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Brennan Massey
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"The Door" use no scoring The Lobby is a room. "[if the Lobby is unvisited] Welcome to the game of yakyuken. This game contains some elements of rather harmless nudity, being that yakyuken is a stripping game. Please select your gender, male or female, by typing it. Thereafter, enter how many garments you're wearing.[otherwise] You are in the lobby. It's a rather uninteresting place." The player has a number called points. The points is 0. The player has a number called gender. The gender is 0. The genderlist is a table name that varies. The genderlist is Table 3. The fenderlist is a table name that varies. The fenderlist is Table 5. Table 1 - Male Clothes Garment Line FLine "shorts" "Persephone grins broadly, taking in the sight. 'Well hello there, mister. Happy to see me?'" "Faye carelessly looks you over. 'Well, that was easy.' she says." "pants" "'There go the pants! Can't wait to see what you've got inside those shorts... 'Cause I think I'll like it.'" "Faye gives a cool little smile. 'Feeling the breeze, are we?'" "shirt" "Persephone eyes you over. 'Shirtless already? That was easy!'" "'Showing off your abs won't help you,' Faye says idly, 'Though I commend you for trying.'" "socks" "'Socks count as one item,' Persephone reminds you. 'Luckily for me,' she smiles." "Faye silently observes you, saying nothing." "shoes" "You place the shoes at the side of the table." "You place your shoes at the side of the table." "hat" "'Thank goodness!' Persephone cries. 'That hat looked so dumb!'" "'Hmph.' Faye says, 'You looked better with it on.'" "cape" "You throw the cape aside with a dramatic sweep. Persephone applauds you." "You throw the cape aside with a dramatic sweep. Faye looks unimpressed." "gloves" "Persephone grins. 'I'm just getting started, baby. Just you wait - you'll be naked in no time.'" "Faye carefully eyes you over. 'You're wearing a lot,' she comments. 'I suppose I have to do something about that.'" Table 2 - Female Clothes Garment Line FLine "panties" "Persephone looks your body up and down as you toss aside your panties. 'Well, well, well,' she says, 'Looks like you're butt naked. Care to spin around, and give me a good look?'" "Faye's eyes widen slightly as you finally strip naked. It's clear she appreciates the sight. 'You- you'd best stay that way for a while.' she says. 'It's the rules, after all.'" "bra" "'Don't be shy,' Persephone smiles. 'Those are some great-looking boobs, in my opinion.'" "Faye's cheeks grow a little flush as your breasts are uncovered. She says nothing, but her eyes wander a little. Perhaps you should remind her where your eyes are? Or maybe not." "skirt" "'Awww,' Persephone says, sounding disappointed. 'I was hoping you'd be going commando!'" "You throw aside the skirt, and are left with just your bra and panties. Faye bites her lip." "top" "'Oh, lovely bra you've got there! Maybe I'll keep it after I win it off you.' Persephone winks." "Faye hmphs as your bra comes into view. 'Trying to distract me won't help.'" "socks" "'I love being barefoot, don't you?' Persephone says." "'Finally we're getting somewhere,' Faye says. 'Victory will be mine before long.'" "shoes" "'I'm only getting started,' Persephone says as you put aside your shoes. 'Just you wait.'" "Faye looks intense. A little too intense." "necklace" "You put the little necklace on the table." "You look for someplace to put the little necklace. Finally, you hang it on a spear." "scarf" "'You wore a scarf in here? I hope you're not cold,' Persephone smiles, 'Because you'll be naked when I'm done with you!'" "'Hmph,' Faye says, 'A scarf? You didn't need that to start with.'" Table 3 - Persephones Clothes Man Line "[one of] Persephone seductively pulls her dress over her head and casts it aside. She cocks her head and gives you a playful smile. [or] Persephone winks at you. 'Well I guess you get to see my undies, then,' she says, pulling off her dress. [purely at random]" "[one of] Persephone pulls off her socks, one by one, and tosses them aside. 'Well, I didn't need those anyway', she says. [or] Persephone removes her socks, bending over seductively in the process. She notices you looking, and gives you a wink.[purely at random]" "[one of] Persephone removes her hair-band, shaking out her hair. She's starting to look a little nervous now... [or] Persephone lets out her hair, throwing away the little hair-band. 