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A Murder at the Spice Mansion
Jonathan Dong
Played 437 times
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[INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "Fred and Angelina Spice were one of their towns biggest personalities. Kind, wealthy, philanthropic, all the regulars to make a town love you. Until last night, everything was fine. Until they were found dead on the floor of their own mansion by their 21 year old son, James, who was visiting. Just as dusk begins to set, the car pulls into the gravel lot. You and your police chief slowly get out of the cruiser and survey the massive mansion in front of you. 'Well, this is the place,' he says. James Spice III, the couples' 21 year old son, has involved the county police force to get to the bottom of his parents' untimely demise. As the lead detective, your job is to search the mansion, collect clues, and form a conclusion on who the killer is. Once you have a sufficient piece of evidence, go to the Front of the Mansion and type 'The murderer is _'" [FRONT OF MANSION] The Front of the Spice Mansion is a room. "You are outside the front of the Spice Mansion. The massive estate towers over you. Large windows and rich, wooden panels form the undoubtedly wealthy Spices' home. To the north is the entrance to the mansion. To the south is your police chief. A mailbox with its flag up is on the front lawn." The front door is a closed door. The front door is north of the Front of the Mansion. The description of the front door is "The front door is made of thick oak, with stained glass windows in a pattern at the top. The door handle is made of brass with a lion's head on it. The front door is closed but unlocked." The mailbox is a fixed in place object in the Front of Mansion. The mailbox is a closed openable container. The brochure is in the mailbox. The description of the brochure is "HOUSEWORKERS UNION Here to help out all houseworkers across the entire country. Problems? Call us- 416-395-3140." [POLICE CHIEF] The Police Chief is a person in the Front of Mansion. Every turn when the player can see the Police Chief: say "The Police Chief [one of]checks his notebook [or]surveys the mansion [or]receives a call [or]spits on the ground [as decreasingly likely outcomes]." Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Instead of speech when the noun is Police Chief: repeat through Table of Police Chief's commentary: if the topic understood includes topic entry: say "[commentary entry][paragraph break]"; rule succeeds Table of Police Chief's Commentary topic commentary "murder" "'GET IN THERE AND SOLVE THE DARN CRIME!'" "help" "'You want me to help you? I don't know any more than you, buster.'" "death" "'Yeah, Fred and Angelina died.. Your job is to find the killer.'" "who" "'Who murdered them? Man, that's your job.'" [SPICE MANSION FOYER] The Spice Mansion Foyer is north of the Front Door. The Mansion Foyer is a room. "You are in the foyer of the Spice Mansion. It is a medium, brightly lit room with paintings on the wall. Ornate decorations line the walls and a feeling of wealth fills you. You see the tape marking two dead bodies on the floor in front of you. On your left there is a closed white cabinet. To the west is the door downstairs. To the north is the Dining Room. To the east is the door to the office. To the south is the front door." The white cabinet is in the Spice Mansion Foyer. The white cabinet is fixed in place. The white cabinet is a closed openable container. In the white cabinet is a kitchen key. The description of the kitchen key is "It is a key with a label attached reading KITCHEN." The grandfather clock is in the Spice Mansion Foyer. The description of the grandfather clock is "A tall, sleek, mahogany-built clock. The rhythmic ticking snaps you back to attention- you must search for clues." Instead of eating the grandfather clock, say "Eat wood and metal? I don't think that would sit well." The door to the office is east of the Spice Mansion Foyer. The door to the office is a closed locked door. The description of the door to the office is "The door to the office is locked. You see a name plate on the door titled Fred Spice." The crowbar unlocks the door to the office. [DOOR DOWNSTAIRS] The door downstairs is west of the Spice Mansion Foyer. The door downstairs is a closed locked door. The rusted key unlocks the door downstairs. The description of the door downstairs is "The door downstairs is locked. Through a window in the door, you can see steps descending down into darkness. 'I probably need a key and to turn the lights on down there first, you think." [STAIRS TO THE BASEMENT] The basement stairs is west of the door downstairs. The basement stairs is a room. "A dank, musty, and cramped stairwell lies before you. It seems as if as the stairs get lower, the air gets colder and you find yourself shivering in the stone-walled cellar." [FRED SPICE'S OFFICE] Fred Spice's Office is east of the door to the office. Fred Spice's Office is a room. "A dimly-lit room full of scattered papers lies before you. A sliver of light comes from the closed blinds, further darkening the study. A desk on which lies many random objects is slightly offset in the centre of the room. At the back of the room is a small panel set into the wall." The office desk is in Fred Spice's Office. The office desk is fixed