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A Warning, And Then Silence
Faeron P
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"A Warning, And Then Silence" by Faeron P Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Report talking to: say "You have nothing to say.". Rule for printing room description details of an open container: stop. Rule for deciding whether all includes scenery: it does not. Rule for deciding whether all includes a person: it does not. Conversation target is a person that varies. To converse with (target - a person) on (subject - a chat node): now conversation target is target; run a conversation from subject; now conversation target is nothing; Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Talk to [someone]" as talking to. Report Talking to: say "You have nothing to say.". Quizzing it about is an action applying to two things. understand "ask [someone] about [any thing]" and "quiz [someone] about [any thing]" as quizzing it about. Check quizzing it about: say "[noun] shrugs. You suppose they don't know." Commenting is an action out of world applying to one topic. Understand "@ [text]" as commenting. Carry out commenting: say "Your comment has been logged. Thank you for your input." Direction-looking is an action applying to one visible thing and requiring light. Understand "look [direction]" as direction-looking. Carry out direction-looking: say "There isn't anything interesting that way." Instead of examining yourself: say "You are dressed in a sterile button-up shirt and old sweatpants." When play begins: say "[italic type]The sirens began to wail at quarter to two in the morning. You awoke slowly, warm from a comfortable dream, the eerie alarm cry bringing you back to the cold steel of reality. Sitting up, you look out the window at the streets. Lights flicker on in the houses across from you. Somewhere, deep in the night, a dog howls. You look over at your duffle in the corner of the room, a duffle you never thought you'd need. You get up, slip a coat over your pajamas, put on a pair of shoes, and slip it over your shoulder. You don't lock the door on your way out. The streets fill fast. Throngs of your neighbours walk as if it's still a dream. A couple walking along side you clings to one another. They carry nothing. The children around you are still in a daze; no one is crying yet. You all stream to the same place. Deputy Netherfield is standing at the newly-built fence surrounding the school, made specifically to keep those who don't have a place out. He's enlisted a few tough-looking men to stand with guns, keeping people out who haven't reserved a place. You wait patiently in line, and before long, he lets you in. A shelter attendant leads you and a few others forward. Before entering the shelter, however, you look back and notice the haze of sleep has cleared from everyone's eyes. Everyone knows what's happening. It's no longer a dream. Dazed confusion turns to panic and fear. People push and shove to get in. The couple with nothing gets separated. Children are screaming and crying. One tough-looking man shoots into the crowd. You look away quickly and in a moment the attendant drives you into the shelter's stairwell along with the other tenants of the shelter, all wide-eyed and frantic looking. 'Is that it?' A different attendant asks frantically. 'That's all we can take; we don't have enought time before it falls, and if we don't stop now, the crowd'll be tearing us to pieces- close it!' The attendants begin lowering a solid, one-foot-thick sheet of iron over the main door as quickly as they can. You can hear the siren's continual, piercing howl. You can hear screaming. You can hear the crackle of a chain fence falling to the ground, and the pounding of feet as the mob breaks through the barricade. You can hear them pounding on the door, pleading for their lives, the lives of their children. You can hear screams of anguish as people are trampled and howls of rage. You can hear the wood of the door splintering under the sheer pressure of people. A man behind you is praying. A woman in your group begins to sob. The poor souls outside the door, crying out for someone to save them. Crying out to a god they never believed in until now. Tears well into your eyes as you watch the cold iron wall slide into place over the door and lock the hundreds of poor, wretched souls out into the night. And then, there was silence. [roman type]" Section 1 - Day 100 Day100 is a scene. Day100 begins when the player is in Room01. Day100 ends when Edwin carries the trombone. When Day100 ends: say "You sit down on the couch for a little while, to listen to him play. He jokes and makes fun of his little mess ups as he works on his piece. But after a time, you can feel your eyelids start to droop. You excuse yourself to your room, where you lay down for a nap. Before you know it, you're fast asleep."; Remove Edwin from play; Remove Micar from play; Remove Theodore from play; Remove Chadwick from play; Remove Marinth from play; move the player to Room02, without printing a room description. Instead of giving the trombone to Edwin: say “Edwin's face breaks into a huge grin 'You found it! Oh, thank you so much! Here, here's a little something for your trouble.' He hands you a green candy wrapped in cellophane, and puts the trombone to his lips.â€; now Edwin is carrying the trombone; now the green candy is in the dresser. Green candy is a thing. The description is "A smooth, perfectly circular piece of candy wrapped in clear cellophane." Room01 is a room. The printed name of Room01 is "Your room". The description is "[if unvisited]Your eyes flutter open, and you mentally tick off another day in your head. Day 100. Only 5375 days left. Your eyes wander around the room. 5375 days left in this hell hole, with the same 12 people. 5375 more days in this grey room, where everything is cold and smells like burning dust. You glance over at a picture of your parents on the nightstand. A feeling of loneliness wells up inside you; you take a deep breath and let it go. Day 100. Time to get out of bed and face the day[end if][if visited]Your room is the same as it always is; the dresser in the corner, the photo on the dresser, the writing on the wall, and the bed, neatly made[end if]." A photo is here. Understand "picture", "parents", "pic" and "photo" as the photo. It is scenery. "They smile widely at you from the glossy paper. They are holding the other's hand, sitting on a driftwood log on a beach, somewhere. You wonder what's become of them." A dresser is here. It is a container. It is openable. It is open. It is scenery. Understand "nightstand" as the dresser. "The dresser contains some clothing of yours." Folded clothing is in the dresser. The description is "Folded clothes." Understand "socks" as the folded clothing. Instead of taking the folded clothing: say "You're already wearing clothing, no need to burden yourself with more." Room01 is a room. Living quarters is a room. Living quarters door is a door. It is west of living quarters and east of Room01. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Living quarters is a room. The description is "The living quarter hallway is here, with all of its doors leading to other rooms. Your own door is marked with the numbers '026'. The hallway is mostly bare except for a bright, colourful poster." Poster is here. It is scenery. "The poster is abstract and covered in hundreds of lines that raise and lower at intervals to form patterns. The lines are mostly blue and orange." Living quarters is a room. Laundry room is a room. Laundry room door is a door. It is west of laundry room and east of Living quarters. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Laundry room is a room. The description is "[if unvisited]The laundry room machines seem like they're constantly running. The two sets of washers and dryers are in good shape, and you're sure they'll last for many more years[end if][if visited]The laundry room is filled with the quiet whirring of spinning laundry and the smell of damp[end if]. You see the door to the power, air, and furnace rooms on the east wall, but you know it's locked." Washing Machine is here. Understand "washing", "washer", "wet clothes" and "machine" as the washing machine. It is scenery. "The washing machine spins rapidly, making the clothing inside look like nothing more than a blur." Drying Machine is here. Understand "drying", "machine", "dry clothes", and "dryer" as the drying machine. It is scenery. "The dryer gently tumbles it's contents around and around it's barrel." Laundry room is a room. Empty room is a room. Power door is a door. It is east of laundry room and west of empty room. It is scenery. It is openable. It is closed. It is lockable. It is locked. Empty room is a room. The description is "This room is empty. You shouldn't be here." Showers is a room. Living quarters is a room. Bathroom door is a door. It is north of Showers and south of Living quarters. