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The Hobbit: Spiders of Mirkwood
Elrohir Helyanwe
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Mirkwood Clearing is a room. "The clearing is one of the rare areas where sunlight reaches the ground, albeit only for a few square inches. To the north, the trees are less grouped together as to afford a path. To the west, you hear elven music playing. Which way should you go?" When play begins, say "You awaken in a dark forest. All around you are tall, thick trees. Suddenly, you remember running around the forest with the dwarves and hearing their cries for help before being attacked by a huge spider. Which direction did the cries come from? You can't remember!" The Ring is in Mirkwood Clearing. The ring is wearable. The description of the ring is "The ring you picked up in the goblin mines. It is so pretty, sooooo shiny.... You quickly put it back in your pocket." Sting is in mirkwood clearing. The description of Sting is "Your beautiful dagger. It is a dull silver right now." Dark Path is north of mirkwood clearing. "It is so dark here you can barely see, but you can make out that the path continues on." Elf Area is west of mirkwood clearing. "You are in a small spot where you had seen the elves feasting before they fled." After going to elf area for the first time, say "Elves are celebrating something with a huge banquet. Your mouth waters just thinking about it, with the apples and juicy pork... As you rush out, the elves all disappear, leaving a single torch behind." The torch is in elf area. The Huge Tree is north of dark path. "A bunch of birds and bugs flutter by you and you notice a humongous tree in the way. You can possibly climb it..? To the east is a path, seemingly trampled by many skittery legs. To the north is another path.[if cocoon2 is in huge tree] Here is the cocoon you cut down from the west branch.[end if]". After going to huge tree for the first time: say "The torch burns your fingers and you drop it. How long had it been burning for? A bunch of birds and bugs flutter by you and you notice a humongous tree in the way. You can possibly climb it..? To the east is a path, seemingly trampled by many skittery legs. To the north is another path."; Remove the torch from play. Instead of going north from the Dark Path while the torch is not carried: say "It gets darker and darker until you can no longer see anything. You carefully trot back to the lighter area."; stop the action. Branches is above Huge Tree. "Branches from the east, west, and south meet to form an area for you to sit in. You bask in the blessed sunlight above the forest." Creepy Path is east of huge tree. "You enter a path, covered in webs and surprisingly thin. The path continues east." Web is in the creepy path. Web is scenery. Webbed Area is east of creepy path. "There are many webs around this spot in the forest; enough to worry you... There is a path to the north, and you hear water to the east.[if cocoon is in webbed area] An ominously large cocoon lies against a tree[end if]." The Cocoon is in webbed area. The cocoon is scenery. Instead of attacking cocoon: say "You slice the cocoon open and Balin pops out. 'Bilbo!' he says. You tell him to meet up at the base of the huge tree."; Remove cocoon from play; Award 10 points. Instead of going east from the creepy path while the web is in creepy path: say "You cannot get past a web in the path!"; stop the action. Instead of attacking web: say "You [if sting is enclosed by player]slice at the web with Sting, and destroy the web. [otherwise]get webbing all over your arm, but destroy the web.[end if]"; Remove web from play. South Branch is south of branches. "You realize how high you are and are glad of such a thick branch under you! Another tree, this one withered, has a branch to the southeast. Maybe you can leap to it." East Branch is east of branches. Instead of going east from branches: say "The thin branch under you creaks and snaps! You grasp for something to hang on to, but nothing reaches your grip as you plummet to the dark forest below..."; end the game in death. West Branch is west of branches. "This branch isn't too high, luckily. [if cocoon2 is in west branch] A scarily huge cocoon made of spider's web hangs from the end.[end if]". Cocoon2 is in west branch. Cocoon2 is scenery. Understand "cocoon" as cocoon2. Instead of attacking cocoon2 while cocoon2 is in west branch: say "You slice at the cocoon, and it falls down to the base of the tree. You hear it say a faint 'aaaahhh'. Is there someone inside it?"; Move cocoon2 to huge tree. Instead of attacking cocoon2 while cocoon2 is in huge tree: say "You slice the cocoon open and Dwalin pops out. 'Bilbo!' he says."; Remove cocoon2 from play; Award 10 points. Withered Tree is southeast of south branch, and above Burned Clearing. "This tree has seen better days. You can slide down it, as it is half petrified." Burned Clearing is a room. "There is full sunlight here, since everything but the withered tree has been burned away. To the south, you can hear elvish voices sing 'A Elbereth, Gilthoniel'... You spot a huge dead spider by the tree." Dead Spider is in Burned Clearing. Dead spider is scenery. Understand "spider" and "arachnid" as dead spider. Instead of examining dead spider: say "It is still warm. You shudder and pull your hand away." Elven Party is south of Burned Clearing. "The voices of many elves come into your hearing. You see a table to the east that you can easily crawl under to avoid spooking the elves." Table1 is east of Elven Party. The printed name of Table1 is "Elven