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60 Feet Under
Faeron P
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"60 Feet Under" by Faeron P Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford. Rule for printing room description details of an open container: stop. Rule for deciding whether all includes scenery: it does not. Rule for deciding whether all includes a person: it does not. Conversation target is a person that varies. To converse with (target - a person) on (subject - a chat node): now conversation target is target; run a conversation from subject; now conversation target is nothing; At 12:00 AM: say "Lupin calls you over. He bounces a little. 'I figured out how to pick locks!' He grins. 'Dad's office is open if you want to check it out. Just a thought.'"; Now the oak door is unlocked. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Talk to [someone]" as talking to. Report Talking to: say "You have nothing to say.". Quizzing it about is an action applying to two things. understand "ask [someone] about [any thing]" and "quiz [someone] about [any thing]" as quizzing it about. Check quizzing it about: say "[noun] shrugs. You suppose they don't know." Commenting is an action out of world applying to one topic. Understand "@ [text]" as commenting. Carry out commenting: say "Your comment has been logged. Thank you for your input." Direction-looking is an action applying to one visible thing and requiring light. Understand "look [direction]" as direction-looking. Carry out direction-looking: say "There isn't anything interesting that way." When play begins: now the time of day is 10:40 PM. Instead of examining yourself: say "You're wearing a clean, standard-issue disaster emergency outfit, which is a little tight around the shoulders, but it still fits." When play begins: say "[italic type] The noise wakes you. You've heard it before. It's a sound like a cry in fear or pain, like the scream of a trapped rabbit. It makes your blood run cold. You dress and rush downstairs, where the party your parents were holding for your twelfth birthday is just wrapping up. Everyone is silent, staring at the television. Your mother catches your arm before you have a chance to go over. There's panic in your her eyes. She says only one thing. 'We have ten minutes'. In a moment, you run upstairs, rouse your sister and brother, and grab the emergency situation suitcases from the hall closet. You run back downstairs, throw them into the trunk of the car, and run back inside. As you pass by, you hear the guests inside the living room murmur in panic. You hear snatches of 'cubans' 'missiles' and 'war'. They've heard the sirens. They've seen the news. One man frantically grabs for the telephone. Another holds a woman and they cry. You pull a few more bags from the hall closet and when you return to the car, you see your older sister in her coat and overalls coming outside, holding your brother's hand. Behind them is your mother, carrying her things. Your father nearly throws himself into the front seat, hands shaking, a cigarette halfway between his teeth. Everyone takes their seats. Inside the house, you can hear the beginnings of shouts. 'ROMAN,' a man screams as he throws open the front door, and runs to the car. 'I KNOW YOU HAVE ONE! LET ME COME WITH YOU! I HAVE MONEY! PLEASE!' He bangs on the windows and sides of the car as your father tries to work the keys. People begin to swarm the car, cursing. Before the car is engulfed, your father manages to start it and throw the throttle. You lurch forward as the car lurches back and screeches into the road. Part of the angry mob runs down the driveway after it, but they don't get very far before the car speeds off into the night. Your mother cries quietly in the front. Your sister comforts your little brother, while eyeing you nervously. Your father, as usual, sits in front, stoic and silent. You feel numb. It isn't long before the car screeches to a halt. You're in the middle of a forest, surrounded by tall trees. You check your watch. 2 minutes left. Everyone gets out of the car and starts to unpack. Your father goes to a hatch embedded in the ground, turns a key, and flips a switch. Suddenly, you hear gunshots. Your mother shoves your brother into your arms, grips your shoulder, and you grab for your sister. You've almost made it when you feel a heavy weight and look back. Your mother has fallen, a red spot blooming on her shoulder. Her eyes widen in shock. For a moment, you let go of her hand. In that moment, your father has grabbed you and your sister, pulled you into the hatch, and thrown you behind a threshhold. He swipes a card, presses a few buttons, and a large steel door falls in front of the entrance, sealing it with a hiss.[roman type]" Part 2 Its A Wonderful Life Your Bedroom is a room. The description is "[if unvisited] The overhead light burns into your retinas as you blink your eyes open. The clock on your nightstand reads 7:00 am. Glancing over at your homemade calender, you see that the date is November 13th, 1968. You get up, get dressed, and heave a sigh. Another day.