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Star Citizen Test
Daniel Lindsey
Played 739 times
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EZ-Hab Room is a room. The description is "You are in an EZ-Hab room, a small habitation room found on space stations throughout the 'Verse. This particular room is on Port Olisar, orbiting the planet Crusader in the Stanton star system. It is just large enough for you to stand up and turn around, but not much bigger. A small bed is located in a compartment behind you. A doorway leads north." A Mobiglas is in the EZ-Hab Room. "Your Mobiglas is on the table." A flight suit is in the EZ-Hab Room. helmet is in the EZ-Hab Room. boots are in the EZ-Hab room. Bed is a room. The description is "This bed is small, but adequate for restful sleep." The Bed is south of EZ-Hab Room. Hallway is a room. The description is "A hallway stretches from east to west. You see large openings at each end of the hallway leading north, and a lavatory to the north. Several EZ-Hab rooms line the southern wall." Hallway is north of EZ-Hab Room. Lavatory is a room. The description is "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue." Lavatory is north of hallway. East end is a room. The description is "You are at the east end of the hallway. A large opening leads north, and the hallway stretches to the west." East end is east of Hallway West end is a room. The description is "You are at the west end of the hallway. A large opening leads north, and the hallway stretches to the east." West end is west of Hallway. East Hallway is a room. The description is "This hallway runs to the north, into another EZ-Hab hall. To your right is an unfinished room, scattered with tools lined with scaffolding. Ahead and to your left is a stairway leading down." East Hallway is north of East end. West Hallway is a room. The description is "This hallway runs to the north, into another EZ-Hab hall. To your left is a lounge area, with chairs, benches and some vending machines. To your right is a stairway leading down." West Hallway is north of West end. Main Deck East is a room. The description is "You are in another hallway. To the north you can see a Casaba Outlet store. There is a door to the west, and to the south is a wide, well-lit concourse." Main Deck East is below East Hallway. Main Deck West is a room. The description is "You are in another hallway. To the north you can see a Dumper's Depot, and to the south is a wide, well-lit concourse. A door leads east." Main Deck West is below West Hallway. South Concourse is a room. The description is "The south concourse is a wide hall with large windows along the southern edge that provide a spectacular view of the space outside the station, along with the planet Crusader itself. Airlocks are located to the east and west. You see an armor shop to the southwest, and a weapon shop to the southeast. Both shops appear to be closed. Doors lead to the northeast and northwest." South Concourse is south of Main Deck East. South Concourse is south of Main Deck West. North Concourse is a room. The description is "The north concourse is a wide hall with a large opening to the southwest and southeast that leads into the Ship Terminal Room. To the east you see a Casaba Outlet, and to the west a Dumper's Depot. In the center to the north is the Administration Dest, currently unoccupied." North Concourse is north of Main Deck East. North Concourse is north of Main Deck West. North Concourse West is a room. The description is "There is a Dumper's Depot here, but apparently it's closed. There is an airlock to the northwest." North Concourse West is west of North Concourse. North Concourse East is a room. The description is "There is a Casaba Outlet store here, but it's closed now. There is an airlock to the northeast." North Concourse East is east of North Concourse. Ship Terminal Room is a room. The description is "This large room has several terminals arranged around the middle of the room, underneath a large hologram depicting Crusader and the orbits of its three moons, Cellin, Daymar and Yela. A large opening to the northwest and northeast leads to the north concourse, and there are doors to the southeast and southwest. Additional doors lead west and east." Ship Terminal Room is southwest of North Concourse. Ship Terminal Room is southeast of North Concourse. Ship Terminal Room is northeast of South Concourse. Ship Terminal Room is northwest of South Concourse. Ship Terminal Room is east of Main Deck West. Ship Terminal Room is west of Main Deck East.