'What are you looking at?' she asks, crossing her arms angrily. She's down to just her bra and panties, and seems to be aware of it... [purely at random]" "[one of] She reaches behind her back and undoes the bra, pulling it off and throwing it aside. She's down to just her panties, and looks rather uncomfortable. [or] She shyly turns around, unclasping her bra and letting it fall. You get a look at her naked back before she turns around, covering her breasts with her hands.[purely at random]" "[one of] Persephone stands up, pulling her panties down her thighs, finally removing them completely. She's stark naked - you've won! Feel free to gawk at her as much as you like. [or] Persephone stands up, blushing hotly as she slowly removes her panties. 'Pervert,' she says, sticking out her tongue - but she has no choice but to strip off her last garment. She's naked, and you have won. [purely at random]" Table 4 - Persephones Clothes Woman Line "[one of] Persephone looks downcast. 'Well damn', she says, pulling off her dress and tossing it aside. 'You got me. Oh well - it's nothing you haven't seen before, right?' [or] Persephone stands up, grabbing the hem of her dress and pulling it over her head. She shoots you a wry smile before she tosses it aside, striking a silly pose. [purely at random]" "[one of] Persephone pulls off her socks, throwing them aside quite casually. 'Who needs socks, am I right?' [or] Persephone lifts up her bare legs, tugging at her socks to remove them. 'Well, I'm barefoot. Time to start winning, I think,' she grins. [purely at random]" "[one of] Persephone removes her hair-band. 'Why didn't I start with this?' she wonders to herself. 'Oh well...' [or] Persephone shakes out her hair, throwing away her hair-band. 'I guess it's just my underwear left,' she shrugs. She tries to look unconcerned, but she seems rather uncomfortable... [purely at random]" "[one of] She quickly undoes the bra, snapping it open with just one hand, and pulls it off before throwing it aside. You get a glimpse of her nipples, before she covers up with an arm. 'Hey! Were you looking just now?' she asks. [or] She stands up and turns around, undoing the bra and sliding it off rather shyly. When she turns around, she's covering herself with her hands. 'Handbra,' she says with a half-smile. 'It beats being completely topless... I guess.' [purely at random]" "[one of] Persephone slaps a hand down on the table. 'Dammit!' she cries out, 'So close! Oh well...' She stands up, quickly pulling down the panties and stepping out of them. 'I guess I'm naked, then. Look all you want.' [or] Persephone shakes her head. 'Well, I guess you beat me fair and square.' Standing up, she blushes slightly as she slowly pulls down her panties, finally rendered completely nude. She's naked, and you're not - which makes you the winner! [purely at random]" Table 5 - Fayes Clothes Man Line "[one of] Faye removes her helmet, shaking out her long purple hair. She's strikingly beautiful. [or] Faye glares at you angrily. 'I suppose you think this is a victory?' she asks, taking off her helmet. 'It isn't. Your defeat has just been delayed.' [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye sweeps off her long red cape, throwing it across the room so that it comes to hang from a spear. It looks very dramatic and impressive. [or] Faye unhooks her long red cape from her armor and lets it fall. 'It's just a cape.' she says dismissively. 'Don't get cocky.' [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye slips off her gauntlets. Her hands are fine, slender, and beautiful. [or] Faye removes her gauntlets, glaring at you angrily. 'An empty victory. I was going to remove these, anyway.' [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye takes off her boots. She's barefoot underneath, and a good portion of her beautiful legs come into view. It's quite a sight. [or] Faye bends down to unbuckle her boots. She slides them off easily, throwing them aside, trying her best to look careless. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye stares at you angrily. 'I suppose...' she mumbles, 'that I have to remove some armor.' She lets the breastplate fall, revealing that all she wears underneath is a little red bra. [or] Faye hastily undoes her breastplate, trying to look unconcerned as she removes it. 'Eyes up here,' she says casually, as her skimpy red bra comes into view. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye unbuckles her belt, and her metal skirt comes crashing to the ground. She's wearing nothing but her underwear now, and looks rather flustered. 'I can still beat you,' she says - rather irritably. [or] Faye angrily removes her metal skirt, throwing the heavy garment aside with remarkable force. You're very, very glad it didn't hit you. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye covers her breasts with her arms, looking shocked. 