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Showers is a room. The description is "The showers and bathrooms are the least-trafficked section of the shelter. Your foosteps echo eerily off the white, pristine tile, and the sound of water running through the pipes in the walls seems to make everyone uncomfortable, and no one really likes to go into the area very much. The room contains little but some shower faucets, toilets, and sinks. You always thought it odd that there weren't any mirrors." Faucet is here. Understand "shower", "shower faucet" and "shower head" as the faucet. It is scenery. "The faucet is made of stainless steel, but you can already see a thin crust of lime building up on the head. The water that comes from it runs on a five minute timer, in order to conserve it, and the rest goes down the drainage system and is filtered for reuse later on." Toilets are here. They are scenery. "The toilet isn't even filled with any water in an effort to conserve. You go to flush it, but think against it. Better save what water you can, you never know when you're going to run out." Sinks are here. Understand "sink" as the sinks. They are scenery. "The sinks are clean and have little automatic soap dispensers, in order to save soap." Rec room is a room. Living quarters is a room. Rec door is a door. It is south of Rec room and north of Living quarters. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Rec room is a room. The description is "[if unvisited]The rec room is the most-used room in the shelter. It's walls are covered in shelves, many of which contain books, some have board games, and there are three or four instruments strewn about. There is a couch and a coffee table in the middle of the room, and a few posters on the wall decorated with deep blue and purple hues. Despite this, the room's greying plaster walls and semi-carpeted concrete floor make it difficult to liven the room up[end if][if visited] The rec room, though chilly, invites you to sit on the couch, spread a game out on the table, or explore one of it's many books and lose yourself for a little while[end if]." Blue poster is here. It is scenery. "The poster is similar to the one in the hallway to the living quarters. Abstract, and covered in lines. The lines here are coloured blue and purple." Coffee table is here. It is scenery. "The coffee table has a bunch of little scratches in it from people dragging games and books over it's surface. It also has one long scratch in it from... the incident." Couch is here. It is scenery. "The couch is cushy, if a little scratchy. During game nights, everyone vies for a spot on it, sometimes going to great lengths to guarantee that spot." Books are here. They are scenery. "The books range in genre, everything from classical fantasy to biting satire to instructional manuals that are so boring they'd put a grown man to tears." Games are here. They are scenery. "The games, though basic, are still very fun. They remind you of games that, as a kid, you used to play with your parents when you all had to go into the basement during tornadoes." Instruments are here. Understand "violin" as the instruments. They are scenery. "The violin sits alone on the top of a nearby bookshelf. The trombone is mysteriously missing." Rec room is a room. Kitchen is a room. Kitchen door is a door. It is north of Rec room and south of Kitchen. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. The Kitchen is a room. The description is "The dining room and adjoining kitchen is where Heath spends most of his time, cooking. You can see where he left off on prepping lunch and dinner; cabbage soup for lunch and a beef jerky stroganoff for dinner, ingredients spread all over the dining table. He probably left his cooking for a second to check for something in his room." Dining fixtures are here. Understand "oven", "stove", "cooking", "fridge", and "counter top" as the dining fixtures. They are scenery. "You glance around at the kitchen implements but they're not very interesting." Kitchen table is here. Understand "table", "dining table", and "dinner table" as the kitchen table. It is scenery. "The table is made of raw maple wood with a smooth, sanded finish, and seats forty people with ease, so with only twelve inhabitants, there's plenty of room to stretch out." Pantry is here. Understand "pantry", "storage", and "cupboard" as the pantry. It is a container. It is openable. It is open. It is scenery. "The pantry is a dark, cool, dry place where all the food is stored. You can see a package of beef jerky on a nearby shelf." Jerky is in the pantry. It is scenery. Understand "beef jerky", "beef", "shelf" and "shelves" as the jerky. The description is "It's original flavor. You lick your lips and survey the pantry. There are buckets here filled with bottles of water, military-grade ration packs, sterilised fabric napkins, canned fruits and vegetables, dehydrated meals of every kind, and, of course, dried meats." Instead of taking the jerky: say "You go to take some beef jerky, but then think better of it. Better leave the food alone." Dinner is here. It is scenery. Understand "lunch" and "cooking" as dinner. "It smells absolutely delicious." The trombone is a thing. The description is "It's a beautifully made, gleaming brass trombone. Edwin takes good care of it." Instead of examining the Jerky for the first time: try searching the Jerky. Instead of searching the Jerky for the first time: say "Before you can check the beef kery, something catches your eye. You see a soft glimmer of gold among the grey and brown packages, shrouded in shadow. It looks like a trombone."; now the trombone is in the pantry. Instead of eating the green candy: say "The candy cracks open and bubbles over your tongue. You find the taste to be very strange..."; end the story. Kitchen is a room. Greenhouse is a room. Greenhouse door is a door. It is east of Kitchen and west of Greenhouse. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Greenhouse is a room. The description is "The greenhouse is dark, save for the rows upon rows of tomatoes, potatoes, corn, and cabbage, lit up by hydroponic lightbulbs. The room is warm, moist, and covered in green, a welcome change from the cold, dry, and grey rooms of the rest of the shelter." Vegetables are here. Understand "food", "cabbage", "corn", "tomatoes", "potatoes", "green", "plants", and "rows" as the vegetables. They are scenery. "The cabbage is bursting at the seams. You pass by a tomato plant and relish it it's earthy, familiar scent that reminds you of your childhood. The glossy, yellow corn is almost ready to be picked, and the potatoes wink from under their carpet of fluffy black dirt. Marinth takes very good care of all the plants, weeding and watering, and you're so grateful for the greenhouse and it's fresh food." Edwin is a man. Edwin is in the Rec Room. "Edwin is looking around the rec room, as if he's lost something.". Understand "man", "guy", and "edwin" as Edwin. Instead of talking to Edwin: run a conversation from helloEdwin. helloEdwin, sad, tromboneEd, and goodbyeEd are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloEdwin: Instead say "Edwin looks up at you from his search, visibly distressed.". Carry out finding responses to helloEdwin: link to sad; link to goodbyeEd; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to sad: instead say "What's wrong, Edwin?". Report giving text for sad: deactivate sad; say "'The trombone... I can't find it! I've looked all over the room... I'm afraid someone's taken it and hidden it.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to sad: link to tromboneED; link to goodbyeEd; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to tromboneED: instead say "I can keep an eye out for the trombone, if you'd like." Report giving text for tromboneED: deactivate tromboneED; say "'Yes! Please! I'm working on a piece and I'm very close to finishing it. Oh, thank you so much.