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Daniel Gunnell
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"Fairyland" by Daniel Gunnell (type HELP for info) The story headline is "A small game about fairies" Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. Use brief room descriptions. Use no scoring. The description of the player is "You are a little sprite, about ten inches high with no wings. You moved into this small village just last week, but you're still getting the hang of exploring it." Crediting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "help" as crediting. Instead of crediting, say "Try EXAMINE, LOOK, going in a direction, or any other command. In order to win this game, you need to get the mushroom from the market square and give it to Derek the dwarf." When play begins: say "Welcome to Fairyland, a game about fairies. (Please press any key to begin)."; wait for any key; clear screen. Before printing the banner text: say "You've only just moved into your new home, a village made of concrete. The village has a train station, a couple of pubs, a church and the sort of things that you find in villages." Village Square is a room. "This is the centre of a small village made of concrete. The square extends to the east where you can make out some buildings. Surprisingly, someone seems to have planted an oak tree here." An oak tree is here. It is scenery. Understand "oak" or "tree" as an oak tree. The description of an oak tree is "The bark is green and leafy, with the occasional branch sticking out of it. Carved into the bark is the message: 'This game was written in Inform 7 using playfic.com. It was put together on Tuesday 13 August 2019, and was inspired by a model concrete village that the author has in his back garden.'" East of Village Square is Toadstool Street. Toadstool Street is a room. "This is Toadstool Street, a long east/west road which connects the village square with the rest of town. Many village squares are, of course, in the centre of any village, but the villages in Fairyland are laid out in such a way that the square is usually on the western side of the town. To the north is a pub." North of Toadstool Street is Village Pub. Village Pub is a room. "The local village pub is warm and cozy, with a crackling fire along the north wall. Several tables and chairs stand in small groups each seating about six patrons who are drinking and laughing. A door to the south leads back onto Toadstool Street." Derek the dwarf is a man in Village Pub. "Derek, a dwarf who works as a barman here, is serving customers." Understand "dwarf" or "derek" as derek the dwarf. The description of derek the dwarf is "He comes up to the hight of your knees, and he is a cheerful fellow. Once, he used to work in the mines outside town, but he got tired of it and opened this pub." Every turn when the player can see Derek the dwarf: say "Derek looks sad. 'I lost my prize mushroom the other day. I need a brave young sprite to go and find it for me.' You tell Derek that you will find it and bring it back to him." East of Toadstool Street is Market Square. Market Square is a room. "You stand in the middle of a large marketplace with crowds of people buying and selling goods. Well, that is what usually happens in such places, but the market has closed allowing more room to explore. To the north is The Old Brass Lamp, an inn for passing travellers." Here is a mushroom. The description of the mushroom is "It's a poisonous mushroom, so don't think about eating it. Maybe you should give this mushroom to Derek the dwarf who wants it most." North of Market Square is The Old Brass Lamp. The Old Brass Lamp is a room. "The inn, a welcoming sight for travellers, is a cozy one indeed. It is here where you can get a bed for the night upstairs and a good hot meal inside your body. The innkeeper even irons your clothes for free, although he doesn't actually use an iron since they can burn fairies. A door leads south back onto the market square and there is a sign nailed to a wall. A dor leading west seems to have a smell of animals lingering about it." Here is a sign. It is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "Welcome to The Old Brass Lamp, the only inn in town.[line break]Rules for travellers[line break]If you need to stay longer than one night, please send a letter ahead so we can book your room for you. Stables are out the door to the west, but please do not steal the horses or you'll find yourself sleeping on the street. I think that's all." West of The Old Brass Lamp is Stable Yard. Stable Yard is a room. "Because horses are the main form of transport in this village, the local inn to the east has set up the stable yard as a place to store your horses for the night. There is the smell of manure in the air and if you don't like it you can go either east or south." South of Stable Yard is The 'Dead' Centre of Town. The 'Dead' Centre of Town is a room. "The local church along with its graveyard marks the dead centre of town. Being Tuesday, you have no reason to talk to God (or any other religious spirit for that matter). Gravestones mark the resting places of those who have passed on, and their names can still be read. To the north, you can hear the neighing of the horses beside the local inn." Some gravestones are here. Some gravestones are fixed in place. Understand "graves" or "stones" or "grave" or "stone" or "tomb" as some gravestones. The description of some gravestones is "They all carry the names of those who sadly passed on. One reads 'In memory of some poor farmer whose cow trampled him to death,' another reads 'We will miss you up there in Heaven.' You cry at the sight of these gravestones, even though you didn't know who the people were." After giving the mushroom to Derek the dwarf: say "Derek claps his hands with delight. 'You've found me long-lost mushroom. thank you! Now, do you want to stay the night here?' You nod your head at him and eventually get a room for the night even though you live in this village. Soon, you are known far and wide as 'the sprite who found a mushroom.'"; end the game in victory.