[end if] Your room is decorated with a poster, a few drawings, standard military sheets, a wooden nightstand, and a bedside lamp.". A bed is here. It is a container. The bed is fixed in place. It is scenery. "The bed isn't very comfortable, but you've learned to sleep just fine on it." A poster is here. It is scenery. "The poster is a picture of a woman smiling, with the words 'I'm so glad I'm supporting the military effort!'" Drawings are here. They are scenery. Understand "drawing", "picture", and "pic" as drawings. "The drawings are ones your little brother did when he was younger. Lots of smiling people. His pictures don't look like that now." Nightstand is here. It is a container. It is openable and closed. It is scenery. Understand "stand", "bedstand", "table", "endtable", and "nighttable" as the nightstand. "The nightstand is painted lime green and the inside of it's single drawer is a deep orange. You keep various kicknacks in here." A string is in the nightstand. "You always forget to throw this string away." A piece of glass is in the nightstand. "Your father told you it was a gift from his uncle, who lived in Italy and practiced glass blowing. Now it's gathering dust." A picture of your mother is in the nightstand. Understand "mother" and "photo" as the picture of your mother. "A picture of you and your mother on your fifth birthday. She's got cake on her face. You smile a little as you look at the picture." A lamp is here. It is scenery. "It's sky blue and it's warm glow has gotten you through many a sleepless night." Clock is here. It is scenery. "It reads: [the time of day]. You've learned not to trust it's time." Bedroom Door is a door. It is scenery. It is east of your bedroom and west of Hallway. Hallway is a room. "A few framed photographs hang here. You can see the door to your brother's bedroom, your sister's bedroom, and the way into the living room." Family photographs are here. They are scenery. Understand "family", "framed", "fam photos", "frame" and "photographs" as the family photographs. "The photographs were all taken at a beach by the Atlantic ocean. Everyone is smiling. It feels superficial." Instead of direction-looking North in Hallway: say "You see the way to the living room." Instead of direction-looking South in Hallway: say "The door to your brother's room is here." Instead of direction-looking East in Hallway: say "The door to your sister's room is here." Instead of direction-looking West in Hallway: say "The door to your own room is here." Invisidoor is a door. It is open. It is scenery. It is north of Hallway and south of Living Room. Living Room is a room. The description is "The room is tidy but well-lived in. The solitary avocado-coloured couch is threadworn, the record player is close to breaking, and the boardgames have all been played. [if unvisited]In boredom, Lupin, your brother, has taken to painting. He paints a variety of still portraits, and has gotten quite good. [end if]A painting of your sister hangs on the wall." A couch is here. It is scenery. "Upon it is a variety of mysterious stains that have never been able to be washed out." Portrait is here. It is scenery. Understand "portrait", "painting", "sister" and "girl" as the portrait. "It's a stupendous rendition. The details are astounding; from the shine on her hair to an impish curl in her lip, Lupin really captured her personality." Record player is here. It is scenery. "The record player is so close to breaking that it's only played on special occasions. Your father keeps all the records locked in his office, along with the strong medicine and some of his more personal effects." Boardgames are here. Understand "games" as the boardgames. They are scenery. "The boardgames have caused weeks of the cold shoulder and vague threats. Isn't family time blissful?" Wooden door is a door. It is scenery. It is west of the laundry room and east of the living room. Laundry Room is a room. The description is "The laundry room hums with electricity as the washer, dryer, and generator work simultaneously. All three machines quake slightly. There is also a toilet and a washtub here." Washing machine is here. It is scenery. Understand "washer" as washing machine. "It spins clothes around at a high velocity. We were lucky when it broke down and your father had all the extra parts he needed in the store room." Clothes Dryer is here. It is a closed, locked, openable container. It is scenery. Understand "dryer" as Clothes Dryer. "It spins clothes at a moderately fast rate. It hasn't broken down once.". Clothes dryer contains a green key. Generator is here. It is scenery. "The generator is essentially a jerry-rigged nightmare at this point, but it chugs on, and it works." Toilet is here. It is scenery. "Disgusting but necessary." Washtub is here. It is scenery. "This washtub drains all washing water into a filtration system that cycles it back into the shelter's water system." Bedroom door 3 is a door. It is scenery. It is north of Lupin's Bedroom and south of Hallway. Lupin's Bedroom is a room. The description is "Lupin's walls are coated floor to ceiling with paintings and drawings, each more impressive than the last. A canvas made of bleached, old denim sits before him in an embroidery hoop, like the skin of an animal stretched between two stones." Lupin is a man. Lupin is in Lupin's Bedroom. "Lupin runs his home-made brush over the denim canvas.". Understand "boy" and "painter" as Lupin Instead of talking to Lupin: run a conversation from helloL. helloL, howareL, painting, taskL, and goodbyeL are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloL: Instead say "Lupin sighs, obviously annoyed.". Carry out finding responses to helloL: link to howareL; link to painting; link to taskL; link to goodbyeL; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to howareL: instead say "How are you doing?". Report giving text for howareL: deactivate howareL; say "'Could be better. A little hungry.