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to tromboneED: link to goodbyeEd; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeEd: say "Goodbye." instead. Report giving text for goodbyeEd: instead say "Edwin waves you goodbye and resumes his search.". Theodore is a man. Theodore is in the Kitchen. "Theodore, the oldest resident of the shelter, is here. He's sitting at the dining table doing a little drawing." Instead of talking to Theodore: run a conversation from helloTheo. helloTheo, drawing, anger, and goodbyeTheo are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloTheo: Instead say "Theodore grunts in response. He doesn't look very talkative.". Carry out finding responses to helloTheo: link to drawing; link to goodbyeTheo; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to drawing: instead say "What are you drawing?". Report giving text for drawing: Instead say "Theodore shrugs violently and continues running his pencil upon the paper.". Carry out finding responses to drawing: link to anger; link to goodbyeTheo; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to anger: instead say "Are you upset?". Report giving text for anger: Instead say "Theodore looks up from his paper to give you one of his signature scowls. You can see he's just not in the mood to speak.". Carry out finding responses to anger: link to goodbyeTheo; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeTheo: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for goodbyeTheo: Instead say "Theodore hunches back over his paper without saying a word to you.". Micar is a woman. Micar is in the Living Quarters. "Micar is here. You see her huddled with a Shelter attendant. They seem to be talking to one another very intently. When they see you, they break apart and start acting very casual, like nothing's wrong." Instead of talking to Micar: run a conversation from helloMicar. helloMicar, conversation, goodbyeMicar are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloMicar: Instead say "Micar smiles at you. 'Hey,' she greets you." Carry out finding responses to helloMicar: link to conversation; link to goodbyeMicar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to conversation: instead say "What were you talking about?". Report giving text for conversation: Instead say "Micar laughs. 'Nothing important, just talking about redecorating the rec room'." Carry out finding responses to conversation: link to goodbyeMicar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeMicar: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for goodbyeMicar: Instead say "Micar forces another smile. 'See you later!'". Chadwick is a man. Chadwick is in the Living Quarters. Understand "Attendant", "man", "Chad", and "helper" as Chadwick. Instead of talking to Chadwick: run a conversation from helloChad. helloChad and goodbyeChad are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloChad: Instead say "Chadwick, one of the shelter's attendants, looms over you imposingly." Carry out finding responses to helloChad: link to goodbyeChad; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeChad: instead say "Goodbye." Report giving text for goodbyeChad: instead say "You never thought that grunts goodbye could be so menacing." Marinth is a woman. Marinth is in the Greenhouse. "Marinth is busy inspecting the plants, trimming dead leaves, and mainting the beds of soil.". Understand "woman", "lady", and "mari" as Marinth. Instead of talking to Marinth: run a conversation from helloMari. helloMari, mariDoing, Nora, vegetablesM, and goodbyeMari are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloMari: Instead say "Marinth glances up at you from her weeding the tomato plants. She winks and goes back to pulling an extremely persistent root.". Carry out finding responses to helloMari: link to mariDoing; link to Nora; link to goodbyeMari; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to mariDoing: instead say "What are you doing?". Report giving text for mariDoing: deactivate mariDoing; say "'I'm doing a little bit of weeding. I guess even weeds can survive a nuclear apocalypse. Persistent little fuckers.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to mariDoing: link to vegetablesM; link to Nora; link to goodbyeMari; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to vegetablesM: instead say "How are the vegetables doing?". Report giving text for vegetablesM: deactivate vegetablesM; say "'They're good, so far. I've got a crop rotation plan set out for them, so that we can avoid disease and maximise production. I've already started saving seeds and root cuttings so we can re-cultivate once we get out of here.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to vegetablesM: link to Nora; link to goodbyeMari; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to Nora: instead say "How do you feel about what happened to Nora?" Report giving text for Nora: deactivate Nora; say "A cloud washes over Marinth's face. She looks around the greenhouse nervously, as if she's looking for Chadwick, and then looks back at you, lowering her voice. 'Micar should kick his ass out into the wasteland. He's too much of a loose cannon.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to Nora: link to goodbyeMari; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeMari: say "Goodbye." instead. Report giving text for goodbyeMari: instead say "'Cya later, buddy,' Marinth nods at you, and continues her work." Section 2 - Day 904 Day904 is a scene. Day904 begins when Day100 ends. Day904 ends when Chad carries the lightbulbs. When Day904 begins: say "You wake up and tick another day off in your head. Day 904. Only 4571 days left. You get up and get dressed before you realise you can hear yelling in the hallway." When Day904 ends: say "You turn around to leave, but before you can take even a step, you feel a sudden dull pain on your head. Losing your balance, you fall to the ground, your head spinning. Before you lose conciousness, you see Chadwick begin smashing the lightbulbs on the floor."; Remove Micar900 from play; Remove Lodus from play; Remove Chad from play; Remove Marinth900 from play; Remove Mohammad from play; Remove Heath from play; Remove Delila from play; move the player to Room03, without printing a room description. Instead of giving the lightbulbs to Micar900: say “Micar shakes her head. 'I talked to them. I'm not taking them, but I'm not letting Marinth have the lightbulbs either. She's too violent right now. I know you don't want to do this, but I've decided to give the lightbulbs to Chadwick. He's the calmest and the most rational at this point in time. Now. I've got some more laundry to do, so can you please take them to Chad in my stead?' Without waiting for a reply, Micar looks back down at her laundry and continues to fold.â€. Instead of giving the lightbulbs to Marinth900: say "Marinth shakes her head, and tears start to form in her eyes. 'I'm glad you found them, but Micar is right, one hundred percent. So if that's how she wants it, that's how she'll get it. Give the lightbulbs to Chad. Let her see what happens.'" Instead of quizzing Lodus about sharpening stone: say "Lodus laughs and nods. 'Ah, Heath. Devoted to his tools of the trade. You can tell him I'll give him his stone tomorrow. But you have to do a quick favor for me; there's a rattling in one of the toilets, can you check and see if it's anything important? It'll only take a second. The thing just is I'm really busy right now and I don't have the time.'" Room02 is a room. The printed name of Room02 is "Your room". The description is "[if unvisited] The walls are greying significantly, and your lightbulb is dimming, but for some reason, you feel greatly at home in your room[end if][if visited] Your room. Cozy, if a little chilly[end if]." A photograph is here. Understand "picture", "parents", "pic" and "photo" as the photograph. It is scenery. "The faded faces of your parents grin at you mockingly. You turn the picture down." A wooden dresser is here. It is a container. It is openable. It is open. It is scenery. Understand "nightstand" as the wooden dresser. cloth is in the dresser. The description is "Just some shirts and socks." Understand "socks" and "clothing" as the cloth. Instead of taking the cloth: say "You're already wearing clothing, no need to burden yourself with more." Room02 is a room. LQ2 is a room. LQ2 door is a door. It is west of LQ2 and east of Room02. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. LQ2 is a room. The printed name of LQ2 is "Living Quarters Hallway". The description is "[if unvisited] You see Chadwick and Marinth arguing about something. Chadwick throws his arms wildly about, while Marinth stares him coldly in the eyes. Their words are incoherent. As soon as they see you, they stop. 'What's going on?' You ask. 'Some of the growth lightbulbs for the greenhouse are missing. I keep inventory; I know exactly how many there are, and I know when some are missing!' Chadwick cries, pointing accusatorily at Marinth. 'She's the farmer, she knows where they are! She's trying to frame me, to get me kicked out of the shelter!' 'I didn't take them,' Marinth says, her icy glare piercing right through Chadwick. 'I'm the one who runs the greenhouse, you think I'd hide those lightbulbs? I want to live just as much as you, goddamn it!' 'Guys, please,' you implore. 'Just take a breather. I'm sure they were just misplaced. I'll talk to Micar about it, okay?' The two nod, glance at each other in disgust, and part ways without even so much as a goodbye[end if][if visited]The living quarters many, many doors are quiet. There's a light spot on the wall where the blue and orange poster used to hang[end if]." Poster2 is here. Understand "light", "spot", "poster" and "space" as poster2. It is scenery. "The plaster is whiter than the space around it and lightly dusty. You remember a blue and orange poster used to hang here." LQ2 is a room. LR2 is a room. LR2 door is a door. It is west of LR2 and east of LQ2. