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BYM Annual Session: The Game
Keir Hudson
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"BYM Annual Session: The Game" The Pergola is a room. "You are finally at BYM Annual Session! After a long drive, you find yourself in the Pergola, a pavilion with a roof of plants above your head. To the north is the dining hall, to the south is the campus center, to the east is the boarding house for the Young Adult Friends, and to the west is the lounge area for Young Adult Friends." The Coblentz Dining Hall is a room. Coblentz Dining Hall is north of the Pergola. "You come to the dining hall, where Friends of all ages are talking and eating lunch together. On the floor below you is the meeting place for the Junior Young Friends, and above you is the lounge for the Young Friends." The freezer is in the Coblentz Dining Hall. The freezer is an open container. Inside the freezer is ice cream. The description of the ice cream is "The ice cream is chocolate flavored and looks delicious. Maybe someone would appreciate you giving them some!" Erik is a person in the Coblentz Dining Hall. Understand "person" as Erik. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]†as talking to. Instead of talking to Erik: say "[one of] 'Hey! I need your help!' He says. [or] 'What's wrong?' You ask. [or] 'Some people are saying that I broke the air conditioning in the Young Friends lounge,' he responds. 'I need you to help clear my name!' [or] You set off to prove Erik's innocence! [stopping]" Asking is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "ask [someone] about the bracelet" as asking. Instead of asking Erik: say "You tell Erik about the bracelet you found in the air conditioner. He doesn't recognize it, but says you should ask around about it." The Junior Young Friends Lounge is a room. Junior Young Friends lounge is below the Coblentz Dining Hall. "The JYF Lounge is full of energetic middle school aged Quakers." Dylan is a person in the Junior Young Friends Lounge. Understand "person" as Dylan. Understand "talk to [someone]" or "converse with [someone]" as talking to. Instead of talking to Dylan: say "[one of] You wave to Dylan, a fellow Young Adult Friend. He waves back and comes over to talk to you. [or] 'Hey, can you find someone to help me out here? The JYFs are getting a little rowdy.' As he says this, he indicates two JYFs who are hugging onto his legs, making it hard for him to walk. [or] 'Sure,' You say, 'I'll try and find someone!' [or] Dylan attempts to walk off, the JYFs still holding on to his legs. You should find someone to help him! [stopping]" Understand "ask [someone] about the bracelet" as asking. Instead of asking Dylan: say "You ask Dylan about the bracelet you found, but he doesn't seem to know anything about it. The hunt continues!" The YF Lounge is a room. The YF Lounge is above the Coblentz Dining Hall. "The Young Friends Lounge is empty, since most of the YFs themselves are eating downstairs." The air conditioner is in the YF Lounge. The description of the air conditioner is "The air conditioner is making some very strange noises. They seem to be emanating from the vent." The vent is part of the air conditioner. The description of the vent is "There appears to be something in the vent that does not belong there." The vent is a closed openable container. Inside the vent is a bracelet. The description of the bracelet is "This bracelet was caught in the air conditioner and keeping it from working. You should find out who it belongs to." The Young Adult Friends Lounge is a room. The Young Adult Friends Lounge is west of the Pergola. "Most of the YAFs are at lunch right now, but a few are still in a meeting here." The snack machine is in the Young Adult Friends Lounge. The snack machine is a locked closed openable container. The quarters unlock the snack machine. Understand "use [something]" as opening. Inside the snack machine is snacks. Alex is a person in the Young Adult Friends Lounge. Understand "person" as Alex. Understand "talk to [someone]" or "converse with [someone]" as talking to. Instead of talking to Alex: say "Alex waves you over. 'Hey,' she says softly, 'got anything to eat? I'm famished, and this meeting isn't looking like it's going to end any time soon.'" Giving is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "give [someone] [something]" as giving. Instead of giving [something] to Alex: say "Alex nods to you thankfully."; award 1 point. Understand "ask [someone] about the bracelet" as asking. Instead of asking Alex: say "Alex doesn't seem to know anything about the bracelet. You should try asking someone else!" The YAF Boarding House Exterior is a room. The YAF Boarding House Exterior is east of the Pergola. "It's a short walk from the Pergola to the YAF boarding house." Becca is a person in the YAF Boarding House Exterior. Understand "person" as Becca. Understand "Talk to [someone]" or "Converse with [someone]" as talking to. Instead of talking to Becca: say "You approach Becca, who has a distressed look on her face. Evidently, she lost her key and needs you to help her find it!"