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to howareL: link to painting; link to taskL; link to goodbyeL; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to painting: instead say "What's the painting of?". Report giving text for painting: deactivate painting; say "'It's a surprise.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to painting: link to taskL; link to goodbyeL; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to taskL: instead say "Do you need anything?". Report giving text for taskL: deactivate taskL; say "'I'm fine.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to taskL: link to painting; link to goodbyeL; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeL: instead say "Bye.". Report giving text for goodbyeL: say "'See you later.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to goodbyeL: forbid exiting on zero. Instead of quizzing Lupin about the green key: say "Oh... That's to the medicine cabinet in dad's office. How did you get that? He usually keeps it on him at all times. At any rate, if you want, we can break in. I've tried breaking in on a few of the old doors, for fun. It's not like he's hiding anything, anyway. I'm pretty sure we'll be the only people to survive the nuclear winter, so there's no real point to keeping secrets. How about tonight?" Bedroom door 2 is a door. It is scenery. It is west of Finley's bedroom and east of hallway. Finley's Bedroom is a room. The description is "Finley's room is identical to that of your own and Lupins, except her walls are covered in words.[if unvisited] Like Lupin, she's found herself bored out of her mind, and writes in order to have something to do.[end if]". Walls are here. They are scenery. "Each wall has scribbles wherever Finley could fit something. Her cramped handwriting has started to creep onto the bedposts and floor." Finley is a woman. Finley is in greenhouse1. "Finley tends to a particularly subborn pea plant that won't climb it's trellis." Understand "girl", "woman", "gardener" and "lady" as Finley Instead of talking to Finley: run a conversation from helloFin. helloFin, howareFin, gardening, taskFin, and goodbyeFin are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloFin: Instead say "Finley smiles at you.". Carry out finding responses to helloFin: link to howareFin; link to gardening; link to taskFin; link to goodbyeFin; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to howareFin: instead say "How are you doing?". Report giving text for howareFin: deactivate howareFin; say "'Doing okay. It's kind of a downer today. A few new surprises.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to howareFin: link to gardening; link to taskFin; link to goodbyeFin; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to gardening: instead say "How's the gardening going?". Report giving text for gardening: deactivate gardening; say "'This pea plant is more stubborn than Lupin is! I figure I might just end up tying it up to the trellis and leaving it. Somedays, when he's in a bad mood, I wish I could do that to Lupin, too.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to gardening: link to taskFin; link to goodbyeFin; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to taskFin: instead say "Do you need anything?". Report giving text for taskFin: deactivate taskFin; say "'I... this is kind of strange, but I can't find any string. OH. And I forgot to mention, three of the light bulbs that we use specifically to grow the plants broke. Can you get those things for me?'" instead. Carry out finding responses to taskFin: link to gardening; link to goodbyeFin; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeFin: instead say "Bye.". Report giving text for goodbyeFin: say "Finley waves." instead. Carry out finding responses to goodbyeFin: forbid exiting on zero. Vinyl door is a door. It is scenery. It is north of Living Room and south of Kitchen. Kitchen is a room. The description is "There is a fridge, a table with four chairs, and a stovetop here." Iron door is a door. It is scenery. It is north of the kitchen and south of the store room. Store room is a room. The description is "The walls are lined with shelves and boxes, containing food, clothing, water, tools, and repair parts.[if unvisited] It's stocked to last for fifteen years, but you and your siblings have talked and you don't think it'll last any more than two.