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. LR2 is a room. The printed name of LR2 is "Laundry Room". The description is "The laundry room is filled with the quiet whirring of spinning laundry and the smell of damp. The washer and dryer dutifully work around the clock. Even with just eight people living in the shelter, there's always plenty of laundry to do." Washer is here. Understand "washing", "washer", "wet clothes" and "machine" as the washer. It is scenery. "The washing machine spins rapidly, making the clothing inside look like nothing more than a blur." Dryer is here. Understand "drying", "machine", "dry clothes", and "dryer" as the dryer. It is scenery. "The dryer gently tumbles it's contents around and around in its barrel." Showers2 is a room. LQ2 is a room. Shower2door is a door. It is north of Showers2 and south of LQ2. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Showers2 is a room. The printed name of Showers2 is "Showers". The description is "Your foosteps echo eerily off the white, pristine tile, down through the rows and rows of shower faucets, toilet stalls, and sinks. You can hear the soft growl of water running through the pipes in the walls. You've gotten used to the lack of mirrors on the walls." Shower is here. Understand "shower faucet", "faucet", and "shower head" as the shower. It is scenery. "The faucet's formerly stainless-steel head is covered in a thick crust of lime. You remind yourself to tell Delila about it." Loo is here. Understand "toilet" as the loo. It is scenery. It is a container. It is openable. It is closed. It contains lightbulbs. "The toilet isn't filled with any water in order to save as much water as possible for future use." Lightbulbs are a thing. Sink2 is here. Understand "sinks" as sink2. It is scenery. "The sinks are clean and pristine and white, just like everything else in the room." Sharpening stone is here. It is scenery. The lightbulbs are a thing. Lightbulbs can be found. Lightbulbs are not found. Instead of examining the loo: if the lightbulbs are found: say "Nothing else is here but a thin layer of icy cold water."; otherwise: now the lightbulbs are found; now the player carries the lightbulbs; say "You see the delicate curvature of thinly-blown glass covered in a thick protective plastic. Why on earth are these in the toilet?!" After taking the lightbulbs: say "You wonder how these got here." After dropping the lightbulbs: say "Ah. Friend? Your lightbulbs have come unstowed." Instead of giving the lightbulbs to Chad: say “Chadwick takes them from you with a nod. 'Thanks,' he says. The word sounds foreign coming from him.â€; now Chad is carrying the lightbulbs. RR2 is a room. LQ2 is a room. RR2door is a door. It is south of RR2 and north of LQ2. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. RR2 is a room. The printed name of RR2 is "Rec-room". The description is "[if unvisited]The rec-room looks more like a wreck room now. Games are strewn everywhere, with bits and pieces missing. The coffee table's finish has started to peel from constant use. Someone ripped the poster off the wall at one point, and the few instruments that remain like the trombone and a violin are dusty and untuned[end if][if visited] The rec room, though chilly, invites you to sit on the couch, spread a game out on the table, or explore one of it's many books and lose yourself for a little while[end if]." Peeling table is here. Understand "coffee" and "coffee table" as the peeling table. It is scenery. "The coffee table's finish is cracked and peeling, revealing the cheap wood underneath. The one long scratch in the middle of the table has been joined by three more, a solemn reminder." Couch2 is here. Understand "couch" as Couch2. It is scenery. "The couch's threading is balding, though it's still the most popular spot to sit in the whole room." Books2 are here. Understand "books" and "book" as the books. They are scenery. "Lodus has looted the books time and time again. You can't open one without finding a dog eared page, or twenty." Broken games are here. Understand "broken", "games", "boards", and "board games" as the broken games. They are scenery. "The games, though basic, are still very fun. They remind you of games that, as a kid, you used to play with your parents when you all had to go into the basement during tornadoes." RR2 is a room. Kitchen2 is a room. Kitchen2 door is a door. It is north of RR2 and south of Kitchen2. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. The Kitchen2 is a room. The printed name of Kitchen2 is "Kitchen". The description is "Heath is in the kitchen, checking the pantry's inventory. You can smell something delicious cooking; it looks like steak." Dining table is here. It is scenery. "The table is made of raw maple wood with a smooth, sanded finish, and seats forty people with ease, so with only eight inhabitants, there's more than enough room for everyone." Dining stuff is here. Understand "stove", "fridge", "counter", and "oven" as the Dining stuff. It is scenery. The description is "The dining room's fixtures aren't very interesting. You move on." Steak is here. It is scenery. "The steak is rehydrated, but even for being rehydrated it looks and smells absolutely divine. It reminds you of your grandmother... steak was her favourite food." Pantry2 is here. Understand "pantry", "storage", and "cupboard" as the pantry. It is a container. It is openable. It is open. It is scenery. "The pantry is a dark, cool, dry place where all the food is stored." Food2 is in the pantry. It is scenery. Understand "food" as Food2. The description is "There are buckets here stocked full of enough water and food to last twenty people for fifteen years, or at least that's what Heath says to you." Instead of taking food2: say "You go to take some beef jerky, but Heath slaps you upside the head before you can take anything." Instead of eating the green candy: say "The candy cracks open and bubbles over your tongue. You find the taste to be very strange..."; end the story. Kitchen2 is a room. GH2 is a room. GH2 door is a door. It is east of Kitchen2 and west of GH2. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. GH2 is a room. The printed name of GH2 is "Greenhouse". The description is "The greenhouse is dark, save for the rows upon rows of tomatoes, potatoes, corn, and cabbage, lit up by hydroponic lightbulbs. The room is warm, moist, and covered in green, a welcome change from the cold, dry, and grey rooms of the rest of the shelter." Veggies are here. Understand "food", "cabbage", "corn", "tomatoes", "potatoes", "green", "plants", and "rows" as the veggies. They are scenery. "The cabbage is bursting at the seams. You pass by a tomato plant and relish it it's earthy, familiar scent that reminds you of your childhood. The glossy, yellow corn is almost ready to be picked, and the potatoes wink from under their carpet of fluffy black dirt. Marinth takes very good care of all the plants, weeding and watering, and you're so grateful for the greenhouse and it's fresh food." LR2 is a room. ER2 is a room. PD2 is a door. It is east of LR2 and west of ER2. It is scenery. It is openable. It is closed. It is lockable. It is locked. ER2 is a room. The description is "This room is empty. You shouldn't be here." Lodus is a woman. Lodus is in Showers2. "Lodus is busy reassembling some pipes to a broken sink.". Understand "woman", "lady", and "plumber" as Lodus. Instead of talking to Lodus: run a conversation from helloLod. helloLod, sinkbroke, lodABTdee, and goodbyeLod are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloLod: Instead say "Lodus looks up from her work on the broken sink, giving you a quick wave.". Carry out finding responses to helloLod: link to sinkbroke; link to goodbyeLod; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to sinkbroke: instead say "What's wrong with the sink?". Report giving text for sinkbroke: deactivate sinkbroke; say "'Ah. Well, lime buildup is messing with the water flow and forcing pressure to reise in certain areas so Delila and I are working together to clean some of the faucets.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to sinkbroke: link to lodABTdee; link to goodbyeLod; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to lodABTdee: instead say "How is Delila?" Report giving text for lodABTdee: deactivate lodABTdee; say "Lodus gives you a [italic type]look[roman type]. 