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The Codex
Fred Bosa
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[Unit Project-The Codex Re leashed By GeoSinic] when play begins: say "you awaken in a small cramped place, your mouth is dry and you feel incredibly sore, you look around you to see your in a cramped metal cylinder with a square window north of you that has been cracked open just enough for you to squeeze through (you must wear some items to make the work such as codes and key cards)This is only a first stage project it will be updated in time. There are Easter eggs try and find them". The metal cylinder is a room. the code area is a room. the code area is north of the metal cylinder. "It's a small room black room edge with neon green with lots of monitors surrounding the room, theirs also a small pillar emanating a light form a screen east of you is a metal hatch appears to be locked north of you is a small room with something whirring in there". [Code Area] screen is in the code area. screen is fixed in place. description of screen is "you look at the screen that's scrawled with green text, with a strange compulsion you tap a random file listed a recent logs, a video of a bearded man with a orange lab coat appears and begins to talk. Area 42 Log344/Gordon Stuck-man; ''Tests on subject three haven’t been going well, the injections and bionic implants haven’t been going well, subject three has rejected all of them except small amount of them, even with the small amount those few injections have been mutated and have improved their set properties. We hope these effect's will further progress are theory’s. (Three’s a loud bang and a hex horn goes, all of a sudden a large beast riddle with bio mechanical spines screams at the man and shoves a large metal blade through the man, still on its blade it flings the him away as it charges of somewhere some man starts to shout ) Holy crap what’s happening!!? Shut down all operatives subjects 1 and 2 have escaped there chambers evac now!' 'What about subject 3?!' 'Forget about him he's to under developed to awake!'' Transmission end'". [CONTROL PANEL] control panel is north of the code area. south of the control panel is the code area. description of control panel is "scanning around the room you see a huge panel with lots of switches and a screen just above it with green text along it there are three things listed, Project Procedure, Data files ". key card is in the control panel. project procedure is in the control panel. description of project procedure is "A small text box appears Are main goal is to prove the world that there is ways of winning a war... some say we should say sorry heh heh... but some say by force and that's are goal, to win this war by force. People say is cruel to take living people and turn into death machines, but its what we must do. War.... war never changes....". Data files is in the control panel. instead of examining data files: say "You once again try to open the files but before you even can get near the controls your heads up display pops up and says 'auto unlock complete' afterwards another video appears with a scruffy man looking at the screen with a face of disperation behind him looks to be the same place your in, looking farther you see a broken cylinder and a body inside its you. Area UNKNOWN Log UNKNOWN/ CLASSIFIED Hello if you’re reading this you obviously have gotten a higher IQ well actually AI You were out of three experiments sadly two have failed as you are the only one left, let’s catch you up. We first started with two subject's; Beta the beast of the group the one we all least thought would make it, he did but in the end destroyed are facility, we managed to destroy him only with the help of a special item witch I’ll tell you later. Now the second Gamma, we thought he'd be leader of this metallic assault team, how wrong we were he in fact reached singularity well but bad he escaped and let Beta free we have no clue where he went. Now you Omega are the only one left, I’ve always hated you only because you were the last of the three and when we made you we gave you singularity to see the effects but you yourself rejected all implants so that’s why you so under developed, but after now I realize that your are only hope...*He looks behind him to you and looks back* kill Gamma he's going to stop the war only to create another one you must find the Codex it’s the only way to kill him. Ill reach you in the future.... TRANSMISSION END" ; end the game in victory Before examining Data files: if Beta's brain is worn, continue the action; otherwise say "you attempt to open the files but your met with a message ACCESED DEFINED seems you don't know how to do this 'yet'" instead. The metal hatch is a locked door and scenery. It is east of the code area and west of the Corridor. The key card unlocks the metal hatch. metal hatch is locked. metal hatch is scenery. [Corridor] corridor is a room. "Its a long pass way still edged with neon green, but a ways down it splits of into two both leading to a door south and north " second cell gateway is a room. second cell gateway is north of corridor. first cell gateway is a room. "a large door simpler to yours is blocking the way but theirs a small crack between wall and door ". first cell gateway is south of corridor. [Cell one] before going to cell one: if the power upgrade is worn, continue the action; otherwise say "theirs no way to unlock it, but you try to pry it open but to no avail, you have to be stronger" instead. after going to cell one: say "you pry open the door with great ease as the upgrade helps to your aid, and you walk into cell one . You look around the room you see that the whole place is trashed as well the metal casket, its top is gone. You also notice that strait ahead of you from the door is a massive whole". cell one is a room. east of cell one is beta's room. cell one is east of first cell gateway. [BETA, the code for the file viewing in the control panel ] Beta's room is a room. "Walking in its only a room cascaded in wires and rubble and a dim green light coming from in the room, walking in more your startled as a massive metallic beast is leaning against the wall it seems to be the same one on the video looking at it more up above there seems to be something on or in its head". [Beta's head] Beta's head is a room."You climb up the side of the beast reaching its supposed head to see wires protruding from the base of it still coursing a green glow". Up from Beta's room is Beta's head. Beta's brain is in beta's head. beta's brain is wearable. after taking beta's brain: say "looking at it more closely its more a cylinder filled with lights and looks to be some Ion reactor, you look at your arm and see that you yourself have some input wires that match the cylinder".. After wearing Beta's Brain: say "matching it up to your input you gingerly feed it into yours, in a quick flash every thing seems a lot better looking as some sort of heads up display pops up saying 'Update complete, downloading singularity of BETA' after a bit it finishes, you find a lot more information in your head then before". [Cell two] cell two is a room. "As you walk in you happen to notice that its identical to yours except that the metal container is completely destroyed and there seems to be one screen working ". cell two is east of second cell gateway. The power hold is a closed openable container in cell two. power hold is scenery. power upgrade is in power hold. after opening power hold: say "its a simple green edge box it also with a ledge to open with, you lift it it up to reveal a glowing cell with output wires on it that seems to match up to the hole in your metallic arm (try to equip it)". power upgrade is wearable. damaged screen is in cell two. damaged screen is fixed in place. description of damaged screen is "as you clear the ruble over the key pad, the screen starts up and there's a single file with the words 'power upgrade procedure', you tap it and a another video pops up this time a women. Area 41 Log 124 Averil Rosa; The implant for subject 2 is working fine we’ve only had discard one of the upgrades it’s safely locked in cell two. Though Subject 2, 3 has been acting quite furiously as of late its strange how subject 2 and 1 are doing this but not 3 I think that because of the fast development implants he has died down but we continue to implant the auto body to him in the arms and legs.(unbenounced to you look at your arms and legs to see that you half metal and flesh, your arms and legs are fitted with wires metal and iron spines going up on them, but your arm has a weird slot in it) We hope these subject will help us in operation CODEX. ! Transmission terminated! After it ends you browse the rest of the screen and find another file labeled 'open trash compartment' you click on it and a grinding sound comes from the wall as you look it’s a table appeared with a container with the words power hold".