Party". "You can crawl east to another table next to the one you are under." Instead of going north from Table1: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going south from Table1: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. A Chalice is in Table1. The chalice is a container. The description of the chalice is "It is marvelously made, for a wooden cup. Carvings run up the stem and into the bowl." Table2 is east of Table1. The printed name of Table2 is "Elven Party". "You can crawl east or south to another table next to the one you are under." Instead of going north from Table2: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Table3 is east of Table2. The printed name of Table3 is "Elven Party". "You can crawl east or north to another table next to the one you are under." Instead of going south from Table3: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Table4 is south of Table2. The printed name of Table4 is "Elven Party". "You can crawl south to another table next to the one you are under." Instead of going east from Table4: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going west from Table4: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Table5 is south of Table4. The printed name of Table5 is "Elven Party". "It's a dead end! You have to go back!" Instead of going east from Table5: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going south from Table5: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going west from Table5: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Table6 is north of Table3. The printed name of Table6 is "Elven Party". "You can crawl north to another table next to the one you are under." Instead of going east from Table6: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going west from Table6: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Table7 is north of Table6. The printed name of Table7 is "Elven Party". "It's a dead end! You have to go back." Instead of going north from Table7: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going east from Table7: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going west from Table7: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Table8 is east of Table3. The printed name of Table8 is "Elven Party". "You can crawl east to get under the stage!" Instead of going north from Table8: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Instead of going south from Table8: say "You don't want to leave the table!"; stop the action. Under Stage is east of Table8. "Two large wooden beams support the weight of the stage as the elven singers stand upon it. To the southeast is a hole that you can crawl through to leave." Forest Room is southeast of under stage. "Here, the trees bend inward at the tops to form a sort of room. You wish you still had your torch to examine it better.[if cocoon3 is in forest room] You see a white spiderweb cocoon.[end if][if cocoon4 is in forest room] You see a yellow cocoon in the 'room'.[end if]". Cocoon3 is in Forest Room. Cocoon3 is scenery. Understand "white cocoon" and "white" as cocoon3. Cocoon4 is in Forest Room. Cocoon4 is scenery. Understand "yellow cocoon" and "yellow" as cocoon4. Instead of attacking cocoon3: say "You cut the cocoon open and Fili rolls out of it. He grins weakly at you. You tell him how to get to the huge tree."; Remove cocoon3 from play; Award 10 points. Instead of attacking cocoon4: say "Before you cut into the yellowed cocoon, a dwarven hand breaks out of it. Ori pulls himself out of it. You give him directions to the huge tree and he leaves."; Remove cocoon4 from play; Award 10 points. Terrifying Darkness is north of webbed area. "It is almost pitch dark,[if cocoon5 is in terrifying darkness] but you can make out another large cocoon[end if] and you think you can spot something shining to the north..." HahaDead is north of Terrifying Darkness. "Haha, you dead!" Instead of going north from the terrifying darkness: say "You plunge north and are almost comically surprised when the ground is no longer there. You fall into a dark, slow river. It is not very deep, but you remember Beorn's warning: not to touch the black Mirkwood water. Already you can see your sight dimming, and you fall into a deep sleep...."; end the game in death. Cocoon5 is in terrifying darkness. Cocoon5 is scenery. Understand "cocoon" as cocoon5. Instead of attacking cocoon5: say "As you slice into the cocoon, Dori jumps out. 'Thanks!' he says. You tell him how to get to the huge tree."; Remove cocoon5 from play; Award 10 points. Dark River is east of webbed area. "You spot a river of dark water here." Sleepmaking Water is in dark river. Sleepmaking water is scenery. Sleepmaking water can be taken. Understand "water" and "river" as sleepmaking water. Instead of taking sleepmaking water while the chalice is not enclosed by the player: say "I shouldn't touch that!"; stop the action. Instead of taking sleepmaking water while the chalice is enclosed by the player: say "You fill the chalice with the sleep-creating water."; Now the sleepmaking water is in the chalice. A log is in forest room. The description of the log is "It is just a log." Splashing Pinegrove is north of huge tree. "You can hear splashing to the north, and chittering to the west." A Stone is in splashing pinegrove. The description of stone is "It is a rock. Why examine it?" Cocoon Cave is north of splashing pinegrove. "You discover that you are in a beautiful cave.[if cocoon6 is in cocoon cave] You spot a reddish cocoon here.[end if][if cocoon7 is in cocoon cave] You can see an orange-colored cocoon.