'How should I know? I'm not Delila. Go talk to her yourself if you're so adamant about her personal life.'" instead. Carry out finding responses to lodABTdee: link to sinkbroke; link to goodbyeLod; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeLod: say "Goodbye." instead. Report giving text for goodbyeLod: instead say "Lodus gives you a short and terse nod before looking back down at her work.". Delila is a woman. Delila is in Showers2. "Delila is scrubbing some of the sinks with a chemical solution that smells like burning tar." Instead of talking to Delila: run a conversation from helloDee. helloDee, howareD, faucets, apology, and goodbyeDee are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloDee: Instead say "Delila acknowledges your presence with a grunt and keeps scrubbing the sinks.". Carry out finding responses to helloDee: link to howareD; link to faucets; link to goodbyeDee; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to howareD: instead say "How are you doing?". Report giving text for howareD: Instead say "'Oh, you know. Better. Thanks,' Delila says to you automatically, keeping her eyes on her work.". Carry out finding responses to howareD: link to faucets; link to apology; link to goodbyeDee; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to faucets: instead say "What's wrong with the faucets?". Report giving text for faucets: Instead say "'Lime buildup. Lodus and I are working on cleaning them, so they work better.'". Carry out finding responses to faucets: link to howareD; link to apology; link to goodbyeDee; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to apology: instead say "I'm sorry about... you know.". Report giving text for apology: Instead say "'Yeah. Me too,' She sighs. Then, all of a sudden, she bursts into a frenzied scrubbing of the faucet, in an effort to diffuse the situation. You cough awkwardly.". Carry out finding responses to apology: link to faucets; link to goodbyeDee; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeDee: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for goodbyeDee: Instead say "Delila's face turns a deep shade of red. 'Bye. See you around.'". Micar900 is a woman. The printed name of Micar900 is "Micar". Micar900 is in LR2. "Micar is here. You see her folding a basket of clothes." Understand "woman", "lady", and "micar" as Micar900. Instead of talking to Micar900: run a conversation from hellomicar900. hellomicar900, clothes, conflict, and byeMicar are chat nodes. Report giving text for hellomicar900: Instead say "Micar smiles at you." Carry out finding responses to hellomicar900: link to clothes; link to conflict; link to byeMicar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to clothes: instead say "Folding some clothes?". Report giving text for clothes: Instead say "'Trying to make conversation?'" Carry out finding responses to clothes: link to conflict; link to byeMicar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to conflict: instead say "I just wanted to tell you about an incident.". Report giving text for conflict: Instead say "Micar listens to your story about Chadwick and Marinth with a serious look on her face. When you finish talking, she scowls. 'This will be dealt with. Thank you for telling me about it.'" Carry out finding responses to conflict: link to clothes; link to byeMicar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeMicar: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeMicar: Instead say "'Bye.'" Mohammad is a man. Mohammad is in RR2. "Mohammad, the in-residence electrical engineer for the shelter, is sitting on the couch, doing a little bit of light reading." Understand "Moh", "man", "electrician", and "engineer" as Mohammad. Instead of talking to Mohammad: run a conversation from helloMoh. helloMoh, bookMoh, electricalroom, and byeMoh are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloMoh: Instead say "Mohammad looks up from his book when you greet him, and grins at you." Carry out finding responses to helloMoh: link to bookMoh; link to electricalroom; link to byeMoh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to bookMoh: instead say "What are you reading?". Report giving text for bookMoh: Instead say "'A murder mystery. I love the genre, it's always been my absolute favourite. But I was never really a fan of the romance or the protagonist's crippling cigarette addiction; I'd rather solve the puzzle the detectives uncover or figure out how it was done or who did it than slog through the emotional drama.'" Carry out finding responses to bookMoh: link to electricalroom; link to byeMoh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to electricalroom: instead say "Can I have the keys to the electrical room?". Report giving text for electricalroom: Instead say "Mohammad laughs 'Every day you ask, and every day you expect my answer to be different.'" Carry out finding responses to electricalroom: link to bookMoh; link to byeMoh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeMoh: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeMoh: Instead say "'I'll see you around.'" Chad is a man. Chad is in LQ2. "Chadwick mopes around the living quarter hallway looking for something to do, and cursing Marinth under his breath." Understand "Chadwick", "man", "assistant", and "attendant" as Chad. Instead of talking to Chad: run a conversation from helloCh. helloCh, lightbulbCh, storyCh and byeCh are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloCh: Instead say "Chad gives you a glare that could easily put in a bid for 'hottest material on earth' in the Guinness Book of World Records." Carry out finding responses to helloCh: link to lightbulbCh; link to storyCh; link to byeCh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to lightbulbCh: instead say "Why did you take the lightbulbs?". Report giving text for lightbulbCh: Instead say "'I didn't take them,' He says with a scowl. 'Please don't accuse me.'" Carry out finding responses to lightbulbCh: link to storyCh; link to byeCh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to storyCh: instead say "Mind sharing your side of the story?". Report giving text for storyCh: Instead say "'I was taking inventory. When I got to the lightbulbs, I realised three packages were missing. So I asked around, and learned that Marinth was the last person in the pantry. When I confronted her, she got all angry at me about it, said I was trying to sabatoge the shelter and get it out of working order. I don't know what kind of weeds she's been finding, but she better stop smoking them! I want to live just as much as she does, or Mohammad does, or Nora did...' Chadwick pauses for a moment, and then sets his jaw. 'She may think I'm a loose cannon but what happened was what happened. Nora died because she tried to kill us. Those are the rules now. This is the world we live in.'" Carry out finding responses to storyCh: link to lightbulbCh; link to byeCh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeCh: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeCh: Instead say "'Shut up.'" Heath is a man. Heath is in Kitchen2. "Heath flips a steak over and goes back to chopping something on the dining table." Understand "Heath", "man", "cook", and "chef" as Heath. Instead of talking to Heath: run a conversation from helloHeath. helloHeath, cookingHT, dramaHT and byeHT are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloHeath: Instead say "Heath carefully sets down his knife. 'Hey.'" Carry out finding responses to helloHeath: link to cookingHT; link to dramaHT; link to byeHT; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to cookingHT: instead say "What are you cooking? Need any help?". Report giving text for cookingHT: Instead say "'Use your powers of observation. And actually, yes, I could use your help. Can you get a sharpening stone from Lodus? My knives are starting to get rather dull.'" Carry out finding responses to cookingHT: link to dramaHT; link to byeHT; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to dramaHT: instead say "Have you heard what's going on with Marinth and Chadwick?". Report giving text for dramaHT: Instead say "'What, are they banging? Finally they admitted their feelings for one another... Don't tell anyone I said that.'" Carry out finding responses to dramaHT: link to cookingHT; link to byeHT; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeHT: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeHT: Instead say "'See you later.'" Marinth900 is a woman. Marinth900 is in GH2. "Marinth angrily pulls a potato from it's soft cradle and shoves it into a basket." Understand "Marinth", "woman", "gardener", and "farmer" as Marinth900. Instead of talking to Marinth900: run a conversation from helloMar. helloMar, lightbubsMar, storyMar and byeMar are chat nodes. Report giving text for helloMar: Instead say "'What do you want?!'" Carry out finding responses to helloMar: link to lightbubsMar; link to storyMar; link to byeMar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to lightbubsMar: instead