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Allen sdjfs
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"Ship." The maximum score is 20. Every turn: if score is 1 begin; say "You die in a sad Way.'"; end the game in victory; end if. [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "You wake up with a BANG when you hit your head. You were dreaming about your family back on Earth and how it was really nice. Now your on a Space Ship with 100 Other Colonists that you don't really talk to. [Paragraph Break] As you get up, You look around and notice that everyone else is Gone. You wonder where they went." [Bunks] Bunks is a room. The description of the Bunks is "[if the Bunks is unvisited]You sit up and start walking around when you notice that the room is trashed. The beds are flipped over and part of a Finger is on a ground, the walls are torn apart. The door is partly knocked down and the lights are flickering. There is your Friends desk in this room.[end if][if the Bunks is visited]The bunks are like usual now...The door is in Mint Condition. The Lights Work Perfectly... the Walls are patched up.... The Beds arn't flipped over but there is a Note on the Wall that says 'Say thank you Kid.'The desk is still in the room though."[end if] In the Bunks is the bed. The Bed is scenery. The description of Bed is "You wonder how long it has been since you washed the sheets." In the Bunks is the desk. The desk is scenery. The description of desk is "Your friends desk. It's a useless Piece of Garbage that he got that is about to fall apart." The Drawer is part of the desk. The Drawer is fixed in place, closed, openable container. "The Handle is gone but ehh." Inside the Drawer is a Titanium key and a Dollar Bill. [ The Main HallWay] Main HallWay is a room. The Main HallWay is east of Bunks. The description of The Main HallWay is "[if the The Main Hallway is unvisited]You walk around the HallWay and there is nothing there.[end if][if the The Main HallWay is visited]Its an empty lit hallway. [end if]" [ Generator Room] Generator Room is a room. The Generator Room is east of The Main Hallway. The description of Generator Room is "[if the Generator Room is unvisited]You walk in a dark room with screens that shows multiple warning Signs. You walk around and turn on the lights, as your eyes adjust to the bright lights, You see a headless dead body hanging upside down tied to the light. You realize it is one of your fellow colonists. As your eyes scan the room and your surroundings, you notice part of a limb is on the ground and you see something shiny poking out of it.[end if][if the Generator Room is visited]It is a generator room with really nothing in it.[end if]" [Cafeteria] Cafeteria is a room. The Cafeteria is west of Bunks. The description of Cafeteria is "You walk into a room filled with polished tables, chairs in mint condition and silverware in a organized position. You wonder why it is in a neat order." [North End of the Hallway] Main Hallway is a room. The North End of the Hallway is north of The Main Hallway. The description of North End of the Hallway is "[if the North End of the Hallway is unvisited]The lights are flickering, the walls are broken into, there is a sledgehammer stuck in someones amputated leg, You cringe at the sight.[end if][if the North End of the Hallway is visited]The room is back to normal...the lights work perfectly fine, the walls doesn't have a single scratch on them...[end if]" [Storage Room] Storage Room is a room. The Storage Room is west of South Side of the Hallway. The description of Storage Room is "Its full of crates, metal ones and wooden Ones. You think about the fact that they had to add a small container that has a bio hazard symbol on it, you wonder if that was part of what happened to the ship. As you move along in the room, you notice a very large container that you had never seen in the very back wide open, white liquid is dripping down from it. You notice a gold crate that stands out. You notice Human Body in it which you identified as gunnar creasy." Here is a XQPM-9 Virus Bottle. The XQPM-9 Virus Bottle is a Object. After taking the XQPM-9 Virus Bottle: say "Oh Noes, you open the virus bottle and the some white liquid Gets on you. You quickly close the container and read the virus bottle warning, it says ';)' you look at your hand but it seems perfectly fine until you