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Gage Leon Giffin
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"THE FALLOUT SHELTER" The Main Room is a room. "[If the Main Room is unvisited]You wake up and proceed to freak out. You're in a small dark room and there is a big 64 on the wall. Then you remember. You're in your family's Nuclear Fallout Shelter. Two years ago Russia fired all of its nuclear weapons and brought the world into a fallout winter. You notice the note on the wall and a light from the hallway. There is also a ladder[end if][if the Main Room is visited]You notice the note on the wall and a light from the hallway. There is also a ladder[end if]." Note is a object in the Main Room. The note is fixed in place. The description of the note is "DON'T PRESS THE THIRD LEVER!!!" [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Control Room is a room. The Control Room is above the Main Room. "You climb up the ladder to a bright light blinding you for a second. There is a window letting some light in. There is a console next to the window looking over the shelter's entrance. On the console, there are three levers. " The first lever is a device in the Control Room. The first lever is fixed in place. The first lever is switched on; Carry out switching off the first lever: now the Control Room is dark; Say "Now it's dark. You remember a reset switch. Just not where it was." Carry out switching on the first lever: now the Control Room is lighted. The second lever is a device in the Control Room. The second lever is fixed in place. The second lever is switched off. Carry out switching off the second lever: now the Shelter Door is locked; Say "Over the intercom you hear, The Shelter Door was been locked." Carry out switching on the second lever: now the Shelter Door is unlocked; Say "Over the intercom you hear, The Shelter Door was been unlocked." The third lever is a device in the Control Room. The third lever is fixed in place. The third lever is switched off. Carry out switching off the third lever: Say "Over the intercom, Neurotoxin deactivated." Carry out switching on the third lever: Say "Over the intercom you hear, neurotoxin activated."; end the game in death. Instead of switching off the second lever: If the Shelter Door is unlocked: If the player has Crate of Supplies: If the Shelter Door is closed: Say "Now I'm Safe."; End the game in victory; Otherwise: Say "The computer closed the door and locked it. Now I'm Safe."; End the game in victory; Otherwise: Continue the action; Otherwise: Continue the action; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Hallway is a room. The Hallway is south of the Main Room. "This hallway has only brought trouble. You sat in the corner silently watching anyone who dared to leave, exit the shelter. None ever came back." The red switch is a device in the Hallway. The red switch is fixed in place. The red switch is switched off. Carry out switching off the red switch: now the Control Room is lighted. Carry out switching on the red switch: now the Control Room is lighted. [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Activities Room is a room. the Activities Room is east of the Hallway. "You have always loved this room. There is everything you would ever need. There's an Xbox 2 underneath the TV. There is a robot in the kitchen that makes everything. The couch is good too. Also, there's a bathroom." Xbox 2 is a device in the Activities Room. The Xbox 2 is fixed in place. Controller is an object in the Activities Room. The description of the Controller is "A wonderful Controller for a wonderful console sadly the console doesn't work. For some reason no one is there to fix it." Instead of taking Controller: Say "A wonderful Controller for a wonderful console sadly the console doesn't work. For some reason no one is there to fix it."; Continue the action; There is food in the Activities Room. The food is edible. After eating the food: Say "Yum!" [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Bathroom is north of the Activities Room. "It's just the bathroom... Nothing Special. There is a sign though." Sign is a object in the Bathroom. The sign is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "Wash Your Hands!" [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Bedroom is a Room. The Bedroom is west of the Hallway. "Ah the glorious bedroom. It's really just a big room full of bunk beds and a area to sit and talk. You have had a lot of Pokemon Go card games on your bed. But above all, was your Grandfather's Sword hanging above one of the rocking chairs" Sword is an object in the Bedroom. [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Decontamination Room is a room. The Decontamination Room is north of the Main Room. "This room is very white. It sprays you down with something, you don't know what it is. Next to you are some radiation suits. There is also the door to the outside." The Radiation Suit is in the Decontamination Room. The Radiation Suit is wearable. Instead of going north: If the player is in the Decontamination Room and the second lever is switched on: If player is wearing a Radiation Suit: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "You went out and died of Radiation."; end the game in death; Otherwise: Continue the action. The Shelter Door is a closed locked door. The Shelter door is north of the Decontamination Room. The second switch unlocks the Shelter Door. [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Nuclear Fallout is a room. The Nuclear Fallout is north of the Shelter Door. "Everyone says how bad the fallout is, but it was really terrible. The clouds were black. The ground was covered in this greyish snow and everything had this green tint to it. The only thing that looked alive was this yellow grass with a purple tip. You can see something else though. It's a building." Instead of going south: If in the Nuclear Fallout: If the player has the Crate of Supplies: Say "Good, now to lock the door."; award 10 points; Continue the action; Otherwise: Continue the action; Otherwise: Continue the action; Instead of going north: If in the Decontamination Room: If the player has the Crate of Supplies: say "I can't leave, I need to take care of this food and close the door."; Otherwise: Continue the action; Otherwise: Continue the action; Instead of going south: If in the Main Room: If the player has the Crate of Supplies: say "I can't leave, I need to take care of this food and close the door."; Otherwise: Continue the action; Otherwise: Continue the action; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Ruined Town is a room. The Ruined Town is north of the Nuclear Fallout. "You never thought anything could have survived out here. You were sort of correct, no one else is alive. But you thought every building in the blast radious would have disintegrated. There is something over there though. It's another shelter!" [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Ruined Shelter Door is a room. The Ruined Shelter Door is east of the Ruined Town. "Something very bad happened. The door is in pieces and you can see a flickering light from inside." Instead of going east: If the player is in the Ruined Shelter Door: If player has the Sword: say "A creature jumps out at you, but you have your grandfathers sword. You kill the beast"[page brake]; Continue the action; Otherwise: Say "A creature jumps out at you and you have nothing to protect yourself. You died."; end the game in death; Otherwise: Continue the action. [page break] [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Ruined Fallout Shelter is a room. The Ruined Fallout Shelter is east of the Ruined Shelter Door. "After that creature, your a bit on edge. The shelter is in ruins. There is some hope though. There is a crate in the shelter." The Crate of Supplies is a container in the Ruined Fallout Shelter. There are rations in the Crate of Supplies. The rations are edible. After taking Crate of Supplies: say "Awesome, now just to get home."; award 20 points; Instead of dropping Crate of Supplies: say "I don't want to put this down." Instead of taking rations: say "I don't want to take any food right now." [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] There are 30 posssible points. [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [This, [----------], is just a spacer to organize the rooms]