'N-no-' she begins, then composes herself. 'I- I mean, um- I will remove my bra now.' Said and done - she unhooks the bra and lets it fall, her impressive breasts covered only by her arms. She does not look happy about this development. [or] Faye pounds a fist into her palm. 'You think you've won?' she says contemptuously, turning around to remove her bra. 'You're mistaken.' When she turns around again, she's quite topless - dressed in nothing but her little red panties. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye lets her gaze fall to the floor. 'I am... defeated.' she admits, taking a moment to breathe before she slips her panties down her thighs. She avoids eye contact, standing before you completely unclothed. [or] Faye's eyes narrow. 'I will destroy you for this', she says - but she is bound by the rules of the casino, and has no choice but to strip. Bending over to display her impressive breasts, she quickly yanks her panties down to her feet, and kicks them off. [purely at random]" Table 6 - Fayes Clothes Woman Line "[one of]Faye removes her helmet, revealing all of her strange purple locks. She gives you a cool smile. 'Well done, but you won't get much further. I assure you.'[or]Faye takes off her helmet, tossing it casually across the room. She doesn't seem to care very much that she lost it. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye sweeps away her long red cape, throwing it across the room so that it comes to hang from a spear. It looks very dramatic and impressive. [or] Faye casually takes off her cape, placing it so that it hangs from a spear. 'You are impressive', she says coolly. 'I'll enjoy defeating you.' [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye removes her gauntlets, revealing her fine, slender fingers. 'I must admit, you're doing better than I expected.' [or] Faye removes her gauntlets, tossing them carelessly on the floor. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye bends down to unbuckle her boots, moving gracefully despite her heavy armor. She's beginning to look a little flustered now, and avoids eye contact - she's barefoot underneath them. [or] Faye kicks off her heavy metal boots. Her naked feet hit the floor, and she shifts her stance a little. If you didn't know better, you'd think she was nervous. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye shoots you a very icy glare, before she lets the breastplate fall away from her chest. Her breasts are concealed by nothing more than a skimpy red bra, now, and she's definitely embarrassed. 'You're a worthy opponent...' she says, quite reluctantly. [or] Faye undoes the breastplate, looking a little distracted as she removes it. Underneath, all she wears is a skimpy red bra, and her slender abs are quite bare. She blushes slightly as she meets your gaze. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye undoes her belt, and the metal-plated skirt falls away. Her panties are bright red, like the bra. 'What are you looking at?' she asks, sounding a little irritated. [or] Faye undoes her belt, taking off the metal-plated skirt, revealing a pair of red panties. 'All right,' she says decisively, 'I'm done playing nice with you. I won't lose again.' [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye blushes hotly as she turns around to undo her bra. She lets it fall away from her body, and shields herself by crossing her arms over her - rather impressive - chest. 'I suppose you're entertained?' she asks dryly. 'Yet you'll be naked before long. Just you wait' [or] Faye looks away as she moves her hands behind her back, undoing the bra. 'It wasn't supposed to go like this...' she mumbles, as she takes off the garment, shielding her breasts with her hands. [purely at random]" "[one of] Faye lets her gaze fall to the floor. 'I am... defeated.' she admits, sighing deeply as a hot blush overcomes her. Hesitantly placing her hands at her hips, she slides the little red panties down her thighs, finally stepping out of them. [line break] [or] Faye blushes crimson, realizing that you've beaten her. 