[end if] There's a box here, marked 'Electrical'." A box is here. It is a container. It is open. It is scenery. It contains light bulbs. Understand "bulbs" and "lightbulbs"as light bulbs. Green Key is a thing. Green Key can be found. Green Key is not found. Instead of examining the Green Key: if the Green Key is found: say "Nothing else here of worth."; otherwise: now the Green Key is found; now the player carries the Green Key; say "You think this goes to the medicine cabinet in your father's office." After taking Green Key: say "You put it in your pocket." After dropping Green Key: say "You drop it and leave it for someone else to find." Light bulbs are things. Light bulbs can be found. Light bulbs are not found. Instead of examining the Light bulbs: if the Light bulbs are found: say "Nothing else here of worth."; otherwise: now the Light bulbs are found; now the player carries the Light bulbs; say "You better get these to Finley." After taking Light bulbs: say "You carefully hold onto the bulbs, hoping you don't drop them." After dropping Light bulbs: say "They are unbroken from the fall, but you'd better pick them up, lest they be trampled." String is a thing. String can be found. String is not found. Instead of examining the string: if the String is found: say "Nothing else here of worth."; otherwise: now the String is found; now the player carries the String; say "Finley was asking for some of this." After taking String: say "You shove the string into your pocket." After dropping String: say "Leaving it to lie and decompose." Instead of giving light bulbs to Finley: remove light bulbs from play; say "'Just what I was looking for! Thanks, I’ll install these right away.'" Instead of giving string to Finley: Now the clothes dryer is unlocked; remove string from play; say "'Just what this plant needs. Thanks, Miles. Here, tell you what. If you go into the laundry room, there's some jeans in the dryer that have a weird green key in it. Don't ask me what it's for, because I'm sure you don't want to know. But I think something's going on with dad... I don't know what, I just know that something's wrong. If you want to know about the key, go ask Lupin. He probably knows.'". Glass door one is a door. It is scenery. It is east of store room and west of greenhouse1. Glass door two is a door. It is scenery. It is east of kitchen and west of greenhouse2. Greenhouse1 is a room. The description is "Rows of tomato, potato, corn, and pea plants line the room." The printed name of Greenhouse1 is "Greenhouse". Tomatoes are here. They are scenery. "The tomatoes are fully grown and ready to fall from their vines." Corn is here. It is scenery. "The corn stands high above your head. Yellow ears poke from their green blankets." Peas are here. They are scenery. "The peas creep higher on their trellis's. Finley's worked hard in getting them to grow the way she wants." Greenhouse2 is south of greenhouse1. The description is "Rows of tomato, potato, corn, and pea plants line the room. Finley is farther up the rows." The printed name of Greenhouse2 is "Greenhouse". Tomatoes1 are here. The printed name of tomatoes1 is "Tomatoes". They are scenery. "The tomatoes are fully grown and ready to fall from their vines." Corn1 is here. The printed name of Corn1 is "Corn". It is scenery. "The corn stands high above your head. Yellow ears poke from their green blankets." Peas1 are here. The printed name of Peas1 is "Peas". They are scenery. "The peas creep higher on their trellis's. Finley's worked hard in getting them to grow the way she wants." invisidoor2 is a door. It is scenery. It is open. It is east of entrance and west of living room. The Entrance is a room. The description is "[if unvisited]The shelter door stands before you. It's made of solid, cold iron, and it's soundproof, blast proof, radiation proof, and person proof. But you knew that if it opened, you'd be forced to live in a nuclear wasteland.[end if][if visited]The entrance is sparse but for the large steel door. This room always gives you a bad feeling whenever you walk through it.[end if]" Oak door is a door. It is scenery. It is north of Entrance and south of Office. It is openable and locked. The matching key of the oak door is the brass key. Office is a room. The description is "There is little more than the medicine cabinet, a filing cabinet, and a desk in here. Your father isn't around. Maybe you missed him." A filing cabinet is here. It is a container. It is scenery. "The filing cabinet is filled to the brim with strange newspapers. You read the headline of one. 'President Lyndon B. Johnson says farewell to White House Secret Service Detail'. The name sounds vaugely familiar." The filing cabinet contains a brass key. Brass key is a thing. A medicine cabinet is here. The medicine cabinet is scenery. It is a container. It is openable. It is closed. It is locked. The matching key of the medicine cabinet is the green key. Understand "Medicine", "cabinet", and "mirror" as the medicine cabinet."