in place. The office desk cabinet is part of the office desk. The office desk cabinet is fixed in place The office desk cabinet is a closed openable container. The written letter is in the office desk cabinet. The drafted letter is on the office desk. The description of the written letter is "'Dear Mother and Father, I hope all is well. I am doing fine here at University. I would like to come and visit you sometime soon. I will try to find an opening in the near future. Say hello to Mary and Boris for me... although from the last time I was there Mary did not seem too happy. Anyways, best wishes. -James.'" The description of the drafted letter is "'Hello James, your mother and I were happy to hear from you. We look forward to seeing you soon. Boris and Mary are well. Mary has seemed a little offput these last couple weeks but I'm sure it's just a small cold or something similar. We recently went to-' The rest of the letter is unwritten, however the start of the next word is halfway written. It seems as if Fred Spice had to stop quite abruptly." The description of the office desk is "A weathered but luxurious desk. Upon closer inspection, you see some dark red spots littered over the surface." The mug of coffee is on the office desk. The description of the mug of coffee is "A half-drunk, cold mug of coffee." Instead of drinking the mug of coffee: say "You choke as day old coffee grounds get stuck in your throat. Maybe drinking that wasn't the best idea." [SMALL PANEL] The small panel is a fixed in place device in Fred Spice's Office. The small panel is switched off. The basement stairs is dark. The description of the small panel is "A board with one switch in the centre. A label under the small panel reads BASEMENT." After switching on the small panel: say "You hear a faint buzz and a glow comes from the basement stairs."; now the basement stairs is lighted. After switching off the small panel: say "A faint buzz in the background stops. The glow from the basement stairs goes out."; now the basement stairs is dark. [DINING ROOM] The Dining Room is north of the Spice Mansion Foyer. The Dining Room is a room. "You are in the Spice Dining Room. The ceiling arcs high above you and you smell a faint scent of something baking coming from the north. To the west is a closed door. To the north is an open doorway. To the east is a set of stairs heading up. You see a dresser on the east wall, as well as many random items scattered across the table." The dresser is in the Dining Room. The description of the dresser is "It is a mahogany dresser with one, small drawer inserted near the top. There is a pen on the dresser." The drawer is part of the dresser. The drawer is a closed openable container. The guest list is in the drawer. The pen is on the dresser. The description of the guest list is "SPICE MANSION GUESTS: James Spice, Mary, Boris, Andrew, Joseph" The description of the pen is "It is a metal pen with the name SPICE engraved on the side." The chess board is in the Dining Room. The description of the chess board is "Beautifully crafted, wooden chess board with the name SPICE carved into the side." The small metal box is in the Dining Room. The small metal box is a closed openable container. The bloody ring is in the small metal box. The description of the bloody ring is "Rich gold encrusted with jewels, all leading up to a large opal set into the top. Dark red stains lie across the surface. 'Must have been Madame Spice's,' you think." The kitchen closet door is west of the Dining Room. The kitchen closet door is a closed locked door. The purple key unlocks the kitchen closet door. The description of the kitchen closet door is "It is a boring-looking wooden door with a plain handle. Around the keyhole, you see some purple markings, almost as if something being put into the keyhole rubbed off on it." [COOKING CLOSET] The Cooking Closet is west of the kitchen closet door. The Cooking Closet is a room. "As you step into what seemed to be a Cooking Closet full of materials, you are shocked. The room is full of what must be fifty paintings, stacked floor to ceiling along the walls. You cough as decades of dust fill your lungs. There is a large rug with a tree design lying on the floor. On the left side of the room is a large orange chest. On the far side is a table with a box." The orange chest is in the Cooking Closet. The description of the orange chest is "The chest looks like it has not moved for many years. Dust lines the edges and a thick brass lock hangs from the mouth." The brass lock is part of the orange chest. The brass lock is a closed, locked, openable container. The description of the brass lock is "Upon closer inspection, you see the same purple markings around the keyhole of the lock." The purple key unlocks the brass lock. The crowbar is in the brass lock. The description of the crowbar is "It is a heavy, solid, steel bar. One end resembles a pickaxe and the other resembles something one would use to force open a door." The wooden table is in the Cooking Closet. The cardboard box is on the wooden table. The cardboard box is a closed, openable container. The ripped up note is in the cardboard box. The description of the ripped up note is "The note reads: 'LETTER TO THE MINISTRY OF HOUSEWORKERS, GHT 15G. Dear Ministry, I would like to place an inquiry to how you deal with the neglection and underpayment of hou...' The