'Fine.' she says, 'I'll take them off.' She hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, and slowly slips them off, glaring at you angrily all the while. [purely at random]" Understand "m" or "male" as manning. Manning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "f" or "female" as womanning. Womanning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "Lanissa" as cosplaying. Cosplaying is an action applying to nothing. Carry out manning: if the gender of the player is 0: now the gender of the player is 1; now the genderlist is Table 3; now the fenderlist is Table 5; say "The player is male."; else: say "You can't change your mind about that!"; stop the action. Carry out womanning: if the gender of the player is 0: now the gender of the player is 2; now the genderlist is Table 4; now the fenderlist is Table 6; say "The player is female."; else: say "You can't change your mind about that!"; stop the action. Carry out cosplaying: if the gender of the player is 0: now the gender of the player is 2; now the genderlist is Table 4; say "You're cosplaying as Lanissa! Damn, girl, you look fine!"; now the description of the player is "A tall, curvaceous bombshell with long blond hair down to her knees. She's got one blue eye, the other is a vibrant red. Her face is soft, yet with a certain je ne sais quois that hints that this is not a girl you mess with."; else: say "Too late for cosplaying, I'm afraid."; stop the action. Understand "[number]" as selecting. Selecting is an action applying to one number. Check selecting: if the gender of the player is 0: say "Please select your gender, first."; stop the action. Check selecting: if the player is not in the lobby: say "You can't get dressed again in the Game Room"; stop the action. Check selecting: let N be the number understood; if N is greater than 8: say "That seems like a lot, doesn't it?"; stop the action. Check selecting: let N be the number understood; if N is 0: say "While I admire your confidence, you'll find it difficult to win if you're already naked!"; stop the action. Check selecting: let N be the number understood; now the points of the player is N; say "You wear [N] things."; say "All right! Now please select your opponent from this list:[line break]"; say "Persephone[line break]Faye[line break]"; Understand "Persephone" as persephoning. Persephoning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "Faye" as fayeing. Fayeing is an action applying to nothing. Check persephoning: if the player is not in the Lobby: say "You've already picked your opponent."; stop the action. Check fayeing: if the player is not in the Lobby: say "You've already picked your opponent."; stop the action. Carry out persephoning: if the points of the player is greater than 0: move the player to the Game Room; else: say "You should probably get dressed first. I'm just saying.". Carry out fayeing: if the points of the player is greater than 0: move the player to the Danger Room; else: say "You should probably get dressed first. I'm just saying." The Game Room is a room. "You are in the Game Room in Myst's Magical Casino. All sorts of games could be played here in theory - but you're playing yakyuken. An explanatory sign is here." The white sign is here. The description is "To play, simply type in your choice: Rock, paper, or scissors. Persephone will handle the rest. To check what Persephone is wearing, look at her. To check how you are doing, type points." The white sign is scenery. Understand "points" as pointsing. Pointsing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out pointsing: say "You have [points of player] garments left: [line break]"; if the gender of the player is 1: repeat with N running from 1 to the points of player: say "[garment in row N of the Table of Male Clothes] [line break]"; if the gender of the player is 2: repeat with N running from 1 to the points of player: say "[garment in row N of the Table of Female Clothes] [line break]". Elsewhere is a room. Persephone is a person in the Game Room. The description is "Persephone is an attractive tan lady, not especially curvy, not especially tall. Her hair is in a bun, and [if the clothing count of Persephone is greater than 2]she looks rather mischievous, looking back at you with a twinkle in her eye. [else] she is looking a little nervous, cheeks slightly flush.[end if] She is currently wearing [a list of unconcealed things worn by Persephone]. [if the clothing count of Persephone is 1] She is topless, and seems a little flustered by it. Her arms are crossed over her chest. [end if] [if the clothing count of Persephone is 0] She seems rather embarrassed by her complete lack of clothing, and covers herself with her hands.