[end if][if cocoon8 is in cocoon cave] You see a silky cocoon.[end if][if cocoon9 is in cocoon cave] You spy with your little eye a white cocoon.[end if][if cocoon10 is in cocoon cave] A grey cocoon is here.[end if]". Instead of going north from splashing pinegrove while log is not in splashing pinegrove: say "You can't cross a river in your way! Perhaps you could drop a log or something..."; Stop the action. Instead of going north from splashing pinegrove while log is in splashing pinegrove: say "You cross the log like a bridge over the river."; Move the player to cocoon cave. Cocoon6 is in cocoon cave. Cocoon6 is scenery. Understand "red cocoon" and "reddish cocoon" and "red" as cocoon6. Cocoon7 is in cocoon cave. Cocoon7 is scenery. Understand "orange cocoon" and "orangish cocoon" and "orangeish cocoon" and "orange" as cocoon7. Cocoon8 is in cocoon cave. Cocoon8 is scenery. Understand "silky cocoon" and "silk cocoon" and "silk" as cocoon8. Cocoon9 is in cocoon cave. Cocoon9 is scenery. Understand "white cocoon" and "white" as cocoon9. Cocoon10 is in cocoon cave. Cocoon10 is scenery. Understand "grey cocoon" and "grey" as cocoon10. Instead of attacking cocoon6: say "You cut the red cocoon open, and out falls Nori! He leaves to the huge tree."; Remove cocoon6 from play; Award 10 points. Instead of attacking cocoon7: say "You cut the orange cocoon open, and Kili pops out! He leaves to the huge tree."; Remove cocoon7 from play; Award 10 points. Instead of attacking cocoon8: say "You cut the silky cocoon open, revealing Bifur! He leaves to the huge tree."; Remove cocoon8 from play; Award 10 points. Instead of attacking cocoon9: say "You cut the white cocoon open, showing Bofur! He leaves to the huge tree."; Remove cocoon9 from play; Award 10 points. Instead of attacking cocoon10: say "You cut the grey cocoon open, and Oin pulls himself out! He leaves to the huge tree."; Remove cocoon10 from play; Award 10 points. Guarded Spot is west of splashing pinegrove. "You are in a nondescript area with a path to the west.[if Spider Guard is in Guarded Spot] A huge spider guards the way.[end if]". Spider Guard is an animal in guarded spot. The description of spider guard is "An awful beast that seems hungry." Instead of going east from splashing pinegrove while spider guard is in guarded spot: say "You move east[if ring is enclosed by player] and quickly slip on the ring when you see a huge spider there[end if]."; Now the player is wearing the ring; Now the player is in guarded spot. Instead of going west from guarded spot while spider guard is in guarded spot: say "There's no way you'll get past that thing!"; stop the action. Instead of dropping sleepmaking water in guarded spot: say "You dump the sleepmaking water from your chalice onto the spider. It stumbles off into the woods, and you hear it collapse and begin snoring."; remove sleepmaking water from play; remove spider guard from play. Deepwood Crossroads is west of guarded spot. "Here is a crossroad with paths leading east, west, south, and north." Northern Web is north of deepwood crossroads. Instead of going north from deepwood crossroads: say "As you go north, you fall onto a gigantic spider web. You pull violently, then realize that you're stuck! And the owner of the web is moving closer..."; end the game in death. Instead of going west from splashing pinegrove while player does not enclose the ring: say "You remember the chittering you heard, and decide not to go that way."; stop the action. Western Web is west of deepwood crossroads. "[if cocoon11 is in western web]A large, heavy cocoon of spider silk sits in the back of the web-strung area.[end if][if web2 is in western web] A huge spiderweb guards the cocoon.[end if]". Web2 is in western web. Web2 is scenery. Understand "web" and "spiderweb" as web2. Instead of attacking web2: say "[if sting is enclosed by the player] You cut down the web.[otherwise] You punch at the web and break it.[end if]"; remove web2 from play. Cocoon11 is in western web. Cocoon11 is scenery. Understand "cocoon" as cocoon11. Instead of attacking cocoon11: say "As you cut into the nasty cocoon, juices spill out, along with Gloin. He is happy to see you, and you tell him to go to the huge tree."; remove cocoon11 from play; award 10 points. Southern Web is south of deepwood crossroads. "[if spidery is in southern web] The first thing you notice is a huge, blind spider in a web that crosses the space you are in.[end if][if cocoon12 is in southern web] You notice a big cocoon here.[end if]". Spidery is in southern web. Spidery is scenery. Understand "spider" as spidery. Cocoon12 is in southern web. Cocoon12 is scenery. Understand "cocoon" as cocoon12. Instead of attacking cocoon12 while spidery is in southern web: say "You can't get past the spider!"; stop the action. Instead of attacking cocoon12 while spidery is not in southern web: say "You slice the cocoon open, and help old fat Bombur up out of it. You tell him to go to the huge tree."; remove cocoon12 from play; Award 10 points. Instead of dropping stone in southern web while spidery is in southern web: say "You throw the stone at the spider and kill it where it stands! Its huge body crashes through its own web and smashes itself to smithereens on the ground."; remove spidery from play. Instead of going to huge tree while score is 120: move player to huge tree; say "You have all of the dwarves! All but one... Kili voices your concerns. 'Where's Thorin?' All of the sudden, a clear elven voice rings out, 'Drop your weapons and come with us!' You slip on your ring and prepare for another adventure...."; end the game in victory.