rest of the note is ripped off." [SPICE KITCHEN] The Spice Kitchen door is north of the Dining Room. The Spice Kitchen door is a closed locked door. The kitchen key unlocks the Spice Kitchen door. The description of the Spice Kitchen door is "It is a plain white-painted wooden door." The Spice Mansion Kitchen is north of the Spice Kitchen door. The Spice Mansion Kitchen is a room. "The moment you cross the threshold of the kitchen, the smell of cinnamon and apples floods your nose. The kitchen is lined with shelves, each containing an assortment of spices and ingredients. To your right is an oven. You hear clattering plates to your left and upon looking you see a short, plump chef bustling away at a counter." The oven is in the Spice Mansion Kitchen. The oven is a closed openable container. The oven is fixed in place. The apple pie is in the oven. The apple pie is edible. The description of the apple pie is "The strong smell of cinnamon and sweet apples fills your mouth. No one would notice it missing, right?" After eating the apple pie, say "Boris the Chef yells at you as you stuff the rest of the apple pie into your mouth. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten it..." The purple key is an object. [BORIS THE CHEF] Boris the Chef is a person in the Spice Mansion Kitchen. The description of Boris the Chef is "A short but plump man with a thick black mustache. He wears an apron stained with all sorts of ingredients. His eyes are small and beady, and he nervously glances around whenever you are near him." Instead of attacking Boris the Chef, say "Why would you attack him? He could be the murderer." Every turn when the player can see Boris the Chef: say "Boris the Chef [one of]open a cupboard [or]cleans a pan [or]looks at you suspiciously [or]mutters something under his breath about James Spice [or]takes out a jar of flour [or]readjusts his apron [or]nervously glances over his shoulder [or]grunts something that sounds like the word POLICE [as decreasingly likely outcomes]." Every turn: if the player has been in the Spice Mansion Kitchen for 3 turns, say "Boris slams his pan on the counter and says 'Can ya bloody get out?'" The purple key is in the stairs to the basement. Every turn: if the player has been in the Spice Mansion Kitchen for 4 turns, say "Boris says, 'Fine, since yer stickin' around. Here, take this key. I don' need it.' He reaches out and puts a small, purple key in your hand. 'Now get out.'" Every turn: if the player has been in the Spice Mansion Kitchen for 4 turns, move the purple key to the player. Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Instead of speech when the noun is Boris the Chef: repeat through Table of Boris the Chef's commentary: if the topic understood includes topic entry: say "[commentary entry][paragraph break]"; rule succeeds Table of Boris the Chef's Commentary topic commentary "murder" "'I don't know about no murder... I'm sworn to secrecy...'" "help" "'I don't know... I'd try to get into Fred's Office if I were you.'" "death" "'Listen. The Spices' death was horrible. But not always too kind, were they...'" "who" "'Who murdered the Spices? I don' know... maybe check Fred's office.'" "Andrew" "'Oh.. Andrew was one of the old Spices' friends. Only ever saw him once.'" "Joseph" "'Joseph was James' roommate.'" Every turn: if the player has been in the Spice Mansion Kitchen for 5 turns, move player to Dining Room. [ENDING] The maximum score is 20000. Solving is an action applying to nothing. Understand "The murderer is mary" as solving. Instead of solving when the player is in front of the mansion: increase the score by 10. Every turn while in the front of mansion: if score is at least 10000 begin; say "The Police Chief examines the diary you hand him. 'Well, looks like we've got her. Can you go ask her to come out for some questioning?Bring James out, too. He'll want to know who killed his parents.' CONGRATULATIONS, YOU SOLVED THE MYSTERY."; end the game in victory; end if. The Upper Hallway is a room. "You are in a dark, creepy hallway. Chills run down your spine with every step you walk. To the west lies the master bedroom. To the east is the locked closed black door leading to the study. To the south, there is a small bedroom. Above you, there is a closed hatch leading to the attic. The hatch is rusted, and weathered, having seen better days.[one of][paragraph break]The door to the stairwell closes behind you. You attempt to open it, but cannot. The door seems to have a combination lock of sorts, [or][stopping]" The Stairwell is a room. The Stairwell is north of the staircase. The Stairwell is east of the dining room. "You are in a cold, dark stairwell. The musty, damp smell gets you to leave as fast as you can. To the south, there is a dark passage. The dining room is to the west." The dark passage is a room. The dark passage is south of the stairwell. After going to the dark passage: move the player to the Upper hallway. The staircase is north of the Upper hallway. The staircase is a door. Helping is an action applying to nothing. Understand "help" and "help me" as helping. Check helping: say "[one of]You're on your own. There is no one to help you.[or]Why are you asking for help? You're the detective.[or]How could you rely on others to help you?