start turning into ashes." ; end the game in death. [Control Room] Control Room is a room. The Control Room is south of South Side of the Hallway. The description of the Control Room is "[if the Control Room is unvisited]The light bulbs are flickering, sparks are coming out of some of the computers, a few colonists lay dead on their chairs slumped over. As you head to where the captain of the ship sits, you notice that the controls are disabled. You try to send a signal to earth and all it has is a exclamation point in a orange triangle and it says 'no signal.' You now realize that you are stranded in a Space Ship that is floating around in the Middle of nowhere with no Signal.[end if][if the Control Room is visited]The signal remains on the Screen. The room is left as normal.[end if]" [South Side of the Hallway] South Side of the Hallway is a room. The South Side of the Hallway is south of East side of Hallway. The South Side of the Hallway is west of North End of the Hallway. The South Side of the hallway is south of Main Hallway. The description of the South Side of the Hallway is "The Hallway is clean and it looks like it hasn't been used ever. The Lights are working fine, The floor is cleaned and there is No cracks anywhere. " [Hidden Room] Hidden Room is a room. The Hidden Room is north of South Side of the Hallway. The Hidden Room is west of Vents. The description of Hidden room is "[if the Hidden Room is unvisited] There is a Computer on a desk. You go to the computer and play the first file you see. You notice it is a report. You begin start to read.[Paragraph Break] 'Day 1[Paragraph Break] September 10th, 2314[Paragraph Break] The patient is broken. Bones have been shattered. We are right now experimenting the XQPM-9 Virus on him. It works! The subject went green then shrieked. He looks like a mutated person. We are going to end the testing today. Tomorrow we will continue on with the experiments.[Paragraph Break] Day 2[Paragraph Break] September 11th, 2314[Paragraph Break] I called HQ. They said to continue with the experiments. I notice that the subject is different. I am concerned.[Paragraph Break] Day 3[Paragraph Break] September 12th, 2314[Paragraph Break] I am concerned. I am going to ask to resign from this project.-static....mAkE tHe NoIsE sToP.....[Paragraph Break] You cringe at what you hear.[end if][if the Hidden Room is visited]The room is dark now. It seems like the lights have been turned on and the light switch is gone. Weird.[end if]" [East side of Hallway] East side of Hallway is a room. East side of Hallway is east of North End of Hallway. The description of East side of Hallway is "[if the East side of Hallway is unvisited]Black. You cant see anything. Your hair sticks up as you walk by.[end if][if the East side of Hallway is visited]The Lights are on now....[end if]" [Armory] Armory is a room. Armory is east of East side of Hallway. The description is "[if the Armory is unvisited]Racks of Guns, Ranging from Laser Rifles to Pistols. The room is Lit up with Red lights. Ammo is in Small Boxes in the Bottom compartment. There is a Room with a Locked Iron Door east of the Armory.[end if][if the Armory is Visited]You see the Room Cleaned. It seems like everything disappeared. Nothing is there.[end if]" M4 is in Armory. In the M4 is 5.56mm Rounds. Iron Door is a closed locked door. The Iron Key unlocks the Iron Door. The Iron Door is east of Armory. A stand is in the Armory. The Stand is fixed in place. The Iron Key is on the stand. [Yeetable Room] Yeetable Room is a room. Yeetable Room is east of the Iron Door. The description of the Yeetable Room is "[if Yeetable Room is unvisited] There is a Man Standing there. All of your Colonists are on their knees standing there. You get hit from the back with the stock of the gun. The man walks to you with a Pistol in hand. Your on your knees with you fellow colonists. The Man says Welcome to My Dream friend. Just then, there was a Rumble and You have a chance to escape so you take it. As you look back, You see all of your Colonists get struck with a Piece of the Roof killing them all. Blood is everywhere. You look away.