say "What did you do with the lightbulbs?". Report giving text for lightbubsMar: Instead say "'That's the big fucking question? I didn't do jack. I went into the pantry to get SEEDS. Don't blame this shit on me, because I'M. NOT. TO. BLAME. Now get your ass out of here.'" Carry out finding responses to lightbubsMar: link to storyMar; link to byeMar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to storyMar: instead say "Care to share your side of the story?". Report giving text for storyMar: Instead say "'Fuck no. He's the one to blame; why aren't you all over his ass?! He's been nothing but trouble and now he's accusing me of stealing the lightbulbs? Fuck him! He just wants me out of the picture.'" Carry out finding responses to storyMar: link to lightbubsMar; link to byeMar; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeMar: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeMar: Instead say "'Yeah, that's what you'll be saying to him when you send him packing.'" Section 3 - Day 2667 Attacking it with is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" and "shoot [something] with [something]" as attacking it with. Day2667 is a scene. Day2667 begins when Day904 ends. Day2667 ends when Mar2 carries the pistol. When Day2667 begins: say "Day 2667. Only 2808 days left. You lie in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Every day is the same. And the only time something ever happens is when something goes wrong. You know something is going to go wrong today." When Day2667 ends: say "It always has to go wrong."; move the player to RR4. Room03 is a room. The printed name of Room03 is "Your room". The description is "[if unvisited] The walls are greying significantly, and your lightbulb is dimming, but for some reason, you feel greatly at home in your room[end if][if visited] Your room. Cozy, if a little chilly[end if]." A pic is here. Understand "picture", "parents", "pic" and "photo" as the pic. It is scenery. "The faded image still has the ghostly grin of your parents on it. The picture and it's frame are warped from water damage." A nightstand is here. It is a container. It is openable. It is open. It is scenery. Understand "dresser" as the nightstand. "The dresser contains some clothing of yours." Socks are in the nightstand. They are scenery. The description is "Just some shirts and socks." Understand "clothing", "shirts", "shirt", and "sock" as the socks. Instead of taking the socks: say "You're already wearing clothing, no need to burden yourself with more." The pistol is a thing. The description is "A silvery, deadly killing machine. You found it deep in the pantry two months ago, after Heath died. It's fully loaded but for one round." Instead of searching the nightstand for the first time: try searching the socks. Instead of searching the socks for the first time: say "Down among the matte white and grey of fabric, you spot a gleaming silver cylinder peeking over a bundle of socks."; now the pistol is in the nightstand; The Orange key is a thing. The Orange key can be found. The Orange key is not found. Instead of examining the socks: if the Orange key is found: say "No other keys here."; otherwise: now the Orange key is found; now the player carries the Orange key; say "You spy a plastic, orange key, a copy you made of Mohammad's when he was busy with his laundry last week. You pick it up and pocket it immediately." After dropping Orange key: say "Oh, uh, yeah that's probably not a good idea. You're going to need that." Room03 is a room. LQ3 is a room. LQ3 door is a door. It is west of LQ3 and east of Room03. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. LQ3 is a room. The printed name of LQ3 is "Living Quarters Hallway". The description is "The hallway is silent. You spy another piece of plaster on the ground. It must have cracked from the ceiling during the night." Plaster is here. It is scenery. "The piece of plaster lies forlornly on the ground. You feel yourself stare at it blankly." LQ3 is a room. LR3 is a room. LR3 door is a door. It is west of LR3 and east of LQ3. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. LR3 is a room. The printed name of LR3 is "Laundry Room". The description is "The laundry room is mostly silent but for the semi-frequent whirr of the washing machine and the hum of electronics coming from the generator and power room connected to the east wall." Washmachine is here. Understand "washing", "washer", "wet clothes" and "machine" as the washer. It is scenery. "The washer sporadically whirrs it's clothing around. Sudsy clothes flop around the tumbler." Drymaching is here. Understand "drying", "machine", "dry clothes", and "dryer" as the dryer. It is scenery. "The dryer is empty and lifeless." Showers3 is a room. LQ3 is a room. Shower3door is a door. It is north of Showers3 and south of LQ3. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Showers3 is a room. The printed name of Showers3 is "Showers". The description is "Moisture perspires down the yellowing tile walls. Rows and rows of sinks, toilet stalls, and showers stretch before you. Such a bounty. If only there were more people to share in it[if unvisited]. You catch your reflection in a particularly shiny surface and pat at your forehead, your cheeks, the creases under your eyes. They weren't always there, but you had only just recently noted their existence. Ten years is a long time to go without a proper mirror. You wondered how your face really looked, not just a reflection in ceramic or porcelain or the charcoal sketches that Chadwick was so good at drawing, but a reflection in glass and mercury[end if]." Showerhead is here. Understand "shower faucet", "faucet", and "shower head" as the showerhead. It is scenery. "Only two faucets are really coated with lime buildup. The rest are clean." Toilet2 is here. Understand "toilets" as toilet2. It is scenery. "It's just a toilet." Lightbulbs are a thing. Sink is here. Understand "sinks" as the sink. It is scenery. "They're just sinks." RR3 is a room. LQ3 is a room. RR3door is a door. It is south of RR3 and north of LQ3. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. RR3 is a room. The printed name of RR3 is "Rec-room". The description is "The rec-room is as threadbare as the broken couch in it. Many of the books have cracked spines and dog-eared pages, or are stained with coffee or juice. The games are all messed up and the plaster is cracking overhead, just like in the rest of the shelter." Worn Table is here. Understand "coffee" and "coffee table" as the worn table. It is scenery. "The coffee table now has six distinct lines carved into it. Nora. Edwin. Theodore. Jade. Lodus. Heath. All gone. Only six left." Couch3 is here. Understand "couch" as Couch2. It is scenery. "The couch is broken in the middle and is covered in a thin patchwork of old, unneeded clothing." Books3 are here. Understand "books" and "book" as the books. They are scenery. "The books are all torn up; spines cracked, pages dog-eared, whole chapters missing. And still, there's something comforting about how well-read they are. They bring back memories." Board games are here. They are scenery. "Only two games have all of their pieces; one, a card matching game, and another, a set of checkers. Some nights, you all gather around and invent new games with the hodgepodge of boards and pieces lying around. Mohammad's favourite game is Stomp, a game invented and played on the Clue game board." RR3 is a room. Kitchen3 is a room. Kitchen3door is a door. It is north of RR3 and south of Kitchen3. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. Kitchen3 is a room. The printed name of Kitchen3 is "The Kitchen". The description is "The kitchen always brings back a host of memories. You push them to the back of your mind." Dinner table is here. It is scenery. "The table almost seems as if it's imbued with the personalities of those six... That's why nobody sits in the kitchen to eat anymore. The rec room is the go-to hub for everything, now." Dinnerstuff is here. Understand "stove", "fridge", "counter", and "oven" as the Dinnerstuff. It is scenery. The description is "The dining room's fixtures are in differing states of disrepair. The calendar over the oven shows it's Delila's turn to cook dinner tonight." Pantry3 is here. Understand "pantry", "storage", and "cupboard" as pantry3. It is a container. It is openable. It is closed. It is lockable. It is locked. It is scenery. "The pantry has been locked ever since Mohammad discovered Heath's body in it. Now, only Marinth and Micar are allowed to go in. Nobody else disagrees with the policy. They all voted on it, after all." Kitchen3 is a room. GH3 is a room. GH3 door is a door. It is east of Kitchen3 and west of GH3. It is scenery. It is openable. It is open. GH3 is a room. The printed name of GH3 is "Greenhouse". The description is "The greenhouse is softly lit