[at random]" The staircase is a closed unopenable locked door. Pleading is an action applying to nothing. Understand "The password is 22 23 36” and "22 23 36” as pleading. Check pleading: if the player is in the Upper hallway and the staircase is locked: now the staircase is unlocked; now the staircase is open; say “The door's mechanisms come to life, as the stairwell comes back into view.”; The attic is a room. The attic is above the hatch. "It is very dusty here. You are uncontrollably coughing. Theres nothing up here other than a couple boxes that have not been touched in centuries. Under you is a hatch that leads back to the upper hallway." The rusted key is in the attic. The rusted key is in the attic. "The rusted key is in front of you, the brown, shaded piece of metal shines under the reflection of the light." The Master Bedroom is west of the Upper hallway. The Master Bedroom is a room. "You are in the master bedroom. You see herbert the butler making the bed. To the east is a creepy ominous upper hallway, and to the west there is a washroom." The nightstand is in the master bedroom. "There is a old, weathered nightstand with a drawer in it." The wooden drawer is part of the nightstand. The wooden drawer is a closed, openable container. In the drawer is a stained note. The description of the stained note is "Today I got really mad at my mom and dad. Sometimes I really wish they weren't here." The black door is east of the Upper hallway. The black door is a closed locked door. The black key unlocks the black door. The description of the black door is "The black door seems heavy, with intricate carvings on it." The wooden door is west of the master bedroom. The wooden door is a closed openable door. The Upper Washroom is west of the wooden door. The Upper Washroom is a room. "As you enter the upper washroom, the air is filled with the fresh scent of lavender and roses. The clean porcelain walls are spectacularly shiny. As you approach the sink, you see a black, matte key. You can't help but wonder about what other mysteries may lie in this house." The upper sink is in the Upper washroom. The upper sink is fixed in place. The black key is on the sink. The study is east of the black door. "You enter the . The room is quite spacious, and quite odd. In the center, you see a desk with various papers and notes. The bookcase to the south is tall and filled, something does not look right. The spacious study is filled with nothing but a desk and bookshelf. The black door to the east leads you back into the hallway." The small bedroom is a room. The small bedroom is south of the Upper hallway. "You are in the small bedroom. There is an odd shaped cabinet with scratch marks on it." The wood cabinet is in the small bedroom. The wood cabinet is fixed in place. The wood cabinet is a closed, openable container. In the wood cabinet is the wood key. James is a person in the small bedroom. Every turn when the player can see james: say "James is sobbing on his bed. It's best to leave him alone." Instead of telling James about something: say "[one of]LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MONSTER. DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME ANYTHING AGAIN.[or]GET OUT MY ROOM CAN'T YOU SEE IM BUSY?[at random]" A ladder is above the Upper hallway. The wood key unlocks the hatch. The hatch is above the ladder. The hatch is a locked closed openable door. Every turn: if the player has been in the small bedroom for 2 turns, say "CAN YOU PLEASE GET OUT??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" There is a business note in the study. The description of the business note is "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut id purus ac lacus aliquam pellentesque a vitae tellus. You think to yourself, what does this mean?" The bookcase is a door. The bookcase is closed and not openable. The bookcase is south of the study. The secret passage is a room. The secret passage is south of the bookcase. An inconspicuous control panel is a device in the study. After switching on the control panel: say "One of the bookcases slides upward, revealing a passage to the south. You think to yourself: 'Why does this place have so many secrets?'"; now the bookcase is open. After switching off the control panel: say "The secret door closes again."; now the bookcase is closed. A stand is in the secret passage. There is a small note on the stand. The description of the small note is "22 ?? 36" Herbert the Butler is a person. Herbert is in the master bedroom. Every turn: if the player has been in the master bedroom for 2 turns, say "You find Herbert looking at you strangely. He says 'Can I help you?'" Instead of asking herbert about something: say "Ah, I think this is what you need! The last number is 23." [HALLWAY] The Basement Hallway is a room. The Basement Hallway is west of the basement stairs. "You walk down the stairs into an empty Hallway. To the north is a storage closet, to the south is a walk-in freezer, and to the west is an unlabeled room." [STORAGE CLOSET] The Storage closet is north of the Basement Hallway. The Storage closet is a room. "You enter the storage closet, there is a shelf in the corner, a vacuum cleaner and a washroom door to the west." The vacuum cleaner is in the Storage closet. The description of the vacuum cleaner is “A dusty vacuum cleaner.” The shelf is in the storage closet. The description of the shelf is “A plastic shelf with WD-40, Windex, and a pack of sponges.” The WD-40 is in the storage closet. The