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Hells Island
Ethan Farrell
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"Hell`s Island" by Ethan Farrell A weapon is a kind of thing. The carrying capacity of the player is 7. The maximum score is 20. Include exit lister by Eric Eve. the maximum hit points of the player is 10 Before wearing the Golden Armour: Increase the current hit points of the actor by 90; say "The Golden Armour deflects most swords. It is slightly tough and gives you more health."; Bedroom is a room. "The Bedroom is black, if you jump in the hole you will die. the bed has been stolen. The Artillery is to the east of here but it looks like you need a key to get in.Almost everything is edible. You have a pouch which can hold 7 objects" Brass Knuckles is a weapon. The dice roll of the Brass Knuckles is 1. The Brass Knuckles is in the Artillery. The description of Brass Knuckles is "Some brass knuckle dusters, they seem to be the most basic weapon." Instead of jumping in the Bedroom: say "You have jumped into the hole and fallen to your death... Restart."; end the story. Instead of taking Giant Hole : say "You somehow manage to rip the rim of the hole off and stuff it in your pouch" There is an Odd Snack in the Bedroom. The Odd Snack is edible. The description of the odd snack is "It seems to be a snack for some kind of animal, who knows what it tastes like, should you?" There is a knife in the Bedroom. The knife is edible. The description of the knife is "You can use the knife to kill stuff. But be careful not to cut yourself!" A giant hole is scenery in the Bedroom. The description of the giant hole is "It is big!" Instead of entering the Giant Hole: say "I did tell you not to do that!"; end the story. The Main Room is west of the Bedroom. The description of the Main Room is "There is lots of stuff eveywhere. Hopefully your parents will clean it later." There is a rusty key in the Main Room. After taking the rusty key, increase the score by 2.The key is edible. The description of the rusty key is "It opens the Artillery". The Secure Door is a locked door. The Secure Door is east of the Bedroom and west of the Artillery. The rusty key unlocks the Secure Door. The description of the Artillery is "It is a room for weapons. Cool!" After opening the Secure Door, increase the score by 2. The description of the Secure Door is " A locked iron door, I dont think your parents would be happy if you opened it and went in..." There is Golden Armour in the Artillery. The Golden Armour is wearable.After wearing the Golden Armour, increase the score by 2. The description of the Golden Armour is "It is a shining piece of plate armour, it could come in useful from attack if you WEAR it..." There is a glowstick in the Main Room. The glowstick is lit. The glowstick is edible. The description of the glowstick is "There is a sudden flash of light in the Storage Room." The Storage Room is south from the Main Room. The description is "There is nothing exceptional about this room apart from the glowing green and purple portal which shimmers invitingly in the corner." A Portal is scenery. It is in the Storage room. After entering the Portal: move the player to Hell Island's Entrance; say "You are enveloped in the swirls of teleportation and arrive groggy headed in... [line break]"; try looking. The description of the portal is " A swirling gaping purple hole in the wall." Hell Island's Entrance is south from the Storage Room. The description of Hell Island's Entrance is "You have landed on a mysterious island. " The Death Mountain start is west from Hell Island's Entrance. "This is where the quest really gets underway. Navigate the maze to continue this section. There are quite a lot of boulders around here - as you would expect on a mountain!" Some boulders are scenery in the Death Mountain start. "They're made of stone and large." Trapped pit is west of Death Mountain start. The description of Trapped pit is "You are trapped, go back the way you came." Death Mountain Mid is south from Death Mountain start. Trapped pit3 is east from Death Mountain mid. The description of Trapped pit3 is "You are trapped, go back the way you came" Death Mountain End is west from Death Mountain mid. Trapped pit6 is south from Death Mountain end. The description of Trapped pit6 is "You are trapped, go back the way you came." Volcano Path is north from Death Mountain end. The description of Volcano Path is "A tight little path leading to a volocano, it is getting hot as some lava is spilling out from the side of the volcano, but it is not coming towards you, you're safe for now." The Erupted Volcano is scenery in the Volcano Path. The description of the Erupted Volcano is " The volcano looks like it erupted not long ago, luckily most of the lava has solidified." Dead end is east from Volcano Path. The description of Dead end is "[if the glowing rock is not pushed]It looks as if there is no way to go unless you can move the large glowing rock in front of you out of the way. Perhaps you could try PUSHING it...