[if closed]The mirror has a thin crack in the left corner[end if][if open]The cabinet contains oxycodone, rat poison, morphine, and a key card[end if]." The medicine cabinet contains a keycard. The medicine cabinet contains rat poison. The medicine cabinet contains morphine. The medicine cabinet contains oxycodone. A keycard is a thing. "It looks like the keycard for the steel door." Rat poison is a thing. "It's half empty." Morphine is a thing. "Its nearly gone." Oxycodone is a thing. "The bottle is full." Instead of closing the oak door: if the oak door is open: say "Time to find out what secrets your father is hiding."; otherwise: say "Someone must have closed it from the other side." office mania is a scene. Office mania begins when the player has the keycard. When Office mania begins: Now your Father is in the Office; now the oak door is locked; say "you hear the door swing shut with a click." Instead of eating the rat poison: say "You carelessly tear the top off the rat poison and begin to down it like you might a container of sugar. You start to feel nauseous, and all of a sudden yo-"; end the story. Your father is a man. Understand "man", "Dad", "roman" and "guy" as your father. Instead of talking to Your father: run a conversation from helloF. helloF, howareF, officesusp, truth, newspaper, and goodbyeF are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloF: Instead say "Your father sighs.". Carry out finding responses to helloF: link to howareF; link to officesusp; link to newspaper; link to truth; link to goodbyeF; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to howareF: instead say "How... are you?". Report giving text for howareF: deactivate howareF; say "'You shouldn't be in here.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to howareF: link to officesusp; link to newspaper; link to truth; link to goodbyeF; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to officesusp: instead say "Where were you?". Report giving text for officesusp: deactivate officesusp; say "'That's none of your business. You should leave.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to officesusp: link to newspaper; link to truth; link to goodbyeF; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to newspaper: instead say "What are those newspapers about in the filing cabinet?". Report giving text for newspaper: deactivate newspaper; say "'They're just old newspapers from before.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to newspaper: link to officesusp; link to truth; link to goodbyeF; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to truth: instead say "You need to tell me the truth". Report giving text for truth: say "Your father sighs. '1962, the year we came down here, the year of the missiles...' 'Yes?' you say, expectantly. 'It was... a test. This is a test. To see if human beings could survive for 15 years in a fallout shelter. That's all it was. It was a test and I failed.' 'What?' 'The Cuban Missile Crisis was a conflict between us, the US, and the USSR about the placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba. Those missiles were part of the cold war. If they were launched, they could mean the end. So my boss had this place built and stocked to get reports, to sell more fallout shelters, to prove that it was possible to outlive a nuclear winter and not go insane in the process.' You feel it start to sink in. Suddenly, your blood turns to ice. 'Our mother?' You ask. 'Alive. She was locked out but my employer told me I needed to keep it real, keep it under ten minutes. We were late. We needed to go. She would have held us back. So I left her. She was hit by a paintball. She has a new family. I'm sorry.' 'I can't believe this. How dare you. We've been wallowing away here for six years that out there, everything turned to nuclear war, but really it's all a sham. Lupin cried all night when she died. He wouldn't speak for weeks. Finley thinks that you killed her. She loves you, but she wanted to poison your food. Both of them, slowly going insane, slowly dying, just because YOU decided to use us in a science experiment.' 'I'm sorry.' 'That won't make up for it. That won't make up for any of it. I'm taking the key and I'm leaving.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to truth: link to goodbyeF; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeF: instead say "Bye.". Report giving text for goodbyeF: say "Your father sighs. 'take the keycard,' he tells you. 'You're free now. I'm sorry.'." instead. Carry out finding responses to goodbyeF: forbid exiting on zero. Steel door is a door. It is east of outdoors and west of Entrance. It is scenery. It is locked. The matching key of the steel door is the keycard. Outdoors is a room. The description is "Bright sunshine plays on the forest floor. You look up and see a deer, startled, frozen in front of you. It's ears flicker, but it doesn't move." A deer is here. It is scenery. Instead of examining deer: say "You laugh, loud and relieved, and the deer springs off. You jump around the clearing, whooping, until you tucker out. Happiness overtakes you. You go to get Lupin and Finley. You bring them to the door despite much protests, flick the keycard through the slot, and watch as the massive door rises. In awe, you watch as they step through the tunnel, open the hatch, and step outside. You feel the sun on your face. Fresh air wafts through the trees. Ahead, you see the road. You take your sibling's hands, begin to walk, and you don't look back."; end the story.