[end if][if Yeetable Room is visited]You look on as there is blood everywhere. dead bodies are everywhere. [end if]" Here is a Flux Capacitor. The flux Capacitor is an object. After taking the flux capacitor: say "the Flux Capacitor has overheated and says WARNING. The overheating caused you to perish." ; end the game in death. [Hanger] Hanger is a room. Hanger is west of Storage Room. The description of Hanger is "[if the Hanger is unvisited]It is full of Escape Pods and Mini Space Ships. The hanger door is Shut and hasn't been opened since the Great War.Then you hear a Rumble. You notice a Monster and you run away to the Escape pods. You notice there is two sets of Doors, Gold and Titanium.[end if][if the Hanger is visited] It holds the escape pods and a bit of Fighter jets.[end if]" The Titanium door is a locked closed door. The Gold door is a Locked closed door. The Titanium key unlocks the Titanium door. The Gold key unlocks the Gold door. A table is in the Hanger. The table is fixed in place. The Gold key is on the table. The Titanium door is east of Hanger. The Gold door is east of Connector to Escape Pod. [Connector to Escape Pod] Connector to Escape Pod is a room. The Connector to Escape Pod is east of Titanium door. The description of Connector to Escape Pod is "Greetings Fellow Colonist." [Escape Pods] Escape Pods is a room. Escape Pods is east of Gold door. "You notice a Note in the corner." Here is a Note. The Note is a Object. After taking the Note: say " As you look at it, You read aloud saying 'Look Behind You.' As you look behind, The Door Closes and You are now Trapped inside, The Escape Pod Detaches from the Ship and Goes into space. As you Look out the Back Window, You see a Meteor Chasing you." ; end the game in death. Amputated Leg is in the North End of the Hallway. In the Amputated Leg is a Sledgehammer. Limb is in the Generator. In the Limb is a Gold Keycard. Finger is in the Bunks. Headless Body is in the Generator. In the Headless Body is a Small Tesla Coil. Head is in the Vents. In the Head is a Silver Keycard. Jar is in the Cafeteria. In the Jar is Eyeballs. "Oh noes." Gunnar Creasy is in the Storage Room. [Hospital] Hospital is a Room. Hospital is east of South Side of the Hallway. The description of Hospital is "[If Hospital is unvisited]There is a Hospital bed with a Dead body on it. There is one that is slumped over on a Chair. You stare at one of the Bodies and when you recognize on of them, You realize its Halle. The other one is Naruto.[end if][if the Hospital is visited]There is a Hospital Bed with a Chair and a Few Lights. [end if]" Halle Ngo is in the Hospital. In Halle Ngo is a Lightsaber. Naruto is in the Hospital. In Naruto is a Briefcase. Briefcase is in Naruto. In the Briefcase is 1,000,000,000 Dollars in Cash. Shane Le is in the Control Room. In Shane Le is a Lighter. Computer Chip is in the Eyeballs. Golden Door is a locked closed door. The Gold Keycard unlocks Golden Door. Golden Door is west of Hospital. stealing is an action applying to one thing. understand "steal [something]" as stealing. understand "rob [something]" as stealing. understand "swipe [something]" as stealing. understand "snatch [something]" as stealing. understand "grab [something]" as stealing. understand "rip off [something]" as stealing. understand "liberate [something]" as stealing. understand "filch [something]" as stealing. understand "pinch [something]" as stealing. understand "heist [something]" as stealing. understand "take [something]" as stealing. stealing it from is an action applying to two things. understand "steal [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "rob [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "swipe [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "snatch [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "grab [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "rip off [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "liberate [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "filch [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "pinch [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "heist [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. check stealing something (this is the can't take your own goods rule): if the noun is carried by the player, say "You've already got [the noun]!" instead. check stealing something from a second noun (this is the can't steal an empty-handed person rule): if the second noun encloses nothing, say "[The second noun] hasn't got [the noun]." instead. carry out stealing (this is the result of stealing rule): say "You steal [the noun]."; now the noun is carried by the player. carry out stealing something from a second noun (this is the steal something from some one-thing rule): say "You steal [the noun] from [the second noun]."; now the noun is carried by the player; Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck"and "shoot" and "shot" as something new. Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [someone] with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with. Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" and "shoot" and "shot" as "attack". Carry out attacking it with: try attacking the noun. Mr Moore is a person in the Yeetable Room. Understand "Moore" and " Mr" and "Person" as Mr Moore. The description of Moore is " Meh" Instead of asking Mr Moore about "Sledgehammer", say "'Are you going to kill me with that?'" Instead of attacking Mr Moore with Sledgehammer: say "You Smashed Mr Moore in the Head. You probably cracked his skull but No worries." Instead of attacking Mr Moore with Headless Body: say "Jeeze. Why would You hit him with a Headless Body? Don't you have Respect? "; end the game in death; Instead of attacking Mr Moore with M4: say "You shoot Mr Moore but sadly, You accuracy sucks and the bullets end up ricocheting and ends up Hitting you. "; end the game in death; [Alien Prison] Alien Prison is a Room. Alien Room is east of Control Room. "[if the Alien Prison is unvisited]The Prisoners are dead, the Security Guard is unconscious though. You slap the Security Guard and he Wakes Up! He Mumbles 'Food...' So you slap him again and he is more awake! You study the Security Guard and you notice that he has a M4, A Pistol, Handcuffs and a taser with Body Armour, You tell him 'Help me find out what is happening with this ship.' He says 'Mmph... Mk..' so now you have a Friendly Security Guard.[end if][if the Alien Prison is visited]It is empty but there are dead Prisoners in their Cells.[end if]" Security Guard is a person in the Alien Prison. Understand "security" and "guard" and "sg" as Security Guard. Instead of attacking Security Guard with M4: say "He Looks at you betrayed and you realize that his Kevlar Body Armor took all of the Bullets. Why? "; end the game in death; Instead of stealing Security Guard: say "He Looks at you betrayed and shoots you. "; end the game in death; Instead of attacking Security Guard with Sledgehammer: say "You Find A Char, Sit Him Down, Chain him, And start Torturing Him with your Sledgehammer, All of a Sudden, A Pistol Round goes off and Hits the Security Guard in the Head. You are Covered in Blood, When you Look behind you, you see a Man Holding a Glock 18 which is pointed at you. He says ' Welcome Home, My friend.'"; end the game in death; Every turn: if the player is in a room (called the current space): move Security Guard to the current space. Knife is in Armory. Instead of attacking Mr Moore with Knife: say "You happily stab him in the chest a few hundred times. When you are done, you are covered in blood. You leave his Dead Body on the Ground." Vending Machine is a Person in the Cafeteria. Understand "Vending" and "Machine" and "VM" and "Vend" and "Mach" as Vending Machine. The description of the Vending Machine is "It is filled with Junk food that Could be useful." Lays Sour Cream and Onions are in the Cafeteria. The Lays Sour Cream and Onion are Edible. Memory Room is a Room. Memory Room is east of Alien Prison.[if Memory Room is unvisited] "As you look inside, you see a Glass box. With someone Inside. As you look around, you see a bunch of Scientists in Lab Coats. They seem to not notice you. The Guy in the box screams 'LET ME OUT' but no one seems to Care. One of them Goes onto the Laptop and presses a Button and the Guy in the Box Convulses as the Electricity goes through him. One of the Scientists Walk up and Take a Few Notes. Suddenly, you fall down. Your Eyes Close Shut. You get onto the Ground and Curl into a Fetal Position. Your Brain HURTS. You tell yourself the Pain will end in a few minuets but you are unsure if it will. Suddenly, you black out. [Paragraph Break] As you wake up, you slowly Rise and you see this place. Bodies are everywhere. They seemed to be gunned down. As you walk around, you notice the Guy in the Box is dead. Blood is on the Glass. You slowly go to the Computer and search around. As you go through the Millions of Files, the Computer shuts down. "[end if]