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Burden of the Tengoka Family Beta 1.0
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"Burden of the Tengoka Family" by Gallium Chloride the maximum score is 201. Welcome is a room. "Hi and welcome to my game, Burden of the Tengoka Family. This game is meant to be very challenging, and even the tutorial tries to mess with you... Have Fun And Thanks for Playing! :) Oh, and Remember take this... You will need it to start" The First Note is in Welcome. the description of the first note is "The note reads bllood". Bllooding is an action applying to nothing. understand "bllood" as Bllooding. Instead of bllooding in welcome: move the player to the clearing; increase the score by 3; say "Your score is now [score in words]. The max score is 100 - see how high you can get.". Section II - Rankings Table 1 - Rankings Score Rank 0 "N00b" 12 "Newbie Tengoka" 25 "Junior Tengoka" 38 "Senior Tengoka" 50 "Head of the Tengoka family" 62 "Defiant tengoka~demon's pet" 75 "Gladiator" 88 "Champion of the Demon World" 100 "Overlord of the Terrestrial Regions" 101 "Dev" 201 "Legendary Dev" Section 0 - Regions Tutorial is a region. Welcome, The clearing, hell, the ice room, the fire room, the air room, the earth room, inferno, magma core, eastern core, western core, northern core, southern core, upper core, lower core and escape route are in tutorial. Jail is a region. cell 50c, cell 50b, cell 50a, cell 51a, infernalmaze, maze room 1, maze room 2, maze room 3, maze room 4, maze room 5, maze room 6, the jailors' room, spiral staircase segment no 50 and spiral staircase segment no 51 are in Jail. Programmer's land is a region. Base 64 world, the check sum guild meeting hall, hexadecimal world and binary world are part of programmer's land. trials is a region. the covern cavern is a region. church of infinita is a region. demon world is a region. daemonite mines is a region. infinita's playthings is a region the palace in the demon world is a region. Makaria's secret room, demon queen's shrine and Infinita's private cell for disobediant humans are in the palace in the demon world Section 1 -Tutorial The Clearing is a room. The description of the clearing is "You are in a Clearing - you can see dimly by the light of a single flickering candle. Try examining some items." There is an assassin, a dragon and a candle in the clearing. The assassin is a person. The dragon is an animal. The candle is an object. Instead of taking the candle, say "Organ music plays ominously and your hands are repelled from its glowing aura." Instead of taking the assassin, say "Her knife looks too dangerous." Instead of taking the dragon, say "It's fiery breath will surely burn you to a crisp." The description of the candle is "it glows ominously." The description of the dragon is "it is big and purple." Instead of examining the assassin: Say "The assassin is killing you. your blood flows in great amounts, and the candle absorbs your soul, taking it to hell..."; Move the player to hell. Hell is a room. Instead of going up to Clearing: say "There's no way back up there from here - you must go onwards..." There is a sign in hell. the sign is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "Demons love shredded wheat." The description of hell is "It is boiling in here. you are surrounded by 4 elemental chambers (fire, water, wind and earth). Remember, you can move north using the n key, go north or north, go south with the s key, go south or south and so on." There is a weapon rack in hell. The weapon rack is an object. Instead of taking the weapon rack, say "Don't you think you should just take the weapons?." There is a burning sword, a lump of rust and a bow and arrows on the weapon rack The burning sword is an object. The bow and arrows is an object. After taking the burning sword when the burning sword is not handled: increase the score by 1; say "your score is now [score in words] of 100." After taking the lump of rust when the lump of rust is not handled: increase the score by 1; say "your score is now [score in words] of 100." After taking the bow when the bow is not handled: increase the score by 1; say "your score is now [score in words] of 100." the Ice room is north of hell. The description of the ice room is "There is a large H in the floor, it appeares to be some sort of demonic illusion." the Fire room is east of hell. the description of the fire room is "There is a large E in the floor, it appeares to be some sort of demonic illusion." the Air room is south of hell. the description of the air room is "There is a large L in the floor, it appeares to be some sort of demonic illusion." the Earth room is west of hell. the description of the earth room is "There is a large L in the floor, it appeares to be some sort of demonic illusion." helling is an action applying to nothing. understand "hell" and "say hell" as helling. instead of helling in hell: increase the score by 1; say "your score is now [score in words] out of 100."; say "You go deeper, deeper, deeper."; Move the player to the inferno. Instead of helling in the ice room: say "Surround yourself with the solution." Instead of helling in the fire room: say "Surround yourself with the solution." Instead of helling in the air room: say "Surround yourself with the solution." Instead of helling in the earth room: say "Surround yourself with the solution." The Inferno is down from hell. Instead of going up to hell: say "There's no way back up there from here - you must go onwards..." Instead of going down to the inferno: say "You can't go that way." there is a pebble in the inferno. the description of the pebble is "it reads end ray." After taking the pebble when the pebble is not handled: increase the score by 1; say "your score is now [score in words] of 100." Magma Core is below the the inferno. instead of going from the magma core: move the player to a random adjacent room. north of Magma core is Northern core. east of magma core is Eastern Core. south of magma core is Southern Core. west of magma core is Western core. up of magma core is Upper Core. down of magma core is Lower Core. the description of the northern core is "there is a phantom note before you: Break the walls set forth by the simple deciding game with 27 possibilities. Deep in the earth is your escape. c up." The Escape Route is a room. "the infinitum door stands before you." Instead of attacking the pebble in the lower core: increase score by 10; Say "Tutorial complete! Your score is now [score in words]."; move the player to the escape route. The infinitum door is a closed locked door. the infinity key unlocks infinitum door the infinitum door is north of the escape route. the infinity key is in the upper core. Cell 50C is north of the infinitum door. There is a purple note in cell 50c. the description of the purple note is "C=3." 150ing is an action applying to nothing. understand "150" and "one hundred and fifty" as 150ing. instead of 150ing in cell 50c: move the player to cell 50b. The wooden door is a closed locked door. the wooden door is north of cell 50c. Cell 50B is north of the wooden door. "There is a 50cc moterbike before you." Cell 50A is a room. "there is a hole in the floor." in cell 50b is a 50cc motorbike. instead of taking the 50cc motorbike, say "you can't get that.". 450ing is an action applying to nothing. understand "450" and "four hundred and fifty" as 450ing. instead of 450ing in cell 50b: move the player to the cell 50a. infernalmaze is down from cell 50a. Maze room 1 is north of infernalmaze. Maze room 2 is south of infernalmaze. Maze room 3 is east of infernalmaze. Maze room 4 is west of infernalmaze. Maze room 5 is up of infernalmaze. Maze room 6 is down of infernalmaze. "There appears to be a hole in the floor" cell 50a is up of maze room 6. instead of going from infernalmaze: move the player to a random adjacent room. jail door is a closed locked door The Jailors' key unlocks the jail door the jail door is north of cell 50a down of Maze room 6 is the Jailors' room in the jailors' room is the jailors' key there is a target dummy in cell 51a. It is fixed in place. there is a magik de-ruster in cell 51a. It is fixed in place. The de-ruster is a device. up of spiral staircase no 50 is spiral staircase segment No 51 cell 51a is a room laevatinn is an object. gungnir is an object. mjolnir is an object. . instead of going south in spiral staircase segment No 51: move the player to cell 51a Makaria's secret room is a room the blade of infinity magik is in Makaria's secret room the base 64 world is north of cell 51a. "you can see the YXNzYXNzaW4= here." the YXNzYXNzaW4= is a person in the base 64 world. instead of examining the YXNzYXNzaW4=: say "You know what comes from meddling with ASSASSINS! You are put in a cell- It is almost impregnable- you[']ll never get out of here"; move the player to infinita's private cell for disobediant humans. Infinita's private cell for disobediant humans is a room. The Shadowforce Key unlocks A demon door. the amulet of lost souls is in infinita's cell. the diamond charm is an object Instead of attacking the amulet of lost souls: say "the souls once trapped within now roam free, and a key appears before you. Also, a pure diamond falls out, and the shattered amulet dissolves into nothingness"; remove the amulet of lost souls from play; move the diamond charm to Infinita's private cell for disobediant humans; move the shadowforce key to Infinita's private cell for disobediant humans. Ultimate Catacomb is north of the demon queen's shrine. Catacomb #2 is north of ultimate catacomb. Catacomb #3 is down of catacomb #2. Catacomb #4 is northeast of catacomb #3. Catacomb #5 is easn of catacomb #5. Catacomb #7 is north of catacomb #6. Catacomb #8 is southeast of catacomb #7. Catacomb #9 is down of catacomb #8. Catacomb #10 is northwest of catacomb #9. there is a Dusty Trading Card in catacomb #10. west of infinita's cell is A demon door. The demon queen's shrine is west of a demon doort of catacomb #4. Catacomb #6 is dow The mysterious fountain is scenery in the demon queen's shrine A demon door is a locked closed door. Understand "assassin" as the YXNzYXNzaW4=. the binary world is east of the base 64 world. the description of the binary world is "there is a path to 01100110 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100100 01101111 01101101 00001101 00001010 to the south" south of binary world is a convoluted path to freedom. the description of the convoluted path to freedom is "It twists back on itself, Is that really freedom you can see on the horison? Are your trials over?" up of base 64 world is the check sum guild meeting hall. The description of the check sum guild meeting hall is "There is nothing here which might help you." North of convoluted path to freedom is the trials lobby. The description of the trials lobby is "No, they're not over yet" west of trials lobby is the 1st trial of the adventurer. north of trials lobby is the 2nd trial of the adventurer. east of trials lobby is the 3rd trial of the adventurer. The description of the 1st trial of the adventurer is "You can see a large hunk of ice over a lever.". the hunk of ice is an object in the 1st trial. the lever is a device in the 1st trial. The hunk of ice is fixed in place. the lever is fixed in place.