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Class Challenge
Daniel Gunnell
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"Class Challenge" by Daniel Gunnell (Type ABOUT for info on this game) The story headline is "A piece of education that you won't get anywhere else but here, the Marsh Academy" Use brief room descriptions. The maximum score is 5. The time of day is 3:30 PM. Crediting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "about" as crediting. Instead of crediting, say "Now, interactive fiction can be quite hard to play. I, your host, certainlly found it quite hard to play, but I taught myself to do it. Try commands like EXAMINE, NORTH, SOUTH, LOOK and TAKE. You can also open things, close things and even ask characters for something.[line break]Now, I'll leave you to figure out the game on your own. Type ABOUT at any time." When play begins: say "'Now class,' says your teacher in that way which suggests that someone's in trouble, 'You have a detention.'[line break]'But, Sir?' some of you groan. Why would your teacher act like this? After all, it's nearly the summer holidays. Your teacher explains that your detention involves you solving a puzzle or two to complete it." Classroom is a room. "You're in another of those clasrooms. It's the same as any other classroom in the Marsh Academy. Your teacher is standing beside a whiteboard and supervising the detention. Rows of desks stand at various places on the floor. There is a door leading west into the corridor." Mr Mcwalters is a man in Classroom. "Mr Mcwalters, an English teacher, is supervising the detention." Understand "teacher" as Mr Mcwalters. The description of Mr Mcwalters is "He's an English teacher who is very pleased to feature in this work of interactive fiction. You think about asking him for his autograph, but remember that you're in detention." Instead of asking Mr Mcwalters about [something], say "Your English teacher just tells you to get on with your detention like the rest of the class." Some desks is in Classroom. Some desks is a supporter in classroom. On some desks is some homework. The description of some desks is "They're made of wood and look ready to hold anyone's work." The description of some homework is "It's a long essay about interactive fiction, whatever that is. The style of writing doesn't make sense at all, because it's all in the second person." After taking some homework for the first time, say "You very carefully pick up the homework about interactive fiction. You don't want to spoil it." A whiteboard is a device in Classroom. It is fixed in place. The whiteboard is switched on. Carry out switching off the whiteboard: now the Classroom is dark. Carry out switching on the whiteboard: now the Classroom is lighted.The description of the whiteboard is "Detention task[line break]Hello, student![line break]As you are probably aware, you are in a detention at the Marsh Academy. Mr Mcwalters has asked the class to write an essay on interactive fiction in order to promote it outside the IF community and get it taught within a school environment. Yes, interactive fiction is very educational. If you fail to comply with this simple task, we have instead set up a way of leaving the school which should only take you five minutes.[line break].The English department. You groan. You've never heard of interactive fiction, and had no idea that the words 'interactive' and 'fiction' could be placed so closely together." The classroom door is west of Classroom and east of Corridor. It is scenery. The classroom door is a closed door. Corridor is a room. "This is a corridor within the Marsh Academy. The walls are covered in posters of upcoming events from across the school, including an open day for the year six's and parents evening for the year ten's. To the east is the classroom and to the south is a door leading outside into the car park. The canteen lies to the north, but it's outside school hours, so there will be no one there." A sign is here. "A sign, with some braille on it that you may or may not be able to read, is fixed into the ground here." It is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "This game was made in Inform 7 using playfic.com. Hopefully, Mr Mcwalters wasn't too harsh on you and let you play this game during your detention. Speaking of which, you now have to open the door in order to win." Some posters is scenery in Corridor. The description of some posters is "In fact, you should probably take these down. They do not show upcoming events happening at the school, but the same thing: the Adventurer's Lounge on ifMUD in all its candlelit glory. Somewhere in the middle of all the posters, some very small handwriting reads: 'Visit ifMUD! ifMUD can be found at ifmud.port4000.com and is populated by various IF community members. It is a Multi-User Dungeon, which is basically an online text-based game. This particular one is home to many people who write the sort of games that you are playing right now.' You do spy one poster that announces the start of term in September." North of Corridor is Canteen. Canteen is a room. "This is the school canteen where lunch is served and eaten. At the moment however, there is nobody around since school finished about half an hour ago. The south exit leads back into the corridor." A clock is here. It is fixed in place. "A clock, displaying the time to anyone who bothers to read it, is ticking quietly here." Instead of taking the clock, say "That's too time consuming!" The description of the clock is "At the third stroke, the time will be [the time of day]." The car park door is south of Corridor and north of car park. It is scenery. The car park door is a closed door. Car Park is a room. "The car park is a large expanse of concrete with double yellow lines painted on the ground. To your north is the corridor and to the south is the main road leading away from your detention. The sky is bright and sunny, and a few birds are singing." The sky is a backdrop. It is in the car park. "The sun shines brightly, as if pleading with you to go home and leave your detention behind." A sandwich is here. "A ham sandwich is lying on the ground here." It is edible. Understand "ham sandwich" as sandwich. The description of the sandwich is "It must have fallen out of somebodys lunchbox. You had better eat it, if you want to leave your detention behind." After taking the sandwich: increase the score by 5; say "You pick up the delicious sandwich before the 'three second rule' can run out." After eating the sandwich: say "You take a big bite of the sandwich, laughing at whoever dropped it on the ground in the first place. (I wouldn't say 'no' to a ham and mustard sandwich myself.) After a few minutes the sandwich has been demolished, and you skip out of the school gates. You have escaped from your detention, but the next day, (Tuesday) Mr Mcwalters gives the author of this game a detention for writing this game during school hours. This doesn't really make sense, since Mr Mcwalters hasn't actually seen the game yet."; end the game in victory. Rule for amusing a victorious player: say "Did you know...[line break]That ifMUD was opened in 1997 so that people could speak about interactive fiction playing and writing?[line break]The author of this game hasn't really got a detention."