up by hydroponic lightbulbs. It's by far your favourite room in the entire shelter." Vegetation is here. Understand "food", "cabbage", "corn", "tomatoes", "potatoes", "green", "plants", "vegetables", "veggies" and "rows" as the vegetation. It is scenery. "Marinth takes very good care of all the plants, weeding and watering, and you're so grateful for the greenhouse and it's fresh food, but the cabbages are withered and drying, the corn is pale and wilted, and the potatoes are starting to become mushy. Ever since a fungi got into the tomatoes, they've been dying off, one by one. Now, only one plant is standing, struggling to provide even a single tomato. Marinth clipped all of it's flowers but one, and pollinates it every day to try to help it along." PD3 is a door. It is east of LR3 and west of Power Room. It is scenery. It is lockable and locked. The matching key of PD3 is the orange key. Power Room is a room. The description is "The room hums with energy as the furnace, boiler, generator, water pump, and air purifier work in tandem. Barrels of gasoline line the walls. There is a radiation-protective suit hanging in a locked case against the wall. A geiger counter is leaning against the locked case. Nearby is a box stuffed with air filters." Gasoline is here. It is scenery. Understand "barrels", "gas", and "petrol" as the gasoline. "The barrels are well maintained. You have no doubt that Mohammad makes sure that the metal isn't corroding or rusting." Geiger counter is here. It is scenery. "The geiger counter is broken." Radiation suit is here. Understand "Rad", "suit", and "yellow" as the radiation suit. It is scenery. "The neon-yellow suit is protective, but you don't know how protective it would be in a high-rad situation. Besides, the case it's in is locked, and you're sure that Mohammad has the only key for it." Box is here. Understand "filters", "air", and "stuff" as the box. It is scenery. "The box is filled with the air filters. Mohammad changes the filters out every month and throws the irradiated ones into a special chute leading deep into the earth." Machines are here. Understand "furnace", "boiler", "generator", "gen", "pump", "water", "purifier", "air purifier", "water pump", and "engine" as the machines. They are scenery. "The machines might as well be one; they're all howling and steaming and whirring and whistling as one entity." Delila2 is a woman. The printed name of Delila2 is "Delila". Delila2 is in GH3. "Delila is mopping the floor of the greenhouse carefully." Understand "Delila", "lady", "janitor", "mopper", and "cleaner" as Delila2. Instead of talking to Delila2: run a conversation from hiDel. hiDel, howareDel, plantsDel, apology2, and byeDel are chat nodes. Report giving text for hiDel: Instead say "Delila blushes as you approach. She says nothing.". Carry out finding responses to hiDel: link to howareDel; link to plantsDel; link to byeDel; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to howareDel: instead say "How are you doing?". Report giving text for howareDel: Instead say "She hesitates. 'I... I don't know really. I haven't seen Chadwick in four days and I'm starting to worry about it. I hope you're doing okay, though.". Carry out finding responses to howareDel: link to plantsDel; link to apology2; link to byeDel; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to plantsDel: instead say "What do you think about the plants?". Report giving text for plantsDel: Instead say "'I'm afraid they'll all be dead by next month, the way they look. It's a miracle Marinth has kept them alive this long already. I know we have canned food and army rations, but to be honest, I'm not exactly looking forward to eating those sodium-rich pieces of hell for the next five years.'". Carry out finding responses to plantsDel: link to howareD; link to apology2; link to byeDel; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to apology2: instead say "I just wanted to say that I'm still sorry.". Report giving text for apology2: Instead say "Delila sighs. 'Yeah. We've never talked about our relationship, and you know what? I'm sorry too. We both did some selfish things. I regret sleeping with Lodus, and I know you regret sleeping with Heath. But the thing is, it's been so long. You don't need to be sorry anymore. We're cool.". Carry out finding responses to apology2: link to plantsDel; link to byeDel; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeDel: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeDel: Instead say "Delila beams at you. 'I'm glad we talked.' You can't remember the last time you saw her smile'". Micar200 is a woman. The printed name of Micar200 is "Micar". Micar200 is in Kitchen3. "Micar stands in front of the pantry, checking an inventory list off and mumbling things under her breath. It doesn't sound too good." Understand "woman", "lady", and "micar" as Micar200. Instead of talking to Micar200: run a conversation from hiMic. hiMic, foodMic, conflictMic, and byeMic are chat nodes. Report giving text for hiMic: Instead say "She grimaces and looks up from her clipboard at you 'What's up?'" Carry out finding responses to hiMic: link to foodMic; link to conflictMic; link to byeMic; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to foodMic: instead say "How does the food situation look?". Report giving text for foodMic: Instead say "Micar laughs cynically. 'The one question I don't want you to ask... well, I'll be honest, it looks pretty damn grim.'" Carry out finding responses to foodMic: link to conflictMic; link to byeMic; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to conflictMic: instead say "What do you think will happen?". Report giving text for conflictMic: Instead say "'Who can say? If we ration, we might be able to make it another six months, but we'd be eating around two pounds of food a day. That in itself isn't terrible, but it's going to be awful for morale. If only the soil in the greenhouse wasn't losing nutrition...!'" Carry out finding responses to conflictMic: link to foodMic; link to byeMic; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeMic: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeMic: Instead say "Micar sighs.'I don't want to think about that.'" Moh is a man. The printed name of Moh is "Mohammad". Moh is in LR3. "Mohammad is sitting on the washing machine and reading his favourite book, 'Girls with Flexible Knees: Volume 26'." Understand "Mohammad", "man", "electrician", and "engineer" as Moh. Instead of talking to Moh: run a conversation from hiMoh. hiMoh, magMoh, laundryMoh, and goodbyeMoh are chat nodes. Report giving text for hiMoh: Instead say "Mohammad glances over his reading glasses to briefly look at you before focusing back in on his... er, 'book'." Carry out finding responses to hiMoh: link to magMoh; link to laundryMoh; link to goodbyeMoh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to magMoh: instead say "What are you reading?". Report giving text for magMoh: Instead say "'A collection of tabloids that my mother used to get when she used to be a bodybuilder. I always thought the headlines were ridiculous. Hell, even the title is ridiculous: 'Girls with Flexible Knees'. But here, listen to this one; 'SHAKIRA CAN BEND HER LEGS ALL THE WAY FORWARD, WINNING SEVEN AWARDS! BUT CAN SHE WIN KIANTE'S HEART?'. And that's only a taste. That being said, though, I think my all time favourite has to be 'DESTINY WRIGHTSFIELD HAS GOT IT ALL; BUT IS THAT ALL SHE'S GOT???' with three question marks, no less." Carry out finding responses to magMoh: link to laundryMoh; link to goodbyeMoh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to laundryMoh: instead say "Doing some laundry, eh?". Report giving text for laundryMoh: Instead say "'You're not very good at this whole conversation thing, are you.'" Carry out finding responses to laundryMoh: link to magMoh; link to goodbyeMoh; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to goodbyeMoh: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for goodbyeMoh: Instead say "'See you later, bud.'" Chad2 is a man. The printed name of Chad2 is "Chadwick". Chad2 is in the power room. "You hear a rustle near one of the machines. But, peering through the hazy dark, you manage to make out Chad, huddled on the floor hyperventilating." Understand "Chadwick", "chad", "man", "assistant", and "attendant" as Chad2. Instead of talking to Chad2: run a conversation from hiCh. hiCh, breakCh, wrongCh, thinkCh, and byeChad are chat nodes. Report giving text for hiCh: Instead say "Chad is crouched in a corner, muttering. He is visibly unhinged." Carry out finding responses to hiCh: link to breakCh; link to wrongCh; link to thinkCh; link to byeChad; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to breakCh: instead say "Why is the geiger counter broken?". Report giving text for breakCh: Instead say "'It was lying... it was lying...' Chadwick clutches his forehead. 