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Hotel Grindell
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"Hotel Grindell" by "Norlock Art" Chapter 1 - Vocab and Definitions A maximum carry capacity is a number that varies. The maximum carry capacity is 3. Instead of taking something when the number of things carried by the player is at least the maximum carry capacity: say "You can't carry any more. Try dropping something."; stop the action. A drunkenness is a number that varies. Instead of taking something when drunkenness is 2: say "You are feeling a little lightheaded."; decrease drunkenness by 1; continue the action. Instead of taking something when drunkenness is 3: say "Those drinks have really gone to your head. You're feeling slack-jawed."; decrease drunkenness by 1; continue the action. Instead of taking something when drunkenness is 4: say "The booze is really making the room spin."; decrease drunkenness by 1; continue the action. Instead of taking something when drunkenness is 5: say "Probably time to slow down on the cocktails. You have just sent some questionable text messages."; decrease drunkenness by 1; continue the action. Instead of taking something when drunkenness is 6: say "You hadn't realized it but you've been squinting for who knows how long and there is drool coming out of your mouth."; decrease drunkenness by 1; continue the action. Instead of taking something when drunkenness is greater than 6: end the story saying "You have had too many cocktails, and collapse gurgling to the carpet." Understand the command "use" as something new. Understand "use [something] on [something]" as using it on. Using it on is an action applying to two visible things. Chapter 2 - the Upstairs Hallway The Upstairs Hallway is a room. "It's a cloudy spring evening in Wales, and you've just checked into the Hotel Grindell, named for Harry Grindell Matthews, inventor of the Death Ray.[paragraph break] To win this game, see what happens when you turn on the Death Ray.[paragraph break]You step out of your hotel room into the Upstairs Hallway, carrying only a hotel brochure. Ahead of you are the stairs down to the lobby (go down)." The otherrooms is scenery in the Upstairs. The description of the otherrooms is "Several other rooms are here but they are locked." Down from Upstairs Hallway is Lobby. Understand “go down stairs” and “go downstairs” and "downstairs" as descending. Descending is an action applying to nothing. Carry out descending: try going down. Understand “go up stairs” and “go upstairs” and "upstairs" as ascending. Ascending is an action applying to nothing. Carry out ascending: try going up. Chapter 3 - The Lobby The Lobby is a room. The Lobby is below the Upstairs. The Lobby is east of the Front Desk. The Lobby is southeast of the Lawn. "You arrive in the lobby.[paragraph break]Northwest is a door to the Lawn, through which you can see the silhouette of the Death Ray. [paragraph break]Northeast is the Pool. East is the Arcade. Southeast is the Bar. West is the Front Desk. [paragraph break]You can also look out the window." The carpet is in the Lobby. The carpet is scenery. The description of the carpet is "The carpet smells vaguely of cat piss." The portrait of Aliza is in the Lobby. The portrait of Aliza is scenery. The description of the portrait of Aliza is "Hi Aliza! how are you i am fine." The portrait of Sean is in the Lobby. The portrait of Sean is scenery. The description of the portrait of Sean is "The portrait of Sean is too busy listening to Action Action to respond to you." The portrait of Alex is in the Lobby. The portrait of Alex is scenery. The description of the portrait of Alex is "Hi Caitrin I mean Alex! We hope your enjoy your stay and your beard is good." The portrait of Caitrin is in the Lobby. The portrait of Caitrin is scenery. The description of the portrait of Caitrin is "Hi Caitrin! welcome to the hotel. you can check in anytime you like and you can also leave anytime you like, click the X in the computer window." The Front Desk is a room. The Front Desk is west of the Lobby. The Aerophone is in the Front Desk. The Aerophone is fixed in place. The cylindrical key is in the Front Desk. The pen is in the Front Desk. The notebook is in the Front Desk. The guest register is in the Front Desk. "The Front Desk is unoccupied. On the Front Desk is an aerophone, a pen, and a cylindrical key. East is the Lobby." The cylindrical key unlocks the TimePrinter game. Skygazing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "look out the window" and "look out window" as skygazing. Instead of skygazing: if the TimePrinter game is radiant: say "You look at the sky, where brilliant colored letters are suddenly projected against the clouds: N N E E N W N W S." instead; otherwise: say "The sky is cloudy." Chapter 4 - The Pool The Pool is a Room. The Pool is northeast of the Lobby. "You enter the Pool. Small dark submarines are floating in the deep end, suspended by gossamer strands of fishing line. There is a towel on a chaise longue. [paragraph break]Southwest takes you back to the Lobby." The towel is in the Pool. Chapter 5 - The Bar The Bar is a room. The Bar is southeast of the Lobby. "You enter the Ganna, the hotel bar. Framed photos of a Polish opera singer line the walls and there is a Luminaphone at the far end. Northwest takes you to the lobby." The TV is in the bar. The TV is fixed in place. The safety goggles is in the bar. The safety goggles is scenery. The description of the TV is "The TV has a resiny wood exterior and beige punch buttons. It looks like you can switch on the TV. You can order a drink." Instead of switching on the TV: say "The TV is now playing a loop of a silent film Grindell created to advertise the death ray. You can watch it at https://bit.ly/DeathRayFilm" The Luminaphone is in the Bar. The Luminaphone is fixed in place. The description of the Luminaphone is "The Luminaphone looks like a set of steel theatre lights fused with a minipiano.