[end if]". The flag is here. It is scenery. The flag can be raised or lowered. It is lowered. Persephone is wearing a blue dress, a pair of white socks, a pair of panties, a bra, a hair-band. Rule for deciding the concealed possessions of Persephone: If the particular possession is the bra and Persephone is wearing the dress, yes; if the particular possession is the pair of panties and Persephone is wearing the dress, yes; otherwise no. Persephone has a number called a clothing count. The clothing count is 5. The Danger Room is a room. "You are in the Danger Room of Myst's Magical Casino. Normally, this room is full of lethal traps and dangerous training devices meant for the Demon Knight, Faye. Currently, though, they are inactive. That is most fortunate - for you. There's a black sign here, as well as a stack of weapons." The black sign is here. The description is "To play, simply type in your choice: Rock, paper, or scissors. Faye will handle the rest. To check what Faye is wearing, look at her. To check how you are doing, type points." The black sign is scenery. The weapons is here. The weapons is scenery. The description is "Various sharp pointy things. They look very heavy." Faye is a person in the Danger Room. The description is "Faye is a tall, intimidating woman. Her hair is purple and her skin is white as snow - she looks almost unnaturally perfect, like she's from out of this world. And given how she's a Demon Knight, that much is probably true. [if the clothing count of Faye is greater than 2] She appears confident and fearless. [else] She is looking a little uncomfortable, probably feeling quite vulnerable without her armor. [end if] She is currently wearing [a list of unconcealed things worn by Faye]. [if the clothing count of Faye is 1] She is topless. Her breasts are... impressive. [end if] [if the clothing count of Faye is 0] She's completely naked, and looks rather upset. You should probably run.[end if]". Faye is wearing a metal helm, a pair of gauntlets, a pair of boots, a breastplate, a metal skirt, a red cape, a red bra and a pair of red panties. Rule for deciding the concealed possessions of Faye: If the particular possession is the red bra and Faye is wearing the breastplate, yes; if the particular possession is the pair of red panties and Faye is wearing the metal skirt, yes; otherwise no. Faye has a number called a clothing count. The clothing count is 8. Instead of attacking Faye: say "Faye glares at you. 'Unwise.'[line break]"; say "Moving faster than lightning, Faye defends herself! Ripping off your clothing like so much tissue paper, she's stripped you completely nude in seconds! [line break]"; now the points of the player is 0; end the story saying "You have been most shamefully rendered naked!". Understand "rock" and "play rock" as rocking. Rocking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "scissors" and "play scissors" as scissoring. Scissoring is an action applying to nothing. Understand "paper" and "play paper" as papering. Papering is an action applying to nothing. A shape is a kind of value. The shapes are rock, paper, scissors. The winflag is here. The winflag can be win, lose, tie, or derp. The winflag is derp. The winflag is scenery. Instead of rocking: if the player is in the Lobby: say "You can't play here, there's nobody to play with!"; stop the action; Let the hand be a random shape; now the flag is raised; if the hand is rock: say "Tie! Nothing happens."; now the winflag is tie; else if the hand is scissors: say "She played scissors! You win."; now the winflag is win; else if the hand is paper: say "She played paper! You lose."; now the winflag is lose. Instead of papering: if the player is in the Lobby: say "You can't play here, there's nobody to play with!"; stop the action; Let the hand be a random shape; now the flag is raised; if the hand is paper: say "Tie! Nothing happens."; now the winflag is tie; else if the hand is rock: say "She played rock! You win."; now the winflag is win; else if the hand is scissors: say "She played scissors! You lose."; now the winflag is lose. Instead of scissoring: if the player is in the Lobby: say "You can't play here, there's nobody to play with!"; stop the action; Let the hand be a random shape; now the flag is raised; if the hand is scissors: say "Tie! Nothing happens."; now the winflag is tie; else if the hand is paper: say "She played paper! You win."; now the winflag is win; else if the hand is rock: say "She played rock! You lose."; now the winflag is lose. Every turn when the player is in the Game Room: if the flag is raised: if the winflag is tie: say "[one of] Persephone shrugs. 'Well, that was boring. Come on, let's play another round! [or] Persephone sighs. 'Tie! Well, I guess it beats losing.' [or] Persephone shakes her head. 'I was sure I would win that one!' [purely at random]"; if the winflag is win: say "[one of] Persephone blushes, and grits her teeth. 'Fine, I guess I'll strip. [or] Persephone bites her lip, looking reluctant. 'Do I have to? Oh well...' [or] Persephone shakes her head. 'This isn't fair...' [purely at random]"; try flarblaxing; if the winflag is lose: say "[one of] Persephone grins, leaning back in her chair. 