'I... Maybe I wasn't reading it right.'" Carry out finding responses to breakCh: link to wrongCh; link to thinkCh; link to byeChad; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to wrongCh: instead say "Why are you in here?". Report giving text for wrongCh: Instead say "'The people who come in the night, I could hear them getting closer. No one ever sees them but me. I'm the assistant. I'm supposed to help! But I was getting too close to it so I came here.'" Carry out finding responses to wrongCh: link to breakCh; link to thinkCh; link to byeChad; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to thinkCh: instead say "Are you okay? Do you want to come with me?". Report giving text for thinkCh: Instead say "'I just need to think. Leave me alone. I need to think.'" Carry out finding responses to thinkCh: link to wrongCh; link to breakCh; link to byeChad; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeChad: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeChad: Instead say "'I hope that's not the last thing you ever say to me.'" Mar2 is a woman. Understand "Marinth", "Mari", and "farmer" as Mar2. Mar2 is in RR3. "Marinth has burned a small piece of wood over a flame and is using it to draw a corner of the rec-room." Instead of talking to Mar2: run a conversation from hiMar. hiMar, chadMar, protectMar, and byeM are chat nodes. Report giving text for hiMar: Instead say "'Hey. What's up?'" Carry out finding responses to hiMar: link to chadMar; link to byeM; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to chadMar: instead say "Do you know where Chad went?". Report giving text for chadMar: Instead say "'Nah. I don't keep tabs on him anymore. Let Delila and Mohammad worry about his sorry ass on their own terms. I'm gonna sit right here and enjoy life while I still have it. But since you asked, may I recommend you find a weapon of some sort as protection, if you ever DO find him?'" Carry out finding responses to chadMar: link to protectMar; link to byeM; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to protectMar: instead say "Why would I need protection?". Report giving text for protectMar: Instead say "'Have you seen the emotional state he's in? I've said it before and I'd be happy to reiterte; the guy's a loose cannon. Unpredictable. You never know what he's going to do next. I know you have that pistol in your dresser. That kind of thing would protect you well.'" Carry out finding responses to protectMar: link to chadMar; link to byeM; forbid exiting on zero. Report giving link to byeM: instead say "Goodbye.". Report giving text for byeM: Instead say "'Remember what I said. Stay safe.'" Life or Death is a recurring scene. Life or Death begins when the player is in the power room and the player carries the pistol. Life or Death ends when Mar2 carries the pistol. Instead of going during Life or Death: say "Chadwick flails wildly before the door, screaming violently. He holds a large kitchen knife in his left hand, and howls at you, wide-eyed." When Life or Death begins: say "'That pistol... YOU'RE ONE OF THEM! YOU'RE ONE OF THEM!' Chadwich screams, unsheathing a kitchen knife from it's leather holster on his lap. He bares it towards you maniacally." Instead of attacking Chad2 with the pistol: say "'You squeeze your eyes shut and pull the trigger of the pistol. When you open them, you watch Chadwick fall to his knees, his chest bleeding profusely. He looks into your eyes almost gratefully. And then, he dies."; now Mar2 carries the pistol. Section 4 - Day 3740 Day3285a is a scene. Day3285a begins when Day2667 ends. Day3285a ends when the player carries the pistol. When Day3285a begins: now the pistol is in RR4. When Day3285a ends: say "Everyone closes their eyes. They had braced themselves for weeks for the worst. And now that it was upon them, it was finally time to close their eyes and let it all go. Slowly, you level the barrel at Mohammad. He holds Marinth tightly, mutters something into her ear, and then looks up into your eyes. His face is streaked with tears but his eyes hold simple determination. You press the barrel to his forehead, and pull the trigger. Next, you look at Delila. Her eyes are closed. You etch every detail of her face into your mind; the bags under her eyes, the gentle crow's feet, the little crease between her brows. You press the barrel against her forehead. She grits her teeth. You pull the trigger. Marinth watches you with old, forlorn eyes. She'd done so much for all of you, she'd sacrificed so much, and it was all for this. You press the barrel against her forehead. She grabs your hand, holds it for a moment, and then finally lets go. You pull the trigger. And then there was Micar. But before you could look at her, before you could even speak a word, she stands, and enfolds you into an embrace so soul-crushing that the tears start to stream down your faces. You cry and you cry and you cry. Micar sobs along with you and you stand, human to human, together, a being of sorrow and hatred and fear. You weep until your bodies can't weep any more, and then you stand, look her deep into the eyes, and pull the trigger. You type in the passcode to the old stairwell, in the pantry. You abandon the gun on your way up; it's useless, anyway. There are no more bullets. Your broken arm throbs numbly, and you hobble your way upward, out to the world that you tried so hard to escape from, but that always forced it's way back to you. What would you find? A desolate wasteland? An abandoned metropolis? A world ravaged by scavangers and beings mutated by radiation? But in all your guesses, in all your wildest imaginings, you never would have thought Chadwick right. He had guessed it all along. The geiger counter was right. .82 milliSieverts. Normal. And it had been that way all this time."; end the story. Day3285b is a scene. Day3285b begins when Day2667 ends. Day3285b ends when the player has been in RR4 for three turns. When Day3285b ends: say "Everyone closes their eyes. They had braced themselves for weeks for the worst. And now that it was upon them, it was finally time to close their eyes and let it all go. Slowly, Micar leveled the barrel at Mohammad. He holds Marinth tightly, mutters something into her ear, and then looks up into Micar's eyes. His face is streaked with tears but his eyes hold simple determination. She presses the barrel to his forehead, and pulls the trigger. Next, she looks at Delila. Delila's eyes are closed. You watch her, etching every detail of her face into your mind; the bags under her eyes, the gentle crow's feet, the little crease between her brows. Micar presses the barrel against Delila's forehead. Delila grits her teeth. She pulls the trigger. Marinth watches Micar with old, forlorn eyes. Marinth, the agriculturalist. She had done so much for all of you, she'd sacrificed so much, and it was all for this. Micar presses the barrel against her forehead. She grabs her hand, holds it for a moment, and then finally lets go. She pulls the trigger. And then, it was your turn. But before you could look at her, before you could even speak a word, she kneels, and enfolds you into an embrace so soul-crushing that the tears start to stream down your faces. You cry and you cry and you cry. Micar sobs along with you and you stand, human to human, together, a being of sorrow and hatred and fear. You weep until your bodies can't weep any more, and then she stands, looks deep into your eyes, and pulls the trigger."; end the story. RR4 is a room. The printed name of RR4 is "Rec-room". The description is "Day 3285. 9 years exactly. And the day that a decision had to be made. Marinth was dying. She was dying and she knew it. None of them had had food for two weeks. When an earthquake hit, just out of the blue, it started a substantial fire in the greenhouse, a fire which devastated their remaining crops. The fire had also severely burned Delila, to the point where she could hardly bear to be touched, but she was living. Every day was agony for her, and yet she still pushed past it. But now, it had come to the point where a decision had to be made. Marinth's pnumonia had gotten past the point of no return. Micar was weak from giving up her food so that the others might eat. The earthquake had left you with a broken arm. Mohammad looked like a skeleton, his clothes hanging off of him like a shirt on a wire hanger, and he had suffered lung damage in the fire. There was one gun. And there were four bullets. The vote had been unanimous. Marinth had the gun, locked and loaded. The only question was, who was going to carry it out? The responsibility fell onto Micar and you. You have the option to 'wait' or the option to 'take the pistol'." MicarFinal is a woman. The printed name of MicarFinal is "Micar". Understand "Micar" as MicarFinal. MicarFinal is in RR4. "So. What are you going to do?"