[otherwise] The small opening here revealed by pushing the glowing rock beckons you downwards deeper in your adventure..." The glowing rock is scenery in Dead end. The glowing rock can be pushed or not pushed for the first time. The glowing rock is not pushed.The description of the Glowing Rock is "A strange glowing pulsating rock, it seems light anough to be pushed..." Instead of going down from dead end when the glowing rock is not pushed: say "The glowing rock pulsates as you attempt to squeeze past it - there's just not enough room - you can definitely see the edge of a hole though." Instead of pushing the glowing rock: say "You grunt and groan with the strain but finally manage to shift the rock to reveal a small opening descending downwards. The glowing rock ceases to emit its glow and crumbles to pieces."; now the glowing rock is pushed; now the glowing rock is off-stage. The Secret passage is down from Dead end. "Wow, you never thought that you would get here!" There is a cake in the Secret passage . The cake is edible. The description of the cake is "It looks suspicious..." Instead of eating the cake: say "Your vision starts to blur. The cake must have been poisoned. Suddenly your body stops and you fall to the floor and wake up in your bedroom. "; now the cake is off-stage; move the player to Bedroom. After eating the cake, decrease the score by 1. The Dread room is north from the Secret passage. The description of Dread room is "Your stomach starts to rumble, you need to eat something FAST! " The The Core is west from Dread room.The description of the The Core is "This is as far as you can go. There is an inscription on the wall, it says: Now you have completed the game, eat your sword. If you want to go to the place of you desire than eat the orb..." After eating the glowing silver sword, decrease the score by 2. There is an orb in the The Core. The orb is edible. Instead of going from the core: stop the action. The description of the orb is "It has a swirling mist inside the orb, it seems slightly tasty." A room called The Darkness is a room. "It is pitch black, you cannot see anything here, however you stumble over something.There is a ladder going up from The Darkness." There is a black soul case in The Darkness. The black soul case is an edible openable closed container. Before opening the black soul case: Now the evil soul is in the Satan's palace. The description of the black soul case is "It seems to have a black mist swirling inside it." After opening black soul case: say "A black mist comes out of the case and goes upwards..." The evil soul is a person. The ladder is scenery in The Darkness. The description of the Ladder is " This as and old and rickety ladder, you have to be careful climbing it." Before eating the evil soul: say "The evil soul laughs maniacally and decides to devour you instead! It is a painful and unfortunate end to your life"; end the game saying "You have died!". After eating the orb: say "the world starts to spin around you. You wake up in your bed, the whole thing was a dream... well done for completing my game! This is the end... or is it?"; move player to The Darkness. After taking black soul case, increase score by 2 Satan's palace is up from the darkness. "It is a bit less dark but still slightly hard to see..." The fiery cat is in Satan's Bedroom. The fiery cat is edible and portable. Instead of doing anything except taking to the fiery cat when in Satan's Bedroom, say "You've never really liked cats - you've always thought that they would be better as food than pets..." The description of the evil soul is "He is watching you, licking his lips..." After taking the fiery cat, say "The cat miaows in irritation but you manage to scramble the feline up into your arms. Good job!" Satan's Bedroom is a room. Satan's Bedroom is southwest from Satan's palace. "You have just found yourself in a very posh bedroom, there is some movement in the Posh Bed it could be investigated..." Satan is a person. The description of satan is " This is the devil in his true form" A Posh Bed is scenery in the Satan's Bedroom. The description of the Posh Bed is " The devil Satan jumps out and swings his flaming sword at you! The only way to stay alive is to fight with your glowing silver sword..."; After examining the Posh Bed: You Die in 20 turns from now; Now satan is in Satan's Bedroom. Instead of attacking satan: If the glowing sword is held by the player: increase score by 5; remove satan from play; say "He is vanquished!" at the time when You Die: If satan is in the location: End the game saying "You have died..." Death Room is a room. Death Room is northwest from Satan's Bedroom. " You're wandering in to this room of death when Cerberus, the death hound jumps and blocks your path, there is no way past, however in the corner of your eye you can see a skeleton of some sort of small animal on the floor, it looks like some sort of cat..." Cerberus is an animal in Death Room Instead of giving the fiery cat to Cerberus: remove the fiery cat from play; remove Cerberus from play; say "Cerberus chews on the tasty cat and trots off to enjoy it at his leisure. In short, he is no longer blocking your path." Instead of going down from Death Room when Cerberus is in the location, say "You can't, he is blocking your path and if you go near him he may rip you to shreds." Section 1 - Fighting Hostility is a kind of value. The hostilities are Hostile and Peaceful. A person has a hostility. A person is usually peaceful. The player is hostile. Every person and animal has a number called maximum hit points. Every person and animal has a number called current hit points. Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as something new Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [someone] with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with. Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as "attack". A weapon has a number called a dice roll. The dice roll of a weapon is usually 6. A weapon has a number called a critical threat. The critical threat of a weapon is usually 12. A weapon has a number called a mana cost. The mana cost of a weapon is usually 0. Check an actor attacking (this is the can't attack with something that isn't a weapon rule): if the second noun is not a weapon: if the actor is the player, say "[The second noun] does not qualify as a weapon."; stop the action. roll1 is a number that varies. roll2 is a number that varies. roll3 is a number that varies. Totalroll is a number that varies. Critroll is a number that varies. Damage dealt is a number that varies. When play begins: now the left hand status line is "Health: [current hit points of player]/[maximum hit points of player]"; When play begins: repeat with victim running through people: now the current hit points of the victim is the maximum hit points of the victim; Instead of an actor attacking a person with a weapon (this is the attack rule): If the noun is the player and the actor is the player: say "you don't feel suicidal right now."; stop the action; If the noun is peaceful: Say "You rile up [the noun] and they prepare to fight!"; Now the noun is hostile; Let roll1 be a random number between 1 and the dice roll of the second noun; Let roll2 be a random number between 1 and the dice roll of the second noun; Let roll3 be a random number between 1 and the dice roll of the second noun; Now totalroll is roll1 plus roll2 plus roll3; let Damage done be totalroll; if totalroll is greater than the critical threat of the second noun: say "[line break]Critical Hit!"; let critroll be a random number from 2 to 6; If critroll is 2: Now damage done is totalroll times 2; Otherwise: Now damage done is totalroll plus critroll; Decrease the current hit points of the noun by the damage done; say "[if the actor is not the player][the actor][end if][if the actor is the player]you[end if] strike[if the actor is not the player]s[end if] [if the actor is the player][the noun][end if][if the actor is not the player]you[end if], doing [damage done] points of damage."; If the current hit points of the noun is less than 1 and the noun is not the player: Remove the noun from play; now every thing which is held by the noun is in the location; say "[the noun] is vanquished!"; If the current hit points of the noun is less than 1 and the noun is the player: End the game saying "You have died". Every turn: Repeat with victim running through touchable hostile people who are not the player: If the victim carries a weapon: Try the victim attacking the player with a random weapon which is held by the victim. Satan is hostile. Health Potion is an object in Satan's Bedroom. It is edible. Before eating the health potion: Increase the current hit points of the actor by 5000; Remove the health potion from play; say "You feel amazingly restored and have so much more health then you had before ."; stop the action. The maximum hit points of Satan is 75 The Flaming Sword is a weapon which is carried by Satan. There is a glowing silver sword in the Artillery. It is a weapon. The glowing silver sword is edible. The description of the glowing silver sword is "you will need it on your adventure... don't eat it whatever you do!" After taking the glowing silver sword, increase the score by 2. Death Changing Room is a room. Death Changing Room is down from the Death Room. Miracle Sword is a weapon in Death Changing Room. The dice roll of the Miracle Sword is 1000. The description of the Miracle Sword is "It is the sharpest sword you have ever seen, it seems sharp anough to slice through diamonds." There is Topaz Armour in Death Changing Room . The Topaz Armour is wearable. After wearing the Topaz Armour, increase the score by 1. The description of the Topaz Armour is "It is made for extremely sturdy jems. The best in your limited mind." Before wearing the Topaz Armour: Increase the current hit points of the actor by 1000; say "The Topaz Armour seems to massively better than the Golden Armour and super sturdy."; Death Colloseum is a room."A sudden burst of light beams into your eyes as you enter an arena, on the other side a monstrous creature is facing you, his blood red eyes are on you... Up ontop of the arena there is a devil-like commentator is starting to talk 'Hello ladies and devilmen, here in the arena we have the raining chapion, TRIGON GOLEM the giant from the mountains, and fighting him is a mere human from the mortal world (crowd gasps). Lets see how this battle will shape out to be' he laughs" Death Colloseum is west from Death Changing Room. Trigon Golem is a person. Trigon Golem is peaceful. Trigon Golem is in Death Colloseum. The aero club is a weapon which