[If the Luminaphone is plugged in] The Luminaphone is plugged in.[otherwise] The Luminaphone is not plugged in. The plug is drenched in liquor and you'll need to clean it off with something (clean plug with x) before plugging in the Luminaphone (plug in Luminaphone)." The Luminaphone can be plugged in. The Luminaphone is not plugged in. The Luminaphone can be radiant. The Luminaphone is not radiant. The plug is on the Luminaphone. The plug can be wet or dry. The plug is wet. The drinks menu is in the Bar. The drinks menu is a container. The drinks menu is closed. Ordering is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "order [something]" as ordering. Carry out ordering: try taking the noun instead. Instead of opening the drinks menu: say "You check out the drinks menu. Examine it to see what drinks you can order, and type 'take (drink name)' or 'order (drink name)' to order that drink."; now the drinks menu is open. The Ward Eight, Flaming Moe, French beer, Corpse Reviver, Blue Blazer, Skittlebrau, Mary Pickford and Bathtub Mint Julep is in the drinks menu. Instead of taking the Ward Eight: increase drunkenness by 2; say "The barkeep prepares you a Ward Eight. Yum a Ward Eight." Instead of taking the Corpse Reviver: increase drunkenness by 4; say "The barkeep eyes you suspiciously and prepares you a Corpse Reviver. Yum a Corpse Reviver." Instead of taking the Skittlebrau: increase drunkenness by 3; say "The barkeep pours a pint of draft beer and then empties a pack of Skittles into it. They float and bob amidst the foam, leaking artificial coloring into the suds. Yum, Skittlebrau." Instead of taking the French beer: increase drunkenness by 1; say "You down the French beer, [if TV is switched on] watching the television.[otherwise]staring into space. Yum a French beer." Instead of taking the Flaming Moe: increase drunkenness by 3; say "The bartender puts on safety goggles and pours you a Flaming Moe. The liquor in a mug warms you like a hug. Yum a Flaming Moe." Instead of taking the Bathtub Mint Julep: increase drunkenness by 2; say "You order a bathtub mint julep. It's poured out of a bowling ball and tastes like shampoo. Yum a Bathtub Mint Julep." Instead of taking the Mary Pickford: increase drunkenness by 2; say "Yum a Corpse Reviver I mean a Mary Pickford." Instead of taking the Blue Blazer: say "The Blue Blazer involves whiskey and flames. The bartender looks very excited about it and puts on a pair of safety goggles. There is a flash and suddenly his sleeves are on fire - he rips the safety g'oggles off and disappears into the back of the bar. You take the safety goggles."; now the player carries safety goggles. Instead of luminating: if the plug is wet: say "The plug is drenched in spilled liquor. You'll need to clean it with something before plugging in the Luminaphone." instead; otherwise: say "You plug in the Luminaphone. Now you can turn it on."; now the Luminaphone is plugged in. Instead of switching on the Luminaphone: if the Luminaphone is not plugged in: say "The Luminaphone is not plugged in. Try plugging in the Luminaphone." instead; otherwise: say "You turn on the Luminaphone. It flashes a sequence of colors - goldenrod, magenta, violet, turquoise - before playing a very off-key rendition of Good Vibrations."; now the Luminaphone is radiant. Instead of drying the plug: if the player is not carrying the towel: say "You need something more absorbent to dry it with." instead; otherwise: say "You dry off the plug with the towel. Now you can plug in the Luminaphone."; now the plug is dry. Luminating is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "plug in [something]" as luminating. Drying is an action applying to two things. Understand "dry [something] with [something preferably held]" as drying. Understand "clean [something] with [something preferably held]" and "wipe [something] with [something preferably held]" and "dry [something] with [something preferably held]" as drying. Chapter 6 - The Arcade The Arcade is a room. The Arcade is east of the Lobby. "The Arcade contains several pinball machines, all of which have cylindrical keyholes: AddamsFamily, Whitewater, TimePrinter, BigBangBar. Go west to go back to the Lobby." The BigBangBar game is in the Arcade. The BigBangBar game is fixed in place. The AddamsFamily game is in the Arcade. The AddamsFamily game is fixed in place. The TimePrinter game is in the Arcade. The TimePrinter game is fixed in place. The TimePrinter game can be locked or unlocked. The TimePrinter game is locked. The TimePrinter game can be radiant. The TimePrinter game is not radiant. The Whitewater game is in the Arcade. The Whitewater game is fixed in place. After using the cylindrical key on the TimePrinter game: say "The game hums to life but you can't quite figure out how to play it. The display screen reads OPTIC PROJECTOR ACTIVATED but you can't see anything new indoors."; now the TimePrinter game is radiant. Chapter 7 - The Lawn The Lawn is a room. The Lawn is northwest of the Lobby and north of the Front Desk and east of the Trench Maze. The Death Ray is in the Lawn. The Death Ray is fixed in place. The Death Ray can be active. The Death Ray is not active. The description of the Death Ray is "Under the word ACTIVATE is a panel with four buttons: magenta, turquoise, violet, and goldenrod. You need to press them in the right order (type 'push violet button' or 'press turquoise button') to activate the Death Ray - once the Death Ray is active, you need to turn it on ('turn on Death Ray').