'Take it off!' [or] Persephone eyes you with great interest, waiting for you to strip off something fun. [or] Persephone pumps her fist. 'Yes! I won!' [purely at random]"; let P be the points of the player; if the gender of the player is 1: say "You take off your [garment in row P of the Table of Male Clothes]."; say "[line in row P of the Table of Male Clothes][line break]"; if the gender of the player is 2: say "You take off your [garment in row P of the Table of Female Clothes]."; say "[line in row P of the Table of Female Clothes][line break]"; decrease the points of the player by 1; if the points of the player is greater than 0: say "You are down to [points of player] garments."; else: say "Persephone smiles looking over your nude body."; now the flag is lowered. Every turn when the player is in the Danger Room: if the flag is raised: if the winflag is tie: say "[one of] Faye sighs. 'A tie. How disappointing.' [or] Faye looks uninterested in your general direction. [or] 'Hmph.' Faye says, 'Let's go again. Get this over with.' [purely at random]"; if the winflag is win: say "[one of] Faye glares at you angrily, a gentle blush on her cheeks. [or] Faye's eyes narrow. 'You win... this time.' she admits. [or] Faye shrugs. 'I guess I have to strip some, then.' [purely at random]"; try herpaderping; if the winflag is lose: say "[one of] Faye nods at you. 'Take it off,' she commands. [or] Faye raises an eyebrow, looking you over. It seems she takes some pleasure in your defeat. [or] Faye smiles triumphantly. 'I win.' she declares, 'Now strip.' [purely at random]"; let P be the points of the player; if the gender of the player is 1: say "You take off your [garment in row P of the Table of Male Clothes]."; say "[Fline in row P of the Table of Male Clothes][line break]"; if the gender of the player is 2: say "You take off your [garment in row P of the Table of Female Clothes]."; say "[Fline in row P of the Table of Female Clothes][line break]"; decrease the points of the player by 1; if the points of the player is greater than 0: say "You are down to [points of player] garments."; else: say "You are stark naked!"; now the flag is lowered. Every turn: If a random chance of one in 3 succeeds: If the player is in the Game Room: say "[one of]Persephone looks at you cautiously, trying to read your body language. [or] Persephone looks worried, but composes herself. [or] Persephone looks very confident, grinning cockily at you. 'I have a feeling I might win this.' she says. [purely at random]"; If the player is in the Danger Room: say "[one of] Faye looks you up and down. [or] Faye's eyes narrow. 'I would advise you to give up.' she says. [or] Faye shoots you a cool smile. 'You don't stand a chance.' [purely at random]"; If the points of the player is 0: If the player is not in the Lobby: End the story saying "You are Naked!" Flarblaxing is an action applying to nothing. Herpaderping is an action applying to nothing. Carry out flarblaxing: Let G be the gender of the player; if the clothing count of Persephone is 5: say "[line in row 1 of genderlist]"; move the blue dress to Elsewhere; now the clothing count of Persephone is 4; else if the clothing count of Persephone is 4: say "[line in row 2 of genderlist]"; move the pair of white socks to Elsewhere; now the clothing count of Persephone is 3; else if the clothing count of Persephone is 3: say "[line in row 3 of genderlist]"; move hair-band to Elsewhere; now the clothing count of Persephone is 2; else if the clothing count of Persephone is 2: say "Persephone grits her teeth."; say "'Well, I guess I have no choice.'"; say "[line in row 4 of genderlist]"; move bra to Elsewhere; now the clothing count of Persephone is 1; else if the clothing count of Persephone is 1: say "Persephone shoots you a dirty look."; say "[line in row 5 of genderlist]."; move panties to Elsewhere; now the clothing count of Persephone is 0; say the description of Persephone; end the story. Carry out herpaderping: let C be the clothing count of Faye; if C is 8: move helm to Elsewhere; else if C is 7: move cape to Elsewhere; else if C is 6: move gauntlets to Elsewhere; else if C is 5: move boots to Elsewhere; else if C is 4: move breastplate to Elsewhere; else if C is 3: move skirt to Elsewhere; else if C is 2: move red bra to Elsewhere; else if C is 1: move pair of red panties to Elsewhere; say "[line in row 8 of fenderlist]"; decrease the clothing count of Faye by 1; say the description of Faye; end the story; let L be (9 minus the clothing count of Faye); if C is greater than 1: say "[line in row L of fenderlist]"; decrease the clothing count of Faye by 1.