is carried by Trigon Golem. The maximum hit points of Trigon Golem is 10000. The description of the trigon golem is "He is a huge brute, waiting for you to attack him and start the fight." The dice roll of the Aero Club is 150. Super Health Potion is an object. It is edible. Before eating the Super Health Potion: Increase the current hit points of the actor by 10000; Remove the Super Health Potion from play; say "You feel amazingly super restored and have so so so much more health then you had before ."; stop the action. After the player attacking trigon golem with a weapon: If the current hit points of trigon golem is less than 1: Now every thing which is held by trigon golem is in the location; say "The trigon golem has dropped all he had" Super Health Potion is held by Trigon Golem Instead of the player attacking Trigon Golem with the Miracle sword when the current hit points of trigon golem is less than 1: increase score by 5; remove Trigon Golem from play; say "'Ok now the mere mortal has somehow managed to slay the champion, now he must go NORTH to get his prize.' the commentator gargles" The Commentator is a person. The Commentator is in Death Colloseum. The initial appearance of The Commentator is "The Commentator is a devilish man holding a microphone, he is looking slyly at you." The description of The Commentator is "He is flaming as most other people in this world are, he is acting strangly towards you." Understand "escape" or "escaping" or "escaping the colloseum" as "[escape]" Instead of asking The Commentator about "[escape]", say "'Hmm I see that you have potential as a death gladiator, but as you have one i will tell you that if you really want to escape go west but if you want a challenge with a great reward then go southwest.'" Instead of asking The Commentator about "help": say "'hahahaha you need help, pathetic mortal!'" Outside The Death Colloseum is a room. Outside The Death Colloseum is west from the Death Colloseum. "As you stroll out some death minions come out to kill you you must fight back!" Death Minion is a person. Death Minion is hostile. Death Minion is in Outside The Death Colloseum. The forked trident is a weapon which is carried by Death Minion. The maximum hit points of Death Minion is 50. The description of the Death Minion is "I dont think he would agree with you staring at him" The dice roll of the Forked Trident is 25. Death Minion Scout is a person. Death Minion Scout is hostile. Death Minion Scout is in Outside The Death Colloseum. The Wimpy Stick is a weapon which is carried by Death Minion Scout . The maximum hit points of Death Minion Scout is 25. The description of the Death Minion Scout is "I dont think he would agree with you staring at him" The dice roll of the Wimpy Stick is 15. Death Minion Commanda is a person. Death Minion Commanda is hostile. Death Minion Commanda is in Outside The Death Colloseum. The Ballistic Scalp is a weapon which is carried by Death Minion Commanda . The maximum hit points of Death Minion Commanda is 5000. The description of the Death Minion Commanda is "I dont think he would agree with you staring at him" The dice roll of the Ballistic Scalp is 100. Death Minion Beserker is a person. Death Minion Beserker is hostile. Death Minion Beserker is in Outside The Death Colloseum. The Flaming Axe is a weapon which is carried by Death Minion Beserker. The maximum hit points of Death Minion Beserker is 10. The description of the Death Minion Beserker is "I dont think he would agree with you staring at him" The dice roll of the Flaming Axe is 200. The description of the flaming sword is " It is a simple sword, but it is on fire, hope the firemen don't come." Challange room is a room. Challange room is southwest from the Death Colloseum. "This is the greatest challange so far, you will have to the greatest warrior who ever lived... " The Great Scorthoren is a person. The Great Scorthoren is peaceful. The Great Scorthoren is in Challange room. The Hell Blade is a weapon which is carried by The Great Scorthoren. The maximum hit points of The Great Scorthoren is 30000. The description of The Great Scorthoren is "He is about double your size,he has gruesome scars from older battles covering his body, it is amazin that he has not succumb to his wounds" The dice roll of the Hell Blade is 155. The description of the Hell Blade is "It is a sword that came out from the deepest, darkest fiery pits of hell." After the player attacking The Great Scorthoren with a weapon: If the current hit points of The Great Scorthoren is less than 1: Now every thing which is held by The Great Scorthoren is in the location; say "The Great Scorthoren has dropped all he had." Wishburger is held by The Great Scorthoren. Wishburger is edible. Wishburger is an object. Instead of going from the Challange Room: stop the action. The description of Wishburger is "It seems to be a normal burger, ho wever you feel a strange aura coming out from its ." After eating the Wishburger: say "You're being teleported through a wormhole.This is it, your finally home, this is the end to your epic adventure."; move player to Bedroom; End the game saying "You wake up in your room, on the floor, there is a glowing light in the storage room, here we go again..."