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A Generally Bad Day
Ian McLeod Miller
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"A Generally Bad Day" Include Epistemology by Eric Eve. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Use no scoring. The Cell is a room. "[if the cell is unvisited]You awaken abruptly with no knowledge of your whereabouts or identity. You have no belongings except for an orange jump suit you are wearing.[paragraph break][end if]You stand in a dark and gloomy room constructed entirely out of concrete. Before you lies a mangled corpse[if the player does not have the candle] and a small burning candle[end if]. There is a large metal door to the north of the chamber. The room is otherwise barren." The candle is in the cell. The candle is a lit thing. The corpse is in the cell. It is scenery. The description of the corpse is "A badly beaten man lies dead on the ground before you. You can't recognize his face, though his own mother wouldn't likely be able to in his current condition.". The corpse's shirt is part of the corpse. The shirt pocket is a container on the corpse's shirt. Instead of searching the corpse, say "You cringe as you bend down to search the body. Hey, there's something in his shirt pocket!" The iron key is in the shirt pocket. Understand "fuck the corpse" or "fuck corpse" or "rape corpse" or "rape the corpse" as a mistake ("No, you sick little shit, I will not let you do that.") The metal door is a door. It is north of the cell. It is unlocked. The description of the metal door is "A heavy and rustic metal door. Aside from its obvious age, it is otherwise unremarkable." The Hallway is a dark room. It is north of the metal door. "[if the hallway is unvisited]As you open the door, a rush of cold air dances across your face. [end if][if the player has the candle]You stand at the head of a long and dismal hallway. In the distance, you can see a door labeled 'EXIT'. On either side of the hallway, there is a lever. One lever is blue, another is red.[end if]"; A lever is a kind of device. A lever can be pulled. The blue lever is a lever. It is in the Hallway. The description of the lever is "A lever. Blue. Fascinating." Instead of pulling the blue lever: say "You pull the blue lever and hear a faint 'click'. You glance about yourself, unsure of what has activated.[paragraph break] Suddenly, without warning, a large spear thrusts itself forth from the ground. In one swift motion, you feel the head of the spear tear through your torso and throat into your mouth. Sputtering desperately in horrible agony, your lungs fill with blood. As you grapple feebly at your neck, your vision clouds and you sink into death."; end the game in death; Instead of pulling the red lever: say "You pull the lever and almost immediately you feel the temperature of the room begin to rise. Startled, you move quickly to turn the lever back to its original position only to discover that it is locked in place. You begin to sweat as the room becomes increasingly hot, and with each degree you try harder and harder to push the lever back.[paragraph break]Finally, the lever gives to your pressure and snaps in half. The floor has begun to sear the skin from your feet, and in a fit of pain you fall to the ground. You can feel every inch of your skin begin to slowly boil and your eyes have lost function. You let loose one final bellow of misery before your brain succumbs to shock. Now, all is silent."; end the game in death; The red lever is a lever. It is in the Hallway. The description of the red lever is "A lever. This one is red. It's nice... Pullable, even." The exit door is a door. It is north of the Hallway. It is locked. The iron key unlocks the exit door. The description of the exit door is "A heavy metal door with the word 'EXIT' scrawled messily across it in what you assume is human blood. That means it's the exit door, right?" Instead of dropping the candle: if the player has the candle: say "You don't want to fumble around in the dark, do you?"; if the player does not have the candle: say "Drop what? You have no candle"; Every turn while in the Hallway: unless the player has the candle begin; say "It is much too dark to see without a source of light. You must turn back."; wait for any key; move the player to the cell; end unless. The Exit Chamber is a room. It is north of the exit door. "You enter a moderately large octagonal chamber lit on each face 'diagonal' to you with very ancient looking torches. There is a gold door to the east, and a silver door to the west.[paragraph break][first time]Immediately upon entering, you notice an emaciated man strapped to the far wall. He notices you too, and calls to you frantically.[paragraph break]Man: 'Please, you there! I beg you! On the ground at my feet is a gun with a single bullet chambered. I need you to shoot me in the head.'[only]". The exit door is locked. The emaciated man is a man in the Exit Chamber. The description of the man is "A miserable looking man stares desperately at you with piercing blue eyes. He is nearly starved and strapped to the wall by his wrists and ankles with metal cords." The Gold Door is a locked door. It is east of the Exit Chamber. It is locked. The description of the gold door is "A massive ornate door constructed entirely out of solid gold. A lion's head embellishes the center." The Lion Head is an openable container. It is closed. The Lion Head is part of the Gold Door. The description of the lion head is "An expertly crafted lion head. You notice the lion's lower jaw is actually hinged and may be opened.[paragraph break](Try 'open lion head', perhaps?)". A Handgun is a kind of thing. A handgun can be shot. The Handgun called the gun is in the exit chamber. The description of the gun is "A handgun. You don't know why, but it seems almost familiar to you." The metal cords are things. They are part of the emaciated man. They are scenery. The description of the metal cords are "Industrial strength cables. A little unnecessary in your opinion, as the man doesn't seem strong enough even to hold himself upright." After taking the gun, say "Man: 'Please! Before they come back to torture me further!'" Instead of asking [the emaciated man] about [something] in the exit chamber: unless foobar is true: say "Man: 'There is no time to explain! Please! You have to do this!'"; Foobar is a truth state that varies. Foobar is false. Understand "shoot [something] with [handgun]" as shooting. Shooting is an action applying to two things. Understand "shoot self" as a mistake ("You really shouldn't do that.[unless the player has the gun] You don't even have anything to shoot yourself with.[end if]"). Understand "shoot myself" as a mistake ("You really shouldn't do that.[unless the player has the gun] You don't even have anything to shoot yourself with.[end if]"). Understand "shoot [the player]" as a mistake ("You really shouldn't do that.[unless the player has the gun] You don't even have anything to shoot yourself with.[end if]"). Instead of shooting [the emaciated man] in the exit chamber: if the player has the gun: say "You point the gun at the man's forehead, who stares eagerly into your eyes. 'I'm sorry', you whisper before pulling the trigger.[paragraph break]A loud bang rings out as the man's brains splatter about the wall behind him. He falls limp, and his forehead drips blood and brain matter at your feet.[paragraph break]The handgun broke upon firing, rendering it useless. The room falls silent once again.[paragraph break]You hear a click come from the lion head on the gold door."; remove the gun from play; Change the printed name of the emaciated man to "Dead Man"; Change the description of the emaciated man to "A slumped body dangling from cords binding its wrists. A large bloody hole can be seen in the back of his head. There is a plaque behind him.[paragraph break]At least now the poor sap won't be bothered any more. But you can't help but wonder what he was talking about. Who are 'they'?"; Change foobar to true. Instead of searching the lion head: if foobar is false: say "The Lion's mouth is empty. How disappointing."; if foobar is true: say "Inside the lion head is a key! Got key!"; give player magic key. The magic key is a key in the cell. The description of the magic key is "A shiny blue key with the words 'SNAKE EYES' scrawled on it. It is warm to the touch." The Silver door is a locked door. It is west of the Exit Chamber. It is locked. The description of the silver door is "A large and well decorated door glistening in silver. A serpent's head embellishes the center. There is a sign above the serpent's head." The sign is part of the silver door. It is scenery. The description of the sign is "The sign reads 'WIR HUNGERN'. You aren't sure quite what it means, but you see the word 'hunger' in there." The serpent eyes are part of the silver door. The plaque is in the Exit chamber. It is scenery. The description of the plaque is "plaques".