[paragraph break]There is also an open, empty battery compartment and a sign reading DO NOT OPERATE WITHOUT SAFETY GOGGLES." The color panel is on the Death Ray. On the color panel is a turquoise button, a goldenrod button, a violet button, a magenta button. The description of the color panel is "The color panel has four color buttons: turquoise, lime, violet, magenta." "You step out into the cool Welsh night.[paragraph break]The Death Ray sits on the lawn silently. To the West is the Trench Maze." The turquoise button can be ready. The turquoise button is not ready. The goldenrod button can be ready. The goldenrod button is not ready. The violet button can be ready. The violet button is not ready. The magenta button can be ready. The magenta button is not ready. [basically set each button to ready and reset the status if the wrong order is pressed] [order is goldenrod, magenta, violet, turquoise, so] Instead of pushing the goldenrod button: say "You push the goldenrod button."; now the goldenrod button is ready. Instead of pushing the magenta button when the goldenrod button is ready: say "You push the magenta button."; now the magenta button is ready. Instead of pushing the magenta button when the goldenrod button is not ready: say "You push the magenta button." Instead of pushing the violet button when the magenta button is ready: say "You push the violet button."; now the violet button is ready. Instead of pushing the violet button when the magenta button is not ready: say "You push the violet button."; now the goldenrod button is not ready; now the magenta button is not ready. Instead of pushing the turquoise button when the violet button is not ready: say "You push the turquoise button."; now the goldenrod button is not ready; now the magenta button is not ready. Instead of pushing the turquoise button when the violet button is ready: say "You push the turquoise button. The Death Ray hums to life. You can now turn it on."; now the Death Ray is active. Carry out pushing the turquoise button: if the violet button is ready: now the Death Ray is active. Instead of using battery on Death Ray: say "Once the Death Ray is active, all you need to do is turn on the Death Ray while holding the battery" instead. Instead of switching on Death Ray: if the Death Ray is active: if the player carries safety goggles: if the player carries battery: end the story saying "You put on the safety goggles, put the battery into the Death Ray, and turn on the Death Ray."; otherwise: say "You have safety goggles but not the battery." instead; otherwise: say "You can't turn on the Death Ray because you don't have appropriate safety goggles." instead; otherwise: say "Death Ray is not active." Chapter 8 - The Maze The Trench Maze is a room. The Trench Maze is west of the Lawn. "You enter the Trench Maze, built into Harry Grindell Matthews' airfield to prevent enemy fliers from landing. Which direction will you choose?" The West Passage is a room. The West Passage is west of the Trench Maze. "You go west." The North Passage is a room. The North Passage is north of the West Passage. "You go north. Dead end." The More West Passage is a room. The More West Passage is west of the North Passage. "You go west. Dead end." The South Passage is a room. The South Passage is south of the West Passage. "You go south." [n]The North Trench is a room. The North Trench is north of the Trench Maze. "You go north." The West Trench is a room. The West Trench is west of the North Trench. "You go west." [n] The North Space is a room. The North Space is north of the North Trench. "You go north." [e] The East Passage is a room. The East Passage is east of the North Space. "You go east." [e] The East Room is a room. The East Room is east of the East Passage. The description is "You go east. It's a little chilly." [n] The North Room is a room. The North Room is north of the East Room. "You go north." [w] The West Area is a room. The West Area is west of the North Room. "You go west." [n] The North Route is a room. The North Route is north of the West Area. "You go north." [w] The West Route is a room. The West Route is west of the North Route. "You go west." [s] The South Branch is a room. The South Branch is south of the West Route. The South Branch is below the Front Desk. The battery is in the South Branch. "You go South, where the trench maze sinks into a small underground cave. In the cave is a battery. Above you there is a trapdoor and some light - after you take the battery, try going up." The player carries a hotel brochure. The description of the hotel brochure is "You had hoped the hotel brochure would show some things to do in the area, but instead it is just full of trivia about the hotel's namesake - and former owner of the property - Harry Grindell Matthews.[paragraph break]Apparently the death ray can be found on the Lawn."