WD-40 is an object. The description of the WD-40 is “A can of WD-40, there is a piece of paper on the bottom that read ‘1269’.” The Windex is in the storage closet. The Windex is an object. The description of the Windex is “A bottle of Windex.” The pack of sponges is in the storage closet. The pack of sponges is an object. The description of the pack of sponges is “A pack of sponges.” [WASHROOM] The Lower Washroom is west of the Storage closet. The Lower washroom is a room. “You open the door to the washroom, the stench is nauseating. Staying in the washroom for extended periods of time is not advised. There is a blood stained sink, a cracked mirror, and a gallon jug of sodium hydroxide.” The sink is in the Washroom. The description of the sink is “A sink covered in blood.” The mirror is in the Washroom. The description of the mirror is “The mirror is almost shattered, the parts of the mirror that are still intact show your messy hair.” The gallon jug of sodium hydroxide is in the Washroom. The description of the gallon jug of sodium hydroxide is “A large jug filled with sodium hydroxide. The label reads ‘May be corrosive to metals Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Causes serious eye damage’” Every turn: if the player has been in the washroom for 4 turns, say “The air in the room starts to burn your lungs. You probably shouldn't stay here much longer.” Every turn: if the player has been in the Washroom for 5 turns, end the game in death. [WALK-IN FREEZER] The Walk-in freezer is south of the Basement Hallway. The walk-in freezer is a room. “As soon as you open the doors to the freezer a rush of cold wind escapes. The light barely illuminates the room and is flickering on and off every so often. Large legs of meat are hanging from chains and racks of prepared food line the walls.” The legs of meat are in the Walk-in freezer. The description of the legs of meat is “A ginormous leg of meat hung off a hook attached to the ceiling. Who knows what they were feeding those cows?” The racks of prepared food are in the Walk-in freezer. The description of the racks of prepared food is “Large metal racks. Nothing interesting here.” Every turn: if the player has been in the walk-in freezer for 4 turns, say “It's a bit too cold I should go outside.” Every turn: if the player has been in the walk-in freezer for 4 turns, move player to Basement Hallway [MAID’S ROOM] The Maid’s room is west of the Basement Hallway. The maid’s room is a room. “You enter what seems to be a bedroom. Mary the maid is sitting on the bed with her head down. There is an oddly large poster of ‘MS. DUDGEON’ on the wall. There is a oak nightstand, a guitar, and a copy of the book ‘Sadie’ on the’ nightstand” The poster is in the maid’s room. The poster is an object. The description of the poster is “A very large poster with an image of ‘MS. DUDGEON’ (a famous professor).” The oak nightstand is in the maid’s room. The oak nightstand is an object. The description of the oak nightstand is “Sturdy oak night stand. I shouldn’t go through her belongings though.” The guitar is in the maid’s room. The guitar is an object. The description of the guitar is “Woah, this guitar is nice. I wonder what songs Mary knows.” The book is in the maid’s room. The book is an object. The description of the book is “‘Sadie’ written by Courtney Summers.” Every turn: If the player has the poster, say “The poster was covering a large hole in the wall leading to another room. The room is south of the maid’s room.” [MARY] Mary is a person in the Maid’s room. The description of Mary is "Mary is the maid of the Spice family. " Instead of attacking Mary, say "Why would you attack her? She could be the murderer." Every turn when the player can see Mary: say "Mary [one of]starts reading her book [or]dusts the nightstand [or]looks at you suspiciously [or]looks through her drawer [or]awkwardly looks around the room [or]sighs loudly [as decreasingly likely outcomes]." Every turn: if the player has been in the maid’s room for 5 turns, say "Mary says, ‘Please get out of my room’" Every turn: if the player has been in the maid’s room for 5 turns, move player to Basement Hallway Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Instead of speech when the noun is Mary: repeat through Table of Mary's commentary: if the topic understood includes topic entry: say "[commentary entry][paragraph break]"; rule succeeds Table of Mary's Commentary topic commentary "murder" "'What murder are you talking about? Hehe.'" "help" "''I’m not quite sure what you would like help with. Hehe.'" "death" "'Someone died? Hehe.'" "who" "'asked.'" [THE VAULT] The Vault door is south of the maid’s room. The Vault door is a door. "The room is barely lit. You can make out a large metal door." The vault room is a room. The vault room is south of the vault door. Passwording is an action applying to nothing. Understand “1269” and “The password is 1269” as passwording. Check passwording: now The vault door is open; now The vault door is unlocked; Say “The vault door creaks with a eerie sound. You discover a vault behind the vault door.” The diary is in the vault room. The diary is an object. The description of the diary is “A leather diary with ‘MARY’ written on it. You read the first couple pages of the book and realize it is a confession to killing the parents.” after taking the diary: increase the score by 9990;