with plexiglass strips revealing the Dergium-10 rods inside. To the north is the maintenance deck. A storage trunk lies out of place by a control panel." Reactor Panel is scenery in reactor. "A metal panel with flashing lights and shiny sliders. A small text display reads out the rod temperatures and power throughput." text display is part of reactor panel. the description is "[fixed letter spacing][line break] [bold type]HEAT[roman type][line break] R1:%50 R2:%23 R3:567[line break] [bold type]THROUGHPUT[roman type][line break] R1:%88 R2:%97 R3:%75[variable letter spacing]" understand "panel" or "control panel" as reactor panel. Paper is a thing. "A slip of white paper.". the description is "The paper has the mainframe reboot codes written on it:[paragraph break] [italic type]84J3U[roman type] ". it is in Trunk. Trunk is an openable container. it is scenery. it is in Reactor. "A standard cargo trunk, made out of stainless steel and tough plastic.". it is closed. Lumo is a backdrop. it is in Observation, Hub and Maintenance. "A beam of pure blue light, contained in a plexiglass shaft. This model is standard on most League star cruisers." understand "lumo-transport" or "transport" or "light" as lumo. [Research Section] Archives is a room. it is east of the Hub. "A circular room with shelves upon shelves of nano-tech wafers, each containing the knowledge gleaned from a thousand suns. To the north is the Holodeck. To the west lies the Hub, and to the east is the Laboratory" wafers is scenery. wafers is in Archives. "Information on planetary compositions, charts to map the heavens, entire histories of various cultures, all laid out before you in a glittering treasure trove of knowledge. However, now is not the time to spend hours perusing the books..." understand "wafers" or "nano-tech wafers" or "books" or "knowledge" as wafers. Holodeck is a room. it is north of Archives. "A beautiful woodland meadow spreads before you, with burbling brooks and luscious flower patches." Rock is a thing. it is in holodeck. "There is a rock that seems to catch your attention...". instead of taking or examining rock: say "As you lean in closer to the rock, it seems to shimmer and shake, and with a crackling of electricity, the whole beautiful scene vanishes, and is replaced by the cold white walls of a holodeck." ; change the description of Holodeck to "A room with plain white walls, and the telltale shimmering of holographic technology in the air."; move Access Card to Holodeck; say "You found an Access Card underneath the 'rock' " ; silently try taking the Access Card; Laboratory is a room. it is east of Archives. "Bubbling test tubes, strange apparatus. and all manner of inorganic specimen in sealed containers. To the west are the Archives. To the east you can see the ship's engine through a porthole." test tubes is scenery. it is in Laboratory. "Vials, beakers, and test tubes, all filled with oozing chemicals and strange substances. you've never been one for chemistry..." understand "vials" or "beakers" or "tubes" as test tubes after smelling test tubes: say "You feel a bit sick..."; [Quarters Section] the Lounge is a room. it is west of the Hub. "[if the dial is 1970s]A dimly lit room, with plush couches all around. To one side is a dial on the wall, controlling the mood of the room. It currently reads '1970s' .[else if the dial is present]Spaaaaaaace...[else]grooving the 2000[apostrophe]s... To the west are the sleeping quarters, to the east is the hub of the ship." dial is a thing. it is in Lounge. the dial can be 1970s, present or 2000s. the dial is 1970s. Quarters is a room. it is west of Lounge. the description is "[if the player is in the Quarters for the first time] wheeeeee spaaace[end if][if the player is in the Quarters for more than the first time]blah[end if]. To the west is an open access hatch, leading to the left engine of the ship. To the north lies Room 207. To the southwest is Room 203, and to the southeast is Room 205. To the east is where the entrance to the lounge used to be." after going to the Quarters: say "The lights flicker as you feel this module spinning and lurching, its gyroscopic functions disintegrating by the second. As you step through the doorway, it is whisked away by the spinning module. This it, the final chapter, If you are to find out what has happened to this ship, it is here where the truth will be revealed"; change the east exit of the Quarters to nowhere; change the west exit of Lounge to nowhere; continue the action; r207 is a room. it is north of Quarters. Sangri Lafleur is a man in r207.