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The Silent House UPDATED
Elrohir Helyanwe
Played 1,347 times
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Bedroom is a room. "You find you are in a room. To the South is a hall doorway, and to the East is a bathroom door. A radio on a shelf is broadcasting a news report. 'There have been reports of an insane person breaking into people's houses,' it says, 'Watch out, folks! They're wanted for murder!'" Bathroom is east of the bedroom. "A look in the bathroom mirror shows that you haven't slept too well." A Toothbrush is in the bathroom. Some Toothpaste is in the bathroom. Instead of taking Toothbrush: say "You don't feel like brushing your teeth today." Instead of taking Toothpaste: say "You don't want to use it right now, so you leave it." Hall is south of the bedroom. "A painting of some person stares down at you while you stand in the hall. To the east is a door. To the south is a closed dark oaken door, and to the west is a closed doorway." The Doorway is west of the hall. The Doorway is a closed door. The doorway is locked. The lock is a container in the hall. The Oak Door is south of the hall. The Oak door is a closed door. The oak door is locked. The brass padlock is a container in the hall. Instead of taking brass padlock: say "You really try to pull it off of the door to no avail." Instead of taking lock: say "It's stuck to the door." The Den is east of the hall. "You find yourself in a tidy den." The drawer is a closed openable container in the den. The key is in the drawer. Instead of taking drawer: say "It is a drawer. Don't carry it around!" After inserting the key into the lock for the first time: now the doorway is unlocked; say "You put the key into the lock. A click sounds from the vicinity of the doorway". The Guest bedroom is west of the doorway. "You are surprised to enter the guest bedroom and discover a dead man on the floor. A broken window marks where he probably entered." The Brass Key is in the Guest Bedroom. After inserting the brass key into the brass padlock for the first time: now the oak door is unlocked; say "You put the brass key into the brass padlock. A click sounds from the vicinity of the oak door". The Dining Room is south of the oak door. "A nice table is set up in the middle of the room. There are doors to the East and West." The Kitchen is west of the Dining Room. "There is a clean stove next to the fridge." The Grocery List is in the Kitchen. The description of the grocery list is "BUY MORE RICE-CAKES!!!!" The Rice-cake is in the Kitchen. The Rice-cake is edible. After eating the Rice-cake, say "You eat the Rice-cake and decide you aren't so hungry as to eat any more." The Living Room is east of the Dining Room. "You go around the couch and hear the TV newscaster saying how the police may have pinpointed the psycho killer. To your south is a doorway." The Entry Hall is south of the living room. "The entry hall is sort of dark, and the front door is south." The phone is in the Entry Hall. The description of the phone is "You don't recognize any of the contacts on this phone." The Street is south of the Entry Hall. Every turn while in the Street: if in the Street begin; say "As you walk outside, you hear a voice say, 'There they are!' and feel yourself thrown into a car. When your eyes adjust, you see bars on the windows and hear a siren. The driver of the car is a man in a clean blue uniform. Then, you remember. You remember smashing the window; shooting the man; locking the door to hide the evidence. And you know where the car is going..."; end the game in victory; end if.